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Oct. 14, 2013

PJ 95



By Ronn Jackson Bulletin #2, 5/9/94


As stated by H. L. Mencken: "The whole aim of Practical Politics is to keep the populace alarmed and, hence, clamorous to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary...." i.e, health care, guns and tobacco. "Who does this fraudulent and unconstitutional Government think they are kidding? (Just the population.)"


Federal Reserve Board member Paul Warburg's son, James P. Warburg, smugly informed the U. S. Senate on 2/17/50: "We shall have World Government whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."


The stockholders of the private for-profit entity, the Federal Reserve, ("yes, the same ones who print the paper in your wallet") have created the problem: gold oppression, and in this country, in consort with our trusted political elected national leaders a $4-1/2 trillion national debt which will be solved (‘they think') by their goal, World Government, by using the words and tactics perfected by Hegel. The Hegelian principle is best described by a great American patriot, Donald McAlvany, in his long-running and very accurate newsletter and in the CONTACT newspaper which there are not in existence enough superlatives to describe: (sic) this is a three-step process authored by Hegel and perfected by the Marxist Leninist "Thesis, Anti-thesis, and Synthesis". The first step, Thesis, is to create or fabricate a problem. The second step, Anti-thesis, is to generate opposition to the problem, i.e., fear, panic or hysteria. The third step, Synthesis, is to offer a solution to the problem created in step one. Change which would have been impossible to impose on the people without the proper psychological conditioning, achieved in stages one and two, occurs.


This morning, 5/9/94, I spoke to Al, A2, A3, and A6 of the Committee coupes and advised them of my future intentions. To sum up our conversation I said, "Any and all laws enacted by the Federal Agency, as in the United States Government, are only applying to the Federal United States and not to the citizens of the sovereign union of 50 states known as the united States of America, if those laws do not comply with, and to the letter of, the supreme law of the land, the Constitution."


Their response was, "Your Justice Department will most certainly view your action as a form of insurrection."


My response was, "They are not my Justice Department! Those Government employees are nothing more than boys who depend on force and coercion and, as individuals, are a cowardly lot who depend solely on ignorance. When they are confronted with truth they are nothing, a very similar position you gentlemen find yourselves in. I fear the U.S. Government to the same degree that I fear you gentlemen."


They: "Mr. Jackson, we are at a loss at your attitude."


My response: "Gentlemen, I've come out of the ether." The line went dead on the other end.


I am reminded of the words of Etienne-de-la-Botie: "It is incredible how, as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it; obeying so easily and willingly, that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement."


President Bill Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, made a trip to Italy and promptly returned to his home state and installed 70-some-odd youth cooperatives patterned after the ones in Italy, sponsored by and maintained by the Italian Communist Party. As President, Clinton put into the number-two position at Justice, Strobe Talbott, an old college buddy and fellow leftist and draft-dodger, who is an expert on Lenin. Number three at Justice is Ms. "Butch" Acheson, who likes women, like so many other women Clinton has appointed, and she is a student of Hegel and Lenin. His appointment of Robert Reichto his cabinet has proven that Mr. Secretary Reich believes more in his ancestry to Germany than he does to this country as he has done nothing but praise a country that is only known to believe they are the master race and he has openly propagated the Fourth Reich.


My only conclusion is, the American public has been screwed again--and the only difference being Mr. Clinton is a leftist. I must congratulate the CFR and the Tri-lats. I underestimated them, but this is the last time. I am currently making up their respective eulogies, I do so solemnly swear.