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Oct. 3, 2014




THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1990   11:47 A.M.     YEAR 3 DAY 267

Hatonn in light to continue, please.


This is to emphasize the fact that you ones are told very little about the inter-workings of your world elite. I wish to insert this portion simply because it is timely (5/9/90) and reported only in the Wall Street Journal thus far. I am not going to quote the article for I do not wish to spend that much time at this particular insertion. It is, however, mandatory that you ones begin to see the connection of the Zionists with all facets of your world and how they are set up to take over Global control. They have infiltered every nook and cranny of your planet--ally and enemy alike--and you haven't even realized they are within your midst.


I will name Mr. Yair Klein for this discussion is predominantly about this man from Israel. He operates out of 5 Luntz St., Tel Aviv.


He is wanted in Colombia on charges of running a training school for cocaine-cartel hitmen and is facing prosecution at home for breaking Israeli law on exporting defense know-how. Now if you believe "they" really are after him you deserve to be rationed to bread and water.


It is absolutely business as usual right out of his old address and has been ever since he was spirited back into safety from Colombia some nine months past.


There has been a non-interrupted running of what Klein brags is "the best team in Israel for small wars, anti-terror units, terror units and commando operations". There has been no effort to interrupt him and now it is proven he was up to his ears in weapon sales of weapons discovered at the ranch of Colombia's most infamous drug barons. Ho hummmmmm.


How does this ring keep operating? Well, Mr. Klein is part of a world-wide trade in military arms and expertise that brings Israel big money, along with innumerable scandals. The nation needs international sales to prop up its arms industry, and prosecuting him could open a window that Israel prefers to keep shut. Israel has shown willingness to do arms business with any gov­ernment--friend or foe--for you see, their plans are far beyond neighboring quarrels.


Just this day (5/10/90) please take note, if it appears on your media accidents, the Israeli banks are in serious trouble and "bankers" are being pulled out like flies for corrupt dealings. This is today's topic of the hour in Israel. You see, they cover up the truth, also, and hide behind currently arranged distractors to keep the populace from discovering the overall plan. The nice little Israeli citizen has no more notion what is going on than does the nice little grandmother from Oklahoma. The expendables are never allowed to intentionally know truth.


Arms are the biggest business in Israel. At least one out of every ten workers is involved in the arms trade, from cottage-industry consultancies operated out of seedy Tel Aviv apartments, to industrial giants such as Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd., the state's largest exporter, whose foreign military sales, last year alone, exceeded $800 million. It operates as a corporation doing busi­ness all over the world under different labels so this only touches the very tiny tip of the iceberg--do you still discount the value of corporations?


According to official (not to be confused with the real figures), military sales to more than 60 countries brought Israel $1.4 billion last year--not to even mention the money gleaned unofficially. And where, brother American, do you think they get the weapons to sell? I knew you knew if you just thought a minute-real hard. Now there are only 4.4 million Israelis--you do the arith­metic. That most certainly puts Israel forth as a very large arms exporter in­deed.


Of course, this does not include the training schools which are utilizing train­ers from the Mossad and elite assassins.


OFFICIALLY, over 40 percent of Israel's sales are to the U.S. and Europe. But even a partial list of other past and current clients reveals the bizarre na­ture and the global reach of Israel's arms trade or "pass through" dealings for places such as the U.S.


Murky dealings in Latin America long predate Mr. Klein's adventures. And remember--the Ambassadors from both Peru and Colombia both told your congressional committee on drugs, etc., that the automatic assault weapons and all drug war weapons were originally produced in the United States of America and were shipped in both directly and through routes through other nations "such as Israel".


Israel has openly supplied arms and training to the military juntas of Chile, Guatemala and Argentina. It aided Nicaragua's Anastasio Somoza until his fall, then aided the Contra rebels. A top adviser to Panama's Manuel Nor­iega, Michael Harari, was former head of clandestine operations for Mossad, Israel's intelligence service--remember?


The late Ayatollah Khomeini got Israeli arms. And of course you know the Iran-Contra story so spare us the time of repeating.


And then, in 1988 a middle man got caught in Hong Kong and exposed the details of a long-denied arms-supply relationship with China--oh, the song goes round and round and it come out here.


Now comes one claim in defense of such dastardly dealings--the arms are nec­essary "for protection" for regimes that have large or vulnerable Jewish com­munities, such as Ethiopia, Chile, Argentina, Morocco and South Africa. Why would those particular countries have such vulnerable Jewish communities?


Now hear the party line regarding Ethiopia and arms. "Well, whatever we did in Ethiopia was to insure freedom for emigration (to Israel) of the 17,000 known Jews located there." Why? Israel is demanding from you some billion dollars for tending the influx of Jews from the European crises. Could it be to insure take-over of the Palestinian real estate?


A Mr. Peled, a retired Israeli officer who is a major-general in the reserves, last year founded his own company, Crossbow Ltd., to develop and market arms. A confidential private-placement memorandum details the company's "aim to produce products for use by military and paramilitary combat units at the low tactical echelons"--or, as Mr. Peled puts it, "to get some of the glitter of high-tech weaponry into the hands of ordinary fighters."


Mr. Peled's decision to turn his distinguished military career to use in business isn't unusual in Israel, where army service is universal. "You take a guy who grows up on a farm and goes into the army," says Aharon Klieman, a profes­sor of politics at Tel Aviv University, "When he comes out, he knows two things, how to grow tomatoes and how to make war. And there's a lot more money in war."


Of course you also know of the lie regarding Uzis and other weapons which were to have been ordered for and delivered to Antiqua--and ended up with the Drug Kings of Colombia. Well, that was approved by Israel and acknowl­edged by Baruch Binah, a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry.


Well, another interesting tid-bit. "It isn't time to tell the full story," says the most involved person, Mr. Klein, "but it will be a block-buster when it comes forth", he elaborates. It most certainly will, little chelas, it most certainly will! And just wait until you hear about Panama and these past three weeks!


Mr. Eitan, a member of the Israeli parliament and a former army chief of staff, says the following, "Someday, perhaps, if it's decided that the stories can be told, you'll see that the state has been involved in acts which are a thousand times more dirty than anything going on in Colombia," he told the Jerusalem Post. "These things were decided by the government, in cabinet meetings. As long as the government decides to do something, something that the national interest demands, then it is legitimate." These things are worked out behind closed doors in top secret with top nations of the world.


So be it.                              


Like to hear of some of the toys you can pick up on the open market? I knew you would, so right from the horse's mouth: "In the Israel Defense Sales Di­rectory; (full color, glossy sales brochures), low cost terminal guidance kits for general-purpose bombs; ear in the right place bugs for telephone, telex and computer monitoring; the unique Hightech riot control vehicles with colored tear gas jets." And then there are others, "consultancies offering expert per­sonnel in certain military fields of activity and offering their services to help develop ground and air forces."


Oh, by the way, Mr. Klein personally saw to the procurement of "belts, hel­mets and personal gear" for the Phalange Christian militia, the group respon­sible for the massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps.


Brothers, if you still think you are not in trouble and Hatonn is just a Doom and Gloom cadet---PLEASE READ ON! Is it going to matter whether or not I am Dharma's Hatonn or John Doe's---you have a whole kit bag full of trou­bles and you had best be looking at them most carefully.


The base in Peru set up by your government, which Mr. Bush refused to talk about in his recent press conference, is operated and supplied through the Is­raeli Mossad.


Rest well tonight! Salu