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Sept. 28, 2015





TUE., FEB. 3, 1998     1:30 P.M.     YR. 11, DAY 171

TUE., FEB. 3, 1998


Old Jer just told on himself this day, people. This fine up­standing SO-CALLED CHRISTIAN ANTICHRIST came out asking Bush for a reprieve of some sort for Karla Faye Tucker on the basis of something or other that made absolutely no sense AT ALL. He went right on to say he BELIEVES IN THE DEATH PENALTY" and it should certainly BE LEFT IN PLACE. A CHRIST-being advocating more MURDER? I think his statement about being Zionist and PROUD OF IT speaks ever so much more clearly than a half-assed attempt to appear merciful or compassionate. He announced that Karla, he believes, has found God and "her spirit speaks to his spirit" (I doubt that his spirit could even FIND her Spirit). BUT, she got due process of law and law is what must be upheld. He re­peated again that he "certainly believes in the death penalty...".

Do any of you undecided observers still think there is nothing wrong with your leadership in CHRIST vs. JESUS? Falwell tossed Jesus around like it was going out of style--but failed to even mention CHRIST or goodness. So be it, friends, for the days are short upon your place and Karla Faye HAS NO PROBLEMS--BUT MOST OF THE REST OF YOU CER­TAINLY DO!



[QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]



Those thoughts are expressed to remind us that Satan's sab­batical years have ended. While Peter slept in the person of his bishops and laity, Satan prospered.

To speak of war and warfare is my project. It is important not to insult my fellow Americans who are not christian. One must not finger them as the Antichrists, members of the mystical body of Satan. They are not only ignorant of Catholic-Christian beliefs but were not indoctrinated in Catholic motive and objec­tive. Their chief concern is to gain a modicum of education, marry, divorce if it so pleases them, wear the social attire of gentility, join the proper clubs, intrigue the important people, gain wealth, escape taxation, and support proper politicians who work mostly for them. This is American paganism.

It is with the Catholic clergy and laity I am concerned.

Most Catholics over the age of eighteen have been con­firmed. Confirmation, of course, is a definite sacrament which leaves an indelible, eternal mark upon its recipient, as do Bap­tism and Holy Orders. Baptism makes one an adopted Son of God; but Confirmation elevates the citizen into a soldier ready to battle in the army of the Holy Spirit. Estimate this situation from a strictly theological and practical viewpoint:

[H: I try to evaluate it in that manner but what I find is that a person who is not sucked in by the rituals or the tampered instructions of THAT book, thinks baptism dunking is sim­ply washing or rinsing the body or, perhaps, even bathing it­self. What MAN pronounces his doctrines upon a world and then complains about ones losing touch with his silly power-brokering?]

The Paraclete has as His most important concern the vindica­tion of Christ whom three courts found guilty of blasphemy, of stirring up the multitudes, and of being hostile to Caesar. The first charge related to blasphemy is totally denied; for Christ was, is and will be the Son of God throughout eternity. The other two charges are true, in a sense.

The people needed stirring up. In fact, even in a secular manner they needed it to the extent they required liberation from an exploiting government and freedom from unjust taxation and liberalistic laws which favored the Roman invaders and op­pressed the Jewish citizenry.

That Christ was hostile to Caesar, needs clarification. Cae­sar had named himself god. He so lusted after power that he colonized practically the whole known world by military force and slavery. Caesar called this religion. Of course, Christ could not say "Amen" to this. Therefore, in a sense, He was no friend of Caesar's.

[H: I want to point out one of the most TAMPERED seg­ments of the BIBLE: "RENDER UNTO CAESAR THAT WHICH IS CAESAR'S..." THAT was put into the writings so there would be no further problems with "christians" paying their taxes or anything else "Caesar" or his hench­men demanded. See how simple it is to just write a new in­put and everybody marches along to the new tune?]

If Christ, then, was a revolutionary because He opposed god-Caesar's politics, so be it. But under no circumstance did He advocate physical violence against the person of any oppressor, even though He violently overthrew the tables of the money­changers.

More Importantly the people of Judea and Israel with their brothers and sisters throughout the world needed freedom from death, hatred, war, ignorance and hell. In a word, they hun­gered for redemption and salvation--gifts beyond the giving of all Caesars.


One gargantuan flaw occurred in the finale of Christ's trial which was loaded with lies. [H: Yes indeed, like the entire story as told.] Already the ecclesiastical court not only had plotted His death but actually found Him guilty of death on the testimony of liars. For all practical purposes the civil court un­der Herod refrained from altering these findings. Finally, Pi­late, representing the imperial court and pressured by the stirred-up mobs to "Crucify Christ", succumbed.

[H: Now the myth gets bigger so go ahead and hold your breath while, I hope, realizing that itCOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE WAY, ESPECIALLY, AS PRESENTED HERE.]

As the world knows, He rose from the dead by His own power. As the world forgets, He sent the Holy spirit in the ca­pacity of the Paraclete to obliterate Satan's day in the Sun, to vindicate the "blasphemer", to complete the "stirring up of the multitudes" [H: No, my dears, just as today, the multitudes neither knew about this incident nor gave a damn.] and to put all the Caesars, kings, dictators, premiers and presidents, each in his proper place, for attempting to succeed in their gov­ernments without God. [H: What a crock! Readers, how have you fallen for such fairy tales?]

These paragraphs are not intended to be a diatribe on man's failure to live in peace, prosperity and health. Nor are they a requiem of disaster to depress those who still have hope to make this nation a respectable domicile while they are battling both the super-intelligence of Satan and many of their fellow men who unconsciously are enlisted in his army of hate. Christian theology is practical enough to take this into consideration[H: Say what?]. Therefore it not only accepts Christ and His Res­urrection but also His supernatural gifts of grace without which mere men are totally incapable of vanquishing Satan. [H: No, it accepts a "man" given supernatural possibilities with no in­tent of vanquishing Satan, who flourishes from the very misdirection.] Otherwise, failure will be the outcome; evil will overcome good; poverty, ignorance, superstition, disease, flood, famine, fire, chaos and hell--all these will be in the dismal fu­ture.[H: I suggest you carefully look around and realize the ONLY WAY OUT GIVEN YOU BY THOSE SUPERNAT­URAL LEADERS IS THE LIE OF A RAPTURE WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN, NEVER WAS PROCLAIMED UNTIL THE LAST 50 YEARS AND BY THE ZIONISTS OF THE DAY. YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE DRUMMERS IN YOUR MARCHING BAND.]

History has been written not only to record the past but to in­struct the unborn generations. If it details a series of conflicts and wars it also teaches that man by his own abilities never could and never will be able to cope with the invisible but real forces which mould his destiny as a potter moulds damp clay.

If history teaches no other lesson it stresses the truth "without Me you can do nothing." [H: Without WHO?]

Christianity, therefore, is a culture of hope. Unless the Christian Confirmandi will return to their posts, each man tak­ing his stand in the ranks of the Mystical body of Christ as he contracted to do the day he was Confirmed, the Holy Spirit's militiamen will not conquer. [H: MYSTICAL??? CHRIST? There obviously is a great and overlooked MYSTERY re­garding Christ and physical beings--but Mystical? No thank you. There is no mysticism with GOD and the Mystery only prevails until there is insight, learning and knowing, and then there is NO MYSTERY. You all want to play games so that you do not have to face responsibility. You go to the fortune tellers, psychics, seers, and possible prophets to get your doom-instructions; no more, no less. "In the stars lays your destiny?" Of course NOT. Your destiny lies within self and responsibility of self. Anything ELSE and you have given someone ELSE dominion over you and your destiny.] Therefore, let us become violent in our attack--spiritually vio­lent. [H: "Violent"? This is an instruction from CHRIST--to be VIOLENT?] Let no single day pass without a confrontation with evil. In the office, factory and clubhouse speak the un­speakable until timid Catholics become ashamed of their silence. In public meetings stand up for virtue, for God and for the things of God. [H: Gosh, what about the non-Catholics?]

At present while international chaos reigns the world is trem­bling on the brink of a Niagara Falls waiting to be swept into the gorge of wrath. If Catholic Europe and America will be domi­nated by atheists and the minions of Satan, blame the traitors in the ranks of christianity who, having ceased being fighters, joined the ranks of the neutrals.

Christ's vindication, in a sense, is in the hands of the con­firmed laity. Nearly 2000 years ago He redeemed us. Today He trusts that we, His militiamen will vindicate Him. As it were, He, the victim of three courts and the perjuring mob, is "out-on-bail", to use an American expression, while He is sit­ting at the right hand of God awaiting the victory of the Para­clete and His militiamen who, drawn up in battalions of rich and poor, of learned and ignorant, operate under the successors of Peter, the Rock, and his fellow apostles. [H: Peter says: "Forgive me, Father, for these wretched and ignorant be­ings."] This is the greatest drama of life as multi-millions of christian citizens enlist in this army. It was the glorious St. Paul [H: Saul of Tarsus.] whose inspired briefing of the troops re­verberates in these final years of our century. He said to all the militiamen to set aside political prudence and secular logic by openly displaying the uniform of a soldier. [H: Set aside politi­cal prudence? Set aside secular LOGIC? These are mutu­ally exclusive terms which CAN have NO meaning whatso­ever--but it does sound like old Saul in action--you know, don't you, that "01' Saul" and "01' Nick" are terms for Sa­tan?]

He wrote: [H: Another misstatement, Paul (Saul) was a loud-MOUTH but he never wrote a tom-fool thing. He was not learned and couldn't write. Oh well, what the heck...]

(Ephesians 6:10-17 [H: Here we go again.])"For the rest, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord and in the might of His power. Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and the Powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness on high. Therefore take up the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of justice and having your feet shod with the readiness of the gospel of peace, in all things taking up the shield of faith, with which you may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salva­tion and the sword of the spirit, that is, the word of God. "

[H: This actually is pretty good and sound advice and you might want to consider it if it didn't come forth from one doing open war and bloodshed among God's creations at the very time of giving forth such good advice.]


I am going to try to get through the next Essay without input and let you consider possibilities. "Try" is a somewhat "iffy" word and remember I said, "I will try..."



Following His Resurrection, Christ walked, talked and lived with His beloved ones for a period of forty historic days which firmed His claim to divinity; a claim which demands as much credibility if not more, than does Caesar's murder or Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. Each precious hour He spent with Peter and the apostles was marked by reasserting truths He disclosed to them during the days of their incredulity. Plans re­lated to their life's work of preaching the gospel to every crea­ture were recalled; warnings of government opposition; predic­tions of martyrdom and ultimate victory over Satan were among the topics discussed.

One prediction appears to have been definite in time, namely His departure from their midst and His replacement by the Para­clete. It is He, the Holy spirit, who will lead an army of falli­ble, weak-willed men into battle; it is He who will re-fashion these disciples into giants and make "other Christs" of the cap­tains and "other Michaels" of the militiamen.

Nine days before Pentecost Jesus invited His loved ones to walk into the hills beyond Jerusalem. There, He planned to bid them farewell. On the slopes of Olivet He paused, lifted His hands as he asked for silence, and began to speak the dramatic, final words which sealed His mission of Truth. "Go into the whole world," said He, "and preach the gospel to every crea­ture. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved but he who does not believe shall be condemned." [H: CHRIST SAID THAT?] (Mark 16:15-16)

If these fishermen were uneducated they were not fools. They realized that "going into the whole world" was no easy task as they calculated the barriers of language, of money and of civil opposition. As if forestalling a further question from Pe­ter, the Saviour quickly added, "These signs shall attend those who believe: In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak in new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall get well." (Mark 16: 17-18) [H: By the way, Mark couldn't write either.] These were the final words spoken by Christ while on Earth.

All He asked in this last request of these soon-to-be apostles was, "Have faith! I will prove there are no barriers in all the world to impede your leadership and victory, if you believe!" [H: No barriers? In the WORLD?"]

Then Christ ascended into the heavens. As the group with Peter stood staring into the clouds angel VOICES were heard saying, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven shall come in the same way as you have seen Him going up to heaven." (Acts 1:10-11) [H: Well, at the time there was NO one known as "Jesus" and I am fascinated by this won­drous Ascension and the voices speaking out of whatever was up there!]

The Ascension, the finale of Christ's mission, gives sub­stance and meaning to the past. It helps us understand why Omnipotence and Omniscience appeared before the three highest courts functioning in Jerusalem; heard the charges levelled against Him; listened to the suborned witnesses perjure them­selves; accepted without a murmur the death sentence, and recorded in rebuttal only one single remark, "Destroy this tem­ple (meaning His body) and in three days I will raise it up again." [H: Who said HE said this?] He must accept death, otherwise He could not have proven His divinity except by con­quering death.[H: Funny thing is that even I can count a dozen OTHER ways to PROVE DIVINITY, none of which would have included any form of "death", for DIVINITY IS LIFE, NOT DEATH.]

And, for the present, is it impudent to ask: In what area are devils being cast out? Who are taking up the serpents of error and heresy? Who are curing the sick by the simple laying on of hands? Or shall some learned theologian rebuke a simple person for daring to quote a simple passage from one of the most im­portant conversations Christ had with the original bishops? These miraculous gifts were bestowed, not only upon Peter and his associates, but upon their busy successors in America, Eu­rope, Africa, Asia and all the world. Let no one contradict this statement without endangering the entirety of Christ's messages to Peter. [H: Whose message to whom?]

By the time the "forty days" had passed Peter and his associ­ates had accepted Christ's prediction of the Paraclete's coming.

For the following nine or ten days they and others, including Mother Mary, gathered in an upper room awaiting the miracle of the Holy Spirit's coming. This event marks the birthday of the Church, the birthday of the apostles and the birthday of sacramentalized militiamen.

[H: Well, I did say I would "try". How many of you, with­out input from people like Nora or Cal B., can define: Para­clete? How about the full definition of Pentecost? I thought not!]

If some persons had raised their eyebrows a year or more earlier when the Saviour said they could cast mountains into the sea, they now believed. Now, with the Holy spirit, they could cast Satan into hell. Doubt disappeared [H: Oh sure, ask Thomas!]; fear gave way to fervor. Quickly all grasped the meaning of the word "Paraclete" [H: There's hope for you; just wait and perhaps you will "quickly grasp" the meaning of "Paraclete" and won't have to waste effort looking it up in yon dictionary.]; they understood how overpowering was the sword of Truth. [H: Obviously they UNDERSTOOD not a twit of anything Truthful.] They were about to become mira­cle men capable of casting all devils, including the Antichrist, into hell--the last sign Christ gave them to confirm and reward their belief!

[H: Are any of you marveling that you made it this far? I do.]

Little did the group realize that the multi-millions of years which passed since Michael subdued Satan were suddenly crowded into this fantastic moment. Nor did they reflect that, just as suddenly, their humble room became the stage whereon all the uncounted battalions of angels assembled to witness their divine Leader's new confrontation where men, not angels, henceforth will be the militiamen.

In a sense the upper room became as important as Bethlehem, as important as Calvary and the empty tomb. Outside this upper room, curious groups of citizens began to gather, first attracted by the flashing sunbeams, then startled by dancing, fiery flames which hovered rhythmically over the roof tiles. [H: WOW!]

Inside, all were on their knees--speechless. They, too, saw tongues of fire like halos upon the heads of each apostle. This was the moment of their consecration, of their being transub­stantiated into miracle men. It was the moment when the wis­dom, understanding and knowledge reserved for heavenly be­ings came to dwell in the minds of these uneducated fishermen. It was the moment when the fortitude of Christ was infused into their pliant wills. It was the moment when time stood still and eternity took over.

The once cursed Earth and its inhabitants are about to be slowly sanctified while hope will be reborn in the army of the militiamen provided the successors of the apostles will have be­lief,

Read, therefore, the unadorned prose penned by St. Luke as he describes Pentecost, the birthday of the Paraclete-on-Earth, the birthday of the episcopate, the birthday of the Church Mili­tant against which, "The gates of Hell shall not prevail":

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as i f a violent wind blowing and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak. " (Acts 2:2-4) [H: Wonder what that could have been?]

Not supernatural faith but a simple, truthful, human knowl­edge of history should be sufficient to certify the factuality and authenticity of this event. Less than two months before, Simon Peter was a liar and a coward; many of the three thousand Jew­ish converts had been so brainwashed by political and ecclesias­tical officials they cried for Barabbas. If one believes in the daily miracle of sunrise he is compelled to accept the story of Pentecost to save his sanity or else cashier all history; condemn all christianity and uphold, under compulsion, the phantom tales of spurious evolution and impossible atheism. Bishops are mir­acle men! [H: Ah, and thank you, sir, for the simple guid­ance, BUT, the SUN DOES NOT RISE! THE EARTH TURNS WHILE THE SUN WAITS.]

Many bishops are too secular minded, too anxious to become materialistic progressives and too lax in "teaching, (the faith) ruling, (a disciplined clergy) and sanctifying or healing a con­fused army. Still they are bishops, still they are the miracle men graced to win no-winnable battles, to overcome insur­mountable barriers. "To cast out devils" including Satan. And more: They are also the hands, hearts, intellects and voices of the Holy Spirit without whose leadership and belief we militia­men will deteriorate into ecclesiastic cannibals prepared to de­vour one another in disunity.

Recollect St. Paul's exhortation to the Ephesians which reads:

"I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, exhort you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one an­other in love, careful to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; one body and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all and throughout all, and in us all."(Eph. 4:1-6) [H: WRONG AGAIN; ONE IS NEVER, NOR CAN ONE BE, A "PRISONER" IN OR WITHIN GOD.]

This Pauline quotation is assiduously avoided by many mod­ern prelates because it defines substantially both a doctrine and an objective of christianity in relation to world culture. It is as­sociated with the word "one".

It is a strict unity totally dissociated from cowardice, and the dual attempt to be both Christ's church and Satan's servant. Christ said, "You are either with Me or against Me; otherwise, if you are lukewarm, I will vomit thee from My mouth." No neutrality, no silence, no compromise. [H: Well now, finally got to something that has meaning.]

Catholic christianity is unbending on the definition and inter­pretation of basic truths. It is unalterably opposed to the modern substitution of the word "many" and the sudden obliteration of "One". For example, neither Paul VI nor his successors can ac­cept two definitions of Christ and nature, two concepts of re­demption and salvation. "One" is the keystone word of christian faith. One Mystical body; One Holy Spirit as its Leader; One deposit of faith or Truth; One commission to induct mankind into one spiritual organization for the salvation of mankind; and One titanic struggle to preserve the bond of the unity under the Holy Spirit. Peace, yes. But not any price, particularly not at the price of compromise; for Truth is indivisible and imperish­able despite the sophistry instituted by those who cry for diver­sity when they really mean "Non Serviam". There cannot be two faiths, two leaders, two strategies, two objectives. Nor can there be a union of good and evil.

The Paraclete has a divine mission to perform, namely the vindication of Christ and the practical annihilation of Satan. It is a mission not of peace but of warfare, not of compromise but of total victory.

It is such an infinite mission that He will enlist human beings to be His aids, yet, should they fail (and they will in part) He will demolish the Earth by His omnipotence rather than suffer Satan to survive and conquer!

Realalistically, He needs no help. Practically He can accept no help in this battle from Satanists, abortionists, atheists; or from any individuals or groups who patronize or prosper intrinsic evil. Neither does He nor could He accept assistance from these junior antichrists. He, the Maker of Life, wrathfully turns on the destroyers of life in this challenge of abortion. In the begin­ning, before Earth was fashioned, Satan miscalculated the Om­niscience of God, the Father, in failing to evaluate the possibil­ity and probability of Mercy. Again Satan has doubly miscal­culated the Omnipotence of the offended Paraclete in his attempt to sanctify abortion under the specious hellish idea of controlling population.


[H: I surely am glad this man is straightening everything out for you and GOD for I thought we had a long way to go. I still think we have a VERY LONG WAY to go!]


Constantly I hear the petition to "have Mercy". God have mercy? When did you show enough mercy to insure a man's living or dying? Where are you when the Earth turns against the Sun and twilight falls in which lives are snuffed out and WRONG CONCEPTS FED THE BABES? Mercy? May SOMEONE finally have a bit of Mercy towards GOD. (???)