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Dec. 6, 2014






SAT., OCTOBER 21, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 066


Hatonn present for brief comment and the morning quiz. That which you don't know can hurt you dearly.


How many of you connected the launching of the Delta for placement of a "military satellite" with the shuttle "probe"? Please keep your minds open for you are not told truth. The systems are getting a bit more sophisticated and if these "space" apparatus do not bear nuclear war weapons we can't touch them--hold it in your heart.


I further urge ones in the San Francisco Bay area of California to not settle into contentment in the assumption that "it is over for another hundred years or so", it is NOT. There is a very, very large shift due on the fault you label, Hayward. It was intentionally stabilized in order to not coincide with the quake just experienced. Further, this one did not relieve notable stress from the San Andreas; please don't simply return to sleep. My, you ones do like to tempt and gamble---back to the old ball game! So be it.


What does it require to keep you sleep-walkers awake? Well, let us get on with the work at hand. We shall endeavor to finish the document on this week-end for it is so timely. Therefore, I shall simply relinquish to our most respected teacher, Dr. Nikola Tesla, for he has waited patiently at stand-by for several days.


We have requested that he refrain from giving technical data re­garding what you call "free energy" at this writing for our sub­ject is so urgent and we are herein dealing with frequency and light. We shall get on to the other matter in proper sequence. Thank you, Dharma. You have spent many, many hours with Nikola but I shall be at hand if you have difficulty with communication. This is a good example of frequency integra­tion, for you ones who think this type of communication is mys­tical or magic. Each energy who presents has a remarkably dif­ferent frequency and some mesh more easily than do others. It requires frequency adjustments and can present a great deal of stress on the receiver until such time as perfect integration is achieved. Once achieved, however, it is quite easy at subse­quent encounters.




Tesla present and available for interrogation. I shall attempt to respond to queries which are already listed in prior meetings. Unfortunately, that which is requested predominantly, is not of this particular subject matter and I will acquiesce to solicitations to keep my theme within the boundaries of light---as you per­ceive it. All is light and it is most tragic to separate topics for if you have light you have already imposed all energy matters into the subject in point.


Since you already have available all you actually need to pro­duce the apparatus under discussion in this document, I shall make an effort at bringing comfort between you who receive of this material and myself, that you might become contented and secure in my presence in this format.


I suppose my favorite lecture, while in your dimension, dealt with light perception as related to the most remarkable apparatus known to life--the eye. I shall bury a few "secrets" for the re­searchers who are assessing this material for missing keys to ful­fill a given understanding. However, if you gather into a unit the proper workers, you have all you need. If each gives freely of his contribution, you can quickly and quite reasonably pro­duce your equipment. I will discuss light, oscillations and elec­tro-biological radiations and relevant material. Then I will get on with my wondrous appreciation of the eye if there is adequate time and the scribe does not desert me.


Your most valuable equipment, of course, will be Mr. Rife's fourth microscope (prismatic) of, approximately, your year 1935 along with apparatus allowing for the measuring of crystal "angles". And, of course, his fifth prismatic scope of approxi­mately 1937 which narrowed the light field for slit ultra illu­mination. If you can reassemble those which have been secreted away you will be far advanced rather than having the necessity of constructing from start-up. I know they exist and are being worked on at this given moment.


You do not need concern yourselves to any great extent over the frequency apparatus for you can easily find far more sophisti­cated electronic equipment than was available for either Rife or Priore. But, always build upon the shoulders of others if their shoulders were headed in the right direction and their adjacent heads were screwed on properly.


In the start-up, however, you will need equipment that allows for extremely critical focused frequency, I suppose I am trying to say, refractometers, for accurate and wide-spectrum measur­ing of refraction indices.


Mr. Rife utilized a ray tube with mercury and neon--it would be more efficient if you would utilize, say, mercury and helium be­cause of their octave opposition. Better yet would be bismuth and gammanon but you will find that a difficult combination to come by. Well, go with what is already available for it will be sufficient for this apparatus. Use your logical perceptions of proper frequencies as projected by Mr. Cathie.


You will not need a mammoth apparatus---always think in terms of "keep it most simple". Just as you can run electricity through every cell in the body by "passing it ' through" from one point to a completer point and cycle it back, the frequencies can be projected in like manner. I believe you will find Mr. Schroepfer will have some excellent input into that matter.


Just keep uppermost in mind that the physical plane (your perception limits of third dimension) is divided into sub-planes which differ from each other in one fundamental, namely vibra­tion, which is characteristic of the density of the matter of each sub-plane. The sub-planes are generally designated as solids, liquids, gases and ethers of four differing grades. Actually there are additional grades, but this assumption will serve your pur­poses. The matter of the higher or finer levels interpenetrates those of the lower. Consequently, all physical objects, made up as they are of solids, liquids and gases, also have an etheric  counterpart. This etheric counterpart, which all objects have regardless of size, is most important indeed.


All matter is in a state of vibration and your scientists have pro­vided you with a scale of energy oscillations. I would, how­ever, again request you consider Mr. Cathie's findings regard­ing this scale. Energy is measured in octaves, indicating the number of oscillations per second, and the medium through which such octaves are transported. This is why mercury is a most effective medium. The oscillations range from the first octave of two pentillion oscillations per second and are known as the X-rays.




The first classification of energy is sound, extending from the fourth octave and the lowest audible note at 16 oscillations per second, to the fifteenth octave at 32,768 oscillations per second - the limit of human audibility. The medium through which this energy of "sound" travels may be solid, liquid or gaseous, and the propagation is performed by waves of condensation and rar­efaction. Beyond the fifteenth octave, as audibility disappears, a range of oscillation comes into existence whose operations are defined as being in the "ultra gaseous" medium. This prevails up to the thirty-fifth octave and produces a form of energy known as "etheric sound".


Please consider this a bit of a primer. I suppose this is not such interesting reading as is a good novel but, dear friends, your species is at stake. Your medical profession must come into acceptance of this modality of treatment and they must do so most quickly. That means we must write some rather advanced items as well as quite primitive information so we can get a good scatter of information.


From the above described position, all sound slowly begins to change as much higher oscillations are approached, and on the forty-fifth octave the bombarding energy transforms and be­comes manifest as "radiant energy", "heat", or "dark light". The travelling medium of this potency is known as the lowest or first "ether" and the character of its propagation is wave motion with molecular clash.


Now, push the oscillatory frequency per second further and at the forty-ninth octave the first, visibly, to appear occurs as red color. Your sense of sight enables you to appreciate the energy at this point, but although the organs of sight are the most highly specialized organs of the body and most closely associated with the central nervous system, their capacity is limited to a range of this one octave only.


As the analysis of the phenomena of light shows that the energy of this range of the oscillatory scale is transmitted by the medium of "ether", and unlike sound, is independent even of the medium of gas. A Radiometer, which is an instrument having vanes, mounted on a pivot in an airless chamber, shows rotation under its influence and the speed of its rotation is determined by the intensity of the light and the quality of its color. This ex­periment proves conclusively that Light is a force and a highly potent one, being able to register its effects across a vacuous space.


The source of all life and energy on the earth is of course the Sun, and its energy is conveyed to the earth by means of waves of light. Sunlight, on analysis, is shown to be a compound and composed of seven major prismatic colors, which always appear in the following order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, In­digo, Violet. These colors differ from each other in two ways, (1) the wave-length, which decreases from red to violet, and (2) the oscillatory frequency, which increases from red to violet.


For growth, all vegetable, animal and human bodies are depen­dent on sunlight for energy, which they are absorbing continu­ally in the form of light and which they are radiating continu­ally, though the manifestation is different. This takes place through the radio-active and radio-emanative organism or etheric counterpart of the dense physical body.




Spectroscopy has shown that every element of the earth (over 92 now known) exhibits a preponderance of one or more of the prismatic colors and that the potency of an element depends on the potency of its color waves. It has been found that substances when burnt in a flame have the power of causing characteristic bright lines to appear in the spectrum; and that particular sub­stances always cause the same lines to appear and always at the same location of the spectrum, regardless of the compound in which the metals were used or the great variety of chemical re­actions in the various flames, or the immense difference in tem­perature of these flames.


This was true of the spectra obtained by a spark passing between electrodes made of these metals, and spectra obtained by a spark passing through tubes containing elements in a gaseous or attenuated condition. It was therefore unquestionably estab­lished that the bright lines of the spectrum are beams of light re­fracted to definite points in the graduated scale and are proof positive of the presence of the metals or elements in con­sideration. Each set of bright lines or refracted beams of light thus obtained represents the aggregation of wave-lengths, or in other words, the oscillatory rhythm associated with the compo­sition or quality of that particular metal or element.


In the analysis of various elements it is found that, although some have many bright lines and others few, all show one or more lines predominant and usually one markedly so. This in­tensity of the lines and their concentration in a given position of the spectrum are the factors which determine the potency of an element and the range of wave-lengths in which it is most highly effective.


An element or metal heated thus before a spectroscope has had its molecular, atomic and electronic constituents so expanded that the oscillatory rhythm, being inherent in the element, can be appreciated visually by having it stepped up, by heat, to the forty-ninth octave. However, because of this integrity in the rhythm of the constituents of the metal, these oscillatory fre­quencies are detectable in octaves lower than the forty-ninth by instruments properly adapted for this purpose.




By means of a specially adapted electric circuit, containing a bank of radio tubes, condensers, a resistance unit, etc, the os­cillatory rhythm of the elements can be detected and their po­tency measured. This is especially significant when it is recalled that all foods and medicines, as well as the human body, are composed of definite element combinations, and therefore act in conformity with such color wave potencies, the aggregate of which gives each its characteristic oscillatory rhythm.


Using the above radio tube circuit, foods and medicines can be analyzed and identified as carrying potencies of color corre­sponding to definite portions of the spectrum. This is the key to Precision Therapy as will be discussed.


The human body is composed of elements, of which the princi­pal ones are: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iodine, Chlorine, Fluorine, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon, and Sodium. These constituents, al­ready shown to have distinctive and characteristic spectral bright lines of wave-lengths of light, would thus be representatives of the balance of energy existing in the body as light. The body, therefore, has certain oscillatory frequencies normally within it, each with a potency in direct ratio to the amount of the corre­sponding element present.


This is a most important fact which becomes apparent when it is known that, with the above electric circuit, the potency of these frequencies in the body can be measured and the excess or defi­ciency of the corresponding elements determined with accuracy. This is the key to Precision Diagnosis.


Different organs and tissues of the body having different chemi­cal element preponderances, oscillate at different color wave potencies. In other words, the chemical activity in each organ or tissue, due to its normal characteristic element content, pro­duces particular oscillatory frequencies which are maintained throughout health.


Oscillatory Rhythm and Electro-biological Radiations are synonymous terms. Any disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ or tissue, from whatever cause, would therefore have a marked effect on the balance of light energy in the organ. This would result in a changed oscillatory rhythm or electro­-biological radiation from the organ.


A given disease condition that causes a particular disproportion of the chemical elements of an organ or tissue, with a particular disturbance of the balance of light, produces, as a natural conse­quence, an oscillatory rhythm or electro-biological radiation from the organ which is characteristic and indicative of that disease. Different disease conditions are associated with definite and characteristic tissue changes, macroscopical and micro­scopical. Coincidental and progressive chemical changes, reg­istering as electro-biological radiations on the radio tube circuit, are equally characteristic and measurable.


Because of these facts the physician is able to detect disease in its incipiency and even in the etheric stage before macroscopic changes have proceeded to the point where symptoms are pro­duced. This, of course, is of great importance in the field of preventive medicine.


Dharma, let us interrupt this dissertation for a rest break for this is a most lengthy composition and I am picking up great fatigue from your own frequency aura.


I would say, before we go farther, that it is time to allow Dr. Overholt to understand one of the reasons we had him peruse all the technical writings, some months ago, is to reassure this scribe that what we bring forth is most valid. It was a mammoth undertaking and our appreciation is great indeed.


I would further give appreciation to my contact in India who has already scribed this information from me. I am aware that it has been republished as recently as your spring of this year. It is most important that it be penned again in this document. Thank you for your patience and response to that need. It was first presented for a much different reason but as with all things, it is most applicable in this present undertaking. All things have a proper time and place of acceptance and understanding.


I shall stand aside while you have refreshment. I, in behalf of my colleagues here, extend our apologies at the length of these writings but they are most urgent and necessary.


Please notify me when you are available to resume.