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September 8, 2014




MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1990   9:30 A.M.     YEAR 3 DAY 257

Hatonn present in truth and radiance. Good morning.


Today we shall outline the Guyana incident. It is placed within this Journal because, on the surface of it, it appears to be a "religious" incident. It was not!


I have not decided as to whether or not we shall cover, in depth, other reli­gious incidents and personalities to any great extent for so much has already been written about those evangelist's inappropriate activities and it only con­sumes time of the readers who are in need of that which is not openly known.


As with Jim Bakker, I would like to point out some of his open protestations regarding his actions, so that you ones can place your own actions into relative discernment.


Bakker compared himself to Christ--"Why does everyone want to nail Jim Bakker to the cross?" he asked, and blames Christ for his problems, "Jesus, how could you let me make such dumb mistakes?" God will always let you make stupid and dumb mistakes--every time! In the physical plane YOU have the reins, my friends. The really troubling aspect of the PTL story is the complete inability of the Bakkers to question themselves. I suppose Jim might have a bit more time now to reflect on these matters--like a 45 year sen­tence for fraud and conspiracy. However, do not expect him to serve 45 years. He became one of the "big boys" and when it is again appropriate, they will set him free to feast upon the unsuspecting--again. And worse, you who will turn the other cheek "in Godness" will be the prey.


The great optimism preached by PTL became its downfall. The assumption was that if God didn't approve, "they" wouldn't have so much--now apply that to the other T.V. evangelists and all hierarchy "preachers".


They simply marched, and march, triumphantly--and totally transparently--onward and the masses feed the greed and enhance the plague of lies, prais­ing the Lord and never doubting for a second that they are doing anything but the clearly revealed will of the Almighty. While, all the interim, they are preaching the list of man-made laws and commandments and re-writing the scriptures in interpretation to suit their own actions. They wrap it all up in a neat bundle by proclaiming that all actions of any kind are already paid for by the blood of Jesus and therefore, whatever you have done or will do, is for­given in total, with no repercussions based on that spilled blood from Calvary. Do you not see the foolishness? The real mystery herein, is how ones such as the Falwells, Bakkers, Swaggarts and Crouchs' TBN and PTL could fool so many for so long!




The Southern Baptist Convention is your nation's largest Protestant denomi­nation with a view toward evangelization. But Southern Baptists have been rocked by internal disputes over the Bible content and interpretation, abor­tion and the role of women in the churches. They are now losing more active members than they are gaining and contributions have dropped, forcing some cutbacks. The above is a direct quote from a news-press release and then it is followed by an article which I will not bother to print.


This group became totally merged at the top levels with Reagan politics and a push to carry their doctrine unto "every person in the world by the year 2000". Not, you will note, the word of truth of God and the laws of God and Cre­ation--but rather, the re-interpreted commandments according to the Bap­tists. If ones of the staffs of these churches didn't agree--they were promptly purged. Well, who pushed such a thing? (sic, sic) shame on you ones! Two workers within the Cartel fringes, seeking to get into the hierarchy of the Car­tel--Paul Pressler, a Texas state judge, and his ideological partner, Paige Pat­terson.




This one is amusing indeed, Popeye the sailor man has hit some rough seas, it appears. For the new Quaker Oats man is none other than Popeye.


The Friends, a traditional peace denomination, don't think their Quaker faith is being respected. Would companies use "Popeye, the Catholic Man" or "Popeye, the Jewish man" ads to hawk their products? Well, once again--no mention of God or Christ! So be it.




Strange indeed! The Greek people detest and deplore the Jewish Israelites. And yet a Greek arrangement was what opened the Jewish settlement in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem; an arrangement with the Israeli government.


Now, after the settlers are in and all but total war has broken forth, the Or­thodox Church will set forth a protest in solidarity with churches in Jerusalem.


The really strange point is that the Holy places were closed for the first time in over 800 years--for one day. My, my, we must not interrupt that tourist money by making a point in truth. Besides, everyone there knows that those are "appointed" shrines. All know that the Jesus Christ is not buried in that sepulcher as projected on the touring public. You also know that Jerusalem must come back into enough control of the Israel Zionists to get that temple built in a timely manner. But what of God and Christ? No mention what-so­ever!




Religion's "Nobel Prize" goes to an ecologist, Charles Birch, an Australian "eco-philosopher". (I knew all of you knew that!). He is a co-winner of one of the world's biggest cash prizes: the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion.


To save the planet, says Professor Birch, people's perception of God and cre­ation need to change.


"There's something wrong about the way we're operating in the world. Indus­trialization is despoiling the planet. We're annihilating 1,000 species a year. When you ask what is wrong, it comes down to there's something wrong about our values."


As a maverick biologist, Birch was an early prophet of environmental degra­dation. His pioneer work, "The Distribution and Abundance of Animals", outlined in 1954 the implications of unfettered population growth.


He is touted as one of the two or three most distinguished ecologist in the world. He is the son of a Methodist minister and has a less-trumpeted reputation as a radical Christian theologian. For almost as long as he has been a sci­entist, Birch has engaged in the "adventurous reflection", of questions relating to God and biological science. Oh my, no wonder you people have problems.


Humanity's "flawed" values stem from a general view of the Earth as a mate­rial stage filled with objects created for man's comfort and advancement, is his projection, and so good so far. "Ever since the rise of science in the 17th cen­tury, the model of the universe that people have tended to support is a very materialistic, mechanical model." The universe is seen as "an object made in the past, out of material building blocks, now running itself', with God outside it.


But modern science is starting to see that it can't reproduce our world with a building block model, there's something mental in existence--in our life--which we let slip through our fingers in the past. From protons to people, you have to look at them more as subjects rather than objects. Then you can see much more easily the relationship of God, not just human beings, but to all of cre­ation. That is because God can be incarnate in life, but God cannot be incar­nate in machinery."


This perspective, it would seem, gives all life forms, not mankind alone, inher­ent worth. And while Birch welcomes the recent upsurge in public awareness of environmental issues, he chastens conservationists for continuing to cam­paign on the anthropocentric ethic: "Look after nature, then nature will look after us."


"I want them to be concerned for animals whether or not they're useful to us. They are subjects, not just objects.


"The $64,000 question is: 'Where did subjectivity begin in the whole of cosmic evolution?' Most biologist would say, 'Oh somewhere below mammals. Birds, maybe. Certainly not frogs ....!' There's a big problem in that approach, be­cause you're saying mind and consciousness and all the characteristics of life have come out of something which is totally non-living, totally non-mental. The alternative approach is to say in some form or another the mental or he sentient was right there from the beginning. That's a different perspective."


I suppose it is a start and I will leave it with you for further consideration.


* * *


Well, let us just go back to the native Indian tradition and all will be well and we will abandon corruption and political manipulations. SOMETHING TO PON­DER: IF THE EVIL INVADERS BOUGHT THE AMERICAS WITH A FEW BEADS AND TRINKETS, DOES IT NOT THEREFORE STAND TO LOGI­CAL CONCLUSION THAT SOMEONE SOLD IT TO THE INVADERS FOR A HANDFUL OF BEADS AND TRINKETS? AH SO!We had best just re­turn to that which will work--a return to the Laws and Balance of God Creator and Creation.




In your year 1976 the United States and Russia became embroiled in top se­cret hostilities in preparation for World War III/Nuclear War I. It began in earnest during the summer of 1976 when the still secret Underwater Missile Crisis erupted. It then expanded into wholesale nuclear sabotage of the United States with weapons now planted at literally thousands of locations na­tion-wide. (We shall discuss this at a separate writing). These weapons ranged from mammoth hydrogen bombs ready to destroy your largest dams and reservoirs down to tiny nuclear devices called `micronukes' by the Rus­sians.


For some time the Russians had been detonating micronukes in a steady drum beat of explosions all over America. Still feel safe and cozy and unwill­ing to 'rock the boat'?


In September of 1977 the secret war took a decisive new turn. In the still se­cret Battle of the Harvest Moon in space, America's Secret Rulers lost their supposed ace in the hole for the coming planned war. In a shocking upset, Russia knocked out America's secret Moon beam-weapons base in Coperni­cus Crater, (oh yes there was one!). Since that time Russia had seized the dominant position militarily in space. Now let's review a little arithmetic--from 1975 or so, to 1990--hummmmm, about fifteen years maybe?- - -what do you think they might have been doing all this while?


We will cover all these subjects most carefully but this Guyana was set up in a religious setting and it fits into this Journal without distraction.


Prior to this incident there were drastic changes taking place in the leadership of both Russia and the United States. In Russia the original ruling factions af­ter 1917, the atheistic Bolsheviks, had been overthrown after a progressive struggle for over six decades. The Kremlin was now under the absolute con­trol of a tough band of native Russians, a Christian sect who considered the Bolsheviks to be evil incarnate. As a result, the Bolsheviks were being ex­pelled from Russia and they were flocking mostly to the United States. They were joining the many Bolsheviks already in powerful positions in the U.S. in a sophisticated new Bolshevik revolution. In the process, they were gradually preempting much of the power that was once exercised by their Secret Allies, the third generation Rockefeller brothers. As Bolshevik power became ever greater and greater in the United States, the Satanic fruits of that power were and are becoming increasingly visible.


In April 1978, the lives of over one hundred unsuspecting civilians were delib­erately put in great danger for the sake of an intelligence mission.


This was the case of Korean Airlines Flight 902 which invaded supersensitive Russian air space and was shot down. There was nothing accidental about the Korean airliner episode, and the threat of death to all the innocent passengers was the key ingredient in the episode. It would have been far easier for the Russian fighters to blow the Boeing 707 out of the air in a ball of flame than to force it down with only a few casualties, as was done.


As the time passed the Bolshevik grip grew steadily greater in its hold on the United States, and human life was growing cheaper by the day. This time it would not be a hundred but nearly a thousand civilian lives, and this time it would be that they would die because nothing would be left to chance.


The gruesome tragedy at Jonestown, Guyana, is only a pale shadow of what lies ahead for the entire United States if the cancer of Bolshevism, along with a few other Cartels, is not stopped. Those who are seized by the Bolshevik way of thinking are quite schizophrenic and Satanic and unable to tell right from wrong--or at least practice in the guise of "right". When these tendencies are allowed to go unchecked and the Bolsheviks acquire power, the conse­quences for society as a whole are tragic indeed.


Both murderous and suicidal actions take place\on a scale beyond compre­hension. It happened seventy-five years ago in Russia as the Bolsheviks took over there; and now, as the Bolsheviks are efforting to take over in your terri­tory, it is happening--right in the good old U.S. of A.




Yes, I said "military". And a bit later, I shall show you how Leo J. Ryan, Congressman, was utilized. The set-up for the Guyana tragedy was staged as early  as 1974, with the revealing of the presence of a Guyana missile base in that place. It made radio news all across America but was promptly covered and snuffed. This was in June. In October it was again brought to public attention by daring speakers and again snuffed along with threats to cease and desist with such news items - - "or else".


The news items ran something like the following: that according to reliable in­telligence sources on the matter, the Republic of Guyana (next to Venezuela in South America) had been turned into another Cuba with Atomic Missiles aimed at the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal and at your cities in the United States.


Of course your government, which dances to a tune called "Dynasty", refused to even investigate the charges---actually, why would they? They set it up!


The warnings were frequently re-presented and some of the public citizens did in fact effort to gather information which inquiries were met with stone wall silence or double-talk and denials. Many simply discounted the whole story but some more insightful patrons came to realize that you couldn't be­lieve your Government. Well, guess who was right?




The developments which were destined to culminate in tragedy at Jonestown began in 1965. Guyana was a newly independent country, the former British colony of British Guiana.


At that time the secret Rockefeller/Soviet alliance was in full swing, and the long range joint plans for a controlled Nuclear War were moving right along. Both sides were looking ahead toward an eventual double-cross, but that still lay far in the future at that time. The deliberate strengthening of Russia at America's expense was part of their joint plan for World Government and conquest. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 threw a temporary monkey wrench into the program when President John F. Kennedy intervened person­ally and stopped the nuclear arming of Cuba; and for doing that, and other humane "indiscretions", he lost his life in Dallas barely a year later.


Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson, made sure that he followed the script more carefully. In the wake of the Cuban crisis, the Russians needed a new forward base in the Caribbean area for strategic purposes until the heat was off in Cuba. To accommodate Russia, Guyana was selected for this purpose, and David Rockefeller saw to it that a Marxist named Forbes Burnham be­came Prime Minister. In return, the Chase Manhattan Bank became fiscal agent for Guyana, giving Rockefeller access to the gold produced in Guyana; and as a key factor in all this, then President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 turned over the American Air Base, Atkinson Field, to Guyana.


America's right to retain control over the Base for several more decades was simply thrown away without any excuses offered. Atkinson Field, which was then renamed Temehri Airfield, is south of Georgetown, the capital city. This is the airfield to which American helicopters carried bodies to be airlifted to America after the Jonestown disaster.


When Johnson gave the Temehri Airfield to Marxist Guyana, he handed Rus­sia a very large plum indeed. The Temehri Airfield is the largest in all of Latin America, larger even than New York's largest airport, the John F. Kennedy Airport; and its location makes it ideal for ferrying Cuban troops and supplies to Africa.


As a result, Johnson's action on behalf of Rockefellers robbed the United States of an important logistic connection to Africa while opening the door for Cuban troops. Your later trouble with Cuban troops in Angola and elsewhere in Africa were partly the result.


For a number of years, Russian military activity in Guyana was heavily con­centrated around the vicinity of the Temehri Airfield. In 1974, they emplaced missiles in sites that ringed the airfield. Then the missiles were pulled out from those locations and moved to a separate missile complex west of Georgetown, over the following two years.


In that new complex, the missiles were deployed at sites scattered over an area some 30 miles in diameter. In the approximate center was a Command and control installation commanded by Russian personnel. And the plot be­gan to thicken considerably.


After the missile base relocation was completed, the missile complex was cen­tered at a point about 70 miles northwest of Temehri Airfield; and roughly another 70 miles to the northwest lay the Jonestown Peoples Temple com­plex, an Israeli-type kibbutz. So the missile base ended up about midway be­tween the Jonestown commune and Temehri Airfield. It was no accident, my friends, that the Peoples Temple kibbutz was located so close to the missile base.




The origins of the People's Temple in the 1950s had nothing to do with gov­ernment intrigues. It was not until about 1970 that certain elements of the United States Intelligence community began to infiltrate and subvert the Peo­ple's Temple. The Rockefeller brothers have always had a standard practice of supporting not only the faction in power but also spies and opponents to that faction--and who doesn't want a little "free" funding and support money? In this manner they are always in a position, at least theoretically, to cut down anyone who tries to break free of their control. Heed this lesson well lest ye be tempted by their guiles in our own work.


In the case of Guyana, the Rockefellers wanted to have such a tool in Guyana as a check on Forbes Burnham, the Prime Minister, whom they had put in power with use of their money. Certain elements within the United States Intelligence community under general coordination by the CIA were given the task of finding ways of accomplishing this.


In the course of evaluating various options, it was concluded that the Peoples Temple would prove ideal. The psychological profile of the leader, Jim Jones, indicated that he could be converted into a powerful tool of the Unseen Rulers. Contrary to reports in the controlled major media, Jim Jones was born a Jew (oops), and he already exhibited tendencies toward kibbutz-style organization that could be channeled into useful directions. This would be brought about through a combination of both conscious and unconscious fac­tors.


At the conscious level, money and powerful political support would be chan­neled in his direction; at the unconscious level, the technique of psychological programming, which we will discuss in more detail elsewhere, would be em­ployed.


Gradually, Jim Jones would lose control of his own personality and become what your Unseen Rulers wanted him to be. The process would inevitably create tremendous internal conflicts and turn Jim Jones into a troubled and dangerous man and that, dear ones, is exactly that which came to pass.




By 1973 changes in Jones' behavior began to be noticed by his friends and followers. His conversion into a semi-conscious agent of death and intrigue was underway in earnest by that time. That same year the mushrooming funds of the Peoples Temple were used to launch the agricultural kibbutz at Jonestown, Guyana, though only a few people went there at that time.


Guyana was a rigid Marxist police state, and no one could have launched a new enterprise like the Commune without its approval by Forbes Burnham; but David Rockefeller agents made sure that Burnham received all the assur­ances he needed that the Jones compound would fit neatly into the Marxist environment of Guyana.


At the same time, Forbes Burhnam had begun double-crossing David Rocke­feller, exactly as had been feared. He was now playing ball politically but he was hiding much of Guyana's gold production in caves in the mountains. David Rockefeller found this out sometime later, but by then the much bigger problem was developing from a double-cross by Russia so Burnham was left untouched in order to make way for bigger things.


By summer 1974, the Rockefeller brothers were still soundly in bed with the Kremlin, and there were already ominous signs that something was happening in Russia which they did not understand; but they simply could not imagine that their old Kremlin allies, the Bolsheviks, were being overthrown.


And so it goes; just as any mention of possible threat from Russia goes totally denied this day, so went denied the public warnings about Guyana missiles--and the Government spokesmen went right on lying and ridiculing those who dared speak out. The planned and programmed Nuclear War was being blueprinted for the late 1970s and they did not want the plan to be spoiled by public awareness; but two years later Russia's all-out military double-cross of America began with the Underwater Missile Crisis of 1976.


Most of you know about that crisis, which the Government kept silent about, but we shall talk about it again, later. Your Unseen Rulers were badly shaken by that surprise and initially tried to reinstate their secret alliance with the Kremlin rulers. After all, they had succeeded in doing so once before after President Kennedy broke the rules and made an issue of the Cuban missiles; but meanwhile they also began setting in motion contingency plans to gear up their possible real war.


Dharma, this is enough for this portion since we had so many personal mat­ters this morning. Please take a short rest and then we can continue. Thank you, chela. I shall move to stand-by and be prepared to resume when you are ready.