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PJ 13





TUESDAY, MAR. 27, 1990 11:40 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 223




Let us again turn our attention to the location of the bases. Even in this area Hitler had planned far ahead and at long range. Obvi­ously guided by the possible occupation and subsequent loss of Germany itself, he had cast around for land still available for colo­nization and found that Antarctica was, at that time, the only con­tinent still unclaimed. With his usual dispatch, a polar expedition was organized, the preparation of which was kept secret. The force consisted of several large vessels, at least two of which were aircraft carriers, not the present-day type but rather large ships with float-equipped airplanes on board. The planes were rocket-catapulted off special ramps at the end of the ships and retrieved out of the water via a crane. This secret Nazi Expeditionary Force was headed by Kapitan Ritscher and took place in 1937-38. The force landed in the area of Queen Maud Land and established bases there. Large float planes of the Dornier-Wal type, with the unusual pusher-puller propellers were used to explore a huge area of Antarctic terrain. Over 11,000 photographs were taken for mapping purposes. Significantly, a Swastika flag was dropped every 20 kilometers to substantiate the German claim to that land, comprising over 600,000 square kilometers in all. In this way, not only was a terrain claimed by Germany, larger than Germany itself, but more significantly, for the first time, ice-free oasis (warm lakes) were found by this secret Nazi expedition. They were pho­tographed along with Alp-like mountain ranges of over 4,000 meters in height. Naturally, the explored areas were given German names and so you have today places like "Ritscher Gipfel", or, "Ritscher Peak", named after the leader of the expedi­tion. The hot oasis amongst the eternal ice was called "Schirmacher Seen Platte" -- "Schirmacher Lake Group". These are also often referred to as the "Rainbow Lakes". The different colored appearances of these inland lakes are caused by algae found floating in the sweet water and vary in color from lake to lake as the algae color differs. The waters are warm enough to allow swimming and bathing with just bathing suits and swim trunks.


Added credence to the secret bases thesis is found in remarks at­tributed to Joachin von Ribbentrop at the outbreak of the war. "In accordance with Germany's long-range political strategy, we have taken into firm possession the Antarctic area, called New Swabia (New Schwabenland) to ensure a safe retreat in case of necessary."


If you compare the German area to the size of the United States it is huge in comparison.


Other factors intake Antarctica an ideal place for these bases. There is no rust, no germs, and consequently very little illness or decomposition. Food remains edible forever, since the entire re­gion acts rather like a giant freezer. The shed, for instance, where Scott spent some months pre-W.W. I, before he launched his ill-fated antarctic expedition, was recently discovered. The food which remained in the shed, from almost 70 years ago, was still as fresh and edible as on the day it arrived in Antarctica, and wooden boxes, tin cans, cups, candle and paper (in fact ev­erything), are as well preserved as if by inanimate suspension. Antarctica has no flies, no bugs, and no bacillus can survive the cold temperatures of the surface location.



Could all of this have taken place in the 20th century without de­tection? Hardly! What steps were taken to discover the truth? What has been done on your placement to do something about the secret bases now that their existence has been established and established beyond a doubt? Why did the world not hear about these incredible events? Good questions indeed and it is surely past time that you the people, open your eyes and look around.


Obviously, Hitler's escape was discovered immediately, otherwise the statements of Stalin and of Eisenhower and all other quoted sources would be an exercise in insanity. It has even been totally recognized that the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials were staged, to a great extent, in the hope that the "Last Battalion" could be drawn from their impregnable, inaccessible hideouts, and thus force the Fuehrer's hand. A large armed force of elite troops surrounded the whole of the Nuremberg area during the long agonizing months of the typically-Bolshevik show trials. Perhaps there are readers who will be able to recall from newspaper pictures or newsreels the "tight security" that existed in the whole of Germany during those trials. Some S.S. men were actually caught, tried and convicted for attempting to free their leaders, but when the cry of strangulations and torture was over, the Fuhrer was still no-where to be found. Some UFO overflights and activities were reported but no actual armed clashes or incidents took place.


Washington, Moscow and London then decided to really "get into the act"; in fact, eight countries in total decided to do some "scientific" work in Antarctica, of all places!!! A large expedition, lavishly financed, was quickly put together. It consisted of over 4,000 specially selected elite U.S. navy troops along with an eight month food supply. Thirteen ships under the overall command of Admiral Byrd made up this purely "scientific" expedition, com­posed mostly of military-types and very few scientists.


The U.S. Antarctic battle fleet left Norfolk, Va, on Dec. 2, 1946 -­three distinct battle groups, comprised of the Mount Olympus, Admiral Byrd's command ship, the ice-breaker, "Northwind", the catapult ship "Pine Island", the destroyer "Brownsen", the aircraft-carrier "Philippines Sea", the U.S. submarine "Sennet and the two support vessels, "Yankee" and "Merrick", as well as the two tankers "Canisted" and "Capacan", an additional floatplane carrying ship, "Currituck" and the destroyer "Henderson".


At the same time it was announced officially that a similar En­glish-Norwegian force was operating in a support capacity in Antarctic waters around Bahia Marguerite. A Soviet contingent was also participating in the "research".




The Soviet participation is an interesting one, since Winston Churchill had already spoken of an "Iron Curtain" and felt that "they" -- the crusaders to Europe had "killed the wrong pig". Ob­viously Churchill realized that they should have destroyed Bolshe­vik Russia and not Germany. So be it.


The general public (YOU) was told that the "RESEARCH" mission was interested in locating uranium and studying the weather. Admiral Byrd, who had already undertaken a similar, though much smaller and speedier, investigation of the north pole was asked why he had recommended the establishment of armed observation camps. His reply, "Because the pole lies between us and our enemies" -- El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile, July 7th, 1947. Further questioning as to which enemy meant, since the Axis powers had just been defeated and had "unconditionally surren­dered", brought no response from the "great" man.


It was soon learned, however, that as well as the scientific jobs, the mission had the task of "observing the activities of a foreign power in the South Pole Region". Questioned further on this part of the expedition's activities, Adm. Byrd reportedly replied, "To break the last desperate resistance of Adolf Hitler, in case we find him in his Neuberchtesgaden inside 'New Schwabenland' in the Queen Maud Land region, or to destroy him." How interesting indeed.


Also most interesting, the Byrd expedition was equipped with the very latest devices, amongst them were thermo-magnetic detectors.


The U.S. expedition duly arrived and landed in Antarctica. With them the very latest in military gear, gadgets and troops. With them the very latest in military carriers, helicopters, floatplanes and every other conceivable military apparatus. Bases were estab­lished and quickly expanded. Observation planes were sent out all over the region. Thousands of photographs were taken and mapping missions flown.


One particular flight stands out amongst all those reported and one with Adm. Byrd, himself, aboard. The instruments went totally haywire and the performance gauges and altimeters be­haved in a most erratic manner, causing Adm. Byrd to abort the flight and return to base on "visual" control. All instruments returned to normal as soon as open terrain had been reached.


It was reported, and it is true, that Admiral Byrd located the Se­cret Nazi Base (among other things we shall speak of later) and was approaching it when the above incident took place causing abandonment of the flight, but not before he dropped an American flag and a bomb or two on the approximate spot of the base. This was done, of course, to warn Hitler he was not entirely safe even in his Shangri-la.




Woops--what of an error or two? Vengeance was swift and the Fuhrer was not in a humorous mood. Within 48 hours, four of Byrd's planes had been lost, some without a trace and others without any survivors. Adm. Byrd hastily abandoned all his efforts and disembarked, with all his force, for home.




On board his flagship "Olympus" he gave the following startling in­terview, translated from the Spanish as it was reported in the pa­per El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile on March 5, 1947. It appeared on the front page under the headline "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas".


"Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. The Admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which would fly from pole to pole at in­credible speeds. (Earlier he had recommended defence bases at the North Pole). Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service."


During the press conference the Admiral also stated that in a quickly shrinking world the United States could no longer derive any sense of security from its isolation or on the geographic dis­tance of the poles or oceans. The Admiral affirmed once again his belief that the entire Antarctic continent should be closely watched and surrounded by a "wall of defense installations, since it represented the last line of defence for AMERICA". (THESE DEFENSE MEASURES HAVE SINCE BEEN TAKEN). Admiral Byrd further stated that no one could give a more accurate accounting of the true significance of the situation than he could, since he had had occasion to employ the latest scientific developments and from what he had learned he could make cornparisons for he had encountered the effect of the secret weapons.


When Admiral Byrd had arrived back in the U.S. and the significance of his findings had found their way into the press, he was mysteriously hospitalized. No hard information was ever un­earthed but his grand statements to the press in South America and on board the Olympus were not appreciated by the powers in Washington. Less appreciated were the actual facts regarding his expedition which I shall enlighten you about a little bit further on in this writing.


He was among the first victims of a long string of prominent people "removed from circulation" for their honest belief in Unidentified Flying Objects and encounters with higher forces.


You can gain great insight into important conclusions from the foregoing:


1: The final outcome of W.W. II is yet to be decided. This is borne out by the late General and former President Eisenhower's statement--"The second world war has not yet ended," and cor­roborated by Admiral Byrd's alarming phrase "in the case of a new war". Hitler's Last Battalion is waiting for its golden opportunity to be "the tip of the scale" in any conflagration yet to come. SO BE IT, BROTHERS, SO BE IT!


2: Hitler has defended his secret lair as successfully against Byrd as he had his numerous headquarters in Europe, during the war against the Allies. Byrd was forced to retreat and to acknowledge the superiority of the UFO's, and their secret weapons.


3: The over fifty small wars since 1945 including Korea and Vietnam, were supposed to provoke a premature "showing of hands" by the Last Battalion.


4: The "New Third Reich" has maintained its crucial time/technol­ogy advantage over its W.W. II adversaries -- even decidedly in­creased it.


5: Idealism (spirit) has triumphed already over Materialism (money), since only the German state was destroyed but not the ideology of National Socialism.


6: There has been a 30-year cover up by brain and more often by brawn, about the true identity of the UFO's or at least many of them. Their origins have been known, but deliberately suppressed by the rulers of the Unholy Alliance of 1939-45.


7: The real and only reason for the insane UFO cover up, now falling apart, is to be found in most UFO's German origin. The Allies in East and West have told so many lies about the barbaric, sadistic behavior of the Nazis, that they now fear wide-spread panic amongst their populations, should the truth become known. After all, if the Nazis are still around, would it not be logical and natural for them to take revenge one day? With U.F.O. power? Come now--what does the symbol of a swastika really mean? LIFE ONGOING AND WITHOUT END! No, I did not say that I adore and cherish the Third Reich--I said that the swastika means Life! All the liars are not yet out of the woodwork, my friends.




For over 40 years some of the world's most imaginative people have wondered about the "strange" behavior of their governments when it comes to the questions of the UFO's. If the UFO's are extra terrestrial and the humans on your planet have no "defense" against them, then why annoy these beings by orders to "SHOOT TO KILL"? It is interesting that once again you see perfect harmony of approach between the U.S. and the Soviets. In the 70's there was a very detailed report about the Soviet Air Forces having stumbled upon some secret UFO bases in far off Mongolia. The Soviets went in their usual barbaric style, bombed and burned everything to the ground. This was well documented by Dipl. Ing. A. Schneider in the Viennese newspaper, K.Die aktuelle Serie, P.a. Sat. Sept. 14, 1974 as follows:


. . . the following remarkable report reached us to­day from the Soviet Union: April 24, 1970 was a day that all hell broke loose. A supersonic Soviet jetbomber in a secret mission from Moscow to Vladivostok was lost without a trace over Siberia. The pilot was in voice contact with ground control stations when suddenly the transmission was interrupted. An intensive search by nearly two hundred planes was quickly organized over the area where the pilot was last heard from. Almost simultaneously a number of pilots reported to ground control, "We are not alone up here, above us are flying objects, maybe 25 or even more. They are huge, they are so high we cannot get near them." That same afternoon in Krasnojarsk, red alert was sounded and troops were deployed around the city because an entire formation of these silvery, silent visitors circled over the scared town. Apparently, entire salvoes of ground to air missiles were fired at hundreds of flying discs which crowded the airspace of the Sino-Soviet-Mongolian frontier area. There was a concerted action by the strange intruders against the town of Ulan Bator, where all flights seemed to emanate from and end. A spokesman for a group of touring German students said after returning from Mongolia, where they had been at the time of the "UFO invasion", "That the So­viet Union had destroyed a secret UFO base of immense proportions consisting of many miles of subterranean tunnels, and dozens of pyramid like structures in the northern area of Mongolia." However no photographic proof or documentary evidence exists. The Soviets are always very secretive.


After Admiral Byrd's hasty retreat from Antarctica he not only suggested bases around both poles and a ring of armed camps, but offered this plan: Turn Antarctica into atomic test ranges where atom and hydrogen bombs could be dropped to be "tested". Well, this is a quote from an incorrect source--it was not Admiral Byrd who suggested such a thing, he was simply blamed for it.


A strange thing, however, as soon as such a plan was put forth. Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. received an official visit. There is not a UFO fan who has not seen the historic photograph of an entire "swarm" of U.F.O.'s flying over the nearby Congressional Buildings and the White House in perfect formation. Interesting to note that the Antarctic test site idea was never again seriously considered.


Hundreds of sightings took place around the world from Japan to Korea, where you have a particularly good example of a UFO de­materializing in front of the cameras. One must then ask, "Why do these UFO's always show themselves, but why do they not land?" etc., etc., etc. Well, realizing the fear responses and the need to keep the lies hidden--it is indeed unsafe, isn't it? This is appropriate for terrestrial ships as well as extraterrestrial visitors.


The UFO cover-up is most similar to other actions of the other unholy alliances such as the mass murders of Operation Keelhaul, at Katyn, Dresden and Hiroshima. Let anyone dare to "not conform" with "the establishment's" version of things and you can see people being hounded, defamed and persecuted on a daily basis--not the least of which are our own scribes--just for receiving this information.




More distractors and I will investigate herein. Let us look from some other viewpoints, please.


Often, your UFO fans have advanced the theory that the strange flying objects come from distant planets and galaxies to check on your "atomic experimenting", and some people state "contactees" have been told that the UFO's would prevent an atomic war on the planet earth. Why should we? Why should we care? We certainly do not demonstrate any great desire to colonize the earth -- at least not in any great numbers. Well, perhaps some of these "aliens" are already scattered about earth. We have all sorts of reasons why we will not allow atomic devastation to wreck your planet:


These are speculations as presented by some sources who feel an alliance exists with space aliens, etc.


a) The UFO's are, by now, driven by electro magnetism, consequently all secrets surrounding electric power have been discovered. Since all modern communications and guidance systems are based on electronics, it is an easy task to "listen in", decode and prevent the start or to re-direct whilst in flight, any vehicle or space craft, now in use by the "allies".


b) The destructive power of atomic weapons is therefore much more of a threat to the powers who possess them and have them stored in silos, in subs, in planes or on their own soil than to those countries who do not have these weapons at all, since they could quite easily be set off by remote control from the UFO's, before they were even launched.

Please keep in mind that these are projections put forth from your placement--not mine.


c) The UFO's will undoubtedly prevent atomic war to prevent the extinction of the White Race. At the moment the white people are outnumbered ten to one on the planet and should there be an atomic exchange the ratio would be a hundred to one in the white's dis-favor.


Well, a few of your better thinkers have found some interesting conclusions which might be worth pointing out.


No man of the calibre of Adolf Hitler, deeply committed to the survival and resurgence of Western Culture, would ever allow this tragedy to happen to the White Race if he could at all help it.


There is a most interesting aside which I might note for you. Per­haps a few of you readers will already know the following, that in the region of the South Pole (Antarctica), and to a lesser extent the North Pole, it is possible to escape from the earth's magnetic pull and death through radiation because the Van Allen Belts open up, funnel-like, at both of these extremities. It is possible to launch a spacecraft, with very little radiation protection from this area avoiding enormous weight, a crew needs no radiation-pro­tective gear.


Now I am going to lay forth some other speculations which might bear contemplation.

You must remember that Hitler had massive feasibility studies of space stations, based on very specific and valid data.


He authorized launching an artificial satellite to be rocketed into space in 1947 with the A9-A10 rocket, in a steep angle away from the axis of the earth, and counter to the earth's rotation. From this point it would have been possible to observe any spot on earth within any given two hour time period, and hit any spot on earth with accurate missiles, bombs, radar-guided or other gadgets such as "mirror beams" or "death rays".


The Rosenbergs mentioned these platforms in their testimony during their espionage trials. They called them "Warships of space". Where did they get this information about top secret plans, not realized by the Allies until some 25 years later? From the same documents that gave them the atomic bomb, of course. Yes, this would definitely seem as if spaceflight was already known to a mysterious group of beings, would it not?




The American astronomer, Prof. Dr. James Greenacre and four of his colleagues made an astounding observation from Flagstaff, Ariz. Observatory and reported it to a Conference on "Moon Problems" in New York City in May of 1964. Because of the UFO cover-up policy still in force in the U.S. government, Prof. Dr. Greenacre was only able to give his report verbally to colleagues who were present at the Conference. Here is roughly what he said: "On 29th Oct. 1963 we observed several colorful spots on the Moon, the spots moved in formation across the motionless face of the moon." One month later Prof. Dr. Greenacre observed the same phenomena. The May 1966 issue of "UFO Nachrichten" Vol. 117 reproduced what Dr. Greenacre had stated he had observed. . . "Prof. Dr. Greenacre saw on or close to the moon at least 31 space craft of gigantic size. Some were from 300 meter to 4.8 kilometers long. They were in motion while being observed through the telescopes. Also, clearly discernible were numerous smaller craft approximately 150 meters in diameter, which moved past or alongside the huge craft, the "mother craft" occasionally changing color, as in the often-reported, pulsating style." (The distance from the earth to the moon is 384,000 kilometers). This was the end of the report.


The American Professor thought at first the Russians might have beaten the Americans to the punch. But not so! So, therefore, who is out there in the wild blue yonder? Well, Prof. Dr. Phillips of Berlin, Hitler's wartime comrade, claimed he knew. He even sent the author of much information on the subject, some charts and time tables of his flights and they match, my friends.


Before we leave this area of investigation and take a break, we have to look into the repeated reports of "glowing" or "pulsating" lights emanating from U.F.O.'s. You can find an interesting refer­ence to this phenomena from a brilliant German metallurgist who had created "a metal harder than diamonds" called appropriately enough "Impervium". This metal glows alternately in the colors of the rainbow when heated to a high degree. This seems to tie up another loose end and again, the timing is interesting. The metal was used for the first time commercially in 1935-36. The laboratories were located not at Schramberg as Michael X reports but at Starnberg and Starnberger See. However, this could be a simple spelling error by someone not too familiar with the German language. Oh, so much to learn, haven't we?


Dharma begins to see the handwriting on the wall and is quite un­nerved at t its time, therefore, I request a break and allow settle­ment. It is fine, chela, everyone keeps nagging for "new" informa­tion and perhaps it is time to begin to scatter it around a bit. You will stay closely in the light shield, chela, for as we tread on the proper toes the nasties will get more intense. So be it--the God of Light and Truth shall prevail and this word will go forth. Yes, I know ones are quite dead who have spoken of these things--I do note, however, that you are quite healthy and we intend to keep that status current.


I move now, to stand-by that we might have a break.


In love and total light of radiance I salute you for your service.


Hatonn to clear, please