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Oct. 21, 2015

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MON., FEB. 9, 1998    8:02 A.M.    YR. 11, DAY 177

MON.,  FEB. 9,  1998


Rain is like unto any other gift of Creation unto MAN. It falls upon the just, the unjust and anything in its pathway. Is that dif­ficult to understand?

If you sit upon a cliff-side and the rains come and the winds blow and the ground shifts--AS IT ALWAYS HAS AND AL­WAYS WILL--who errs, the rain or the thinking-capable man who builds his nest on the barren sand? "But the view is so beautiful", exclaim the dwellers (usually "former") and "we shall build again for this is just the way of God". Then what? You get disaster aid and low-cost loans from your "sugar daddy" and the blind go on doing what they have done for a bil­lion years--refusing to see.

Why is there so little compassion for those who never wasted YOUR funds and live in the squalor of the ghettos and have pa­per for their shelters? Upon whom should God have compas­sion? Did you build your castle to see, or be seen? Think care­fully, friend, for God knows TRUTH.

"Not equal are the blind and the seeing man, the shadows and the light, the shade and the horrid heat; not equal are the living and the dead.

"God makes to hear whomsoever He will; thou canst not make those in their tombs to hear--thou art naught but a warner. Surely we have sent thee with the truth good tidings to bear, and warning; not a nation there is, but there has passed away in it a warner.

"If they cry thee lies, those before them also cried lies; their Messengers came to them with the clear signs...".

If I offer that this was a brief statement from Mahomet's The Alcoran would it have meaning to YOU? Well, readers, that is sad for when the facts come before you, you will find that all there is is GOD and YOU.

Mankind dumps his trials, tribulations and demands onto the heads of "other men", dead men yet, and claims his idealistic place to the right hand of God for so-doing.

The teachers are sent and persecuted because mankind wishes not to change from his stance of ignorance, for in so-doing he must take responsibility for himself. God is not that which sim­ply makes it bearable to rest in the places of your fall; GOD IS THAT WHICH ALLOWS ALL THINGS ABUNDANT AND BEAUTIFUL. Antichrist and MAN put you down into that which is foolish and destructive. And, it will be Antichrist and Man which shall keep you there, tethered to hatred, vengeance, and loss of soul, for the very life essence will be pulled from you in your stupor.

Man takes the laws of God and EXPLAINS them to you to fur­ther remove responsibility from you and gain your wealth unto him. Check it out: God says, "Thou shall not kill." Man says, "EXCEPT WHEN..." God says, "Thou shall not steal..." Man says, "EXCEPT WHEN..." This then allows man to write so many laws and conversions of truth to lie that no one can sort the meanings for there cease to be "meanings", only chaos. How many understand the IRS forms? Yet how many realize that until you sign and file the paper, it is worthless? It says so right on the front page.

You go by the millions to hear the preachers tell you of Raptures and other ridiculous things which gain you great irresponsible rewards--WHICH NEVER COME AS THE PROJECT--but you go and you shout "praise God" and absorb the lies like a sponge on a dry beach when a wave rolls in and water is of the mo­ment. Then, when a messenger is sent to tell you of your foolishness, you throw him into prison, cast him out, or slay him. Well, there is NO RAPTURE to SAVE YOU, kiddies. This is a sick figment of a deranged mind to get you killed by the mil­lions. The "signs" will appear in the sky--of your MAN IDOLS and ICONS--not God--for God appears in every LIGHT RAY from your skies. But you will be shown pictures of your fa­vorite icon and then melded into one you will believe in air-­nothing--for you cannot grasp a hologram. YOU ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE TAKEN THE MAN FROM THE CHRIST AND CLAIMED HIM FOR COVERAGE OF YOUR BASIC EVILS.

Your nations in evil intent CANNOT WIN. You may well butcher and blow apart a lot of innocent people, but this is a WAR YOU WILL LOSE for you go forth in evil contempt of God and your reapings will be this which you sow--a hundred­fold returned unto you.

How many of you realize that if you toss out Billy Clinton that you immediately get Al Gore? Ah, but what is that say ye, "He can't be worse". Ah so, but he will not last for it is not intended that he "last"--so what next? A new election? George Junior? What? MADELINE ALBRIGHT! Next in line for the position is Madeline Albright. But you will say, if you are at all in­formed, which I doubt, that she is not a NATURAL citizen so cannot serve as President. But the magic words not used are "without legislation".

You also sit smugly by and say you don't need Saudi Arabia for bases for your carriers of death and terror? After all, you shout, we can get Kuwait and Bahrain to park our death ma­chines of MASS DESTRUCTION. Oh? Kuwait belongs to Britain and Bahrain belongs to George Bush--partner of the sleaze balls in Britain--you know, the oily bunch of black-gold thieves and drug smugglers. But when the Middle East Arabs and others around the globe come to take a stand and you are running--these people from these two places will be shooting you in the back and blowing up your aircraft--they will turn and join THEIR OWN for they HATE YOU WITH SUCH A PAS­SION AS YOU CANNOT IMAGINE.

You had all best pay attention to what Saddam Hussein said at the onset of the last encounters in the "Gulf"--that this is and will be "the Mother of all wars". You cannot see beyond the body count of your losses which are never presented accurately to you--or to those desert sands. THAT war was only the be­ginning, you blind people--only the beginning.

So, if there be Antichrist at work, is it possible God will even the playing field? COUNT ON IT! THERE ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION EQUAL TO THE TINYMOST CREATION OF GOD.

You have loosed the evil from Pandora's box and it shall haunt the remainder of your days.

The prophecies of the Antichrist are not somewhere out-there; they are upon you and when you look around at who is doing it unto you--you will find it to be yourself.

Where are the warriors? Well, after another extremely long and tired week-end--here we are! As others came onto the scene and asked about the weekend, there was a blank look and then an inquiry: "Is this Monday"?

Yes, this is Monday and we will not further burden the staff with lengthy and troublesome documents. I needed to speak to you as my cherished family in the midst of such soul discomfort and restless disquiet. Accept the peace offered for within Truth is freedom and within freedom is the loss of fear. Antichrist cannot touch, nor will he, CHRIST. The man you leave still on the cross cannot do anything, chelas, so turn unto something LIVING AND BECOME ONE WITHIN THAT HOPE OF­FERED. Look and see beyond the moment for therein lies VI­SION. When you look into vision of wondrous things they must come to pass, for destruction is of MAN--visions in creation are of GOD.

My message this day is not just for you of a tiny handful of loved ones; this is for those long distant in despair and hopeless­ness--for God knows where are His children.

Just as a messenger stood forth in the small hall as the Constitu­tion was formulated and signed--so too is there a messenger in the midst of the most damaging storm--to hold up the light for your footsteps and guide you safely home.

Is this "dharma" one of those messengers? Well, perhaps she is but a computer keyboard--DOES IT MATTER? TRUTH AND THE WAY MATTERS, AND NO TRUTH-BRINGER WISHES MORE THAN FOR ALL TO LOOK UNTO TRUTH--NEVER MIND FROM WHENCE IT FLOWS. SAFETY AND SECURITY COME IN THE NON-IDENTIFICATION AND ANY TRUE TEACHER-MESSENGER CARES NOT FOR ACCOLADES. THE ENEMY WANTS TO ALLOW THE WORLD TO KNOW SO THAT THE USUAL DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IS WROUGHT UPON THE HAPLESS SERVANT. Do not set people up before you to secure your own individual losses or appetites for hand-holding or milk-sop treatment. If you cannot contain Truth as your action without the teacher present--you shall never find graduation. You al­ways seek the intermediate personage so you can doubt and chatter--always chatter opinions. GOD IS and with GOD THERE ARE NO OPINIONS--ONLY TRUTH. You either live Truth or you DO NOT. You either believe in Truth or you DO NOT. Choices become very easy to make--unless, of course, you CHOOSE THE WRONG DIRECTION.

So be it, students. The end of this particular play is up to YOU. Adonai.