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Jan. 19, 2015






THU., MAY 19, 1994     4:44 P.M.     YEAR 7, DAY 276


THU., MAY 19, 1994


As life unfolds and in this day a man like Ronn Jackson or oth­ers of the same ilk appear, it seems that the truth simply cannot be so....And then as time passes the public forgets--the exact thing planned by THE planners. You NEVER knew truth about your space program and all the writing we have offered has not changed that greatly. I realize it is difficult to think in terms of Cosmospheres and deadly "killer" satellites, etc. While you slept, citizens, your world has been "fiddled" away and the lies are so abundant and so great that you cannot hold and compre­hend the truth even as it unfolds. Let us offer this short writing. Those of you familiar with Dr. Beter's work will be pleased to see the repeat--and you who have no idea what we speak about here--will continue to doubt....Ah, and likely it will ever be thus.


Dr. Beter died March 14, 1987, but the information he left with us--the Intelligence Reports in the Audio Letters and Commen­taries--will continue to help our readers to understand what is happening today. This is from the Dr. Peter David Beter Audio Letter #70, recorded Dec. 22, 1981.


Topic #2 (Continued from prior issue of Wisconsin Report.)








It will soon be four years since Russia finished destroying all of America's spy satellites with her fleet of Killer Satellites. The military Shuttle team were hoping to use "surprise" last month in order to get at least a little bit of reconnaissance over Russia. It was hoped that the Russians would consider the En­terprise to be no threat since it could not carry anything in its cargo bay. NASA also did everything it could to convince the Russians that a non-threatening orbit would be used last month. Finally, the launch time was shifted by about 2-1/2 hours on the morning of November 12th. That was intended to make it hard for any Russian Cosmos Interceptors to readjust their orbits to attack the Enterprise.


This last item, my friends, reflects a deadly Intelligence error being made by the United States military shuttle planning team. They know about Russia's orbital cosmos interceptors, the Killer Satellites. They also know about the first generation Cosmo-spheres, Russia's levitating Weapons. Platforms. Both were first deployed about four years ago [H: Now well over a decade later!]. The American planners know that the Space Shuttle can outrun the first-generation Cosmospheres, therefore they be­lieved that the orbiting Cosmos Interceptors are the main threat to the Shuttle.


What they do not know so far is that Russia now has a small fleet of semi-experimental second-generation Cosmospheres. Last April there were seven in operation. Now there are at least eight. These new Cosmospheres, called "Super Heavies" or "Jumbos", can outrun and outlift our Space Shuttle. The Rus­sians gave NASA a very spectacular hint about their existence last April, as I detailed in Audio Letter No. 64.


There are some in America's Intelligence community who have correctly interpreted what happened, but the Bolsheviks here who control America's military space program are refusing to believe it. They are explaining away the fragments of Intelli­gence about the new Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres and thereby guaranteeing their own failure.


When the "Enterprise", re-labeled Columbia, took off from Florida last month there were no human pilots aboard. It was a suicide mission. The Enterprise followed an evasive, curving launch, just as the Columbia did last April. It headed far to the north toward a near polar orbit. When it passed over Russia the Enterprise was to be upside down with its spy camera staring downward through the crew compartment windows. Five Jumbo Cosmospheres were on hand and kept pace with the Shuttle as it climbed toward orbit but when they notified Moscow of the course it was taking, they were told not to fire. Instead the Russian Ballistic Missile Defense Forces were alerted. The Russians know war is coming and they decided to use the approach of the Shuttle as a test drill.


Nearly two years ago I reported that Russia was preparing to deploy a new anti-ballistic missile system. It's based on charged particle beam weapons fired from modified supersonic TU-144 Jet Transports. On November 12 a squadron of TU-144s were scrambled to intercept and shoot down the Enterprise.


The Jumbo Cosmospheres continued pacing the Shuttle from a distance as a back-up if the TU-144s should fail--but they did not fail. The Enterprise swept downward from the north across their strategic Kola Peninsula. As it crossed over the White Sea the big jets began firing upward with their beam weapons at the Shuttle far above. The third beam blast tore through the mid­section of the Shuttle and it broke in half just behind the crew compartment and disintegrated.


Here in the United States NASA went ahead with its made­-for-television space movies and followed the pre-planned script for a shortened mission. They knew within an hour after launch that the Enterprise had been destroyed. Having learned about Russia's plans last April to create an international incident with a crashed Shuttle, they wanted to complete the flight in the world's eyes quickly.


The Shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on November 14th was a replay of the Shuttle we saw last April. And when I say "replay", my friends, I mean it literally.


Those long distance telephoto shots of the Shuttle swooping in from the stratosphere were the same ones that we saw last April. NASA merely fed video tapes of the long distance scenes from last April to the networks and added a fresh narrative to them. The only part of the landing that was live last month was the terminal portion which could be seen from the ground. The Shuttle we saw land, my friends, was one of the secret new Shuttles from White Sands. It had been carried aloft by the launch aircraft, boosted to a modest speed altitude by a pair of solid fuel booster rockets, and then swooped down to delight the crowd.


As of now, NASA claims to be planning the third Shuttle flight for March 1982, just three months from now. And, my friends, this time the launch may well take place on schedule or close to it. The embarrassing quandary of what to do with the Enterprise is now over with.


Now a new Shuttle, the third we have seen with the name "Columbia" on it, is at Cape Canaveral. Its cargo bay awaits a new secret military pay load. My friends, this Shuttle has been modified. It is armed for battle in space but the Bolshe­vik military planners here refuse to understand what they are re­ally up against--and so at Cape Canaveral another tragedy is now in the making.


End of Article.

* * *


How many of you good readers realize that all the first Shuttle launches were pure FRAUD? How many of you realize the truth has been out there for years and years and years--and you NEVER KNEW!?


Oh my---what will it take? Salu