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Oct. 6, 2014





WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1990    9:00 A.M.     YEAR 3 DAY 266

Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. We will continue with doc­umentation regarding your "new" Constitution. It, of course, is as top secret as is the Protocols just written herein. That does not mean that it is secret; it means that those who have dared publish the exposed documents are mostly quite dead!


There are one or two publications which have been kept alive in the flow of silencing "information sources" but they are few indeed. Know that in each scenario of such seriousness there will usually be one who defy the imposters--these are the "Genius" element spoken of in the Protocols. In the mid 1800s, for instance there was one labeled William Lloyd Garrison who established the LIBERATOR in Boston. You ones will come to recognize and relate to such work and workers.


At the time of these writings I am most cautious as to name calling for we have had threats in abundance against ones already "taken out" and the threats come forth against families and estates. Further, the searching comes back to roost and I assure you, when the source is located--it severely impacts your separate funding. I beg of you to use your thought processes for you tend to become most careless in your enjoyment of having already encoun­tered the resources. Loose tongues have cost more kingdoms than have all the armies. Although the Journals have naught to do with projects, it is too likely that your enemies will assume as much.


Let it be known by all that the only reason we are still standing herein is that all information can be researched; we are under constant surveillance and found totally patriotic and in no wise subversive. Treason is that which has been perpetuated by those who would destroy you as a nation and as a peo­ple. We desire no wars, no pickets, no violence--we only write truth. Those who surveil our work to strike us down find that they are among the un­knowing and are just as susceptible to the corrupted system and physical death by heinous manners as are the masses. Congressmen get AIDS, con­gressmen have legal battles, congressmen will die at the holocaust without shelters---ONLY A VERY FEW OF THE TOP MANIPULATORS KNOW WHAT IS WHAT--THE REST ARE HAPLESS TOOLS FEEDING ON THE TEMPTATIONS OF GREED AND BRIBERY. THESE ONES WILL PAY MOST HEINOUSLY FOR THEY ARE THE FIRST EX­PENDED WHEN THEIR SERVICE IS NO LONGER OF WORTH. HOLD THIS TRUTH WITHIN THINE BREAST, YOU WHO WOULD DESTROY THIS RESOURCE. YOU WILL DIE JUST AS EASILY AT THE HANDS OF THE CONSPIRATORS! ALL THOSE "GAINS" OF WORLDLY S'TATUS AND WEALTH WILL BE OF NO AVAIL WHERE YOU WILL GO FOLLOWING THAT EXTINCTION.




This section is taken from a book called, THE SECRET NEW CONSTITU­TION. It will only summarize for we effort to keep volume to a minimum. Ones can go and investigate these things at convenience. It does us of these realms no good what-so-ever to read and digest your information for you. Do the research you feel necessary to realize the truth of our words; we shall bring you sufficient quantity to base decisions but there will always, hopefully, be the die-hard searchers for proof. It is very gracious of you who find the proof to share it with your brothers and these publishers. Thank you. RE­MEMBER PLEASE, MOST DENOUNCEMENTS OF OUR WORK STEMS DIRECTLY FROM ONES WHO HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS PE­RUSED ALL OF OUR MATERIAL BUT HAVE MADE RIDICULOUS PRONOUNCEMENTS BASED ON OUT OF CONTEXT OR CONTRA­DICTORY MATERIAL FROM THE JOURNALS --- WHICH, BY THE WAY, WOULD HAVE BEEN MOST CAREFULLY EDITED, CHOSEN AND SCATTERED FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF DENOUNCE­MENT. WELCOME BACK TO ANY AND ALL WHO HAVE NOW TAKEN THE TIME TO TRULY INVESTIGATE THE MATERIAL, WE WANT NO WARS--WE WANT COMMUNITY. COMMUNITY IS BUILT WITHIN GROUPS WHO HAVE MEMBERS WHO ARE WILLING TO SAY, "I PERHAPS ERRED". MAN MOVES AWAY FROM GOD--GOD DOES NOT EVER MOVE AWAY FROM MAN!


I give great honor to ones who came before and their names shall be written in the books of man for credit and honor. At this time I refrain from labels in order for security. Please be patient a bit longer and none shall be omitted who have made contribution. Some work I cannot give total honor unto the writers for their work is only partial truth and conclusions are incorrect or there is deliberate misinformation. I honor truth; no more and no less.


What you are about to read is true. It will happen unless you stop it. If you care enough, you will take action. If you as a people do nothing, it will come to be--very soon indeed.


The people who have written your new constitution on your behalf were not elected representatives, nor your representatives in any measure. As a "tax­-exempt" foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes--but you were never asked if you wanted a new constitution written. Indeed, only a very tiny fraction of the people in the U.S. even know that it exists: it has been made known to practically no one except a select category of influential people whose views and interests generally co­incide with those of the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are still in the dark about it, and this situation is deliberate. It is there­fore truly a "secret" constitution being brought into reality through slow and tedious integration and interpretation so that, in the end, you will have the "new" and the old shall be obsoleted by remoteness. It is for the ones who "interpret" the constitution to make or break the laws and render "you the people" impotent to do anything about the matter.


The new model constitution was some ten years in the writing and drew upon well over a hundred participants. A preliminary version was published in 1970 and given exposure in very limited circles within the conspirators and changes were made, at insider requests, to further limit your freedom and hand over control unto those elitists. In 1974, an essentially final version was quietly published in a book entitled, THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rex­ford G. Tugwell (Harper and Rowe), the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. It is the 40th draft. During most of the time that their constitution was being written, the Center for Study of Democratic Institu­tions was lavishly funded to the tune of $2,500,000 annually. In other words, your freedom was purchased for about $15 million.


After reading this summary, you may well wish to read some of the documents available. You will all do well to put aside "who" I am and "from where" I come and focus on the truth of that which we bring forth. Truth is truth is truth!




It was hoped, by some powerful forces, to celebrate your nation's Bicentennial in 1976 by replacing the freedoms guaranteed in your present Constitution with their own dictatorship -- a cleverly disguised dictatorship. The adver­tisements of this day are cleverly arranged to cause you to go forth and pur­chase a copy of the constitution and bill of rights--which are being changed at each new printing. Soon the old and original version will only be available in archives and locked catacombs.


It has been made to superficially resemble the government that you now have, so that you will not recognize it for what it is-----until too late. They are using every propaganda trick at their command to make you lower your guard--and it has worked! They are now about to put you all in a condition of economic desperation to persuade you to accept their cleverly disguised dictatorship. Note the recent rulings coming down from your Supreme Court. They have ruled that certain pictures are illegal to have within your homes and yet ob­scenity can be funded by your hard earned monies to foot the bill for "art" ex­hibits. IT IS AT YOUR DOORSTEP, THE DOOR IS OPEN AND THE THIEVES HAVE ENTERED! YOU HAVE NO LEGAL MEANS TO PROTECT YOURSELVES AND IT IS ALL BUT TOO LATE! So be it.


Oh, you say, "And where were you while we slept and this happened to us?" Telling you as loudly as we could shout and you shot missiles at us and write of our evil presence. Will man get that which he deserves? I most certainly hope not.


Your U.S. Constitution, according to the Preamble, is intended to provide for justice, domestic tranquility, common defense and general welfare, and to se­cure the blessings of liberty not only for yourselves but for posterity. These were the goals that shaped your Constitution. And this is the Constitution that enabled America to become a great nation of free people.


The "Newstates (by the way, they are already set up and maps with the new designations already before the legislature) of America Constitution" has a Preamble also -- but it states NOT ONE OF THE OBJECTIVES OF YOUR TRUE CONSTITUTION. Instead of "justice and domestic tranquility", the new constitution seeks only "good order" (see the "Protocols") without defin­ing what that means. The very first words are "So that we may join in common endeavors" -- and the body of the new constitution makes it clear that this means an end to individual endeavors. Their new constitution is expressly stated to be good only for a prescribed period of 25 years. Your descendants are left to fend for themselves with ever increasing helplessness and shackles placed at each recorded change. No reference is made in the Preamble to your defense or general welfare. (No, because you will have neither.) Worst of all, the matter of liberty -- so central to your present Constitution -- is to­tally ignored in the Preamble of the new one, which seeks only "an adequate and self-repairing government". The emphasis throughout their new constitu­tion is on the government -- not on the people. "Adequate" turns out to mean too powerful to be challenged. And "self-repairing" means that the laws and governmental structures can be continually changed and shifted to permit anything your rulers wish to do. I feel as if I should ask you to go back and memorize the plan of the Zionist Protocols. EVERY SENTENCE AND CHANGE IS DIRECTLY RESULTANT FROM THAT PLAN.


I hereby request that those Zionist Protocols and this portion of a summary of The Secret New Constitution, be published separately in and of itself. With a copy of your original Constitution as laid forth through your founding fathers.


A little summary:


ARTICLE Iis divided into two portions defining "Rights" and "Responsibilities." It turns out that some of your present rights disappear out­right, and practically all of the remainder become conditional and fragile, able to be terminated at the whim of the government or by Presidential Order. The responsibilities, however, which are obligations of the citizen to the government, are absolute and unconditional. (Your President is already func­tioning under that carefully veiled permit and has told you so most openly and defiantly!)


ARTICLE IIdefines what are called the "Newstates". The 50 states you have now become 10 in number (I ask herein that a copy of the proposed map be attached to this document.) It is no accident that your federal government for the past several years has managed its outlying activities through ten fed­eral regions. These 10 newstates will be completely subservient to the federal government and creatures of it.


ARTICLES III-VIIIdefine the independent branches of government and their powers and duties. Under your present Constitution, the federal gov­ernment is divided into three co-equal branches -- the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. They were carefully set up according to a system of checks and balances in order to protect your freedoms from arbitrary government. But under their new constitution, there would be not three but six branches so structured that your present system of checks and balances are totally destroyed and those branches which are now not actually part of the govern­ment, i.e., IRS, Federal Reserve, etc., would become all powerful through governmental parenthood.


The counterparts of your present three branches would be greatly changed and would be joined, further, by a Regulatory Branch to control your everyday affairs; a Planning Branch to plan your nation's economy; and an Electoral Branch to oversee, monitor, finance, and regulate all elections throughout the country.


ARTICLE XIprovides new procedures for constitutional amendments which are totally different from and more dangerous than those which now exist.


ARTICLE XIIprovides for transition from your present representative and republican form of government to the new, cleverly disguised dictator­ship.


Every word of their new constitution has been chosen carefully and for a purpose. Its basic nature and provisions are extremely revealing.






First, consider the matter of individual citizens' rights. One right which is under powerful attack right now and which disappears in the new constitution is the right to bear arms. Instead, "The bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons shall be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law." Regardless of what you may think about the ins and outs of the controversial "Gun Control" issue, you should be aware of the historical fact that disarming of the populace is always a part of any totali­tarian scheme. (See Protocols)




They already have you on this one--it already becomes the whim of the lawyers and judges as to whether or not a "general" citizen with a "case" can have a jury--and then, the one demanding a jury has to pay for it. This has al­ready happened to this very scribe. That, along with prejudgment by a judge in that five hearings were scheduled in a case involving their home and an S&L and the defendants were not allowed so much as a speech, nor was their attorney allowed presentation of the case.


In this instance it involved the lack of public sale of "their" home (we shall write of this case, but not at this sitting) which was not held. The sale was ad­vertised, certified notices were sent--but no one showed up to hold the sale--in the Bakersfield City Hall, yet. Witnesses to the lack of sale were the elected City Treasurer and City Clerk. Both attended three court appearances in which the case was not allowed to come before the bench for lack of proper "cover sheet" on a document. Of course the defendants had to pay expenses to the city for absence of the officials (who where outraged--and helpless). At worst, it would have cost less than $500 to reoffer the sale (this was asked and emphatically denied as was any allowance for outside court compromise)--not so, my friends, attorneys fees have now exceeded $75,000,and eight court ses­sions wherein these ones have yet to be allowed to speak. The incumbent judge is also holding threat over these one's head for he is up for re-election in June and has publicly blamed these ones for his "troubles"--but, there is still an outstanding decision resting in the hands of three judges who did tem­porarily set aside one of his judgments--yet to be heard. It is only one more step in a line of at least eight more hearings which so far exceeds the cost of the home as to be foolish except for the lessons involved. At any rate these ones have lived in packed boxes for if the decision is against them, they can he evicted and their dwelling and property seized within 24 hours. This has naught to do with taxes, or broken laws. It was simply property purchased on a land contract and the original owners were foreclosed. Because there was a second investor, Santa Barbara Savings of California would not "deal"--and suggested these ones go to the public sale which is routinely performed on foreclosures and it would allow clearing of the title -- the rest is history. Ex­cept that Santa Barbara Savings is now in the hands of the Government for failure.


The important information asked at mandatory depositions were things like, "Do you know your children's birthdays?" and a requirement to list them. Moreso, "Did you, Mr. , know your ex-wife's birthday'?" This at $200 plus, per hour! You have trouble, little ones--real trouble!


In other words, that right which disappears is that of trial by jury. Instead, as defined in Article VIII on the Judicial Branch, a presiding judge may de­cide whether a trial is to be of the investigatory or adversary type. An investi­gatory trial is the type used, for example, in the Soviet Union: you are pre­sumed guilty and must prove your innocence before a panel of judges. If an adversary trial is chosen, the judge is to decide whether there is to be a jury and how many jurors there shall be. There is no provision to prevent your jury, if any, from being a jury of one, who, as easily as not, could be your bitter enemy.


As for how you might wind up in court in the first place, the section on "Rights" provides that "Searches and seizures stall be only on judicial war­rant". Now, that sounds reassuring, until you discover that nowhere in the new constitution are there any criteria given for the issuance of a judicial war­rant. In other words, it is totally arbitrary.




The practice of religion is said to be "privileged". That is not the same as freedom of religion, legally. A right is something which cannot be revoked. A privilege, however, is something you hold only at the pleasure of the govern­ment, which can revoke it at will. For instance, at present, it is a "privilege" to voluntarily file an income tax form. Everything they do within the IRS is unlawful--it is however, not illegal. Everything the government does is "legal" even if unlawful, and you had better begin to recognize the difference or there will soon be no difference.




Consider the matter of property rights. Their new constitution states "No property shall be taken without compensation". But it does not say "just" compensation. The omission of that one little word "just" -- after over 40 drafts -- cannot be accidental, my friends. It would permit the government to seize your house, give you $1.00, and say, "We gave you compensation." Frightening? Oh, I sincerely do hope so!




The preoccupation with declared emergency is prominent with respect to rights. In Article VI of their new constitution, the reasons and procedures for declaration of emergency are prescribed. Among other things, it states that emergency can be declared for no better reason than "if an extra-ordinary ad­vantage be anticipated". It does not say advantage to whom, but obviously it means advantage to the government or the Presidential branch. It has already been utilized and tried out on you ones and you raved approval--how about the invasion of Panama??????


Observe that Article I of their constitution says that freedom of expres­sion, of communication, of movement, of assembly and of petition are abridged in declared emergency. Peaceful public gatherings to discuss public issues may also be interrupted or denied. Writs of habeas corpus are also suspended in declared emergency, which means you could be locked up and held indefinitely without the preferring of any charges.




With respect to the so-called "Responsibilities" defined in their new consti­tution, the potential dangers tend to be more subtle: "Each citizen shall par­ticipate in the processes of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office." Several points even in this one sentence would merit comment, but simply consider the word "shall". This is a command--and then go back and reread the Protocols. You shall participate. Not that you have the discretion to participate. And if you do not do so, you are violating the most basic law of the land, the new constitution. Compare the constitutions of all communist-led countries, also.


The Newstates are simply puppets of the federal government. "If govern­ments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned, and may be required by the Senate on the recom­mendation of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from the Newstates of America." You have no doubt already heard of various cases in which certain localities have been forced to forfeit their revenue sharing funds because of failure to comply with federal "guidelines", so-called.






Consider now the counterpart of your executive branch, which in the new constitution is simply called "The Presidency". The President is a "strong man", able to call all the shots. He is to serve for a single term of 9 years. You may have noticed the "single term" idea popping up lately; and even the 9-year length has been suggested by some in print and speech. Their secret new constitution is the source of that idea, dear ones.




There are also two Vice-Presidents (it has already been put into play in Panama--remember--"the two vice-presidents were taken" (in the "coup") just last week, while "the President (Endara) was somewhere in America!" Then, your President pronounced it all a hoax and the incident immediately banned from all news releases of any kind on the basis (secretly) of "national security". One VP is designated for "General  Affairs", first in line of Presidential succession in case of disability; the other designated for "Internal Affairs" and second in line. There are detailed provisions for Presidential and Vice-Presidential disability, with appointment playing a key role as in your present 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Note especially that Section 5 of Article V provides that "Candidates for the presidency and the vice-presiden­cies shall be natural-born citizens." The key word here is Candidates. All a foreign-person need say is, "I am doing nothing to become a candidate"; or, "I said I was not a candidate"; or, "I am not even a candidate, so therefore I can­not remove myself as a candidate for the vice-presidency"; or, "I am out to support the President's programs, how can I remove myself when I am not on it..." Under this section, therefore, a foreign-born person could well become president (and it is all carefully planned to produce exactly that result) once he is nominated by a president, in the event there is an office vacancy in one or both of the vice-presidencies, followed by succession when a president be­comes disabled for any reason. This is the very reason the Presidential Advi­sors are ever so much more powerful than any of the Cabinet members! And guess who has headed the Advisor list until just recently! Now he is indepen­dent and is even more dangerous than ever--yes, dear ones, Mr. Kissinger.


A provision which exemplifies the power of the president is "Treaties or agreements with other nations negotiated under the President's authority shall be in effect unless objected to by a majority of the Senate with 90 days." PAY ATTENTION! URGENT! THE TRILATERALS AND BILDER­BERGERS ARE MEETING RIGHT NOW TO DECIDE WHICH TREATIES WILL BE SIGNED AT THE UPCOMING SUMMIT!!!!!!!! 


Here is a pattern which permeates the new constitution, wherein all sorts of actions take effect unless objected to by a majority, instead of resulting from positive approval by a majority. This even applies in the matter of con­stitutional amendment, in which amendments generated by the Judicial Branch take effect unless turned down by a majority of the people. Well, the people never hear about these things already and no-one is told purposely in Congress, so 90 days pass and zilch is done. Automatically you have new con­stitutions, laws, etc., and you never even know it until you are placed under ar­rest or undergo search and seizure which you thought was illegal. "Whoops" simply doesn't cut it, friends.


Under the Presidency, there is also to be a new official called the "Intendant", whose powers are potentially those of the commander of a na­tionwide Gestapo. The actual working, of course, sounds relatively mild to the unwary. The danger lies in what is not said and the limits that are not im­posed. He is to supervise offices for Intelligence and Investigation, as well as an Office of Emergency Organization. His role here reflects a preoccupation with emergency that crops up again and again throughout the new constitu­tion. The word "emergency" appears 13 times in the new constitution; it does not appear even once in your present Constitution. Constitutional provisions for declaration of emergency, of course, have been used time after time in re­cent years to terminate freedom in other countries, and preparation and se­cret usage is in full force in your country. Note the Banking Emergency Reg­ulations which we have already shared with you readers.




The Intendant is also given the authority to charter tax-exempt founda­tions or corporations that are "determined by him to be for useful public pur­poses". There is no check whatsoever on his authority to do this. This only re­flects the unbridled authority of the President himself under the new constitu­tion, however. It does not provide for accountability of an unscrupulous President.


Their constitution gives the President all the tools he needs to establish unchallenged authority during the transition period from our present to the new constitution, as described in Article XII. This open invitation for him to assume any and all powers he deems appropriate speaks for itself.


Furthermore, with respect to the replacement of present governmental functions by those defined by their constitution, "The President shall deter­mine when replacement is complete." Since only the president is given this power, there is really nothing to prevent him from freezing the process part­way through, for example, after abolishing our present Congress and before appointing the new one. It is very possible that these two very short passages are the real crux of their secret new constitution. But just to round out the President's guarantees of invulnerability, their new constitution also affords a remarkable license to lie in Article IX. Of the three exceptions noted therein, "treason" is of no force and effect, since it is nowhere defined in the new constitution. Now, do you still question who are your "treasonists"?




Given the power of the President under the new constitution, the rest of the government would really have only whatever status their President al­lowed it to have. However, the Legislative Branch would consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, as now. But there the similarities end. Sena­tors would no longer be elected at all; instead they would be hand-picked ap­pointees of the President, plus former Presidents and Vice-Presidents, and would serve for life. The House of Representatives would have 400 members, but there would be only 100 congressional districts. Each district would elect 3 representatives who would serve for 3-year terms. These would be expected to compete with one another instead of speaking with one voice; so this device would effectively undermine local representation at the national level. There would also be 100 representatives elected "at large" from the nation as a whole instead of individual districts. The "at large" members would form the backbone of what little is left to the House: they would serve for 9-year terms, and would be the ones eligible to become committee chairmen.




The Judicial Branch would be presided over by a Principal Justice, chosen by the President's hand-picked or rubber-stamp Senate. He would be a judi­cial "czar", controlling the entire judicial system of the nation with the aid of a Judicial Council and Judiciary Assembly. The Judicial Council would be the originator of all constitutional amendments and would have the duty to con­sider amending their constitution to legalize unconstitutional steps taken by the government from time to time and at random.




The Regulatory Branch is foreshadowed by many current developments. But the most notable feature of this Branch, aside from its grip on the nation's enterprises generally, is the blessing given to cartel arrangements called "Authorities". It states, "Member enterprises of an Authority shall be exempt from other regulation." But as for the "little guys", who do come under the government's regulation, it says, "Nonmembers shall be required to maintain the same standards as those prescribed for members". The "Standards" pre­scribed would be those agreed upon by the cartel members and nonmembers would not be allowed even to exceed those standards if they wanted to do so for competitive reasons.




The Planning Branch is foreshadowed by the increasing clamor for "economic planning" by the present Domestic Council of the White House and by the national land-use planning legislation. It would consist of a 15-member board appointed by the President. They would prepare 6-and 12-year plans and budgets to reflect the desires of the President, who would submit the budgets to the House of Representatives for their rubber-stamp approval each year.




The Electoral Branch is also on its way piecemeal, through public fi­nancing of election campaigns, quota systems, and now the newly operational Federal Election Commission, whose regulations do not apply to the present vice-presidency office...


Under their new constitution, there is to be an electoral "Overseer" in charge of the Electoral Branch, chosen by the President's hand picked Senate, and he is to "supervise the organization of national and district parties, ar­range for the discussions among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office." All electoral processes are to be paid for out of tax money; and no party can run candidates if it is not "recognized" by the Overseer. There are quota systems for apportionment of public funds that clearly would help drive out small parties and tend ultimately toward a one-party system. Furthermore, the Overseer is to monitor, supervise, and regulate the election process completely. All the power necessary to convert elections into a meaningless exercise is provided the Electoral Branch under their secret new constitution.




Now sit quietly for a moment and PRAY! Ask the Divine God Creator in in Light to sit with you--and then, please, get furious, panicked, angry and get ready to ACT! I am accused of giving you no hope? I am accused of doom and gloom!  IT CANNOT GET ANY GLOOMIER OR MORE DOOMED THAN THIS! HOPE? ALL YOU HAVE IS HOPE! With action ap­propriately manifested, you not only have hope, you have recourse. That is, if you stop your dallying about which "channel" approves "who" and "who's Ha­tonn is who's" and "Who's Sananda might or might not be THE real Jesus Sananda". HE COMES FORTH TO SHOW YOU THE WAY AND BRING TRUTH! HOW MANY WILL HEAR--IN TIME? SO BE IT.


I can only observe that their secret new constitution is not new at all. It is actually a prescription for the oldest kind of government of all: one-man rule. It is the slippage backward into the bad old ways of the past that you have seen


See PDF Page 230-231 for    “NEW STATES” MAP


increasingly during your brief lifetime, brought about by increasingly ignoring your own Constitution, which is still the newest idea in government. It is all a planned and carefully laid blueprint for the ending of freedom for you the people". You better study those Zionist Protocols and Plans most carefully, my brothers, for in many instances, it is already too late.


You have celebrated your 200th anniversary as the rebirth of your nation---or was it the death of your free republic? Your Constitution was the product of distilling the experience of 5,000 years of civilization. Only slightly over 200 years old, it is still practically new -- especially since you have not used it much lately. If God would grant you the option of doing so at this late hour, there is truly a new start you can make with full confidence in the results---but an additional 14 years have passed since that anniversary. You had better closely look at that which has transpired in just those 14 years.  You are out of time, my friends.


The new start is to pick up your present, unique Constitution and demand that it be again  utilized in every component--in every detail. Demand the ceasing of the raping of your "Justice System" and all of your freedoms. Stop the bribery and purchasing of your political representatives. If you would de­mand use of, and use yourself, your Constitution, it would be the first time in your lifetime that this has been done.