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Jan. 15, 2015

PJ 95





Editor's note: We share this for its sad connection to Project Monarch (chapter 1). The original document sent to us is a lousy xerox copy of a typed manuscript. Please forgive any gaps.




By Barry Kincaid




For centuries, 100,000 or more persons worldwide are led to slaughter as victims of The Continental Holocaust. Human beings, both children and adults, are tortured and killed as human sacrifice in satanic rituals.


Police cannot locate all these missing persons. Families cannot find their loved ones. These are but a few of the stories of unsolved mysteries.


These people have not run away! They have been abducted and kidnapped for the purpose of torture and murder! You may see some of the children's faces on milk cartons or blue and white cards found in your mail boxes.


Some infants and young children's lives go even unnoticed as their births were never recorded. While some of these babies and preschoolers may be born to prostitutes, others were conceived by Satanists with the sole intent to be born to die! And to die cruelly at the hands of Satan worshipers who reap pleasure at these atrocities. X-rated and violent movies are kindergarten entertainment stuff for these savages who set their prey, stalk, and go after their human meat. Barbaric, but true.


While abortion is wrong to Christians, this is a story of those individuals allowed to be born who are led to their deaths innocently. They would be far better off having committed crimes and been incarcerated--even in Singapore. They would fare better if allowed to die in the gas chamber, electric chair, by hanging or lethal injection by society.


The victims of The Continental Holocaust are procured by various methods. Many are kidnapped from loving homes. Others are the outcasts of society who will not be missed. The latter are the people who have led unfortunate lives and may have succumbed to drugs, alcoholic living, family abuse and homelessness.


They may be drifters living in the slums of cities. They may be infants taken from their mothers on the street. They may be young men and women living in wild circles with no parental supervision. They may be your children some day.


Whomever they are, they will certainly die a slow, tortuous and painful death with onlookers cheering their dismemberment and murder.


These people may be befriended, given money, drugs, liquor, coerced into sexual acts or just plain abducted. While the methods of recruitment may vary, the ritual is generally the same for all victims.


Satanists join the ranks of John Wayne Gacy, Larry Eilers, and Jeffrey Dahmer. The difference is that Gacy, Eilers and Dahmer were eventually caught and jailed. The Satan worshipers do not get caught. No one is really looking for them, either. They share their secrets and go on to more barbaric killings.


Who are these Satanists? They come from all walks of life. They are the devil in disguise. They could be an astute businessman, politician, judge, neighbor, librarian, church organist, police officer, religious preacher, school teacher or nurse. They come from all socio-economic backgrounds.


Just as Christians raise their children to love and honor God, Satanists raise their children to love and honor the devil. Many of these executioners grew up witnessing satanic abuserituals. Sadly, it became a way of life for them. They generally do not tell these tales while part of this style of living. However, many break away and eventually open up to their spouses or clergy, desperately hoping they will be believed.


Yes, the clergy at all levels is aware of what is going on in this world. Psychologists and psychiatrists are well aware of satanic abuse and rituals. Many children reared with satanic abuse experience multiple personality disorders (MPD). Many have repressed memories as their pain was so great that they were forced to suppress thoughts for survival.


This is an unspoken territory put on the shelf for someone else to solve. It's time to ban together as Christians and do something to stop this inhumane holocaust.


It is time to stop thinking that baby snatchers are mothers wanting children of their own. Baby snatchers, in most instances, are out to get your children.


Now you will learn what happens when they get your children!


[some of text missing on the copy at top of page ] evenings. That is the time that witches like to cast their spells. There is power in witchcraft and the occult. While Christians are praying and worshipping the Lord, Satanists are doing the same to their god, the devil.


The devil is clever and crafty. That's his job. He sets out to sway people into evil. We all know that but we forget it when it comes to worldly pleasures. We sin and become his captive audience. After all, let's enjoy ourselves as God's ways are often square.


In no way is this an implication that sinners are all Satanists. The point is that as humans we all sin and take the devil's path. But Christians feel remorse and sorrow and then pray for forgiveness. Not Satanists! They feel no remorse or feelings when they hurt and kill. They are having a good time in so doing and can't wait until the next Saturday night when they can do it again to someone else.


"Doing it" means this, folks: Whether we want to believe it or close our eyes to it, we had better know it and face it! This cruelty can no longer be put on the back burner or on the shelf. It must be dealt with and the time is NOW!


The innocent victims of The Continental Holocaust are gagged and bound and taken to a hidden place. Or, in some cases, the children of Satanists go willingly, unaware that their "parents" brought them for slaughter.


The victims are thrown in the middle of a circle, often stripped of their clothing and sometimes raped. It depends on what the crowd is after for their "Saturday Night Live" entertainment. Witnesses have spoken out that they have seen the victims beaten, sodomized, raped, spat upon, rolled in feces, kicked repeatedly, stabbed in the heart and their blood spread around their naked and scarred bodies. Sometimes for thrills their eyes are gouged or their tongues are ripped out or their bones are broken. It depends on what the crowd is feeling, but none of it is human or warranted.


The victims witness orgies and homosexual acts of the Satanists themselves who come out to party. Just picture the scene when Moses came down from the mountain and saw his people sinning and worshipping the Golden Calf. That was nothing in comparison to what goes on in satanic rituals.


Babies and young children are tortured and killed in separate places. Sources report that these rituals often take place in forest preserves. It is common practice to drink the blood and urine of these victims--dead or while still alive. These are added attractions to take the place of coffee or cocktails. The victim becomes the hors d'oeuvre, the main meal and the dessert. There are no intermissions at these shows.


The adult slaughters can take place almost anywhere. Some of these rituals occur underground while others take place in homes or businesses operated by Satanists.


Know where your children and grandchildren are at all times and with whom they associate.


God's children suffer endless torture and death. Experiencing human denigration and humiliation is the least of their troubles. Stripped of dignity, which even criminals are granted, the victims of The Continental Holocaust experience great fear and know there is no escape for them. They are outnumbered and defenseless. They are not in war. They have nowhere to turn for help. Will you help?


The world deserves to know MORE so that this can END! Prayers are not enough to end these holocausts. You can pray for the souls of the victims and that is doing something. Or, you can join together in your churches and communities to investigate and learn more from witnesses willing to speak out. If allowed to be published, more specifics will be detailed in the continuation of this article.


Jesus Christ is the TRUTH, and this unpleasant truth cannot be hidden any further. You will be provided with eyewitness accounts, informed sources of information and suggestions for alleviating these atrocities from occurring. It is not something we want to know or perhaps want to accept but it is out there and it is happening. We hope it never happens to a family member or friend or acquaintance of yours. We pray it happens to no one ever again but that is unrealistic.


If you ever had a terrbile nightmare, consider yourself a lucky person. The real nightmares of this world occur everyday.


People are afraid to delve into these matters. It can be dangerous territory. Men have been killed for attempting to expose these rituals. The only possible method is to work in numbers and large groups to expose these Satanists. They could be your next door neighbors!




Editor's note: JOURNAL #9, called SATAN'S DRUMMERS, currently out of stock, is a shocking account of the vast extent of satanic practices.