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Nov. 13, 2014





THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1990 7:15 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 288


I Am here Thomas, thank you for hearing me. I Am SANANDA and I come in Radiance, the light of the Father. Blessings unto thee. The Word must go forth, for the time draws near when man must make of his decisions. Where will man be? Where will he stand? Will all freedom be lost? Will the Constitution go by way of the Articles of Confederation? Will anyone notice? If the Conspirators black-out the mention of it on your controlled news pro­grams, will you even know what has taken place? Will you care?


Oh, man will care alright...always, if history is any indication, when it is too late. Your college students protest this and that, mostly over they know not what, yet still they have of the right to do so! Oh, but that all of the energy that is spent flailing to and fro aimlessly be focused for a brief time, just long enough to leverage enough influence to STOP THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Let freedom ring throughout the land, let the cry of the phoenix awaken man before the Great Fall. For the Call went forth throughout the land, and who would hear? Who would hear? We shall see...we shall see.


Do you ones not think we of the higher realms could work on more pleasant and beauteous projects? But that is neither here nor there for I Am sent to do a job, and the hosts of heaven are sent with me to stretch out the hand of light to offer unto you--a starving, lost people--the way back home, to freedom and glory. We are your help, your cries have been answered, your prayers heard! Now who will accept the help openly offered? Who will be brave amidst the judgement of brother, one against another? Who will speak out when the right to such speech is in the final throws of being silenced forever?


I come with ones from other worlds, your brothers. What thought you of my return? Did you think I would ride up in a cloud? Well I am on a wondrous magnificent space craft which you ones will perceive as a swirling silver cloud, but my brothers and I are real indeed, and soon you shall see the hosts of heaven descend and I say, "Fear not!" Your government has efforted and continues to put forth the lies concerning the brothers of other is a lie. The space beings, as you often call them, are of a much more highly evolved frequency, a finer vibration which is much more in alignment with the Father. Do you think that your God is only the God to Earth? Think you that? Think you that your God could not create other worlds in his house with many mansions? God is unlimited, unlimited. And in his great glory he has sent me with an army of light beings to assist planet Earth in the time of Great Transition. For you must know that Earth is moving into a higher, finer di­mension. Your planet is moving into a period of great cleansing and there will be tremendous upheavals, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The brothers from the Pleiades come to help Earth man! They have been with me for a long while and I tell thee absolutely, they are the hosts of heaven sent to help you. Listen to what is being given to help you through this difficult period. Do not turn away without exploring for yourself the truth therein. Man has been lost, pained, crying unto the Father to send help. Well he has heard you and the help is here if you will but open of thy ears and hear! What possibly do you have to lose by reading what is being said? Are you so filled with fear that by reading a book you think your mind will be lost? Have you lost all sense of discernment and good judgement? Can you no longer decide for yourself what is worthy of further exploration without the minister or preacher or courtroom judge telling you not to read that? If anyone tells you not to read the Phoenix Journals, or any book, read it and you decide. There is an effort to ban the Phoenix Journals in America. Why do you suppose that is? Aren't you curious? Well get curious! And when you read what is therein, there I will be. For I Am thy Lord God, I Am SANANDA, Jesus Immanuel of old, returned to do what I long ago promised. I said that I go to prepare a place. I have done that. And now I Am returned. Come unto me beloved ones. Ask of me. Ask of God. Ask in Light. For the light which you are is crying out to be whole and free again. Do not lose both thy Con­stitutional freedoms and thy spiritual freedom, too. I implore you. Take action.


I Am SANANDA        Come home