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Sept. 22,  2014






THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1990   10:15 A.M.   YEAR 3 DAY 260



Hatonn in Light, to continue.  Our subject material has brought forth an ac­tive effort to stop this scribe.  I place notice that she will be protected.  Heed well my words, for it comes now the time of truth.






Since our theme in this Journal has dealt with “religious” aspects or miscon­ceptions and fa­cades, we will continue on with a similar format.  I ask that this Journal not be allowed to get too large for these are magnificent subjects and need be handled in portions of chewable size.  Yes, I shock you—who else will tell you these things and yet, you have only to go forth and you will find your confirmation of the truth of that which we bring unto you.


Is it time now for a new Jewish temple in Jerusalem?  Well, the traditionalist Jews hope to re­build their sacred edifice now, but a mosque and a few cen­turies of enmity stand in the way—or do they?  Every orthodox Jewish prayer ends with, “May it be Thy will that the Temple be speedily rebuilt in our days.”  Why?  Would God re­ally care where a man wor­ships?  He certainly does not find much true Godliness in the temples of any “faith”—so WHO wants that temple re­built?  Ah so!  God despised the temple when it was there, why would He wish it rebuilt?  Could it be a sign from thine evil brothers to unite and reaffirm allegiance unto Satan?


The “Christians” are eagerly awaiting the temple for it is a proph­esied “sign” of the time of the coming of the Master.  Do you see how “thought projections” bring things to pass in a pre­dictable manner?  What would happen if no tem­ple were built?  You might very likely tend of your world and bring some san­ity back into your man­ifestations—but alas, ’tis not likely, is it?  For to fulfill the prophecies, you must have that confounded temple, mustn’t you?  Well, a few centuries of misrepresentation and misconception bring it to your door­yard in a manner which you do not realize in gen­eral.


It would appear that the Mosque would need destruction—nay, ac­cording to the exacting mea­surements of layout—it can be built within three feet of the mosque and be on the “Holy” ground.  Fur­thermore, it is already under con­struction!


But let us go back to that which you are being told and that which is presented unto the public.  I shall ask reprinting of an article in TIME magazine Oct. 16, 1989 with appreciation to Richard N. Ostling.




May it be Thy will that the temple be speedily rebuilt in our days - - - - -.


That plea to God, recited three times a day in Jewish prayers, expresses a yearning that makes Jerusalem’s Temple Mount poten­tially the most volatile 35 acres on earth.  Though 19 centuries have passed since Roman troops obliter­ated Herod’s gilded Tem­ple, the Mount remains the object of intense Jewish reverence.  But, for the past 13 centuries, the same trapezoid dal tract has also been Islam’s holi­est site af­ter Mecca and Medina: its Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock honor the spot whence the Prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to the seventh heaven.  Christians, too, hold in awe this place where Jesus walked.  Now a contro­versy has arisen over whether, and when, a new Jewish Temple should be built.


Temple reconstruction was no issue until 1967, when Israel cap­tured the Mount and the Old City.  Eager to preserve peace, Israel continues to allow Muslims to ad­minister the site.  They permit no Jew or Christian to pray openly on the holy ground, nor will they con­sider allowing even the sim­plest synagogue or church.  The merest hint of rebuilding the Temple is considered an outrage by the Prophet’s fol­lowers, who, in the words of an official at Al Aqsa, “will defend the Islamic holy places to the last drop of their blood.”


Jewish sensitivities also hinder reconstruction.  Israel’s Chief Rabbis forbid Jews to set foot on the Mount lest they accidentally step on the site of the ancient Holy of Holies, where only the high priest entered, once a year.  In addi­tion, there are various views over how and when a new Temple could or should be raised.  The Babylo­nian Talmud offers con­flicting opinions, but Rashi, the great me­dieval sage, in­sisted that the Temple must descend directly from heaven when the Messiah comes.  On the other hand, tradition holds that God’s biblical command to build the Temple is irrevocable, and the Jerusalem Talmud says Jews may construct an interme­diate edi­fice before the Messianic era.  A 1983 newspaper poll showed that a surprising 18.3% of Israelis thought it was time to rebuild; a mere 3% wanted to wait for the Mes­siah.


Next week Israel’s Ministry of Religious Affairs will sponsor a first ever Confer­ence of Temple Research to discuss whether con­temporary Jews are obligated to re­build.  However, several small or­ganizations in Jerusalem believe the question is set­tled.  They are zealously making preparations for the new Temple in spite of the doc­trinal obstacles and the cer­tainty of provoking Muslim fury.


These groups eschew violence but offer no explanation of what should be done about the Muslim shrines that now occupy the holy ground.  They point out that animal sacrifices and other aspects of Temple worship are so ingrained in Judaism that they take up a third of the 613 biblical commandments, plus major portions of the Tal­mud and the daily ritual.  Tem­ple restoration is also a fixation for lit­eral-minded Protes­tants, who deem a new Temple the precondition for Christ’s Second Coming.


Two Talmudic schools located near the Western (Wailing) Wall are teaching nearly 200 students the elaborate details of Temple ser­vice.  Other groups are re­searching the family lines of Jewish priests who alone may conduct sacrifices.  Next year an organizing conven­tion will be held for those who believe themselves to be of priestly de­scent.  Former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren, who heads another Tem­ple Mount organiza­tion, believes his research has fixed the location of the an­cient Holy of Holies so that Jews can enter the Mount with­out sacrilege.  He insists, “I cannot leave this world without assuring that Jews will once again pray on the Mount.”


No group is more zealous than the Temple Institute, whose spiri­tual leader, 50-year-old-Rabbi Israel Ariel, was one of the first Israeli paratroopers to reach the Mount in 1967.  “Our task,” states the insti­tute’s American-born director, Zev Golan, “is to advance the cause of the Temple and to pre­pare for its establishment, not just talk about it.”


During six years of research, the institute has recon­structed 38 of the ritual imple­ments that will be required when Temple sacrifices are restored; it will com­plete the other 65 items as funds permit.  A museum of the completed pieces has drawn 10,000 visitors during the current holy days.  In addition to such items as trumpets, lyres and lots, the institute is preparing vestments for the priests-in-wait­ing.  According to Scrip­ture, the clothing must be painstak­ingly made with flax spun by hand into six-stranded threads.


One difficulty is the requirement (as in Numbers 19:1-10) that priests purify their bodies with the cremated ashes of an unblemished red heifer before they enter the Temple.  Fol­lowing a go-ahead from the Chief Rabbinate, institute opera­tives spent two weeks in August scouting Europe for heifer embryos that will shortly be implanted into cows at an Is­raeli cattle ranch.


As for rebuilding, none of the groups are believed to be stock­piling limestone and marble just yet.  For years, how­ever, a miniature Temple model has lured tourists to Jerusalem’s Holyland Hotel, and the institute is preparing blueprints for a more au­thentic replica that will cost $1 million.  All money for the various projects will come from Jews; Christian well-wishers are not allowed to contribute.


To rabbis like Jerusalem’s Pesach Schindler, such efforts are his­torically inter­esting but spiritually superfluous.  A member of Ju­daism’s Conservative branch, which shuns Orthodox literalism re­garding the Temple, Schindler contends that “religion evolves.  We have respect for the past, but it has no operational signifi­cance.  With the estab­lishment of the state of Israel, we have all our spiritual cen­ters within us.  That is where the Temples should be built.”


But historian David Solomon insists that a new Temple is essen­tial: “It was the essence of our Jewish being, the uni­fying force of our people.”  The Temple Insti­tute’s Golan ad­mits it may be a long time before the building rises.  “No one can say how, and no one wants to do it by force.  But sooner or later, in a week or a century, it will be done.  And we will be ready for it.”  He adds with quiet urgency, “Every day’s delay is a stain on the nation.”  Reported by Martin Levin/Jerusalem.


Let us carefully look at the above document with objective intent—as if we were little space aliens from the outer cosmos.  What would you perceive?






First of all, I can assure you that they would be quite positively assured that man has no idea of God or he deliberately perpetrates evil upon his fellow-man.  All of God’s land is sancti­fied so what of a little trapezoidal tract which must be under contention?  Fur­ther, why couldn’t every­one just go within that lovely edifice al­ready there and open their minds unto God?


Worse yet, man kills man for that little worthless spot of earth and in 1967 the bloodier of the two captured the Mount and the Old City.  But they are so nice—they continue to allow Muslims to ad­minister the site.  It must be from the goodness from within the hearts of those masters.


Oops, well, generosity has limits—they allow no Jew or Christian to pray openly on the holy ground nor will they allow a little syn­agogue or church.  They won’t let them in the Mosque ei­ther, so what’s a soul to do?  Dare we suggest you walk outside or go within thine closet and pray?  Oh, I see,  you have to have a priest, or sacrifice, or special kneeling pads or something?  To reach God?  God is within, how can you find God in one of those places which limit God to a few men’s beliefs?  Oh, I see, MEN made a few rules as they went along so they could lay down the law and enslave the rest of their broth­ers.  So be it, it comes more clear now.


But a quandary, please.  You say that Jewish sensitivities also hinder recon­struction.  Israel’s Chief Rabbis forbid Jews to set foot on the Mount lest they accidentally step on the site of the ancient Holy of Holies, where only the high priest entered, once a year.  How do they in­tend to build the temple if no-one can walk on the grounds?  Will the Rabbi build it all by himself?  Oh, I see, they will sacrifice some sheep or something and then they will ap­point puri­fied workers and then they can walk on the ground—oh, I see, Rabbis don’t work—they only pray and sacrifice a bunch of an­imals for the rest of the peo­ple.


Some people think that WE are going to bring it already built?  I don’t think so, at least they have never told me as much!  Well, safe again, I see that some “expert” Godly one says the Jews may construct an intermediate edifice.  Whew, I thought we were going to have to bring the con­founded thing.






Now, look at this——18.3% of Israelis think it is time to re­build; a mere 3% want to wait for the Messiah.  Why?  So he can pour a bit more of his sacred blood on their salvation?  I think not, He got a bit angry the last time!  Well, now that it has had democratic vote it is apparent that the 18.3% won—for the next paragraph says they are zealously making prepa­rations, even though the doctrines are not even worked out.  I guess the Rabbi does it be­cause in the whole document they don’t really refer to God at all.  Sounds just like all the other churches on that little planet, to me.


Boy, they can’t wait to start slaughtering and murdering animals in behalf of the sins of peo­ple.  What could a little lamb possibly do to save a murderer of his sins?  It is hard to under­stand—perhaps I should get Satan to explain it to me?  God all but throws up when I ask him about it!  Yes, I very definitely will have to ask Satan about it!


Well, we see that time has passed since someone wrote this silly document, and all the arti­facts are in place and waiting—but what of the stockpile of stone they speak of?  Oh, yes, now I see.  They plan to take over the Mosque, build much of the plan to suit that which is there and the remainder of the building material is al­ready in place waiting within the walls of other buildings of tem­porary structure.  The “stuff” will simply have a few dead animal’s blood and a few human martyr’s blood smeared on it and it will pu­rify and sanctify it all.  Very good—great convenient thinking—those temple builders are pretty smart in the long run.  After all, the foolish people of the world are all but ruled by them.


That Global 2000 plan is totally infiltrated by those Zionists for they are a clever bit of peo­ple.


Probably, just as soon as all the Temple Mount organizations get their act to­gether, they can get on with sanctifying these things and getting those other stingy, non allowing aliens out of that Mosque.


By the way, I heard that they now have that spotless heifer, what­ever a dead cow has to do with God.  Sure is hard on the cow, I mean, to be burned to ashes for that rock building.  Boy, I am re­ally glad I’m not a heifer with no blemishes!  It seems all of God’s PERFECT creatures are slaughtered by hu­man.


Gosh, here is another problem—who is going to make sure that all those priests clothes are structured of six-stranded threads?  Thank goodness, there are no buttons because someone might err and sew a lost button on with a five stranded thread.  God allows us to manifest our own—how did those men get in the way and make all those earth people to do their work, and furnish their things and build their thrones and temples?  God makes us do our own work and mani­festing—there is something awfully unfair here, it seems to me.  All these things belong to the preachings of that dude God threw out of heaven—you know, that one called Lucifer!  You know what, I don’t even want to go visit that place of crazy, insane and hostile sleepwalkers—they kill anything and everything just for the greed of it.  They even kill each other.


Well, I guess it is serious because Mr. Golan says that, “Every day’s delay is a stain on the na­tion.”  I guess it must be law be­cause he wrote it.  It is sad, that they blame all of this on God, though, for they must certainly have a different God than does the cosmic brotherhood.






Oh, look, it isn’t just the Zionists—my, my, I guess those Catholics know how to teach an un­ruly nun what her duties are—they just torture the poor little girls and boys and spill their blood, but they leave the chickens and cows alone!  There must be some­thing really special about the way they intermingle for there is nothing they won’t do to have what they call sex, and the dirtier the better, somehow.  We were taught that emotion is within and an energy of the soul.  There must be something we do not understand.


Well, I can see it is totally encompassing for here are the protes­tants all fight­ing over sex and money too.  The Baptists are at it and then there are those wondrous preachers of God’s and Christ’s messages.  Seems we have never heard those messages from God or Christ—the only one I ever hear project sexual misbehavior and money greed is Satan—could it be that Satan is the God of Earth people?


Could it be that Satan is the God of Earth people?  Could it be that the whole of mankind in physical format on planet Earth—save a very few—say, less than a million; well, perhaps less than two hundred thousand are in the service of Satan God?  Could it be?


God gave forth quite a nice list of commands and they were most fair indeed and then, there were the laws of The Creation of Nature and Balance.  Man has rewritten all of them and he is in perish­ment—could that old original God have been so wrong?  Apparently man thinks so for everyone of those laws has been rewritten and none of them are followed any more.






I wonder why man is not happy—he has rewritten all the laws to suit himself and takes his plea­sure anywhere and wherever he chooses and somehow he thinks he will never be trou­bled by anything going wrong—why isn’t he happy?  He should be happy for he has learned to live with­out compassion and allows his fellow humans to starve or die of disease—he just takes whatever he wants—why is there no peace, love or happiness in the human?  Ah yes, ’tis sad in­deed—those are the very things old Lucifer taught and got sent away to Earth be­cause of.  I wonder why God bothers.  Oh, yes, I remember now—God cre­ated those nasty little creatures in the be­ginning and He loves them.  They have forgotten that we were and are all the same and I love them, too, be­cause they are so misled but boy, they sure don’t want to hear the truth and they desire to do something about it, even less.  They always want something called the government to change things—and it does; boy, does it ever!


Well, I’m just a little space alien and unfortunately I DO under­stand!  When will man under­stand?  So be it and Selah.




Will the anti-christ stand up?  Please, will the anti-christ stand forth?  Well, how else are we go­ing to know who that dastardly anti-Christ is so we can an­nihilate him?  You won’t until it is too late!  For you still quibble over who wrote what in a document—first!  YOU do not want to fol­low the rules of God and The Creation for you have been convinced that all the wondrous “fun” things are a “right”!  Where is your joy, peace and happiness, Earth friend?  Where does your light shine, friend?  Is it possible that you have been people of the lie for so long you have no way to remember?










What do I perceive?  What do I have to do with anything?  Well, I won’t cover all that to te­dium for all of you should know me by the reading of this Journal.


I have been honored and recognized within the fleet as a statisti­cian and I have greatly en­joyed that role.  I am, however, in charge of a great many things, the major transition of your place­ment is one of them.

I welcome the opportunity to speak at this time of transition re­garding the process from the pe­riod of the first massive infusions to a period of calmness and rest.  We speak of energy infusions and beyond the five-year cycle of this particular infusion, I see a culmination for you upon your planet.  You are ex­periencing the ending cycles of a very powerful time and you seem to march blindly along with whatever prophecies you perceive must be followed.


There shall continue to be magnificent confusion within the masses for you have entered into the era of total chaos in this particular closing cycle.  Man will more and more find him­self stumbling around in total states of confusion and shock.  Man, in addition to experienc­ing his fear component, shall go through a mistrust, a com­petitiveness and an isolation for he shall reach a point where he can trust no one.  I speak herein about the collective that is mankind.


Even as ones come together to assist in crises it is difficult for most ones upon the planet to en­vision the crisis, the lies residing and the enslavement in their own dooryards.  Each still thinks that the government must send aid unto this or that area of problem.  You have for­gotten that you are the government—you send the aid—’tis only that the government has taken that which is yours from you through use of total force and police action.  They have uti­lized your own wealth to enslave and imprison you.


Funny thing—soon there won’t be any governments who have monies to send aid anywhere.  It will be up to ones in their own areas to as­sist one another and how many of you are pre­pared to do such?  This is the lesson the collec­tive of mankind must learn.  You who speak out in daring confrontation of the lie will be the leaders who must bring forth this knowl­edge.


The question of evacuation is upon the lips of each of you.  “Will you please give us date and time?”  No! 

Not even the Son of Man knows the time—why would you expect more?  Ye simply desire to wait for your proof and refuse to move thine duffs until the final moment.  Nay, little sleepy heads, ye will be in making of your choices before that moment or your de­cision will be consid­ered made.  Further, I shall not speak of the evacuation process herein for in­deed there is another more qualified than I to do so.  Most of you don’t be­lieve He ex­ists, either, and so be it.


I will speak a bit on the subject of groups.  This is not to be ac­cepted as spe­cific nor unchange­able for with man there is always possibility of probability change.






Let us speak of those which we can refer to as in the service of the Lighted forces—God.


First, there will be a group who will remain with the planet during the change process — the ones who will be the leaders and share in their knowledge and their expertise to help others to come into a balance.  These are ones who have volunteered to experience through this changing pro­cess.  They will be directed during the next months, if they have not already been directed, to ar­eas of safety, of relocation or given peace in the placement wherein they are now located.


These will be the ones who will guide in putting in food stores, who have cut away the excess baggage most Earth men carry.  They are ones who are pre­pared, who have been as quiet ones to assume quiet roles.  Some of them have been placed at the outskirts or in the fringe areas of some of the larger cities in metropolitan ar­eas.  Indeed, many of them do not know their coun­terpart who might be on the other side of the city.  It is not necessary to have this conscious knowing at this time and indeed, is quite hazardous in many in­stances.  Ones are being placed in specific areas whereby it is most unwise to know details.


However, as the first, let us call it “meteor”, strikes the planet, there shall be an instant tele­pathic communication reactivated or activated among the workers.  So, dear brothers and sis­ters, have no fear you will be isolated and not know what to do.  You will know.  It is im­portant that each of you main­tain a balance within yourselves, and allow for a free flow of energy and vibra­tions so that you recognize the communications when they are present.






Another group are ones who will be there on planet Earth until the major of impact of the “meteors” (no, I may not explain these “meteors” in greater de­tail).  The ones in this group have not a role to build communities, as such, or to work during the transition pe­riod from the Earth plane.  Rather, theirs is the role of ones who have been messengers, who have been counselors, who have been guides.  I guess you would roughly classify them as spiritual lead­ers.  This does not mean that groups will not overlap—do not set limits upon God, dear ones.  But these are ones who have placed themselves on the line that others might receive information and guid­ance—in other words, come out of the lie and into truth.


These ones will be beamed up and taken aboard the ships to serve as liaisons, to serve as teach­ers, to have short R&R, and to play any number of various roles.


Once the dust has settled, so to speak, there will be survivors upon the planet.  Then will come forth many to assist in the re­building and the anchoring of the very spiritual founda­tion that is the Earth plane.  Many of the forerunners who have laid the founda­tion and shared the infor­mation with all workers of the Light shall be as ones to remain with the ships to share their knowledge and their wisdom, for they have gained the expertise to do so.


There will be many ones who will lose their physical form.  There will be great numbers of these.  These are souls on conscious lev­els who are bound most closely to the Earth plane who have not cho­sen to grow in their own enlight­enment and choose to remain blinded and follow flocks of other unsighted ones.  These ones will be placed in other placements more suitable and more compatible to their energies than the “new” Earth shall be.






There will be a period of probable need for total evacuation of all workers as topography changes and Mother washes her face.  This will be done and is well planned.  Children will be taken first for they are your future however you perceive it to be.  Any who have served and are infirm, shall go next so they can be put into care without confusion.  The ones who are of a serving capacity who are the remnant of the workers will be brought up last.  Rec­ognize each is already given location and each will be brought to specific placement in well disciplined order.  There will be open communica­tion be­tween and among all of the various ships.


Parents will find the ones they call children, etc., and adjust­ments will be made as the initial con­fusion is abated.  The chil­dren will become changed immediately as the things of child­hood are gone and they will gain what you call, maturity.  You will be given to always have identification so do not con­cern about these trivial matters.


I touch on these matters simply to again set you at rest as we have covered these things quite thoroughly in prior Journals but you forget and agitate about them.  We understand this need of man to wonder and concern.


You must work diligently to maintain open mind circuits and take the infor­mation given forth for your use and then use it!  God never asks that you walk alone nor without reason.  He does ask that you use your reasoning ability to see truth and not justify continuation of the ridiculous lies thrust about you by ones who would enslave you.


I hold each of you in love.  I hold each of you in a cloak of re­spect for I recog­nize of the trust that you carry, of the work that you do, that you have gone to do on planet Earth.  From the totality that I Am, I salute you and am greatly honored to be allowed to serve with this brotherhood.


Dharma, I would like now, to give you rest.  We will take up a bit of historical data when we re­turn so that you can get the players a bit better outlined for the following portions and Journals.  I am going to hit the Zionist participa­tion within your government a bit heavily for it is most critical in your present living circum­stance.  They are extremely actively involved in the immedi­ate Panamanian matter which, you will note, has been hushed completely.  Broth­ers—beware for it is upon you!




I Am Hatonn to clear, please.