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Nov. 19, 2014






FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1990 10:11 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 289


Hatonn in the Light of Radiance and truth to speak of timely matters before we go further in this document. It is fair that the public readers have the same information which I have given unto this small group. You of the public must begin to understand and know that which is foisted upon you. I will be very brief for I will give no in depth information at this writing for our needs for time are pressing for this Journal.




As you watch the "summit" unfold, be aware that the Gorbachevs which are presented unto you are impostors. It is more of the cover-up of the elite world conspiracy to defraud you of the masses. Look very closely at the pictures as they are usually taken from distance and "close-ups" in the press are not current pictures. Further, you will note varying degrees of mannerisms which are copied and perceived deception is countered with "they are weary", etc., etc. There have been MANY impostors set forth in important places and we will devote an entire section of a forthcoming Journal to that fact--we have not time in this one. Reagan was a replacement, Nixon was a replacement and the Pope of Rome is a replacement. It is time for the awakening. I invite all of you who know the truth of this to now come forward and confirm this that the public can come into comfort with the truth of it.


Moreso, the meetings will be held at the private facility of Camp David where "you the public" will never know who attends. The guidelines and decisions are already made and in place from the meetings of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers who met in May for this very purpose. This is just another segment to lead you blindly into thinking great world change is coming about. All you need do is look to the countries floundering in the abyss to know the truth of it. Even the world earthquakes have been set forth as distractors--what of killing a few peasants?!


It is time for "you the people" to take these things seriously and stop your dawdling and dreaming and "wishing" it would all go away and leave you to your hapless meditations. No, it will not go away and you had better begin to look very carefully at just WHO ARE YOUR ENEMIES FOR YOUR FREEDOM IS ALL BUT "DOWN THE TUBES"!


Oh, you don't believe this? You had best look around you at that which is being perpetrated--it matters not to me! You the people are the ones marked for enslavement--not me! THIS IS THE PLAN IN ACTION, DEAR ONES-- IN ACTION!!


You think you can't be fooled? Oh yes you can--easily! All you have to do is look at the "fabulous fakes" who entertain at parties and talk shows--it is easy to deceive the masses for it is so far-fetched in concept that "they" know you won't take notice but rather cheer and whoop and roar approval for the crumbs of peace they will toss out to you. When will you have had enough? Flow long must the daring ones, such as this scribe, carry the cross? When will you wake up, world? This "game" is all but finished and, so far, the dark conspiracy is ahead a million to one.


The "planners" set it up so that the stuff shown on T.V. is neither interesting nor informative--note that the lead heading on CNN was that Jane Fonda attended the elite dinner-party and sat with the "great" ones. Could that be that she beds with Ted Turner who owns CNN and is a brother-friend now of David Rockefeller? Why was Henry Kissinger next in line at the banquet table--taking charge of all conversation? WHO DO YOU THINK WILL RUN THINGS AT CAMP DAVID--EVEN WITH THE IMPOSTORS? OH MY, LITTLE BLIND MICE, HERE COMES THE FARMER'S WIFE WITH THE BUTCHER KNIFE! AND WORSE, THE TAILS HAVE NOW BEEN SEVERED RIGHT UP TO YOUR PROVERBIAL "NECKS"- -DO YOU NOTE ANYTHING MISSING - LIKE PERHAPS FREEDOM? SO BE IT AND SELAH!


Back to the Constitution Rip-off, Dharma, just to make a few points of "proof'. Be ye so blind as to not check into it? Yes, most will be that blind and later wonder what hit them--it is thine free-will right to do whatever you desire! Oh yes, God most certainly will allow you to fall, for that is your choice!




There is a good reason for patriots to fear that the drive for a Constitutional convention is actually an attempt to destroy your Constitution by legalizing what the government has already done. First of all, the Constitution already mandates that the budget be balanced so this is truly nothing but a facade to fool you people into believing this is a way to "require balancing the budget". As far back as 1984 this information was given to legislators such as Larry Craig and Ron Paul, etc., and this was unknown information to them--most people at any level simply have no idea of what is in the Constitution. Worse, the higher one appears to progress up the ladder of position, the more is given unto staff to research and it never occurs to staff to investigate such things.




Although no legislator or staff member has been able to refute any of the facts presented them that the Constitution already mandates a balanced budget, not one will publicly support the state rate tax or convey to Americans this information. The most common excuse for remaining silent is that "political realities" are such that the formula could never be invoked, or that it would be "impractical" to do so.


The aides to several members of Congressional Leaders United for a Balanced Budget (CLUBB) admitted that it was unlikely that their bosses could back away from supporting the call for a Constitutional convention to balance the budget because, "it wouldn't look good to admit he was wrong after all the time and energy he invested."


A number of CLUBB members claim they really want Congress to pass its own amendment and that the idea of a Constitutional convention (CC) frightens them. Rep. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) said if one more state passes its petition to Congress, he would personally try to get a state to rescind its call; Ron Paul said he thought the balanced budget amendment was "worthless" but that he supported the convention call "for public relations rea­sons". Dear me, this was in mid-1984. Do any of you remember anything about it at all? Then don't come forth and tell me "they can't foist off im­postors upon your blind side!"


There would be real cause for concern even if Congress passed its own balanced budget amendment--you see, the ones in Congress do not want a balanced budget; they like it the way it is with no answering to be done to the public. Why do you think the entire thing is structured by the foxes for the foxes? They DO NOT want a balanced budget--they want a CC to wipe out all the freedoms they have not yet destroyed.




Let me tell you about the situation a bit for the problem may have been overlooked in the S&L and Pension Fund collapse.


One of the biggest scams that the taxpayer has to finance is the U.S. government securities and bonds issued when the government borrows money. These T-bills and T-notes are issued by and large to banks and other wealthy groups and individuals at no risk to the investor. These investments have been encouraged and pushed and encouraged and pushed! "Take stock in America", your impostor President Reagan pleaded--buy and spend and "save the economy". If he really had cared, along with the other free-loaders, they would have been urging you to invest in your failing industries, which would be a real risk but at least "honest". As it is, the average American, who could not afford to invest himself, has to pay dividends on these government securities to the wealthy, and theoretically, has to pay the principal when these bonds are redeemed. You can see the result in the S&L bail-out alone and this is only added on top of that which you have already been supporting.


The most heinous criminals of your world are now being slapped a gentle reassurance to the fingers, their felony charges reduced to slapped charges" so that no Constitutional or legal rights are in jeopardy, and they go to Club Fed to continue tennis lessons and have a bit of R&R at your further expense. Meanwhile a Texas black man is sentenced to $10,000 in fines and 99 years in prison--FOR TRYING TO STEAL A PACK OF KOOL CIGARETTES--HE DIDN'T EVEN GET THE CIGARETTES. THIS IS YOUR CURRENT JUSTICE, DEAR ONES--WHEN WILL IT BE YOUR TURN TO HANG?




You see, thus far they could prevail--for they have followed the instructions we have given them from corporate structuring to divesting of all assets-right to the kitchen food. If you have nothing they can find (which has been easy in this instance for they have "had" to set it up in this manner for they have noth­ing--all has gone forth for the work), they cannot or will not bother to continue the harassment.


There was a time--(ask Eustace Mullins) when the FBI would just get you and lock you away as insane and that would be the end of that. These ones are a bit too known to do that little trick for all the rest of you would be out there at all the mental prisons looking for them. Mr. Mullins was not alerted to the conspiracy until years had passed whereby he escaped by the sheer will of God placing him out of their path sufficiently to hide him. Ignorance is sometimes more effective until ones come into realization of the mission. If ones do not understand soon enough and continue to work "outside" the shield, they will be removed as has been Dr. King. Oh, it wasn't association with this group--it was the last document he has written and couldn't get published through the usual routes. His truth telling finally got too dangerous to the "system". These are confirmations you the public can get from two-legged participants right in your midst--you do not need listen to a space cadet! Further, the conspiracy will always send workers within the group to spy and tell. It doesn't matter too much in this instance for we know who it is and who they tell. Further, the computers are wired for instant surveillance, the phones--the walls themselves. We are doing nothing but efforting at writing and building good business activities. Frankly, we are not in the least interested in the conspiracy--OUR MISSION IS TO AWAKEN YOU SLEEPING PEOPLE AND BRING THE WORD OF TRUTH--WE INTEND TO DO NOTHING ELSE. WHAT IS DONE--YOU WILL DO OR IT WON'T BE DONE. IT IS ALREADY NOW TOO LATE TO STOP THE WORD OF TRUTH FROM GOING FORTH. AHO!


The balanced budget amendment would, if added to your Constitution, legalize the further swindling of you the taxpayers. There are many other negative aspects, also. Let us overlook the current perturbations of distraction in a world perceived to be moving toward freedom--it is a lie of lies and let us not get sidetracked into the matter. Let us effort to stay on this subject. You can see by just what is given unto you in tid-bits of non-truth-­that the war is in no manner off. Two thirds of all people on Earth are marked for annihilation--and all of you fall into that category--just the elitist are planned survivors--any of you still can't believe they would send forth a couple of insignificant impostors? Dear me, what does it require to get your attention?




This portion which I shall simply project in full quotes, was written by one we shall hold in security, in June (11th), 1984:




Information linking proponents of the balanced budget amend­ment/Constitutional convention to British and/or Soviet influences should be of concern to all Americans interested in preserving our Constitution.


The National Taxpayers Union, the group mostly responsible for the states petitioning Congress to call a Constitution convention, should be investigated more closely to reveal whether their push for a convention goes beyond a desire to "balance the budget."


Several members of NTU's original board of advisers included Noam Chomsky, a leader of the anti-Vietnam War movement; Ernie Fitzgerald, a 1960s "whistle blower" on defense waste; and Karl Hess III. (Hatonn: Oh, it looks good so far? Remember, all these are set up and funded by the same source--your deadly enemy!) All three had close ties with the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a liberal think tank. In 1982, IPS hosted a gathering in Minneapolis of Soviet scientists and KGB agents. Also included on this advisory board was Murray Rothbard(Hatonn: Yes, be patient--I shall get on with this man for he is touted as "big, big cheese by the Von Mises Institute), a noted libertarian economist. NTU is notable to espouse "libertarian" viewpoints.


NTU's founder, Jim Davidson, who is now canvassing the states to get a 33rd state to petition Congress, was educated at Oxford University and now co-edits the newsletter "London Washington Report" with Sir William Rees-Mogg.




There are those who believe that some British have never given up on once again reducing America to one of their colonies, strange as it may seem. (Hatonn: Remember, G.B. is the largest "foreign" owner of U.S. business/property/assets in the world.) Efforts to hold a con­vention to revise the Constitution began as early as 1788--a year after its ratification. The first attempt was made by Albert Gallatin, best known as treasury secretary to Thomas Jefferson. Gallatin, an immigrant from Switzerland, came from an oligarchic family with ties to British intelligence. The reason Gallatin wanted a convention was the same as those promoting a convention today give: that Congress was spending too much, resulting in a national debt that must be reduced, and that it needed restraints imposed to cut its budget. (Hatonn: But you see, as far back as that, they very carefully did not utilize the powers already laid forth in the Constitution.)


The political theories of Gallatin, including "fiscal conservatism" are carried on today by such "conservatives" as economist Milton Fried­man, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker and Rep. Jack Kemp. (Hatonn: Keep in mind the very people referred to in the section on the "Rockefeller Syndicate".) These individuals, and in fact, most Republicans and "conservatives" today, are not espousing American economic principles but are rather promoting British monetarism. (Hatonn: They also dived off into Austrian economics which was a direct dovetailing with the British methods who owned the cartel from the original Rothschild Foundation. This is also why Dr. John King was taken-out! He called the lie and became respected as hitting the truth of it and he was becoming too respected in his own right as the economist who told truth!)


Friedman began pushing the concept of a "flat rate tax" back in the early 1970s, along with a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget.




Now endorsing the call for a Constitutional convention to balance the budget is Richard Viguerie's Populist Conservative Tax Coalition, which includes an umbrella of about 75 other conservative leaders, including Howard Phillips. These "conservative" groups also promote the flat rate tax (un-Constitutional because it allows wages and salaries to be taxed, and dangerous because it could be hiked up to whatever percentage is desired very easily--and the 'big-boys' would have their way around it by incorporations) and fraudulent balanced budget amendments, and have also recently formed a public alliance with a "conservative" party in ISRAEL.


Other groups interested in rewriting our constitution include the Committee on the Constitutional System, which includes in its membership Robert McNamara, Lloyd Cutler and Douglas Dillon. They'd like to change our form of government from a republic to a parliamentary democracy and plan to unveil their program by 1987--exactly 200 years after our first and only Constitutional convention.




Rexford Guy Tugwell's "Newstates Constitution of America" is waiting in the wings should a convention be held. It was promoted by the tax-exempt foundation known as the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. (Hatonn: Of course a lot of you supported it; it sounded good didn't it? So be it.) A copy of that model consti­tution, which makes the practice of religion a privilege and certain freedoms usurped from the people at the whim of government, is available, along with a line-by-line analysis. (Hatonn: Just hold on with us and keep reading--it is all going to be in this Journal before the end.)


The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions has now changed its name to the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, but it has not changed its desire to scrap the U.S. Constitution. In a 1978 interview, the Institute's President Joseph Slater remarked that, "In the next decades, not just years, we will be concerned with a fundamental review of the U.S. 'Constitution'--with a small and big 'c'."


Questioned on Tugwell's book 'The Emerging Constitution" Slater replied: "I have read some of it. I do not subscribe to some of the proposals. The fact that he has written it makes it interesting material to review as many of us go forward and look at that par­ticular thesis."




To those who would dismiss the Aspen Institute as a non-influential think tank, consider some of the members on its National Commission on Coping with Interdependence: Henry Kissinger, who recently led the Central American commission whose report Sen. Jesse Helms has exposed as a blueprint for socialism financed by the U.S. taxpayer, and Daniel Boorstin, former member of the Communist Party who is now the librarian of Congress. Also friendly with the institute is the ubiquitous Robert McNamara.


Its chairman is Robert O. Anderson, who funded a group called Citizens for America. That group is led by Lewis Lehrman, a board member of the Heritage Foundation. Lehrman co-wrote the book "The Case for Gold" with Rep. Ron Paul.




Helmet Kimpel, President of the World Service Authority, which advocates global government, said in a January interview that he favored a Constitutional convention to rewrite our Constitution. He said he was undecided as to what vehicle encompassing a global parliament that could pass laws superceding those of other nations, with "commissioners" administering world government.


Economists pushing for a national industrial policy have advocated the use of such commissioners. Such an industrial policy, where the government would join with leaders of industry and labor to dictate industrial policy, is gaining widespread support in Congress.


Other groups advocating new constitutions include the World Future Society, which is having a "one-worlders" convention in Washington in June, and the Association to Unite the Democracies, which is endorsed by Sen. Barry Goldwater.




Two points that Constitutional convention advocates mention to calm fears of a runaway convention are that whatever comes out of a convention would have to be approved by Congress and by three-fourths of the state legislatures, and that neither would likely approve anything that would usurp our rights guaranteed by the Constitution.


But their arguments are incorrect: Article V of the Constitution, which provides for the amending of the constitution, excludes Congress from ratifying anything emerging from a convention.


But Congress does have the power to decide the mode of ratification, which means it can decide to have whatever document emerges from a convention to be ratified by state conventions rather than by state legislatures.


The only precedent we have for what might happen at a Consti­tutional convention is the 1787 convention. The delegates were instructed to amend the Articles of Confederation in specific ways, but once behind closed doors, they illegally exceeded the authority granted to them and ended up throwing away the Articles and writing an entirely new document, our U.S. Constitution. The convention proceedings were held in secret, and Madison's notes, the most accurate record of the convention, were not released until 30 years later.


And finally, would a Constitutional convention be an opportunity for "the people" to participate in the political process?





Oh Dharma, really chela, your media even slipped and told you that Noriega is an impostor who somehow "eluded" two massive armies to end up in the Pope's embassy. I am disappointed in you--I shall assume you are simply overworked.


I will however, allow for a rest at this point for the writing started very early this morning regarding other matters. I will move to stand-by. Thank you for your service as this concludes this chapter at any rate.




Hatonn to stand-by and clearing frequencies, please. Saalome.







FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1990 6:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 289


Then let us begin. Good morning, Thomas.


Man has long...(Please identify yourself. If you are of darkness I demand that

you remove yourself in the name of God-Aton.) I Am Sananda, be at peace.

For I come this day in the Radiance of the gracious Father. May we proceed?


Man has long searched to find meaning "outside" himself. He has been drawn to look to the stars for that meaning. Ancient astrologers thought that by somehow drawing charts and maps of the various placements of planetary bodies that this would somehow indicate pulls and influences which would give a fuller understanding of man's purpose. My beloved ones of Earth, the Father is within thee, He is within thee. I said it almost daily in the time of old...the Father is within. When will man quiet himself long enough to listen to that voice that is crying to be heard? When will man come to know that his life may be lived in harmony and fullness and abundance if he will but listen to the voice...for the divine spark within man is exactly that, divine.


So little man knows about his own soul, his own journey on this place. For it is the density of this place that leads to such forgetfulness that purposes are lost, meaning clouded, and heart's broken. It needn't be this way dear ones. But in order for man to regain his soul connection there must be true intent or de­sire. Only through a desire to align with what you refer to as the "Father's Will" will the internal "opening" take place that allows for hearing that voice within. For man is ever seeking fulfilment -- it is the return to God that all men seek. It is just that man forgets what it is that brings real happiness, ful­filment, peace. When I view your place there is such great sorrow, a wall of tears pours forth, and the calls to Father to help, help--please, Father, help! Do you think that God does not weep? God ever wants to bring all of his creatures home. And further, God refers to his creations as creatures. Are you offended by that? Why would man be offended by that, for I, Jesus Im­manuel Sananda am a creature of the Father? You will come into your understanding and knowledge. It is the cries that have been heard by the Fa­ther. The prayers are answered, for he has sent his beloved host of beautiful beings to help you. Won't you hear them? Won't you listen to how it is possible to move back to grace for life with and near the Father rather than away from him into the dark coldness of evil, pain, and suffering? Do you not long to surrender up your strong willed actions to guidance by that inner voice that calls to you to love another? Is kindness such a difficult thing for you ones?


Man has a long journey back into the way of community. You must come back into the desire to work for the good of one another. It is not a difficult concept, truly. If you live in a small township, does it make sense to cheat a customer? Does it? Do you think that type of behavior will not come back on thee ten-fold? You have forgotten what friendship and good business are about. But you will remember, you will remember. It's the pain and hardship of the journey before you that my brothers effort at easing. Won't you listen to the "better way" being put before you? The times ahead are difficult indeed and you will need to come into community, friendship, good business...for these will be the very things that will allow you to come through this Transition with your vehicles intact.


Do you realize how much energy man expends in the casting of stones at others? Oh, would that this same energy be spent to build a wall of stone, or a house of stone, poor misguided man, how you have strayed from your path. The forest is thick and deep...we have come to light of the path that you may journey through. There is naught to fear, but action, constructive action is required...or what lies before you will be painful and hard to swallow indeed. Regain of thy God given courage. Regain of thy love.


In the Light which I Am

I Am Sananda

I Am Thy Lord God