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May 31, 2014

PJ 13





FRIDAY, MAR. 9, 1990 7:15 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 205




Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. Let us pull the cloak of light about us for we are going to embark on subjects which are all but totally hidden from the masses. However, if you stick your head in the sand, one thing is for sure, you'll get your rear kicked.


Ones kick and pick and say, "God and His Hosts would not speak of these things!" What would God speak of? You ask for help in a sickened world--would you simply have Him speak of how it will be in the sweet by and by while your very existence collapses upon you? You see, things are not what they seem--they are what they are and excuses are your lack of faith in your own power. Ones form up attitudes and too often want justice--"just for me". I would like to place a thought in your minds as you decide whether or not to step over the threshold and participate---some people try to softly tip-toe through life so that they can arrive at death safely! But, when it becomes more difficult to suffer than change--you will change! Life is what is coming and act that which has been and it is, further, that which happens to you while you make other plans. So be it and let us discuss some of the wondrous things "man" has laid out for your journey in the coming segments you call time.




The current world society has been on the decline long enough to create an irrevocable world-wide situation. So, again, the Great Bird is in the process of immolation (to offer in sacrifice). This time, however, it will be quite different. This time after the awful retching and death within the fires, there will be no "Keeper of the Sun" to stir the descendants of survivors into starting wars, building cities and amassing wealth. This time the weeding out will be more thorough, and those surviving the purge will be a unique kind.


And where will you as a people be when it all comes down and you find that you have been duped? Would you not have instructions and truth? Though rendered impotent, remaining will be those who still cling to false gods. But the Remnant will have a King. He will be the Mighty Messiah, brothers---for that is what this journey is all about! He will guard and guide His people; wars, the vehicle by which tremendous fortunes are made and the kind of progress leading to decay and eventual doom, will have ceased, never again to blight and destroy.


And with no impugnment nor attack intended upon any one, we must discuss that which is coming forth in difference and opposition unto that which we are laying forth for your consider­ation.




Again, I must name labels for there are the ones going about on lecture circuits pronouncing great knowledge and erroneous conclusions. Attempting to avert that which their queasy guts tell them is inevitable, top minions of Earth's heathen gods flail about in a sea of confusion, indecision and calamitous situations. Wittingly or unwittingly, men/women like Cooper, Lear, Stevens. Friedman, Girard, DeMar, Oribello, and "Commander X" as well as Crockett and Beckley, Howe and Goodman and so forth, conceal the fact that drawing attention from exploding events, mingled with enough truth to create credibility, their story clearly points to the cupidity and cleverness of the plotters. What could you do about it if all these half-century old tales are true? Some are truth! Well, the conspirators depend on these ones to sell you on the idea of doing nothing to change of your plight.


Just as it behooved the occult leaders of the great new American nation to rid themselves of the inscrutable Redman as quickly as possible and by any means necessary, so do the facets of the Con­spiracy need to get rid of all "thinking" men of all colors and creeds.


The binding thread of their culture, the presence of the well-concealed portals and much of the mystery of the fearsome world beneath and within your Mother planet has been known by Indians throughout North America and into and about all of the Americas---actually, throughout the "uncivilized" world---"civilized", of course, by the barbarians called elite.


Strange indeed, considering the urgency of the time and the need to know, it turns out to be Caucasians of European descent revealing truths known by the Redman for unnumbered gen­erations. Lying propaganda has turned the Redman against the Whiteman, yet the feeling of the average White for the Indian is one of admiration and awe, understanding and sympathy--but this is lost in the burial by the Conspiracy. If you think the "Fairskined" has not also been abused and disenfranchised---you had better look again. Well, shake in your boots a little more---the Redman is ready to write the truth of it--SOON!




Ed DeMar made great, great sport of Oberli and what he called the "Pig Iron Fiasco". That story is too ridiculous to even be dis­cussed, however, there is a subject right here and now which will be discussed.


There is a lot of gold and other metals of far more value floating about and everyone wants it--and will stop at nothing to get it. It is the treasure of Atlantis which they covet. They have no idea what it is they really want and as is usually true in the greedy aspect of human--the point is missed and the more valuable of the various substances is missed in the ever continuing desire to grab the gold.


In the mid 70's a very large amount of gold somehow came into the hands of a tainted bunch of scoundrels---billions and billions of dollars in value. This was a portion of the Atlantis cache stored underground prior to the sinking of the continent. The information was wheedled out of the Indians and the tunnel system was penetrated (and this was just in the Ozark mountain range---small compared to other placements).


Today's conspirators want the gold of Atlantis for it is the world's number one conductor of electricity; therefore its value as the agent best able to make the most sophisticated electronic in­ventions tick outstrips even its value as a medium of exchange.


It is quite well known by all the elite conspirators that Earth planet is indeed, doomed--the leaders of the world are fully aware of that status--'tis only you the people who are lied to about it. So, what is their point regarding the gold? It has nothing to do with Earth but everything to do with other planets in your system, such as the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus----where they have been hauling gold off Earth for years.


Well, what of these little "tenders" of the gold? The "little greys" and the "little Moon-eyes" that the Indians knew at least 10,000 years ago? Well, surprise, little Earthian friends, they are guardians of the sacred treasures from the elder continents and keepers of the sacred speakings. At least most of them are and those that are not are equally ill-used. The plan is to spread terror among the populace and cause great confusion and then make an effort to "bomb them out of existence". You can bet that your "MJ-12" revealers and projectors of a planted scenario have the guardians isolated and penned and are at war with these strange creatures whose scientific skills exceed man's most ambitious dreams. Well, most of them are "saints" from the cosmic spaces and let it be recognized---the Hosts of Heaven are on the way from deep space and the Elect need have no fear of these beings---WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE!


It is for this reason that so much underground testing is done of weapons which can be destructive at great depths into the earth.




I greatly honor Mr. Baker and I urge you to get his information. He publishes a review report prepared for Youth Action News. P.O. Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313. Please make sure delivery information is placed in the Appendix of this Journal.




Before discussing the military impact of the covert "beam" systems, I want to lay a heavy load upon you as "you the people". I have spoken on this subject in depth verbally and in prior Journals, but you must now pay great attention for these are the weapons of choice set up to "take you out".


I have previously suggested you might wish to obtainELECTRIC POWER LINES AND CANCER, a compilation of research reports which can be gotten through Dr. Sutton's FTIR. Also, THE BODY ELECTRIC, by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden who describe the effects of ELF (Extra Low Frequency) fields.


Now, I am not going to give you "lab results" to toy with--get the material and check it out--I am going to tell you how it IS!


Let us speak first of a simple 1-gauss magnetic field, which is the strength found near high-voltage power lines. In this field the memory and ability to do simple arithmetic declines. There is a substantial interruption of thought flow through the synapses within the brain. There is almost always hyperactivity and dis­turbed sleep patterns found in persons within these fields. The first perception is that of upgraded feeling of well-being and even euphoria. Even mild pulsed beams of this low frequency change brain cell "firing" rates. For relative measurement, that would be about the influence of a light bulb at 10 feet distance. This is most specifically the basis of Confusion Beam Weaponry.


The Soviets developed such Confusion Beam Systems and are now utilizing them in satellites and spy ships to influence the behavior of military personnel and airline crews while in flight. This ability, coupled with Cosmospheres (I will discuss later), can sink any ship or pull down any aircraft.


These fields are also found around underground power lines which are also related to increased suicide incidents. These weapons are widely used against submarine crews, surface ship crews and airline crews to induce slowed mental and motor reaction times and other unalert behavior experienced by your own U.S. sailors and officers. We shall speak of the U.S. Naval accident rate in 1989.


Microwave weapons are also widely in use. These are similar to the type utilizeL by the Soviets against the American Embassy in Moscow and can cause Microwave Sickness. The manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system which is called "stress syndrome" and high blood pressure. This would also include headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach distress, nervous tension and INABILITY TO CONCENTRATE!




The KGB runs a mind control program which is given unlimited funding. They have some of the world's best minds to perfect a new ability to subdue and control the western world. People in your sector simply are not prepared to think about these things, but you are already victims of widespread mind control---for you see, your government also has this ability.


However, the Soviets are a long way out in front of you and the techniques are already in functioning ability and use.


A person's thinking processes can be scrambled and fear and confusion implanted at will. The thinking process can be "jammed" in the same manner that signals coming in from a radio transmitter can be jammed. By scrambling a targeted victim's thinking, you can make the enemy commander do something totally contrary to his training and his loyalty to his own country. A patriot can easily and instantly be turned into a traitor--IT IS THE ULTIMATE IN THE PENETRATION OF A WESTERN GOVERNMENT BY A COMMUNIST POWER.


You ask, "Why haven't we been told of these things?" You have! Back in Nikola's (Tesla) time, he told you of these things and had an operational beam system. That warning has been continually updated to the point that the "tellers" are called crack-pots and radicals. Therefore, few are aware of recent research establishing that brainwaves and other biological functions can be entrained from a distance, by magnetic waves of critical frequencies.


The psychotronic patterns/effects can be modulated onto electromagnetic signals, even of very low intensity, and still affect living systems because of the kindling effect; i.e. the psychotronic virtual state modulations are stripped off by a living system in the acupuncture points near the surface of the skin and introduced onto the human nervous system where they begin to superpose coherently as time passes. Such collections eventually reach the quantum threshold and observable physical changes result. Then, by modulating psychotronic signals onto electromagnetic carriers, visible light squelching can be overcome. The psychotronic modulations are then delivered to the biological targets through the light. Light photons pass through other photons without interaction except in the most extreme cases---and activate the acupuncture points. Acupuncture points form plexuses or groupings, that are frequency sensitive. Further, these plexuses are co-ordinated with and to specific body locations. By choice of frequency, one can therefore determine what part of the target's body is affected. A Czech engineer, Robert Pavlita, has been per­fecting psychotronic weapons for over thirty years and has developed two quite specific ones--one is effective at any distance and one is extremely and instantly effective for 320 kilometers. These weapons are capable of causing anything from powerful and uncontrolled emotional seizures to paralysis and death. Pavlita is still in the service of the Soviets!




NASA engineers are a prime target of Soviet KGB zapping weapons. Recall a couple of years past, twenty-eight to thirty-five year-old engineers at NASA were dropping dead for no apparent reason---at two and a half times the sudden death rate for the rest of Florida.


Over 22 researchers working in NATO countries on the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)--which has long been a prime Soviet target for destruction--have met mysterious deaths, many of which offer evidence of Soviet mind zapping weapons. These KGB zapping weapons have a very wide variety of application--from inducing cancer and sudden heart attacks in victims, to creating thoughts of depression and suicide. The alleged causes of some of these deaths include: "Death leap, decapitation, suffocation, asphyxiation, drug overdose, asphyxiation, auto accident, suffocation, auto accident, heart attack, electrocution, death leap, electrocution, electrocution, asphyxiation, auto accident--as reported in sequence." Although it was recognized that some of these deaths were obviously the work of old fashioned KGB/SS mobster methods, others are clearly the work of brain disorientation brought on by sophisticated mind control/confusion devices. Even your U.S. Defense Department (FINALLY), is reviewing this amazing series of deaths.


And what will come out of the recent revolutions in Europe? The cancer deaths of Romanian exiles employed by Radio Free Europe are now under investigation by your FBI because infor­mants have given information that this was the work of agents of the Communist Bucharest government--by directed beam waves! They were killed with a radiation device designed by Romania's DIE intelligence service, with help from the soviet KGB and sanctioned by the Global Conspiracy, also funded by same.


The radiation weapons were employed to prevent tracking. DIE has clandestinely killed dissidents for several years. The weapons are designed to kill its victims by simulating natural causes. The radiation dosage generates lethal forms of cancer---and what think you of your "cancer clusters"?


There is a radiation gun that kills people by giving them cancer and other diseases. The gun fires a burst of radiation that causes cellular mutations in the body. Sometimes these mutations lead to the development of cancer within weeks shades of Mr. Casey? What of the Shah? And how about Marcos? Which do you think "they" will use on Noriega? In some instances, the cancer may not show up for several years. That little toy gun is widely used on prisoners and an entire citizenry in Afghanistan.


The human brain has various rythmic waves which represent what is called envelope pulsations of the entire electrical system. It is not, however, the electromagnetic force fields represented by these pulsations which are important: It is the summed-zero (prana, and now called scalar) patterning of the entire complex of neuron firings, which represents the real activity of the brain, and represents its thoughts and emotions. Dr. Tesla has already cov­ered quite a bit of this very pertinent information in a prior Journal.


The human brain rhythms are riding along relatively entrained resonance waves of the natural resonance of the earth's magnetic field. All the patterning of the brain is grouped together into giant overall orders, and one or more of these is normally synchronized to your natural environment.


If a varying magnetic signal of extremely low frequency (ELF), of say 10 hertz, bombards the brain with greater power than the earth's magnetic field, it is possible for the brain's rhythm to be "forcibly entrained" to synchronize with that signal, rather than with the normal resonance. Scientists on your placement refer to this as "Shumann resonance". If a large number of brains are forcibly entrained to such a signal, and the signal is artificial, then a master coherent phasing of all the brains to the transmitted signal has been accomplished.


That can be utilized, and is utilized, by anyone in control of the system. A lot of to-do about the Woodpecker signals (a Tesla sys­tem) is taking place and rightfully so. It is utilized widely by the Soviet Union presently---more so than by your own Conspirators at this time. These Woodpecker signals have frequently been de­tected with up to 16 carriers, each with a 10 Hertz modulation, and with all the 10 hz modulations in phase. At times, the system signals have shown 16 carrier frequencies which contain the same 10 Hertz modulation, and which are all kept coherently sync-locked. If those signals and the modulations are strong enough, the brains in the targeted area demodulate the 10 Hertz signal and phase-lock to it.


The genetic code of the human brain has been broken and now exists the ability to implant thoughts, emotions, visions, etc. The proper signals can now simply be recorded and utilized for specific thought transformation from "human guinea pigs", using scalar technology and instrumentation. They can then be tailored onto the carriers, such as the Woodpecker system, and used as a means to affect specific areas and functions of the brain---the targets can be specific indeed.


Understand this: The brain has a most unique characteristic. If a signal arises from inside itself, it interprets that it, itself, originated the signal. Thus, actions can be engendered in masses of human beings.




You might well pay attention for this is a prime signal of the "ending times" as predicted in Revelations 13. 666 is the Mark of the Beast that is to be implanted on the hands or in the forehead. That little beastie that came up out of the earth had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon--etc. Well, the Woodpecker signals have two separate components, the high frequency part goes into the ionosphere and is reflected off of the earth-ionosphere cavity and bounces back to earth--from the direction of heaven. The second part of the transmissions involve ELF signals that go down through the ground and then come up out of the earth at the targeted area. The little beastie "maketh fire to

come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men".


Your human electromagnetic nervous systems also have your own software. It has special storage media contained in its brain, its cells, and its genetic material, and within its actual nucleons. All of these storage media are continually telecommunicating via electromagnetic means. You are what each of you is, and is largely what you have experienced, felt, thought, and performed through action. Your whole functioning conscious system has been evolved by your experience, and it continues to be "you" by means of continual reference to the record base. Well, the record base can now be altered via electromagnetic manipulation and means. BROTHERS, A TOTALLY NEW, AND ULTIMATE, FORM OF SLAVERY HAS EMERGED AND IS BEING STRUCTURED RIGHT NOW IN A MASSIVE PLAN FOR UTILIZATION.


The electromagnetic fields act directly on the central nervous sys­tem, bypassing the known sense organs. There are already identi­fied five separate resonating systems in the human body: in the heart and aorta, the skull, the third and lateral ventricles, the sensory cortex and in each hemisphere of the brain, WHERE PULSATING MAGNETIC FIELDS OF OPPOSITE POLARI­TIES ARE SET UP, THESE BEING VERY SENSITIVE TO ENVIRONMENTAL FIELDS and providing a mechanism by which the brain picks up information from the environment through resonant feedback---simple indeed to impact those resonating systems. With deliberately constructed elec­tromagnetic energy, any or all of the conscious/subconscious portions of the mind can be available for engineering and control and/or change. So be it.


Dharma, allow us to pause for respite.


Hatonn to stand-by, thank you.