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FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1990   8:00 A.M.     YEAR 3 DAY 268

Hatonn here in the light of radiance. This will be a continuation of section 2 of yesterday.

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Dharma, in respect and honor to THE SPOTLIGHT we will copy a lead arti­cle and give honor to Warren Hough and James Harrer for their superb inves­tigative writing and daring disclosures. We will also do that which we can to spread the word which ones of that Journal have given their lives to do for the world citizens. We will spread the listing of the Trilateral membership and give it further audience--both in protection of the ones who managed to un­earth it from its secret hiding, confuse the enemy and further its uncovering. We will not, however, do so in this Journal for it should reside with the Consti­tutional information we will bring through in the upcoming Journal. We will do so within the next week or so. You of the daring publications must do all possible in unison and protection of resources. I name these two authors for they now come under protection of our lighted forces.


Will you please copy the article as presented.


QUOTE, THE SPOTLIGHT, Volume XVI Number 20, May 14, 1990:



When Dr. Gerald V. Bull, 60, a key Pentagon scientist, was found murdered recently, FBI investigators on the case made a startling dis­covery.


Surveillance teams of the Mossad, Israel's secret service, had tracked the world-renowned American physicist from Washington to New York and then aboard a transatlantic flight to Brussels, Belgium, where a Mossad hit man shot Bull dead with a silenced 9-mm pistol.


Bull was just the latest victim on a list of as many as a dozen Americans "terminated" by Mossad operatives because their activities were thought to threaten Israel's interests, The SPOTLIGHT has learned exclusively from a senior Justice Department official in Washington.


Following up this lead, a team of reporters for this populist news­paper encountered a long-suppressed sense of outrage among law enforcement and intelligence experts over what one source called "the Mossad's mob tactics."


"You can bet no one will be indicted for killing Dr. Bull," asserted a veteran Pentagon investigator. When the Mossad ‘eliminates’ an adversary, it can count on the protection of the most powerful fixers in Washington. As long as this cover-up continues, the murders will go on, too. There will be more victims."




Other sources confirmed that two leading alien interest pressure groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the World Zionist Organization (WZO), have "lowered a soundproof curtain over Is­rael's covert operations" as media historian Arthur Godoy put it.


"The WZO and the ADL supply more than well-orchestrated public relations for the Mossad," explained the Pentagon investigator. "They provide financing, contacts and protected bases for Israeli op­eratives in the U.S.--even if their mission violates our laws."


When Col. Robert Bayard, a retired U.S. Army officer, was shot to death in Atlanta, Georgia in 1977, "the official explanation was that some vagrants had done it," recalled an Atlanta lawyer who was an assistant district attorney at the time. This knowledgeable source agreed to talk to a SPOTLIGHT reporter on condition that he would not be quoted by name. (Hatonn: We know who this person is, Dark Brothers, and we put you on notice to back away for he is under our protection.)


"But our investigation revealed that while on active duty, Col. Ba­yard had been detailed to the CIA and assigned to the Middle East, where he worked with Arab governments and became known as a critic and adversary of Israel's expansionist tactics," he said.


Retired early, reportedly at the insistence of the Israel lobby in Washington, Bayard became an executive with an international ar­maments and security firm. "I guess the Mossad thought Bayard was still a threat to their interests," related the Atlanta attorney, "and they decided to 'terminate' him. That was the real finding of our investiga­tion. But of course we were not allowed to say it publicly."


Barry Seal had no interest in politics or strategy when he ran afoul of the Mossad's U.S. network in the mid-1980s: He was a drug pilot.


When Seal was shot dead in New Orleans in 1988 by "unknown assailants," the official account cited Seal's secret links to the Drug Enforcement Administration--he had turned informer--and blamed his murder on the cocaine cartel.


But privately federal investigators say that Seal had been inform­ing on the so-called Harari network--the group of Mossad operatives based in Panama who made millions of dollars smuggling narcotics and weapons under the command of Mike Harari, a veteran Israeli official known as an assassination specialist.


"Seal was the key snitch in a major undercover drug investigation of this Mossad team's drug deals, and afterward he was scheduled to testify before a Senate committee," says a longtime congressional in­vestigator. "There is no question he was hit by the Mossad. Off the record, that's the finding of the federal agencies who looked into his killing."


Unlike Bayard and Seal, whose lives had secret compartments, Bull was a brilliant, widely respected U.S. defense scientist who has been credited with pioneering work in the field of long-range ar­tillery. In the 1960s he developed an exceptionally accurate 16-inch cannon that is still in use on some U.S. battleships.


Eventually Bull was named director of the Defense Department's highly classified High Altitude Research Project where he worked on long-range nuclear cannon prototypes. One of them, fired experi­mentally in the Caribbean, hurled an atomic shell the size of a com­pact car a record 112 miles into space.


In the late 1970's, Bull and a group of business associates set up the Space Research Corp., which began to market some of the ar­tillery technology developed by the noted scientist.




Federal investigators say the Israeli government, which had in earlier years purchased some of the large, high-velocity munitions produced by Bull from the United States, marked the eminent physi­cist as a "threat" when the Iraqi army also applied for permission to acquire some of Bull's long-distance artillery pieces.


In the late 1980s, the American scientist worked as a consultant to Iraq in manufacturing an unusually large and powerful 40 mm can­non; this was reportedly enough to seal his fate.


"Israel's record of murdering scientists and engineers who agree to do contract work for an Arab government goes back to the 1960s," recalled Prof. Godoy.


"That the Mossad has now assassinated such a distinguished American scientist signals no change in their tactics; it marks only the growing power of the ADL and WZO to cover up the terrorists out­rages of Israeli agents, even when the victim is an important U.S. fig­ure. This conspiracy of silence must end, if only to protect American lives," he said.


Other knowledgeable sources agreed with his conclusions.


The SPOTLIGHT, which is looking into the murders of several other U.S. citizens described by intelligence sources as Mossad tar­gets, will continue its investigation.


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Shocking? By now it should not be shocking. It must be obvious, by now, to all of you readers that it is a cover-up and conspiracy at the highest levels of your government--the HIGHEST!


The ADL and WZO are as tangled in with the conspirators who run your world as is your hand attached to your own arm. These ones in conjunction with the OSI (Office of Special Investigations) who have representatives at all top level meetings, also are the ones who go on "Nazi" witchhunts and keep the so-called "Holocaust" alive and cancerous upon the masses of sensitive mankind. There was no holocaust as it has been presented unto you ones, but you have gobbled it up just as you gobble up every other piece of propaganda. Does it not seem strange to keep total hatred alive and thriving some half cen­tury after the fact? Further, the stories are more insane than at the happen­ing--whatever it was. Does it not strike any of you as quite strange indeed?


You must now rapidly come into understanding of that which is put upon you or you will have lost your nation. So be it.


Hatonn to stand-by.