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Dec. 9, 2014






SAT., OCTOBER 21, 1989 2:15 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 066


Nikola to resume discussion.


I think it unnecessary to continue in-depth regarding this matter to any great extent. The point is that underlying conditions of disease show electro-biological radiations of their own that are separate and distinct from that of the particular infection associ­ated with it. By utilizing various rates relating to various organs or specific areas of the anatomy, an area of inflammation or other malfunction can be isolated. A point of special interest is that owing to the anatomy of the large bowel, especially the Sig­moid portion, and also due to faulty elimination, the accumula­tion of toxins usually begins here, reaches the highest potential, and persists longer than in other parts of the body because there is ample area for extension and storage without production of symptoms due to pressure, irritation of nerves, etc.


I am not one who advocates colonies as a basic therapy as do many of your holistic practitioners. I found that utilizing a vi­bration frequency, suitable to the person being treated, would bring gentle and thorough results without discomfort or trauma. I have found that it is quite easy to adjust vibration frequencies to different organs of the body for parts have differing chemical element preponderances and therefore, oscillate to different color wave potencies. Any condition of disease is associated with a disproportion of the chemical elements of the body, with the attending disturbance of the color wave balance. You will find that many chiropractors will utilize these instruments whereby the medical profession, as a whole, considers them somewhat more quackery than judicial.




It is most unfortunate that man cannot not have access to treat­ments based on logical progression rather than slash, burn and chemicalize at random in hopes of somehow salvaging a life, even if only partially. Don't misunderstand my intent in this dialogue, for there is most certainly need of trained and skilled surgeons and medical applications.


I will point out, however, that during the past 180 years or more, homeopathic students have organized a listing of remedies that are classified as to the capacity to counteract disease, and as to affinity for stimulating particular organs or tissues of the body. In selecting remedies by the radiaesthetic method, it was found that these tinctures and tablets not only coincided with the forgoing classifications but fell into groups corresponding to certain colors of the spectro-chrome diagram. Likewise, the more modern so-called "wonder drugs" (miracle drugs) also could be allocated to definite color positions on the diagram. I will not linger over the diagram at this time, but it is most feasi­ble indeed.


Knowing the color correspondences of the remedies simplifies the matter of prescribing so that the balance of light energy in the body may be restored. After the causative factor has been removed or annihilated, there is always the need for restoration to proper function. In selecting the remedies for a given dis­order, the one or more which could be expected to yield the maximum benefit to the patient would be those which, when matched against the patient's specimen, would reduce the con­gestion and infection potentials to zero and simultaneously raise the vitality potentials of the depressed organs to normal.


I have witnessed the utilization of ultra-sound in many modern instances, for instance, in pregnancy to visualize the infant in utero, without any damage whatsoever. It is most unfortunate, however, that your medical profession is so geared to monetary concerns and use of chemicals as designated by drug producers, that change is slow in coming. Much wondrous work goes forth in laboratories but it appears, as in my own life history, that that which is a true solution is barred from utilization, to a great ex­tent. It further becomes obvious that if the retroviral infections afflicting your population are not halted quickly, your world population will be devastated--it is most distressing indeed.


I am bringing this portion, which may appear unrelated, but it is most important for the renewal process. Let me discuss it in relationship to a general malady which causes illness but is not life threatening, for example.


One beautiful part of ongoing diagnostic follow-up is that the remedy, even of maximum benefit, when administered to the pa­tient accomplishes changes by degrees only. With each tonic or medication a certain percentage of the disease energy is neu­tralized and toxins eliminated. With subsequent check-ups new tonics are selected to fit the status existing at the time.


The road back to normal calls for a reversal of the tendencies which brought about the condition, as well as the neutralization of the infection. The accomplishment of this objective requires the use of the principles of reinforcement or excitation at certain times and that of interference, retardation or impedance at other times. The important thing is to know when to use which. This is determined by checking, as example, the infra-green group and the ultra-green group of colors to see which are deficient, and which are in excess. While supplying the energy that rein­forces the deficiencies and brings them to normal, the excess energies are simultaneously counter-balanced by interference or impedance. This holds true for any of the color designations.


The procedure is progressive and check-ups at intervals of a few days show the degree of progress, as well as indicating the "follow-up" remedy to meet the changed condition. Intermittent check-ups are essential because the effectiveness of the remedy, in tending to re-establish a balanced status, results in the patient out-growing it. In other words, these remedies of proven therapeutic value, prescribed according to this method of selec­tion, mesh with the needs of the patient in a manner to promote elimination of toxins, to restore vitality to organs and tissues, and to re-establish gradually the balance of light energies in the body.


As you move into success with destruction of the viruses, you will not automatically have a whole and functioning body. You are going to have some very compromised people needing assis­tance in restoration to good health. Exposure to varying color beams from a spectra-chrome lamp, used directly on the patient, would be most beneficial, but a tonic corresponding to the same color sector, taken four times a day between lamp treatments, would greatly hasten recovery of health and vitality.


A point of interest as regards the various infections which attack the living organism is that while they are often composed of more than one kind of bacteria, the one most often complicating the picture is a virus. Then when you are faced with retrovirus infections you are compounding the problem. In general, a viral infection of general nature is relatively more persistent than the bacterial infection, which tends to melt away sooner under treatment, and yet, even they could be called "but nothing" compared to that which faces your species at present. You are going to end up with a body depleted of vitamins and minerals and the balance must be rapidly restored in order to disallow reentry of infection. Timely replacement of these items is mandatory.


I have rambled on at great length but it is most important to re­member that a half dead patient free of virus is not a whole per­son. Although, with proper supportive treatment and cell enhancement therapy, recovery can be amazingly rapid.


I would suggest that another marvelous thinker be brought into your circle of colleagues, Trevor James Constable. Mr. Consta­ble has done excellent, and proven effective, work in radionics. You should look closely, indeed, into geometries of radionics and cosmic life pulses. Well, I feel it inappropriate at this writing, to go into CYMATICS, which is practical healing with the use of sound, or psychokinetics. All, in the summation, uti­lize light frequencies which at appropriate vibration produce both sound and color.


It is, in summation, most urgent that you move forward with your research in the cure of AIDS for it is even more deadly than you have surmised. It is further, obvious that you will never get the cure established if you await governmental or pro­fessional medical community intervention in a timely manner. Your bureaucracy is much too leviathan to allow a timely solution.


This information should be scattered throughout the most in­volved communities as quickly as possible and further, the popu­lace who feel themselves safe, must be given the facts. If your private sector will pull together, you can accomplish your goal. I repeat, you have ones who already have the abilities neces­sary; you simply need to pull them together into a working, full-time unit.


Obviously this will require funding; however, since this plague affects every man, woman and child on your planet I would foresee that as this is made known, ones will contribute the necessary support.


I would request that ones be urged to purchase this material rather than simply passing it around, for the writers of this ma­terial are dedicated to great contribution to the rapid realization of a cure---every day, henceforth, is most precious.


Dharma, I have made a decision to not impose further upon your patience nor on the good nature of the readers of this jour­nal. I shall give my dissertation on the wonders of the eye at a later, and more suitable, time. I am often accused of eccen­tricity in these dimensions as well as when I tinkered within yours. Ah, if I could grant a few wishes, I would give the qual­ity with which I was gifted, that of constructing my machines and apparatus in two dimensions. I could literally project and construct in the invisible fourth and experience the workings thereof without the cumbersome density of the three dimensional plane. But that, too, shall come unto you ones sooner than you might perceive.


I will take leave now, that you might move on with your activi­ties. I am in great appreciation, Dharma. I trust my contribu­tion will be of some value, although, I am confident my contri­bution will be much greater in other areas of creation and in­vention. You ones must never overlook my bladeless pump for it serves in so many various manners. I look forward, with great pleasure, to working again with you and my colleagues.


I am most cordially yours in friendship, Nikola.