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Oct. 11, 2013

PJ 95



By Rick Martin5/4/94


Editor's note: The following is taken from an interview with Ronn Jackson, by Rick Martin for CONTACT, held at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center on May 4, 1994:


Rick: Why do you suppose the Committee was so conservative with the amount of information they would provide you on an assignment?


Ronn: I think it was my attitude. They never gave me instructions, they gave me the parameters and they left any of the actual doings up to me and my attitude was I was...


Rick: Parameters, meaning the time-frame?


Ronn: I never received a time-frame other than there was an urgency. For example, about "Extra", but because that was his frame of mind at the time but they knew that I would address a subject and that I more-or-less had tunnel vision. When I went on a project I went on it and I didn't let anything else interfere; I finished it and moved on. I think that played a great part in it. I think that probably some of the things that I've described in the story may have different meanings to different people, but there were other reasons other than what I described for the events that occurred within the story. In other words, let's talk about me and Extra.


It would appear that he had a problem with his mind, which he did; he was very unstable. On the other hand, he worked for a different part of Government other than what I described, and even though the reason is obvious within the story as to why what happened to him happened, there were other reasons for that. Again this is a situation where things are not always what they appear to be because I didn't elaborate on the man. Once I mentioned his name, then other people are going to know what happened to him and other people who worked with him at the time are going to understand why what happened to him did.


I'm purposely selecting my words so that you'll understand, and it appears on a number of situations there is a reason for doing what I did, but there were other reasons too, that I didn't mention or elaborate on. For example, I make mention of a perfume that had a drug that's part of the perfume that I destroyed. Well, the person who was doing that and his sister, there was another reason that's not mentioned in the story. He was a Banker and she was a Beauty Shop operator but there was a reason other than what was obvious there; he had some connections with South America that had to be broken. So, you have to be--even though it is somewhat crudely done because I don't consider myself a writer, I wanted to at least provide the foundation so that people in the near future can...


Once I explain "why" with one of them, then it's going to become obvious with the others.


Rick: Can you explain what an assignment would look like? Was it a folder, photography, hand written notes?


Ronn: Eight-and-a-half by elevens, sometimes photographs, sometimes invoices, sometimes plane tickets, deposit slips to banks, a data sheet giving physical descriptions of one or more parties, sometimes they would have work places. They were all different and they were customized to the person or individual assigned. There was always a lot more to what was going on than what I saw and it wasn't long before I was piecing together the individual or individuals prior to my given data.


Well, I think I mentioned when I was in South America one time there were a couple of bodyguards who there was no mention of. Well, the Committee didn't know about the bodyguards because the person, the primary target, had found out something was coming down and he had just hired them, but that is primarily window dressing. If you see anybody who takes the offensive, as a rule, they're just plain ordinary everyday folks.


There are so many things that I don't go into detail about in the story because it would require me to say some things that I would have to guess about, and I try to be as accurate as possible. You'll notice that you're working on part of the fiction right now. He just printed number six and number five and whatever it was. Now, my interview was real but it was not in the place that I say it was and the occurrences only go up to the beach and when the sanction was called off. Now, it wasn't particularly a sanction but we were actually on the beach the night prior and our objective was Fidel Castroand we would have gotten him, there was no problem with that. I don't know what the reason was; that was their business, and I was paid and I was satisfied, but even though I wanted to know, I don't know why it was called off.


Rick: That would have had a major impact.


Ronn: Well, sure it would have, absolutely. You know that little dinky island, they only have one power plant on the whole island. I never argue with my orders but I sure questioned them on several occasions. I've been in Meyer Lansky's home; that's now a presidential palace in Cuba where Fidel Castrolives and I know the house, not real well, but I've been there a couple of times, and Lansky had that built. He used to run the Miami portion of Organized Crime. Organized Crime is still a bigger myth than most people think. It's been glorified by television and The Untouchables and so on; but it did exist. But not to the degree or extent that it was represented to be. Now, Lansky built that home in Cuba and he had the gambling. Well, they got all of their money out before Castro ever jumped the gambling number, so they were making tons and tons of money. Every gambler was going there from the States. What I'm saying to you is, I can elaborate on many of the incidents there, and even though I've been real factual as far as the particular situations are concerned, there's much more to every single one of them.


Rick: Let's talk about Lansky and JFK.


Ronn: He knew the family but the Kennedys knew just about everybody in the higher level of Organized Crime. Lanky had nothing to do... If you remember all those people that I covered, Rigano, Giancana--those people had nothing to do with Kennedy's assassination--they weren't smart enough. Very few people had the mental capacity that Earl Warren had. Earl Warren and the Committee are the people who assassinated Kennedy. It's as simple as that. You can use and speculate the CIA, you can say Organized Crime, you can do anything you want to and they have nothing whatsoever to do with it, and everything goes right back to the currency that he put out of the Treasury; that's the reason he was killed.


Rick: Were there any parties involved that we don't know about that would surprise the readers?


Ronn: As far as I'm concerned, I'm the biggest surprise and I didn't know what I was doing at the time. Last night, and it's ironic that you would ask the question because one of the readers of CONTACT asked me if I was in Dallas when it took place and I responded to him by saying that I was on an unrelated matter, I thought, and found out that the purpose for me to be on that unrelated matter was to get me away from Dallas. They thought that I would probably--because of my being as young as I was at the time--that I would have probably gone in and done something that would have been stupid. They're probably right, because when I heard the name J.D. Tippit [Dallas policeman allegedly shot by Oswald] I was a long way from Dallas, Texas and where I heard it was strange, and it's like two years later but there are other things that I didn't piece together.


So, mind you, when I talked with Earl Warren in 1974 and we made the tape of the conversation, that's when I had all the pieces. I knew many of them but just through the process of elimination and being curious I was able to piece together a lot of the information. And I knew Warren's involvement in the Committee. I think what prompted him to call me was finding that I had concluded that he was a member of the Committee and that's when he told me what he did. Because I had my methods and they were usually right on; I mean, I wasn't a super sleuth but I had certain things that I did and procedures that I used and they worked for me and that's how I found out. They were unorthodox, to say the least, but I knew most of the story and when he said what he did, I knew everything, and after that, well, I was never in the dark.


There's just so much speculation. Of course, the conspiracy buffs come in and Kennedy, he had, naturally, the highest ratings of any President in the country if you want to pay any attention to the ratings. People were just interested; I think it was a state of attitudes at the time. I don't want to be disrespectful to citizens of this country but they go through mood changes and shifts in their thinking. It's something that we do collectively as a society and it can be a small thing that sets it off or it can be a number of series of events that set it off. I think the American public at the time wanted a hero and Jack Kennedywas it. Well, in some people's thinking, he was a hero because he was a Catholic, and then the men thought he was good with the ladies.


You don't even know what your entering into right now.


Rick: It's big.


Ronn: Well now, I mean kiss off Watergate in comparison to what you're doing, and that dominated everything. A lot like Kennedy dominated everything when he was assassinated.


When I got back from visiting on the 3rd of May, talking with you, I had a message to call, I just had a number to call and it was in the 202 area code, and of course we know where the 202 area code is [Washington, D.C.]. It ended up being Mr. Gonzalez [Henry B. Gonzalez, D-TX, Chairman of the House Banking Committee] and they upped their ante to Mr. Buckley [Treasutygate] by ten million dollars to twenty-five million. I don't think you get the whole picture, twenty-five million dollars may mean a whole lot of money today, but it doesn't mean anything to Buckley. I called Buckley's attorney and passed the message on and he, at that time, advised me that he had read the paper and he had...


Rick: The CONTACT?


Ronn: The CONTACT, and was aware of me mentioning all of the folks' names who I've been talking to. Of course, I told the members of the Banking Committee that I wouldn't say who they I lied. I love it, (laughter) and I passed the message on and Gary just laughed. Of course, he thought, and so did Buckley, that it was private money that was trying to buy him off. I assured him, I said, conceivably it could be private money because I have no idea where the source of the money would come from, but it was made by a member of Government or several members of Government. So, I relayed the message and he just laughed and thought it was funny.


Rick: Can you give me one quote from Gonzalez that I can use?


Ronn: "We want you to talk to Mr. Buckley and we'll raise our offer ten million dollars". I responded by saying, "To twenty-five?" And he said, "Yes." I said, "I'll call his attorney right away." That's the majority of the conversation. It [the conversation] probably didn't last more than one-hundred-and-twenty or one-hundred-and-fifty seconds.


Rick: And did he say anything else?


Ronn: His voice wasn't real upbeat, but no.


Rick: You knew you were talking to Gonzalez.


Ronn: Oh yes, I recognized his voice, I've talked to Mr. Gonzalez on several different occasions. I would also recognize [R-NY, Sen. Alfonse] D'Amato's voice and I would also recognize [D-MA, Rep. Barney] Frank's voice. I have to be careful, I don't know about all the people who would be reading the story, so I'm not going to use the term that I've used with you on several occasions...fruitcake. (Laughter.)


Rick: We're talking about Frank, right?


Ronn: Now, I cannot confirm the entrance [into the Earth] from the South Pole, but I can confirm the Northern entrance. I have been in the Northern one. Now, I don't care what anyone says, the opening is over two miles wide. There is no visible light and yet you can see. I still can't explain that. There is only one time of the year that you can actually land. Now there are other days that are clear, but you have winds of anywhere from seventy to one hundred miles-per-hour most of the time and you have adverse temperatures there and you have very poor visibility. But for about ten weeks in the summertime, it is about the only time that you can safely use that particular entrance.


Rick: Mid-summer?


Ronn: Mid-summer. Now, there are other times that people have used those entrances but I can't swear to it. I went there and I know what I was told.


Rick: Can you tell me what your mission was to go there?


Ronn: Not right now, but I will at a later date. I don't mean to put you off, it's just that it had nothing to do with the Committee themselves but I was involved with the Committee and it was involved with something to do with one of the Committee members.


[Shifting topics now to MJ-12.] There is a little bit more to MJ-12 than you know and understand and...


Rick: How many people does MJ-12 consist of?


Ronn: Nineteen, but usually there's only fifteen or sixteen. Actually there only has to be twelve people to vote on any policy endeavor. Now, when you...


Rick: So it's still active?


Ronn: Oh, absolutely. Why would it stop? It's very probably one of the most important committees that there is in existence. Let me tell you something: A3 is involved with MJ-12directly of the Committee. Even though MJ-12 is a little more than maybe what you know, it's also involved with the Committee. A3 is involved directly with them.


Rick: Lets talk about the Orions.


Ronn: Ok. I don't want anyone within this facility to overhear anything or misconstrue anything that I say about certain subjects but I'll talk about them on a one-on-one basis or even more than a one-on-one basis with you. But I will answer some of the questions.


Rick: Can you physically describe one?


Ronn: Not that much difference, a little different facial, very similar but there's nothing much different, Rick. I mean, they're not green and they don't have tails and things of that nature.


Rick: Not reptilian or...


Ronn: No, nothing like that.


Rick: Just normal people?


Ronn: Different than us, I mean...


Rick: Taller?


Ronn: A little taller, a little bit thinner, quite a bit thinner, in fact almost all of them are fairly thin but they're taller.


Rick: Any difference in coloring.


Ronn: Not much; I mean eyes, yes. You can tell the difference in the eyes. I've only seen three, four, maybe five, but they're larger than us...but just people and they talk just like we do. There's no difference. They have the same senses that we have and so... I don't know a lot about them but I have talked to them.


Rick: How about the Sirians?


Ronn: I can't answer a lot because I don't know a lot. I do know the existence, that's what I'm saying, that's why I'm wondering if the Commander knows something. I'm sure he knows a lot that I don't know but what I'm saying is in reference to him saying that I will find that we know each other; not that I can recall, not in my conscious memory.


Rick: Why do you suppose he always refers to the Committee as seventeen?


Ronn: Because I'm the seventeenth person.


Rick: You're the seventeenth person?!


Ronn: I know that's why he's doing it. He did that purposely, didn't he?


Rick: He's done it deliberately. He does not make those kind of mistakes.


Ronn: I'm the seventeenth person but I still am not involved in any of the decision-making process and when I separated with those people, as far as I'm concerned, when I make the break I make the break. Now, there were only fourteen and they added two, so he has to be referring to me. At no time was I ever asked about any of the decision-making process. I was not involved with that and he keeps saying seventeen and I've noticed that and he has to be referring to me. When I was in the field I was the number-one person because I had to make decisions. I was questioned a couple of times on some of my actions, but my response was always accepted, so he has to mean me because I know that nobody else has been added to it.


Rick: You were given immunity on all of these sanctions, and what form does the immunity take? For example, if local law enforcement interfered with something you were doing.


Ronn: You know, that's strange. I was never arrested nor was I ever questioned, nor was I ever pulled over or confronted by anybody. Had I had to take action at the time, I'm sure that I would have been backed up 100% by the Committee. I notice that he has made reference to seventeen but it has to be me, and Rick, I was never asked; nothing.


Rick: Can you mention any judges who are in direct control of the Committee?


Ronn: In direct?


Rick: Under the direct control of the Committee.


Ronn: No, but I can probably get you several other...there were several other things that the Committee did that I wasn't privileged to be a part of. There was no need for, it's funny, when I wanted to know something about the Committee, I'd always ask the Committee and the Committee would always be very open with me and I think that perhaps that could have been because of what Earl Warren did. But even that was in 1974.


Rick: What do they think about your writing and newsletters being published in different places.


Ronn: Oh, they've got copies of everything, you know. It's almost like they're encouraging me.


Rick: Is it an ego thing?


Ronn: You mean on their part? No, not at all; I wouldn't say that unless I really believed it. Those people don't have egos. They don't have egos, not in the sense that we know what ego is. They have money, they have power, they don't want notoriety yet they have never backed off or threatened me in any way. It could be a combination but I'm just not...I don't look at it that way. I don't revere them as supreme beings of any kind. I have to tell you, Rick, I still have some respect for some of the people; as individuals I can probably, under different circumstances, call them friends. Some of them. You know I've told you many times, had I been in the decision-making process I probably would have gone along with them.


Not having been in that position I would have had to find out a lot of information about some of the people. Not being in that position, I did agree with a lot of their actions. Of course maybe that's to bolster me, maybe my ID or inner being, but I agree with a lot of their decisions--but I disagree with their hiding the truth. I mean, I'm going to take care of myself and I'll help if somebody asked me for help but I can't tell you how to live your own life and I can't tell Dharma how to live her life. I can make suggestions, if you want, but those people are thinking for me and you and everybody else. But they're looking at the overall picture. Who's to say who's right? We base and make our decisions on what we know to be true and then we have to live. I'm still not prepared to say that they were wrong in everything that they did. I still love this country, and I'm still going to get it back.


Well, I don't know but, Rick, those people are very, very real and there's probably not two people alive, until I wrote the story, who knew of their existence. They want it that way; I mean, that was of their choosing. There are other people who do their bidding for them, not in my capacity but in other capacities. Those people will complete whatever they're requested to do, but of course they're bought for one reason or another. As far as the Committee and its existence being known, until I started having the story printed, nobody knew of them. Nobody knew anything about it.


Rick: Let's talk about the plan to starve the American public. Most of the world, most of our grain, as you know, has been sold to Russia and other countries. Most of our silos are empty. We have no storage food to speak of, as a country.


Ronn: Do you recall the other day where I spoke of the Chicago Board of Trade?


Rick: Oh, yes.


Ronn: Ok, keep that in mind because it has a lot more to it. Those plans were bogus in their origin. OK? Do you follow what I'm saying?


Rick: No.


Ronn: They really did not have any kind of official origin. That's not true, I mean the Committee does a lot of manipulation but this country's not in any danger of any kind of being starved. There are some silos that perhaps are not full, that were full in the past but you go out through rural America and almost any farm bureau or any co-op has nothing but silos completely full of grain and...I wouldn't worry about that too much. I mean there have been other... [guard yelling in background, unable to hear].


Rick: It has been something that we've written about in the last few years and it is of concern. What I mean is, that there be a sufficient food supply within our borders.


Ronn: I think that it's....I have no indication that the Committee would allow anything like that to happen. These people are...they're still part of this country. They just want to be all of the decision-making process, and they're not going to be. They're also business people and they are as good business people as you'll ever find. They don't have losing years, or losing quarters, or losing days, and part of their efforts are grain and the Chicago Board of Trade. There's no such thing as a loaf of bread that didn't go through the Board at one stage or another.


Rick: You mentioned the other day that Viet Nam was about rice and not about drugs. What did you mean by that?


Ronn: Let's make that a separate thing because I want to bring in...


Rick: It's a whole exposé?


Ronn: What we'll be doing is, you've got the Cambodian situation with Nam, you've got the countries of China and Taiwan, and also Japan. All nations whose staple diet is rice. See, in our country our staple is potatoes. Well, they are no different than we are, only their staple is rice. I do want to give you the whole story about Viet Nam and it's all because of rice, but I can't continue here. Separately, and later, because Viet Nam's over and done with and people are going to be mad about it. A lot of people know about it but they've never been given the sequence of what happened in Viet Nam. Of course, I've never had any respect for the French people other than when they had the original French Revolution. I have often thought that we were going to have to have our version of it here.


I think you remember the French Revolution; you know what it was about, don't you? They had an economy similar to ours right now, only back a couple of hundred years ago. They got tired of interference and they went out and they hung every barrister, every judge, in every town. That was, essentially, the French Revolution, and their country was fine until they put back in a like Government. A Government like they had before. Now, France has got one of the worst Governments. They gave away everything. Their ruler in France can do and say anything in their behalf, which you know I don't believe in.


I thought that perhaps that was what we would need in this country but I'm changing my mind because of other information and things that are coming to me. When the people of this country really find out what happened in Viet Nam, that will be another very sore spot.