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Oct ,6, 2014



Transcription of an audio tape recorded at a small gathering May 2, 1990. Dharma, scribe of the Phoenix Journals, had been very upset during the morning. Fifteen minuutes prior to the beginning of the meeting a news re­lease from CNN reported a Coup in Panama. Since then there appears to have been a news blackout regarding Panama.






May 2, 1990 11:35 A.M. Hatonn Greetings Commander


I come in Light.


Thank you.


Dharma has known since she got up this morning that it is a very urgent day. I hate to use two by fours across your cranial cavity. You could very well he in the middle of nuclear war 3 by night fall. An incredibly serious impasse has been achieved in your Panama Canal area. What you will hear is not what has taken place.


I have a tendency to bypass my own security measures and you will please be patient with me for I have much to do this day, but I will tell you now there is nothing more important than the peace of mind of you ones.


As we ready ourselves to begin to pen the information that regards the Zion­ist-Jewish persons that have infiltrated into your government the bombard­ment is going to get worse here.


You are hostage, and I may not do anything about it. I speak of your country.


While Mrs. Bush hugs and kisses babies with AIDS in an orphanage, lies go forth. Mr. Endara is somewhere in your United States and I will not divulge his location.


Both of the Vice Presidents of Panama are in incarceration in the coup. There are two cosmospheres sitting above the Panama Canal, daring. There are at least six missiles, anyone of which could wipe out Panama, ready, aimed and waiting to be fired depending on what your nation does.


The backup forces are all along the coastline in Central America; Peru is in an active state of rebellion. You see the United States and Great Britain tried to dink around in their election. They have already been at war with you be­cause you sent your ships and you sent your planes into Peru and those people turned down the politician puppet that the United States had sent.


Great military forces are lining up on either side. You can expect anything. The reason I say to you that you can expect anything is because they are adamantly denying it out of Washington, so you can be sure.


The Panamanians are angry. Over ten thousand of their people killed in what you ones have called a little invasion and the Israeli Zionists are up to their eyes in it. Absolutely up to their eyes in it. They're getting ready to take over Jerusalem, friends. You are in the final days of your countdown. Whatever information you are getting is the big B word.


There is a terror campaign going on about your planet unmatched in all of the history since the creation of your planet.


The Zionists have been working on their temple aided and abetted by the Christians who want that temple up because they say that brings the second coming of the Christos. That until that temple is operable that will not hap­pen. So, while you have the ones hiding behind the Greek Orthodox Church who has just sold-out to the Jews who have now occupied the building in Jerusalem in the Christian Quarter, they are ready to go to war, too. They've already brought armaments in and stashed them in that building. It has nothing to do with religion. I did not even need to say that. You know that.


They have all of their artifacts ready to begin their Jewish "Orthodox sacrificial services" again, their rituals. They've now finished gathering up or re‑making all of the items necessary for their altars and for their sacrificial altars.


Just as with the passage of time they have done a little investigating and they find they're off with their own predictions of exactness. They find now, my friends, they don't have to build that temple at the Dome of The Rock exactly, but it means they almost have to have a mutual wall some three feet distance from the wall of the Dome of The Rock Temple Mosque.


The Zionists are getting ready to take Jerusalem.


Every uprising that you have had where there have been any guerilla activities whatsoever the Jewish Mossad have trained the troops, including your own. They have no loyalties. The very nicest thing that could happen would be that the United States and Russia go to war, then they wouldn't have to pull this off.


I want you ones to come to your own conclusions. I have to be honest with you, Dharma is so confused in her consciousness that I have great difficulty getting through. If she had respond immediately to me when I first called this morning, but it became a discussion of things and then she doesn't know which way to turn and I'll tell you something else, friends, when the news is bad she turns me off. It is the most human of all responses. Don't tell me this Hatonn, I don't need another thing. So we walked on the hill and we picked the flowers and I still could not touch her. She would not hear me.


I gave you ones signs and you chuckled knowing full well that's what they were. That computer was set to go off the first time she pushed the save but­ton she'd be hit with a beam. I'm sorry, we couldn't let it happen


We're getting into material now, friends, that is very serious. There is no mercy in the Zionist-Jewish community, none. We're talking now about a thirteenth tribe known as the Khazars. They've infiltrated every quarter of your government and information has been written, but they know the truth is coming from here. They monitor everything that goes on here.


Dharma is uncomfortable about going to Los Angeles, rightfully so. She knows they have got her targeted.


There are a string of cosmospheres, some seven in strategic locations along

the San Andreas fault. If they blast the Panama Canal they will blast the fault.


Now what else can I tell you to make your day happy? I am sorry that Charles got away.


You can not live in fear, fear ,renders everyone totally helpless, but neither do you play into the hands and foolishness. These are the probabilities of change that you have to understand that we can only predict. We cannot definitely say anything. This was a very secret military move and I believe now that you understand the mechanism of Guyana. You can understand that which I tell you. You don't know what is going on, you have no idea what is going on in your world. Even when you are told you don't know what is going on. If they blast the San Andreas fault it will trigger so many things that I can't even out­line them here. You already have activity. You already have a steady beam system being beamed into the fault lines. You have a row, if you will--does that mean what I'm trying to express (lined up)?--(Audience Yes.) Craft, spheres, along the deep fault in your mid Pacific. They would probably trigger that first because that would disrupt and would cause tidal waves. That is the rift, the major rift in the Pacific Ocean floor.


Lemuria is rising . They know Lemuria is rising.  They know that there are at least three domed underwater cities already populated  and they hover above them. You see the full length of that rift not volcanic. It's much like a fault line and a volcanic fault line. As the volcanoes are erupting and spreading the plates in many areas you get an upthrust, some you simply get pillow lava formations as the lava cools. These are great depths, but basically what is happening is that those are the areas where it is releasing the pressure of the upthrust. The intent would be to trigger complete unrest with particle beams that would disrupt that fault line first. That way they could better control and you would not have massive movement of your entire planetary plates, but only the Pacific plate.


That could very well take out Japan. It would only damage somewhat Aus­tralia because Australia is not on the Pacific plate. It's rubs against it a little and that's off shore.


It would wreak havoc with all of the system up along your western South American coast, Central America and give you trouble, quite frankly, all the way into the Sedona area, all portions of old Lemuria of which this is a part and so are the four corners areas, parts of Central America and Peru. This is the way these places were formed, friends, and now technology is sophisti­cated enough upon your planet to pull it off.


Son, you will look. I believe you have a hawk.


Oberli: I believe so too.


We'll have to be ridiculous about the birds. Life is very similar in the bird world to life in the real world.


I'd never get back here if that hawk got that Oriole.


If you see one yellow feather, Oberli, you'd better hide it.


Where was I? Back into some mundane thing about nuclear war, I believe.




It's a heavy day in these spheres. This is why we've come, to monitor. This is why you are here, to be ready, and your consciousness says, "I can't handle it. It's too much; I can't believe it." Believe it and pray, you need more time. In your perception of time we need more time.


The greed of man is so incredible that every time Germain gets things worked out they get to the final issuing of funds and the confounded greed gets so big that both sides lose for lack of being able to negotiate. Your world has gotten to the point they no longer even wish to build projects, they want to only make money on money and everybody wants it all and I m talking billions of dollars.


I would take some inquiries. I'm distracted, I'm sorry.


Ed, were you aware of anything on Panama?


I? The result of the news was that the two Vice Presidents were "caught and in custody" and this guy that's in the United States, Endara, was with Bush making a little chat. That's all I heard.


Hatonn Yes, it was on just a minute ago. Not very much, just exactly what Ed said.


Al: They were talking about, the last day or two, about Bush was mad at Congress because they won't release the funds to help Panama or something to that effect.


Oberli: That sounds like a contest between Bush's faction and the Zionist fac­tion.


Hatonn: Ah so, were getting some reasoning, continue, you ones have all the answers.


Oberli: Congress is owned by the Zionists. Bush is a Rockefeller conspirator.


Al: Pulled the puppet out and they've got him up here now.


Hatonn: Got him into safety didn't they?  


Oberli: Yes.


Al: I heard about week before last or last week, we set up or we're going to set up a training ground down in Peru for I forget how many battalions. In other words we are taking over Peru. I don't know whether it is the Zionists or the Bush part, but they were American troops.


Hatonn: Well, you see while nobody was looking, now they've got your ships along that coastline. They managed to do right under your nose exactly what they started out to do and got caught off Columbia, so they turned all of the ships around and send them back home and the minute it quiets down they go off again. Do you know where your aircraft carriers are? Do you know where your nuclear submarines are?


Al: They haven't talked about it that I know of.


Hatonn: So they haven't have they?


Al: No information at all.


Hatonn: Do you see how difficult it is?


I have to say a few things here because I have to allow Dharma to hear them from me. She cannot go into the room and trust what she receives. She came to Oberli and she said, "We're going to have a meeting or I'll do it myself or something, there's something wrong. He suggested do it yourself, it will be faster. This is not to be obnoxious to Oberli. It is just that when her con­sciousness is so disturbed she cannot get through and she does not hear me. She doesn't trust what she hears. That's why we had to have the tape. I had to get herself aside. She wants to participate. It's her life. It's your life. For the first time she sensed the terror that comes with having a machine gun aimed at her. She's been able to resist that for a while, but you're playing with the devil now. So far you've been playing with the puppets. You stand toe to toe with the devil this morning. At some point the truth of the Journals come out. It is not that any one portion, save the counterfeit money and probably what I'm telling you right now, has not been known and published by someone somewhere and they've been shut up.


I'm not going to tell you ever whether or not you are the only ones publishing this material or amongst many. I have told you that information will come in a major way from seven locations as protection. I did not say it would come in a comprehensive lump, that there would be many or one. I want no one dwelling upon it. As you go through the literature available you will find fifty books uncovering UFO escapades. I could sit here and name the various au­thors. Why do you think that suddenly ones such as Bill Cooper would want to sue Dorma? Why do you think so many in "the New Age movement" and the UFO movement send the books back and try to get George to stop print­ing them? Because it's going to put them all out of business and Dharma says, "My God, I won't have anybody that's not my enemy." Right, and I have to re­mind her she sat in this chair with most of you present when we said if you step over this line my child there is no going back. Please everybody remem­ber that and she made her choice and she does not wish to change her choice but she feels responsible. Her choice does not mean everybody else has to go down that primrose path. So that remains everyones and each ones decision, always forever and ever, Amen.


And in each day there is a new decision. "Well, if I stop now I won't have the Zionists pissed off at me." Oh yes you do, my child, but where the Zionist Jew works the hardest so is God and there will not be another crucifixion of a Christos. That does not mean that there won’t be plenty of murder of the Christians, but it will not be as it was and that is the promise of God. Right­fully so, a small handful of you very human beings look and say, "Not me, Fa­ther, you know I don't understand this. I'm willing to do whatever it is you want but we can't be that important." Yes, you are that important. I don't know how to tell you that you are that important and yet you will be given your freewill choices right along with all other entities created by God upon your placement.


You must not work in fear. Have a healthy cautious respect for the terror you feel. It will keep the light about you. It will keep the light about you because every time you have a little twinge of terror you also say, "Oh God" and it’s there. The shield is there. We don't have many ways that we can reach out and hit you. You have watch the clues.


It was well proven to you this morning. We could not allow you to fix the computer as simply as that, but it was realized from the moment that it was turned on that there was something the matter with it. Somebody had done something to it. It worked in perfection yesterday, why would it not this morning? This does not mean that you do not go ahead  and fix a mechanical object. It does mean pay attention. You are moving into very heavy times. The point is your  perception should  not change from day to day. The birds sing, the flowers bloom, the sky is blue and the secrets are magnificent. I can not tell you all of this. I can suggest that I don't want Dharma in Anaheim. I do not believe that you need that particular course. It would give a great deal more comfort to have you right here and I don't know that Charles needs to spend $500 of his money to go to that course. Do we know how to get him?


Oberli: Yes. I could find him later tonight.     


Hatonn: I would not like to interfere with his journey because he needs the visit with his family. As I analyze it, I see safety but you know it's going to split right through that area. Give me some of your Earth names.


Oberli: He's in _____. 


Hatonn: In the Angeles Forest. That split goes right along down through what you call Lake Hughes. Am I correct?


Oberli: Yes, and through what's called The Devils Garden.


Hatonn: Well, it's going to shake at _____.    


Oberli: Yes, it's just five miles or maybe seven. Does everybody know where Mount Wilson is? It sits above Los Angeles on the highest part of the Angeles Crest Mountains. Highway 2 that goes across the crest of the mountain to Wrightwood and the fault line is probably within a mile of Wrightwood. It might he right down Main Street. I remember right. I think that the fault is really what causes the little valley that Wrightwood is in.


Al: Charles has a sister there?


Oberli: No, his daughter. George is planning to drive up tomorrow morning, early, and then he and Desiree were considering going to the Anaheim meet­ing, also, and Chris and LeRoy just called a few minutes ago and said that they wanted to set up a corporation. What did I think about them going to Ana­heim meeting? Sounds like that this is not a good time to be in Anaheim.


Hatonn: No, it is not.


Oberli: Will it be several days before the Panama situation clears one way or another?


Hatonn: I can't tell. Oh, it's going to be several days. Perhaps I misunder­stand your question. What you are wanting to know if it's going to be safe down there in a few days? I'm not going to tell you that. As long as those cosmospheres sit above that fault line it's not safe and they show no signs of withdrawing. They know they've got the power, my friends. They've got the last word. As a matter of fact they've got the last word for your planet. You have nothing that can knock them out because in the mere destruction of them triggers the beam. They've got you until you come up with something more clever. The only thing they don't have is the ability to get rid of us.


Oberli: I have some confusion because we can recognize two factions, but the Russians have not-- they have alignments with the Rockefeller cartel from time to time but not consistently. As near as I can tell and it appears that we have a three way proposition going now. You've got the Zionists on one hand and they are currently aligned with the Bolsheviks so that's the Zionist-Bolshevik group, the Rockefeller Cartel group, and then the Russians. They have the cosmosphere. They have the power yet we don't feel, I don't feel where their alignment is. At this point it must be opposite the Zionists.


Hatonn: My dear, it's where ever it is most convenient for them. They are the brains behind the entire thing.


Al: You're talking about the Zionists?


Hatonn: I'm talking about the Zionists, I'm talking about the anti-Christian "Bolshevik" government of what you call Soviet Russia.


Oberli: The current government of Soviet Russia kicked out the Bolsheviks and they ganged up with the Zionists and took over the U.S. The Bolsheviks and the Zionists are together.


Al: Who has the cosmospheres, the White Russians?


Oberli: Yeah, White Russians. Bush and the Rockefeller gang have aligned themselves from time to time with the cosmospheres.


Hatonn: Yes, they're trying very hard right now. Why do you think that he's being so lovely? Why do you think he's giving away Lithuania to the devil?


Al: Well, I've always saw they are a bunch of Godfathers working together for basic things but fighting amongst themselves and killing off each other for their own self greed.


Oberli: Let me turn the tape.


Side 2


Hatonn: From the time of your Biblical writings you should have pieced together your clues and realized that a major play will be made out of Syria.  It says so right in your Bible. It's one of the truths. It will be Syrian in origin. Those poor little countries over there are aligning themselves up for any kind of defense that they can muster. We're talking about a lot of anti-Christian people, if you would know if it. This is the time of chaos. Basically everybody on your planet is anti-Christian in the true sense of the word. And the ones who wear the title spread across their forehead are usually the most lethal of all and the most ignorant -- the most deceived.


You have to go all the way back to the beginning of a planet created, de­stroyed, reclaimed for Lucifer and then the story began to be changed and Lucifer told you how you'd be. When his name was changed to Satan you knew how it would be. The entire Bible--even the lies in the Bible--tells you exactly how it would be. He's the master Prince of Deceit and lies. You were told that before the ending of the cycle of the time of the age he would be given free reign on this planet. Little did you realize, did you, that it was that way from the beginning? You see, everything that you perceive within is go­ing to have to come without. You're going to have to look at everything that happens in your existence from the inner core without.


As the Luciferian groups get kicked out of one place after another and sepa­rated from the presence of God--always they are given a place to experience--the scenario is so well written that you go through it. You see, Satan needs no new script--the old one works just fine. He needs no new script. He has learned that the man, Hu-man, created to experience, always will do es­sentially the same thing in mass--in mass consciousness. Individual players will change, individual intents will change but the mass of the human stream of experience will repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat.


So the first thing that they have to get rid of in the Bible, for instance, is the possibility of anyone truly believing that one could re-experience although all logic would tell you that if you have a universal one entity creator without lim­its, He can do anything He wants. So the next obvious perception would be that He would not waste an experience of a soul fragment by putting it in a coffin and burying it in the ground to be lost forever. There would be no pur­pose in such a thing. What would be the purpose? And yet Satan comes and tells you all this and everybody eats it just like ice cream and it melts so sweetly and it goes right down.


And then he tells you don't listen to the truth when it comes because it's a lie. So man puts his fingers in both ears, puts on his dark glasses, will not read, falls prey to a system that destroys an educational system where man even­tually will not be able to read and march so gently, sweetly right along behind. And when I project these things they come back to batter your humanness with all that doom and gloom. "Everything looks so bad I'm going to go back over there and hold my crystal and I'm going to do some chants and I'm going to do some aums and um's."


The blessed in Brazil are going through reformation of their church and the precious little peasants crawling on their knees for miles to get to a holy altar only to get there and find it's no magic place. Somewhere along their crawling they missed God and at the end of their trail there's a man and some bits of metal and stone and they carry their statue in its glass sarcophagus of the Blessed Mother--and all along the way they miss Mother for a statue. Oh Je­sus wept, my friends, but it's an experience, it's an experience. The one who crawls must learn the man who stands at the end with all of that Light being focused upon him understands not the responsibility that he bears because washing your hands in a pot of water and saying, "I am through with this," doesn't cut it. Nobody is going to say, "Well, not my fault. It was Preacher Jones or Pope Paul's and I just did what I was told," anymore than the man in Vietnam that bashes in the head of a peasant in the village and kills a child.


The forgiveness is there if he asks forgiveness, the responsibility is the same and yet God makes those...I don't know--I should not give you a new word. He gives you that leeway. If you're acting under orders and you don't know better, if you have a gun to your head panic comes--do I kill the child or do I have my own head blown off? Man screams out for his own salvation and there is no blame--God has no blame. God does not pronounce right or wrong. You meet Him in the final days and you know what was right or wrong and that's up to you but it's why young men go crazy because they knew and they know there is no excuse for the behavior--they went mad.


Mass madness--your world is in mass madness and if one thing looks good the swarm swims toward that and in the light of day somewhere else looks good and the masses swim back to that. All the while they miss the truth that, lays in the middle--the simple truth. They're so busy swimming to God that they miss Him. The day you go back to the rituals in the Jewish church that so much as kills a chicken, you've had it. And I'm talking about public acceptance of sacrificial offerings, in a sanctified church in the name of God. How could a little lamb be killed to save yourselves? You've just gained one more by killing it. Better you kill it and eat it, thanking Grandfather for the service of food, than to kill it and offer it as your sacrifice for your sins.


I would respond to any questions that you have. I really need to be at my duty.


Oberli: I think we've heard your message about the Anaheim meeting. Are there any words of advice for George and Desiree?


Hatonn: I see no point in those children going. They are being pressed for time. You must go about your life.


With some care it will possibly be aborted. What has happened here is you ones have become sensitive enough that you know when something is amiss. Dorma simply gets to a point where she cannot function--she has become such a part of my beingness and she does not yet have the same ability to ac­quire the information and she cannot sort it. She can understand it as I sit here right now. She will come back, she will listen to the tape and it will be as if she's heard it for the first time. There is no ability to sort the true knowl­edge in the consciousness. You're not there yet nor is it wise that you be there yet but when there is disruption in the energy patterns, in the energy flow, she senses them and you ones will just simply have to be patient. She doesn't know what they are.


These are things that I should not be--for your own security--really discussing and yet I'm put in a position where I cannot leave her dangle. It is going to be a time of changes almost from moment to moment as we move farther. What is appropriate for one hour may change before the next. You see, of all the things disallowed, the time of the coming is totally a no-no, even to the one coming. I've tried to explain that to you ones. Because of the energy patterns you are dealing with an energy that has all the power of a God short of being Creator and that is Lucifer/Satan. He has all of the power of a Christ, Jesus Esu Sananda. He does not have the ability--there is a difference in the ability and capability and power, friends. He does not have the power to create. He cannot go create a planet. The Light has the power to create--the darkness has the power to destroy, to bring into chaos and confusion. He has the same power of usage of the human mind as does the Lighted forces and the only real shield you have against this energy is the energy of God--which is the Light vibration  frequency--stops it. Just as the shields that can now be put around the new submarines in your forces--both you and the Russians--there is a barrier, unfortunately it will not prevent  penetration from the cosmic spheres and that particular type of beam but the Light shield will do it. The vibration, the actual  plasmic shell That will form when ask for from the God Source--your mind, if you will--can focus  that shell that will protect  you and I would be open for suggestions. You tell me how to get this word to man. How do we get this word to man and make him hear? Satan's had a real head start, brothers. Our job is to keep some of you remnants alive.


It's going to be a transition.., it's going to be--period. Our job is to do the very best we can to get the word to the four corners of this planet for information and it is up to man and you cannot go into the corners and bear the burden for every last person on the planet if you have done your job. It will not stop the weeping or the broken heart of the human entity. You ones are going to be so vulnerable and it pains me. I know the outcome--you don't. You can only trust and if human emotions are such that it is so overwhelming and you wouldn't be here if you were not here to help and to watch man slaughter each other is almost too much for you. And how can you turn it away when it's someone you love? Someone you've possibly birthed and they deny you and they fall into the cravass and you have to keep going? You have to keep going all the to the  top of that hill.  You can’t lay that cross down. You have to allow ones to fall on the side lest too many be lost because you didn't get there and, yes, in the end, you'll simply be home. But you've chosen this route. You've chosen to gain this experience and you chose from such a much higher plane because you felt that your soul energy would be strong enough to bear it and here you are. It's not easy and you're not super-human, you're just human--given to all of things of the human. So be it.


We all understand each other. That's why we're here--we have such an un­derstanding, such a oneness of purpose and thought--just different jobs--and it is confusing. It is a world of confusion...dense impact...confusion of energy completely surrounding everything being beamed forth. Look what they are doing with your fruit flies, for goodness sakes. They're being purposely in­troduced. Don't try to make reason out of it. There is no reason within it. Oh, there's reasons they're doing it but there is no reason. Two-thirds of a planet have to be wiped away and it will be done in very interesting ways. You're not going to be able to get enough, you see, with AIDS or through the drug programs. You're going to have to have a massive war and the facts are you sit on the brink of it continually. It isn't new today, just a few actions are different today, but you ones are becoming very intuitive about things--some­thing is wrong today--is what I get. Not quite right today. It is a beautiful day and my heart sings but there's something wrong today. The energies are not quite right.


Well, the energies coming off this crystal are incredible today. You have a Command out here on full alert and this is a central navigation crystal and if it doesn't make your ears ring, there's nothing in this world that will. I have over a million ships in my own singular Command. You are blanketed out beyond your stratosphere--some within--at red alert to the extent that I have trouble getting a channel today--a circuit. That's how cluttered your airways are to­day. That's pure physics, that is not mystical nonsense. That's pure radio tuning against a very, very large silicon chip. You have enough power coming off of that crystal to blow your computer and all it takes is one or two ships in vibration frequency to both wipe out your programs or change them. It hap­pens this was deliberately done and not by me. I merely didn't let you finish fixing it because it wasn't fixed until you could over-ride that program.


Well, it will settle down and you will be able to fix it. I would prefer however, that she read and basically stand by. I don't know that I would need another visit today. Oberli, I would quite frankly suggest that you call W. C., see what you can find out, urge him to urge them to make concessions. Do not give away any confidentiality, please, but you should touch with him. We're talking about over a billion dollars and we don't want to let it all slip away. There's no way to tell you it's going to be easy because it isn't. Perhaps a war is the least of your problems. The S. & L. mess is such a mess but I would tell you something funny. I don't know if I should...even my own humor is too much.


Would you care to guess where the Resolution Trust Corporation is looking for help?--am I right, Oberli?


Oberli: Yes.


Hatonn: Plans to solve part of their major problems in funding? Would you care to guess?


Al: Let me think about that.


Hatonn: No, answer without thinking about it.


John: Oh, through the banks, through security on "bum" loans.


Hatonn: No. Closer to home, my friend.


Al: Through, through.


Hatonn: AH SO!!


Al: JJ?


Haronn: Now you talk about little coincidences? And how secure does that make you feel?


What does that tell you about this world? Well, your pension program is just right there with three-quarters of all the weight of the body off of the edge of the cliff. It is hanging there with one finger nail. And what an interesting thing, you know, just moving back to what we discussed yesterday, let's lighten this off before I leave. I don't want to leave her with such a heavy load. Isn't it amusing that at the time of the hearing, when it began to get to be a real mess with this dwelling and Judge Brent, Mr. Cudd sent information along at the same time the house plans for this dwelling had been loaned to ones in Fresno. Now we're going to go back to court so Mr. Cudd sends some things by mail, the people in Fresno send the house plans back by mail only to find that the mail person who had contracted to deliver the mail in Golden Hills was not delivering the mail but instead burning it or stashing it in the closet--had taken the contract without even a vehicle to deliver the mail--and no one discovered it for weeks until the water bills didn't show up. Now this makes all the papers. Everybody has to re-send billings, for instance, but nothing ar­rived to anyone.

So when this was made clear to the "court", part of the thing that the judge wants to thrust forth is that it sounds so real, you know, "Big deal. I'm sure everything was lost in the mail." Isn't it interesting that a tape recording was made of his big, blasphemous speech and now there is no tran­script and no tape? And they didn't even have an interruption in the mail ser­vice and worse yet, I am aggravated beyond belief that the attorney, Bill Hornback, signed away a paper saying both sides had been heard. No wonder Judge Brent can say in a public place, "I have never been overturned." He does not expect to be overturned because the very thing that made it possible to over-rule has now been taken away. So we're going to have to have a whole total collapse of the Santa Barbara Savings mess or those judges will go along with Jason Brent. That's why it's important it gets into the paper. You have no justice system. You have no truthful religious system. You have no truth­ful governmental system. You have no truthful medical system. It is truly murder by injection, rape of a justice system. You have been taken over by Satanic law and I believe that I would go on that note. Call me if you wish to communicate with me further. Salu. Yes, I am going to go. Let me spend a minute with her. Just continue about your day.