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SUN., MARCH 21, 1993 1:53 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 217

SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 1993






Gene engineering has already taken control over many areas of our lives, without the individual being aware of it. The fol­lowing reports from the media give proof of this in a very im­pressive way.


"Researchers created human-sheep. Was this the will of God?"


This was the first-page headline of an article about gene ma­nipulation on sheep, which appeared in the German newspaper Bild, on February 18, 1992. The Bild added, "Is it the will of God that we interfere in such a way with creation?" What hap­pened? The gene researchers of the Scottish firm, Pharmaceuti­cal Proteins, implanted certain human genes into the body of a sheep in order to produce from sheep's milk the protein alpha-1- antitrypsine, which is used as a medication against a certain lung disease. This will create the possibility of using animals, so to speak, as bio-reactors for the production of drugs. One speaks in this case of "gene farming".


Due to progress in gene research, the function of individual genes becomes increasingly clear. Gene technology's function is now to implant a foreign gene into a "host"-organism in order to make this organism produce a certain protein which it normally would not produce. This is how it happens:


First of all, the researchers identify a gene and examine its effectiveness. Then this section can be cut out with so-called re­striction enzymes and implanted into a plasmid, a ring-like bio­-molecule. The plasmid will then be incorporated into a host-or­ganism which starts the production of the medicine. Host-or­ganisms are, for example bacteria, yeast cells, hamster or mouse cells. The genetech production of medicines always follows this principle.


For example, one assumes that ten transgene cows, that is, gene-manipulated cows, are enough to cover the entire world demand for insulin. In this way, cows become "pharmaceutical factories". Is there anyone who really cares for these animals? It is a known fact that they are sick, that they are so damaged that they can no longer walk in a normal way. When one ob­serves these animals, one feels that their whole life is just suf­fering, because they are forced into biological productions that have nothing to do with their nature.


Here, man intrudes into the creation of God. He abuses the animals for the "welfare of mankind". He lets animals suffer and does not grasp what he does to himself with these actions. For the following law is valid, "You will reap what you have sown." What we do to the animals we will reap one day.


The newspaper Wirtschaftswoche reports in its edition No. 7 of February 7, 1992 on the extensive activities of the big inter­national pharmaceutical companies in the field of gene technol­ogy. Medicines produced by gene engineering are, for exam­ple, interferons to fight tumor, the hormone erythropoietine (epo) for the formation of blood, the preparation Tissue Plas­minogen Activator for the treatment of an acute heart attack and for the prevention of thrombosis. According to Wirtschaftswoche, scientists presently work in biotechnical en­terprises and research institutes all over the globe on the devel­opment of a further 250 medicines. The engagement of the big pharmaceutical companies in the field of gene technology has become a multi-billion-dollar business, with the result that Eu­ropean market leaders such as Sandoz, Hoffman La-Roche and Ciba-Geigy spend about one third of their research and devel­opment budget on bio-sciences. In the US, this trend is even stronger. Big pharmaceutical companies recently have con­verted to exclusively bio-technology enterprises.


Our food, too, is already affected to a great extent by gene technology. A lot of food is manipulated by gene engineering. Which "delights" already come out of the gene lab? In its spe­cial edition "Biofach 92" the newspaper "Umwelt Direkt" re­ported some facts about this.


Through manipulation with the genetically produced bovine growth hormone BST, COWS, for example, shall produce more MILK--the target is up to 20,000 liters a year. In view of the overproduction of milk, this is completely unnecessary. These so-called "turbo"-cows are already programmed in such a way that they produce antibiotics. Consequently, the one who drinks their milk takes in the ANTIBIOTIC at the same time and thereby is also exposed to gene manipulation. This means that milk becomes a "medicine". CARPS implanted with the growth hormone of trouts will have a 21 % weight gain.


American and Swiss firms tinker with a COCOA-BEAN which produces at the same time the low-calorie sweetener thaumatine.


Starting cultures which multiply explosively will shorten the ripening time of YOGURT, CURD and CHEESE. Genetically altered fungus cultures, for example, cause Roquefort blue cheese to ripen within three days, whereas its natural process of ripening takes half a year.


As we all know, mould forms quickly on cheese. For this reason, a so-called "killer-cheese" is being produced now, this means that gene-manipulated micro-organisms which produce an antibiotic are added to the cheese. As a result, cheese will no longer mould. Thus, cheese becomes a producer of antibiotics, which one consumes unsuspectingly.


Due to gene technology, the beer purity regulations as well become a farce. Today, there are already gene-manipulated yeasts which produce less alcohol content in beer. The result is the up-to-date "light beer".


In the meantime, even the rennin of calves, which is needed for the production of cheese, comes from the gene reactor. Al­ready in 1982, a genetech rennin was patented and came on the market. "Maxiren" is the name for the chymosine, which is produced with gene-manipulated yeast and is now admitted on the market in Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and Great Britain. In the US, 35% of HARD CHEESE is already made with genetech preparation. You won't find any note for this gene manipulation on the packaging for gene-technically altered foods do nothave to be labeled. Why should they? After all, the "welfare of the consumer" is concerned, that is your welfare, dear reader.


All of this is no exception. In these weeks one can read more and more reports in the media on gene manipulation in nearly all categories of food.


Last Year, a California company submitted an application to the relevant US authority for permission to sell a TOMATO. This tomato contains the gene of a fish which blocks a ripening enzyme. In England, genetech BAKING YEAST produced in the gene laboratory has already been admitted on the market. This yeast lets the dough rise more quickly.


Even wine arouses the interest of gene engineers. As with beer, here too, "optimized yeasts" are developed for the fer­menting of WINE or CHAMPAGNE. One estimates that within a few years nearly all industrial enzymes will be produced via gene technology.




Are not all those who carry out, approve of and profit from such experiments already manipulated themselves? Although they call themselves Christians, they treat animals like ma­chines--assuming, of course, that they have no souls.




Potatoes, tobacco, sugar beets, corn, wheat: worldwide gene experiments are made on approximately 30 domestic plants. A countless number of these manipulated plants grows in the open, on experimental fields. Who can still prevent manipulated ge­netic material from being spread?


Japan works on the gene-manipulative preparation of RICE, in the US, CORN is gene manipulated. Corn and rice are staple foods in these countries.


In Holland, outdoor experiments are made with genetech POTATOES. In the meantime, worldwide, 300 outdoor ex­periments with PLANTS have been carried out--with unforesee­able results for the surrounding nature. For it is known that gene fragments can be easily transmitted. What is not known is the extent of the uncontrolled co-manipulation of all of nature.


What happens when nature and the fruits it brings forth are manipulated with gene technology? Will the people who eat this food not be automatically manipulated, too? Science contests this. But no one has thus far supplied evidence that this is not a real danger. At best, this could be examined and proved in an experimental study over decades. But we know nothing about this kind of test, in which scientists intend to research the effects of genetically altered food on man.


Cynics could argue that the test has already begun by bring­ing the products on the market without any restrictions. Science calls this a "blind study". The consumers arc the experimental subjects--without knowing it.


A special domain of the gene engineers is MEAT PRODUC­TION. The great demand for meat, especially in the West, can be met only through the "production" of animals which double their weight in half the time. To this category of animals belong genetically "boosted" GIANT PIGS, living mountains of flesh. Since the consumption of meat has already proved to be haz­ardous to health, what then is to be expected if gene engineering is now interfering in the giant food sector as well? No one knows how gene fragments from the manipulated meat of ani­mals affect the human intestines. Maybe the intestinal flora will be changed; maybe the human intestines themselves will be ge­netically changed.


Due to gene manipulations, SHEEP in Australia produce a wool which breaks off by itself and is collected with nets, while before shearing was necessary. Furthermore, these animals are capable of producing substances in their wool which repel in­sects and, in addition to that, keep off negative influences from their wool. The result of this is a wool which can be processed with less effort.


Disregarding any ethical and moral values, animals are changed in such a way that they yield the greatest economic profit for man. His principle is to obtain the greatest possible profit with the least expense.


Are not all those who carry out, approve of, or profit from such experiments already manipulated themselves?


Meanwhile, consumer organizations increasingly warn of "optimized foodstuffs". The magazine, Umwelt Direkt writes in its special edition that the refusal of such foodstuffs would be well-founded, because the risks to health and ecology, provoked by such manipulated foodstuffs, cannot be foreseen at present. Gene manipulations in organisms can produce unknown new substances. For example, in the US, severe side-effects were caused by the sleeping pill L-tryptophan because a strain of bacteria optimized by gene engineering was used for the production of this "drug". Five thousand people became chronically ill and 27 died from the effects. (Biofach 92) Genes implanted in domestic plants can, upon their release, be trans­mitted to wild plants. As a result of this, new plants could pos­sibly become resistant to their natural enemies and thus spread in an uncontrolled way.


Gene-technically altered enzymes could trigger new, un­known allergies in people without a physician being able to de­termine the cause. In the meantime, the exchange of genes be­tween micro-organisms is scientifically proved.


All living underwent and undergo genetic alterations in the course of evolution. They are necessary for the adjustment to the environment and survival of the species. Gene engineering now wants to considerably shorten the often long time intervals between natural mutations by directly changing the hereditary material.


"The decisive advantage of gene engineering," said Professor Gassen,"is the gain of time. Genetic methods are awfully fast."


The attitude which becomes evident in this statement re­veals the goal of the gene engineers. They want to create living beings according to human specifications, according to conditions which man dictates. They no longer accept the natural, divine order. They consciously want to change life. And in this context, man is not excluded.


In the US, concrete interventions in the genetic make-up of man are already being carried out. Eleven human gene therapy experiments have been applied for and seven more are in prepa­ration. (Der Spiegel, 9/91) More and more illnesses are treated with gene therapy.


In a large university clinic near Washington D.C., human cells are being genetically manipulated to fight against cancer, for instance. Also in cases of various hereditary diseases--for example the so-called ADA-syndrome--genetic experiments were carried out in the US in September 1990. Presently, one speaks of treating the hereditary illnesses cystic fibrosis and the Lesh-Nyham-Syndrome with gene engineering. Thus, we have reached the point in human medicine, too, where the barriers against gene technology are being gradually removed.


A research team from the universities of Freiburg and Mainz has studied the development of the brain in flies. Genes were found which control the development of brain structures and in­fluence certain cerebral functions.


What is possible with flies does not necessarily have to be successful in man. But experience has shown: Everything which is feasible shall be done. This could mean that genetech interventions in the human brain will soon be possible.[C: It is not only possible but is widely utilized!]


Shall a new man spring up? Do we approach the breeding of a new species? [C: You have ALREADY CREATED IT!]


The Christ-of-God Spirit explained to us in His revelation:


"So recognize and become aware of the fight between the light and the darkness. The darkness does not give up as long as it still has accomplices. And the accomplices are all those who live with the world... The adversary, who wears many a garment, now tries to manipulate the people. This happens in manifold ways. He intrudes into the genes of man. Substances are in the air, in the water, substances are in the food and in beverages."


Christ also tells us what the consequences of gene manipula­tion are:


"When the darkness holds sway over man through the sub­stances which manipulate the genes, then, in the end, man will no longer know who he is for he can hardly grasp his thoughts any longer. His sensations will also be eliminated and thus man no longer finds access to his emotions."[C: This same end can also be accomplished by the external application of pulsed beam wave frequencies.]


Do we want to be manipulated? Do we want to get to the point where we can no longer recognize our feelings, sensa­tions, where we can no longer grasp our thoughts so that we no longer know what we do and who we are?




Microbes, out of control, can't be collected again or disposed of. On the contrary: They are able to multiply and they have no natural enemies.


It is too late to change what has come upon you--can you not see that by and large the masses of humanity can no longer grasp their thoughts and no longer KNOW who or what they are? The masses are already totally manipulated in every way--physically and spiritually.


Meanwhile, we have to assume that we are exposed to gene-manipulated microorganisms or DNA-fragments in all areas of life. What can we do in order to escape manipulation? Here, too, Christ gives us an answer in His revelation:


"Behold and recognize in your hearts. Many of you still have enough to eat and to drink. But do you know what certain foods contain? Do you know what certain beverages contain? It could be that foods and beverages already contain the manipu­lation. Happy the one who raises himself over these satanic, that is, demonic, vibrations through the fulfillment of the Inner Life. For even the words 'I will set out to walk the path, I will strive for... ', will gradually fall in the dust. Now the motto is fulfil'! For the one who does not do so, is together with the serpent, that is, the dragon. How can man accept the divine blessings? This is only possible if he opens himself for the inner blessings through a pure way of life. And the pure life in turn begins with your feelings, sensations, thoughts, words and ac­tions."


For more information about the blocking of the emotions, with which the darkness tries to eliminate the fine impulses of the spirit of God for man, also read the article, "Genetic Manip­ulation Blocks Our Emotional Life". (To follow.)




What are the real risks? One can recognize from the condition of our planet, which many already believe can no longer be saved, that the human species has failed. We need a new kind of man. And thus, now is the hour of gene engi­neering as wished by the Illuminate: The building blocks of life, the genes, shall be arranged in such a way that a new man emerges who at last functions in the "right way". We asked a medical expert about the "blessings" of gene engi­neering.


Question: "Finally, with gene engineering all possibilities are open for us"--this impression is created in the public opinion by the media. What is then so dangerous about a gene-manipu­lated, long lasting, juicy tomato?


Answer: One has to differentiate between several levels of danger. It is relatively harmless when a gene is inserted which, for example, makes the tomato resistant to pests or keeps the tomato fresh longer. Such genes probably only trigger allergies in the human body. More dangerous is if human genes are im­planted, for instance, the gene for the human growth hormone, which is already routinely done with pigs.


Question: Why is it so dangerous to implant a human growth hormone? Why shouldn't the pigs grow faster?


Answer: Because man can develop acromegaly, which means that his fingers, his nose, his chin grow. He could then look like Pharaoh Echnaton (Akhnaton) who had this disease. [Wokini: And now I know!]


Question: Does this mean that a gene can get into the human body via the tomato or the meat and can promote growth in dif­ferent parts of the body leading to deformity?


Answer: Yes. And the third level of danger is when genes are deliberately implanted into the genome of the tomato which don't become active in the tomato, but are aimed at the human brain, for example, certain brain-genes.


Question: Is it already possible to introduce accompanying genes which only become active in a human being?


Answer: This is no problem for gene engineering. The only problem would be to keep this gene inactive in a tomato and that could be done with another accompanying gene.


Question: If the brain-gene has no purpose in the tomato at all, why is it then inserted?


Answer: So that one absorbs this gene. The gene is then re­ceived by the corresponding receptors in the brain and goes into the DNA of the person. The destination of such brain-genes is first of all the original parts of the brain, especially the limbic system. [C: "Limbic System": A group of brain structures, including the hippocampus, amygdala, dentate gyrus, cin­gulate gyrus, gyrus fornicatus, and archicortex, and their in­terconnections and connections with the hypothalamus, septal area, and a medical area of the mesencephalic tegmen­turn. The system is activated by motivated behavior and arousal, and it influences the endocrine and autonomic mo­tor systems.]


Question: This is outrageous, that genes implanted in toma­toes don't make tomatoes grow, but manipulate man. Did I un­derstand that right?


Answer: YES, this is outrageous. One has to assume that this happens in a controlled and very intentional way, just to produce a new generation of mankind, which fits in with the plans the demons have for this earth.


Question: It seems, then, that the scientists pretend to create nice vegetables and, in reality, they are insiders who carry out a certain plan.


Answer: Not the average scientist, but the highest level. Of course, the reasons for a planned brain manipulation can be ex­plained in a logical way to a gene engineer. They are told that: Certain characteristics of man have caused the desolate state of mankind which is known to every one. And that ev­erything destructive coming out of the world of feelings has to be blocked, if things are going to get better for mankind. That an emotional, impulsive kind of man is no longer ac­ceptable for the earth. And that only people with neutral feelings, or better yet, with no feelings at all, are acceptable.


Question: Does this mean that the foreign brain-genes aim at producing a human being who no longer has any "disturbing" feelings?


Answer: Right.


Question: How does one produce such genes which leave a person without feelings?


Answer: At first, you only have to identify them. And this has already been accomplished with 3000 human brain-genes. If the alkaline structure has been decoded, it is only a routine matter for the DNA machines to produce these genes. And they can do this by the billions.


Question: And the brain-genes in the limbic system shall now make sure that feelings and impulsive reactions are blocked?


Answer: That is one possibility. But if one wants to pro­duce a soldier-type, one could eliminate empathy and sym­pathy and instead activate aggressive reactions like rage and the desire to attack.


Question: What is so negative about human feelings for the Illuminate?


Answer: Because feelings are the prerequisite for under­standing and empathy and thus for the practising of loving one's neighbor.Self-recognition, as well, is only possible through sensing ourselves; this means, when the communication be­tween the soul and the rational mind is possible only through the world of feelings. When the world of feelings is blocked, I am without feeling, heartless. I can no longer feel remorse and thus no longer clear things up. I also cannot feel the longing for the divine, because the idea prevails in me that I can understand and manage everything with my rational thinking and my intellect.


Question: But doesn't this mean that life on Earth has become useless for me because I can no longer repent and clear things up? On the contrary, don't I burden myself more and more?

Answer: Yes, this is inevitably so. Even if I am not aware of what is happening in me, because I am of the subjective opinion that I am doing everything right, I am still responsible for my wrong attitude and the wrong actions which I carry out, because I have attracted the manipulated genes like a magnet, according to the principle "like attracts like", and I am responsible for what happens in me. My life on Earth has thus become a vege­tating one on the one hand and, on the other, a constant bur­dening myself anew.


NOTATION: "Anyone seeking a horror picture of today truly needs no fantasy. Take a book on veterinary medicine and while reading it simply substitute the word 'man' for the word 'animal'. What happens every day is no longer utopia, it is ev­eryday business.”  Professor Henning Beier, Univ. of Aachen, member of the Central Commission on Ethics of the Bundesar­zlekammer. (Federal Medical Assoc. of Germany.)


Question: With the implanted genes (which are foreign pro­grammes) I can only burden myself more. Why isn't it possible to clear things up?


Answer: The burden of the soul is also recorded in the physi­cal genetic make-up. There is a resonance between a gene of the body and information in the soul. Clearing up always starts in the soul. In this process, the soul radiates in such a way that a certain burden becomes active in the genes. Then the clearing up can happen.


A foreign gene which has been implanted in the body is a jamming station. It is not identical with a cause in the physical genetic makeup and thus, neither does it correspond to a burden of the soul. The soul cannot reach the jamming programme be­cause it vibrates differently. The result is a jumble of vibrations in the body.


A picture can make this condition clear. My own path of er­ror is recorded in the soul and in the genes. Starting from the soul, I can clear it up, step by step. However, the path of error which is foreign to me (the foreign programme which was im­planted into the DNA) is also not in the soul. And so, the soul cannot activate the steps to clear up. The consequence is that the soul cannot work on and clear up the foreign pro­gramme until it has burdened itself through the new pro­gramme, because this burden goes into the soul at the same time.


Question: Does this mean that there is actually an unavoid­able force to burden oneself, because it is only then that the soul can recognize and erase the foreign programmes?


Answer: From the point of view of the demonic, this is ex­actly the purpose. The soul cannot clear up things unless it first burdens itself through the foreign programme. Only after this new burdening does the soul have the opportunity to clear up this burden.


Question: What happens now, when a soul goes into the soul realms with such burdens? Can it atone for them there?


Answer: Yes, this is possible, but one can imagine that at first the soul will rebel against this. A soul will have a hard time accepting that it is responsible for a wrong attitude which it took on unknowingly, but with which it has nevertheless bur­dened itself, and that it has to expiate and suffer through this burden. The rebellion of the soul may thus prevent for a long time the dissolving of the guilt. This can lead to rebellions in the spheres of purification against those who, in the opinion of the souls, are responsible for this.


Question: Now, there is no injustice. Whatever happens to me, be it as soul or as human being, was caused by me. How could I have avoided becoming a victim of the gene manipula­tion? Or, putting it differently, how can I protect myself against being influenced without my noticing, which would then have the mentioned consequences?


Answer: Actually, I can only protect myself by seriously striving to actualize the divine commandments, as they are written in the Sermon on the Mount, every day. This means, that I am walking the Inner Path. This brings my soul into a vibration which is higher than the vibration which is higher than the foreign genes. The result, at best, is that the foreign genes do not find a hold in me. If the im­plantation of foreign genes has already taken place, then the repair-enzymes can recognize them right away and can eliminate them from the body. The third possibility is that the suppressor genes recognize the foreign genes and that they will inactivate them. The mentioned possibilities exist only if the soul has the necessary strength for this.


Question: Thus, a protection against gene manipulation is possible only when I increase the strength of my soul through daily actualization? Only in this way can the penetration of dangerous gene parts into one's own DNA be avoided or re­paired?


Answer: Yes, that is correct.




* * *


I can see that at this point I have some very concerned readers. This is SERIOUS stuff and makes that awful movie, INVASION OF THE KILLER TOMATOES a bit more attention worthy, doesn't it?


Well, chelas, I don't know how to soften the truth of these pre­sentations--I just suggest you keep sipping and supping your Gaiandriana (no matter how many tell you it is "just water"). You will raise your own DNA vibrations to the level of being able to overcome these invaders--or you shall not make it in wholeness of body AND soul.


It is noted already that there is a potato and a tomato strain which has been made resistant to insects in the gene laboratory. It produces a poison in its cells, which has a lethal effect on the individual pest. In the long term this can produce incalculable damage to the health of man. I would guess that our people are going to eventually find feasting on untampered chlorella, red lentils and Spelta bread most inviting--to be washed down with a nice blend of juice and Mo-gu. "Wishing" will no longer make any of these things "just go away". This is a massive plan UN­DERWAY by the Elite One World Order. It is done and in use for the purpose of control of the masses and destruction by death to the unwanted population.






A last thought before giving my scribe rest: It is claimed again and again that the release of transgene, that is, gene-manip­ulated micro-organisms is completely harmless. A scientist from the University of Pennsylvania (German newspaper Welt, February 15, 1992), however, found that already one hour after the release of gene-manipulated sewage sludge the gene fragments of manipulated bacteria were transmitted to non-manipulated ones. So we can say that within a very short time bacteria nearby are gene contaminated, or gene manipulated!


Have a nice dinner!



Ceres to clear, please.