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Dec. 2, 2014






FRI., OCTOBER 20, 1989 11:15 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 065


Hatonn present to resume input on the current journal. I have cause to be hesitant in information given forth for I fear I might misrepresent facts, or rather, that readers might assume incor­rect endorsement of certain personalities who have, in actuality, only made a contribution in portion and are as divergent from truth in other portions as are the wild geese headed north for the summer. They have somewhat the same destination in mind but are truly flapping up great confusion in the face of already ter­minal confusion. I refer to any giving of credit to participants in the project of creating an apparatus for the cure of this plague at hand.


It would be good if you who are receiving this document, please use reasonable discretion in the subject matter. There are ones who give great assistance in the calling of public attention to the problem and "cover-up" but further their own belief in other ar­eas of concern by integrating two differing subjects.


We are dealing with cosmic type, invisible frequency electromagnetic energy in the treatment and cure of disease. We are not into the business here of dealing with death rays, particle beams, enemy first strikes or warfare of any type. How or why you have a thing is only important to the extent that you isolate the cause so that it is not repeated and then recognize your precipitators and ultimately get a cure in the most rapid, ef­ficient manner possible. If you become distracted into the inter­national scalar beam possibilities you will remain distracted.


You must know of the systems which exist so that you can equally understand that the mechanism of cure is also valid. If a system works in one area of endeavor it can work in another if properly applied. Mr. Tesla could beam, wirelessly, electricity around the globe----that, friends, means that this of which we speak is most feasible. It does not need carry over into inter­national warfare. As to warfare, if you get yourselves shelter for the old fashioned nuclear bomb devastation, you can survive the war to rise again. At this point in your myriad of problems, please do not borrow ones you cannot yet touch. First we creep, then we stumble, then walk and finally we run and ulti­mately we arrive at the goal. The problem faced here in the op­position of orthodox medical treatment is severe enough without borrowing the holocaust of perceived Russian invasion by Woodpecker beam systems; even if there were total truth to the accusation---that is not our subject at this point.


Yes, the retrovirus can be manipulated by pulsed beam systems---I have at my disposal a very good example. That in no way means that I am manipulating your viruses. Do not go foolishly forth making accusations which lock you into the inability to reconsider course. Accept these things for what they are, do not throw out the possibility but consider what you are about--right now you are "about" getting some operable apparatus to bring this great plague to a halt. Keep your direction and goal in placement one step at a time.


It is not even very unusual that you would find this type of treatment cast out as a fantasy. That is because the path of quackery has utilized the ploy of hocus pocus ad nauseam. Ones sit about in flowing robes and chant and meditate and "raise their vibrations", and thus and so. Well, as a matter of fact that is also valid. The problem is that it is most often a cop-out from truth and becomes silly foolishness. The mind can most surely heal and nothing will heal a thing without its cooperation and final "OK". The mind can more easily, than all your apparatus, create the necessary frequencies---however, you as a whole cannot accomplish that action. Do not fall into either trap--that of intentional death to a species by your "chosen" en­emy nor the quirk that says you open your chakras to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy and all falls into perfection.


At this point in your evolution, you must have the apparatus in proper working manifestation and also the mind acceptance that it works---that individual master cellular system which functions from mind source--is your "other" terminal. You can kill every alien virus in the system and if the system doesn't know it, your entity will go forth and perish in spite of all you do.


You must understand that there is not only the ones who have perpetrated this blight, but there are also the ones who cannot "afford" to have the cure found. Dear ones, money--money-­money! There are billions and billions of dollars involved in illness---there is hardly any material value in wellness.


A good progressive cancer patient is worth some $50,000 plus, walking around, to the surgery suite, to the chemical lab, to the radiation patrol and even on to the funeral parlors.


In your country alone, over 500,000 persons die every year of cancer and leukemias and now you have all this dandy AIDS "stuff". This represents a great bunch of money to certain vested interests. Stupendous and stupid investments in chemical drugs and medicines have been made and extremely huge in­comes are resultant of the consumption of the modalities of treatment and consumption of these products and services. Medicines, drugs and so-called medical "science" have become just about your biggest consumer industry and your most haz­ardous to your individual well-being as a "patient".


You might ask, "But, AIDS can kill those medical people too, can't it? What will all those people do?" Well, you have the following situation involved. Those who are guilty, cover-up. Those who are educated in traditional ways, believe what they are taught until proven wrong---remember, the doctors, not too long past, put leeches on the body and bled people to heal them and didn't know what a germ was. Then, people believe what they want to believe until they can no longer even pretend the lie. It is a lot nicer to believe this AIDS will only get the so-called problem masses---the starving and ignorant in Africa, the hopeless ones on drugs, the homeless street people that society does not know what to do with, and then the socially unaccept­able homosexual community. MAN REFUSES TO BELIEVE A THING OF HORROR COULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO HIMSELF UNTIL HE IS STRUCK SQUARELY BETWEEN THE EYES WITH IT!


Further, the public demands rules and regulations and turns pro­tection over, nay--demands it, into the hands of the government, etc. You demand the testing, testing of a thing for your pro­tection, then demand the use of the item sooner than tested---then if it were badly tested, you sue. It is the story of the dog with its tail in its mouth--if it spins fast enough you cannot tell which end is which. It becomes obvious that everyone is terri­fied to "risk" anything. That, in itself, is horrendous for it leaves you at the mercy of the element who has figured that fact out to the best of their own advantage. Then you demand that same element solve the rest of your problems and then, in the end, you peer back and see that you have delivered yourselves to thine enemy's table, drawn and quartered and ready for their feasting.


Therefore, to accomplish that which must be accomplished, you must pull outside the orthodox entrapment, sponsor, support and ultimately fund your own project outside the sector of all the limits---take it outside your country if needs be---but get on with it. Taking pictures, quilts and posters in front of the White House won't do a thing, for the government can in no manner act quickly enough in this instance---you, friends, will do it yourselves or it will not be done. You must realize that you can focus your energy and funds into getting on with the job at hand. The red tape already established can delay you until the popula­tion is devastated. You are between a rock and a very hard place---you had better plan on moving one or the other out of the way---choose the one that gets the job done and not the one that only places more rocks within the roadway.


You do not need act in subversive manners nor destroy an-other's property--you simply need to focus the energy and to­gether create that which you need, without the negative distrac­tions. You have willingly given away your freedom and now you must apply yourself positively and diligently to regain it. You do that through knowledge and acceptance of the truth--not through divided destruction and "fighting" but rather by united creation and pulling in unified togetherness. Therein lies the forgotten greatness of your country and your peoples in the wondrous melting-pot of mankind in the Americas. Must it re­quire Armageddon to return brotherhood unto mankind? Look what happens in disaster---man helps his brother, he offers his own food, even unto possible death unto self does he rush in to pull another to safety----look most closely at this phenomenon for if you fail to return to this mode of living you have little to enjoy at any rate. Do you think the physicians inquired as to whether or not the mother, or the boy, who was trapped and near death on that freeway in San Francisco, might or might not have AIDS infection? A dead mother had to be dismembered to be moved to save the child and further, the child could only be freed by the amputation of the leg.


If you learn and accept the truth of your situation, clean up your act (literally), learn the facts--not the hogwash lies fed to you to keep the panic to a mere roar, and join together in that truth and contribution--you shall prevail. If you wait for another, or the government, or the medical profession, or the chemical drug houses to solve this problem, then I suggest you kiss it good-by now and save yourselves further discomfort. Except for this, there is no comfort in dying from any of the AIDS related dis­eases---hold it in your hearts. There is a solution! Will you choose to use it or will you choose to continue your journey in darkness and ignorance? It is solely up to you. GOD AWAITS WITH HAND EXTENDED UNTO YOU--YOU HAVE BUT TO REACH OUT PART-WAY FOR HE WILL ALWAYS WALK THE EXTRA MILE AND CARRY YOU IF NEED BE. OH YES, IT IS WELL PAST TIME TO BARGAIN WITH GOD; BUT, YOU HAD BETTER PLAN ON KEEPING YOUR END OF THE BARGAIN THIS TIME FOR YOU, AS MANKIND, HAVE COME TO THE "Y" IN THE ROAD. WHICH WAY WILL YOU GO?


Dharma, please take a short break to come back into focus on the subject at penning. I will discuss the harmonics of the laser when we return. All is light--ALL. How that light is applied and focused is all important.


I shall rejoin you briefly. Hatonn to stand-by