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THU., MAY 19, 1994 11:31 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 276

THU., MAY 19, 1994

"SATANISM", Part 5

A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting

by DEG





In the course of our research on the recent explosion of occultism in the United States this reporter traveled in May (1970) to San Francisco for an extended interview with the Black Pope of the Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey. We had little trouble finding him. Squeezed into a row of brightly-colored houses in the Richmond District--just around the corner from the Golden Gate Bridge--LaVey's imposing, three-story Victorian home stands in stark contrast to the others, its tightly-shuttered windows and somber color giving it the sinister aura one might expect of such a place. The house is painted silvery black and the mood seemed to complement the ancient hearse sitting at the curb on flat tires and the huge Manx cat sleeping on the stone stairway. Climbing the steps a bit apprehensively I rang the doorbell.


After a considerable time the door was opened cautiously by an ashen-faced man dressed in the flowing robes of a priest. He was clearly not a priest in any good sense, for about his neck hung a silver medallion in the shape of the Goat of Mendes. After a few quiet words of welcome he motioned me inside and led the way through a dark and narrow hallway, past a stuffed jaguar, into a dimly-lit parlor painted deep purple. I was told to be seated, that Anton LaVeywould appear momentarily.


Sitting on a faded leather couch, I looked about at the walls cluttered with a half-dozen or so poorly executed paintings--nightmare scenes only a psychiatrist could love. They were signed by Anton LaVey. At my feet a worn and filthy rug of obscure red-and-black design seemed to complement the seedy lamps, overstuffed Victorian furniture, and antique gynecologist's table which made up the room's furnishings. Against one wall, adjacent to a brick fireplace and a small bookcase, stood an upright glass cabinet displaying a human skeleton, the skull of which gaped open on a hinge. And in front of the couch rested a "coffee table" of white marble--an actual tombstone upon which had been chiseled the words: "In Memory of Lucas Machado, Died April 14, 1892." The room was chilly, like a mausoleum, and smelled of mold and must. Indeed, the effect was one which might be described as "Early Bizarre".


In an expansive, dusty bookstall covering half of another wall were titles by Aleister Crowley, Margaret Murray, and Socialist Annie Besant. There were books by assorted Fabian conspirators and by identified Communist Howard Fast. Copies of Mein Kampf and Das Kapital were slotted amidst dozens of expensive volumes on Satan worship and sexual deviation. There was a well-thumbed copy of the Communist Manifesto.


As I replaced the Manifesto on the shelf I heard a door open quietly behind me. Your reporter was now in the presence of Anton LaVey, garbed in a flowing black robe with white Roman collar. In the dim light his bald head and carefully sculpted mustache and beard, and the dark circles under his small, weak eyes, produced in me an effect of more discomfort than I would care to admit. But, far from what one would expect from a former wild animal trainer, calliope player, police photographer, and clinical hypnotist--his former professions--LaVey's handshake was limp and clammy and he soon seemed ridiculous in his theatrical outfit.


Here was not at all the strong, vibrant hulk of a man described by McCall's Judith Rascoe in her March 1970 whitewash of the Church of Satan. In fact, as he settled comfortably into a barber's chair propped in a corner, folding his hands in his lap, he appeared entirely too effeminate for comfort.


Commenting on his exhausted condition, LaVey explained that the events of the prior evening had been physically wearing. He had been celebrating what the Satanists call Walpurgisnacht, the most important festival in the lore of magic and witchcraft. It was the fourth anniversary of the day he shaved his head, announced the formation of his new "Church," and proclaimed "the new Satanic Age"! That, he told me confidentially, was the beginning of "Phase One" of the Satanic Plan. "Phase Two" was the spreading of The Word, which he had done in such pornographic publications as Sundisk and Nude Living, and through a lurid article in True Confessions entitled "We Were Married By the Devil". He had also made a brief tour of the nightclub circuit in San Francisco's North Beach, where he was advertised as "Anton LaVey and His Topless Witches' Sabbath". And then there were his lectures to the Jesuits and their students at the University of San Francisco.


"Phase Three", he said, was the formalization of his Satanic Church--which he claims now has more than seven thousand dues-paying members throughout the world ($20 to join, $10 per year). This, thanks to the favorable publicity given his movement in the Establishment media. There are still six more phases to go, he says, before the Plan is completed. He told me that a good picture of the Satanic future can be found in Perry London's book, Behavior Control, which promises that the future will bring a controlled society "more sophisticated and efficient than Orwell ever dreamed". Satanism, says Anton LaVey, is a philosophy of the will. "We sincerely believe that it will, by one name or another, be the society of the future...."


Midway through our two-hour talk, LaVey asked that I follow him into his private chambers, rose suddenly, and disappeared through a hidden passageway in the bookstall. Feeling rather foolish, I followed and found myself in what is called the Red Room. Above his cubicle-like "office", perched on a black-shrouded construction, was his "bedroom". It was flanked by a row of grisly masks, among them the head of the Satanic Goat. Other curios in the room included a collection of torture devices.


Hanging on the wall next to Anton's desk was a large Nazi flag. When I questioned him about this he replied that it was "a symbol of power" and that, after all, Hitler had been a Satanist. "The origins of National Socialism in Germany", LaVey theorized, "were Satanic and paganistic and were implemented to do away with organized religion. It was surely an admirable goal." Discussing the Illuminists, he said that Weishaupt was also a practicing Satanist and that "the Illuminati was quite a powerful force for evil". And that too, he said, is "admirable". The rituals performed in the Church of Satan, LaVey told me, "are the same as those once performed by the Knights Templar". The Church worships the Satanic Goat of Baphomet. (Author's note: The co-founder of this Church was the homosexual pederast and film producer, Kenneth Anger, author of Hollywood Babylon.)


From the Red Room I was ushered through a passageway behind a gilded mummy case into the "ritual Chamber". There was a large fireplace which served as the Satanic altar upon which a nude woman reclines during ritual ceremonies. On this altar rested the "Chalice of Ecstasy", a bell, a phallic "holy water sprinkler", a staff, a skull, and several black candles. In one corner of the room was a gong "to summon the Powers of Darkness", and in another corner stood an organ. A current long-playing record called "The Satanic Mass" had been recorded in this very room.


Returning to the parlor we continued our conversation as before. On the subject of organized religion, LaVey declared that his Church of Satan is now listed in Religious Bodies in America, and that he has been in touch with the National Council of Churches but is not yet affiliated with the organization. Referring to such N.C.C. agitators as the "Reverend" Malcolm Boyd and Harvey Cox, he commented: "....they're practicing crypto-Satanists. They're revising the traditional faith." He added, "I respected Bishop Pike. At least he realized what he was saying was heresy."


As we discussed the various divisions of membership in his Church, the telephone rang and my host took a call from someone he identified as Melvin Belli. In hushed tones he apologized for something or other and said he would return the call later. I remembered that Belli has long been a member of the Communist Front National Lawyers Guild and was the attorney who initially defended Jack Ruby--the man who "executed" Communist Lee Harvey Oswald. I noticed that LaVey wore a medallion with a superimposed lightning bolt, a symbol like that displayed by the National States Rights Party.


Anton LaVey described for me his role as a technical advisor on the forthcoming movie Mephisto Waltz, and his roles in the Italian movies Angela Neri, Angela Blanca and The Power of Magic, soon to be released. He said his recently published books, The Satanic Bibleand The Compleat Witch, were selling nicely. The first of these, published in December 1969, carries the "philosophy" of his movement. When I admitted that I had never seen a copy he flitted across the room, deftly opened a hidden panel in the fireplace, and vanished down a flight of stairs.


I remembered a report in the New York Daily News that on January 31, 1967, LaVey had performed the first Satanic wedding ceremony in the United States in that lower chamber, with more than a hundred guests in attendance. He had married John Raymond, a radical reporter for the Berkeley Citizen, to a wealthy socialite named Judith Case. (A nude woman was used as the altar.) Among the guests were a reporter from the pro-Vietcong Berkeley Barb, a reporter from the radical Communist National Guardian, and singer Barbara McNair. I peered into the cellar and caught a glimpse of something red hanging on the wall. It was the flag of the U.S.S.R.


Almost as suddenly as he had disappeared Anton popped out of his hole and handed me a new copy of The Satanic Bible. He had autographed it warmly, closing with the words "Regie Satanis"!


I was now given a "Confidential Questionnaire" made up of forty-seven questions, one of which asked: "If you are a woman, would you consider being an altar?" As a potential member of his Satanic Church I was informed that "Active members have the opportunity to meet and correspond with other Satanists via our monthly publication, The Cloven Hoof."


On that note our interview was terminated, and after a soggy handshake I left the strange house at 6114 California Street amusing myself by wondering if, after he reads this article, Anton Szandor LaVeywill try to turn me into a toad.


During the next few days your reporter studied LaVey's 272-page handbook, published by Avon Books in New York. Avon is an Establishment firm, a division of the Hearst Corporation. I noted that the introduction, by Burton H. Wolfe (author of The Satanists), declares that LaVey's Church of Satan descended from "traces in voodoo cults, a Hell-Fire Club that existed in 18th-Century England, a Satanic circle led by Aleister Crowley in England a century later, and the Black Order of Germany in the 1920s and 1930s...." The intent of these Satanic groups, says Wolfe, "was to blaspheme, mock the Christian church, and address themselves to the Devil as an anthropomorphic deity that represented the reverse of God." [H: How many of you remember the given purpose of Hillary's Hellcats? "To get rid of God!"]


(Author's note: A very deadly spin-off cult group of LaVey's Church was the The Temple of Set, founded in San Francisco during 1975--by Dr. Michael Aquino--a LaVey disciple who refers to himself as the "Second Beast of Revelation". He was, in 1987, linked to the child molestations at his day-care center on the Presidio Army Base. Both he and his wife, Lilith, are bisexuals. Nevertheless, he still holds a top-secret security clearance in the military as a Lt. Col. and has attended the National Defense University in Washington. Two other major Satanic cult spin-offs are: The Hand of Death and The Knights of the Black Circle.)


In the Third section of LaVey's book, under the title "Satanic Ritual", we learn that one of the prime motivating forces "is that of destruction". On Page 118 LaVey counsels: "Be certain you DO NOT care if the intended victim lives or dies...and having caused their destruction, revel, rather than feel remorse." Anton LaVey invokes his demons to "Strengthen with fire the marrow of our friend and companion, our comrade of the left-hand Path". Comrade of the Left? Indeed.


Touring the San Francisco area, with a side trip to Berkeley, and moving along the West Coast between Seattle and Los Angeles, your reporter visited dozens of large bookstores, a number of which are operated by the Communist Party. In each a special section on the occult had recently been installed with heavy emphasis on Satanism. The same held true with bookstores in Denver, Chicago, New York, and Boston. The Big Push was on. What seemed especially curious was that of the thirty most poisonous new books in this field which kept cropping up in my research, a majority had been published by the Citadel Press at 222 Fourth Ave. in New York. If the Communists were so anxious to sell these books, I reasoned, there must be some connection.


And so there is. Literary Market Place lists one Morris Sorkin as a Director and Sales Manager of Citadel Press, Inc. A check of the Indexes of the House and Senate Hearings of the past twenty years reveals that his name appears half-a-dozen times during important testimony on May 9-10, 1956, in Part 23 of the Hearings before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee entitled Scope Of Soviet Activity In The United States (p. S1195-1206). From the testimony of one Philip S. Foner we learn that he and Morris Sorkin are equal partners in both the Citadel Press and the Remainder Book Company, both of which operate jointly out of the same address.


Cited in the list of books published by Citadel Press were dozens of titles bearing the names of such identified Communists as Morris U. Schappes, Clifton Fadiman, Annette T. Rubinstein, John Howard Lawson, Maxim Gorky, E. Franklin Frazier, and even Herbert Aptheker, chief theoretician for the Communist Party, U.S.A. In fact, Philip S. Foner, who was identified under oath in 1940 before the Rapp-Coudert Committeeas a member of the Communist Party, had been a founding sponsor (with Comrade Aptheker) of the American Institute for Marxist Studies.


(Author's note: Significantly, comrades Sorkin, Foner, Schappes, Fadiman, Aptheker and Rubinstein are all Jews and the last is the sister of Jack Ruby--who was a well known Trotskyite Communist in Chicago. I saw his police file.)


In addition to writing for the Party's house organ, Political Affairs, Foner has taught at all the major Communist schools around the country and is even featured in the Winter 1970 "Lenin Centenary Issue" of the Communist Party's New World Review. On page 93 of that same edition we find a plug for Citadel Press in the foreword to an article by Jerome Davis, an old Comrade of Lenin's.


With such powerful support from the Communists, as we have seen, it comes as no surprise to learn that Marxist-Satanists are holding classes in "The Cabala" at the Free University of Berkeley, and showing such films as Witchcraft Through The Ages; that a self-proclaimed "witch" named Deavlin Le Mohle is teaching "The Craft" to radical students at San Francisco's Golden Gate Free University; and, the Universities of Alabama, New York, and South Carolina are offering credit courses in the occult.


It should come as no surprise to note that a U.P.I. report of May 24, 1970, reveals a radio program in Southern California "has shifted emphasis in the last four years from astrology to witchcraft as listener interest in sorcery increased, and ‘spell-casts' have been held in the Hollywood Bowl and on college campuses". We should not be too appalled when we turn on the Johnny Carson Show or the Merv Griffin Show and see a "witch" named Louise Huebner teaching "The Craft" on nationwide television, or when we read in the Los Angeles Times of May 5, 1970, that "In addition to their own supply houses and booksellers, the witches have their own newspapers". Nor when we run across the Black Magic Shop Catalog listing recent witches' "tracts, books, and pamphlets dealing with the occult" from the Marlar Publishing Company. (Author's Note: Merv Griffin is a Jewish homosexual friend of homosexual Jew, Henry Kissinger. Both are members of the Bohemian Grove north of San Francisco.)


With such feature articles in Esquire, Life, Cosmopolitan, and McCall's as have appeared this year there is little wonder that a confused fourteen-year-old girl recently wrote to Life asking: "Could you help me to become a witch?" She was mainly influenced, she said, by a Life magazine glorification of "witch" Louise Huebner that appeared on April 10, 1970, in an article entitled "The Good Witch Of The West". And it should be of only passing interest that the San Francisco Chronicle reported on April 27, 1970, that "The youth in Britain are finding witchcraft immensely attractive", and "60 percent of people joining Satanic cults in Southern England are under 30". We shouldn't be too upset when Christian missionaries point out that today, in France and Germany, sorcery has become a major preoccupation even as religious activity is on the wane.


Surely it means nothing when Newsweek devotes two columns in its issue for August 25, 1969, to promote an obscene play by Krzysztof Penderecki entitled The Devils Of Loudun (based on the novel by Fabian Socialist Aldous Huxley), featuring "a stageful of young nuns simmering with lust and auto-eroticism...." Nor should we be concerned when a revolutionary Communist group calling itself the Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell--the W.I.T.C.H.--makes Front-Page news for one of its radical forays in New York or Chicago or wherever.


Surely we should not be upset by the gory report in the San Francisco Chronicle of July 16, 1970, regarding the cult murder of a young social worker in Montana. Nor even when we read that two hippies arrested in July near Big Sur "were carrying gnawed human finger bones" in their pockets; that several days earlier the mangled torso of their victim--minus head, arms, and legs--had been found floating in the Yellowstone River; that one of those apprehended, Stanley Baker, admitted to having hacked the body to pieces and eating the heart. After all, Baker blurted to police, "I am a cannibal". He and his companion admitted to being members of "a Satanic cult".


No, these things mean nothing more deadly than that the Establishment record companies, television, and slick magazines; the syndicated radical press; and the Communist network are now glamorizing Satanism like they glamorized LSD and psychedelic music in 1967, marijuana in 1968, and Sensitivity Training in 1969. As before, of course, America will reap the ugly consequences.--DAVID EMERSON GUMAER.




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There is a listing at the end of the reprint with instructions for getting more reprints of this article. However, keep in mind that the article appeared in 1970. We will, however, give you the address of American Opinion: Belmont, Massachusetts 02178. We will not run Mr. Gumaer's address unless he gives permission. In the meantime should you want additional copies perhaps you can get extra copies of this issue of CONTACT.




by Virginia Meves




"Wisconsin Report", May 5, 1994:


EDITORIAL COMMENT: There is a frenzied preoccupation with death in this country--death education, suicide education which includes how to; funeral education which may include visiting a morgue etc.; and then the movies on television, the movies on video cassettes; the lyrics of many songs, especially rock music--so much about death, guns, violence! It is as though all people should concentrate on ending their lives or support gun control. Is this why--to remove the guns and make us a defenseless, helpless disarmed nation? The plans are right on schedule as the vote in Washington on HR 4296 indicated. So many times, as we've tried to teach about "The Plan" for a "World Government" people have waved us to be gone and said, "Oh this will never happen", instead of researching to find out for themselves!


We see nation after nation embroiled in wars--even ethnic cleansing--and then the daily media shows the heaps and heaps of bodies and the gruesome realities from all the wars. Where is that peace that the United Nations Treaty was to insure for all time--prevention of wars forever????


Is all this emphasis on death to cause severe depressions and such deep concentration on loss and grief and sadness so that people, especially here in America, may be moved along into this New World Order--that they are not able to think and realize what is being done to them in their country, and especially to keep them from objecting to all the changes, the takeovers and controls that are being forced on a people who can't think or project or imagine ever living in total enslavement? This is something to think about and jolt us Americans into reality about having been betrayed over and over again!




In Scotland, Ireland, Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Russia, Nicaragua, Palestine, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos--the list goes on and on and we do not want to forget the butchered babies who never even had a chance to be born!! What would they say to us if they had the opportunity? I think they would all shout in unison: "Murderers, ruthless unregenerate mankind!" What else could they say? There was no mercy, no compassion! [H: Ah, but dear friend, if your very nation is run by Satanists who revel in DEATH--what more can you expect? And, as you said above, Virginia--would you too wave us off as a statement that it could not be...?]







Kibbutzum! Kibbutzum!Are the children never going to be allowed to be happy in a fine secure family? Ann Herzer just told us that Chester Finn, in his book We Must Take Charge has finally blurted it all out. It seems that the time has come to put all the resources--men and women--into jobs in the world to work and take the children. Maybe there are just too many parents with a C- on their report card! What do you think, parents of America? Are we going to allow the children to have this final punishment--to be wrenched away from homes to live with a Kibbutzum manager forever?--until they grow up, of course, when they too must join the world of work as a productive resource! [H: But is it no worse or perhaps even better than where you are headed now as murder is the birth control method of your day; and are sacrificial offerings of your children on a Satanic altar are acceptable? How many will ever understand WHY and WHAT has happened in your society?] There are boot camps too for the damaged children!






The case of Dr. Kevorkian has proven to young people that life means nothing when man takes over to rule the world. Man, without the love of God in his heart, can be ruthless, cruel, inconsiderate of other people's feelings, beliefs, desires. Ruler man becomes so greedy that he has to assume power over life and death. Ruler man is so greedy that he must be able to exercise all control and power over everything. In this nation of America, "We the people" have never wanted to control the universe--the environment--air, water, land, ozone, and even environment that is not! Life is very precious. It is too dangerous to ever allow man to usurp that kind of power on this Earth. It results in only one "outcome"--destruction of the civilization and the cruelty causes such suffering that people pray to die. If Dr. Kevorkian wants to kill himself--he may do so. A higher Judge will meet him. But because he has desire to take others with him doesn't give him the right to even think it! All of us on this Earth--especially here in America--love our freedom and we want to exercise it for a very long time. Dr. Kevorkian has a very clever lawyer who is young and charismatic. That doesn't mean that juries should just allow him to hypnotize them. Dr. Kevorkian kills. He does not just alleviate suffering. He deliberately plans death for this one, for that one and for anyone! But he has not and is unable to prove that he has the right to play God and take the life of anyone!


And so, let's take a little time and just think about all who have died needless deaths and think about our futures in the hands of ruthless planners whose one and only thought is to control the whole world and all the resources including--US.... Wisconsin Report, 18310 Benington Dr., Brookfield, WI 53045.