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July 16, 2014

PJ 13





SATURDAY, MAR. 31,1990 4:00 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 227


Hatonn in the Light of the Radiant One, to continue.






As we move along and to make things clear, we shall discuss the referred to "PROJECT Z" I mentioned in the previous chapter. It is the new Bolshevik three-phase strategy for NUCLEAR WAR ONE. However, since it didn't come off on schedule I feel we will not be misleading if we stick with references to the area of the Antarctic. The most skeletons to arise from the dead to getcha are all parading around "under" and "within" the Southern Hemi­sphere and that, after all, was the subject of this Journal. I do have trouble keeping to one subject for all facets are so in­tertwined.


The plan in 1982 was that of an elite group of American Bolshevik military planners by which the U.S. would strike the first nuclear blow, followed by all-out thermonuclear war with Russia.


After having set off the holocaust, the Bolsheviks in the U.S. and in certain other countries planned to ride it out safely in com­fortable war bunkers already in place and well stocked with luxu­ries. Finally, after NUCLEAR WAR ONE fizzled out in stalemate, they planned to leave behind the ashes of the U.S. and her allies. Activating Phase #3 of their grand strategy, they planned to unveil their secret weapons, especially their secret naval fleets. With these they planned to conquer and rule what would be left of the world. The United States as you know it would be long dead and gone; but in the eyes of the Bolsheviks themselves, this outcome would constitute victory for many reasons.


Up to April of 1982 the nuclear war timetable was still on track.


They were still shooting for nuclear war to begin by September of that year. Actually this continued right to the date set of September 17, 1982.


What saved you is that the Bolsheviks were running as fast as they could toward war; but, the Bolsheviks are not the only runners in the race. They have two deadly enemies, both of whom are equally determined to trip up the Bolsheviks. One enemy of the Bolsheviks in the U.S. is the Rockefeller cartel; the other enemy is the new anti-Bolsheviks ruling class in Russia: and now these two mutual enemies of the Bolsheviks are pooling their efforts in certain ways.


The new anti-Bolshevik coalition is now much more firmly estab­lished but in 1982 it was still quite new and was working between the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians. The January 26, 1982 meeting between Haig and Gromyko in Geneva, Switzerland, was a turning point in the formation of this coalition. It is now a re­ality, and is responsible for the so-called "Falkland crisis" which dominated the headlines in April and May of that year. It should be emphasized that the new relationship between the Rockefeller cartel and Russia fell far short of a true alliance, at least at that time. They have very major disputes to be settled between them, but they called a truce between themselves to deal with the mutual deadly enemy--the Bolsheviks in America.


The first priority of the Russians and the Rockefellers is to slow down the Bolshevik preparations for imminent nuclear war. If they could do that, time would be on the side of the Rockefeller cartel in certain political movements. A slow-down in the nuclear war timetable will also give more breathing space for additional anti-Bolshevik actions to be implemented.


The joint Rockefeller-Russian planners decided by mid-February of 1982 that military action against the Bolsheviks was essential very quickly. No other type of action had any hope of taking effect fast enough to prevent nuclear War by the end of the summer.


The exact details of the "PROJECT Z" war plan were not known to either the Rockefellers or the Russians, but the general outlines were known-to be pretty well outlined and set-up.


It was decided that military action should be devised that would undermine Phase #3 of the Bolshevik war plan--that is, the Bolshevik-controlled secret naval installations and fleets in the Southern Hemisphere should be attacked and crippled. By working together, the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians were able to devise an attack plan which neither could have carried out alone. The Rockefeller group, who built and originally controlled these bases, provided detailed intelligence about the best way to attack them. The Russians with their enormous military machine provided the muscle to actually carry out the attack.


It was essential to devise a scheme that would enable both secret fleets in the South Atlantic and South Pacific to be attacked. Survival intact of either fleet would leave the Bolshevik war plan still workable.


Military analysts concluded very quickly that a direct assault on the New Zealand facilities was out of the question. There was no combination of commandos, frogmen, or other military force which could possibly keep an attack secret from the outside world. Any attack on the New Zealand bases would set off the very war which the Rockefellers and Russians wanted to prevent.


But the situation in the South Atlantic was a different matter. In a way, the greatest asset of South Georgia Island was also its Achilles' heel. The extreme isolation which protected the secrecy of the South Georgia base also made a covert military assault fea­sible. The key lay with Argentina and her long-standing claims to the Falkland Islands.




The Rockefeller cartel had dominated all of Latin America for decades. Cartel operatives were sent to Argentina to work out a deal with the government military junta there. The historic dis­pute over the Falkland Islands was to be used to provide a ruse, a military cover, to enable the South Georgia base to be attacked. The Argentine generals were not told everything about the situa­tion by any means, but they were told enough to make clear what they were to do.


As an inducement to cooperate, the Argentine leaders were promised handsome rewards. They were guaranteed that after the shooting was over, the Falkland Islands would remain in Argentine hands. This guarantee included the promise of covert military assistance as needed against the Royal Navy. And, to bolster the troubled Argentine economy, it was promised that the Rockefeller cartel would help develop the immense offshore oil reserves. With those combined promises of military glory and financial rewards, the Argentine military junta agreed to the plan.


So, backing up to March 19th Argentina carried out Act One in the joint attack plan. A group of Argentine scrap-metal merchants, of all things, landed at the abandoned old whaling station on South Georgia Island. Supposedly they were there to dismantle the old buildings and carry them off to sell. While they were at it they also raised the Argentine flag over the work-site. The British, always nervous about South Georgia Island, promptly reacted exactly as expected. The British Antarctic survey ship "Endurance" put 22 Marines ashore to clear up that little mis­understanding.


They drove off the scrap merchants and promptly tore down the Argentine flag. The incident provided the exact desired excuse for the Argentine Junta to bring the simmering 150-year-old Falklands dispute to a boil. From time to time in the past, Argentina claimed that South Georgia was part of the Falklands because it is administered that way by Britain. That argument was very flimsy but it then came in most handy indeed. It was nothing new to hear that claim from Argentine leaders, so there was no hint of what was really afoot.


During late March, Argentine military forces started assembling for an assault on the Falklands. The British command thought there was nothing new for Argentina had carried out threatening maneuvers in the past many times. It was believed that they were about to do it again; but on April 2 Argentine forces did the unexpected. After many past false alarms, this time they actually invaded and seized the Islands. All Argentine public statements emphasized the long-standing historical claims to the Falklands themselves; but just for good measure, the next day a small Argentine force also seized far-off South Georgia Island. The force was so small that it gave the appearance initially that it was just a side show from Argentina's point of view; however, the small contingent of 22 Royal Marines were overpowered and bundled off the Island along with a group of 13 alleged scientists. That was a moment of pay-off in the joint Rockefeller-Russian attack plan.




Thanks to the elaborate distraction staged by the Argentine forces; a special commando team got onto the Island totally undetected. Based on the detailed Rockefeller information about the base, the team moved to the location on the mountain directly above the cavernous secret base. Special high-speed drilling equipment was set up by the Rockefeller members of the team while the Russian members concentrated on military defense. By late that same evening, April 3, the military high command in London finally learned what was really taking place. The secret South Georgia base was under attack by virtually the only means possible. The joint Rockefeller-Russian team were drilling a shaft down through the mountain toward their hollowed out cavern in­side. It was only a matter of time until their drill would break through the ceiling of the giant hidden naval base. Once the hole was made, the next step was obvious. The Rockefeller-Russian team would put a weapon of some kind through the hole. The best guess was that it would be probably nerve gas---it just doesn't pay to "guess".


The shock waves that went through the highest levels of British government on the evening of April 3 can hardly be described. The Thatcher government, like the so-called Reagan Adminis­tration in America, is Bolshevik controlled. Well, the Russians told you they would rule the world and it might very well be done without firing a shot!


That was why Margaret Thatcher always said, "Me, too." any time the Reagan Administration said it would do anything to Russia. Please note that it hasn't changed very much. What of the Stinger missile "sting" in Florida and the "I agree and support the U.S." in Panama this past December? Both governments are party to the secret nuclear war plan in complete betrayal of the people of their respective countries, and on the evening of April 3 they suddenly discovered that their precious war plan was in deep, deep yogurt, I believe you call it--amongst other terms.


Immediately the Thatcher government started assembling a naval armada to sail for the South Atlantic. Haste was their order of the day. The drilling on South Georgia Island was proceeding around the clock. The best estimates were that the drilling would break through into the roof of the of the naval base in about three weeks, on or about April 24--but it is a very long drive from England to Antarctica on the best of ships. If help did not reach South Georgia by then, the secret installation might be doomed. The forces stationed at the installation itself were unable to de­fend themselves under the circumstances. Their mighty naval ships were ships in a bottle. They did not dare open the bottle to sail out and fight because the Russian commandos were armed with far superior technical and nuclear weapons. (Who do you think might be the closest allies to the Nazi undercover workers?) We are talking about ones who do not care greatly for the Jewish element, much less the Zionist affiliated Jews. To open the blast-proof entrance doors would be suicide.


On April 5, just two days after South Georgia Island was seized, some 40 naval ships began moving out of British ports. The same day Lord Carrington was sacked as Foreign Minister. He was forced to resign because he had assisted the Rockefeller attack plan by downplaying the Argentine attack preparations. Even the evil don't have any way to count on their own.


That same day, April 5, New Zealand, the home of the other secret naval fleet, broke diplomatic relations with Argentina. The two hidden New Zealand facilities had been placed on "Red Alert" (no pun intended). As a precautionary measure, all submarines at the twin base were ordered to sea. Several surface ships were already at sea undergoing "sea trials", but that still left seven major ships inside the hidden twin naval base including one of the nuclear aircraft carriers.


On that busy day of April 5, Argentina's Foreign Minister, Costa Mendez, was at the United Nations in New York. Come on readers, go look it all up in the records--don't just stand off and accuse me of insanity--go look and find for yourselves.


Mendez was alarmed by the deployment of such a large part of the Royal Navy. Costa Mendez hurried to Washington to seek reassurances from certain U.S. officials. Of course he got them!


For the next two weeks or so the news was filled with stories about the allegedly slow movement of the British fleet while negotiations went on. That was only a cover story. The Royal Navy was actually joining up and paddling as rapidly as possible toward South Georgia Island. If the task force arrived in time to save the secret base, a major battle was likely. The official stories about "slow movement" of the British armada were intended to give a cushion of time for that battle. If need be, the fleet would have several days to retake South Georgia Island, then it could move on to arrive near the Falklands on the announced schedule. In that way the crucial importance of South Georgia Island would be hidden and the big secret preserved.


It was initially expected that advance elements of the British fleet would reach the vicinity of South Georgia Island within two weeks. That would have been soon enough to attack the joint Rockefeller-Russian commando team and stop the drilling before it was completed. But Russian Cosmospheres and submarines made a shambles of the plan.




Key advance elements of the South Georgia attack contingency left Ascension Island early April 14, two days before it was announced officially. Shortly after they did so, they ran into trouble. Russian Cosmospheres and attack submarines closed in on a single ship which was critical to the planned counterassault on South Georgia Island. The Cosmospheres bombarded the bridge and combat information center of the ship with neutron radiation. In moments the ship was without any command, its communications and radar silenced. Then a Russian "sub" closed in and quickly finished off this key British ship with torpedoes. It broke apart with secondary explosions and sank rapidly. So far as was known, there were no survivors.


That unexpected shock in the mid-Atlantic produced two results, both very important: First, it caused a slowdown in the race toward the South Atlantic by the British armada. The task force had to be regrouped into a configuration better suited for an enroute defense, but that cost valuable time. Public announcements from London about the progress of the fleet reflected the slowdown. The timetable for arrival on battle stations near the Falklands started stretching out longer and longer. All this bought extra time for the joint commando team on South Georgia Island. And so the drilling continued.


The other result of the sinking was equally important. Word was flashed to the South Pacific Stealth navy to prepare for possible action. It was obvious that the Russian Navy was getting involved in the Atlantic, which meant that the Royal Navy could be in big trouble. During the dead of night, early April 15, the seven Stealth ships put to sea from their twin secret bases in southern New Zealand. They deployed to a secret operational headquarters area in the Antipodes Islands, 450 miles southeast of New Zealand. Their electromagnetic shields were operating to provide protection from attack. These shields make it impossible to communicate with the outside world or even to see it. But once they arrived at the Antipodes, the Stealth ships hooked up to buoys equipped with shielded communication cables to the Island headquarters. The Island headquarters, in turn, was in constant touch with the South Georgia base by way of a transoceanic cable around the tip of South America. The deployment of the available ships of the South Pacific Stealth fleet was exactly what the joint Rockefeller-Russian planners had hoped for. The ships had been flushed out from their essentially invulnerable hiding place in New Zealand!


The British ship's sinking of April 14 was also followed by other events. On April 15 the Argentine Navy started moving out of port. The same day, Alexander Haig arrived again in Buenos Aires. Supposedly he was there as a diplomat, but in reality he was there as a General, dealing with Generals. Haig was the top Governmental operative of the Rockefeller cartel. He was making sure that the Argentines did not get cold feet and back down at that critical moment. Four days later, April 19, Haig left for Washington. As he boarded his plane, Haig somberly told reporters, "Time is running out." And so it was, my friends, for the secret South Georgia base. We shall also have a lot more to say about General Haig in future writings.




The very next day, April 20, the drill broke through into the hol­lowed-out cavern of the naval base. Bolshevik military analysts in London had not expected that it could be completed until at least the following weekend. The British fleet was still out of range.


THE WEAPON WHICH THE COMMANDO TEAM INSERTED DOWN THROUGH THE LONG HOLE WAS A SMALL, COMPACT RUSSIAN NEUTRON BOMB. When it was detonated inside the confines of the huge artificial cave, the effects were, of course, totally devastating. The intense radiation instantly killed everyone inside the base. Also the heat and blast effects of the bomb are believed to have damaged all of the ships inside sufficiently to badly disable them.


Meanwhile, Russian Cosmospheres and submarines were converging on the Stealth ships which were near the Antipodes Islands awaiting orders. From a distance, the ships were invisible to the eye due to their protective shields, which also protect against beam-weapon attack; but they were sitting ducks for the tactics which the Russians employed.




Floating overhead, the Cosmospheres located the seven ships using their Psychoenergetic Range-Finding equipment known as PRF. There is no method known by which PRF can be jammed. The Cosmospheres radioed the exact locations of the ships to the attack submarines. The "subs" were armed with special non-homing, non-nuclear torpedoes designed to explode on impact. More sophisticated torpedos would have been thrown off course or detonated prematurely by the protective shield of each ship; but these simple torpedoes just cruise right through each invisibility field to strike the ship and explode. Within 15 minutes after the attack began, all seven Bolshevik Stealth ships were on their way to the bottom, and with them went their Bolshevik Com­manders and mercenary crews collected from around the world.


The South Pacific action took place just after sunset local time. The time in Washington was around 2:00 P.M. April 23. That evening Secretary of State Haig was seen briefly in public with the new British Foreign Minister, Francis Pym. Pym was wearing the typical artificial pseudo-smile which diplomats are taught always to display in public. But not Haig. Haig was grinning from ear to ear, and no wonder. The joint Rockefeller-Russian military operation had been a brilliant success. The secret Bolshevik South Atlantic fleet had been virtually wiped out, bottled up inside South Georgia Island; and the South Pacific fleet, while not totally wiped out, had been badly crippled. By working together, the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians had won the secret naval war of the Southern Hemisphere.


Dharma, you are too fatigued to continue today so let us leave this for now. We will discuss the ensuing Rockefeller fear campaign against nuclear war when we resume. Thank you for your service and blessings unto you dear ones. Rest well and we shall resume tomorrow morning.  Good evening.


Hatonn to clear frequency, please.  Adonai and I salute you of my command.