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Aug. 28, 2014




WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1990   9:30 A.M.   YEAR 3 DAY 252


Dharma, Sananda present to commune in Light.  May you feel the pro­tection of my light, chela, for I see and feel the wave of terror and dismay in thy heart.


The statement of the young Fireman/chaplain who was targeted for death by the Satanic group over Easter, is valid indeed.  Of course it’s hard to believe that these things occur in your local villages such as Bakersfield.  Why think you that?  Ye have been threatened and thrust at with voo-doo and Satanic exorcisms.  George has re­ceived Satanic documents—why do you ones not see of it, it is all about you in your cities, churches, halls of injustice and all the way to your gov­ernment hierarchy?  Why think ye that we are penning these Jour­nals?


I see the pain as you put this Journal to paper for you know it will be contro­versial and bring heartache and pain to ones who will be very, very close to you—even within thy circle.  Will he know?  Will he confirm?  Precious, that is not for you to give thought to.  It matters not.


Just as you cannot say that all Hispanic persons eat hot chili pep­pers and love them, neither can you lump all ones into the same mold of heinous activities as with the cloistered con­vents.  But it is so and if a priest “has been around” he will at least suspect of the truth of these writings.  This is being given forth in this se­quence for particular ones who will come into their belief of truth be­cause of these daring projections.  So be it.  It is as with all things which fall into the hands of human on Earth, it is destroyed as the presentation of God as rapidly as possible—sometimes in ig­norance but 99% of the time in full or­chestration of in­fluential participants.  Keep the shield of light about thee and the Hosts shall protect of thee.  Someone must step forth and do this work for evil must now be confronted on all fronts.


Yes, I desire that as many as you can garner should attend the de­bate be­tween Brent and Quinlen.  Further, I believe that Oberli might ask them to have a joint participation at your local meeting in May.  Evil will only be stopped when brought into the light of day, truth and knowl­edge, and Dharma cannot write fast enough to do it all.  Ask for our presence and you shall all be brilliant in the work of truth.


I’m sorry, I cannot spare Friday for Dharma to go to Santa Barbara to bring Eleanor home.  Perhaps Audrey and Ranos can accompany you, Oberli.  May the light shine upon you through the journey.  You will need help to get her into and out of the coach so you will need help.  If they cannot attend with you then we shall reconsider Dharma.


I need a bit more penned on this present subject of the church and already the race is to stop of the publication of the material.  This is not the most sensitive document you will write but it brings quite a bit of exposure to the citadels of authority at the highest levels of human power.  Blessings be upon you pre­cious and willing ones.  Oh, you don’t feel “willing”, Dharma?  Ah, yes you are—for here you sit giving unto me thine fingers.  Actually, ye have given unto me your life, and I shall tend of it most tenderly.  So be it.


Let us work now, on Sister Charlotte’s story and perhaps we can finish this portion today or to­morrow.  These horrendous facts must be stopped;  I can­not longer bear that which is commit­ted by Satan in mine name.




Sister Charlotte:


I was terrified of the Mother Superior for the ones who fill those positions are hard, oh, they are so hard and their hearts are so hardened.


There was no place safe from her appearance and no limit to that which she would put upon us.  And she could make us do anything she wanted us to do.


Even into the laundry rooms which were already as bad as you would think it could be, she would come.  I might be down in the laundry room — let me tell you of the laundry room.  Doing the type of laundry required of us was hard indeed, for the things we would wash were very heavy and the water would be sloshed out on the floor, which was of cement, and oh, it would be such a mess.  And then, here would come the Mother Superior, who to me was the same as turning loose a lion who is very, very hungry.  I was scared to death of her and every time I saw that woman somebody had to suf­fer.  Everyone is terrified of her and she knows that we are afraid of her because she is cruel.  I have hardly the heart to tell of it.  Anyway, here she would come and there we are washing, and as we would hear her foot­steps approaching and even be­fore we would see her, we would wash a little harder.


When she gets down to where we are, she might address me and say, “You come out here”.  I’m out there like a flash because I am in­deed scared.  Then she would say, “Prostrate your­self down there and make a given number of crosses on that floor.”  It is a cement floor and of course I must prostrate my body and lick those crosses.  Those are not little tiny crosses—as far as I can reach, I have to lick those crosses.  And she watches my countenance and if I appear to not like it, she might double the number to ten or twenty-five or more.  The very next morning she may walk through again and because she saw something in my face which made her be­lieve I didn’t like what she had caused me to do, she will probably call me again.  My tongue will be entirely sore and bleeding but I will have to lick the crosses again.


They will also compel you to crawl the distance of a cathedral isle, perhaps ten times or more.  It will not be on a soft carpet, it will be on a floor of cement or gravel.  You cannot crawl on your hands and knees but upright, on your knees only.  I might be able to make it only the fist six times and then my strength will fail and faint.  She will pour water on me and require that I crawl again.  Most often, she will do this again the following day.  By this time there will be scabs on my knees and open wounds and blis­ters.  But I must crawl again for penance for failure is ever so much worse.  Dear ones, this is the life of little nuns in a clois­tered convent.


Then we are led to believe that God is looking down out of heaven and smil­ing his approval as we suffer.  They tell us that God is made happy through our suffering because they have con­vinced us we are heathens and there is no way for us to know any better.


We have never been allowed to have a Bible.  We have never had any scrip­tures—the nuns are totally ignorant of the words of God.  We are raised ex­actly as the traditional Roman Catholic Church demands of us.  We have no way to know about the lovely Gospel of Jesus Christ—and so, we have to do these things for the penalties for not doing them are so heinous that a little frail and battered nun cannot live through the ordeal.  Oh, the burial vats are filled with little bodies and skeletons of the little ones who couldn’t endure the tor­ture.


The Mother Superior might walk through our cell doors, and by the way, there is nothing in there except the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus and there is the crucifix.  Then there is a prayer-board.  By the way, I’ll assure you folks that you don’t want to kneel on our prayer-boards.  We kneel on it every day if we are able to walk under our own power.  It is a board which is very short and very narrow with sharp wires coming up through it.  Then the board upon which I will prostrate my arms also is covered with sharp wires.  Well, I told you that we were going to suffer and do penance and this was a required portion of that suffering and penance.


As I lean on that prayer-board I am praying for lost humanity and I am be­lieving, as I suffer, that my Grandmother, for instance, will be released from purgatory sooner because of my suffering.  I would linger there longer some­times, because I fully believed every moment would cause her to reach heaven sooner.  That is all that little nuns know for that is all we are taught.


Every night we are locked within our cells.  Every night the key is turned in those doors and there is no way to get up and come out of those cells.  More than that, the lights are out at 9:30 and then at seven minutes to twelve two lit­tle nuns unlock all of the doors and every lit­tle nun gets up, dresses in full dress, goes into the inner chapel and there we again pray for one hour for lost human­ity.  We get very, very little sleep and we don’t get enough food so our bodies are weak and sore and broken.  We simply don’t have enough strength to carry on after living there for a while.  Little nuns have very short lives for their physical beings cannot endure the depriva­tion.






We are taught to believe that as we spill our own blood, through torture or in any way that I spill blood by whipping or tormenting my body in any way, I am taught to believe that I will have one hundred less days to spend in purgatory.  We have no hope; there is nothing to look forward to.  After you live in a con­vent for ten years, you learn to realize that the Virgin Mary is just a piece of metal—a statue.  I began to realize that St. Peter is just a statue.  I be­gan to re­alize that the statue of Jesus is just a piece of metal.  In other words, we come to the place where we be­lieve that our God is a dead God.  I assure you, I lived in a con­vent long enough, not at first but after a few years, when we have spilled our tears and blood at the feet of those statues in prayer and no prayer, oh, we realize that we have a dead God and so it goes.  So, these pre­cious little girls are taught to believe that as we whip our bodies or tor­ture them and spill blood, that we will have one hundred less days to spend in pur­gatory.  We believe in a literal purgatory and that lit­eral purgatory is a fire which is go­ing to burn and we will feel the flames of that fire.


When I say that nuns are forgotten women—just who do you think is going to say a prayer or pay the priest to have a high mass for those nuns who are in a convent?  Why, when those little nuns die, no notification what-so-ever is given.  Even the parents will not know when those little bod­ies are gone, so who is going to pray us out of purgatory?  Who will buy our way out of purga­tory?  Oh, we realize after we are in there for a period of time that there is no purgatory.  The only purgatory the Catholics have is the priest’s pockets and the people fill his pockets with coins in order to pray for their dead.


There are thousands and thousands of Roman Catholics.  In the month of November the Ro­man Catholic priests praying masses for the dead of the Roman Catholic people in the U.S. col­lected $22 million.  These were just for masses said for dead Roman Catholics in one month in your country.  This is just to give you an idea of that which is going on every day right in front of you behind the lies and hidden crimes.


Thousands and thousands of mothers have worked their fingers to the bones to go to the priest and give him $5 to say a mass for a loved one who she be­lieves to be in purgatory.  This is be­cause that lit­tle mother believes there is a purgatory.

In the convent there is a painting of purgatory.  There is nothing else in the room except that painting and it is terrible.  Every Friday we have to walk around that painting and when we walk around it, I wish you could see the lit­tle nun’s faces.  What is on the painting?  As you walk around it, it looks like a deep, bottomless hole out there and there are people falling in and al­ready fallen in and the flames are lapping around the bodies of those people.  Their hands are outstretched and the Mother will say to the little nun, “You better go and put an­other penance on your body.  Those people are begging to get out of that fire.”  Because we believe we are heathens, we don’t know any bet­ter.


I might go some place in the convent and maybe I’ll burn my body really bad, or torture it in some way to spill some of my blood be­cause as I suffer I be­lieve they are going to get out of that place where a priest put them.  We are told there are millions and mil­lions of people in purga­tory that your own priests have put there by the word.  When you finally know, you re­alize it is the biggest fraud in the world.  He knows there is not a bit of truth to it.  And bless your hearts, I say that if you take purgatory mass away from the Roman Catholic Church you will rob her of nine/tenths of her money and body—she would starve to death.


The Roman Catholic Church commercializes not only off of the liv­ing, but off of the dead as well.  On and on it goes and even after ones involved become aware, there is no likely way to break away into freedom.  Very few dare to ever break away and in the prisons of the con­vents and monasteries—there is no way to escape.






It does not bother the Mother Superior to take one of those little girls to the Father Confes­sor.  Once a month we go to confession and the priests come into the convent as our Father Confes­sor.  We don’t want to go in there, oh, we don’t want to go in there.  I may not know the partic­ular man who is out there but I know he is a priest.  I know those priests who come for I have been there and lived there long enough and have had contact with every one of them and know them all and I don’t trust a single one of them who come into the convent.  I know not about other places or other priests, remember, I am only telling you about that which I have experi­enced and know to be the truth.


We know something about what is out in that room and we know that today we are going to go to confession.  It may take all day long.  Then as we wait, here comes the priest.  I have never witnessed the priest coming into the con­vent without intoxicating liquor under his belt.  And I say to every man or woman, whoever you might be, if you get liquor under your belt you are not a man and neither are you a woman—you become an animal and a beast.


And so, we have a beast sitting out there with a straight back, hard bottom chair and no other things except the crucifix and the Virgin Mary.  And here he is, sitting right out there in the mid­dle.  Now, the little girl has to walk out there all alone.  She has to kneel down to that terrible man and as I look back, I am sure in my heart that he was a twin brother to the Devil himself.  He is so full of sin, vice and corruption.  You must go out there and kneel down before that man and I tell you, you are a lucky girl if you get away from that man with­out being destroyed.


Why, he is a drunken beast and not a man.  He has a holy habit on and he is an ordained Roman Catholic priest—but he is a being of Satan.  I assure you we do not like to go to con­fession but we must go once a month.  Those little girls can’t help themselves.  Nobody comes out of that room but the priest and I, until it is all over, and then we come back and the next will have to come.  I assure you, we don’t appreciate that day and those little girls don’t know any better and there is nothing they can do if they did know bet­ter.  The Bible was a forbidden book to every one of those little girls so they had no way to know anything. 

Therefore, they are to­tally trapped by the Devil himself with no way to escape and no way to reach out for help.  Do your realize, dear friends, we are the only help they have?—that we somehow tell you of the truth and you will spread this truth and then someone will do some­thing to stop this torture and set the little inno­cent beings free.  Oh, pray for them, I beg you, pray for them that God can work through you ones to save these little beings.






If a Roman Catholic priest comes into the convent, he may go to the Mother Superior and ask her to permit him to go into the cell where the nuns are.  Now that Mother has a carnal mind and a carnal heart and she is very hard and very carnal.  Further, she is, many times, the mother of many illegitimate babies and they belong to the priest.  You know, she will take that priest who is drinking—they bring liquor right in with them, and sometimes the Mother and some of the nuns drink with them.  It is a terrible place, it is cer­tainly not a reli­gious place as you would give that name.  She will bring that priest into one of our cells and here you have a big man who is strong from being well fed and he is full of liquor and there is a little nun who is frail with a bro­ken body and she will not have very much strength.


Now why has he come into that cell?  For nothing except to destroy that little nun.  I often wish the government could walk into that place just as a priest is let into a cell.  The Mother will turn the key and the little girl is locked in there with that priest.  There is no way to de­fend ourselves.


I am a nurse and I got my training by going through the underground tunnel into the hospital while I lived in an open order convent.  But may I say that if you could look upon the body of that little girl after the priest is taken out of there, she looks like some­thing thrown out into a hog pen and a half dozen old sows have malled that little body.


This is convent life and I can certainly understand why your priests are calling and com­plaining constantly and screaming their head off because I am giving this testimony.  May I say to you that I don’t mind if they continue to scream, I don’t mind what they do to me for I am not one bit afraid of them and I will continue to give this testimony for as long as God gives me strength.  I will give this testimony to my life’s end regardless of what that church or those priests and prison-keepers do to me in your country.  I know what I am doing, I know what I am saying and I am no longer afraid of anyone in all of this world for I am a child of God and God will allow my work to be finished whether I am killed or what­ever might be in store for me.  All you can do is murder me and then I care not what you do with my body af­ter I am gone so I will continue until I have no more breath with which to speak—and then someone will perhaps pick up the message and carry it forth—God will see to it.  I know that God saved me and brought me out of that place to do what I am doing—pulling the cover off of the con­vents.


I believe he saved me to uncloak these places of evil hiding under the cloak of religion.  I believe this with all of my heart and soul.






You know, we were only supposed to give our bodies to these priests and many times the nuns are simply overpowered.  But what if I refuse to give my body to the priest?  He be­comes furious and goes immediately to the Mother Superior and then, friends, when two car­nal minds come together they can in­duce things that you and I have not enough evil in our hearts to even con­ceive.  There is not enough sin in our ives to invent such things as they come up with to reap upon those poor little children of God.


When those two carnal minds come together, the next time they are all ready.  The Mother Su­perior might say to me the next day that we are going to do penance.  Now, the penance will be something the priest and Mother Superior have invented together.  It will be very, very cruel.  They may take me down into one of the dirty dun­geons where there are no floors and you will find a room with a log about three feet long with a mound of cement with a ring sticking out of the ground.  There are leather straps fastened there and they will put my feet through those rings and then strap my ankles securely.  There I am, standing with my feet strapped to those rings—and they leave me there locked up in that place by myself.  It is a dreadful place and I might stand there for two or three hours if I have strength enough in my body.  Sometimes you become too exhausted to stand and you faint and you go down.  But when you go down your an­kles are turned over and then you cannot get up again.  You might lie in that position for two or three days with­out anyone even coming near.  There will not be a bite of food or a drop of water but you must stay there with the vermin and rats run­ning over your body.


Of course no priest outside wants this—nobody outside wants this and they will do anything to make sure no one ever escapes alive from a convent.  They will do anything to prevent anyone getting out to tell.  Oh, it is terrible.  Some­times while lying strapped to those rings the priest will have his way and then the little nun will be left to lie in the suffering in the added shame and guilt.


Sometimes when a little nun refuses a priest he goes mad with anger and will beat the child and knock her to the floor and kick her—often times he will kick her in the stomach and very often the lit­tle nun will be carrying a baby created by one of the priests.  It doesn’t matter to the priest that there is a baby under your heart—he doesn’t care for he knows the baby will be killed anyway.  What can they do with babies born in places like that under the cloak of a religious or­der?—they can’t be allowed to survive.  Most of the babies are born prema­ture and many are abnormal from the abuse and weakness of the mother.  Very seldom do you see a normal baby.  Oh yes, I shall continue to confess this and give my testimony until my last breath to stop this.

I am a nurse and I have delivered these babies and watched the lit­tle bodies wreaked with pain and the little nuns will bleed and many die and the babes are twisted and malformed and the agony is so great.  This goes beyond any­thing the human mind can bear.  I shall go before the courts and cry out and some of you will hear me and some day you will cause those convents to be opened and then you will see and know of the horror in those places.  I have been before the highest courts in your country and I know what I am do­ing and I know what I am saying because I have been connected with this awful system for 23 years behind convent doors.






Most of you little pregnant mothers have everything all ready for that tiny lit­tle bundle of joy.  You are eager to bring forth a little child and you get every­thing all ready for its com­ing—that precious little immortal soul is going to be born into your home.  Oh, but you should see that lit­tle pregnant nun—there is no joy in that place.  The little one will never have a blanket about its body.  It will never have a bath.  It will only live at the most, four or five hours and then the Mother Superior will take that baby and put her fingers into its nos­trils and cover its mouth and snuff its little life out.  If the babe is what you would call per­fect, then it is dealt with in a more horrible manner as a sacrifice.  Ei­ther way the little life is snuffed out quickly.


What is then done with those little bodies?  There are lime pits in those con­vents.  The baby will be killed and it will be put into the lime pit and the lime will be put over its body and that is the way the baby’s life ends.  Oh, it is so hard to think about it and that is why I chal­lenge people to pray.  Ask God to deliver these children from behind those convent doors.  Pray to God that ev­ery convent in the United States be opened and require the government go within.  When the government goes in and the public goes in also, then you will have the nuns being brought out and the con­vents closed up.


They opened the convents in Old Mexico in 1934.  There are no more of these convents in Mexico.  Every cloistered order was opened and they found all this corruption.  The lime pits are there—every­thing is there to be seen.  If any of you are traveling and can, go over into Old Mexico and see for yourselves.  The government took them and now own them and they are public museums.  Go through those convents and look with your own eyes and touch the things with your own hands and then see whether or not you believe my tes­timony.


It will fill every drop of blood in your brain—it will do some­thing to you that you cannot imagine—go through them.  Go look at them and go through the dungeons, go into the tun­nels, go to the lime-pits, look at the rows of skulls along the walls and then ask the guides where they all come from.  Go see all of the devices of torture they use to inflict the horror upon the bodies of the lit­tle nuns.  Go into the cells and look at the beds and see for your­selves.  Oh yes, you can go—it will cost you twenty-five cents to go through one of them.  Go see for yourself and then come home and maybe it will give you a greater burden to pray for the saving of those little girls that have been enticed behind convent doors by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church.


I wonder how you would feel if this was your child.  And remember, I had a mother and daddy and they loved me just as much as you love your children.  When they let me go into the convent they were happy, they had no way to know this is the way it is.  They never dreamed in their wildest imaginings that a convent would be like this.


There is a room, for instance, built for a specific purpose and suppose you are watching and they bring in a little nun who has been accused of doing some­thing.  There is a little partition there and a little lever there that when pressed a cover opens and there is a deep, deep hole under­neath.  It doesn’t matter what she has done, if anything.  But she had done something and it must be very serious.  They bring her now to this particular place.  Her hands and feet are bound securely and they drop her into that horrible, horrible pit.  Then they are going to put the boards back down and no-one will ever know for there is plenty of chemicals and lime down there.  But it is not that quick and easy.  Six little nuns have to walk around that hole and we chant as we walk around that hole for we mustn’t let any evil spirits to come out into the con­vent.  So we sprinkle holy water over that hole.  We may walk for six or more hours and then there will be six more nuns and on and on it goes until the last moan is heard from the pit and that is the end of the little nun.


Does it bother you to know that little nun is dead and lost and will never be delivered out of that convent except through this horrible manner?  Does it bother you?  Does it bother you enough to speak out?  It bothers me and it breaks my heart.  You who are Catholics—does it bother you?  My God who is within—please hear us and do something!


* * * * *


Today it is fifty six years after the Mexican convents were opened—will you open them in the United States?  Elsewhere?  Or will you go on in the lie in my name of Christ and God while Sa­tan murders these innocent little chil­dren?  So be it for the decision not to act is the deci­sion made.  As the voice of Christ will you hear my petition through these words and through the outcry of blessed Charlotte and rescue those children?  You cried out in anguish over the Ger­man holocaust and yet this goes on in front of thine faces and you al­low of it—YOU ALLOW OF IT.  HOW MANY TIMES WILL YE CRU­CIFY ME?  HOW MANY WILL YOU SLAUGHTER IN INNOCENCE IN MINE NAME?  HOW MANY DE­SERVE THE MIRA­CLE OF GOD’S SALVATION?  HOW MANY WILL HEAR MY CALL?  HOW LONG WILL IT BE BEFORE YOU OF BLINDNESS WAKE UP?  YE ARE AFRAID?  YE HAVE NAUGHT TO FEAR FOR EVIL WILL STAND NOT IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LIGHT OF GOD—IT WILL FALL LIKE THE DOMINOS.  WHO WILL HEAR MY PLEA AND BE MY HANDS AND FEET AND DEMAND JUSTICE?  SO BE IT FOR THE CLOCK TICKS ON——BUT FOR HOW LONG SHALL IT TICK?


Dharma, take rest please.  I hold thee close as we walk through these shadows and into truth and light.  Through grace shall we open the path.