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Oct. 1, 2015






THU., FEB. 5, 1998     7:58 A.M.     YR. 11, DAY 173

THU., FEB. 5, 1998




It must have broken them up beyond belief as BOTH George Bush and George Bush Jr. were at the White House (yep, THAT one) playing tennis yesterday. And YOU concern about an in­tern? By the way, where is Kissinger while all these loose ends are bring tied around Clinton's neck?




Can anyone remember the Bank: BCCI? Recall, please, that in one of the group of banks under this charter, that WE KNOW of, one joint account with Saddam Hussein (and George Bush) of a mere $250 million. George really had fun with Peruvian Certificate 3392. He had his pals in the loops so tightly woven that when the central bank was dumped--they all fell down to the tune of BILLIONS-plus dollars. I want you to please read the following and see what justice there really is in this world. And note that you won't hardly find any mention of Bushes.

[QUOTING, The Orlando Sentinel, 2/4/98:]



Clark Clifford, 91, and protege Robert Altman agreed to the settlement with the Federal Reserve Board.

WASHINGTON -- In a quiet end to an affair that rocked the capital in 1991-92, venerable Washington insider Clark Clifford and his former law partner agreed to pay $5 million to settle civil fraud charges in the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) international banking scandal.

Under the settlement with the Federal Reserve Board an­nounced Tuesday, the 91-year-old Clifford and protege Robert Altman will pay the money to compensate what the Fed called the "innocent" depositors and creditors of the now-defunct Bank of Credit and Commerce International.

Altman and Clifford, a defense secretary under President Lyndon Johnson and adviser to several other Democratic presi­dents, did not admit wrongdoing.

In addition, Altman, 50, who practices law in Washington, agreed not to re-enter the banking industry without the Fed's approval. Because of Clifford's age and ill health, the central bank dropped such an action against him.

BCCI was shut down by regulators in 1991 amid allegations of arms smuggling, drug running and financing of terrorists. The Luxembourg-chartered private bank--once the world's largest--operated for a time in about 70 countries, with its head­quarters in London.

Regulators charged that it engaged in wide-ranging fraud and lent billions of dollars to insiders without requiring col­lateral or keeping proper records among other misdeeds.

In a joint statement, Clifford and Altman said they were con­fident that they would have prevailed in fighting the reduced charges against them. However, they said, citing Clifford's frailty, "to continue for years and at great expense" to fight the case "made no sense".

Clifford and Altman were charged in July 1992 in separate federal and New York state indictments, and in the Fed's civil action, with making millions in illegal profits.

They pleaded not guilty to charges of accepting bribes and participating in a massive criminal conspiracy that offi­cials said was designed to give BCCI secret control of U.S. banks.

BCCI illegally owned FOUR U.S. banks, including FIRST AMERICAN BANKSHARES, Washington's biggest bank holding company at the time. Clifford and Altman were BCCI's principal lawyers in this country and were chairman and president, respectively, of First American.

The Justice Department later dropped its charges against the two, and Altman was acquitted of New York state charges in 1993 after a lengthy trial.

A New York judge dropped all charges against Clifford. [H: He was acquitted because of poor health, not because of in­nocence.]

The Federal Reserve also eventually dismissed some of its civil fraud allegations against them.

"When this case arose seven years ago, we publicly de­nounced the sensational charges against us as wholly untrue," Clifford and Altman said in their statement Tuesday. "Subsequent events have proved the accuracy of our state­ments."

[H: The "COLLATERAL" certificate/contract 3392 IS VALID AND LEGAL--but it was UNLAWFULLY USED WITHOUT ABILITY TO GAIN THE ASSETS AT THE TIME THE LOANS WERE DUE! Herman refused to sign off on the thing and rendered it such a public focus that they sim­ply murdered him--slowly, to allow time to torture the signa­tures and information out of him. He had, however, AL­READY HAD THE CERTIFICATE BASTARDIZED AND PUT INTO CONTRACT FORM WHICH WAS FULLY CERTIFIED, CONFIRMED AND RECONFORMED, REG­ISTERED, AND EVEN LODGED IN CERTAIN GOV­ERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, SUCH AS TREASURY, AFTER VALIDATION AND EVALUATION BY THE FED­ERAL RESERVE. Since the collateral (3392) was (AND IS) still being utilized all over the globe--they couldn't very well close every bank it touched, now could they? GOD BLESSES RUSSELL HERMAN! Russell Herman was sane until he died and took care to properly handle the assets of that CONTRACT to benefit the people of the U.S.--but that, too, didn't even bother to bring responses from the States or the people. Tuff!?!?

Personally visiting Russell after getting no response from threats by others were Bush, Cheney, Greenspan, North, Bentsen and Baker IIIrd (at the same time, yet). Oh indeed, good friends out there everywhere--that contract is good and the big boys have never ceased using the loot--unlawfully. However, many banks folded under the shortfall and some of those were the biggest in the world.

How could this be? There isn't enough money in the world? Of course there is--all the Feds have to do is print some more worthless notes. However number two: THAT CON­TRACT IS BASED ON HARD METAL GOLD. Well, the thugs had moved all the gold so now you have a worse mess in which to be bogged. The problem with then trying to re­gain control of the mess came with the efforts to wipe-out Saddam and freeze his assets, for which Bush had made ar­rangements. Also, they were caught selling illegal arms, etc., through Reagan-Bush's Dept. of Agriculture--to such as Iran, et al. Oh my, isn't this cute? You all wondered what VP Bush was doing? Well, this is the stuff of Kings and this particular Vice President. North took the fall, but they were ALL into it to their noses.

Do I think it terrible? No, for the contract is still valid and perhaps since it became a legal-lawful debt of the U.S. Trea­sury and because it was a debt prior to the Federal Reserve, it moves right on over legally to the Federal Reserve and to the World Bank and United Nations International Monetary Fund. And yes indeed, the debts have been OFFICIALLY LODGED WITH THEM ALL!

This portion of my input is very definitely something of which they preferred you not have reminding. So, they think they are waiting for Grannie Two-Shoes to die (tried to kill her and only made her crazy) to get rid of any intruders. THIS IS STILL BUSH'S "SUPERFUND" although he quit calling it that when he about got suicided for his unlawful actions which cost many banks with equally nasty leaders. This gang does have some far higher and larger problems, however, if agreements regarding that document fail to be met--like NOW.

You are about to start a killing war and it is not going to go very well in some of those nations which were ripped off by the billions of dollars through these outrageous schemes and scams--and Saudi Arabia is top of the list. And that, read­ers, is over oil and money!

Did Yeltsen "slip the lip" yesterday about a world war? No indeed, and it doesn't have anything to do with Russia! Well, let's finish the article so we can move on to our work.

By the way, you who take stuff off the Internet from Ru Mills--forget it. She is now hooked in with Skolnick and they are dis- mis-information feeders. They say Gore will be sworn in as President tomorrow, Friday, and what do you REALLY think about that? Could be, I suppose, but some­body is going to have to get deaded or suicided in the in­terim. I suppose it could happen--but it will be, if the infor­mation is already out there, that it won't be an accident. Ru Mills, however, has told so many outright and provable LIES as to make us balk at even hearing her cute little tag name. She is the wife of Gunther Russbacher who claims in turn to have had his U.S. marriage to Raye annulled in Aus­tria. Skolnick did a "threatening" tape on the air from Gun­ther--from information provided to Skolnick from Raye. Cute? Well, I suppose it might be, considering sources. But we are really tired of the sick "patriot" actions doing such damage to a news-hungry world.

Yes, while on the subject--Ron Brown, Sec. of Commerce, WAS SHOT in the head (executed) and was not just killed in the airplane crash. There is a bullet-hole to prove it. The problem of information becomes such a rumor-mill (no pun intended) that you can't get facts so people stop even paying attention and fail to respond to anything except the gladiator fights over everything evil that can be conjured.]

BCCI pleaded guilty in December 1991 to federal fraud charges and forfeited $550 million in assets, the biggest forfei­ture in U.S. history.

In a plea bargain, the bank acknowledged that it illegally owned First American and the three other U.S. banks.

For 45 years, Clifford was a powerful figure in Democratic politics.

The lesser-known Altman is a figure in Hollywood circles, husband of Wonder Woman television actress Lynda Carter.


And now this same bunch of thugs, inclusive of new thugs, are going to start a war and blow away nations? And YOU cheer and demand that this action be taken. YOU are the ONES with weapons of "mass destruction", you ducks. Didn't any of you see the new satellite pictures last night of YOUR, and cohorts, ability to see underground and at night and through clouds and, and, and...? How else do you think "we" know that there are other weapons in Iraq? But the weapons in Iraq--CAME FROM THE U.S.! TANGLED WEBS? WELL, I GUESS SO! Oh by the way, YOU, Israel, have supplied that other "little Israel" with more and more MASS WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION, such as neutron and atomic BOMBS. Secured the Middle-East, did you? I don't think so...! Have you noticed the programme laid out so that even the speakers are embarrassed? "Weapons of Mass Destruction" MUST BE REPEATED EVERY TIME THE TOPIC COMES UP--it becomes like "EL NINO" causing every problem on the globe. YOU hear it enough, you will be­lieve it? Fine, see what you get out of your dreaming.



As of yesterday, 54 tremendously large whales (sperm whales) are stranded along the beach in Tasmania. They are so big that they can't be moved and helpers are asked to stay back. This was only at yesterday's count.


People, this is Australia giving out this information and so what do you think is going on? The grid system and the responders are misdirecting every creature. That is not the intent--this is the RESULT of your toys and frequency control grids. How much mercy do you think God has? When you destroy HIS creatures without recourse--you have REALLY ERRED!

Shall we go on with Antichrist now and let's see if once again we can determine who might be behind all this trouble in par­adise.



[QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]




The American hierarchy are painfully aware that, since Vati­can II, many militiamen in their army, having put down their arms, are in a disorderly retreat towards Camp Nowhere.

For six or seven years the bishops convened, discussed cur­rent problems, displayed monumental timidity, avoided facing challenges to their authority and accomplished a minimum in the area of sanctifying souls. [H: They also knew the New World Order and One World Religion would replace EVERY­THING that was known about Christianity and the Sovereignty of Nations.]

It is high time, however, to cease criticizing these gentlemen, who at the moment are objects of pity and prayer; for what has been done neither time nor circumstance can undo. Nor does it profit any of us to finger many of them as Satan's little helpers; for all of us at one time or the other have been Antichrists either in public or in private. The hour has approached to reassemble our troops, to change our tactics, to cease competing with our civilian superiors in affairs materialistic, naturalistic and politi­cal and do a little dying. It is no shame to become either a pen­itent or a martyr.

So, let us reason a moment, research a few more moments, and see if we can acquire a clearer picture of the major An­tichrist who is knocking at the door.

To preface this essay, may I venture to inform the readers that in such places as Notre Dame, Catholic University, Ford­ham and most so-called Catholic universities no solid course in "secret agencies which control government" is taught in depth. In such places, now very much left-of-center, "secret agencies" is a fiction.

Not so at Georgetown and, particularly, not at Oxford. The latter has been exposing this phenomenon and prospering it since the lifetime of Cecil Rhodes; Georgetown has had the benefit of Dr. Quigley for several years. And of him there will be a few informative paragraphs. [H: Well, it seemed we would never make it, didn't it?]

To begin with: It seems logical to approach the genesis of the major Antichrist both from scripture and history. [H: This is probably more appropriate than you might think since the ANTICHRIST WROTE THE SCRIPTURE AND THE HISTORY.] In doing so, it is not in a spirit of dogmatic certainty. The subsequent thoughts are merely my own personal reasoning and observations. I realize I am swimming in a whirlpool where many fine scholars have met their doom; where millions of dabblers, like myself, have been given a warning to desist. Nevertheless, Scripture is Scripture as history is history.[H: Yes indeed, and nobody seems to discern which it true and which is false.] Neither is ornamental, simply to be ad­mired.

Thus: While Christ was dwelling upon Earth, we recollect. He expelled devils from many afflicted persons. Toward the end of His public ministry He had this very significant informa­tion to disclose, namely:

"You have heard me say to you, 'I go away and I am coming to you. ' If you love me, you would indeed rejoice that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it has come to pass, you may believe. I will no longer speak much with you, for the Prince of the world is coming, and in me he has nothing. But he comes that the world may know that I love the Father, and that I do as the Father has commanded me. Arise, let us go from here."

May we analyze this significant statement.

(1) Christ specifically predicts His departure from Earth and His second coming.

(2) This departure and second coming should be a matter of joy because it is part of the divine plan which has to do with Satan's ultimate defeat.

(3) After His departure, the Prince of this world will take over but will have no power over Him.

(4) The purpose of his "taking over" is to let the entire world and all its races, populations, nations and governments know that, despite Satan's power, he will be vanquished by Christ.

(5) And very significantly, the Prince has not had full liberty on Earth nor will have until "I go away".

This last statement defines that until and during Christ's mis­sion on Earth only minor devils infested the Earth, possessed persons, wrought havoc and persuaded weak willed, un-sacra­mentalized men to choose evil. Not until Christ's departure; and probably, not until the church was fairly well established did God unleash Satan, the major devil, to roam the Earth with his powers and principalities and take over kingdoms, empires, uni­versities and governments.

Particularly since Luther's revolution which was generated by worldly, naturalistic prelates who fell foul of the "Prince" was a major advance made in Satan's solidifying his new princi­pality. [H: We'll have more directly from Martin Luther a bit further on in OUR OWN writings and those will be as confused as to Scripture as any offered here. Everyone seemed to absolutely miss the point of JUST WHO WROTE THE SCRIPTURES AND WHEN YOU LOOK--SURELY ENOUGH--ANTICHRIST!]

Of course, he is the Antichrist. And most certainly he was clever enough to purloin blueprints which record the founding of "Christ's Kingdom on Earth" together with the plans and struc­tural mechanism employed by the Holy Spirit in building His di­vine edifice which houses the Church Militant.

No human being sees or touches the Holy Spirit because it is His nature to be a spirit. So with Satan. He, too, is a spirit whom no man sees, touches or hears. Like the Holy Spirit, he works through a "Church Militant" called the mystical body of Satan. [H: Now HERE, "mystical" is the exact and perfect term.] Has he an apostleship as Christ instituted to govern His Mystical Body? Certainly he has. Does he inspire them with thoughts, suggestions, policies and power? Absolutely yes; but his power-element is merely natural or supra-natural while the power which the Holy Spirit has given to men is supernatural--not supra-natural--to such a degree that the recipients thereof are miracle men raised above those with only natural endowments.

Just as the Holy Spirit is on every battlefield so is Satan; just as the Holy Spirit has thousands of bishops to lead His troops, so has Satan. The first group are "other Christs"; the second are "fallen Principalities and Powers".

This deadly parallel can be followed through a thousand questions and answers. In their politics one stands for Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Order; the other for deception, evil, ugli­ness and crime. One is for eternity; the other for time. One depends on nature plus the sacraments; the other depends on nature injured by sin and destined to failure.

Nevertheless, man, the image and likeness of god, is the prize for which each leader and his battalions are striving.

Both armies evolved orderly. One from Bethlehem to the Last Supper and Gethsemane; then to Pilate's Hall and Calvary; and the sealed tomb. From the broken seal and Resurrection to the Ascension; then Pentacost and the Holy Spirit; then to the shores of the seven seas. These were the days when the miracle men performed miracles abundantly. Both Andrew and Paul preached the new philosophy and the new faith atop the Acrop­olis. James journeyed to Spain; Thomas preceded Francis Xavier to the Far East; Patrick Boniface, Cyril and Methodius told the story of Bethlehem to the Irish, Germans and Slays while Austin blessed the acres of the Anglo-Saxons with the word of God. Nor let the world forget the forgotten Lazarus and Mary Magdalen in their apostleship to France. [H: Oh we won't ever forget them, apparently. I guess there is too much on which to comment here so we will not therefore comment further.]

At the later date Benedictines, Carthusians, Carmelites, Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits carried the flag of the cross to new battlefields where love, hope and faith were contesting for leadership.

Even in our beloved America Jogues, DeBrebeuf and Lalle­mant preached to the Iroquois, Algonquin and Hurons the gospel for which Christ died, as did the magnificent Franciscans.[H: Yes, and stole their constitutions, too!] Throughout our West Fra Junipero Serra braved the deserts, mountains and baking heat to carve a pathway, the Camino Real, which stretched from San Diego to San Francisco. All this was accomplished in days when meager transportation and communications were insur­mountable impediments. Days which three hundred years later still haunt us with their glorious memories. That was the evolu­tion of Christ's Mystical Body which proved what miracle men could accomplish when faith assessed every obstacle as a chal­lenge; and evolution which transcended all earthly calculation while Damien was sanctifying service to the lepers. Indeed the evolution was not without defeats and no defeat in the past 2000 years has surpassed the humiliations which the Victor over death sustained since Vatican II--humiliations which betrayed Him for another handful of silver. [H: I'll let you comment on this one.]


The mystical body of Satan likewise had an orderly evolution once Christ liberated him to seek the throne as the "Prince of this world". From Arius (325) to Mohammed; then by way of the fall of Constantinople to the Medici and Renaissance; then to Luther, Kant, Hegel, Hume and Locke; from there to Voltaire [H: Whose mistress did his translating, i.e., Newton's Principea Mathematica.], Rousseau and the Revolution of 1789; from The Rights of Man to Marx, Engels, Kerensky, Stalin and Lenin--when finally the Prince of this world will have traveled from his original emergence to this throne in 1972 where he reigns and apparently rules the world.

In each and every era until now it was Satan, the invisible, sometimes hiding behind miter and chasuble; at other times, marching over the spiritual corpses of Christ's militiamen; and at all times inspiring kings, emperors, presidents and dictators to enslave the confused populations.

[H: Boy, I surely hope every ONE OF YOU are seeing and hearing. This is not the cartoon of the day--this is the mak­ings of Antichrist for real.]

Probably the most disastrous doctrine Satan has disseminated through his earthly leaders was "government by the people". Never in history has government by the people been actualized. Always it has been a will-o'-the wisp. For one short year only (1917) the blandishments of Karl Marx relative to the reign of the proletariat were cheered to the high heavens; then, (1918) following Kerensky's defeat, Stalin tore up the Rights of Man and, despite the promises of Das Capital, instituted the reign of a dictatorial oligarchy. Here was the beginning of the end of democracy. Dead in Russia, 1918; dead in the United States, 2000. [H: Or, the beginning of the newly defined democracy which has nothing to do with democracy as presented even prior to Socrates. There is nothing FAIR nor JUST in "democracy"--NOTHING. Besides, it was dead in both places long, long before the 1900s.]

When Christ advertised to His apostles that the "Prince of this world is coming", little did any of His contemporaries think the event was scheduled to happen so soon.

To my mind 1917-1918 until 1972 has witnessed the final emergence of Satan into the world. And from 1972 until 2000 this final expansion will have been achieved.

In democracies such as Italy, France, and, particularly, the United States, powerful groups of unelected men dominate elected presidents and congressmen by obtaining Cabinet posi­tions and other important office. These are the new apostles of Satanism such as the Kissingers, Mitchells, Burns and others in the United States who exercise more influence, power and im­portance than all governors, congressmen and elected officials combined--including the president of the nation who, in foreign affairs, has become secondary.

There we stand today. Populations, it is now evident, are becoming little more than marionettes dancing on strings manip­ulated by a group of oligarchs, one in each nation. And all these groups like so many colleges of bishops, are subject to one invisible Pope, one master called Satan.

The uninformed in our country still acclaim democracy and applaud a two-party system to government which, upon analysis, proves to be the head and tail of the same political party. The real party, if I may change the metaphor, is a submerged un­marked and unchartered iceberg which, because of the fogs of confusion and brainwashing, is seldom visible but always in control of the situation with a "God help those who collide with us.

Yesterday, this American group secretly financed and nur­tured Communism, as contradictory as that may seem; today this same group inspires racism and ecumenism hoping to capture even the Kremlin, even the Capitol, even the government of ev­ery nation. Deviously they scuttled the League of Nations which they founded and began to build the United Nations which they now control. This is a group which fights against Commu­nists and for Communism; against Red China and for Red China, all in one decade. [H: Yes, and now it is over two decades later just since this nice man wrote his notations.] Tomorrow they will both attain and lose their objective--One Worlds with a modified Moscow, a liberalistic Washington, a placid Peking and a common government for all the people. Robert Hugh Benson's Lord of the World may not have been a madman's dream, nor Christ's prediction will not have been idle.

These foregoing remarks are unsupported as they stand. [H: THEY ARE NOT UNSUPPORTED ANY MORE, ARE THEY, READERS?] May I become more concrete: Some­times an anomaly is an unsuspected truth as in the case when the Prince of Peace is deliberately permitting the Prince of this world to wage war against the Kingdom of God on Earth. [H: Perhaps the players are not yet straight, my friends. The Prince of the world is only waging war on his own frag­ments--he can't even find the people of the REAL Prince of Peace.] The present conflict looks like a rematch between Go­liath and David when the stonethrower has no chance against the sword-wielder. So be it: But the boy, David, had a miraculous stone in his slingshot; a miraculous muscle in his arm; and a miraculous aim in his eye. This, Goliath did not know. Nor does the Prince of this world correctly calculate the supernatural power of his antagonist.

Although many Americans are aware the battle is not going in our favor particularly since the administration of F.D.R. (the first Chief of State to recognize Red Russia in 1918, and the first to finance the Red Flag by $11 BILLION of American money) nevertheless two-thirds of our fellow citizens are not opposed to establishing friendships, plus financial and trade collaborations at the price of disarming our military, of allowing Red Russians to roam our country, work in our government of­fices and prey upon our news media.

This could never have been accomplished except the past ten administrations at Washington will it that way. It was tragically evident in the Truman, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations when we recollect the "no win" wars we deliberately fought in Asia. It was all planned that way.


Let us let this digest a while and take a break. This Essay has many more "parts" so do stay tuned, please.

I am amused at people who exclaim loudly that "And, you only have a little over a thousand subscribers? This is the first truth we have found." We thank you for the compliment and have to repeat that people are fearful of this Prince of the World for re­taliation, and denial comes in many miserable forms of assaults. Suffice it to say that this is the most-read paper in the world to­day! People, I suppose, especially those of the Prince of the World, are cheap, stingy, and thieves even of newspapers. These writings are taken right off the computer as we write and are delivered to the top-level intelligence circles before the pa­per is printed. We appreciate the service but wouldn't it be far nicer to pay for it once in a while so they don't lose their infor­mation resource? Well intelligence has nothing to do with their titles. It is like "military intelligence", "political science", "Government intelligence" and dozens of other oxymorons--there is absolutely no meaning to their titles, or worse, most are on opposite ends of the extremes.

Well, we like the security and don't plan to change the network. We WANT the agencies to have the information and know that we do nothing either subversive or of any threat to the great god of "Intelligence" of the Prince of the World. THEY make agreements WITH US; we simply expect them to keep the agreements; no more, no less. THE TRUE PRINCE OF PEACE IS STILL ON HIS WAY!