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SAT., FEB. 7, 1998    3:36 P.M.    YR. 11, DAY 175

SAT.,  FEB. 7,  1998


You are about to get quoted to you a LOT of terrible Scriptures out of the book of instructions for apocalypse. Well, if YOU wrote the script for same, wouldn't you make sure the directors do the directing correctly according to your script? After all, the "producer" can shut the play down if the actors and staff do not play properly according to instructions. Sometimes a play is simply so bad it is run out of town and off the stage. A lot of people get hurt when this latter happens--count on it.



QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):



     Many christians erroneously believe the Church Militant is indestructible and will endure for eternity. This is unhappy fic­tion; for the fact is both the Church Suffering in Purgatory and the Church Militant on Earth will be terminated. Already the Church Militant has been seriously fragmented. Many dioceses in Africa and Asia Minor have ceased to exist; many parishes and populations in Europe have accepted the culture of an­tichristians, not because of population movement but because of secessions.

     More significantly, St. John the Evangelist, (prior to the year 92 A.D.) wrote a stinging rebuke to the Church at Sadis (Apoc. 3:1) in these words: "I know thy works; thou hast the name of being alive and thou art dead". A cursory evaluation of the present worldwide population unfolds a shocking commentary on the erosion of Catholicity; an erosion that has practically erased the life of the Church in Asia and destroyed the hope of regain­ing even an insignificant foothold in that most populated area of the Earth.

     These observations are indirectly firmed in the twenty-fourth chapter of St. Matthew [H: Who is this? WHO SAID?] where Jesus [H: Who?] predicted the end of the world which involves the end of the Church Militant. Religiously, Catholics firmly believe in the plain, prosaic presentation of each verse in this startling passage. The first two verses read as follows: [H: Religions are of the physical; spiritual is of GOD.]

     Matt. 24:1-2: "And Jesus left the temple and was going away, when His disciples came forward to show Him the buildings of the temple. But He answered and said to them, 'Do you see all these things? Amen I say to you there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down' ". [H: Now, I would trust that that is so.]

     The above prediction was made in the year C.32 A.D. In less than forty years (C.70 A.D.) Christ's words were factual­ized when Emperor Titus demolished Jerusalem leaving standing only the "Weeping Wall" which in 1972 A.D. is a haunting tes­timony to Christ's accuracy. This prophecy and its historic fulfillment is accepted by many scriptural scholars as a "proof-in­-advance" of the predictions which follow in the succeeding verses of the same chapter.

     Matt. 24:3-14: "And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when are these things to happen, and what will be the sign of Thy coming and of the end of the world?'.

     "And in answer Jesus said to them, 'Take care that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name saying, I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray. For you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Take care that you do not be alarmed, for these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be pestilences and famines and earthquakes in various places. But all these things are the beginnings of sorrows'.

     " 'Then they will deliver you up to tribulations, and will put you to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away, and will betray one another, and will hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and will lead many astray. And because iniquity will abound, the charity of the many will grow cold. But whoever perseveres to the end, he shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world, for a witness to all nations; and then will come the end' ".

[H: Go right back up there to the FALSE translation of Esu Immanuel to "Jesus"--then move right on down to "for my name's sake" and I think the slip-in change will become ob­vious to you for all these things would be dumped on the back of the one whose name they would change to "Jesus" to confuse and confound all who would come after. Now look at the last sentence in italics: Read it and get your kleenex for we are bringing you that final gospel of the kingdom of GOD, readers--and then, WILL COME THE END!]

     Christ's [H: You see, this man cannot seem to understand his own lack of willingness to use "Jesus" and "Christ" in the same breath--why would that be? Because "Jesus" is a name of a MAN; Christ is the state of being in perfection. They are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE AND THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. ONE CANNOT SUFFICE FOR THE OTHER--EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, FOR THEY ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE LANGUAGE MEANINGS AND TERMS.] predictions present a rather dismal picture:

(1) Many will fall away.

(2) Many will betray and hate one another.

(3) Many false prophets will lead many astray.

(4) The charity of the many will grow cold.

(5) Some persons will have the courage to preach these prophetic facts to

     all nations before the end will have come.

(6) The Church Militant will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.

     In view of the recent post-Vatican assemblages of the prelates where committees are seriously surveying the possibility, if not probability, of uniting Mother Church to a Marxist-minded or­ganization, where are we going? Are the prelates trying to avoid the hatred of men at the price of sacrificing loyalty to the Paraclete?

     If the assembled prelates had expended as much zeal and ef­fort implementing the mandates and doctrines of Christ as they have endeavoring to nullify His predictions, their score board of success and failure would read much differently today.

[H: No, this is incorrect, for any "man"--be he of a Church or of any human placement--cannot find TRUTH IN FALSE CONCEPTS. RELIGION AND SPIRIT ARE OPPOSITE IN MEANING.]




     In a previous essay I reported that His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, contributed substantial sums of money both to the ILO (a European Communist labor organization) and, to the leftist-in­clined World Council of Churches or its affiliate.

     In doing so, no attempt at that time was made to rationalize Paul's actions, because I felt it would be both forceful and un­derstandable to close this series of essays with that thought in mind and, at the same time, disclose a "new look" at Commu­nism, Capitalism and the future of the despairing world in which we live.

     During my public career as a priest who was privileged to address millions of persons, I consistently and forcefully criti­cized the private manufacture and control of money which is the lifeblood of economy.

     Food, shelter, clothing and health, in great degree, depend upon its availability as do the peace and prosperity of a nation. Without an abundance of pay-envelopes and profits, there can­not be an abundance of taxes to care for education, transporta­tion and communication. Without a just and equitable distribu­tion of the burdens of taxation, those who enjoy exemptions, when they are capable of sharing the burden, are exploiters both of the poor and the vast middle-class wage earners and salaried citizens.

     Moreover, these persons or groups who, first, seize the power to create money (be it currency or credit) and then loan it to the government at interest are, indeed, the prime enemies of the nation, particularly when in time of war they profit not only on the privations and lives of their fellow citizens but on the manufacture and transportation of war materials, all of which are non-productive; all of which subtract from the wealth and wellbeing of society.

     For more than fifty years the American public gradually has been learning that the Federal Reserve Banks which control our money also create it by a simple stroke of the pen. It cost them little save the paper, printing and distribution necessitated to put it into circulation when the government, which these same per­sons control, places an order for more billions of dollars to be "borrowed" in order to purchase battleships, submarines, bombers, bullets, rifles, uniforms and coffins for the unin­formed, brainwashed soldiers whose lives are part of the ex­pendable materials in the total involvement.

     No longer does any informed citizen question who owns the Federal Reserve Banks. Probably he does not know the names and mailing addresses of the men and institutions who hold title but he definitely knows the United States Government does not own these hundred-billion dollar institutions which loan money not only for the processing of war but also for funds used to feed the poor, to hospitalize the sick, to build houses, roads and railways, to operate a federal government which spends close to $800-billions each year. And this money is borrowed at ap­proximately three percent interest which supplies a profit of $24-billions each year even though the principle is never liqui­dated. In fact, the more billions of credit loaned to the govern­ment, the greater are the profits of the money creators.

     These gentlemen also own more than $300-billions of "foundation money" which (close to eighty-five percent) is in­vested in stocks, bonds, debentures and mortgages from which dividends are acquired--and all of it is tax-free! This is only the tip of the iceberg which does not disclose the hidden wealth of oil, energy, transportation, communications and other numerous items which make them the Lords of the World.

     The tyranny of privately created and controlled money is nothing new. It is as old as civilization. It existed in the days of the Pharaohs; it dominated the domestic and foreign policies of the Caesars. It functioned under Charlemagne, grew into giant size under the Medicis, and ruled the destines of Naples, Frankfurt, Paris and London under the Rothschilds and their associ­ates. It is a major evil whose curse has befallen upon the un­privileged citizens of the United States and the world.

     My public career, so much expended upon disclosing this form of Satanism, is at an end. Younger and more forceful men have taken up Excalibur to wield in these days of mortal com­bat.

     I am not even inferring that this private control and creation of money is the centrum of the battle between Christ and An­tichrist. However, Pius XI said in his Quadragesima Anno, "It is almost impossible for man to save his soul when he is unjustly denied the goods of this world". It is this worldwide creation and control of credit money which perpetuates war and poverty. It is totally unjust when this money, the lifeblood of the econ­omy, not only is created and controlled but its users, the Ameri­can public, are taxed for its usage as well as legally bound to repay its principal in hard earned, "sweat-of-the-brow" money for the homes, food, clothing, schools, hospitals, highways and wars for which this money was first printed and circulated by order of the President and Congress of the United States, both of whom are the willing or unwilling slaves of its private creators. And this is called Democracy! [H: My dear blind people: this certainly IS Democracy in its finest example.]

     What, then, is the relationship of Pope Paul VI to the tyranny of the Federal Reserve Banks? And what is his relationship to the Communists in the Kremlin who exact of their followers a belief in the materialistic concept of life together with an equal disbelief in the divinity of Christ and the exclusion of God from Communistic culture?

     Definitely, His Holiness is in a dilemma, particularly when he is confronted by a number of subordinate bishops who, pos­sibly, are not skilled in the knowledge of money, the Federal Reserve Banks, the gold market and taxation, simply because they are innocent gentlemen who had no opportunity as had Cardinal McIntyre, for example, to study these subjects.

     In his singular position as Pope, Paul may not step into the arena of controversy. His actions, sometimes, must speak louder than words. Nor may he be totally silent when a tyrant unsheathes his invisible sword to oppress and destroy the broth­ers of Christ.

     Although Communism is intrinsically wrong because of its hostility to God and its materialistic concept of life, neverthe­less, it is not wrong in some of its objectives and advertised re­forms. Karl Marx, his associates and the atheists; Stalin, his successors and the murderers cannot be applauded for attempt­ing to cure a headache by cutting off the head. But they did rise in their wrath to rid the world of the moneychangers, the oppressors of the people and the silent, subservient bishops, all of whom, directly or indirectly, made it impossible for a "man to save his soul because he was unjustly denied the goods of this world". [H: No, all these same wolves in different clothing simply exchanged themselves to receive all the wealth, etc.]

     Thus, Paul VI in appearing before the plenum of the United Nations, in risking an association with the World Council of Churches, in contributing to the ILO (International Labor Orga­nization) was associating himself with the only political forces in all civilization who are fighting an unholy, satanic immorality and its controllers who, at the same time, legalize abortion, godless schools and other moral deformities as intrinsically (if not more so) wrong as is Communism. Keep in mind the rela­tionship between these men and the untaxed foundations.

     It was a calculated risk on my part to disclose these financial contributions of Pope Paul to the three highly suspected Com­munistic organizations. I called it "dirty linen". Even as "dirty linen" it is more prudent to expose them rather than bury them under the kitchen sink to pollute the entire house with their stench, because I suspect what the Holy Father has in mind.

     Paul comes from a family very cognizant of this dilemma, and exceedingly conscious that it cannot be liquidated except by the grace of God and the gifts of his sacred office. It is, there­fore, a case of "He who heareth you, heareth me". It is a case of loyalty to Paul or loyalty to the C.F.R., to the hypocritical establishment whose members merely tolerate Christ and Christ's doctrine of brotherhood. They are no better than the Kremlin Communists.

     Paul, as do most informed persons, knows that this phe­nomenon so bravely and concisely attacked by Pius XI must be handled before he dares preach peace and brotherhood.

     Thus, what of the future? Well, first, what of the past? Since the original bishops traveled from Jerusalem to Asia Mi­nor, the Mediterranean countries and the outposts of the Roman Empire, conditions have changed miraculously. Then the world and its populations were impoverished. Only the few--the very few--were comfortably established.           

     In the past two thousand years the Holy Spirit under the title of "The Renewer of the Face of the Earth" has been personally responsible even for the material progress which men have achieved.

     By inclining His miracle men and their assistants to seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, christian culture trans­formed the barbarian peoples of Europe to build schools and universities to excel in the arts and abstract sciences and to transform the entire character of a continent from the crudities which had existed probably for a hundred thousand years.

     Every monastery became a cell of holiness and learning and every parish church was a workshop, not only of prayer, sacra­ment and sacrifice but song, poetry, music and painting. Throughout Italy, France, Germany, England and elsewhere gems of architecture raised their finger to the skies. Nations vied with nations in establishing the world's most magnificent universities. Artisans were assembled into guilds wherein the youth were taught trades and drama. The Dark Ages were bril­liant centuries wherein the "renewer of the Face of the Earth" was busy removing the debris which the great destructionist had wrought. A new age was born while the militiamen of Christ were busied tilling the soil, sailing the seas and shepherding their flocks as they battled poverty in Europe thereby giving promise of what was about to happen on the entire face of the Earth.

     Possibly about the year 1453, so often identified with the Re­naissance, Satan was permitted to speed up his antagonism and destructionism; for that year is identified with the period when the miracle men of the Holy Spirit began to unfurl the flag of the Church Triumphant. I mean that, following the Renaissance, they forgot their supernatural mission. They forgot that Africa, Asia and uncounted millions were waiting for the Holy Spirit, the Renovator, to bring to them, too, the benedictions bestowed upon the peoples of Europe.

Thus, in a sense, from that time onward, even though Columbus had planted the Cross of Christ in America, Satan's reaction assumed greater prominence than ever before; the Church became a victim of division; the One Faith, One Lord and One Baptism became a mystic maze of multiplicities. [H: Well, that was the only FORTUNATE thing about this pe­riod of time. This man forgets that this Church of his was the most cruel and officious one thing in the world at that time--and possibly today, as it has become the total work of Satanic intent.]

     What of the past? It was a glorious past terminating in an in­glorious reversal.

     This, nevertheless, gives an answer to the question of what of the future? For five hundred years the Holy Spirit still has been an activist in renewing the face of the Earth. It was He who gave us the benedictions of steam, electricity and nuclear power. It was He who inspired our forbears to build ribbons of steel across our continents, to fabricate power tractors, to discover the secrets of chemurgy, to teach our farmers how to raise a hundred bushels of wheat where five used to grow. It was He who guided Lindberg across the ocean and who filled the skies with the argosies dreamed of by Tennyson. In short, the Holy Spirit has not deserted us. He is still renewing the face of the Earth and will continue to do so. He is still awaiting Vatican III which will be the second Pentecost whereat the miracle men will be reconverted. Again He will be the recognized Paraclete--if we only believe.

     Despite numerous wars the church and its churchmen ex­tolled the doctrine of brotherhood, practiced the discipline of faith and held high the Flag of the Cross. As did all pioneers, they and their thousands of bishops, priests and religious preached the virtue of hope which, one day, would banish war, hatred, poverty, disease, ignorance and economic slavery under the principle that they who sought "first the Kingdom of God and his justice" would acquire all these benedictions. It was a day by day effort marked with defeats as well as victories.

          Forget not what has been accomplished in the 2000 years since the Star of Bethlehem first shone! Remember what ob­tained during the 10-million years which preceded this event!

     Although we of this era live beneath the threatening clouds of riots, race hatred, youth rebellion, Church infidelity and sancti­fied abortion, be of good cheer; for it is my hope this is but the prelude to greater victories.

     This, the sixth phase of worldwide rebellion, is not directed at the gentle Christ who came to redeem us, nor intended to black out the miraculous progress mankind has achieved since His coming. It is a rebellion against those who constantly, in and out of the church, have erected barricades of an economic nature to prevent men from enjoying the beautiful Earth which the Holy Spirit fashioned for all of us and which the haters of God and mankind have captured temporarily by their control of money in all its aspects. The people of America and the world are rising in rebellion against these moneychangers whom Christ drove from the temple. The instrument of Communism which Satan invented to destroy Christ has been seized by the Holy Spirit to overthrow those who oppose the people and bred Marxism and atheism. [H: And it will pay you ALL, not to forget it.]

     The doctrines of christianity and its gospel of plenty can never become realities as long as this went unchallenged. Thus, there is hope the world will be one of joy; one filled with pre­cious companionship; one brightened by the laughter of life; one where virtue and not vice will be praised; one filled with an ever gleaming hope of immortality--at least for a time until Christ and His angels will reappear.

     Again I remind you, all objectives the Communists have in mind are not immoral. The policy which Communists have where the government both creates and circulates the money of the nation is more christian than the American policy where pri­vateers are paid to do it at such excessive profits to themselves. [H: Well, brother and readers, American Capitalism is not capitalism and neither is Communism communism. Change the meanings of the words and you change the entire concept of meanings for all things.]


     It is idle to speculate when the end of the world will occur, nevertheless, it is my humble opinion it is hundreds, if not thou­sands of years distant. The great continents of South America and Africa are yet to be populated and activated, not only with current electronics and technocracy with which we are ac­quainted in the United States but with even greater scientific benedictions. The imperceptible yet constant changing of tem­peratures gradually will open up the northlands of Canada and Alaska. Possibly with the melting of innumerable icebergs, the eastern coast of our continent will be cleansed and altered. In other words, the Holy Spirit as yet has not completed "his reno­vation of the face of the Earth" which long since has been pre­dicted. It was only a gradual development for some few of the ancients who achieved a partial culture long before our Euro­pean ancestors set aside their antiquities of life.

     "The best is yet to come" is the hopeful gospel of those who have confidence in the mission of the Holy Spirit. One day government by the people under man-made laws will evolve into government by God under HIS laws.

     Somehow or other, this sixth revolutionary phase in which we are living reminds me of a young mother in agony as she is about to bring her child into the world. Then her tears and an­guish will be changed into joy and gladness. It may not be the millennium towards which we are progressing but it will become an age where the agonies of these transient years of grief and despair will have subsided. Life still will be a warfare but not a contest of disheartenment nor a daily recording of man-made disasters.

     By no means have I abandoned hope for this beautiful coun­try which became the melting pot of divided mankind. God will never be frustrated. His Son's abounding graces will gladden us and the Holy Spirit's leadership will dispel the clouds which darken our days.

     To me, Faith, Hope and Charity are still the essentials in a Christly life. Faith, in believing God and His revelations through the prophets [H: If you get your proper prophets.], the planets, the sunrise and the uncounted benedictions which reflect His goodness and greatness; Hope, in the outcome of our struggle to survive. Faith and Hope hold hands together as we journey from time to eternity. Charity which is the love of God and all His creatures is the crown of all our blessings.

     The great truth enunciated by Pope Pius XI that "No one who wishes to save christian civilization can cooperate with Commu­nism in any manner whatsoever because it is intrinsically wrong"--is absolute; this is true.

     What Pope Paul VI is endeavoring to do is to sympathize, not with Communism, but with Communists who are attempting to rid the Earth of the so-called establishment which is another name for money creators, money controllers and the privileged few who escape taxation and sanctify crime.

[H: And now we know WHO IS the ANTICHRIST! We know that for at least 2000 years he has tampered with ev­erything Spiritually of Truth even unto the presentation of a false Christ and false Churches. You don't need a church and you don't need a Paraclete (INTERVENER). You only need to hold to the hand of the man who descended at Pen­tecost, seven Sundays after Easter commemorating the de­scending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, to give you TRUTH. HE DID NOT COME TO SAVE YOU, EVEN REDEEM YOU--HE WAS SENT TO GIVE YOU TRUTH. This for those of you who didn't look it up like I asked. I have great respect for this humble man who authored these essays for he fought not only the Antichrist he recognized but the one he could not see because he stood too close.

To honor this man further, I will, tomorrow morning, offer the recognized APOCALYPSE writings. I hope they cause you to lose a lot of sleep because this is where you stand to­day: at the threshold.]


The fingers will not go further today and the readings will have more meaning on the morrow when the head does not hurt. Oh how I wish I knew how to get your attention, brethren, for lives and the life of a planet hang in the balance of that which we do. Adonai.