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March 29, 2014





TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 2:00 P.M. YEAR 3, DAY 167




The most explicit account of Jesus' travels throughout India and other lands is found m a Buddhist manuscript called THE LEGEND OF SAINT ISSA. I shall not reference the works of Judas Iscarioth during the travels for so many of the earth manuscripts were destroyed by fire, as the Priest having found them. and translated them had placed them in a wall of his dwelling; the dwelling was burned to the ground by the Israelis as the man fled with his fam­ily--but that is another story.


There is ample writing which will suffice.  “Issa”is the same as Isa or "Jesus", which dates back to the First Century A.D" making it older than the accounts of the New Testament, and in which Issa, "or Jesus is described as the one”. . .whom the Buddha had elected to spread His holy word. . ."


Probably the first "Westerner" to hear about the manuscript was a Russian explorer named Nicolas Notovitch. Notovitch had traveled extensively throughout India, Afghanistan, and Tibet in the late 1800's and heard about the legend and the manuscript during his travels. He decided to check out the legend and journeyed to a Buddhist monastery called Himis in Leh, Ledak, formerly part of Tibet, now the northernmost part of India. The original manuscript was written in the ancient Pali language, and had been brought to Tibet from India.


The legend of Saint Issaclosely paralleled the life of Emmanuel, including His torture and crucifixion, but also covered portions of the history of missing in­formation, The manuscript was adjusted to fit into the needs of the scholars of the day who placed the time of experience during the time of Esu's early life for the widespread and lingering pronouncement was that after the Em­manuel ascended he was not known again in physical form. The discrepancy has been a burdensome problem to scholars in their efforts to make the pieces fit into the proper sequence. You ones must always keep in mind that there were no televisions, telephones, telegraphs-----only tell-another, and great distances via hard foot-travel was the mode of transportation of the day. It was most easy indeed to have false stories brought forth in confusion--after all "death is death is death".


Convinced of the authenticity of the manuscript, Notovitch wrote a book on his travels and the legend of St. Issa which included a translation of the origi­nal manuscript.


Thirty-five years later, in 1922, Swami Abhedananda, a follower of one of the greatest saints to have lived on Earth--Sri Ramakrishna--also traveled to Himis to see the manuscript for himself. He, too, was convinced of its authen­ticity and wrote about it in his book called KASHMIRI O. TIBBETT!.


The legend of St. Issa opens with these words:


''The earth trembled and the heavens wept, because of the great crime committed in the land of Israel.


"For there was tortured and murdered the great and just Issa, in whom was manifest the soul of the Universe;


"Which had incarnated in a simple mortal, to benefit men and destroy the evil spirit in them;


''To lead back to peace, love and happiness, man, degraded by his sins, and recall him to the one and indivisible Creator whose mercy is infinite ... "


Even then, dear ones, man did not "begin" his books with the "ending".


The legend goes on to give accounts brought by merchants from Israel on what had happened. It follows the people of Israel through their troubles, first with the Pharaohs of Egypt and their subsequent deliverance by Massa (Moses), and then by the Pagans from the land of Romeles (Rome). It ex­plains that the hardships that the Israelites suffered were due to their own sins in forgetting the laws of God and cleaving, instead, to sensual pleasures and the laws of mortal men. Because of their sufferings the people again began to remember and pray to the One and only God to hear them, forgive them, and deliver them from their distress. He did! The legend continues:


"At that time the moment had come for the compassionate Judge to re-incarnate in human form; and the eternal Spirit, resting in a state of complete inaction and supreme bliss, awak­ened and separated from the eternal Being for an undeter­mined period, so that, in human form, He might teach man to identify himself with the Divinity and attain to eternal felicity; and to show, by His example, how man can attain moral purity and free his soul from the domination of the physical senses, so that it may achieve the perfection necessary for it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which is immutable and where the bliss eternal reigns.


"Soon after, a marvelous child was born in the land of Israel. God Himself spoke, through the mouth of this child, of the mis­eries of the body and the grandeur of the soul. The divine child, to whom the name Issa was given, commenced in His tender years, to talk of the only and indivisible God, exhorting the strayed souls to repent and purify themselves from the sins of which they had become guilty.


"People came from all parts to hear Him, and marveled at the discourses which  came from His infantile mouth; and all Is­rael agreed that the Spirit of the Eternal dwelt in this child."


The legend goes on to say that Issa or Jesus left His parents' home at age thir­teen and traveled toward India, “with the object of perfecting Himself in the Knowledge of the word of God and the study of the laws of the great Buddhas (enlightened ones)."


Herein the story is incorrect in perfection of sequence. Issa was first taken unto the heavenly places where he was enlightened by the Celestial Sons and Cohans. His lessons were most intense indeed---THEN he was delivered unto the place of India where he spent several years in Jaggannath, in Radjugriha, in Benares, and in other holy cities,, first studying and later teaching and ex­pounding upon the Vedas--the world’s oldest holy scriptures--to all members of society.


Here, as in Israel, the young teacher aroused the anger of certain orthodox Brahmin priests who had twisted God's teachings about the caste system by saying that all men were not equal in God's eyes and that some, the Sudras, or members of the "lowest" caste, were unworthy even to hear the Lord's words, much less read them. Jesus denounced this false doctrine of inequality and warned the priests to beware of perverting the purpose behind God's Great Plan. He admonished them to return to the Truth and to re-examine God's teachings, regarding the caste system. We shall also examine the caste system. We shall look into the origin, purpose, and function of the caste system in so­ciety in order to clear up any misconceptions and misunderstandings about it and the equality of all people. We will also examine the universal Truths that are found in unadulterated scriptures of all of the major religions of the world, as confirmed by Jesus in His travels throughout India, Tibet, Persia, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine. We will also look into the various prophecies of the major religions so as to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these are the Beginning/Ending times of a great cycle.


Much of the restructuring of the tale of Issa's travels are confused because in the translation it had to be considered that the tales of Issa had to have oc­curred in the time of his youth due to his untimely physical death by crucifix­ion. Do you understand that this is the beginning of the crucifixion of truth? Man began to rearrange the sequence to suit the assumed rumors.


There is a great difference in the boy who went to study with and share truth with the great Eastern Masters, and the man who later traveled mostly anonymously about the land. After leaving the Holy lands and joining with his mother Mary, his brother Thomas, and disciple Judas Ischarioth he traveled to North India. During that time he preached in many countries and often had to flee, because his speeches were revolutionary. That is why his journey to India took several years and was connected with unspeakable hardship---he found it very little different in evil to the lands he had just departed.


In the country which today you label Pakistan, far up in the North near the last foothills of the Western Himilayan Mountains, his beloved mother transcended. After her departure he, Issa Jmmanuel, moved on and crossed the part of India today called Cashmere, in order to further teach. He traveled at length through what is today called by you ones, Afganistan and West Pak­istan. He went specifically to this place, partially to seek safety, for ten of the Israeli tribes had migrated from Israel and settled in that region.


Dharma, release this please as I have other for your attention. When we re­turn to the Journal we shall speak of your own "nature" and share some thoughts by great masters such as Mother Nature (White Buffalo Cow Woman) and Lord Krishna, etc., and look at what they really said and meant and what man has ripped asunder. So be it. Go in Peace for I keep you close in my care.


         Salu, and good-day.             I AM HATONN OF LIGHT­