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jULY 18, 2014

PJ 13





SUNDAY, APR. 1, 1990 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 228


Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. May we please continue on our work. I would request that this book be finished and ready for printing by mid-month. It is better to update the material in additional Journals than to either overlook by quantity or allow to lag in current information. These Journals, at this time, are mostly for integration and insight into that which is known. We are setting the record straight regarding Space Command and participation within your atmosphere and disqualifying those stories which are in error regarding Space Brothers. It is necessary that the Journals get out rapidly for efforts are strengthening to stop Dharma. After the facts are integrated to great extent then we can give her a bit of rest.  We must, however, show you ones that your dangers are not from Space Aliens but most surely from two or three major elements on your own planet.


No, it is not pretty and it is all but impossible for that such mammoth secrets could be kept from you;  however, just as with the death camps of the Allies (specifically the U.S.) after W.W.II, we believe it will begin to soak through to ones that the truth is far stranger than any of your surface lies.  It is indeed easy to cover up any action if your media is totally controlled as is yours.


We will honor all the brave and daring ones who have brought forth information and have been "taken out" because of it.  At this time, however, we honor them but protect them for these are indeed recent events and families are at risk. May you the public respect and honor those ones for they gave their very lives for your freedom. Thank you.


Let us continue with the wrap-up of the Falkland Islands war and discuss the ensuing Rockefeller fear campaign against nuclear war.





At the point of June, 1982 it would appear that war of a major size was about to break out in the Southern Hemisphere, but the real war in the Southern Hemisphere was already over. What you witnessed was the beginning of its bloody aftermath.  That aftermath was the battle for the Falkland Islands. They had been promised to Argentina as a reward for her role in the secret war.


As things were happening in the Antarctic area the Bolsheviks were in Washington D.C. pressing for a public announcement that the U.S. would side with Britain. As soon as that would take place, military action would heat up quickly around the Falkland Islands. Britain had no choice but to fight. She had already suffered casualties which could not be explained without a public battle; but by fighting, the Bolsheviks in Britain were running the risk of a humiliating and tragic defeat for the Royal Navy.


Meanwhile "back at the ranch", the Rockefeller strategists in the U.S. were concentrating on a fast-building, anti-nuclear-war cam­paign. On all sides you were hearing about the so-called "nuclear freeze movement". There were documentaries, articles, publicity of all kinds to sensitize you to the terrors of nuclear war. There were even referenda popping up on election ballots dealing with the nuclear war issue. Medical doctors were banding together to warn the public about what would happen if there would be a nuclear war.


You were being told that all this was just popping up sponta­neously. You were then into 37 years of the nuclear age and nothing like that had ever gained so much momentum before, yet you were supposed to believe that millions of Americans had spontaneously gotten the same ideas at the same time. If you believe that, my friends, I give up! Movements like that never, NEVER, develop without leadership, organization, and money--PLENTY OF MONEY! But can you see a bit further now? If you can pick up the momentum now you can make great changes to care for your population. Truth and knowledge can most surely preserve what freedom is left to you and bring you into a safety survival mode. Ponder it as we continue.


What you were watching at that time was the Rockefeller public relations machine at work. The Rockefeller cartel could not afford to let a nuclear war take place. If it did, they would lose everything because they were not in a position to control it. Instead, the deadly enemies of the Rockefeller cartel, the Bolsheviks in the U.S., would win out if there was a war; and so the Rockefeller faction was then doing everything in its power to prevent a nuclear war.


Therefore, the then present anti-nuclear-war orientation of the Rockefeller cartel created certain temporary common interests between them and Russia; but as Russia's new rulers knew very well, this did not spring from any great moral perspective on the part of the Rockefeller group. It was a purely practical necessity.


The Russians regarded the United States as a house divided, and they were exploiting that division by working in a careful way with the Rockefellers. Their first priority was to rid the world of the deadly Bolshevik menace of all-out, even suicidal, nuclear war; but once that was done, they knew that there would be a day of reckoning with the Rockefeller cartel some day. And, brothers, you are seeing it coming down in Europe this very day!


The Rockefeller group was working toward a definite objective with their new anti-nuclear-war propaganda. That objective was renewed power--and power that moves them closer to their old dream of World Government. The Bolsheviks in the U.S. had unwittingly provided fertile ground for the powerful new Rockefeller anti-war campaign. Under Bolshevik control, the so-called Reagan Administration had become so hawkish that it was scaring people. The Rockefeller anti-war campaign was designed to capitalize on that latent fear as a tool of power.


The smell of war was in the air. The Falklands crisis was helping to make that more intense. The Rockefeller propaganda machine was paving the way for the argument that surrender of sovereignty was the only way to avoid war. A new super-United Nations of sorts was put into the works to fill the bill. It would have teeth! As then invisioned, the new organization would be based in Geneva, Switzerland. The working name would by "World Nonproliferation Council". The plan was to bring it into being as the outgrowth of nuclear nonproliferation treaties, but its true purpose would be to use fear--the fear of war--to control you all.




The Falkland Islands crisis erupted because of secret Bolshevik-controlled naval installations in the Southern Hemisphere. Those were attacked by joint action of the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians in an attempt to slow down the nuclear-war timetable. The attacks were successful, but the results are still not totally conclusive. It did not go as expected because General Haig was fired and the planned nuclear war was averted by simply bringing the truth to public attention and the perpetrators feared mass  rioting from you the people. PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, TRUTH AND REFUSAL TO ACCEPT THESE KINDS OF ACTION CARRY A MAGNIFICENT IMPACT FOR THE ELITE ARE NOT READY TO DEFEND AGAINST "YOU THE PEOPLE" IN THEIR OWN DOORYARDS. YET! WHEN THEY CONFISCATE ALL YOUR DEFENSE WEAPONS, I.E.--GUNS--­THEN THEY WILL DO AS THEY PLEASE AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE WRITING ON THE WALL.   SOBE IT.


Britain's Royal Navy took a tremendous bombardment in that "little" war. No reports were given as to that fact, but the return to England was delayed just to patch and repair sufficiently to keep the secret closeted.


Two major factions were struggling for control over your United States--the Rockefeller cartel and the Bolsheviks. They differ in style but both seek to control you through fear. If you are ever to rise above their trickery, it must be through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, your only hope. As the recognized scriptures pronounce unto you, your Lord  ". . .has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." You must learn to wage peace.  For your Lord declared long, long ago, 'Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God." Peace can only be found through the knowledge of TRUTH THROUGH THE WORD! THE FIRST IDENTIFICATION OF GOD WAS GIVEN RIGHT OFF THE BAT--"I AM THE WORD"! FURTHER, IN REVELATIONS: "THEN I SAW HEAVEN OPENED AND A WHITE HORSE STANDING THERE; AND THE ONE SITTING ON THE HORSE WAS NAMED 'FAITHFUL AND TRUE'--THE ONE WHO JUSTLY PUNISHES AND MAKES WAR. HIS EYES WERE LIKE FLAMES, AND ON HIS HEAD WERE MANY CROWNS. A NAME WAS WRITTEN ON HIS FOREHEAD AND ONLY HE KNEW ITS MEANING. HE WAS CLOTHED IN GARMENTS DIPPED IN BLOOD, AND HIS TITLE WAS THE WORD OF GOD. THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN, DRESSED IN FINEST LINEN, WHITE AND CLEAN, FOLLOWED HIM ON WHITE HORSES -- (AND SILVER CLOUDS)!!!!!!!!


Dharma, let us close this portion for I believe we have begun the cycle of curiosity whereby ones will seek and see. The details of THE PLAN will be forthcoming but man must first be ready to hear.


I will add a postscript to this Journal for I wish ones to realize that since our projection of the war crimes by the U.S., OTHER LOSSES and prior books such as UFO's, NAZI SECRET WEAPON? There has been a tremendous flood of eye-witnesses coming from the hiding places to confirm as eye-witnesses to the truth of our writings. Bless them for they are precious unto God for their stand for truth and their fellow-man!


The postscript will only detail the last item sent unto your atten­tion: from THE SPOTLIGHT. Thank you for this document and we reprint it here in honor of their daring stand. That "paper" dared to comment on the book OTHER LOSSES and now dares to print other stories. The headlines of the issue to which we refer reads: CIA & MOB TIED TO THRIFT MESS, Immense Scandal Unfolding! Yes, we will comment on that and further, we will honor and back the truth bringers immediately and all the way! So be it and Selah!


Let us close of this document for we have reached a breaking point in the prior story but we shall now continue with one volume upon another as we lay out the current connections supported by the historical. Thank you for your attention and God be with you as you become PEOPLE OF THE TRUTH instead of PEOPLE OF THE LIE! AMEN.