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Sept. 21, 2015




SUN., FEB. 1, 1998     1:11 P.M.     YR. 11, DAY 169

SUN, FEB. 1, 1998



[QUOTING, ANTICHRIST, Coughlin (Circa 1970):]




The battle between Christ and Antichrist began, probably, many millions of years before Jesus was born[H: !!]; many thousands of eons, possibly, before Earth and the solar system were created. Little do we know about this except from earliest records there has been a constant contest between good and evil.

Nevertheless, they who accept divine revelation as a factual­ity have translated the words "good and evil" into God and anti-god or Christ and Antichrist.

This basic contest is not a figment of the imagination. Evil surrounds us, engulfs us, and constantly threatens us as we in­cessantly either fight to destroy its invasions or surrender to its advances. It is an actuality of life which both christian and atheist accept.

Only christians seem to have a satisfactory, although re­vealed, explanation for its cause. While they insist God is not the cause of evil but merely permits it, they affirm that where moral evil exists, it is the result of creatures who choose, through their free will, to reject good.

"Christ versus Antichrist" may be an alluring title. Never­theless it neither crystallizes the totality of the stupendous con­test which we are witnessing nor clearly and correctly identifies its armies and leaders. I refer not only to the surface confronta­tion between good and evil but, more particularly, to the com­plicated warfare waged by the Creator on one side and, on the other Satan, a potent spirit-creature.


To skletonize this divine drama, one should define the na­ture of its contestants, the cause of their hostile confrontation, the soldiers they employ and the progress of the war.

The multiple volumes scholars might write on this subject would be unsatisfactory because they would endeavor to encom­pass the techniques and tactics of super intelligent creatures im­measurably superior to human beings, together with the strategy of the infinite mind of God which brooks comprehension.

Yet, we men are in the battle. Brother unsheathes his sword against brother. And every angelic being, also, is involved in the Armageddon which will eternalize the victory of Christ or Antichrist.

[H: Be careful with the next for this can only be one man's PERCEPTION.]

Angels were the first free-willed creatures fashioned by God. The word "angel" is generic, meaning a created personage of a pure, spiritual nature. As the word "animal" comprehends thou­sands of species from a mono-cell germ to a man, so "angel" connotes, possibly, millions of spirit-species from the lowest to the mystical "four" who "grace the throne of the Lord". As creatures, they are endowed with intellects and wills immeasur­ably superior to man's. These personages were created outside heaven with the opportunity of earning entrance into God's abode where His infinite Goodness, Truth, Beauty and Orderli­ness are manifested.[H: You see, if you have wrong defini­tions as accepted, you will err. "Outside of heaven...?" If you only can isolate heaven and Earth where does that leave hell or limboland? We have to be VERY CAREFUL that our perceptions are not passed on as absolute fact. Even when we define "absolute" can we understand "total". You are NOT loved by God "unconditionally"--YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD "ABSOLUTELY". Conditions are a major part OF GOD'S LAWS AND INSTRUCTIONS. I don't want to get sidetracked here, however, because the man has the right concept.]

The entire concept of "angel" is unacceptable in the philoso­phy of the modern pagan. He is sure that science accepts as re­alities only entities of material nature; and is equally certain that in a "God-is-dead" world there is no worthy argument to support that war is being waged by Satan against God, both of whom are expansionist creations of the human mind.

At least, for argument's sake, may we question our material­ists on a point: What lesson does Nature teach us in the totality of creatures with which we are familiar? First, there is a pattern in creation called "hierarchy". I mean it is evident there exist inanimate rocks; then, one step up the ladder, the loosest forms of mono-cell life in the vegetable world; then the lower animal world stretching from the microbe to the highly sensitive ape, dog and elephant; then, the human world possessing all the at­tributes of the entities below--mineral, vegetable, animal--and ascending above them to man with his intellect and will.

Of this the majority of men are certain--all save those who believe without proof that a lower species of non-life can pro­duce a higher species with life. Confessedly, I balk at this be­cause neither reason nor sensitivity can hurdle the axiom that "Nemo dat quod non habet" (One cannot give what he hasn't got.). Not only is reason against these Darwinians and erratic de Chardinists but also is history: Why doesn't this natural phenomenon continue happening today?

HOWEVER, this point is this: Why should God terminate His creation with man? After all, man is part material because of his body; and part spirit because of his intellect and will.

If there is a law of hierarchy stretching from the inanimate stone to the thinking man, why not go further? Why not create a pure spirit independent of matter? The pattern of creation we already know suggests the continuation of the pattern of creation we do not know--but believe, particularly since Christ who rose from the dead by His own power testifies to the truth of an an­gelic creation.

One does not anticipate that millions of materialists after reading the foregoing and the more philosophical contributions of eminent scholars will march to a Catholic church seeking Baptism.


We who also know so little about man know less about an­gels. Nevertheless, in common, some angels and most men, so we believe, share the title of sinner which many human beings forget when they assume that Christ died for the sins of man only. As a matter of fact, He died for the sins both of the "Earth people" and for the sins of the "outer world personages"--the fallen angels. [H: BS SQUARED. HE did not die for ei­ther one. He died, if you will, "OF" the sins--because of the sins, not "for" the sins. YOU had best get THIS LITTLE ERROR IN PERCEPTION CORRECTED RIGHT NOW! YOU PEOPLE MURDERED THE VERY "CONCEPT" OF THE CHRIST AND EVER SINCE YOU HAVE GONE DOWNHILL IN A MAD SUCKING SOUND OF IDIOCY.] As a matter of more important fact, He died not only to redeem and save men, (not fallen angels) but primarily to offer sacrifice to the Godhead who had been infinitely outraged by sins com­mitted both by the fallen angels as well as by men.

[H: Watch this next:]

Possibly, for eons stars and galaxies were being formed from the dust of their predecessors which was pressured and com­pressed into new molten masses. Here scintillated a new PLEIADES; THERE SHOWN PIERCINGLY THE LUS­TROUS JEWEL OF ANDROMEDA; each many times more ponderous than our solar system. On and on, beyond the cal­culations of human minds, the drama of creation continued to unfold itself while myriads of spirit-persons, unable to glimpse the face of God, were privileged to see Him intellectually re­flected in the indescribable expanse of the heavens. [H: How in the world do you suppose this gentle Catholic Priest lived into his eighties, with these concepts, in that narrow and re­stricted atmosphere of the Holy Church of Rome?]

Satan, the super-minded angel, was there as were Michael, Gabriel and the uncounted royalty of the Seraphim. [H: There is no ROYALTY off your physical place.] They were capable of translating the glory of the material universe into its proper dimensions. "If this sublime orchestration of majesty, power, beauty and science evolves from particles of dust, through a hidden power of synthesis, how potent must be the mind of the Super Scientist who effected it? [H: !!!] HE MUST BE OM­NIPOTENT! HE MUST BE OMNISCIENT! HE MUST BE THE FOUNTAIN OF BEAUTY! HE MUST BE GOD, THE INFINITE, THE UNCAUSED CAUSE OF ALL BEINGS!" [H: Are we actually getting somewhere now?]

It is presupposed, in speculation, that if, at a later date, God's revelations were made through prophets, priests and kings to human beings, likewise secrets in this distant past were re­vealed to the angels--secrets which these spirits, by themselves, were incapable of discovering or fully understanding.

It is also speculated that two tremendous mysteries were re­vealed to the angels; one, the Trinity and the other, the Incarna­tion. Upon the acceptance or rejection of these two mysteries, it is further speculated, the entrance of the angels into the throne room of God's glory and majesty depended. Their rejection of these mysteries meant disaster.

Even the mind of the mightiest angel is not so perfected as to comprehend how Three Persons can be in One God or how two natures, human and divine, can be in one person. These are God's secrets not revealed by Him and not understandable by created intellects any more than one could pour the Atlantic Ocean into a fairy's thimble.

Satan rejects these Godly secrets as philosophical contradic­tions. And again, there are other contradictions, thought he, which are unsolved in the Incarnation.

At this point Satan, possibly, began to define both the power and limitations of man."Man, part star, part spirit; man composed of flesh, blood and bone destined to depend for his exis­tence upon the lower animal and vegetable kingdom; man unable to survive for a day without air, water and sunshine! If Christ is born as a man, therefore I will not adore Him!"

These and a multitude of decisions Satan flashed to his fellow angels who gathered about him as he voiced his rebellious "non-­serviam" .


Here, then, is infinite rebellion. Here is the birth of evil. Or more correctly, here is the beginning of evil; for evil is the con­tradiction of good. In a moment the unknown planet of hell was created. In an instant, Michael, the Archangel, unsheathing the sword of God's Truth entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit, sub­dued both the mighty Satan and his followers. Crashing into hell went the power, splendor and hopes of these indescribable creatures who preferred pride and self to humility and God! Disobedience to God's authority is the cradle of all evil.

Satan, although in hell, dreamed of destroying the Christ-to­-be even though He was still millions of centuries unborn.

Let us recall the Scripture upon which I base these thoughts: the date is fixed about 29 A.D.; John the Baptist is preaching on the banks of the Jordan. Curious and devout crowds stand in rapt attention as they listen to him tell the story of Isaias who both predicted the Virgin Birth of the Messias and the prophecy of His passion as if it had transpired but yesterday. [H: If you WRITE both the start and the end of the play what think ye of what might fall in between?]

Day after day, John's audience was briefed concerning One whose sandals the Baptist was not worthy to unfasten. "It was he," preached John, "who came to placate the Father for the sins of the world, and to redeem the downtrodden children of this Earth--Jew and Gentile alike." [H: OUCH! AND JUST WHO WAS THIS "JOHN"? Oh, I see, Baptist? And what or who was a "baptist"? Was this a man or a spirit? If it was "man" it stands to reason that his own reasoning might well have been somewhat clouded by eating nothing but grasshoppers and honey? "But the gospels say----?" WHO wrote the gospels? The BIBLE was not compiled for 300 YEARS after the fact. Then, only four were used from some 28. All share different information so the four chosen were chosen because they reflected what the authorities WANTED TOLD IN A MANNER ENOUGH ALIKE TO BE UNQUESTIONED. Ah, but are there ACTUALLY ANY WRITTEN GOSPELS AT ALL?]

During these days of John's ministry, Christ was baptized. [H: WHO WAS BAPTIZED? "CHRIST" IS A STATE OF BEING--A SPIRITUAL DEFINITION OF A GOOD STATE OF BEING. CHRIST WOULD NEVER NEED BAPTIZING FOR THAT IS A CONCEPT OF ACTION AND THOUGHT--NOT A "MAN". If this studied man can err in total concept is it not possible that 2000 years ago somebody else just might have perceived something incorrectly? Oh, I see, you instructed followers MUST NOT QUESTION EVEN OUTLANDISH AND STUPID PRESENTATIONS.] At the ceremony John's audience heard a resounding voice from heaven crying out, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Jerusalem heard it. The Pharisees heard it. And, above all, Satan in the depths of hell heard it. [H: My good­ness, THAT was a loud voice to be sure.]

Suddenly Satan became aware that Isaias and David who pre­dicted the advent of the Messias, were more than poets. "They," he exclaimed, "were inspired messengers of God. Their prophetic voices have come to challenge my conquest of Earth and its inhabitants. This Jesus [H: WHO?], therefore, must either adore me and be destroyed or I must be crushed and forced to say "Thou are God!" [H: And so it went and through the years this later-created non-entity "Jesus" did, in their speakings, come to totally adore Satan and upon the lie was built the temple of Satan and the capstone of the pyramid was set to confound all who would come for the re­ligions would preach of this "Jesus" while never again turn­ing to Esu ("Jesu") Immanuel and certainly having NOTH­ING to do with CHRIST.]

Thus, the hour of truth had arrived and so had the hour for action. Satan's first encounter with Christ is at hand.

In modest prose we read of it in the Fourth chapter of Matthew [H: WHO?]: (Matt. 1-11)'Then Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, 'If thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. ' But he answered and said, 'It is written, Not by bread alone does man live, but by ev­ery word that comes forth from the mouth of God. '" [H: WRONG AGAIN. It is by bread and things necessary to the flesh of man that he lives, literally. The SOUL of man lives by the WORD for it needs no food; it only needs thought.]

"Then the devil took him into the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, 'If thou are the Son of God, throw thyself down; for it is written, He will give his angels charge concerning thee; and upon their hands they shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. ' Jesus said to him, 'It is written further [H: WRITTEN?],Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. [H: My goodness that "devil" was a busy hunk taking this man everywhere from the spire of the tem­ple which must have been most uncomfortable to run­ning him all over the wilderness like a stupid sheep and parrot. You are talking about a CHRIST? Come on people, even YOU might say enough is enough already and a CHRIST would not bite in the first place. So, who is presented as the actual FOOL in this little pic­ture drawn to suck you in?] And he said to him, 'All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. ' Then Jesus said to him, 'Begone, Satan! for it is written, The Lord thy God shalt thou worship and Him only shalt thou serve. ' Then the devil left him; and be­hold, angels came and ministered to him."

[H: My, my, and it took him all that time to say no? CHRIST? And YOU believe this bunch of BS as if it is TRUTH? How long will it take YOU, people of the LIE?]

Unfortunately, this significant drama has not been empha­sized sufficiently either in pulpit or press. [H: How can this be emphasized "sufficiently" when it is not TRUTH? Somebody "out there" will see through the lies and bury the preacher. You base your entire lives and souls on lies and then com­plain that someone doesn't stress the "significant" lies?] But there it stands in the record of christianity. Call it the first foray in the Battle of Armageddon, if you will. Whatever name one gives it, the gauntlet has been thrown down as error sets out to overcome truth, hatred to destroy love, ugliness to vanquish beauty, chaos to dispel order and Satan to become the Prince of this world for all eternity.

[H: Yep, all that and more because the teachers of the teachers TEACH LIES!]

This earthly beginning of the drama began multi-millions of eons ago [H: Yes, and that is why you can't have truth here for it fits so nicely with the Satanic plan as to stretch even the Devil's imaginings], possibly, long before Earth had been firmed and coalesced from the dust of countless, fragmented planets. It will not end until Earth, the battleground, will be­come devastated, depopulated and un-habitable, either from nat­ural causes of planetary attrition or by a positive act of God. But surely and certainly it will come to pass. [H: NO, it will NOT come to pass. GOD does not need a "battleground" and certainly would not cause upheaval to his precious cre­ations. The fragments of Satan in the LIES, will make the Earth a battleground and blow it to Hell where the energies of this warped plan are destined to be anyway.]

Meanwhile, as Scripture informs us[H: Here we go again with those Scriptures out of the tampered book.], there are the blessed spirits--Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Powers, the Virtues of the Heavens, Cherubim and Seraphim [H: WHO SAID?]--who bowed their intellects and wills to the ineffable secrets which the Omniscient God re­vealed to them. For eons they have been enjoying His vision face to face. In the indescribable horrors of hell are the rebels who joined Satan in his "non serviam".

Beyond Earth-time even though galaxies and stars will con­tinue their orbiting around the immovable, motionless centrum of God, this war will have ceased, Satan will have been defeated and God will be victorious for eternity.

[H: NO AGAIN! What a nice thought? How dare you or anyone else of MAN's ilk decide what GOD IS and pro­nounce the above upon anything, and much the less, eter­nity. If the galaxies and stars will continue their orbiting, then there will always be the presence of both the concept of good and evil for both are birthed (created) by the THOUGHT OF GOD'S PROJECTIONS. This old concept of "God will be victorious for eternity" concludes that all will live, like the fairy princess, happily ever after. People, FROM THE LIES CANNOT COME TRUTH! TRUTH IS--AND IS, FROM THE BEGINNING THROUGH THE END­ING--EXCEPT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BEGIN­NING OR AN END.]


I really don't know how much of this we will utilize, perhaps all 12 essays for they, in themselves, are such teaching tools, but tedious and some things cannot be left to be stated "as fact". But WHERE are we in instructions? We have been at this al­most a decade now from JUST this keyboard and you don't seem any closer to understanding that THE BAD DEAL WAS DUMPED ON YOU, FINALLY, WHEN IT WAS ALLOWED THAT SATAN USURP THE VERY CHRIST. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE WAS A JESUS? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THERE WAS EVEN AN IM­MANUEL? THESE WRITERS WHO TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE, AND CERTAINLY THE TRANSLATORS, WERE NOT THERE EITHER! You are given hocus-pocus wadded into book bindings and in direct confrontation to every other re­ligion yet, and accept it like sheep to slaughter. Even the Jews adamantly rejected this "Christ" being dumped on them. It was not until it became handy to bring forth the JUDEO-CHRIS­TIAN combination that JESUS became even a recognized per­son of any kind. HOW DARE YOU DUMP YOUR TRASH UPON THIS PERFECT TEACHER? YOU ERR GREATLY IN YOUR IGNORANCE.

One thing this author is right about--and the Satanists know it as well--is GOD WINS and HELL BECOMES. You help build Hell and you shall be left within its limitations and that, people, is a promise. You so-called "Christians", if Heysoos (Jesus, that Greek character of Saul's) is THE BEST TOOL FOR TAKEOVER EVER INVENTED TO "GETCHA"--what ever happened to that nice Esu Immanuel, the Great Teacher? Oh well...!

Why don't you "thinking" people with the GIFT of reason and logic (and choices)--THINK? GOD SAYS IT IS ALRIGHT!

How much longer will we make you uncomfortable and miser­able while you have to "think about it"? Not much longer, for the hourglass is empty. Salu.     ADONAI.