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May 17, 2014

Note: Excerpts below are from several writings within the PHOENIX JOURNAL library of documents and from within the WISDOM Of The RAYS books/writings.


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Names and Descriptions:


Above All;

Beyond the Creator;

Creative Potential Of The Totality Of All That Is;


Great Circle of Infinity;



Primal Oneness;

Primordial Spirit;

Purest Form of Energy;

Source of all Spirit/Energy;

Source of All That Is; 

The Immeasurable Secret Which Begets Life;

Ultimate Oneness;

Ultimate Source.


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Definitions and Explanations:





... Then the high priest got up and said to Immanuel, "I swear on the living God that you say that you were begotten by the Angel Gabriel, who is an angel of God as transmitted by the scriptures."

Jmmanuel responded, "YOU say it.  But I also tell you that God is not The Creation, but He is the Lord over the human races, which were begotten through His will.  God has come from the far distances of the universe and brought the world under His will.  And He is the uppermost emperor of these human races, one of which is here in this country, on in the East to the land of India, and the other in the North from the land of the king who wears horns, as far as the sea where icy mountains drift free in the waters.  But there are seven human races which live in all of the different directions of the wind, from one end of the Earth unto the other.

"God is also Lord over them even though they serve others who are also not of this Earth, for those ones are known by different names for their language is greatly different.  If you consider God as The Creation, you are mistaken, and violating the Truth.  For since you and I are human, God is also of humanness, except that He is spiritual perfection and infinite in His abilities and infinitely more advanced than any of the human races created by Him.

"God and His Celestial Sons are other "human" races, they have come from the stars in their machines which travel the universe and appear to be made of metal.  But, Immeasurably higher than God and His Celestial Sons, who are the guardian angels, stands THE CREATION.  ABOVE ALL IS THE CREATION.

"The Creation alone is the immeasurable secret which begets life, and also is infinitely higher than is God.  Recognize the truth of this teaching so that you may attain knowledge and wisdom in truth."

Thereupon the high priest was filled with crazed fury and tore Jmmanuel's clothing and screamed at Jmmanuel, "He blasphemed God, The Creator, why should we have any further testimony?  Behold, now you have heard his blasphemy.  And what do you think his guilt deserves?  They shouted, "He deserves death."

Source:  Phoenix Journal 2, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL--I AM SANANDA , Chapter 14, Page 137.

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On the morning of Creation, you will recognize the Unified Collective Consciousness of all Humankind as your own true identity. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the bridge between Spirit and Matter, between Creator and Creation, between Life and the forms through which Life flows.  If you release the definitions that Matter has set upon you, this is the definition that the Creator will bestow, the definition of Christ Himself!

Source:  Phoenix Journal 21, CREATION, THE SACRED UNIVERSE - THE INCUBATION OF THE PHOENIX, Chapter 19, Document: 'An Interval Of Non-Time' , Page 162.

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I AM Sananda.  I come in service to our Holy Father of LIGHT, God/Aton and to you, my brethren.  Greetings little sister Druthea.  Druthea has asked Our Father to please bring understanding and clarification on what is THE CREATION.  Our Father God/Aton of Light has sent me to answer this challenge.

I call this a challenge because your language of communication has not the "words" for describing this concept of Creation.  So in order not to put upon you, my precious chelas, MORE limitation, I will ask that you close your eyes, call forth THE GREAT SPIRIT OF ONE WITHIN YOU, "listen" and continue reading with The Presence of The Holy Divine ONE WITHIN.

Now imagine a GREAT CIRCLE OF INFINITY, with no ending and no beginning in front of you.  This will "represent" The Creation.  Now imagine that this circle is a great movie film without ending and without beginning, but moving ever creatively on, constantly unfolding the unlimited potential of the creative "will".   What we will do now is PAUSE a frame in the sequence of this ongoing "film" of no-time and no-space, no-ending and no-beginning...

The Creation represents fulfilled and yet unfulfilled Creative Potential.  Creation is the Totality of ALL THAT IS; which in your human perspective is ALL THAT HAS BEEN and ALL THAT IS TO BE.  Now, keep in mind, the Laws of Balance, of Nature, of God and of The Creation are THE SAME Universal Laws of Order and Logic.

So then HOW is the Creative Potential REALIZED and FULFILLED?  Through the Great Spiritually Perfected Being, God/Aton, who is the Great MIND and INTELLIGENCE which brings THE POTENTIAL of that which represents The Creation into coalescence of matter, such as planets, stars, animals, plants and minerals.  Now, you have ONE GREAT SPIRITUALLY PERFECTED BEING which is THE MIND INTELLIGENCE OF YOUR GALAXY...that ONE which we call OUR FATHER/MOTHER CREATOR GOD/ATON.  The reason that WE are ONE with, and therefore, called the "children" of God/Aton is that this Great Being has FRAGMENTED Himself, His Great Spirit, to allow HIS UNFOLDING CREATIVE POTENTIAL UNLIMITED varieties of experience.  Thus each human, each Angel, each BEING which is created and fragmented of HIM, is a unique creative-potential filled reflection or aspect of THE ONE GREAT MIND INTELLIGENCE, GOD/ATON.

So, we have The Creation, which represents the Great Sacred Circle of Infinity, without end or beginning, which holds the fulfilled and unfulfilled Creative Potential of the Totality of ALL that is.  Then we have God/Aton, which represents the MIND INTELLIGENCE OF THE CREATION FOR THIS GALAXY.  God/Aton is as much a PART of The Creation as WE EACH are a PART of God/Aton.  Hence the truth...WE ARE ALL ONE. 

Source:  Phoenix Journal 47 - PRE-FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PHOENIX - Chapter 2, Pages 14-16.

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Above all, The Creation IS—the Omniverse—the whole of The Creation is above ALL.  There is the PERFECT ONE, THE INFINITE FATHER, THE ALL CREATOR AND BEYOND IS THE CREATION, HIS MANIFESTED SELF.

Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 9, 1993, Volume 22, Number 3, Page 26.

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8/24/02 Esu "Jesus" Sananda and Violinio St. Germain

You see, Creation does not perceive good and evil.  Creation is the purest form of energy.  That energy simply creates, and does not place judgment upon whether it is good or evil.  It is within your physical realm of duality that you perceive good and evil (opposite frequencies of the same spectrum).

Your spirit is one fragment of the Whole of Creation, and that spirit places no judgment of good or evil.  Your soul, being the interface between the undivided (Creation) and the divided (physical realm), simply transmits data from spirit to physical and back again.

Source:  WISDOM Of The RAYS - The Masters Teach - Document: 'Looking For Answers In All The Wrong Places'.

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8/2/02 - Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

This Oneness is The Creation.  The Creation is the product of The Ultimate Source.  Some aspects of The Creation have evolved in awareness to a point of being able to create and manage entire universes across an infinite frequency range of vibrational expression.  You each are currently experiencing in one such creation.  These more advanced aspects of The Creation are, in essence, the God of the creations they create and manage, and are expressing their understanding and desire for continual expansion of self.

Much like an artist can create infinite possible combinations of colors, shapes, and brush strokes, so too does the Designer and Overseer of your universe paint on the "canvas of life" with and through each and every one of His creations whom He breathed the breath of life into.

From the broader perspective, each of these highly advanced Entities connect to each other through a Primal Oneness.  This Ultimate Oneness permeates All That Is and encapsulates it—not unlike a single-celled organism in which all parts of the whole contribute a vital role to the cell’s overall existence.

You each, as individuals experiencing, give richness to the overall state of ecstasy that all ones in their native (non-physical) state feel and appreciate.  The pains and apparent sufferings of the physical eventually give rise to a higher level of appreciation and deeper sense of love.

With every challenge you ones encounter, you are faced with choices.  Your lives unfold in varying directions as a result of the choices and decisions you make.  Many of you undervalue (because you fail to see) the role you play in contributing to the overall state of joy of All That Is.

Creating "heaven on Earth" is achieved in those moments you feel joy in your heart.  Joy is felt when your energies are over 50% aligned with the Oneness (or Will) of Creator Source.  You align your energies by staying centered and connected within to the "spark" of Light that vibrates in perfect resonance with Source at all times.  When you align more of your energies to this Primal Resonance, you naturally begin to feel more creative, enthusiastic, and energetic, and dispel lower-vibrational energies such as fear, doubt, anger, or pessimism.

... The majority of those who regularly achieve a greater-than-50% alignment with The Oneness will naturally seek a creative outlet of beauty, peacefulness, and balance, so as to help others achieve a greater alignment within themselves.  In this way all of The Creation grows and expands in a balanced and joyful manner.

Source:   WISDOM Of The RAYS -The Masters Teach - Document: 'Align Your Energies And Really Make A Difference'

The Phoenix Journals:

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Compiled by R. Montana.