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FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1990   12:00 P.M.     YEAR 3 DAY 254


Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. Good-day. Dharma, we will write for a little while this day and then I desire that you leave the keyboard. You need a break.


We have had so many requests for further discussion regarding Jim Jones and Guyana that I believe we will spend time on it herein. It surely plays into the theme of religious lies, albeit more political in the definition of politics vs. reli­gion. We also awakened a great outcry regarding the Lucis Trust. Dear one, we did not invent these things from thin air--the facts are for your research and scattered all about.




We have been through the Satanic practices in SATAN'S DRUMMERS and now have projected the total likeness within the Roman Catholic convents. I'm sorry, chelas, this is what your world has become and it is so very entan­gled that it is all but impossible to be in the sorting from all aspects which would bring you comfort. There is no comfort and it would appear there is no way in which to turn--oh yes, there is--back unto the Laws of Cre­ation/Creator. Stop playing of all of the games to escape and allowing the continuing of Satan's games and the path will become quite clear indeed.


The "One Worlders" of the Lucis Trust are worthy of special note here, be­cause they include members of the American elite such as Robert McNa­mara--who not only served as Secretary of Defense during the Viet Nam War, but later took over the post of World Bank head. In both roles, he under­mined the foundations of America's republican greatness. Further, it is filled with members which are currently in your attention and cannot help but be consciously known to you whereby it is less hearsay.


The Lucis Trust originally called itself openly the Luciferian Trust. The name change came about for obvious reasons. Founded in the 1920's by Alice Bai­ley, it was an offshoot of the theosophist movement. Bailey, and Episco­palian, became a leading disciple of the Russian Theosophist Madame He­lena Blavatsky, who claimed to gain mystic instructions from "great white chiefs" located in Asia.


These Luciferians are committed to advancing Madame Blavatsky's expressed doctrinal commitment to "oppose the materialism of science and every form of dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious." The society has a pagan pantheon whom they would substitute for God, which includes, besides Lucifer, an "external hierarchy" of "ascended masters." Clearly, the Lucis Trust is sympathetic to the ideology of the Process Church.


Rightfully, many people have blamed Robert McNamara, as well as Henry Kissinger, for the dismal role of the United States in the Viet Nam War. One of the most well-remembered horrible things McNamara did, was to intro­duce the notion of a body count in place of tactical military victories. Some Special Forces members were even asked to show the scalps of their victims as substantiation for the body count of the day. At the time, McNamara was a practicing occultist. And you ones thought the Indians were uncivilized.


Listen to this drivel. McNamara practiced Luciferian rituals such as "bathing in the full moon" on Roosevelt Island along the Potomac River. The Luciferi­ans worship the sun in place of God, but practice lunar festivals because they can stare at the moon's reflected sunlight without being blinded. Do you see how closely the rituals follow the sacred reverence shown by the ancient na­tives? Only the natives, in their original God-ness, did not worship the sun in­stead of God--they remembered the God, Aton, through the symbol of the sun as oneness of central source. Lucifer's children worship in the night be­cause they cannot bear the light of day, my chelas.


The Lucis Trust now claims to prefer the figure of Satan to that of Lucifer, its members have been among the most active proponents of every form of Sa­tanic cultural subversion, including forcing sex education curricula through the U.S. public school system right down through your first grades and kinder­garten. These curricula treat homosexuality and promiscuity as acceptable al­ternate lifestyles to the traditional family. Therefore the babes go forth to seek and find fulfillment and there is none to be found--for these practices do not work at any age.


McNamara is an advocate of population reduction, and has used his position at the World Bank, to impose these policies. We touched on some of this in prior writings and I shall cover them again but I prefer to move on in this por­tion. The World Bank withholds funds from some of the starving countries and nature will do the rest for man cannot live in the physical without food and food requires money in your time and age.


Shudder now--the Lucis Trust-affiliated German-language magazine 2000: Magazine for New Consciousness was so totally unbridled in its admiration for Mikhail Gorbachov that it called him a "pathfinder for the new conscious­ness". In the same issue, it detailed a prophecy by the Mystic, Edgar Cayce, who had written: "From Russia, comes the hope of the world." Well, that sim­ply is not what Cayce meant. Do you see how you can take a phrase out of sequence and context and change its meaning entirely? It happens every reading of these Journals, also. Language, and especially written language, is impossible to insure non-tampering with meaning and concept. This same magazine featured favorable coverage of Vladimir Lenin, whom it claimed was not only an occultist, but had participated in ecstatic dances held in the occultist center located in Ascona, Switzerland. Now how many of you would know whether or not that is truth? Do you see how easily lies and ideas can be perpetuated? That would hardly seem like the Vladimir I recognize--al­though by his very nature he would have to be called an occultist for occult simply means "beyond the knowing". Takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it?




There are many who will come into your attention which will hurt your feel­ings most deeply, chelas, but it is simply the way it IS so don't get yourselves bent all out of shape--no one expected you to know the facts; that is why we are going through all of this work on these Journals. The one labeled Donald Keys will bring pain to many of you. Not that his intention was evil, but the works produce evil. He was very instrumental in the Lucis Trust You see, these ones are laying the groundwork for a New Age "Christ". Donald Keys was very, very busy in networking and made a most provocative statement: ".. don't think for one moment that you can have a world government without a head!". Now Sister Thedra was pretty well set up to produce one that could be sold to the masses and there you have much of the difference in what Sister calls Dharma's Sananda and hers. It is, further, why Sister said, a couple of years ago, that she felt Gorbachov was "one of us" and stated that she "really liked him". Well, at that time he was pressing harder for peace than were your leaders, but that does not make him a worker for the Lighted Godhead.


Donald Keys was a former World Federalists representative to the United Nations, a founder of SANE, and co-founder of Planetary Citizens along with Norman Cousins. You have to begin to see how the threads begin to fill the tapestry.


Now you of my little group who know Donald Keys will remember a few things from his own lectures. He has always had unlimited access to UN lead­ers. He frequently writes speeches for its ambassadors. He was formerly em­ployed by Lucis Trust and is still very active. Yes, this is the same one who wrote the Foreword to Sister's book of Sananda. You see, at some point in trying to "make everything right and OK" these ones are seduced by the evil plan itself and fall prey to "The Plan". The tragedy is not that there is a plan for world domination. What they fail to recognize is that "The Plan" is for capture of their souls.


Donald Keys exercises no small degree of influence over the U.N. interna­tional body. He boasts of having started many a trend at the United Nations. As a gifted speechwriter, he composes speeches for UN ambassadors. He enjoys his boasting about his impressive influence. He once gave instructions as to how "to start a trend". "First you write a speech for one ambassador. And then you write a speech for a second ambassador praising the first am­bassador for the speech he just gave! That's how you start a trend." Can't you just see old Daniel saying, "but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries!"


In all fairness, chelas, the average peace demonstrator, etc., is not working with ulterior motives. People believe that which they are told and if it sounds as if it is for the good of mankind, somehow, and doesn't require giving up anything carnal--let's have a go at it!


One of the most important disarmament groups is S.A.N.E. Donald Keys helped organize and lead it. Familiar inside out with the Alice Bailey writings, Donald Keys once worked for Lucis Trust as an Arcane School administrator. His open contributions to that organization continue through his speeches and articles in their BEACON magazine. Another very important group of people in the peace network are the World Federalists. Donald Keys rep­resented them at the UN for many years and his influence continues.





Well, now what good citizens could quarrel with the need to remove nuclear tensions from the world? Undoubtedly it has substantially contributed to the stress and anxiety of modern living and caused "men's hearts to fail for fear looking after those things coming upon the earth."


However, the little plans do not stop with mere disarmament. There is ever so much more to "The Plan". Occult initiates plugged into "The Plan" also be­lieve those nuclear weapons must be put into the hands of an international au­thority--The United Nations, OR AN EQUIVALENT AGENCY.


New Aged Children of Light--watch the magic hands for someone along the way turned off the light. The plan goes something like this: "Called The American Movement of World Government, it says:  “A world authority must control all nuclear weapons and materials and destroy all the nuclear weapons in the world." Among the advisory board in this matter are/were, American Humanist Association president Isaac Asimov (also Planetary Citizens); Al­bert Szent Gyorgi; David Browder, president of Friends of the Earth; and Paul Ehrlich, a member of the Club of Rome.


They happily said there was an "international police" as seen in Lebanon. But, they feel that is not enough. They continue, "But clearly, it cannot func­tion effectively for permanent peace-keeping if its presence depends on con­sent of the combatants." "It needs authority to keep it in being and in place. It needs unified international control."


Does this not sound ominously like Donald Keys declaration: "Don't let any­one think for a moment that you can run a planet without a head."


Ah, the group's admonitions and suggestions sound too good at first viewing--"peace in the world by force?" They have published "advertisements" and in­ternational support has steadily grown albeit not like wildfires.


"America and Russia have sustained such losses in world leader­ship--mostly through their own follies and mistakes--that the proposal for world peace institutions needs to come from powers that cannot be accused of imperialist ambitions. . ."The Scandinavian countries, almost certainly, even now stand ready to propose a world con­stitutional assembly. . .They could be joined immediately by West Germany, Mexico, Japan, probably Canada, India (where there is a bill in Parliament for it), Sri Lanka, France, Italy, and many others. At least five of these nations have appropriated money to study the problems of world authority.. . .a protective world government could he created faster than half-hearted, haggling, warhead-counting disar­mament treaties which have never yet endured, or prevented war. . .A world constitutional assembly could be convened within a few months. Say in Athens, where democratic government first began. With the world watching and pushing, a constitution could be ready in six months.  Ratification could take only a preponderant majority of nations, and less than a year."


The Bible prophesied it, chelas, and indeed someday it will happen. But when it comes it will not be a "peaceful solution". Both Bible prophecy and The Tibetan's" boastings tell you it will instead be a "Final Solution".




The Lucis Trust works closely with the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.


Bishop Moore was a patron of the notorious Jim Jones, while Jones was still in Indiana, and before Moore had taken up his bishopric in New York, with its seat at St. John the Divine. Once in New York City, Moore personally, in 1977, ordained as an Episcopal priest a militant lesbian, Ellen Marie Barret. She was quoted in your Time magazine flaunting her homosexuality, saying that her lesbian love affairs gave her the "strength to serve God". I certainly hope I end up with a hunch of "strengthless wonders" for I doubt God is helped much by any such affairs what-so-ever. An aide to Moore, Canon Edward West, has been accused of having patronized some of New York City's most seedy sado-masochistic "private clubs", such as the infamous Mineshaft, where police raiding the premises found the remains of human flesh.


A dean of the Cathedral, the Very Reverend Dean James Morton, as director of the United Nations' Temple of Understanding, has been in the forefront in fostering Soviet-American relations. On April 11-15, 1989, the Temple co­-sponsored a global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival, which was held in Oxford, England, and was attended by Morton and Yevgenii Velikhov, vice chairman of the Soviet Academy of Sci­ences, as well as three other Soviet Central Committee members. A return conference is planned for 1990 in Moscow.


In February 1988, the Temple of Understanding hosted a two-week fling at the Cathedral of St. John, where dozens of Soviet representatives were feted by the American Liberal Establishment. Father Louis Dolan, a Roman Catholic priest who is on the board of the Temple, took charge of this. He is a recent traveler to the Soviet Union, and he is on the board of the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue which also includes such New Age figures as Bar­bara Marx Hubbard. (But that is for another day, please.)




The world was to be prepared for the New Order, the New Religion, and the New "Messiah" in many ways--mental as well as physical. Occult literature de­tails this coming "New World Order" or "New Order" as a "Golden Age". Conversely, the Bible describes it as a time of sorrow. Detailed preparation for that "New World Order" is very much in progress.


I'm sorry, chelas, but things got hooked into the Satanic workshops and he ruins everything he touches if it is allowed. Let us examine the possibility of this work being influenced by occultism and further, we shall see that much demands an occultic world view for its very acceptance.




Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King co-founded this influential network of fi­nanciers, industrialists, and scholars in the late 1960's. Yes, it is hard to keep them separated in your minds but it is the concept; do not labor over separa­tion at this time for you will simply distract yourselves. Just read and it will begin to come clear if you refer back to prior Journals on the subject.


A capable executive, Peccei served as Chief Executive Officer for the Olivetti Corporation and for Fiat Automobiles. His writings clearly reflect an occult world view. They also reflected biases against orthodox Christianity. This, in itself, is often wise but not in the manner in which he projected.


The Club of Rome continues to work closely with a number of occult political action organizations including Planetary Citizens, the International Center for Integrative Studies (ICIS), Lucis Trust, and the Global Education Associates. Indeed, its "Goals for Mankind" Report's United Nations Goals were submit­ted by Donald Keys, himself. Keys is an activist with Lucis Trust and, remem­ber, a former administrator of that organization.


Let me point out how it works so visibly if you but look carefully to that which is being projected.


"The institutionalization of faith has not always had happy re­sults. Certain points of doctrine have been magnified, provoking schisms, apostasy, and the denunciation of what are claimed to be heresies. The official truth has become impossible to question: and in order that it never should be questioned, ignorance and even su­perstitions have occasionally been encouraged. These structural inflexibilities and doctrinal introversions have helped to keep the ma­jor religions static even when the winds of change blowing through society have made clear the need to move from one cultural epoch to another. As a result, it is difficult even for their most sensitive and profound theologians and scholars to break out of a system frozen into formulations, reflecting the past, a system that cannot adapt it­self or its doctrines to modern life. Religions now run the risk of be­coming a timid rearguard, detached from the problems and as­pirations of a bewildered and troubled humanity. And yet humanity has a profound need for spirituality. The anguish within the churches, the call for a new ecumenism to free them from their nar­row confines, the widespread interest in minor cults and a return to a respect for Nature--an ecological respect this time--are all symptoms for this need. They are encouraging symptoms, for without a sincere spiritual awakening the renaissance of our true humanity will be impossible."


Ok so far? It goes on, We may also ask whether it was perhaps to justify our immense aspirations in our own eyes that we were led to conceive God, and thus to attain the privilege--alone among all forms of life--of entering into communion with Him: and even to go so far as to assert that the Almighty had chosen to create us in His own image. Is not this anthropomorphism of the Creator, which is not exclusive to the Christian faith, in reality a form of de­ification of man?"


Of course, you get the point. It is confusion and gobble-de-goop all over the place. Mostly absolute truth and then a thrust at you for doing that which they do in disguise. While ultimate motives are impossible for anybody but God to really ascertain, it does seem ironic that the very planners who thrust arrows have no qualms about playing God themselves.




You must be most careful indeed or you will lose the overall intent--and that is for One World Control via THE PLAN. For as you look at the guidelines--They are perfection; i.e.:


1."A world consciousness must be developed through which ev­ery individual realizes his role as a member of the world community;


2. "A new ethic in the use of material resources must be devel­oped which will result in a style of life compatible with the coming age of scarcity.


3. "An attitude toward nature must be developed based on har­mony rather than conquest -- only in this way can man apply in prac­tice what is already accepted in theory. . .this is, that man is an inte­gral part of nature.


4. "If the human species is to survive, man must develop a sense of the identification with future generations and be ready to trade benefits to the next generations for the benefits to himself. If each generation aims at the maximum good for itself, homo sapiens are as good as doomed."


The problems come, chelas, with the forgetfulness to follow God's guidelines. Each projector has so much truth and yet the plans all fall to splinters at the point of what to do about things. No one will give up his special little hang-up. Man refuses to take any of the plans and sit with each solution and measure it against the Laws of God and the Laws of The Creation. He makes wondrous projections of ideologies and acts as he pleases. Further, he opens it up to ev­eryone to be blessed and fulfilled by acting in any heinous manner -- "if be­tween consenting adults", etc. So be it for it does not balance nor harmonize with God or Creation.


How can I make you understand that "vision" is necessary--the vision of be­coming one again with God and Creation? Not a global illusion set up on man's standards of behavior for the few.


Another club was set up called The International Center for Integrative Studies (ICIS) It was founded in 1962. Donald Keys once served as ICIS' president, showing further the interlocking nature of many of these global ori­ented organizations.


So be it. I do not wish to bring one blade down after another but you are go­ing to find that all the nonsense only moves you faster and faster away from God and not toward Him. You cannot know in advance, at all times, that which will have rot at the top and finally disallow you to move forward on the path to God. You simply have to keep your own goals in sight and your hand on the plow.


I have used this example today because I had to show these ones why they have been so viciously attacked by ones who had claimed such grand support. The goals are different beloved ones--some walk in the veil of misled intent, influenced by familiarity and "it sounds good" and never an in depth look be­yond the facade. Do you now see why it would never be allowed to bring the Journals through ASSK? Do those ones know? That is not for me to say, for that is not of our business. It is just that when the thrill of the truth first flowed, ones of high regard were contacted and the Journals shared and they were instantly recognized for the WORD they carry. I'm sorry to see your pain, Dharma, but you too, must grow. It is that there are so many lies and in so many sectors--man has forgotten the simplicity of his relationship with God and he seeks and plans and mismanages and in his ego, he must drag along others into his trap with him. It is simply the way it IS--nothing greater; noth­ing lesser. Alto.


Let us close this for it is too lengthy to include the Jim Jones happenings in this portion.


The cover-ups shall come forth from the rotten wood with the termites who work in dark places. I make no objection to opinions unless man is unwilling to accept truth when it is proven unto him.


Let us take the holocaust of which the Jews are this day reminding everyone to never forget--it simply is not the way it has been projected. Heinous? In­deed it was and no war is remiss in heinous activities on either side. But how do ones explain such incidents as those who were claimed to have been gassed to death as victims of the holocaust being very much alive and well and politi­cally active? Example? Very well, let us consider just one, Simone Veil. Af­ter being officially dead for over three decades as a victim of the holocaust and was "gassed to death", somehow he was "resurrected" and presided over the European Parliament, quite alive and well in 1979, after being the French minister of health.


Another: The picture of a young lad, being arrested, was circulated worldwide by Jewish propagandists, and still is, to generate sympathy. However, the "ghetto boy", as he was labeled, was arrested for stealing and then released, unharmed, to his mother. Today that lad is a grown man, wealthy and suc­cessful and resides in London. His name is Israel "Izzy" Rondel.


To say horrors did not occur is absurd, but facts simply do not carry through with the stories of cover-up. Why, in one instance, a paper trying to have a sensational headline showed the picture of a man all but starved to death--a skeleton--but was he actually a Holocaust victim? Nay, he was a prisoner at Andersonville, liberated at the close of the War Between the States. Union victories disrupted supplies to Confederate prison camps, causing mass star­vation.


How do you think the food supplies might have flowed smoothly in war-torn Europe during the war?? Please, chelas, I do not wish to have you abandon compassion but I do intend to allow you to abandon absurdity. There were starving millions because there was no food. There were dying and cremated bodies because there was widespread disease and Typhus broke out in pan­demic numbers. Do not be blinded by the lies, for if you are to heal your world you must look beyond and unto God with  reason. You are continually distracted in order to gain sympathy while the elite and Zionists are achieving just what they have set forth to do--control your world--GLOBAL 2000.


Go Dharma, and I shall move to stand-by. You ones shall be sustained through the shadows--so be it.




Hatonn to clear, please.