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MARCH 28, 1990 12:58 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 194


3/28/90 HATONN


Dharma, Hatonn in the Light of the Radiant One. Chelas, you must prepare for more intense impact as we correlate the old with the new information.


Oberli, you may not consider Dharma the author of these Jour­nals, however, if she is stopped in her work you may as well accept the fact that there will be a break in authorship--it is sim­ple technicality. You ones fail to understand that her concerns are quite valid. I, too, am distracted by the interruptions and in­flow of knowledge to be categorized. After interruptions for other unrelated writings, we need the ongoing "skeleton" of the Journal available to save time at onset of writing each morning. In a simple pile is fine, I do not wish to sort through binders; an extra copy as you send to the regular receivers is sufficient. You ones do not seem to understand that I must move through her fog and it is sometimes most difficult indeed. I find no one else setting their ego and consciousness aside to take on every "big gun" there is available. Do not be harsh with her concerns for she is also human indeed. In your courts of "injustice" she will be considered the author of these materials and don't you forget it for even one moment.


As to Mr. Hackett's new writings in preparation; let it be known that no more energy will be given unto his bleatings. He is most welcome to write into infinity; we have no privilege to air these things in the public journals to any further extent as the ones awaiting these Journals have no further interest in such drivel. He, too, is out to demoralize Dharma and today she finds it only pathetic and somewhat amusing. Give full love and protection to the mother who is the one truly under attack and release the matter. If he wishes to pursue the matter, he must return to the Gatehouse from whence his information continues to be con­ceived. If he wishes to have his bellicosity aired then perhaps Sister will be more gracious regarding the printing of it, but I sincerely doubt she will give him the time of day regarding the matter. At any rate, our beloved ones under siege are to con­cern themselves with it no further except as their hearts guide them to participate.


James may send all the literature he desires and we will gra­ciously purview it and bless it in Light. We will, however, no longer take the time from the load of work in which we are overloaded.


Yes, Pat should contact every one who enters her attention wherein she is nudged to make contact. She is strong and will wrap herself in the protection of Light and discern intent if re­quested of us to join her. The word must go forth and there is no other way to find the "waiting" ones except to make the contact. So be it.


The very confusion of energy in the Sedona area speaks of its importance and for every "clear" energy personage in that placement there will be at least ten of opposition and frivolous intent. You need only the perception to know the difference and always bless the antagonism for it gives balance unto thine own intent. The same ratio shall emerge in this placement as ones move into knowledge of the matter. This is exactly why the Journals must be laid in foundation prior to the "building" so intent can be sorted easily and without necessity of weeding af­ter the fact. You ones will be discerning and only truly inter­ested parties will desire participation at any rate. In Sedona, the impact of the "new age" groupies is still most fashionable, but interest in the "fun and games" is abrogating and diminishing rapidly now while the "seekers" who truly do not wish to "find" will move on to more interesting activities. As nourishment and subsistence dries up the "participants" will mostly drift away. After the dust settles there will be the ability to make necessary connections and build properly.


As long, however, as the government is experimenting so dili­gently with the ELFs it is foolish to spend the time and energy required to lift ones up into proper association. All in proper sequence, chelas. What you need now are ones who are willing to contribute to the upstart of "building" and then carry forth in the taking of the methods and information unto that area, for it will be needed. Sister knew it then and knows it yet and the rest must have patience for a 91 year-old lady cannot do it alone. All she can do is keep the impact of negativity located away from you in the interim, and then the technology can be located into that area also, for it is a most important placement; cur­rently rendered all but useless for higher resources due to the very earthly output from the location. This, of course, is why the only real bombardment of our work in this location comes from that location--ponder it and act accordingly.




The serious problems are coming forth from much more danger­ous sources than a child who prattles prurient and vulgar nit­picking. We have been warned to cease and desist with these Journals from very powerful and dangerous coalitions right on your plane. You will use caution, you will keep thine shields about you constantly and you will keep Dharma within security at all times.


You must take this most seriously indeed, as it is now beyond little quarrels over information. We are bringing forth informa­tion that is really most irritating to the Conspirators on both sides of the play for predominance. They do not like their game-plays revealed and thus far they have been able to hide in the very obvious.


The threat, of course, is to hold Dharma hostage--but they must get through a host of lighted energies to reach her. Unfortu­nately, there are ways to get to her through you other partici­pants and that, obviously, is the route they will take--it has de­stroyed other receivers right down the line and it is most earthly indeed. It will be the bombardment against her consciousness which shall be the undoing and it will come from you surrounding her for it is the only way the dark energies can gain entry--ponder it most carefully indeed. It is your free-will and her free-will and she is weary and quite frankly, would appreciate greatly being removed from this responsibility.


The word is the only weapon which can destroy the Conspir­ator's Global Plan of Control and Power. It is the only tool which can undo them--they do not take the Journals lightly and you must remove them from your scope of entertaining and light reading. You ones within this group are too close to see the widespread explosions on the other end of the information stream.


Ones coming within the cadre must recognize the importance and seriousness of this "commission" and responsibility. We have no wish to make it sordid and take away the very joy and fun of the transition, but you must realize that the transition it­self and how it goes depends upon the integration of the truth from all the scattered tid-bits that unity of intent can flow.




We are now being bombarded by the thrust of, "You denounce homosexuals and they can't help themselves." Ah, but we do not---we denounce homosexual "behavior" and there is a great difference indeed.


Most homosexuals do not even realize of that which has undone them as a group and AIDS is only a minute portion and the ul­timate consequence of that behavior.


Right here I am going to utilize information which you will find degrading and heinous indeed, however, it is necessary that you understand that which is truly at point in activities of negative homosexual nature. Dharma, we will use information already known but well hidden and then we will make sure written con­firmation comes to ones in the group who can confirm the writ­ings. Evil knows no bounds and God will never sanction be­haviors as I will now pronounce unto you as freely being uti­lized about your sordid places.


Oberli, you will also set this aside for Journal use as we update the AIDS information. I trust George will be open to contact with Elizabeth Taylor to see what can be done in a practical way without involvement with your government and Gay activists who simply desire to prolong and promote acceptance of the problem instead of change the activities which promulgate annihilation of the groups as a whole. For those who wish to verify that which we will now write: SEXUALLY TRANS­MITTED DISEASES IN HOMOSEXUAL MEN, Plenum Books; THE ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYN­DROME AND INFECTIONS OF HOMOSEXUAL MEN, Pearl Ma and Donald Armstrong; THE AIDS COVER-UP?, Gene Antonio, Ignatius Press, San Francisco; GAY MEN'S  HEALTH: A GUIDE TO THE AIDS SYNDROME AND  OTHER SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, Jeanne Kassler (Harper and Row), and at least a dozen more which I will not take time to list. Again, I take no exception to same gender preference of "company"--but the following is what is destroying the humans who participate in this kind of behavior.




In May, 1985 in The Advocate, Paul Diamond, a homosexual activist diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma said: "Don't call us AIDS victims. AIDS is not my weakness. AIDS is my strength." So be it!




In the United States, male homosexuals have comprised over three-fourths of all AIDS cases. The percentage of homosexuals among the total of all AIDS patients has remained relatively constant. In Europe, male homosexuals comprise over 85 per­cent of all AIDS cases. The enormous prevalence of AIDS, along with several other grave communicable disease endemic in this group, is not mere inexplicable chance, and we shall go into a few of the other health risks. There are numerous major bi­ological and social factors which have been distinctly linked with their spread. Of course it is not the major numbers in the groups which indulge in these extreme behaviors but it only takes a few to affect the multitudes. Ponder it.







Among male homosexuals, sodomy or anal intercourse is the act substituted for heterosexual penile-vaginal coitus. This dam­aging practice provides ready access for the transmission of AIDS and other virulent infections.


Physiologically, the rectum is designed for the expulsion of fe­ces. When sodomy is performed, the peculiar forced inward expansion of the anal canal results in a tearing of the lining as welt as bleeding anal fissures.


Violent spasms of the bowel wall may occur as a reaction to the bodily intrusion. Colitis, a severe inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, often develops as sodomy is repeatedly engaged in. This disorder causes fever, malaise, painful wrenching cramps in the lower abdomen and eruptive diarrhea and commonly contains blood or leukocytes. Along with anal fissure and syphilitic chancre, mucosal ulceration of the rectal area is common in homosexual males.


The prevalence of colitis and rectal lesions among homosexuals is such that they may mask the symptoms of intestinal lesions resulting from Kaposi's sarcoma.


The trauma of sodomy also produces a unique form of in­flammatory psoriasis in previously unaffected areas. This psori­asis extends from the rectum to the pubic area, penis and scro­tum. This is known as Kobner's phenomenon. During sexual activity, the thin silvery scales which have formed on the in­flamed areas are rubbed off, leaving the skin raw, bleeding and exposed to infection. The friction against existing hemorrhoids also leaves their surface vulnerable.


Written before the discovery of HTLV-III/LAV as the AIDS agent, a national case study found: "Blood from rectal mucosal lesions which are known to be common in homosexual males who engage in rectal intercourse, could contain the infectious agent responsible for this epidemic."


Note that this important study detailing the correlation between homosexual behavior/diseases and the prevalence of AIDS was published by the American College of Physicians in August of 1983--so don't go about saying Hatonn is a bigot. There has only been occasional mention of the relationship between homo­sexual acts/diseases and AIDS transmission in the national me­dia or press. Usually it is in the context of stressing the suscep­tibility of heterosexuals through IV drug abuse. One major ar­ticle doing reasonable justice to this correlation was finally pub­lished in the December 1985 issue of Discover. However, it unwisely downplays the potential of heterosexual transmission of AIDS. Once present it is walking dynamite.


The damage to the rectal wall facilitates access to the blood­stream of AIDS-infected sperm and other disease-causing or­ganisms. Anal receptive sodomy has been definitely linked to AIDS transmission. Do you see that especially at the time of a female menstrual cycle (when birth control devices would not be used) the infected sperm could cause infection in the already compromised inner uterus which is sloughing off attached mate­rial and already bleeding?


Anal receptive sodomy has been definitely linked to AIDS transmission. In studying the depressed immune systems of practicing male homosexuals in New York City it was found that receptive anal intercourse was the specific sexual activity which correlated most strongly with reduced levels of helper T-cells resulting in immune dysregulation. Do you further see that con­doms would be chancy even if employed?




The opening of the urethra, along with penile abrasions and lesions resulting from sexual activity and disease, permit infected bloody secretions seeping out of the damaged rectal tissues to enter the bloodstream of the active partner.




The weakening of the sphincter through repeated sodomy results in fecal incontinence and the dribbling of blood-stained con­taminated stool. The involuntary depositing of AIDS virus in­fected fecal secretions on the benches in locker rooms, toilet seats and elsewhere also creates a potential for spread by this route. Oh, they never told you these things? Well, too late is too late, isn't it? These are things no one wishes to even speak of much less draw pictures for the modest masses of people who use all sexual activities as means of control and vengeance in­stead of love and then call it love. Then, you refer to it as "human rights"! So be it.





Sodomy has proven debilitating to the immune systems of pas­sive recipients apart from AIDS infection. During sodomy, the naturally aggressive properties of sperm combined with damage to the rectal wall enable spermatozoa to penetrate the mucosal lining.


A report in the April, 1984 (27th), issue of Science by re­searchers at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cor­nell Medical Center, New York, stated that occurrence of AIDS among homosexuals, "may have some relation to circulating an­tibodies evoked as a result of semen deposition in the alimentary canal. Human seminal fluid apparently contains components that potentially can suppress the immune response."


A few weeks later other researchers reported in Lancet, a most respected medical journal, "A homosexual individual is re­peatedly exposed to viral antigens such as herpes and sperm antigens which can be absorbed through the intact intestine or through mucosal lesions. Bleeding lesions are not necessary for absorption of spermatozoa and harmful infectious agents during sodomy, but they do facilitate it.


"Host immune responses can be modified by exposure to sperm, with the subsequent formation of anti-sperm antibodies."