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Feb. 3, 2015




FRI., MAY 27, 1994      9:16 A.M.      YEAR 7, DAY 284

FRI., MAY 27, 1994


How many times have I reminded you that the Russians are coming? No, I do not say this Russian or that Russian is due to land on such and such a day at such and such a time. However, good readers, I HAVE TOLD YOU. Now why do I go through that tacky old trick of "I told you so"? Because I am ASKED again and again--by readers who have been with us for years. No, it is not what you think from any presentation of the media, so far. However, in many instances IT IS WORSE! President Reagan SURRENDERED to the SOVIET UNION some NINE YEARS AGO, and confirmed, according to information for­warded to this location years ago and updated in the Spring. A document has now resurfaced and comes now "today" through the APFN HQ FAX. (By the way, how many of you are help­ing Ken Vardon/APFN, 3230 E. Flamingo Rd. #22, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121, STAY ALIVE?) Readers, this is a time, a final time, to help keep your people and your nation alive. To stay in operation APFN MUST be operated AS A HOBBY--it cannot even charge for service!! You must show appreciation through DONATION or it will be shut down! We are all being forced into the SAME POSITION. You cannot assume that OTHER PEOPLE are paying for the fight to save AMERICA--it isn't happening! A few give everything they ever had or ever shall, to this task, even to the loss of property and even life.


CONTACT, now the most read paper in the world, is still the least subscribed to paper--everyone is terrified of being on the subscription list. Why? Portions of it are, today, being utilized right in Congressional Banking Committee--on live TV! And, even the Congressmen use YOUR money to reprint the paper and scatter it to everywhere and everyone in Washington--with­out subscribing!


Now I want to give you a few numbers to ponder and consider how many copies of CONTACT could be furnished for a tiny portion of what is totally wasted and "blown" (pun intended). Here are just a couple of interesting grants issued right out of Washington D.C.:


$19 MILLION to examine gas emissions from cow flatu­lence.


$144,000 to see if pigeons follow human economic laws.


$219,000 to teach college students how to watch television.


$160,000 to study if you can hex an opponent by drawing an "X" on his chest...!


Oh, and let us not miss the $57,000 spent by the Executive Branch for gold-embossed playing cards on Air Force Two.


I might well concur with the intelligence of spending some mea­sure of funding on relieving your "energy" supply crisis by studying the gas emissions emanating from the belching and flatulence of CONGRESS AND WASHINGTON PARTIES IN GENERAL; however, YOU AS A NATION, are to the end of your golden rope pipe-dream. Even surrender to a foreign power is done with such subtle ploy as to cause you to think you are helping a needy brother--whilst you KILL your own families.


We will just offer the rewrite from THE DOVE, P.O. Box 41001, Sacramento, Calif. 95841:





Some nine years ago we broke the news in The Dove that President Reagan had been forced' to surrender to the Soviet Union. Most people did not believe us.


[H: Reagan also, about six or seven years ago (and some of YOU report seeing it as well as it being shown AGAIN within the last month), was on TELEVISION and suggested the Soviets and the U.S. JOIN FORCES (MILITARY) TO FIGHT THE COMMON ENEMY COMING, NOW, FROM OUTER-SPACE. I.E.: SPACE ALIENS!]


The surrender terms stated that Reagan had five years dismantle the military forces of the United States and submit to the Soviet Union or face total .destruction. At the time the Soviets had developed a laser defense which was able to knock out 95% of all U.S. missiles and bombers if we had tried to attack them. At this same time the United States had worked on a similar program called "Star Wars", but it was not yet in operation. The Soviets demonstrated their ability by shooting down the U.S. Space Shuttle with a laser, and also shooting down several U.S. rockets carrying military satellites, launched from Vanden­berg Air Force Base.


[H: If you have kept up with our writings from onset--you will further KNOW, as did those who followed Dr. Peter Beter's work long before ours--that ALL your first Shuttles were destroyed. This was known "up-front" so the teams of personnel never were put into space but rather shipped to Australia and flown back aboard duplicate Shuttles. YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE!]


It is important for you to understand that the Soviet Union has been governed, since the communist takeover, by the World Government and used as a "dummy front" to force the rest of the world into submission to a coming world dictator. The World Government then used a new technique when the five years were up. The Soviet Union collapsed and the American taxpayers were forced to pick up the tab and care for not only the Soviets, but for all the collapsing communist satellite na­tions. Then the American people were told that the cold war was over and the West had won. But here are the facts: Our money was and is being sent to the former Soviet Union, in­cluding all our technology, which could not have happened previously. The Soviet Union is now being rebuilt by the West. We are rebuilding their entire industrial base, their mines, oil fields, refineries, electric grid, nuclear reactors, and they are becoming joint partners with NASA.


They never had to fire one shot, never had to send a soldier to attack us, because we are policing ourselves, paying tribute to them and stripping our land of all our assets. The American people have been led into the smartest trap ever sprung on a people. WE LOST THAT WAR, BUT BELIEVE THAT WE WON IT.


Mikhail Gorbachev no longer rules from Moscow, he is now ruling from San Francisco. He was rewarded by the World'" Government and received a better job with greater benefits. We are reproducing the information package from the Gorbachev Foundation on the following pages. When you read the article you can come to your own conclusion. Is it a coincidence that Gorbachev is in charge of deciding what should be done with closed American military bases in America?


Gorbachev is ruling from the old Army base, The Presidio, in San Francisco, California. Read the document and weep. It is all over folks! We have lost our land. The question now is--shall our nation also lose its soul, or will we as a nation resist before it is too late???




Well, there you have the observations of this insightful and ob­servant American. I would note, however, for you who think all RUSSIANS are your enemy, there is one who still wields power in conjunction with a "group" who still can push a few buttons--Shevardnadze.


* * *


Let us move from this subject and again discuss constitutions and world domination. We have offered the Newstates Constitution and we have stressed the PLAN and functioning in districts of both country and WORLD--however, here is a grand outlay of A CONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD. The document sent to us from Florida can be obtained in reprint form from the Committee to Restore the Constitution. However, portions of the full document are not offered and therefore we have no address. Only half of the article is presented here and the remainder is expected to be printed in June. We will effort to get that for you at that time. We will not, however, wait to present this material. I believe we can count on our "2x6" friend to send us the other half. He refers to himself as "2x6" because he said that somehow it took "more than a 2x4 to get his attention!"(We now have the full document and it is presented below.)






Published by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (1965) financed by the Fund for the Republic, a Ford Foundation Agency.


Formerly located in Santa Barbara, California, the Center appointed socialist-oriented University of Denver Chancellor Maurice B. Mitchell as new head and merged with the 'Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado [H: Check the Committee of 300 information.],a world government policy promotion agency. Aspen Institute Chairman is Robert O. Anderson, chief executive officer, Atlantic Richfield Company; member, Committee for Economic Development (laid the ground-work for regional government), and advisory board member, Institute for Interna­tional Education.


This is an initiative for a World Constitution launched in California 20 December, 1993 as "Philadelphia II", to qualify for 8 November 1994 general elections. [H: PAY ATTENTION AND GO BACK AND RE-READ THAT SENTENCE!] (See, "U.N. One World Government by Convention", page 6, March 1994 bulletin, Committee to Restore the Constitution.)







The people of the earth having agreed that the advancement of man in spiritual excellence [H: Oh BARF!] and physical welfare [H: Oh BARF-BARF!] is the common goal of mankind; that universal peace is the prerequisite for the pursuit of that goal; that justice in turn is the prerequisite of peace, and peace and justice stand or fall together; that iniquity and war inseparable spring from the competitive anarchy of the national states; that therefore the age of nations must end; and the era of humanity begin; the governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties in one government of justice, to which they surrender their arms and to establish, as they do establish, the Constitution as the covenant and fundamental law of the Federal Republic of the World. [H: No, this is not a joke! This is the real potato(e)! Here is an excellent example of the way to discern TRUTH from a presentation from these anti-Christ One Worlders: Turn every statement they make into its total opposite--and you will find the truth within the opposite result. There is a conjured humorous "law" set forth by a Dr. Galumbos, an astrophysicist who has labeled a theory into The Law of the Bureaucracy which states: "If the bureaucracy states an intent and moves upon that intent toward a stated 'goal' the law is that they will produce the EXACT OPPOSITE of that which they describe." It is worthy of note and attention and all productions from that resource should be measured by this LAW!]




A.  The universal government of justice as covenanted and pledged in this Constitution is founded on the Rights of Man.


The principles underlying the Rights of Man are and shall be permanently stated in the Duty of everyone everywhere, whether a citizen sharing in the responsibilities and privileges of World Government or a ward and pupil of the World Commonwealth:


To serve with word and deed, and with productive labor according to his ability, the spiritual and physical advancement of the living and of those to come, as the common cause of all generations of men; to do unto others as he would like others to do unto him; to abstain from violence, except for the repulse of violence as commanded or granted under law.


B.  In the context therefore of social duty and service, and in conformity with the unwritten law which philosophies and religions alike called the Law of Nature and which the Republic of the World shall strive to see universally written and enforced by positive law: It shall be the right of everyone everywhere to claim and maintain for himself and his fellowmen: Release from the bondage of poverty and from the servitude and exploitation of labor, which rewards and security according to merit and needs; freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, in any creed or party or craft, within the pluralistic unity and purpose of the World Republic; protection of individuals and groups against subjugation and tyrannical rule, racial or national, doctrinal or cultural, with safeguards for the self-determination of minorities and dissenters; and any such other freedoms and franchises as are inherent in man's inalienable claims to life, liberty, and the dignity of the human person, and as the legislators and judges of the World Republic shall express and specify.


C. The four elements of life--earth, water, air, energy--are the common property of the human race. The management and use of such portions thereof as are vested in or assigned to particular ownership, private or corporate or national or regional, of definite or indefinite tenure, of individualist or collectivist economy, shall be subordinated in each and all cases to the interest of the common good.




1.  The jurisdiction of the World Government as embodied in its organs of power shall extend to:


a. the control of the observance of the Constitution in all the component communities and territories of the Federal World Republic, which shall be indivisible and one;

b. the furtherance and progressive fulfillment of the Duties and Rights of Man in the spirit of the foregoing Declaration, with their specific enactment in such fields of federal and local relations as are described hereinafter (Art. 27 through 33.);

c. the maintenance of peace; and to that end the enactment and promulgation of laws which shall be binding upon communities and upon individuals as well,

d. the judgment and settlement of any conflicts among component units, with prohibition of recourse to interstate violence,

e. the supervision of and final decision on any alterations of boundaries between new states or unions thereof.

f. the supervision of and final decision on the forming of new states or unions thereof,

g. the administration of such territories as may still be immature for self-government, and the declaration in due time of their eligibility therefor,

h. The intervention in intrastate violence and violations of law which affect world peace and justice,

i. the organization and disposal of federal armed forces,

j. the limitation and control of weapons and of the domestic militias in the several component units of the World Republic;

k. The establishment, in addition to the Special Bodies listed hereinafter (Art. 8 and 9) of such other agencies as may be conducive to the development of the earth's resources and to the advancement of physical and intellectual standards, with such advisory or initiating or arbitrating powers as shall be determined by law;

1. The laying and collecting of federal taxes, and the establishment of a plan and a budget for federal expenditures,

m. the administration of the World Bank and the establishment of suitable world fiscal agencies for the issue of money and creation and control of credit.

n. the regulation of commerce affected with federal interest,

o. the establishment, regulation, and, where necessary or desirable, the operation of means of transportation and communication which are the federal interest;

p. The supervision and approval of laws concerning emigration and immigration and the movements of peoples,

q. the granting of federal passports;

r. The appropriation, under the right of eminent domain, of such private or public property as may be necessary for federal use, reasonable compensation being made therefor;

s. The legislation over and administration of the territory which shall be chosen as Federal District and of such other territories as may be entrusted directly to the Federal Government.


2. The powers not delegated to the World Government by this Constitution, and not prohibited by it to the several members of the Federal World Republic, shall be reserved to the several states or nations or unions thereof.





3. The sovereignty of the Federal Republic of the World resides in the people of the world. The primary powers of the World Government shall be vested in:

a. the Federal Convention,

b. the President

c. the Council and the Special Bodies,

d. the Grand Tribunal, the Supreme Court, and the Tribune of the People,

e. the Chamber of Guardians.


4. The Federal Convention shall consist of delegates elected directly by the people of all states and nations, one delegate for each million of population or fraction thereof above one-half million, with the proviso that the people of any extant state,...ranging between 100,000 and 1,000,000, shall be entitled to elect one delegate, but any such state with a population below 100,000 shall be aggregated for federal electoral purposes to the electoral unit closest to its borders.


The delegates to the Federal Convention shall vote as individuals, not as members of national or otherwise collective representations [except as specified hereinafter, Art. 46, paragraph 2, and Art. 47].


The Convention shall meet in May of every third year, for a session of thirty days.


5. The Federal Convention shall subdivide into nine Electoral Colleges according to the nine Societies of kindred nations and cultures, or Regions, wherefrom its members derive their powers, such Regions being:


1. The continent of Europe and its islands outside the Russian area, together with the United Kingdom if the latter so decides, and with such overseas English--or French--or Cape Dutch-speaking communities of the British Commonwealth of Nations or the French Union as decide to associate (this whole area tentatively denominated Europa);

2. the United States of America, with the United Kingdom if the latter so decides, and such kindred communities of British, or Franco-British, or Dutch-British, or Irish civilization and lineage as decide to associate (Atlantis);

3. Russia, European and Asiatic with such East-Baltic or Slavic or South-Danubian nations as associate with Russia (Eurasia);

4. the Near and Middle East, with the states of North Africa, and Pakistan if the latter so decides (Afrasia);

5. Africa, south of the Sahara, with or without the South African Union as the latter may decide;

6. India, with Pakistan if the latter so decides;

7. China, Korea, Japan, with the associate archipelagoes of the North- and Mid-Pacific (Asia Major);

8. Indochina and Indonesia, with Pakistan if the latter so decides, and with such other Mid- and South-Pacific lands and islands as decide to associate (Austrasia);

9. the Western Hemisphere south of the United States (Columbia)


Each Electoral College shall nominate by secret ballot not more than three candidates, regardless of origin, for the office of President of the World Republic. The Federal Convention in plenary meeting, having selected by secret ballot a panel of three candidates from the list submitted shall elect by secret ballot one of the three as president, on a majority of two-thirds.


If three consecutive ballots have been indecisive, the candidate with the smallest vote shall be eliminated and between the two remaining candidates a simple majority vote shall be


6. Each Electoral College shall then nominate by secret and proportional ballot twenty-seven candidates, originating from the respective Electoral Area or Region for the World council; with the proviso that one-third and not more than one-third of the nominees shall not be members of the Federal Convention; anal the nine lists having been presented to the Federal Convention, the Federal Convention in plenary meeting shall select by secret and proportional ballot nine Councilmen from each list, with the same proviso as above.


The Federal Convention shall also elect by secret and proportional ballot, on nominations, prior to the opening of the Convention, by such organizations of world-wide importance and lawfully active in more than three Regions as shall be designated [for the first election by the United Nations Assembly and subsequently] by the council, eighteen additional members, regardless of origin; and the total membership of the World Council shall be thus ninety-nine.


7.  The primary power to initiate and enact legislation for the Federal Republic of the World shall be vested in the Council.


The tenure of the Council shall be three years.


The Council shall elect its Chairman, for its whole tenure of three years,


Councilors shall be re-eligible.


8. Within the first three years of World Government the Council and the President shall establish three Special Bodies, namely:


a. a House of Nationalities and States, with representatives from each, for the safeguarding of local institutions and autonomies and the protection of minorities;


b. a Syndical or functional Senate, for the representation of syndicates and unions or occupational associations and any other corporate interests of transnational significance, as well as for mediation or arbitration in non justifiable issues among such syndicates or unions or other corporate interests;


c. an Institute of Science, Education and Culture;


Each of the three bodies with such membership and tenures and consultative or preparatory powers as shall be established by law and with no prejudice to the establishment of other advisory or technical agencies in accordance with the purposes stated hereinbefore (Art. 1, k).


9. Within its first year the World Government shall establish a Special Body, to be named Planning Agency, of twenty-one members appointed by the President, subject to vetoes by two-thirds of the Council, for tenures of twelve years [except that the terms for the initial membership shall staggered by lot, with one-third of it, seven members, ceasing from office and being replaced every fourth year].


It shall be the function of the Planning Agency to envisage the income of the Federal Government and to prepare programs and budgets for expenditures, both for current needs and for long-range improvements. These programs and budgets shall be submitted by the President, with his recommendations, to the Council, as provided hereinafter (Art. 13).


Plans for improvement of the world's physical facilities, either public or private, and for the productive exploitation of resources and inventions shall be submitted to the Agency or to such Development Authorities or regional sub-agencies as it may establish. The Agency shall pass judgment on the social usefulness of such plans.


Members of the Planning Agency shall not be re-eligible nor shall they, during their tenure in the Agency, have membership in any other federal body.


10. The executive power, together with initiating power in federal legislation, shall be vested in the President. His tenure shall be six years.


The President shall not have membership in the Council.


The President shall not be re-eligible. He shall not be eligible to the Tribunate of the People until nine years have elapsed since the expiration of his term.


No two successive Presidents shall originate from the same Region.


11. The President shall appoint a Chancellor. The Chancellor, with the approval of the President, shall appoint the Cabinet.


The Chancellor shall act as the President's representative before the Council in the exercise of legislative initiative. The Chancellor and the Cabinet members shall have at any time the privilege of the floor before the Council.


But no Chancellor or Cabinet member shall have a vote or shall hold membership in the Council, nor, if he was a member of the Council at the moment of his executive appointment, shall he be entitled to resume his seat therein when leaving the executive post unless he be re-elected at a subsequent Convention.


No one shall serve as Chancellor for more than six years, nor as Cabinet member for more than twelve, consecutive or not.


No three Cabinet members at any one time and no two successive Chancellors shall originate from the same Region.


The Council shall have power to interrogate the Chancellor and the Cabinet and to adopt resolutions on their policies.


The Chancellor and the Cabinet shall resign when the President so decides or when a vote of no confidence by the absolute majority of fifty or more of the Council is confirmed by a second such vote; but no second vote shall be taken and held valid if less than three months have elapsed from the first.


12. The sessions of the Council, as well as those of the Grand Tribunal and the Supreme Court, shall be continuous, except for one yearly recess of not more than ten weeks or two such recesses of not more than five weeks each, as the body concerned may decide.


* * * * * * * *


Yes, we have previously run THE FIRST 12 POINTS OF the following "Constitution for the World", also. Somehow you readers don't hold to the information very long. I feel it impor­tant enough to interrupt the current lessons on your own Con­stitution of the United States of America and the EXPLANA­TION OF SAME through the Federalist Papers, to ask Dharma to finish off the document in this writing. It would have been about a month ago that the first portion was offered. We will take up directly with NUMBER 13 and will ask that you refer back to the first portion as priorily offered.





13. The budget of the World Government, upon recommendation by the Planning Agency, shall be presented every three years by the President of the Council, which shall pass it, or reject it in whole titles, by majority vote; the same procedure to apply when at other intervals the President requests additional appropriations or approval of changes.


14. Any legislation of the Council can be vetoed by the President within thirty days of its passage. But the Council can overrule the veto if its new vote, by a majority of two-thirds, finds support, within sixty days of the President's action, in the majority of the Grand Tribunal [and no such support shall be required during the tenure of the first president].


15. The President can be impeached on grounds of treason to the Constitution, or usurpation of power, or felony, or insanity, or other disease impairing permanently his mind.


The vote of impeachment shall be final when three-quarters of the Council and three-quarters of the Grand Tribunal concur and the majority of the Supreme Court validates the legality of the proceedings.


If a President is impeached or resigns or dies in the interval between two sessions of the Federal Convention, the Chairman of the Council shall become Acting President until the new Con­vention elects a new President; and the Council shall elect a new Chairman.





16. The supreme judiciary power of the World Republic shall be vested in a Grand Tribunal of sixty Justices, with the President of the World Republic as Chief Justice and Chairman, and the Chairman of the Council as Vice-Chairman ex officio.


The President as Chief Justice shall appoint the Justices of the Grand Tribunal and fill the vacancies, subject to vetoes by the Council on majorities of two-thirds. He shall have power to overrule any such veto if he finds support in a two-thirds major­ity of the Justices in office [except that no such power shall be vested in the first President].


No one, except the Chairman of the Council, shall hold membership at the same time in the Council and the Tribunal: nor shall a Chancellor or Cabinet member hold membership in the Tribunal or be eligible to it until six years have elapsed from the termination of his executive office.


17. The tenure of the Chief Justice and Chairman and of the Vice-Chairman of the Grand Tribunal shall be the time of their tenure of office respectively as President of the. World Republic and as Chairman of the Council.


The President shall have power to appoint an Alternate, sub­ject to approval by the Grand Tribunal, for the exercise of such of his functions in the judiciary branch and for such a time within his tenure as he may decide.


The tenures of the sixty Justices shall be fifteen years [except that the terms for the initial membership shall be staggered by lot, with one-fifth of it, twelve Justices, ceasing from office and being replaced every third year].


Justices of the Grand Tribunal shall not be re-eligible, except that a Justice appointed as Chancellor or Cabinet member, hav­ing resigned his membership in the Tribunal, shall be re-eligible to it for the unfulfilled portion of his tenure when six years have elapsed from the termination of his executive office.


18. The sixty Justices shall be assigned twelve to each of five Benches:


The First Bench to deal with constitutional issues between the primary organs and powers of the World government as well as with all issues and cases in which the Tribune of the People shall decide to appear in his capacity of World Attorney and defender of the Rights of Man;

the Second Branch to deal with issues and conflicts between the World Government and any of its component units, whether single states or unions thereof or Regions, as well as with issues and conflicts of component units of the World Republic among themselves;

the Third Bench to deal with issues and conflicts between the World Government and individual citizens or corporations or unions or any other associations of citizens;

the Fourth Bench to deal with issues and conflicts among component units, whether single states or unions of states or Re­gions, and individual citizens or corporations or unions or any other associations of citizens when such issues and conflicts af­fect the interpretation or enactment of federal law;

the Fifth Branch to deal with issues and conflicts, when they affect the interpretation and enactment of federal law, either among individual citizens or among corporations, unions, syndicates, or any other collective organizations of citizens and inter­ests.

Each Region shall be represented in each Bench by at least one member and not more than two.


[H: Is EVERYONE picking up the use of the term "REGION" instead of "State"?]


19. The Supreme Court shall be of seven members; five representing one each Bench, with the Chief Justice as their Chairman and the Chairman of the Council as their Vice-Chairman ex officio; and the active membership of the Benches shall thus remain of eleven each.


No two members of the Supreme Court shall originate from the same Region.


The representatives of the Benches in the Supreme Court shall be elected by secret vote of the Grand Tribunal in plenary session, with each Justice casting a ballot for five candidates, one from each Bench, and with those candidates elected who have obtained the largest vote, except that any presumptive electee shall be held ineligible whose assignment to the Court would duplicate the representative therein of any one Region or Bench.


If the first vote fails to fill all seats, the vote shall be repeated according to the same regulations.


The tenures of the members of the Supreme Court shall be; for the Chairman and Vice-chairman the same as their tenures of office respectively as President of the World Republic and as Chairman of the Council, and for the other members six years, at the end of which each of the five elected by the Grand Tri­bunal may be re-elected or shall be restored to the Bench whereof he was the delegate; but no justice shall sit in the Court beyond his regular term of membership in the Tribunal; and when the latter term expires before the regular six-year term in the court is completed, or when an elective member of the Court resigns or dies, the Grand Tribunal shall fill the vacancy for the unfilled portion of the term by secret partial election in plenary session, with the same proviso as above in regard to the representation of Regions.


Regions which have not been represented in the Supreme Court for two successive six-year terms shall have mandatory precedence in the elections for the third term.


20. The Supreme Court shall distribute the cases among the five Benches of the Grand Tribunal according to competences as specified hereinbefore [Art. 18].


Cases where compentences overlap or are otherwise doubtful shall be referred to such Bench or Benches jointly as the Supreme Court shall decide.


The Supreme Court shall have power to modify the rules of assignment for the five Benches as specified in Art. 18, subject to approval by the majority of the Council and by a two-thirds majority of the Grand Tribunal concurrently.


21. It shall be the office and function of the Supreme Court to review the decisions of the Benches, within three months of their issuance, said decisions to become effective upon regis­tration by the Court, or, when annulled, to be returned for revision each to the Bench which judged the case, or to another, or to others jointly as the Court may decide; annulment, to be returned for revision each to the Bench which judged the case, or to another, or to others jointly as the Court may decide; annulment to be pronounced in cases of unfair trial or faulty procedure, and also for reasons of substance when final appeal was filed by the losing party, if the Court at its own discretion choose to take cognizance thereof, or by the Tribune of the People, whose demand shall be mandatory.


22. The Grand Tribunal, with the approval of the Supreme Court, shall establish Lower Federal Courts in such number and places as conditions in the component units of the World Re­public shall require, and a Federal Appellate Court in each Re­gion. It shall also determine the rules and competences of such courts, and appoint their officials on the basis of competitive ex­aminations.


23. The President or his Alternate and the Chairman of the Council shall not sit as judges in cases affecting the solution of conflicts between the President and the Council.


The President or Acting President or Alternate, or a Justice or the Chairman of the Council in his capacity of Justice, shall not sit as a judge in cases involving his appointment or im­peachment or demotion or tenure or in any other way affecting his particular interest.


24. No member of the Council or the Grand Tribunal shall be liable to removal from office until a criminal sentence on charges of felony or grave misdemeanor is final. But he shall be suspended from office, pending last recourse to the Grand Tri­bunal, when a sentence of guilty, issued by a lower court, has been confirmed by a Federal Appellate Court.


The Supreme Court shall pronounce final judgment on the le­gality of the proceedings. It shall also pronounce final judgment on the legal validity of elections and appointments to the Council and the Tribunal, and to the offices of President and of Tribune of the People.


25. The President in his capacity of World Chief Justice shall have power of pardon over sentences passed under federal law.





26. The Federal Convention, after electing the Council, shall elect by secret ballot the Tribune of the People as a spokesman for the minorities, this office to be vested in the candidate ob­taining the second largest vote among the eligible candidates; in­eligible to the office of Tribune being any candidate having also been nominated by any Electoral College for the office of Presi­dent in the current Convention, or having been a President or Acting President or Alternate or a member of the Grand Tri­bunal at any time in the nine years preceding said Convention, or originating from the same Region as the President simultane­ously in office.


The Tribune of the People shall not have membership in the Council.


The tenure of the Tribune of the People shall be three years. He shall have power to appoint a Deputy, subject to the same ineligibilities as above, with tenure to expire not later than his own.


He shall not be re-eligible, nor shall he be eligible to the of­fice of President or Alternate or Justice of the Grand Tribunal, until nine years have elapsed from the expiration of his present term.


The Tribune, or his appointed Deputy, shall have the privi­lege of the floor before the Grand Tribunal and, under such reg­ulations as shall be established by law, before the Supreme Court; but no vote in either; and he shall not be present when a vote is taken.


27. It shall be the office and function of the Tribune of the People to defend the natural and civil rights of individuals and groups against violation or neglect by the World Government or any of its component units; to further and demand, as a World Attorney before the World Republic, the observance of the letter and spirit of this constitution; and to promote thereby, in the spirit of its Preamble and Declaration of Duties and Rights, the attainment of the goals set to the progress of mankind by the ef­forts of the ages.


28. No law shall be made or held valid in the World Republic or any of its component units:

1) inflicting or condoning discrimination against race or na­tion or sex or caste or creed or doctrine; or

2) barring through preferential agreements or coalitions of vested interests the access on equal terms of any state or nation to the raw materials and the sources of energy of the earth; or

3) establishing or tolerating slavery, whether overt or covert, or forced labor, except as equitable expiation endured in state or federal controlled institutions and intended for social service and rehabilitation of convicted criminals; or

4) permitting, whether by direction or indirection, arbitrary seizure or search, or unfair trial, or excessive penalty, or appli­cation of ex post fact laws; or

5) abridging in any manner whatsoever, except as a punish­ment inflicted by law for criminal transgression, the citizens ex­ercise of such responsibilities and privileges of citizenship as are conferred on him by law; or

6) curtailing the freedom of communication and information, of speech, of the press and of expression by whatever means, of peaceful assembly, of travel;

paragraphs 5 and 6 to be subject to suspension according to circumstances, universally or locally, in time of emergency im­periling the maintenance and unity of the World Republic; such state of emergency, world-wide or local, to be proposed by the Chamber of Guardians and proclaimed concurrently by a two-thirds majority of the Council and a two-thirds majority of the Grand Tribunal for a period not in excess of six months, to be renewable on expiration with the same procedure for successive periods of six months or less but in no case beyond the date when the time of emergency is proclaimed closed, on the pro­posal of the Chamber of Guardians by simple majority votes of the Council and of the Grand Tribunal concurrently, or if the Guardians' proposal is deemed unduly delayed, by three-quar­ters majority votes of the Council and of the Grand Tribunal concurrently.


29. Capital punishment shall not be inflicted under federal law.


30. Old age pensions, unemployment relief, insurance against sickness or accident, just terms of leisure, and protection to maternity and infancy shall be provided according to the varying circumstances of times and places as the local law may direct.


Communities and states unable to provide adequate social se­curity and relief shall be assisted by the Federal Treasury, whose grants or privileged loans shall be administered under federal supervision.


31. Every child from the age of six to the age of twelve shall be entitled to instruction and education at public expense, such primary six-year period to be obligatory and further education to be accessible to all without discrimination of age or sex or race or class or creed.


Communities and states unable to fulfill this obligation shall be assisted by the Federal Treasury with the same proviso as in Art. 30.


32. All property or business whose management and use have acquired the extension and character of a federal public service, or whereon restrictive trade practices have conferred the character and power of a transnational monopoly, shall become the property of the Federal Government upon payment of a just price as determined by law.


33. Every individual or group or community shall have the right of appeal against unjust application of a law, or against the law itself, gaining access through the inferior courts, local or federal, to the superior and the Grand Tribunal, and securing the counsel and support of the Tribune of the People when the Tri­bune so decides; and, if a law or statute is found evidently in conflict with the guarantees pledged in the foregoing articles or irreparably in contradiction with the basic principles and intents of the World Republic as stated in the Preamble to this Consti­tution and in its Declaration of Duties and Rights, the Grand Tribunal shall have power to recommend to the Supreme Court that such law or statute be declared, and the Supreme Court shall have power to declare it, null and void.


34. The Tribune of the People cannot be impeached except on the same grounds and with the same procedure as specified for the President in Art. 15.


If the Tribune of the People is impeached or resigns or dies, his substitute for the unfulfilled portion of his tenure shall be the candidate to the Tribunate who was next in line in the last Fed­eral Convention, with the same provisions in regard to eligibility as in Art. 26, first paragraph.




35. The control and use of the armed forces of the Federal Republic of the World shall be assigned exclusively to a Chamber of Guardians under the chairmanship of the President, in his capacity of Protector of the Peace. The other Guardians shall be six Councilmen elected by the Council and the Grand Tribunal in Congress assembled, for terms of three years. [But the Grand Tribunal shall not participate in the first election.]


One former President shall also sit in the Chamber of Guardians, the sequence to be determined term for term, or, if he resigns or dies, for the fractional term, according to seniority in the presidential office; he shall have the privilege of the floor in the deliberations of the Chamber, but no vote in its decisions.


Officers holding professional or active rank in the armed forces of the Federal Republic, or in the domestic militia of any component unity thereof, shall not be eligible as Guardians.


36. The election of the six elective Guardians shall be by secret and proportional vote, with each Elector casting a ballot of six names or less; but no three Guardians of the seven, in­cluding the President and excluding the ex-President, shall originate from the same Region; and any presumptive electee whose election would contravene this norm shall be declared in­eligible and replaced by the candidate fulfilling the norm and having obtained the next largest vote.


Regions which have not been represented among the seven Guardians referred to above for two successive three-year terms shall have mandatory precedences in the subsequent elections; but the Guardian or Guardians originating from a nation or Re­gion where sedition against the World Republic is actual or, ac­cording to the majority of the Chamber, imminently expected shall cease from office and be replaced; unless the other Guardians decide unanimously otherwise.


No Guardian can be impeached or in any way suspended or removed from office for any other reason, except on such grounds and with such procedure as specified for the President and the Tribune of the People hereinbefore (Art. 15 and 34), and for the Guardians hereinafter (Art. 38).


If a Guardian resigns or dies or is in any way suspended or removed, his substitute for the unfulfilled portion of the term shall be chosen by partial election, with the same rules and pro­visos as in the first two paragraphs of this article, each elector casting a ballot of one or more names as the number of vacan­cies may be.


37. The Chancellor shall have access to the Chamber of Guardians as Deputy of the President whose vote he shall cast by proxy if the President so decides.


38. Appropriations for the budget of Peace and Defense, under control of the Chamber of Guardians, as proposed by the Chamber at the beginning of each term for the whole duration thereof, shall be submitted by the President to the Council, in conformity with Art. 13. But if a state of emergency is declared, in the manner and limits as specified hereinbefore (Art. 28, last paragraph), the Chamber shall have power to demand and appropriate such additional funds as the emergency demands, subject to auditing and sanction by the Council when the emergency is closed: whereafter, if sanction is denied, the Guardians responsible shall be liable to impeachment and prosecution for usurpation of power with the same procedure as specified for the President and the Tribune of the People hereinbefore (Art. 15 and 34).


39. The Chamber shall have power to propose by absolute majority, subject to approval by two-thirds majority votes of the Council and of the Grand Tribunal concurrently, extraordinary powers, worldwide or local, to be conferred on the President beyond those assigned to him by this Constitution, when a state of emergency, as provided in Art. 28, is proclaimed; such pow­ers not to be granted for periods exceeding six months each and to be relinquished before the expiration of any such period as soon as the state of emergency, in conformity with Art. 28, is proclaimed closed.


40. The Chamber of Guardians shall answer interrogations from the Council on its general and administrative directives, but no vote shall be taken after discussion thereof, except as otherwise provided in Art. 28 and 39; and the decisions of the Chamber in matters technical and strategic shall be final, and withheld from publicity when the Chamber so decides.


41. The Chamber of Guardians, assisted by a General Staff and an Institute of Technology whose members it shall appoint, shall determine the technological and the numerical levels that shall be set as limits to the domestic militias of the single communities and states or unions thereof.


Armed forces and the manufacture of armaments beyond the levels thus determined shall be reserved to the World Govern­ment.





42. Within one year of its foundation the World Republic shall choose a Federal Capitol, or a site therefor, with eminent domain over it and an adequate Federal District.


43. Within three years of its foundation the Federal Government shall designate one language, which shall be standard for the formulation and interpretation of the federal laws; and for analogous purposes, relative to communication, taxation, and finances, it shall establish in its first year a federal unit of currency with a federal system of measures and a federal calendar.




44. Amendments to this Constitution, recommended concurrently by a two-thirds majority of the Council and of the Grand Tribunal, shall be in force when approved by a two-thirds majority of the Federal Convention in the Constitutional Session following the recommendation.


Constitutional Sessions, of thirty days or less, as the discus­sion may require and the majority may decide, shall be held immediately after the ordinary electoral session in the third Fed­eral Convention and thereafter every ninth year.


[But no amendment altering the electoral units as listed in Art. 5, or the assignment to them of seats in the Council and the other Federal bodies, shall be recommended to the first of such Sessions.]




45. The first Federal Convention shall be the Founding Convention...


The ways and means for the convocation of the Founding Convention, and the regulations for its inaugural and voting pro­cedures, shall be determined by the General Assembly of the United Nations.


46. The thirty-day electoral session of the Founding Convention shall be preceded by a preliminary session of thirty days or less for the discussion and approval of this Constitution, such preliminary session to be extended for thirty additional days or less as the discussion may require and the majority may decide.


The delegates of the Founding Convention shall vote individ­ually, and not by delegations; except on the assignment to the nine Electoral Colleges or Regions of such optional states or zones as listed hereinbefore (Art. 5); in which matter the vote of the majority, within the delegation from the state or zone con­cerned, shall be binding upon the minority; and Art. 5 shall be adjusted accordingly.


The Founding Convention having discussed and approved by individual majority vote this Constitution, ratification by collec­tive majorities within as many delegations of states and nations as represent two-thirds of the population of the earth shall be sufficient for the establishment of the Federal Republic of the World.




Daniel E. Lungren, Attorney General, State of California, on 20 December 1993 approved initiative elections to establish global governance at US taxpayers' expense.


"Philadelphia" seeks to overthrow the Constitution of the United Statesand erect a 'New World Order' on the ruins of the Republic in consonance with A CONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD.


Photocopy "Philadelphia II" (19 pages), Initiative, Constitution Amendment and Statute, available from COMMITTEE TO RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, INC., P.O. Box 986, Ft. Collins. CO 80522: $5.00.