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June 6, 2014




THURSDAY, MAR. 15, 1990   7:00 A.M.   YEAR 3 DAY 211


Hatonn in the service of the Christos, God and you, of our Creator’s people.


As we write in the coming days, our subject material will be a bit confusing and even more diffi­cult to believe by most of you dear ones.  Some have needed shocking into receiving the Jour­nals.  Most still desire to play around in the typical UFO stories and follow the exciting circuit lectures of the cur­rent UFO Community speak­ers.  As with all things in existence, there are al­ways at least two sides to every story—most often, more.  Some will believe each until proven to be otherwise.  I come to “prove” of nothing—I will tell you how it is so that you can understand and come into some kind of comfort.


Sometimes the telling must begin in the past and be connected to the present so that your vision trail can have proper perception.  There will be very little “new”, just a lot of hidden secrets brought forth.  Very few upon your place­ment know of truth in actu­ality for you have been trained to believe that which is fed unto you by careful planning.


You can look around you and see that something has gone terribly wrong with your society.  I place no judgment upon anything—I can only bring those hid­den things into light and petition you to look very closely at them and go within and come into balance therewith.  Ones do re­search and uncover tid-bits, draw conclusions, get sanc­tioned by the government and go forth to tell you ones tainted “truth” and worse, half truths.




The “little grey men”, the “big grey men”, the Satanic workers—all are basi­cally locked within your galactic system—most are locked within your very planetary orbital sector.  As with all cir­cumstances, there are the good aspects and that recognized as “bad”.  In actual total perception nothing can be classi­fied as good or bad for from each negative springs total positive experi­ence.  This is what makes a journey into the third dimensional “illusion” experience so valuable to a soul journey through the schools of lifestream.  The being is presented with all varying sets of circumstances and the experience is to sort of the circum­stance, act and perceive the content of the lesson within the soul maturing process.


Since somnolent “man” uses only less than 10% of his capacity to reason or think, seek or search diligently, the information must sometimes be integrated into volumes such as these and pre­sented in whole-cloth for his perception that he might gain an overall intro­spection and arrive at choices worthy of re­maining deliberately ig­norant or come into truthful knowledge.  There is al­ways the cycle closings which require decisions of one direction or another—you cannot sit for­ever at a “Y” in the pathway for eventually you must go one way or the other or perish in the stagnation.




If you hold the Journals in your possession, even though they be thrust upon you, and you look within the pages—you are curious, or nice to your friend or something.  If you work diligently to dis­count them prior to “KNOWING”  ALL the material contained within—you are foolish in­deed and you will show thine ignorance unto the world and will further show thine choices to­ward God or unto the Evil teachers.  This is truth because you will find within the Journals that God never forces—He only allows!  You will be told how it is and that which ye do with the in­formation is totally and 100% up to you. 


We get angry, and humble, responses to the teachings and command­ments of God and The Creation as laid forth in AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL.  We of the fleet, nor even the Christos made the laws — and, man has been breaking them from the day of first ex­perience—and look at the mess your planet is now undergoing.  It is strictly up to you as to that which you do—the book was brought forth to bring truth into your hands and bring clear­ance unto Is­carioth for JUSTICE IS GOD’S.  If you partake of all of the Jour­nals and other messages brought from this source and you cannot see God within, I pity you but I bless you and suggest you put to the side the mate­rial.  Read all that even the darkest of dark writers bring forth—study it all (I did say STUDY) in the presence of asking in the Highest Source by what­ever name and then, only then, make thine final decision.  If you cannot find thine path with God, then go thy way in peace—for the things unfolding upon thine placement shall come to pass whether or not YOU like of it—it is already well under way, my friends and brothers.  WELL UNDER WAY!





The term means exactly that which it says.  It does NOT mean lit­tle, or big, space aliens—it means not identified.  Well, there are few, indeed, unidenti­fied flying objects—your world govern­ments and military establishments have almost all of them totally and completely identi­fied—they just keep it a secret from you, the sleeping public—especially you ones in the won­drous United States of America.  Books are banned and kept from within your bor­ders which tell the story in whole—books which have been in the “proving” of these things I tell you, for decades past.


Today we shall outline the UFO connections—both alien (space) and earth­bound entity partici­pation.  I shall have to begin the story of flying discs, etc., back before your Second World War to connect them with current activities.  The craft from space have been around for far longer than your history or biblical books portray.  But you are only interested in the NOW.  Since you would not be­lieve the NOW scenario, I have to paint the recent past activities which you can go out and confirm and prove unto self.


You are also going to have to face the facts that heinous elements are at work in your current situation which may well portray me as a bigot simply for the telling.  Nay, I participate not in any of it—I only tell you how it IS.  I have no need to mislead you in the least measure—we are come to awaken God’s chil­dren and bring you home.  We fight no-one nor any government—our enemy is Satan himself and we shall endeavor to extricate God’s people from his clutches but no-one shall be forced or coerced in any manner what-so-ever.  The Earth planet will be cleansed and healed and God shall meet Satan for the Satanic forces shall attempt to totally an­nihilate the planet which ye have manifested.  This sends shock waves throughout the universe and the impact is grievous indeed, to the orderly function of the universal system—God being Creator and Satan being Created, God shall ultimately prevail.  Not even Sa­tan shall be de­stroyed—he shall be “bound” and removed from the place of Radiance so that healing and re­newal can transpire.


You ones wish to find all to be mysterious and mystical—nay, pre­cious ones, it is only that you have not grown in knowledge.  All that is unknown is mystery.  God is only a mystery for you know not ALL about that entity that dwells within thineself to experience in the reflection of you.  Ye know not of energy and frequencies, electricity and finally the ultimate gift of God—the breath of life called soul.  Ye ones “fear” all that is unknown—nay—RE­SPECT that which is unknown but “fear” not.  It is not the unknown of God which ye should fear—it is the KNOWN which is all about you that you should “fear” mightily, for that is that which is in your destruction—not God or God’s Hosts come to bring of you home to safety and security.





Just because a man claims he is a Christian, makes him nothing but a speaker.  Actions define a “Christian” and Christ-ness.  Satan always calls himself Christ or whomever he chooses to work through.  He knows all the weaknesses of man and toys with him as does a cat with a tiny mouse—letting you go almost unto your freedom and then tempting you back into the trap by promises which ultimately de­stroy—”have one more drink and you will feel fine”—he fails to tell you that it might also well destroy your life, another’s life and be your total destruction.  That is only one example of bil­lions until you have ac­cepted the very lie of the broken command­ments in all measures—’tis a hard journey back indeed.


The other side of the coin, however, is that in his rampant prolif­eration he has overpopulated, exhausted resources necessary for survival of his people and now must sacrifice some 5 billion physi­cal beings to survive in his second den­sity, third dimensional ex­perience.  He and his henchmen will insure your demise; nothing more and nothing less and it will be done in any manner of expedi­tiousness—believe me—the intended survivors of the elite are num­bered just as are you who will become the slaves.  Do you really believe the “Promised Land” of the Zionists is a little strip of dry land along a desert in Palestine?  Come now—the Zionist Promised Land is the whole of the World!  There is no intention what-so-ever of living in Peace—the intent is Global Control and the entities will stop at nothing to achieve that power.  It will be insidious indeed and covered in secrecy and hidden actions—all over your planet.  They have even infil­trated to the maximum ex­tent, the very Global 2000 Banker Cartel who “thought” they would Control the World.  The only thing that saves you on a daily basis at the present time—is that friction be­tween those two factions.  Very few people know what is going on—perhaps you ones will be the first of a large group to know—AND THAT, FRIENDS, GIVES YOU POWER BEYOND COMPREHENSION.  ONCE SATAN’S ACTIVITIES ARE BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT HE WILL MAKE ALL EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO RETREAT INTO THE SE­CRET PLACES.  HE WILL MAKE HIS STAND AND DESTROY, DESTROY AND DE­STROY THROUGH HIS DUPES, BUT HE WILL ULTIMATELY WITHDRAW FOR THAT IS THE NATURE OF SATAN—HE CANNOT ENDURE IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH AND GOD-NESS FOR THOSE WHO COME INTO THE PRACTICE OF GOD’S LAWS HAVE ALL THE POWER OF CREATION AND HE HAS NONE BUT TO DE­STROY.  HE FOOLS MAN WITH PHYSICAL LUST, GREED AND ALL MANNER OF DE­CEIT BUT MAN FINDS NO PEACE AND ONCE THE DUPE HAS BEEN DISCOV­ERED AND COURSE CORRECTIONS MADE—SATAN HAS NO WAY TO PREVAIL—HE CANNOT ENDURE AGAINST THE PRACTICE OF SIMPLY ABIDING BY THE TEN COMMANDMENTS LAID FORTH FOR MAN.  THAT IS WHY EVIL MUST REWRITE THE COMMANDMENTS AND REVERSE THEM FOR SATAN IS THE OP­POSITE OF SANANDA.


He creeps upon you in a most insidious manner—let us take abor­tion, for in­stance.  It is through some act of lustful fleshly de­sire that an unwanted preg­nancy happens for obviously the act of sexual intercourse was not utilized for the creation of an off­spring—then, Satan tells you that it is “human right” to think of self first (more greed) and to disallow the bother of rearing a child—so the next subtle step is to simply abort the baby egg and call it “woman’s right”—the human perception is that the forming child has no right—there­fore “murder” becomes legal and “voted-in” ethical.  It does not follow God’s law of thou shalt not kill, nor keep from “lustful fornication” and/or adultery.  Friends, I make no judgment other than that you follow not the command­ments—good?  bad? — that, dear ones, is strictly up to YOU AND GOD!  Obviously murder in ignorance is not murder but rather, error!  Sa­tan knows that God is total forgiveness of errors—therefore he pushes and pushes until you no longer truly know what is right and what is wrong in the sight of God—you will have rewritten the Commandments to suit “modern” conditions.  In other words, you will have allowed Satan to write God’s Commandments.  Then you vote them into the traditional books of the Churches and end up in total ser­vice and practice of Satanic Law.  You ones had better ponder these things most carefully for choices are at hand to be made.


If you go back to the Laws of God which state that the sexual union is for the procreation of off­spring—how can you justify homosex­ual or promiscuous be­havior?  You can justify it in any way you choose—it does not make it OK WITH GOD!  Further, it causes ones to fall into the trap of activities which Satan sanctions and you become a part of a group destined for Satan’s anni­hilation.  God does not perpetrate these things upon man—He has given you a set of guidelines and you rewrite them to suit thineselves—so be it—place the blame wherein it belongs—upon self and not that won­drously pure source within—give it unto the physical expression which is of hu­man body/conscious mind—and bring not that blame within upon the Godhead.  Do you not see?  It is the “action” and not the “love” “emotion”!  Emotion is spiritual—physical expres­sion is just that—physical!  In a sojourn you experience the phys­ical for let us average—75 years.  How long is that relative to infinity??  So be it—I trust I have made my point!  There need be no judgment involved—it is time you discern the differences and improve your ability to choose a more positive experience.  If you prefer the company and love of thine own gender—so be it, love that one and commit unto that one——refrain from the physical be­havior that in this day and age—kills the physical—intentionally by the evil conspira­tors.  CONDOMS DO NOT PRE­VENT AIDS!  THE AIDS VIRUS PASSES THROUGH THE MANUFACTURED SUB­STANCE HOLES LIKE A GOLF BALL THROUGH A BASKETBALL HOOP!  PONDER IT SERI­OUSLY DEAR ONES, FOR YOU ARE GETTING THE BIGGEST LIES OF ALL FOSTERED UPON YOU!  “THEY” WILL TELL YOU HOW TO HAVE SAFE SEX; YOU BET THEY WILL—GO RIGHT ON OUT THERE AND PRACTICE YOUR LUST AND YOU ARE DOOMED!  I CANNOT EVEN TELL OF YOU NOT TO DO THESE THINGS ANY MORE THAN SIMPLY TELLING YOU—IT IS UP TO YOU WHAT YOU DO WITH THE INFORMATION.  I DO DOUBT, HOWEVER, THAT GOD WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE INFORMATION FOR THE CURING OF THE DISEASE IF ALL YOU DESIRE IS TO CONTINUE WITH YOUR ACTIVITIES UNCHANGED.  SO BE IT.  THE CURE FOR AIDS WILL BE TO SAVE THE SPECIES OF MAN—NOT ANY SELECT GROUP OF THE MAINSTREAM DEVIA­TION OF BEHAVIOR.  SA­TAN HAS SET OUT TO KILL OFF A WHOLE BUNCH OF HUMANS AND HE IS DOING VERY WELL INDEED—BECAUSE YOU HAVE BOUGHT INTO HIS LIES.  IT IS HIS RULES YOU PRACTICE IF THEY DEVIATE IN THE LEAST FROM THE TEN COMMANDMENTS!  GOD PUN­ISHING YOU FOR SINS IF YOU COME DOWN WITH THE DREADED DISEASE?  NO—JUST SATAN BLESSING YOU WITH HIS FALSE PROMISE OF PLEASURE AND SATISFACTION.  YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE TO ABIDE BY HIS RULES AND HE IS THE PRINCE OF DECEPTION.  GOD SAYS, “TAKE MINE HAND AND COME BACK FROM THINE WAYS OF ERROR AND I SHALL MAKE THEE WHOLE.”  SO BE IT AND SELAH!







I would suggest that if you want details, that you have a world at­las handy for reference for we will name names and locations and allow you to follow-up with confirmation of the facts which will be shared herein.


UFOs do come from other planets, however, they are also man-made and we are going to first examine some “possibilities” and finally in­tegrate the possi­bilities into probabilities and then we can draw some reasonable conclusions as to positive or negative influence (or danger) unto planetary man.


Let us go back to the time of Adolf Hitler in Germany.  It is not my intention to give you a his­tory of the Second World War.  Refer­ences will be made but basically you can just accept that the war was fought and Nazi Germany did surrender.


Hitler will always be proven in Earth history, to have been and al­ways will be, an enigma.  He has been labeled by some as a total madman and hailed by some as a genius.  He did manage to bring the State of Germany out of virtual bankruptcy into a state of being a major, major world power.


Much of Hitler’s views and attitudes can be well summed up in works which actually fit the pic­ture as it is being unfolded in your cur­rent day—you see, nothing is “new”.


Hitler felt, based on his studies and an enormous amount of read­ing, that there existed a very definite plan by a small, but im­mensely powerful group of Jewish bankers, financiers, industrial­ists and others, to take control of the en­tire world.  It is impor­tant to remember that he lived in Vienna during a time when a very noisy battle was raging between Zionist Jews, (who wanted to be a separate race, religion, nation and culture with their own state, Israel), and the assimilated elements amongst the Jews, (who wanted to be part of the cosmopolitan establishment of the Austrian Em­pire), with all the privileges and power their immense wealth be­stowed on them.  Hitler’s appraisal of the Jews can best be summed up as contained in a document called “The Proto­cols of the Learned Elders of Zion”.  This is a very important aspect of the whole U.F.O. story because, in it, you find the seeds for many far-reach­ing de­cisions made some three decades later.  Hitler saw in this actual or imagined Jewish drive for world domination, a very defi­nite danger to his own work and plan.  My intention herein is not to judge the man but only to clarify points which impact later events.


To better understand intent let us look at the 24 points of the Party Pro­gramme as listed in the book NAZI SECRET WEAPON? and see how Hitler reflected them:






The Programme of the German Workers’ Party is limited as to period.  The leaders have no in­tention, once the aims announced in it have been achieved, of setting up fresh ones, in order to ensure the continued existence of the Party by the artificially increased dis­content of the masses.


l.          We demand the union of all Germans, on the basis of the right of the self-determination of peoples, to form a Great Germany.

2.         We demand equality of rights for the German People in its dealings with other nations, and abolition of the Peace Treaties of Versailles and St. Ger­main.


3.         We demand land and territory (colonies) for the nourishment of our peo­ple and for settling our surplus population.


4.         None but members of the nation may be citizens of the State.  None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be mem­bers of the nation.  No Jew, therefore, may be a mem­ber of the na­tion.


5.         Anyone who is not a citizen of the State may live in Germany only as a guest and must be regarded as being subject to the Alien laws.


6.         The right of voting on the leadership and legislation is to be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone.


We demand, therefore, that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, the provinces, or the small communi­ties, shall be granted to citizens of the State alone.


We oppose the corrupt Parliamentary custom of the State of filling posts merely with a view to Party considerations, and without ref­erence to character or capacity.


7.         We demand that the State shall make it its first duty to pro­mote the indus­try and livelihood of the citizens of the State.  If it is not possible to nourish the entire population of the State, foreign nationals (non-citizens of the State) must be excluded from the Reich.


8.         All further non-German immigration must be prevented.  We de­mand that all non-Germans who entered Germany subsequently to Au­gust 2, 1914, shall be required forthwith to depart from the Reich.


9.         All citizens of the State shall possess equal rights and du­ties.


10.       It must be the first duty of every citizen of the State to perform mental or physical work.  The activities of the individual must not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the framework of the community and must be for the general good.


We demand therefore:


11.       Abolition of incomes unearned by work.  Abolition of the thraldom of in­terest.


12.       In view of the enormous sacrifice of life and property de­manded of a na­tion by every war, personal enrichment through war must be regarded as a crime against the nation.  We demand there­fore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.


13.       We demand nationalization of all businesses which have (hitherto) been amalgamated (into Trusts).


14.       We demand that there shall be profit-sharing in the great in­dustries.


15.       We demand a generous development of provision for old age.


16.       We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, im­mediate communal­ization of wholesale warehouses, and their lease at a low rate to small traders, and that the most careful consideration shall be shown to all small purveyors to the State, the provinces, or smaller communities.


17.       We demand a land-reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the confiscation without compensation of land for com­munal purposes, the abolition of interest on mortgages, and prohibition of all speculation in land.


On 13 April 1928, Adolf Hitler made the following declaration:


‘It is necessary to reply to the false interpretation on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the Programme of the NSDAP,


‘Since the NSDAP admits the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression “confiscation without compensation” refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscat­ing, when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare.  It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.——(signed) Adolf Hitler     Munich, April 13, 1928'


18.       We demand ruthless war upon all those whose activities are in­jurious to the common inter­est.  Common criminals against the na­tion, usurers, profi­teers, & etc., must be punished with death, what­ever their creed or race.


19.       We demand that the Roman Law, which serves the materialistic world or­der, shall be re­placed by a German common law.


20.       With the aim of opening to every capable and industrious Ger­man the possibility of higher education and consequent advancement to leading posi­tions the State must consider a thorough reconstruc­tion of our national system of education.  The curriculum of all educational estab­lishments must be brought into line with the re­quirements of practical life.  Directly the mind begins to develop the schools must aim at teaching the pupil to understand the idea of the State (State sociology).  We demand the education of spe­cially gifted children of poor parents, what­ever their class or oc­cupation, at the ex­pense of the State.


21.       The State must apply itself to raising the standard health in the nation by protecting mothers and infants, prohibiting child labour, and increasing bodily efficiency by legally obligatory gym­nastics and sports, and by extensive sup­port of clubs engaged in the physical training of the young.


22.       We demand the abolition of mercenary troops and the formation of a na­tional army.


23.       We demand legal warfare against conscious political lies and their dis­semination in the Press.  In order to facilitate the cre­ation of a German na­tional Press we demand:


            a.)        That all editors and contributors to newspapers employing the Ger­man language must be members of the nation;


            b.)        That special permission from the State shall be necessary before non-German newspa­pers may appear.  These need not necessar­ily be printed in the German language;


            c.)        That non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from partici­pating finan­cially in or influ­encing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contra­vention of the law shall be suppres­sion of any such newspaper, and immediate deportation of the non-German in­volved.


It must be forbidden to publish newspapers which do not conduce to the na­tional welfare.  We demand the legal prosecution of all ten­dencies in art and literature of a kind likely to disinte­grate our life as a nation, and the suppres­sion of institutions which mili­tate against the above-mentioned requirements.


24.       We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a dan­ger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race.


The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession.  It combats the Jewish-mate­rialist spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health from within only on the principle: the common interest be­fore self-in­terest.


That all the foregoing requirements may be realized we demand the creation of a strong central power of the Reich.  Unconditional au­thority of the politi­cally central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organization in general.


The formation of Diets and vocational Chambers for the purpose of executing the general laws promulgated by the Reich in the various States of the Con­federation.


The leaders of the Party swear to proceed regardless of conse­quences—if nec­essary at the sacri­fice of their lives—towards the fulfillment of the foregoing Points.  Munich, February 24, 1920




Before you throw up your hands in horror, I suggest you go back and re-look at each of the 24 items very carefully.  If I left out names and locations—would it not indeed be quite familiar?  Ask the American Indian!  Ask the in­carcerated Japanese!——ask the ones who attack this scribe daily to BAN THESE JOURNALS!


Dharma, allow us a break and then we will give you a better compar­ison: the “Emergency Banking Regulation” of the United States of America—under which you squarely fall—it is but an example.  Your papers are completely controlled, as is your television media and radio—the news is identical, even unto scripting, from chan­nel to channel—even your call-in radio talk pro­grams are com­pletely controlled—even unto the button which fades out the opin­ions of ones un­like that of the M.C.!  Check out the radio program of Nevada’s Billy Goodman when our pub­lisher was set-up for batter­ment and the people are left with distorted and set-up lies.  Read carefully, these things, for this is the way destruction begins!  So be it.


Hatonn to stand-by.  Salu.