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Oct. 20, 2014






SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1990 8:20 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 276


Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. Stressed out? No, it is a very real bombardment, chela--very real and intended. You need input other than Constitution this day to regain purpose.


I am going to purposely offend many of you. Especially those who want to dine on the lies of perfection in being--just "being'. Good luck, because you are dwelling on scenarios that will not be in consciousness. Satan has set up his programs to take power from you and give it unto all things other than assuming responsibility for self and appropriate actions to change from his plan for you. You ones will use perfectly wondrous tools such as astrology, crystals, psychic communications and never think twice as to WHO might be on the other end of the line. The Master Deceiver will always tell you he is God, and he is--but it is the God of darkness. Further, you readily give your power unto human fragments who also deceive you. GIVE YOUR POWER TO NO ONE. GOD DOES NOT WANT YOUR POWER--HE WANTS YOU TO USE IT FOR HE GAVE IT UNTO YOU. FALSE CLEARING OF YOUR SPACE WILL NOT CUT IT, MY FRIENDS. RATTLING OFF A BUNCH OF "CLEARING WORDS" WILL NOT CLEAR YOUR SPACE BUT RATHER MAKE YOU A VICTIM IN WIDE OPEN INVITATION TO THAT WHICH YOU CLAIM TO DESIRE TO PUT FROM YOU. OH YES, I SEE ONES OF YOU "TRYING" SO HARD THAT YOU BLAST CHASMS IN YOUR SHIELD. STOP YOUR SETTING UP OF "HATONN TESTING", CLEAR YOURSELVES AND ENTER INTO COMMUNION WITH AN OPEN MIND INSTEAD OF CONSCIOUS EF­FORT AT SPECIFICS. WITHOUT EGO INVOLVEMENT, I AM A FAR SUPERIOR "TESTOR" THAN ARE YOU. I KNOW WHEN YOU ARE "SETTING ME UP" AND WE HAVE NO MORE TIME FOR THIS TRIVIA. IF YOU DOUBT ME--FINE! WAIT WITH AN OPEN MIND AND PERHAPS YOU WILL CHANGE YOURS. IF NOT, I ASK THAT YOU SIMPLY WITHDRAW AND LEAVE US TO OUR WORK AND YOU GO PLAY ELSEWHERE. WE FORCE NO MAN, NOR DO WE PLEAD, BEG OR BEND UNTO GAMES. THE LOAD HEREIN IS TOO HEAVY AND WE WILL NOT CARRY A LOAD FOR ONES WHO SIMPLY WANT TO "RIDE" RATHER THAN SHARE.


No, Dharma, this is not discipline--this is truth and a reminder to all as ones come forth to participate. This is a group like no other on your placement--we have no Gurus, just fellow-workers and teachers with a bit more experience. Ours is to bring forth truth in the written word and build. We work within the "system" in that we might not call great attention prematurely and we "do it better". We are out to overthrow or enslave no one.




These words are sent forth from your enemies as directed at our work. If you are not almost in a panic, you obviously do not yet have the picture! It is through the knowledge of the probabilities as they continue to exist and worsen, that you can function. There is hope beyond measure, but most will turn away in order to continue to hide from truth and Satan will urge you to do exactly that!


Your day to day changes are naught! They are simple perturbations which fluctuate with possibility changes--the overall projections only strengthen. The probabilities of total disaster loom ever greater with each perceived day of passage. I suppose you must hear those probabilities again for I see that three weeks have passed without reminding and already you mostly assume "its all off!" No, it is all on, and closer.




This is where I all but lose Dharma for she has had to witness this over and over and it is debilitating. But ones want the excitement of "hearing" it again and again for no one returns to re-read the Journals as reminder. The drive is to "get the next one" and perhaps the game will have changed. Well, it is slowly changing but you must never lose sight of the goal.


Let me again paint the picture as you are painting it in mass consciousness for, so far, all are working most diligently to bring the prophecies to fruition just as SATAN wrote them! GOD DOES NOT DESTROY HIS CREATIONS--SATAN DOES!


There has always been that feeling harboring within each of you that somehow you are Christians and, especially if you are Christians in America, you will be exonerated from world tribulations. This becomes your biggest mistake of all you comprehensible thoughts, for let me state in the records that whatever should occur in Europe and Asia -- will most definitely include your United States and every living person on the face of the planet. Remember--"no living thing shall escaper!”?


The good, but misguided "Christian" -- regardless of his pretrained background and faith (for indoctrinated religions are MAN trained) WILL NOT survive all of the coming tribulations any more than those who believe in the atheistic side of the teachings. What has been prophesied WILL HAPPEN. For man has brought these tribulations down on himself, he has planned the path within the play and he has forgotten that he can change of it. Frankly, very, very few have any wish to change of it for life has become so violent that only more violence gives any relationship to "living". The entire point of this experience is totally lost on the masses of mankind.


It is common knowledge and all experts on your placement regarding this subject do agree, that it is only a matter of time before you have a malfunction on the 'safety systems' controlling thermonuclear weaponry, or some politician who has a terminal case of ‘bats in the belfry’ unleashes a Thermo-Nuclear Holocaust by direct intent or possibly accidental means. Whether that holocaust comes by accident or design matters little to you caught up in the aftermath.


Don't just blame the half truths of Holy Scriptures or simply prophecy because your military "experts" also agree on outcome. Estimates all confirm that approximately ONE THIRD of the world populace, within the bounds of a ‘ground zero’, will be executed in the initial set of explosions; an additional ONE THIRD will die of the after effects, radiation poisoning, contaminated food and water, the lack of proper medical supplies, neglect and above all--exposure to fallout. Military actions that will most certainly follow such a devastation will take advantage of the final ONE THIRD, who in turn will be drafted into total slavery, either by your government or to the systems of the invading forces! You can verify these predictions in the book of Ezekiel, Chapter 5:7-11 for those of you who have your checkpoints from your historical writings.


“Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you are more turbulent than the nations that are around you, and have not walked in my statutes to the ordinances, but have acted according to the ordinances of the nations that are round about you; therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold I, even I, am against you; and I will exe­cute judgments in the midst of you in the sight of nations. And because of all your abominations I will do with you what I have never done, and the like of which I will never do again. Therefore, Fathers shall eat their sons in the midst of you, and sons shall eat their fa­thers; and any of you who survive I shall scatter to the winds. Where­fore, as I live, says the Lord God, surely, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable things and with all your abominations, therefore I will cut you down."


God? Doesn't sound like the God I know! God won't do one blame thing to you--but you will! Satan has told you these things in order that you will rebel against this wrathful and terrifying "God" of Light who eats his children and parents. And because Satan has caused you to believe these things you will see to it that they come to pass. Crystals won't turn it around and neither will chanting Ooms! Standing forth in God Light and refusing to accept such judgment can! How many of you will do it? It means coming back into the Laws of God and The Creation but man has also been told there is no "fun" or "profit" in so doing! YOU ARE BLINDED PEOPLE OF THE LIE FROM INCEPTION!




In reading the above reference, you must be made aware of two major factors (at least this is how the story has been handed down). One, the Temple at, and in the City of Jerusalem was, at the time when Ezekiel wrote these verses, in a devastating pile of rubble. Further, how do you KNOW that Ezekiel wrote anything at all--do you believe his name was actually Ezekiel and are you sure it is spelled thusly? You REALLY do not KNOW much of anything, do you? So, as long as mankind goes on 'ASSUMING' it will come to pass as ASSUMED! It must--do you see? Well, let us continue to "assume" regarding Ezekiel. He was a prisoner at that time, being one of those carried off in the Exile in Babylon. Therefore, he absolutely HAD TO BE RE­FERRING TO SOME OTHER TIME, and since it has not yet happened. . .it does seem to carry such a meaning into your perceived future. . .to your gen­eration (generation being approximately 40 years and the last generation esti­mated to come from about 1961 through 2001 A.D. You see, you even set your time limits as Satan points them out unto you. In Pleiades we live well over a thousand years in most placements in human format and move on when the experience is desired change. We set our guidelines according to Lighted God and The Creation which does not limit us)


Well, lets see now, there also seems to be a provision for a select remnant to be bound in the "skirt of the Prophet" that will also BE TRIED IN THE FIRE! OUCH! And that remnant WILL BECOME "Jerusalem"! This is all stated very clearly.




Since the Big Boom is more inevitable now than in any of those centuries that have preceded you, and the Remnant is a promise of God, doesn't it make sense to at least attempt to become one of the Remnant? I wouldn't know because there seems to be no concerted opinion as to exactly who is who in your perception. But for the sake of this story - - -


And right here all the hallelujah nitwits inject their falsity and idiocies that BEFORE all these tribulations and holocausts occur, Jesus will come out of the heavens onto a soft fluffy cloud and scoop up all the Christians of the world and save them from the hotfoot! In as clear a language as possible to those self righteous half-wits, God said AFTER (if you believe the teachings). . . .NOT BEFORE! There are three accounts recorded IN HIS OWN WORDS (however He spoke to them then as different from now) and since it IS His Coming, HE SHOULD CERTAINLY KNOW IF ANYONE DOES.


In Matthew 24: 29,30, it states:

"Immediately AFTER the tribulations of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give off light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken; THEN WILL APPEAR THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN IN THE HEAVENS, and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, AND THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY."


I would guess that no matter how you prefer to translate that passage (assuming, of course, truth), it still refers to AFTER, and again I refer you to the fact that there HAS NOT been a time in ALL civilizations when the sun did not shine nor was the moon without light AND the Lord has not appeared in the heavens with all His power and glory. . thus once again, this passage is quite clear as it refers to your future days on earth. You see, if you believe a portion, then to be consistent--you must believe it all. Well, all the nice disciples said AFTER! Therefore, I guess you must assume that all doctrines, distortions and delusions to the contrary are invalid.




Thus, the only "meeting in the air" as taught you concerning the 'Rapture' is going to be between uncountable tons of dirt, debris, trash, flying parts of buildings, automobiles, parts and pieces of civilization's accomplishments, radio-active elements in and of the nuclear war heads and millions of bodies, of which a great many will be those who were standing around waiting to meet Jesus in mid air.


But what about that Holy Remnant (if they were given to a TRUE HOLY PROPHET of God, then wouldn't they be ENTRUSTED to a chosen Holy Prophet of God'?) If this is so, then that would certainly exclude all of the priests, ministers, do-gooders, proclaimed Christians, saints and above all, the politicians of your planet. If not any of those, then who? Well, of course, the anointed!


Whoop-de-do and whoopee, did you not realize that in each and every generation and civilization, God appoints ONE MAN to be a witness of it? That man, whoever he/she might be, is the Anointed One. Now before you hallelujah Christians get started again and insist that this Anointed One would have to be one of their denomination or the direct line out of Abraham, Isaiah comes and bursts the bubble and tells it differently.


"Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped, to subdue nations before him that gates may not be closed: I will be before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze, and cut as under the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord!"


A hundred and seventy five years before the events, a TRUE Prophet of God recorded the facts (and you know it is true because the book says so), of the fall of Babylon, the King's name who would make this all happen, and a much overlooked detail that seems to confirm the words in that long sentence; "And I will loose the Loins of Kings" is again recorded in Daniel, Chapter Five. Belshazzar, the son of King Nebuchadnessar very likely soiled his pantaloons and made royal diaper changing quite a chore. Therefore, if this detail is cor­rect, then so is the title given upon King Cyrus of the Lord's Anointed!


However, King Cyrus was neither Christian, Jewish or any other of the line of one called Abraham--he was Persian!


"Now, you might be very pleased, or relieved, to know that the Anointed of this Last Generation is American. He was born at 7:38 A.M., Tuesday, March 24, 1936 at Fort Grand, West Virginia. This date is confirmed and it is recorded through the mathematical geometry in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh." Who said? Who pronounced this great truth, err-a lie? Well, let us just go on and I advise you to ignore the above statement.


"Just like Noah in his day, Moses in his day, David and Solomon in their days, and Immanuel, commonly called Jesus, in His day; all of whom had DUAL COMMISSIONS. First, and like all other One Hundred and Seventy Five Anointed, from Ish, commonly called Adam, who was the First Anointed of his Generation, Jesus, by the same token was a witness not only for a generation but the entire civilization, but secondly He is to GATHER. AND PREPARE FOR THE HOLY ELECT REMNANT against the Day of the Holocaust and the tribulations that will befall all mankind.


"The Logistics are extreme, and so are the qualifications! God does not want, nor will He accept, weak-kneed namby pambys; the conditions prior to, and during and after the coming holocaust will require a knowing and a dedicated people! The survival of the Holy Elect Remnant depends on it. One of God's titles is Lord of Hosts, and this in plain every day English means: Commander of many armies. In short, God is a strict disciplinarian, and HIS orders to HIS Anointed are to structure the Holy Remnant in such a manner as to require Military Obligations of Everybody. Therefore, the government of God is Military Religion."


I think I, Hatonn, am going to be sick! Watch out below for the "Holy slosh". God is not a strict disciplinarian--Hatonn may be, Aton is not! He lets you do whatever you want to do--without interference! You make your bed, my friend, any way you choose--just know that you will also lie upon it.


Now let me quote another "authority" from the great Pyramid informers and Biblical scholars and over 12 million books were sold so it must be true!?!


“This Holy Government has been given full instructions for the Places of Refuge, survival systems of energy, sanitation, food production and preservation and all the necessary organization and assignment of responsibilities. Even the manner of choosing, and proving those who will ‘eat the feast of the bridegroom’, while outside there is the wailing and gnashing of teeth of those who will suffer the tribulations and holocaust.


"Cults are not permitted nor tolerated! The likes of Jim Jones and those supposedly responsible adults who supported and followed him, are where they ought to be: dead and now burning in hell!


"Narcotics, liberalism, communisms, whoremongers, racemixers and all other such degenerates are flatly forbidden! If this should offend you in the slightest, I suggest you go back and read all of the laws given by Moses. That Holy Law was, and still is, in effect and unchanged. It was not nailed to the cross along with Jesus, but there are some hides that will be for saying so.


"As for the One Hundred  Forty Four Thousand of this elect; they are from or are chosen of each of the Tribes of Israel, meaning that Jerusalem, England, America, France and Australia are.. the INCLUSIVE. . .with the exception of Dan, present day DENMARK!  Once it becomes known who those tribes are, the choosing of them will make more sense, but suffice it to say that Dan has been excluded, for 'polluting the Holy Blood Line'. However, the part about those men ‘not being defiled of women’ doesn't mean they might not have wives, but it does mean that they are not henpecked nor willfully dependent on them."


Oh, now I know that I shall be sick. I shall not give this man's name who writes this drivel but know that he leads great multitudes by the millions.




Yes, that's me--Hatonn the Prophet Bashar! But you know what? I am going to share some visions with you and I am not going to take time to do this writing according to your English professor for I want the most information I can get to you in the very shortest possible fashion. I tell you herein, these things shall come to pass upon you people if you change not your ways and move back into the laws of God and The Creation--the above is the big B-word. I'll tell you right now that if you follow explicitly the law of Moses--you are doomed to a worse fate than you have drawn forth for yourself. NO MAN SHALL SAY WHAT GOD SHALL OR SHALL NOT DO! FOR MAN TO PRONOUNCE THESE THINGS AS FACTUAL IS TO PROVE THAT HE KNOWS NOT THE TRUE AND WONDROUS CREATOR.




That which is projected will most probably come upon you for the perception is so staid, it is quite unpleasant indeed. I will say that the man who projected the above has been wrong in every date he has predicted and, therefore, denounces himself as a prophet by his own definition. However, he has some facts which bear repeating and are unpleasant indeed. He wrote of these things a decade ago and I know not, and care even less, how he explains those things that did not come to pass in the 80s. Do not be distracted by such rubbish--just keep your eye on the goal.




It now becomes urgent that you pay attention for--correct or incorrect--the perception planted in the consciousness of man projects the following and therefore it will probably come to pass as written for you show no signs of change.


"For those of you who feel the word holocaust applies only to the slaughtering of some two and a half million Jews in Germany (Interruption. NEVER state that Hatonn has told you that the "holocaust" in Germany did not occur. I have said it did not occur as you have been told. A. Hitler was a basket case of evil and he practiced it most openly. However, he was a "divine" being. Ah, shock and stutter! All beings are divine! Now, the extermination camps and gas chambers are the magnificent hoax--not the incarceration and deaths of millions of people--keep your facts straight if you quote Hatonn, please.), you had better give some second thoughts to its meaning and the prophecy of these times.




(Many of you who write and work with us have seen it in its full glory of destruction. Little Crow, Dharma, etc., have been caused to experience it over and over that they go on with their conscious commitment to effort at bringing the truth of it unto you. I care not whether or not you believe--it is truth and you are headed, as a world, directly in the path to that very happen­ing. Worse, the "goodly" speakers will tell you differently--no, it will be exactly as projected if you do not wake up and change course.)


"In any thermonuclear blast, a 50 megaton bomb carries the explosive power of fifty million tons of TNT within a height of just 1.2 miles above target. The pressure graduant of that force would totally destroy all areas up to a 35 mile range and would sweep 100 million tons of dirt and debris into the air of roofs, cars, glass, power lines, poles, bridges, boats, and thousands of house struc­tures. THE CARBON from the electrical wiring of power, telephone lines, TV cables, etc., takes to radioactivity as a duck takes to water and the destruc­tion of carbon is devastating all by itself. It would take well over 5,220 years to lose JUST ONE HALF of its destructive forces, so all these millions of tons of radio-active debris floating in mid air is only a minor factor compared with the actual devastation at ground level. If mere ounces of thermonuclear energy can lift millions of tons into the air, what would your imagination do for you if a 100 megaton bomb were exploded? (Try 150 Megs--that is where the underground "testing" is set beyond which we can shut you down. And your experts tell you it doesn't even affect the fault lines or the dams or, or, or!)


However, with all the H bombs blowing off at different intervals, there would he survivors of at least 140 million people and others of a mutated form, those who are radio-active and those, of course, who are gradually dying a tortuous existence.


(Now for the good news.) "We need only experience a total of five (or less, depending upon circumstances prevailing) 50 megaton bombs to bring about the start of the holocaust. It takes but one thermonuclear or neutron bomb to rearrange our atom structure and create a chain reaction that would carry, with the winds, around the globe. With such a chain reaction, all land and all people of the world are affected. One more, other than those that have been set off in a test program by U.S., Russia, China and others, could seriously damage our protective ozone layer (and you thought it was hair spray), thus emitting concentrated ultra violet rays to penetrate our surface. One bomb would seriously affect animal life, water, and plant life wherever the fallout occurs."


Remember when China set off a couple of thermonuclear bombs and as an end result, your country suffered the loss of many cattle throughout the midwest and today, several years later, you have begun to experience "acid water" that is presently killing fish, even in the nursery hatchery water? For those of you who are not familiar with this term, acid water is washed down radio-active carbons from your rains and its effect on fisheries are now taking its toll. No, it is not just from smokestacks--that is something different.


Private wells are now being affected and some of these carbons are filtering through your purification systems. Why don't you know? Because no ones tests for it and you wouldn't want to panic the public, would you? What are you--a rabble rouser and troublemaker?


Just keep going as you are and you will destroy your atmosphere right out into your stratosphere.


You are setting yourself up for the probability of uncontrollable heat (not global heating as lied about to you, but real hot stuff). If you get enough reaction in your atmosphere you are going to get a real hotfoot--maybe a sustained heat of some 160 degrees. Now this is without any other pestilence.


With such temperatures of this continuous level, your power plants supplying electricity would be forced to shut down from the overload. If this happens, your air conditioning would become useless, thus nearly setting man crazy from the heat blasts. Work in offices, plants and stores would be forced to halt and you would have no refrigeration. Automobiles could not travel for explosions would be common.


And shucks, there you are, a few of you; nagging for shelters underground in the cool breast of Mother. How dare you be such demanding troublemakers.


Now let us look at the aftermath of these explosions, etc. Now you would face a different problem. After any blast or series of blasts, you are faced with a lack of nearly everything that is needed for a perfect survival. Everything is now changed. There is, of course, a tremendous shortage of food--especially uncontaminated food. Everything that lies open in your markets, everything in cardboard or paper containers, wrapped or exposed meats and even frozen items are now in a state of contamination. Canned foods are only safe at opening for mere moments--until the contamination from the air strikes whatever you are preparing. Cooking or boiling will not rid the foods of carbon dust because you must remember the 5,220 years half life. Heated food becomes a problem at any rate for all electricity is turned off and the natural gas lines have erupted under all main arteries of nearby streets. Food will not only be HARD to come by but all but impossible. Will fathers eat sons, etc.? Must man push to limits of finding out? Probably!


There will also be a lack of hospitals, clinics or doctors offices and with this, there certainly would be a great lack of any supplies for treatment. Sickness, radiation poisoning, infections and blindness would normally be the order of the day and to be considered as emergencies of the people. . .but no one will pay heed to those who can no longer function under their own power and the majority will be left while the fit and partly healthy push on in hopes another place, another city or even another state may not be in the same situation of utter devastation.


Water would become an ever increasing problem in every manner imagined, but we will look at potable water. Look at your normal water supply. You have, all across your country, open reservoirs that would immediately become contaminated by the radio-active carbons and radio-active dust particles, which cannot be purified in the normal filtration plants, and less so without electricity. Some wells, open, that is, are subject to the same radiation as open waters. Sewage lines that have erupted would seep into the deep en­closed wells and filter into most of the lakes and springs. Rainfall, if caught in open containers, would be as contaminated as all other water for as it falls, it collects all radio-active dust. Thus you now have an even more serious problem than the food itself, and as you know, dehydrated foods are nearly worthless without some water. The only solution for survivors regarding water is a storage of some after it is boiled and when opened, it should be done so under the overhead protection of foil or a comparable material to prevent dust from falling into the mouth of such a container.


You will be without transportation and you will not be able to be outside for periods long enough to travel at best.


Food, as we have discussed previously, will be nearly nil and void. All that was is no longer. Not only the plant life is dead and withered at the stalk, but the grass, for whatever animal is left to feed from it; there are no living trees to hide the sun (if it makes it through the debris clouds) and give off the coolness of shade. Therefore, the only food available is that which was contained in metal storage tins or dried food especially prepared for this event! Or--that which you are growing already, underground or in domed compressed earth greenhouses! So be it.


With the sewage overflowing into the streets and into the nearby streams, infections will run rampant everywhere you turn. Of course, this stench is far less to put up with compared with the millions of dead bodies yet to be placed underground and when buried, such a grave would have to be in excess of three times the normal depth to rid the near surface of the radio-active carbons--and who will be wanting to dig those graves or touch those bodies?


Now, see something pretty. For those who do survive, yet somewhat affected by radiation, you have to face up to the mutates among you--the sick and dying. Mutates are far from a pleasant sight with their boil-like skin, open sores, twisted features and loss of limbs for many. This whole accounting is gruesome to the last degree, but nevertheless, a factual situation of truth.


Do these words sicken you and give you preference to simply have AIDS and get it over with? Ah so, now we can get down to work. Since all human signs point to this very situation--in the quite near future--backed by all those prophecies, supported by many ancient writings and as told to you by "alien" friends and travelers, you have very little choice but to accept what is about to come to pass and prepare for it so that it can be turned aside if at all possible but also to allow survival by preparation if mass consciousness fails to change course.


If the course is not changed you will experience days without sun and nights without moonlight. Let me forewarn you that what I have written is quite minimal and shielded relative to what your own "experts" would tell you if they were allowed such.


You are the puppets, my friends, and the clay in the hands of the world political leaders and all that lies ahead is or will be of a man-made origin. Your great leaders, their relatives or their friends will not fall during the depression years and will not bend to the stamp of the beast under population enslavement. Not only will they not be marked and numbered, but they will not endure the radio-active radiation that is to befall mankind, at the time of upstart--their's comes later indeed. They will hear the cries of human suf­fering and will witness the mass slaughter of the populace but beyond seeing and hearing, there will be no emotional expression or compassion towards fellowman.




Now, tell me--who offers HOPE? The ones who tell you to ignore Dharma's Hatonn, Aton and Sananda Jesus and does all to denounce the work and keep you in darkness and ignorance?--or will you walk with us in Light and truth, uncovering the lies, and allowing you to perfect your path in light?! I twist no arms behind thine backs--I care not if you choose another path--but you WILL BE IN THE CHOOSING--for the perceived clock ticks on and on. God has permitted the "resting" of "time" for some of you who would lead while you come into remembering and balance. It would not appear so for you are pushed, pulled and strung out every way but in rest, but you shall prevail for through truth is the only way from the maze. There is no magic potion, no mystical crystals or feathers, no magic smoke from a Medicine Man's pipe--there is only coming back into the truth of Creator/Creation--no other way at all. You can try every other way under the illusion--and you will change not one iota of it.


Little brothers and sisters, I petition you to take my hand which is offered to you in love and brotherhood for we know of the way, and the lies are hiding of the proper path. There is NOT ONE THING on your placement now that can stop you if you remain in the protection of the lighted brotherhood for the Prince of Lies and Deceit has hoodwinked you from onset--you just do not wish to give up that which you perceive to be luxury, fun and fleshly delight--well, that fleshly delight is not so delightful when it boils from thine bones. Hold it in your hearts.


Things manifested in your consciousness are real enough and will be played out in the same type of manifestation so talk of illusion and being, etc., is fine, it just doesn't change a hair of it. YOU will change it if you wish it changed; no more and no less. AHO!


Let us leave this, Dharma, for the dose is hard to go down but the extent of the disease must be realized before the patient is willing to take the medicine to save his life. Yet, the answer is so simple that you shall be stupefied in the ending as we gather at the river of life on the reaches of the cosmos. Hold strong, little brothers, lest you fall into the trap also. So be it and Salu.


To stand-by please. We shall need to consider if this is a large enough dose or if we need more visualization of hotfeet and conspiracy. You start by bringing back your God given rights under your Constitution and stop allowing the manipulation of the conspirators. By now you must realize that the Zionists of the thirteenth tribe are your ultimate downfall. For the prophecies say that it shall be thus and that means that you better keep your eyes on the false Jews for the Zionists are the most heinous enemy of the Jews of all the races and species. Satan WAS ALSO born a Jew! What an interesting scenario of experience you little brothers have laid forth in order to experience. Perhaps you will get the cosmic award for havoc and intrigue after all.


I hold you close in desire to protect you--but you must be in the asking.

                          Salu. Hatonn to clear, please.