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Nov. 24, 2014






TUE., OCTOBER 17, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 062


Ashtar present. I am requested to make comments regarding ur­gent matters.


Oberli, be aware that surveillance has been increased in your lo­cation. You will please ask "Victory" to relinquish direct con­tact with you to a minimum. Our wish is to exclude no-one from their contribution but he becomes a most watched and con­troversial person. Pre-information is now in the hands of top elite military personnel prematurely. It is through the slow pro­duction of the book that the plan is altered. It is what we wished to have happen but not until the SPACE-GATE was actually in public. We desire the government denial but not the slowing of distribution. These books must get into public hands; why is SPACE-GATE still not public? It has been in Sedona since Au­gust.


Worse still, in order to have a place of contact, the most dam­aging material of all time has ability to focus directly back to the scribe and all the precautions we have taken to keep her un­known are now instantly gone. Victory, in his exuberance, has drawn the enemy right into your very encampment. So be it, we will need increase protection and you must keep Dharma pretty close to home.


Ones are still at play; self oriented, drifting, experimenting and making themselves more publicly known--you ones must see and know, is why we have allowed it to happen, but there must come great self-discipline and control, with self-support to enter into this space for it is so very precarious for Dharma at this point. Love-ins and dream dancing are not the call of the day for you ones. Ones will NOT come into your space to dwell in tents and presumably "take care" of you. How foolish indeed. However, sometimes the foolish appearing jackal is more the wise master of the fox den---hold it in your heart. These ones in seemingly unwittedness mock the name of the Masters they claim to serve. We have great compassion and we have this in­cident under control---lessons are constant and unexpected. Do not badger yourselves over it for it has been guided. Ones who function without moderation are most dangerous to everyone. Each word spoken must be considered from the standpoint of its destination receiver. JUST A NOTE OF CAUTION, NOT A REPRIMAND, PLEASE. FOR WE NEED A COMPLETE SCATTER ON THIS INFORMATION AND I DO NOT WISH TO STALL YOU OUT--IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY BUT THE FLOW BREAKDOWN CAME IN SE­DONA. NEITHER IS THIS A REPRIMAND BUT ONLY ALLOWS YOU TO SEE WHAT A DIFFICULT THING IT IS TO WORK WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF FREE-WILL OF MAN. WE HAVE OUR PROBLEMS TOO!




You will find that those vulnerable at top levels will do anything to cover bad leadership and management. Just as with the gun turret explosion on your U.S. ship (I name no names for I do not wish to further credit the lie), however, the elite have now dumped the blame of those deaths on a poor, blameless (and dead) sailor having now written the fiasco off to a suicide bomb placed by him, between ammunition storage. Evil knows no bounds, dear brothers, no bounds. It is just as with ones the en­emy wishes to trap and get rid of, they will simply set-up a situ­ation and place evidence or "whatever". You must leave them no opportunity to take note, and know that any radicals around you are the most closely watched. Dharma has no new infor­mation and the spies know it; add radicals running about and they will take her out one way or another. We monitor most exactingly what is given into these books that there is always backup known and available to those who do the surveillance. Just as with the shooting of President Kennedy by his body­guard--the truth is in picture form all over your globe--you just did not happen to know it. We do not play with the lives of our scribes.


Enjoy the Nostradamus discourses. These are the way we are bringing forth updated material, through many ones at various levels of input. There will still be riddles which will only give information to a specific few but in general, all will have it along with final instructions. We will continually give you source information that is predominantly valid, that all ones can have access and give working funds and material to continue dispersement. Give information forth regarding the sources of our recommended reading, please.


Let us now return to our subject. Keep these communiques of daily matters within the chapters of the books for at this point it is the only way to get these messages to the many. As you move further, your publisher will be given information for con­tinuing arrangements. You just go on about your business for as you are guided into the proper channels, you will be given relief from the massive burden. We see and understand the situation and remember, it takes time to lay groundwork for massive building, ones have to come into realization of their proper por­tions, etc., etc.


I believe we left off on the 15th in the middle of a dissertation on --




I was speaking of non-zero residue. Modern scientists consider this residue and try to ascertain where and how mind and thought are accomplished by the residue. No, that is the incor­rect approach. The residue, the ENH field remainders, are simply garbage--waste. It is the engine operating inside the vector zero summation that must be considered. These exhaust by-products are not the functions of the mind/thought process it­self but rather they are the spillage resulting from the function of the process itself.


If you put the mind into a state of rest and photograph the com­ponents of the zero vector summation, actually see the highly complex enfolded structure (pattern) of these components; then take a second "frozen" time photograph of the same components a very, very short time later, subtract the previous "frozen" pat­tern (the delta --"difference") between the two patterns repre­sents the myriad of thoughts or specified forms in the virtual state. In a general sense, this represents the contents of the thinking mind. Each entity will have a varying thought pattern for each individual has relatively different thought impact from a given exact trigger thought point. But you will be able to under­stand better, the actual electrical circuitry of the function itself. Further, the speed from "normal" to "impaired"; "fully func­tional" to "retarded"; "normal" to "substance damaged" etc., can in fact, be ascertained and damaged circuit synapses iso­lated.


The mind is the overall functioning and changing of the entire pattern substructure and the ability of the organism to have such and do such. The ability of the organism to "do" such and such requires a couple more "nested" levels of virtual state, two or more higher dimensions which in essence has the same meaning. Basically all those electromagnetic component vectors are in, at least, the fifth dimension and therefore can be referred as higher dimensional or in some definitions, hyperdimensional. I per­sonally do not like the term "hyper" for it denotes exaggeration or ballyhoo instead of "higher". But you will run into it often in Earth literature. "Supra" or even "super" would be a better designation.




Every component driving the vectors themselves is higher dimensional. A thought is an "exact" change of a vocalized pattern. The thought must come prior to the vocalizing of the sounds which form the verbal thought. Except, in the case of direct "channeling" as with this scribe--the pre-thought is mine and she has no pre-thought about the contents. This is, how­ever, a most significant proof of the status of "higher dimen­sional form at work", the "super/supra" consciousness. It goes beyond the subconscious level of function.


Most thoughts are totally without consciousness, multiple, simultaneous or parallel. A few could be considered serially ordered, singularly considered and processed--depending on the consciousness involved.


The subconscious mind is totally a parallel processor--bunches of thoughts at once. The conscious mind, on the other hand, is totally a serial processor; only one thought can be handled at a given instance. Most persons never reflect on this matter, that they can only perceive one single thought at a time in the con­scious state.


In a healthy, alert state the conscious mind is so rapid that by habit, persons believe they perceive many things at once. How­ever, what is occurring is that the conscious mind is perceiving only the ONE while the subconscious is intaking ALL data sur­rounding the thought, from the room, the clothes, the accent of the speaker, on and on ---, and running a continuous library.


Now, when the conscious mind regards the subconscious con­tents it sees something which has multiple meanings--at once. That is symbolism. The subconscious offers symbols which have many meanings in its effort to communicate an idea to the consciousness. Dreams are an excellent example---or even "daydreaming"---efforting to get an idea into the consciousness. Only the individual having the "dream" can actually analyze it for it is the most personal of personal. It may take the skilled "dream work" therapist to allow the consciousness to receive the projected thought, but beware of psychiatrists and psychologists who "INTERPRET" YOUR DREAMS FOR YOU---ONLY YOU ACTUALLY KNOW THE MEANING OF YOUR DREAMS AND THAT MEANING CAN BE BROUGHT FORTH, BUT ONLY BY YOURSELF.


Why do I go into this material? Because change and master function of the body, through the tiny-most cell, is controlled by the mind and thought. A confused mind will produce an infirm physical response; likewise, a clear mind can heal an infirm body by clearing any defects from the control system.




The potential lays at the SEM ability to penetrate the nuclei and actuate internal changes within the substructures (thoughts). The nuclei are in continual "charge up". The particles change their states; they charge up to their impressed potential, includ­ing the potential of each component of that impressed potential. Mind, thought and memory all reside in, and are recorded in, the atomic nuclei.


The biopotential of the dynamic mind uses "negative" energy and "negative" "time". SINCE THE NUCLEUS IS POSI­TIVELY CHARGED, POSITIVE ENERGY AND POSITIVE TIME ARE NEGATIVELY CHARGED CREATIONS. That is exactly what you get from photon interaction with the electron shells of the atom. Since it operates in negative time, the mind biopotential in negentropy, it can restore order from disorder, or chaos.


In this manner, the life blueprint of the living organism can maintain order in the midst of the entropy (a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system so related to the state of the system that a change in the measure varies with temperature in the ratio of the increment of heat taken in to the absolute temperature at which it is absorbed). This def­inition is given herein so that you can carefully consider tem­perature as an important component of "blasting" a specific par­ticle, such as a virus. Further, keep in mind this additional definition of entropy: The measure of a disorder of a closed thermodynamic system in terms of a constant multiple of the nat­ural logarithm of the probability of the occurrence of a partic­ular molecular arrangement of the system that by suitable choice of a constant reduces to the measure of unavailable energy. The living organism must be able to maintain order in the normal physical components of the cells of the physical body. Since the "AIDS" virus and mutations thereof, alter the actual DNA in all cells of an infected body, the overall body must be cleared. I assume I make my point.


Thus, the functioning mind and biocontrol system--the master cellular communications system, the immune control system, the acquisition system and the repair control system, all reside in the nuclei in dynamically interacting pattern potentials, or pattern charges, complete with resonances and frequencies and et cetera.




Priore constructed an electromagnetic treatment machine and demonstrated a close to 100 percent "kill" (cure) of all kinds of carcinomas, leukemias, etc., in thousands of laboratory tests utilizing animal forms. These tests were openly shared with American scientists as early as your 1960's. At the time of the research, the French government funded several millions of dol­lars for Dr. Priore's research.


Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas (hold this combination in your hearts for Xxx Xxxxxxx will expand on this subject later), a pulsed 9.4 gigacycles wave modulated car­rier frequency of 17 megacycles was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnatrons in the presence of a 1,000 Gauss (the cgs 'centimeter-gram-second' unit of mag­netic induction equal to the magnetic flux density that will in­duce an electromotive force of one one-hundred millionth of a volt in each linear centimeter per second at right angles to a magnetic flux) magnetic field.


Dr. Priore exposed experimental animals to this magnetic field during irradiation and a mixture of waves, some seventeen or so, coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field, passed through the animal's body. Among other things, as plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudi­nal wave, also phase conjugate, time reversal waves can be pro­duced.


Phase conjugated electromagnetic waves carry negative energy and negative time. They exhibit negentropy and move from dis­order back to order. The proof is already in the hundreds of technical papers in non-linear phase conjugate optics in the or­thodox scientific literature but ones continue to misinterpret the true definitions of terminology. Dr. Priore's apparatus pro­duced a SEM signal with deliberately constructed, unfolded components including phase and conjugated electromagnetic waves.


Further, keep in mind that just to send out waves is inconsequential unless you have a correctly tuned receiver crys­tal for exacting frequency. You must integrate the information into a single functioning apparatus.


Dharma, I request a break at this time as I have other pressing appointments. I would like to cover some discussion of Dr. Rife's material today, however. Thank you for your attention. I understand that this is a most difficult task for you in that you must work without any technical knowledge. Trust that this in­formation is of great value to those working on this project. In your service, I move to stand-by.


Commander Ashtar clearing frequency.