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Aug. 18, 2014






MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1990    9:00 A.M.      YEAR 3 DAY 243


Aton present in Light, that we might continue on our question and answer in­terrogation of a few days past.




Let us speak of your reference to mass thought forms. Ah yes, it is the way of it. To come into the creation of that which you desire there it be the thought form and intent with focus for without focus there is only the creation of chaos and the ability of the negative, which automatically comes into focus in absence of "order", to pull apart the structured creation.


This is why, of course, the scenario will probably be played out unto the ending laid forth in the prophecies. Further, man does not truly desire change into peace and understanding for he has learned to thrive on conflict and chaos and requires more and more heinous input to satiate his need for violence and evil.


Let us consider studies done in some of your groups of "teachers of truth". A well known experiment was performed wherein groups were asked to sit and write a description of individual perceptions of how it would be if the world was at total peace and balance. Less than one (1) (uno) percent had anything positive to say about it. The other 99.7 percent said it would be "boring", "dull" and "unchallenging". Oh, they were not clever enough to word it di­rectly, in all instances, in that manner but that is the ultimate perception. Man cannot yet picture himself as the inventor of wondrous peace machines, creative birthings of new species and in training a hawk to eat corn instead of prey.  He has forgotten almost ALL of what peace and harmony is about and HOW to experience without the chaos.


The world in chaos presents such interesting and challenging experiences of simple survival that you are now overpopulated by some 5 and a half billion persons. You who focus only on the transition and the awakening are thriving on the challenge of the experience of birthing the change. Billions of souls have come forth for this experience which you and they have created. There­fore, until mankind truly desires peace, he will focus on insuring that the devastation of the prophecies come upon him.  Man is simply not ready to listen and do a whit to change.


Persons flock to the classes on "how to change the ending" and absorb, nod

their head in agreement and then leave seeing nothing they can do to change

it. The facts are, they are unwilling to make changes in self which would change the scenario, In fact, it is more extreme than that example. Take the ones who go to the self improvement classes--say body reshaping and weight adjustment--they do not do it for the health of the body--they do it be more appealing and "come hither" to an audience--or to "feel better about self'--pooh! They are mentally creating more of the same problems they had prior to the adjustment and when it doesn't bring fulfillment, will return to that which they were prior to the effort.


This is the same with positive thinking success seminars--focus on success in relationships with sexual overtones and seduction and/or acquire more per­sonal wealth, power and control of others. Worse yet, most persons attend the sanctuaries (which, by the way, are no longer sanctuaries), not to find God, but rather in grasping at straw-men and to be seen in "good" company. "Let us somehow purchase our way back unto God and 'home"' becomes the intent.


Why do you not simply produce the financing for your community? Because you have fallen into the habit of not having the prize and calculating how to manage without it. It becomes easier to be without it than to face the bom­bardment with start-up when you have no time at present for the work load. If you would but focus on the management teams to hand the load off to--you would precipitate the funding. It is in place and has been in place many times and you ones end up rejecting it--perhaps it is the challenge of seeing if you can make it one more month, etc. When you cannot--then you will change the scenario--or move or whatever.


This time it is not Dharma, for she writes incessantly and the books are won­drous--then what happens? There should be magnificent return flooding back but you perceive it needs take a certain path and have certain expenses to have massive audience--and yet, what do you do to acquire massive audience? Do you borrow the funds to purchase a billion names on mailing lists? Nay, ye reject the idea for you cannot handle the load as it exists--you do not focus on the massive return, you focus on the limited resources.


Closer to home as example, Dharma prefers to dwell upon the lack of funds to purchase larger clothing than to simply reduce her size and have the abun­dant wardrobe wasting in the closet--as does just about every one in the group. You have fallen into the trap of realizing the only nurturing you do for self any more, is the sharing of sup. Why not trim down and go on tour to sat­isfy the need for nurturing? Well, Dharma can't do that for she would get herself shot. Do you see that you are creatures of indecision or wrong de­cision? Why do I not step in and put a stop to the behavior? Because you have to get satiated with your behavior as is and then YOU will change it!


The point is that there are simply not enough people that wish change to bring about change. The homosexual community, nor the drug community, do not wish to be "saved" by some do-gooders who are going to spoil their attention and ritual unto the death process. It will be the "innocent" "victims" who will cause the cure to be isolated. Why would a group give up that which they suf­fered so severely to create?


If you went to smell flowers and look at poppies in the fields and in the pro­cess you were involved in a robbery and auto accident---which would linger on your tongues in description? Well the poppies would fly from the memory like chaff in the tempest. If you go to pick up desert shack wood and find a scorpion underneath which stings, or a rattlesnake which passes on--which will you remember--the lovely Sego-lily beside the board or the snake beneath it?


This is why you cannot legislate morality nor force change--man will do that which he has grown to desire--in mass.  But, change must begin with the few and the rest can then be shown the my which then becomes more  desirable, just as color T.V. became more desirable than colorless and still man under­stood the functioning of neither. Blood is far more wondrous in red than in gray. Further, man would rather "blame" another for his perceived failure than run the risk of failure on his own efforts.


Then why don't we just rush off and give man lessons in self-esteem building? Because man doesn't want his self-esteem raised. He says he does--but he does not! For to do so requires action and man does not wish to effort at ac­tion and change--he  would rather complain or "be" than to take action and experience the possible failure of his choices.


Therefore, we must continue with the dreary and miserable outlay of truth of the way things have become and convince you that it is so, and only then, will man consider methods of change. Man will stand with others--if there are lots of others, but he is not yet brave enough to stand out front alone against any perceived enemy. In many ways that is the very wise approach--for there is not need of more martyrs but need for man to stand together and the enemy will back away for lack of the ability to control further. But the masses must have the picture of the circumstance, consider the possibility of change and then be shown HOW to begin the changes and ultimately the success of the change bearing positive fruit. You of the remnant have returned to out these things  forth as evidence and experience and then your brothers and sisters can see the way. They have been so exposed to lie after lie, which were touted to work and have not done so, i.e., come meditate and it will become perfection, have great love-ins and it will be perfection, live in communes in poverty and it will be perfection---no, none of it can work for all require for­feiting the very life essence--your own contribution and power to control self. To meditate to require answers and "how to accomplish a thing is wondrous-- to sit and effort at emptying the mind is stupid--the minds are far too empty already. However, note that it is far easier to sit by the hour and claim medi­tation than to get up off thy duff and get busy instituting change. Well, you say, "If it just IS why not just let it be and do naught?" Why not indeed'? Why bother to have made the journey into this experience at all? Do that whichever you choose--but just make sure YOU have chosen it wisely lest it be great error in discernment and you have no moral right to thrust that opinion of laziness off on another in the disguise of "fulfillment" for only one out of about 37 million souls can find fulfillment in such behavior.


No, man is not yet ready to act in order to make change possible but with the projection of truth of the lies, perhaps he will awaken and "smell the coffee perking"--you know, that coffee laced with poison. There is no free coffee--the intent of the giver of the "free" coffee must be considered! NOTH­ING IS FREE OF INTENT!




You refer to being the "first to know". No, you are only among the first to be remembering in these days. There is nothing new--there is, only that which to be remembered. There can be nothing new for otherwise it could  not be remembered. The mind has nothing upon which to base a new vision for any­thing truly "new" is unvisioned. If a vision can be conjured, it is only remem­bered and  recalled to attention.  There can only be "the first to remember”!  So be it.  Further, it will the remembering of the joy and wondrous existence  in the pure balance and harmony of oneness with Source which shall pull you back into the memory path back home.     


You come forth to experience and come with everything veiled in the hopes and intent of changing the play as written--but you find that you can only be­gin to "remember" and therefore the whole scenario is rewritten identically to experience remembered. How will it end this time? Exactly as you remember it to be. Will it be as written in the prophecies? It remains to be seen as that which you will remember! However, the promise is that when enough re­member, the play will get on with the closing and renewal of another. Man is truly pitifully weary of the thrust upon his consciousness, of pain and degradation, so who knows, perhaps he will wake up if enough hear the alarm clock and say "no more".


In the beauty of the lilies lies the answer--when man is whole unto self, he can relax and flow in the gentleness of bursting forth unto home and God. Fur­ther, when that experience bursts forth upon the being--he will be home, for the perception will only be of the experience of knowing and therefore, the dimension, et al, will be changed without the perception of change. You can look forward to change and work toward that "thing”--you can look back and see how that "thing" has changed---but you cannot actually be aware of the fi­nite awareness of change for you have only the moment but there is no way to actually experience the moment for there is nothing upon which to base the relativity. However, if you perceive the goal of change and focus upon it as if it were done--it must come to be in that manner.


You continually say, "How have we as a species come to this?" Come to what? You have come to be exactly that which you have desired to be. Some of you have created and come forth to change of the creation and you have manifested in placement whereby you can perform that action. Does it mean that the opposition to your plan is wrong? Of course not--you have insured that they be there in opposition in that you can play out your chosen expe­rience. How many will have come to play in your focus of goal is the interest­ing question---will there be enough to end it as you chose or will you "cut out" before you achieve that which you thought you desired? Since it is YOUR experience, you can have it any way you desire it to be.


For instance, if someone comes into your play and you don't like them there--all you have to do is be hateful and rude enough and they will remove them­selves from your play. Can you see that every last detail is of your own mak­ing? Then why don't you just commit suicide and get the thing over with? It is not in your play, that's why.


Ah, but now comes the fun of it---there are other fragments (perhaps of self) floating around also experiencing on many dimensions and you have allowed participation (or "they" have allowed you as a fragment, participation) and now the impact of the perceived other's direction and intent--these are the fragments which confuse you for they are of your own aspects, each pulling in the direction of other perceived experiences. For instance, say you, Dharma, tire of writing and decide to break the computer and to hell with it, and you go take gliding lessons. Will the perceived world stop turning? No. But you will not have fulfilled the mission you touted that you desired to fulfill and others might well be irritated with you for they are utilizing your participation to af­fect their own scenario. Will they vanish? No. But many perceptions will be changed along the line of aspects and perceptions and directions of soul frag­ments will be altered in some manner or another.


What if you killed yourself this moment? So? Some left will mourn, most will be really ticked off at you and the other 5 billion 499 million and 62 thousand will never know you are missing and could not care less under any circum­stances!


Well, what is Little Crow going to write about when he and Grandfather put the oral traditions and teachings and truths to paper? This! Exactly this with a bit of a different aspect of language and vision---precious one, truth IS; nothing more and nothing less. Oh, you desire it to be MORE! SO BE IT-‑GET BUSY AND MAKE IT MORE! YOU DON'T LIKE IT THIS WAY? THEN GET OFF YOUR BACKSIDES AND MAKE IT DIFFERENT! YOU DON'T LIKE THE STORY AND PROPHECIES? THEN GET BUSY AND REPROJECT THEM  INTO THAT WHICH YOU PERCEIVE YOU DO LIKE. JUST REMEMBER--FRUSTRATION AND NON­FULFILLMENT COMES WITH NEGATIVE THRUSTS; PEACE AND ONE-NESS WITH GOD COMES WITH THE OTHER! THE CHOICE IS UP TO YOU!


You have, further, said it all, chela, when you said, "I shall quiet now, for my conscious being has tended to overstep my own limits." Oh, precious, you have said it ALL. You God-creations set of your own limits and will not go beyond--what is it you fear to go beyond?"'   Ah, I see, you fear you will KNOW and the experience will end so you refuse to step into the light of total accep­tance and hide behind the veil of unknowing. That, too, is sometimes most wise in the overall plan you make for self--for indeed, the experience would be cut short and wisdom tells you as much.


You are busily remembering how it IS and you do not wish to know more and therefore, the limits are set and you creep up on them like the tortoise for fear of uncovering that which will end this wondrous experience of present. You KNOW that which IS and lies beyond--you all choose to not be ready to confront the truth of it so you continue to mess and stir and confuse and hide and mess and stir and confuse and hide and over and over again, scramble it into entanglements. You ones pull directly unto you that which you claim to "fear" for it is actually the very experience you desire whether it be experienced as dread, fear or joy. Often times these things can be experienced in dreams or visions and the actual experience of physical perception is unnecessary. That is why you must allow your visions and dreams to take form and accept them as the experience they are.


You refuse to bring your dreams into consciousness for you will know then, that which is ALL and truth of ALL. Especially you who have returned for the purpose of walking through a remnant will refuse to bring the truth of thy sleeping experiences into focus of consciousness---it would ruin your chal­lenging game. You have agreed upon a purpose within this particular expe­rience and the all-knowing would distract you for you would understand the remarkable lie of it all--the illusion. Frustration would be manifested in tremendous burden for you would know what and how things must be done and yet, you would fall into the limits of the inability to thrust your actions upon those of another of free-will experience.


The great Masters upon your placement might have great masses who claim to follow NOW! They had only a handful at the time of their experience in physical perception. The great artists were mostly thought to be heretics in their own time and community for all is but remembered and forgotten and finally the "forgotten" outweighs the "remembered" and the cycle must re-cy­cle.




All who bother to read this book will know the truth of it--for they will be given  to remember. How many will read the book? That remains to be seen! If an entity hears of the book or feels the vibration of truth about the hook, he will handle it as he is ready for enlightenment. If he is not ready to hear the truth--he will denounce the book and will refuse to read of it--or, he will nit­pick and refuse to understand it in his proclamations. It matters not--it does matter that the words go forth for that is YOUR chosen mission--do you see? What man then does with it is not your business! If you ones really wish the words to do their intended work--you will find a way to get mailing lists from the four corners of the world  and send forth the words unto those four cor­ners---at which point your funding problems would cease to exist at worst.  Ye must invest to receive rewards! Remember? You have to give forth to re­ceive the return! That of course, comes to play in the distribution! Of course it is a maze of endless spirals--for that IS the experience and challenge you have accepted---written and accepted and are now in the playing! But you see, you have scattered your God aspects and someone will know someone who will remember someone who can fulfill the portion and ultimately the mission can come together in wholeness--but first the call and response must be recognized.


Then what can you do as an individual? Share and inquire until you find ones who know someone who is ready to participate. What else do you have to do? It is your play and therefore if your goal is the same as another's you find someone who makes your joint effort into wholeness if you perceive you can­not be doing of that which you perceive needs doing.


Yes, Dharma, Little Crow will likely call and say you can stop writing now be­cause you finally get the message! But you know what, chela? You will not because you wouldn't miss scattering the truth about the Justice system, the Medical system, the Guyana lie, the Zionist takeover, the Space lie, the on and on and on! You have come to write truth and dissect it from the lies and you will not be fulfilled until such time as you have done of it. The readers, further, desire to read of it to realize their own knowledge of truth and receive confirmation of that which they know. Moreso--it will be far more "interesting" than is this dissertation from God on the truth of existence.


It is, however, chela, why you will now settle down into quiet production and allow the others to handle their mission. You will gradually desist from the carrying of the overload of burden and allow others to do their own participa­tion. I grant you peace, little sparrow, for you have worked diligently in my service and we have only just begun--for each moment is a new beginning,--but you can remember and be pleased in the remembering. Each new thing re­membered then becomes joy and fulfillment instead of fear of not enough “time” or, or, or - - - -! It just IS!  You don't need to "save" anyone---you CAN'T "SAVE" ANYONE! YOU CERTAINLY CANNOT "SAVE" THE WORLD! It simply is not there to "save". It just IS! All you can do in the reality of perception and illusion is to alter and impact that which is unfolding and to do so requires action and  obviously information as to truth and ulti­mately -- change of attitudes. It has been the conflict of eons and shall endure in the universal perception and consciousness long after you have returned to wholeness and oneness of God. Even then, you will likely choose to go forth again and experience the same once more and effort again at impacting change. Ah, but your fulfillment and joy and peace will be the oneness again with Creation and Creator.




No, we have not spoiled the story--we have now given insight as to how you can continue and fulfill your play and he who has eyes to see--shall! Further, when he sees and  understands--he will act. Do not push the river, children, for the flow is quite sufficient as created. Find your own balance and move smartly along  and do not side-track at each ripple or rock in the stream-bed.  Those things are only distractors from purpose of reaching the goal--as the river, 'tis the sea.






Ah yes, "the call compelled  the answer". How many of you were ready for the answer? And we have only just begun the unfoldment! How many are ready? Willing? We shall see! Yes, precious, you soar with the unseen eagles--for you have not forgotten--you have deliberately  accepted the blinding! Come walk in one-ness with me that we might tarry a while in the glorious wonder of the experience. AHO!