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WED., MAY 18, 1994 5:59 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 275


WED., MAY 18, 1994



If we might just skip this evening's meal, Dharma, we can get another portion of this article to print and have a head start tomorrow. There simply will have to be enlargement of the paper to handle these increased offerings and urgent outlays. Readers will simply have to keep up or go behind for the reclamation squads are picking up steam and we will be right there to offer the locomotion and locomotive. We have one who has offered to fund the work in full and, since he has the most input these days, we are humbly grateful. All we have to do is get him out of his prison cell wherein he is being kept--hopefully silent--but incredibly LOUD AND OUTSPOKEN. It seems strange to me that the ones who most want silence go about TRYING TO GET IT in such a stupidly insidious way. The thing most overlooked by these bulldozing crooks and thugs is that they forget THAT THERE ARE STILL LAWS....EVEN THOUGH THEY BE WEAK AND OVERRUN.


It will likely come to the point that CONTACT will begin to be published in several places around the country under different logos, etc. Some will be in full conjunction with others and most will be separate AND IN CONJUNCTION to protect BOTH entities. Very informed personages are coming forward having been under the gun for their work for long--to share, join in and begin to bring legal actions. We can go to a daily paper if necessary, with adequate funding, but it would seem wiser to scatter the output so that ALL cannot be silenced as the big boys manage to silence one or some. Already the information is scattered in MANY places in safe-keeping to protect the resources and persons. And, readers, YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT IN SHARING ARTICLES, LOVING ENCOURAGEMENT AND "JUST KNOWING" IS THE GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS AND BLANKET OF SECURITY. For instance, it behooves ones, who are Dharma's enemies, to secure her to their best advantage in all possibilities--for guess TO WHOM AND WHERE the finger will be pointed should she be damaged. The same with Rick, AND THE SAME WITH JACKSON, E.J., WEAN AND ON AND ON...! Even the Jerry Spences of the nation will begin to see that the ones he has turned FROM at the information given as input by the deceivers, will have to look unto the lamps now burning and SEE! Spence has given some of the best Constitutional LAW observations to his peers (well, he actually has very few "peers" being an outspoken and daring LAWYER in the field). As you see the unfolding and the truth of the ones with the sword of truth and the battering received by these ones--shame will fall upon the ones who listened to the deceivers and refused to take the hand of the needy and walked to the front WITH THEM.


Well, good readers, there are OTHERS and now there will, be funding made available to attend some of these who struggle against all odds and YOU THE PEOPLE SHALL AGAIN BE HEARD! The "few" who have walked this daring mile ask no "attention"--they ask that YOU STAND IN KNOWING AND DEMAND YOUR NATION AND YOUR FREEDOM--THEY ASK NOT HOMAGE--in fact you will note that even "dharma" ceases to appear on the journals and it will be only a short while before her name and the names of these others are but historical mentionings in long-forgotten volumes of discrediting legal forms. The Ekkers, and hundreds like them, want no notoriety--only a regaining of truth and freedom, one nation under God, with liberty and JUSTICE for all out from under the tyranny of the controlling evil Committees of control, deceit and enslavement.


Indeed, many will be remembered by their labels for they will be as the past "important" persons in "history" who can affix their names to that which represents foundation and freedom--AND, he who shall deny Truth unto a brother for his own reward--shall languish in the sea of forgotten persons who, if remembered at all, will be remembered as the treasonists and disinformation-misinformation toads that they ARE! He who holds the WORD of TRUTH hostage or causes it to be removed from ALL mankind shall reap most bitter rewards for their citizen brother will pull them from their self-proclaimed perches atop the podiums of lies and half-truths. I remind you of the French Revolution--it was ACTUALLY a revolt against the JUSTICE SYSTEM OF LAWYERS AND JUDGES AND CONTROLLING POLITICIANS--BY WHATEVER LABEL YOU CHOOSE TO USE--AND THEY CAME DOWN WHEN THE MASSES STOOD UP! WOULD IT NOT BE BETTER TO GAIN TRUTH AND FREEDOM AGAIN, THROUGH THE LAW AND NOT THROUGH THE BLOODY SWORD? I TELL YOU NOW, THAT EITHER WAY--IT SHALL COME TO PASS AND IT WILL NOT BE BY MY HAND--IT SHALL BE BY YOURS!


There are some able and observant speakers and writers already doing all they can to inform and "alarm" you. One of these writers has written an Editorial in a small paper she presents. As in the CONTACT or any other paper, there is much amiss, much personal and some errors and lots of "omissions"--but Virginia Meaves of WISCONSIN REPORT, VOL. XIX, No. 19, Thursday, May 5, 1994, has written an editorial comment: "Why is there so much killing? What are the super planners afraid of?" which bears reprinting. We will do so following this present offering of "SATANISM". Wisconsin Report continues to rerun the work and offerings of Dr. Peter Beterwhich in themselves makes the paper worthy of full subscription numbers of every citizen seeking the truth of your conspirators' hierarchy.


How fortunate to now have ones coming forth willingly hooking up those brave offerings of how it was, only a short while ago, into and through the workings of then and now! I need not be a sooth-sayer or speaker of revelation--IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU AND NOW YOU SHALL HAVE THE ONES COME FORTH AND TELL THE TRUTH OF IT--AND, YOU SHALL BE GIVEN TO SEE--IF YOU BUT LOOK. THEN, BELOVED FRIENDS, WE CAN MOVE ON INTO THAT WONDROUS STRETCH CALLED SPACE AND INFINITY WHICH IS ALREADY PRESENT BUT HIDDEN FROM YOUR SEEKING EYES AND BENEFICIAL "HAVING". AH INDEED, IT SHALL BECOME A TIME OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN--IF YE TARRY NOT!


Please now, back to the presentation:


"SATANISM", Part 3

A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting

by DEG




Althoughthe "Holy" Inquisition started by Pope Gregory XI in 1374 was instituted to stop the foul deeds of the witch cults and save children from brutal deaths at the hands of Satanists, it became perverted into the most pitiless and ferocious institution of its kind until the rise of Communism and Nazism over five hundred years later. The Inquisition indiscriminately condemned men, women, and children to the flames after submitting them to the most ghastly tortures. [H: In this manner the "saviours" became worse than the original offenders. Will you, too, cause the same as you turn over the evil-mongers? If YOU are no better than the evil that sets its hand upon you--you too shall perish in like manner as YOU are overthrown.] Not only were practising witches and black magicians burnt at the stake, but also innocent children whose parents had dedicated them to Satan, wandering Bohemians (gypsies) whose clairvoyance seemed suspicious, and even lonely old women whose only crime was that they appeared to fit the popular description of a witch. [H: Again, upon your place it will be a bad show-and-tell for those who proclaim themselves to be Satanists and witches, etc., for the masses of human, ordinary men shall pull you apart in their urge to destroy the demons you have created and represent in yourselves--no matter how tiny the participation or degree. This is the nature of the human--to destroy that which he despises and does not understand. I suggest you who ponder these things in your "unconditional allowances" of all things--give careful thought to this for the "mob" has NO RULE.]


Of course we could go on and on detailing the atrocities committed by both Satanists and Inquisitioners alike. But, the documentation available in over two million volumes on Satanism and witchcraftin public libraries all over the United States, as well as in the countless volumes found throughout the world in such collections as the one in the archives of Bayonne, France, leave no doubt that the actual practise of witchcraft is an historical fact of no small political importance.


The London Times of October 7, 1931, related a modern equivalent of what took place with regularity during the Middle Ages. The Times says a "horrible scandal of graveyards desecrated for black magic" was that fall sending a chill of terror throughout Scandinavia. It reported that police suspected "they were dealing with black magic" when they found more than forty bodies had been exhumed and mutilated by a local mortician named Saarenheimo, a practitioner of necromancy, the raising of dead spirits for evil purposes. Horrified authorities believed, says the London Times, that this Saarenheimo was a member of an immense and secret black magic fraternity--an international Satanic society.


For untold centuries nearly every nation has from time to time witnessed the rise of strange and demented cults whose chief preoccupation was Satan worship and black magic. While some of these groups were holdovers from some dim, pagan past, others were secret political organizations which sprang up around opposition to the powerful Catholic Church and operated in such a fashion as to invoke the wrath of both clerical and secular leaders everywhere in Europe.


Richard Cavendish's invaluable book, The Black Arts, points out how as long ago as 1184 members of a Satanic cult known variously as the Vaudois were operating in Europe and were accused of cannibalism and Devil worship by the Church. Two hundred years later the Inquisition uncovered members of this same group near Turin who "held religious services followed by orgies and on initiation the candidates had to drink a potion made of toad's excrement...." Cavendish says, "They acquired such a reputation that sorcery became popularly known in France as vauderie and witches as vaudoises (and this is the origin of the word ‘Voodoo')." They survive as a sect to this day.


In 1227 A.D. the Pope sent Conrad of Marburg to Germany where "rumours circulated of the hideous Satanic rites practised by a sect...called Luciferans." In Jules Loiseleur's La Doctrine Secrete des Templiers (1872) we learn that the Luciferans worshipped a black cat (a symbol of Satan) and "at their horrible nocturnal orgies sacrifices of children were made and their blood used for making the Eucharist bread of the sect." And in Secret Societies And Subversive Movements Nesta Websterwrites: Styria, the Tyrol, and Bohemia, even as far as Brandenburg; by the beginning of the thirteenth century it had invaded western Germany, and in the fourteenth century reached its zenith in that country, as also in Italy and France...." From 1432 to 1440, she relates, "literally hundreds of children disappeared," because of this movement.


During that same period, Pope Innocent III organized an armed crusade against a mystical group in the south of France called the Cathars, or Albigenses, [H: The author has stricken the following from the article and made comments. I will present the original and add the comments. The original script will be here in italics.] who worshipped the Devil in the form of a goat and slaughtered children whom they kidnapped for sacrificial purposes. The Cathars derived inspiration from a Satanic sect in Russia known as the Bogomiles. C. W. Heekethorn writes in Secret Societies of All Ages And Countries (1897) that the Bogomiles were an early Communist movement. [H: You who have studied and know what and who are the Khazars must also realize that the "Cathars" are approximately the SAME in every detail--from origin BUT WERE ACTUALLY "CHRISTIAN" IN PRACTICE--ONLY TO BE OVERTAKEN BY THE KHAZARS. These Khazars are the ones who, in the 1300s took the religion of the later-to-be-called-"Jews" (1770s). They were not and are not "Semites" (Shemites from the tribe of Shem) and they stole the heritage of a now recognized Middle Eastern people. They are a pronounced and publicly SELF-PROCLAIMED group who are "Zionists" and ACT on the basis of the Manifesto called PROTOCOLS OF ZION--AND--have every intention of becoming monarchal rulers (slave-masters) in a One World Order devoid of GOD! They are your self-proclaimed ANTI-CHRIST! THE "CATHARS" and Bogomiles were caught in the flood, so to speak--JUST AS ARE YOU, OF WHATEVER RACE OR TRIBE YOU CLAIM.]


(AUTHOR'S NOTE: A LONG OVERDUE CORRECTION: The Cathars & Bogomiles were actually underground Christian sects which were opposed to the pagan rites and trappings of the Catholic Church--and were thus ACCUSED of being worshippers of the Devil--by the Pope.


Another such group which later was operative in Russia was the Skoptsi--"The Castrators", formed circa 1757 among radical so-called Christian members of an earlier group, the Sect of the Flagellants--a people who mutilated themselves as part of their off-beat religion. But they were not actually Satanists. The Skoptsi, please note, are the "tough Christian sect of Russians" which Dr. Beter and Hatonn have told us have finally overthrow the Khazar Bolshevik Jews!) [H: Well, they haven't YET overthrown them--but they have the POWER and the full technology to accomplish EXACTLY that and they will not be gentle. When you say the "Russians are coming" it may not yet be a gentle overthrown of things you love and desire. Communism itself was started (created) by Jews of the Bolshevik tribes (Khazars) and they have now flooded the world. It is said that the United States is now THE actual home and state of "Israel"--home of the "Jews". This does not bode well for the populace for I remind you--there was NO SUCH THING AS "JEW" IN HISTORY OR IN BIBLICAL TRUTH UNTIL IT WAS ADDED INTO THE TAMPERINGS OF THE SO-CALLED HOLY BOOKS. MOST "JEWS" HAVE NO IDEA...! It is THIS INFORMATION that the Elite controllers FEAR in revelation--not numbers in a "Holocaust" of some kind. This is why the "hate-crime" LAWS--so that truth cannot be published or spoken! Again, I remind you that I only present historical fact--I have no part in interference or intervention--SAVE TO BRING THE "WORD". You may take it or deny it for it is your journey and your experience--but I suggest you quit blaming GOD of Creation and Christed LIGHT for your failure or refusal to SEE AND HEAR. Satan, dear ones, is the antithesis (opposite)of the Christed intent and is ruler, if you will, of the human senses of PHYSICAL expression--the passing fancy of a few years of perceived experience. In the reality of existence--GOD WINS! THAT MEANS THAT SATAN LOSES--IN FACT HAS ALREADY LOST--FOR HE IS RESTRICTED TO THE PLACES OF ILLUSION--THE PLANES OF ONLY PHYSICAL EXPRESSION! Soul, however, lost to this dimension of Satanic allegiance--is lost in a Godless, void of darkness--at passage. Would GOD of Light ALLOW SUCH A VOID? Indeed--for each CHOOSES and the absence of God and Light--IS HELL, my friends.


I am not here to preach "salvation", "rapture" or anything of the kind as relates to "RELIGION" for it is "religion" that has destroyed you--through the doctrines put forth BY MAN and presented as IF they are the rules of GOD--no, sorry, little sheepleYOU KNOW GOD'S LAWS AND THEY IN NO WAY RESEMBLE ANYTHING THAT IS FOISTED. UPON YOU IN YOUR "RELIGIOUS" CIRCLES OF "ALLOWANCE" OF ALL ACTIONS, ALL MANNERS OF BEHAVIOR AND ULTIMATELY DONE IN THE NAME OF "MODERNIZING" EXPRESSION. YOU HAVE ABOUT "MODERNIZED" YOURSELF INTO THAT "HELL" EXPRESSED ABOVE!]


In 1307, French and English members of the Order of the Knights Templar came under attack and were formally charged with "stamping, spitting or urinating on crucifixes; homosexual vice; and ritual homosexuality on admission to the Order." [H: Any of this sound like something out of last year's inquiries? How about yesterday's or today's?] (On Page 273 of Eliphas Levi's Hostore de la Magie the Templars are described as "those terrible conspirators [who] threatened the whole world with an immense revolution.") Founded in 1118 at Palestine to protect the Holy Sepulchre, they became extremely wealthy and powerful after their wars with the Saracens. And, as the occultist Manly Palmer Hallnoted in 1949 in his The Adepts In The Western Esoteric Tradition, "The knights were...accused of adoring a curious deity in the form of a monstrous head or a demon in the form of a goat. This idol, named Baphomet, the goat of Mendes, has been called the secret god of the Templars." (Several passages in the Old Testament mention a cult which copulated with goats, their leader being chief of the seirim, or goat-demons. [See Leviticus 18:23 and 17:7.) A similar cult is known to have existed during Plutarch's time in Egypt where a divine he-goat was worshipped at Mendes as a sex symbol.) One of the best known occultists in the world, Hall, looks favorably upon such groups as these, which he claims are part of a "humanist" movement which has continued down through the centuries and will eventually emerge under one name or another as--and these are his words--"the Invisible Government of the World" .


Pursuing the history of secret societies, Rollo Ahmed tells of a Satanic group "founded in Westphalia and called the Vehmgericht (in France, the Saint Vehme)...." This "terrible and mysterious band of men" operated in an area of Germany known as the "Red Territory" and committed atrocious acts. Founded in the middle of the Thirteenth Century, they eventually reached a membership of at least 100,000 initiates and held tremendous political power in Germany. Sir Walter Scott wrote of the terror perpetrated by this Satanist organization, and ArkonDaraul states on Page 251 of his History of Secret Societies (Citadel Press, New York, 1962): "...even in the nineteenth century it was said that they still existed, though very much underground." [H: Ah, and they do--but just WHO might they be after?]


In 1453, a sect known as the Brethren of the Cross, which practised flagellation and celebrated orgies as part of its ritual, was discovered in Thuringia. The members claimed to believe "that Satan would regain his lost power and place, and would expel Christ from heaven." One of the foulest of these groups sprang up towards the end of the Eighteenth Century at Linburg. Known as "The Goats", these Satanists met at night in secret chapel to perform the Black mass, "after which they put on masks of goats with long gowns and set out in bands to commit rape and murder.... The tribunal of Foguemont over a period condemned four hundred of this society to be hanged, but the Goats were not stamped out till 1780."


As we have noted, a number of Satanic cults grew to such a degree and achieved such tremendous wealth and power that in time they began to wield mighty political influence in Europe. Such was the case with a Satanic organization, created in 1748 in England, which in later years virtually ran the British Empire.


Founded under the name, "The Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe", in honor of its creator and leader Sir Francis Dashwood, a wealthy member of parliament, it became known as "The Hell-Fire Club" because of its similarity to a "defunct" Satanist group which had operated in London some years earlier. According to Daniel P. Mannix's history of that organization, The Hell-Fire Club (Ballantine Books, New York, 1959), it was "an association dedicated to Black Magic, sexual orgies, and political conspiracies...." Anton LaVey claims the author of The Hell-fire Club, Daniel P. Mannix, as a life member of this First Church of Satan in San Francisco. HE MAKES THE SAME CLAIM OF NEWSWEEK'S NICK KAZAN.




The members of the Hell-fire Clubwere nearly all closely connected with the government and included such influential persons as Sir Francis Dashwood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer; The Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty (one of the most important men of the time, whose control of the English Navy and friendship with the King "exerted a profound influence on the destiny of the British Empire"); the Earl of Bute, the Prime Minister of England (he played a large part in training the boy who became King George III); Thomas Potter, son of the Archbishop of Canterbury ("an ardent Satanist [who] wrote psalms for the Black Massceremonies"); and, Paul Whitehead, the "Atheist Chaplain" and Secretary of the Club who acted as sexton during the Black Masses (a composer of blasphemous "hymns," he was its "brains and backbone").


Perhaps the most notorious of the lot, however, was a bisexual transvestite known as the Chevalier D'Eton, an expert swordsman who was "an undercover agent for Louis XV of France and conspired with several of the overthrow the throne." Other Hell-Fire Club members included the Lord Mayor of London, the Prince of Wales, several of England's greatest artists (Hogarth) and poets. (Author's Note: Mannix also stated that Benjamin Franklin [under the name "Brother Benjamin of Cookham] was also a member. It appears, however, that Mannix was lying.)


At its headquarters on Dashwood's estate at West Wycombe, some thirty-three miles northwest of London, the members of the Hell-Fire Club engaged in depraved sexual rites carried out over a span of more than twenty years. Having outfitted a network of underground grottos for this purpose, Dashwood often presided over Black Masses where the body of a naked woman was used as an altar and the unholy congregation "drank the sacrificial wine from her navel." During these ceremonies, "The crucifix was inverted and black candles were burned [while]...lamps of lewd design were used." To summon up the forces of evil, herbs were burned in braziers: "belladonna, hemlock, henbane, verbena, and mandrake--all powerful narcotics". [H: By golly--sounds a lot like the "Bohemian Grove" children, doesn't it? This, of course, is the club which meets annually on the West Coast (made up of the most important men in your imaginings). They go to "piss on trees--naked" and such the like. Doesn't it make you feel secure? These include such as Kissinger, your presidents and on and on and on go the listings----!]


Upon the death of King George II in 1760, and after the 21-year-old son of Prince Fritz had ascended the throne as George III, members of the Hell-Fire Club became all-powerful in Britain.