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MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1990 9:27 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 292

Hatonn in radiance for explanation. Never persist at the computer when untoward things begin to happen; in fact, Dharma, you get out of the room immediately as the energy thrusts are intended for you.


For the readers: The computer dissolved and lost forever over two hours of work dealing with the Zionist Factor. This is not an accident and although highly annoying, it is a good warning to bring you to attention. You will further note that it took a great deal of time to reorganize the computer this morning and with interruption of power it resumed its errors. If we have further difficulty this morning we shall have to change computers for this is, obviously, the most important portion of the description of the NEW World Order as is now controlled by the Zionist "Jews"; I hesitate to even utilize the label "Jew" to these bastards of the race who have even deceived the Jewish people and will pull them down into destruction first.


It returns to the only method of countering this evil shroud: bring truth and see if mankind can hear! Again, I must remind you that first we deal with America for that is the last bastion of Constitutional Freedom. You will note that all new East Bloc nations who are setting up some type of democratic Constitution are being given the New Constitution which leads directly to dic­tatorship. As America goes, precious ones, so goes the world. Truth of information in this manner, raising as a unified call, is all that can turn it about. I give you blessings in your mission.


We will take up with the remainder of the short discussion on the USSR--new `model'. I am sorry, Dharma, for I know how physically difficult it was to push yourself for over eight hours yesterday, but it must be repeated for it is far too urgent and important toward understanding of this New World Order. I have a good memory and with persistence we can finish our portion today or to­morrow and we will be almost a week ahead. You shall be given the stamina to sit with it, chela, and I shall be more attentive for I should have expected that maneuver; therefore, I apologize to you.




I was speaking of seeing more clearly in retrospect that the Soviet Union replaced the British empire as model and blueprint for the planned world government.


At this point in history the Rhodes Scholarship Trust and those other organizations set up by Rhodes and his disciples, like the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the United Kingdom Carnegie Trust, might have been expected to go into voluntary liquidation, since it was obviously no longer possible to give effect to the purposes for which they had been founded and funded.


But, as you know, they were not liquidated: They were taken over lock, stock and barrel, along with all their accumulated "goodwill", their image of Establishmentarian respectability, their history, idealism and mystique--and, of course, their funds.


It was, after all, the image of an Anglo-American network, burning with zeal to promote the "English idea", which had proved so attractive in the United States, winning for the American Council on Foreign Relations broad support among men of wealth and influence who relished the idea of being identified with the English upper classes in a fellowship which helped to sanctify their personal ambitions.


If the network is still very much in existence and if the American end of it is no longer controlled by an "Anglophile, high Episcopalian American Eastern Establishment"--then by whom is it now controlled?




What you must know is that the operations of the network, now as before, are characterized by a continuity of purpose and an inner discipline which cannot be attributed to chance. On the contrary, they presuppose an energizing and unifying principle at the center of things just as potent, if not more so, as the Anglo-Saxon imperialism of Rhodes and Milner. As fact, you have never dealt with more ruthless and cruel beings on the face of your planet.


You also must realize that what happened to other authors and writers who have exposed the Zionists is only a minor episode in a campaign of mind control unprecedented in the history of English-speaking peoples. I shall deal with this in a later Journal for you all have been brainwashed beyond all recognition.


The history of your twentieth-century as recorded in your textbooks and journals is all but totally inaccurate. Through foundations controlled by the elite, research by compliant and spineless academics, conservatives as well as liberals, has been directed into channels useful for the objectives of the elite essentially to maintain this subversive and un-Constitutional power apparatus. Even your astronomers and astro-physics doctors have bent to the lie--"for the security and good of the human species"--and for good stiff bribes and self/family security. The professors in academia settings are as corrupt, or more so, than the instigators for they have mostly become the instigators. How many journal publications are made for ego and professorship advance­ment'? Well, if you have worked within that system you will know--almost all. The universities, colleges, legal schools, medical schools and attached hospi­tals, etc., are the most political organizations in your lands--inclusive of the government!


Knowledge of the existence of this global system of mind control is the first requirement for an accurate interpretation of contemporary history. "No-enter" areas have been established in the realm of inquiry and debate, with penalties for any kind of trespass. By far the most important of these "no-enter" areas, therefore most stringently guarded, is that which has to do with the organizational structure, operations and ambitions of modern Zionism, whose nexus with the highest concentrations of financial power is obvious.


Even Quigley, who wrote the most extensive volume of the history of the world in your time, with references to Zionism so scanty that the word "Zionism" does not even qualify for inclusion in some 36 pages of index. Dharma is not so lucky--I shall refer to it frequently from here on in for this is the Anti-Christ segment you of Earth have been anticipating and by the time we are finished you will even know the leader thereof.


By the way, they are again rewriting the Holy Bibles as you recognize them--new commandments to include all the vile activities and irresponsibilities touted in the Satanic Bible. The leaders of your "churches" have unity meetings and conferences and draw up the new set of rules--all of which are against the laws of God and The Creation, and you gobble them up like candy and call them "religion for the modern times". You cannot know what you are doing! They have been phasing out the truth of your Holy Books since the laws were first handed down by God and it amazes me that ones cannot seem to see of it. It is the brainwashing in mass, chelas, and you will either come into understanding or you will move into the entrapment without recourse.


Barricades of intimidation have been set up in the realm of public opinion, humming and crackling with danger like electrified fences, all designed to dis­courage "outsiders" from trying to find out what is "being made to happen" and by whom.


All these devices of misinformation and suppression, however, only tend to strengthen the hypothesis that, at the highest levels of power in the Eastern Establishment, hence also of the network, it is a Zionist imperialism that has replaced an Anglo-Saxon imperialism and a "Zionist idea" which has supplanted the "English idea" of Ruskin, Rhodes and Milner as the lodestar of those who seek to set up a new world order and to create their own brand of "heaven here upon Earth"--well, it won't be heaven for you ones, dear hearts. YOU ARE MARKED AS EXPENDABLE, EXCEPT THE VERY FEW WHO CAN SERVE BEST AS PUPPETS AND CONTINUE THE FLOW OF WEALTH. THIS IS WHY THE INTENT TO REMOVE THE ONES WHICH ARE CONSIDERED NON-PRODUCERS--THE INFIRM, EL­DERLY, NEWBORNS, ADDICTS, WELFARE RECIPIENTS, ETC.


You ask, "What about all the AIDS babes in Romania?" They were set up to make sure the families of the babes were infected and thereby the population could be brought under control; only the babies considered genetically superior would be salvaged. If you are setting up a "superior" species you have to "kiss a lot of frogs", as in finding the prince. Heinous? Of course, you are dealing with evil and heinous beings. Then what went wrong? The leaders got out of control within their own ego structures and were simply "taken out" in the next step of the plan.


As a great river can lose itself as a mere tributary to a greater one, so has the Rhodes-Ruskin global ambition or ideal flowed into, and been wholly absorbed by, another, of eastern European provenance and almost as old as history, the remnant multitudes of the Khazars, that mighty power that converted to Judaism in the Dark Ages, and whose subsequent exodus gave birth to the mainstream of the Jewish peoples as they now exist. The Jewish people must now stop and take stock of that which has happened to them, for it will change the way in which the Jews look at themselves and also the way the world looks at the Jews.


I petition you to go back to the prior Journal and reread the PROTOCOLS. I will later give you a repeat of that along with history regarding these peoples but you need that information critically, as you study this crisis with your Constitution. All are interlinked completely.


Winston Churchill seldom said anything of truth or honesty, in fact, but he did make one statement in 1922 worth repeating for you, "This worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality has been steadily growing...There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all oth­ers...The majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders."


I think you might be able to understand at this point, why he would feel this pressure--because the British idea was dead and being taken over by the Jews. Believe me, chelas, England and holders of the World Order ideal, including America, wanted to get rid of the Jews a lot worse than Adolf Hitler ever dreamt of. The plan backfired is all that actually went wrong--the Zionists were able to turn the scenario of the "death" camps into their prime brainwashing tool. Are you not beginning to see it as we unfold it in logic and reason?


Hatonn anti-Semitic? Please, chelas, I was a Jew. My commander was born a Jew and the Zionists tried to destroy Him--keep within your balance and focus on the point--which is the intent to destroy your Constitutional FREEDOM!


You may be positive that nothing has changed since Churchill wrote that passage, except that it has become increasingly dangerous for any political leader or other public figure to speak and write frankly about revolutionary movements and their instigators. As a former British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, put it: "No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity--it is written by people who do not understand the race question and what belongs to it."


You must see that this fits as a hand in a fitted glove with the prophecies of the ancient prophets. If you cannot fit the pieces into the whole then I suggest you return to read Revelations and other pronouncements given to the Jewish people for the ending cycles at the return of the Messiah. I shall leave it to you for the moment.


Western historiography, therefore, makes no sense unless it takes fully into account the fact that the Jews are passionately race-conscious. The nation of Israel is more passionately race-conscious. It is a nation with interests and purposes fundamentally antagonistic to those of ALL OTHER NATIONS. Future generations will contemplate with amazement the way in which the peoples of the West were dispossessed of power during the 20th century.


Will we lose the Jewish element from our work? I would certainly hope not--why would you think the Jewish people would know this truth any more than any of you other people? Myriads of Jews will fall first into the entrapment for the Zionists will first clean out their own stolen nest. The Jews most deadly enemies of all history are the Zionist false Jews.


Well, what happened to Capitalism in all this subtle take-over? Let us look at it in what has been referred to as 'The three stages of Capitalism".




It is the third stage which is most critical. The third stage of capitalism and its ramifications and influences is of such overwhelming significance in the history of the 20th century, that we must take time to touch on it herein.


We shall "KISS"!:


*       What you call your modern civilization is now little more than a gigantic manufacturing and marketing mechanism--a product of the tools made available by science.


*       The control mechanism for all this activity is money.


*       In the second stage of capitalism, which prevailed until quite early in this century, the owners of business enterprises, most prominently represented by names such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Krupp, Ford, Astor, Morris, etc., were also the owners of the money associated with the conduct of their activities; the banking was also theirs.


*       In the third stage the capitalism of the pioneer owners of the business enterprises is surpassed and superseded by the capitalism of those who are exclusively dealers in money; the profits to be made from dealing in money begin greatly to exceed the profits to be made by producing and distributing goods.


*       What came into existence, unplanned by anyone, an inexorable con­sequence of conditions created by the most energetic and enterprising people in the West, was a golden age for the Jews, who had for many centuries confined themselves almost exclusively to monetary transactions--in this way avoiding assimilation by the host peoples among whom they dwelt.


*       This is the power which now seeks national fulfillment in the dissolution of all other nationalities and the setting up of a world government wholly under its control.




Capitalism in its "third stage", however, is only one of two major factors in the modern world government ambition. The other is the factor of intellect--what goes on in the minds of those who must be relied on to carry out the plans and purposes of those who have the money.


It can thus be said that the great changes which have occurred in the 20th century--having begun much earlier--are the product of an alliance of money and intellect; for it is only with the compliance and cooperation of an educated class that money can be transmuted into power.


Therefore, what has been going on in the minds of the peoples of the West during this century has contributed just as much to the power of those who rule as possession and control of most of the money. This is not a situation that anyone can claim to have planned. It was something which just happened, one of the wholly unavoidable consequences of the revolution in technics which changed almost everything in the West.


Political disablement in the West can be considered under the next three categories:


1. The new technics drew into its service many of the most gifted minds, offering them creative outlets which monopolized their energies and attention. In other words, the best minds were drawn away from the study and contemplation of political affairs, leaving the field wide open for inferior minds.




3. The triumph of new technics resulted in a gross overvaluation of pure reason, with a corresponding undervaluation of feeling and instinct as a source of guidance in human affairs. Plus, to fit the need for total control, the rules of life are changed to suit the whims and desires of the populace while denouncing the laws of God to a category of "old fashioned and outgrown".




You continually petition me with this question over and over: "What are the prospects for us?" Well, it remains a fact that what has already happened is more easily described than what is still in the process of happening--because what is happening is the product of countless influences and forces which are continuously changing, some under human control and others not.


However, by identifying the powers and influences at work up to the present moment, you have a better chance of understanding changes in the total situation as they occur.


We have had a century in which virtually all great power has been exercised through the instrumentality of an alliance of money (pure finance capitalism) and intellect (rootless, disoriented intellect). This alliance of money and intellect has, since shortly before the commencement of your World War II, been almost entirely under the ultimate direction and control of a Jewish na­tionalism, better known as Zionism.


It is this triple alliance which has given the world an age of conflict and suffering without any precedent in recorded history, as it sought to undermine and smother every manifestation of national self-determination except its own Zionism.


As you approach the end of the 20th century, you can see that two of the components of this alliance have begun to undergo an important process of change which could profoundly affect the progress of the world government ambition.


The change in the realm of money consists of a shift of the center of gravity of industrial production, therefore of all real wealth production, from the West, where it had its origin in the Industrial Revolution, the Pacific area, southern Americas and now into the Eastern Bloc nations of Europe. The U.S., for long the world's leader in industry and finance, is now a major debtor nation. Tokyo is replacing New York as the financial capital of the world. But the British influences still invest the most money into the business of the United States, i.e., Great Britain, Canada, Australia--then Holland and Japan. On the other hand the amount of money flowing out in the other direction is right at the top: Israel in all manner of obvious and hidden manners.


Simultaneous with this resurgence in the East, you see social and political disintegration in the West, some of it the price to be paid for a century and a half of imperialism and colonialism but most of it the result of a deliberate campaign of cultural undermining and poisoning conducted at great profit by the world's would-be new masters, the Zionists.


By all the present signs, the West could quite soon cease to be the stronghold of wealth and influence from which it has been possible for the greater part of this century to conduct a one-world imperialism.


Equally important and wholly unpredicted was the change which has occurred in the realm of the intellect, that second component of the triple alliance which has given us the kind of world in which we now live. Simultaneously all over the world, on both sides of the so-called Iron and Bamboo curtains, the educated classes find it impossible any longer to believe in socialism as a personal faith and program of world improvement.


You see in the Soviet Union, in Red China and in nearly all of the communist countries what a transformation occurs when an entire leadership class, leaders, bureaucrats, police, army and all, suddenly cease to believe in what they are doing.


A great idea, which at the turn of the century was loudly acclaimed by the educated as "the wave of the future", can now be seen on all sides as "the wave of the past".


Socialism, which was to have been the political and economic blueprint for all mankind, could not be made to work, being out of register with the imponderable realities of human nature. Even in the "capitalist" West, where applied by parliamentary means, as in Britain, its works have had to be dismantled. All the educated classes are left with now is a vague one-world Universalist idealism, unsupported by any ideas about how this could possibly be achieved--except by the planners and conspirators themselves. It is now a necessity to hit the public while it is in gross confusion and rewrite the Constitution of Freedom out and bring in a new one which creates a dictatorship while it can still hide 'neath the shroud of "democracy". And there you sit today!


As a widespread rejection of Christian orthodoxy created a vacuum in the western mind which socialism was quickly able to fill, so now the untenability of socialism has created another vacuum just waiting to be filled. You have not had to wait long to find out how the operation will be attempted--the new "religion substitute' will be the "Greenpeace" and internationalist, Universalist creed and movement supposedly designed to rescue the world's environment while the conspirators pull off their plan with your massive assistance.


The seemingly boundless quantities of money suddenly made available for this movement and the enormous sympathetic media exposure given to its activities around the world should have warned you immediately. What is evidently intended is to set up innumerable "Green" parties, or establish a strong internationalist and Universalist factor in all the existing "Socialist", "Democratic" and "Labor" parties.


The world government ambition, of which so much has been said and written and which is now even mentioned in Congress, is perhaps better understood as something you have had for a long time, rather than as something that could be imposed on you in the future, something to be avoided if possible.


What has made it harder to recognize as world government is the fact that its role has been almost exclusively destructive; and you are not inclined to regard destructiveness as a form of government.


Some have simply preferred to call it the 20th-century world revolution. Well, it is a "network' and has given you some account of its secret and subterranean nature.


Whatever it is and whatever you care to call it, this 20th-century imperialism, which has swallowed up and succeeded all the separate national imperialisms of the 19th century and earlier, has exhibited a marvellous continuity of purpose.


One of the most conspicuous features of this world government, or whatever you care to call it, is its obvious inability to create or set up anything that works. The USSR, which was to have set an example to the world, is now threatened with disintegration as all of its Captive Nations begin to struggle for freedom and self-determination. But they will turn to the guide which they "thought" held the secret of freedom and will end up mired even deeper into the trap.


Only the massive flow of aid, both in money and trained personnel, now prevents scores of new states of the Third World from collapsing into total anarchy and famine--some are already lost in spite (or with intent) of the help--whichever is appropriate. Hundreds of billions of baseless dollars, pounds, etc., in loans have had to be written off, with no possibility of any improvement in any of these countries in sight. But that, too, was a part of the plan of the bankers to control the world. As the loans default the countries lose all the resources put up as collateral and the cycle is never-ending. How much longer can this continue? It is a sham as it is so it will be shored up as long as possible or until it fits the plan to dump it! You have one thing in your favor, timewise--the two factions seeking total control are not ready to have a treaty just yet. Unfortunately, anything so top heavy as your world economy, etc., will surely fall ultimately--the hope, of course, is to get your Constitution rewritten and ratified and then you can be brought into total control of the "system".




For this worldwide conspiracy, the greatest single aggrandizement of power came with the dispossession of the American "majority", descendants of the people who with their energy, enterprise and intelligence raised America to the status of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in history.


Those in the world who wish to understand what the concept of world government means only need to know what has happened to the United States of America--who finances the politics, who controls the mass media, who dominates the institutions of higher education, the book trade and so on.


Of almost equal importance was the overthrow, dispossession and virtual genocide of the traditional ruling class in czarist Russia. There, however, a huge power-political thaw seems to have somewhat set in; and the situation in the Soviet Union today is very different from what was confidently expected by those western bankers who financed the Bolshevik Revolution.


Vanished forever is the dream of the Soviet Union as the working model for a "world workers' socialist republic". The Soviet Union may cease quite soon to be "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".


Russian emigres with lines of communications into Moscow, Leningrad and other centers of power are convinced that it is Russian hands which now rest on the levers of power in the Kremlin and Russians who now control a much-altered KGB. It would be hard otherwise to explain the vastly increased freedom of published expression and of public protest in the Soviet Union.



Indeed, there is undoubtedly more freedom of expression in the Soviet Union today than in most western countries, especially the United States, where an invisible and arcane censorship is just as effective as any ever imposed by the KGB and its predecessors.

Altogether unpredicted, too, is another development of rapidly increasing significance: a resurgence of the religion of Islam, the faith of an estimated 1 billion people who, headed by fanatics, are seeking black power and have chosen this as the route.


Any influence which the Islamic faithful can exert in world power politics is greatly enhanced, even compounded, by the way in which Moslems are distributed around the world, including nearly all the countries of the West and the Soviet Union. Britain alone is said to have close to 2 million Moslems, organized in communities around some 2,000 mosques. They are not going to be happy to abandon Dome of the Rock, I can promise you--so keep your eye on the prize!


It is reasonable to suppose that Israel's agonizing problem in Palestine would have been snuffed out long ago were it not for the fear of an immediate chain reaction of grave consequences in many other places. A fundamentalist Islam in Iran has demonstrated as never before in this century the potential power of religion as a means of marshaling popular political resistance even if "religion" were not the basis of the activities in intent.

The question is often asked, "How and why it has been possible for people in the West to be so unresponsive to repeated warnings about a world government conspiracy which would plunge the entire world into another prolonged dark age?


One part of your answer is that you may be sure that all the peoples of the West have been caught up in an unprecedented prodigality of production and wealth creation made possible by modern science and technology--opening up new possibilities for the exploitation of human nature's inherent defects.


Another and much deeper part of the explanation may perhaps be drawn out of a timeless Shakespearean quotation: "By an instinct divine, men's minds mistrust ensuing danger."


In other words, you are required to learn through experience, because experience is the turmoil, sometimes even the chaos out of which all real innovation and progress are born. And it has evidently needed the most painful experience to convince millions of the educated that intellect, with its powers of reason, is of strictly limited utility in the life process for it can be so deceived.


You can witness in the Soviet Union today, more clearly than in your own circumstance, what learning through experience can achieve and what happens when an affronted instinct FIGHTS BACK! It is time you paid very careful attention.


Let's look very briefly at a form of resistance which could produce some highly dramatic effects in the next few years: namely historical revisionism.


Remember: Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future"--meaning that you cannot understand what is happening now and you have no control of what happens in the future unless you understand that which happened in the past. I didn't say go dwell in the past--I said UNDERSTAND it.


It only needs the demolition of one or two of the 20th century's most elaborately contrived and most vigorously promoted lies--the "holocaust" lie, for example--to shade the foundations of that third component of the triple alliance which has given the world an age of conflict and suffering unprecedented in recorded history.


Will you do something about it? It is up to you in its fullness but I would think you of the masses have been people of the lie quite sufficiently long. None­-the-less, it is only for me to point out the path--it is for you to walk of it. Saalome!


Let us close this portion for respite. Thank you for your service, chela. We will continue with a discussion, brief I hope, on the plan for the "Newstates" for it is important to understand the plan is for the U.S. to be placed into ten segments instead of your 50! So be it.



Hatonn to clear.





WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1990 5:55 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 294


Let us begin please. I Am Sananda, I come in Light.  I come of the Father unto thee, a trouble people.