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Jan. 7, 2015





WED., MAY 18, 1994 3:51 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 275


WED., MAY 18, 1994


I purposely saved this opening copy to allow you to be fresh as you start into a new reading for it will refer of witchcraft and such as a big "thing". The facts are that most NEW AGE crafters will draw from the craft in one way or another in chanting, rituals and thus and so. I have spoken on this subject several times--each time offending many listeners who believe themselves to simply be reaching "higher consciousness" and other states of ecstasy while piddling about in something they think to be some sort of magic and without cause for alarm. The "white" witches, for instance, will say that they are totally in search of fulfilling goodness. I think you can see by this that is written over and over again and by the fact that "witches" are honored on Halloween and NOT as holy-goodness participants that it lends one to realize that there is danger to the moth who flies into and around this particular flame. Again, it is a practice of spiritual stuff in the most base of PHYSICAL antics.


When I speak on these subjects there are ones taking exception all the time--just as do ones when I say you don't need a guru or a priest/priestess or an ill-trained religious spouter of the tampered doctrines. And, perhaps YOU will be THE one who does not fall prey to the negative side of the teachings--however, I have yet to find anyone who does not pay dearly for the experiences--at some time, in some way in negative energy assumption needing cleansing or too late smart--in total loss of connection with true spiritual Truth.


The facts are that, when confronted within a setting of non-witchie believers, they will always deny connections--or loudly boast of attachments while deliberately defending the practices as being somehow "Godly". Sorry, the two things are simply not adjacent in the line of connections--they are at opposing ends of the extremes and, frankly, NEVER MERGE WITHIN EACH OTHER--EVER! So, are you somehow OUT of my little circle if you choose to chant and do rituals? No--but if you cling to the adverse practices--I can't imagine why you would want to be in my presence at any time--anyway! Do what you will in freewill, but do not lie to self or others by saying it is "fine", "goodly" and thus and so. Further, there is no need to send up great smoke and fire against me--it is your business so why bother to argue if you are assured you are correct and I be wrong? Righteousness needs neither defending nor, certainly, argument.


Thank you for the delay in starting the copy of the article, "SATANISM", but this discussion comes up over and over again. I always ask that you not inquire of ME as to your favorite Guru, Guide, Witch, Warlock or GOD. TRUTH will bear its own substance in Truth. If you learn your guidelines and check out these other practices and intents and what is expected of you in time, practice, zeal, input, subservience to another HUMAN PERSON and MONEY requirements (tithes, donations, etc.), you will soon be able to make your discernments pretty accurately. In other words, "What is exacted OF YOU, for what, to whom or what and WHY!" Do NOT, for instance, confuse a newspaper with God's laws.... Or, God's workers WITH GOD! IF A THING BE OF PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION ON AN EARTH PLANE--IT IS NOT PERFECTION. GOD IS PERFECTION! IN GOD THERE IS CELEBRATION OF LIFE. IN WITCHCRAFT EVEN THOUGH OFTEN TIMES NATURE IS EXALTED--DEATH IS THE CONSIDERATION AND, IF YOU CANNOT DISCERN THE DIFFERENCE, IT IS PAST TIME THAT YOU STUDIED YOUR LESSONS.


CONTINUATION OF "SATANISM". An article from American Opinion, Sept. 1970. This is shared directly FROM the author whom we will identify only as DEG. We can consider this to be:


"SATANISM", Part 2

A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting

by DEG







Continuing without review:


And surely it is not without meaning that Polanski chose as his technical advisor for Rosemary's Baby the much publicized founder and "high priest" of San Francisco's First Church of Satan, Anton Szandor LaVey--an ardent Socialist and radical. LaVeyclaims his goal is to so destroy organized religion as to supplant belief in God with worship of Satan. And he is getting plenty of support.


Not since the movie Bell, Book And Candle has the subject of witchcraft received such wild acclaim in the Establishment Press. In fact, since Polanski's Establishment-promoted "masterpiece" made the rounds, the interest in witchcraft has mushroomed unbelievably. Today, we see on television such popular shows as Bewitched and Dark Shadows; we note advertisements for Vincent Price's Witchcraft-Magic record album ("An Adventure In Demonology") released by Capitol Records; we read news accounts of a vicious motorcycle gang in Philadelphia called "The Warlocks"; we see advertisements for such films as Satan's Mistress; and, on and on. Witchcraft is the rage. As I write, a current song hit is Tom Jones' ballad, Daughter of Darkness.


Among the more offensive Satanist albums is one released by Mercury Records (Stereo SR61239) entitled Witchcraft Coven: Destroys Minds & Reaps Souls. For sheer vulgarity it has no equal. A complete Black Mass was recorded for the album, in which participants are heard breaking a crucifix and swearing allegiance to "our Lord Satan". After the solemn oath, we hear the words: "If I ever break this oath, I do now decree to have my throat cut, my tongue and heart torn out...and to be buried in the sand of the ocean that the waves of it may carry me away into an eternity of oblivion." Finally, the "high priest" threatens: "If you ever break this oath, we shall pronounce sentence upon you in the name of our Lord Satan...that you shall fall into dangerous disease and leprosy, and that in the sign of this vengeance, you shall perish by a terrifying and horrible death...." [H: This is really so bad--go recite the Masonic ritual oaths and if you want a REAL KICKER--YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT A SKULL AND BONES PARTY AT YALE WHERE THE BUSHES HOLD COURT! If it were not so deadly serious--it would be totally laughable that grown people could be so stupidly idiotic. These, however, are NOT games, readers, and ones who hold oath and allegiance to these rituals and practices are in control of your globe.]


Another hit album is the Rolling Stones' Beggars' Banquet. It includes a song called Symphony For the Devil, which declares: "I was around when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and faith; I made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed His fate." The Rolling Stones have long been a favorite at Communist rock festivals and rallies. Indeed, the group's "singer" [and leader], admitted bi-sexual Mick Jagger, earlier this year (1970) scored a motion picture about Devil worshipentitled Invocation To My Demon Brother. Starring in the film as Lucifer is Bobby Beausoleil, one of the "Manson Family" arrested for the murder of Gary Hinman, a man who had opened his home to Charles Manson and Company. The lyrics to Midnight Rambler, one of Jagger's songs in the film, relate what happened to Sharon Tate and her friends. And there is also the odd fact that the killers left words from songs by another acid-rock group, The Beatles, scrawled in blood on the walls of the murder scene. Oh yes, another featured star of Mick Jagger's Satanist film is Anton Szandor LaVey. (Author's updated notation: The Rolling Stones and other such British rock-groups were fielded 30 years ago by Gen. John Rawlings Rees, head of the Tavistock Institute for Humanistic Relations, headquarters in London. Their name is a clever takeoff (or put-on) of the name: Rawling's Tones. Jagger, a graduate of the Fabian's London School of Economics, is a long-time agent of the subversive Isis Urania Order of the Golden Dawn, an international drug ring controlled from London by Morris Strong, an officer of MI-6 [British Intelligence]. The Beatles were also fronting for this operation. [See Conspirators' Hierarchy, the Committee of 300 by "Dr. John Coleman".] In fact, John Lennon was not only a homosexual drug addict--but a member of the Young Communist League of Liverpool, England. Truth IS stranger than fiction...)


Esquirefor March 1970 devoted a 26-page feature section to "The Style of Evil" in California, in which it outlined the alarming growth of Satanism and witchcraftthere. The authors noted that among the Beautiful People and their hippy retinue along the Sunset Strip it was In Crowd knowledge that the Polanski mansion had been the scene of some pretty far-out "happenings" prior to the tragedy. One Strip affair was described to Esquire's Tom Burke by a young female singer from Los Angeles who claimed to have attended most of them. She relates how guests "were greeted at the door with a glass of their special hallucinogenic formula," and continues: "You went in and there were three altars. On two of them, these boys were tied with leather thongs. They were sobbing. These two faggots, dressed as nuns--one had a goatee--were beating them with big black rosaries. On the middle altar there was a very young girl. This guy wearing a goat's head had crushed a live frog on her privates. When I came in, he had just cut a little cross on her stomach; not deep, but the party had just started. I don't know how deep the cuts got, because, man, I split from there like Wonder Woman...."


What the singer describes is a version of the Black Mass as practised for centuries by Sataniststhe world over. She went on to explain how use of such drugs as LSD (acid) introduces weird perversions. When one starts taking daily acid trips, she related, "First you're Christ, then you're Lord of the Underworld." Another habitué of the Sunset Strip added knowingly: "...acid is so spiritual, so, uh, metaphysical, that you are going to be forced into making a choice, between opting for good...and tripping with the Lord Satan. That's the whole heavy thing about too many people turned on to acid: to most of them, the devil just looks groovier." He was apparently speaking from experience, claiming to have taken 172 acid trips.


Next was a young Beverly Hills policeman who admitted that it just wasn't safe to travel his beat alone any longer because of the heavy "influx of Satanist dope fiends". He was not alone in that opinion. As one deluded and irreverent Californian put it: "The Second Coming has already come. Only J.C. didn't show up; Satan did. It hit Los Angeles first...." Terrifying as it sounds, that is exactly the way many of the pot-smoking hippies with whom your reporter has spoken feel about the matter. Thanks to their drug cult and an incredibly clever build-up by both the Establishment media and the Communist press, they're now turning on to what they call "The Lord Satan".


Commenting on the sudden rise of Satanist activity the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner reported on December 21, 1969: "Tales of witchcraft cults that sacrifice animals and turn humans into ‘slaves of Satan' are coming out of the mountains that form a bucolic backdrop to the Northern California coastal town [of Santa Cruz]. Police are paying greater heed to these macabre stories in the aftermath of disclosures about the so-called ‘black magic' practices of Charles Manson...." The Herald-Examiner then quotes a young inmate at the Santa Cruz County Jail who tells about "participating in fire dances and blood-drinking rites at nearby Boulder Creek...." In fact, says the report, "Investigators also tell of teenagers who described witchcraft initiation ceremonies in which participants must eat the entrails of an animal while its heart is still beating. There are also numerous reports of persons being placed under hypnotic-type spells by a head witch who slips LSD into ceremonial wine...."


Concerned about the slaughter of animals in these grisly rites, the director of the Santa Cruz Animal Shelter commented: "Whoever is doing this is a real expert with a knife. The skin is cut away without even marking the flesh. The really strange thing is that these dogs have been drained of blood." In San Jose, Chief of Detectives Barton Collins notes a horrifying application of this technique to humans. On August 2, 1969, two young girls were viciously stabbed more than three hundred times, says Collins, "Yet there was virtually no trace of blood where the victims' bodies were found."


There have been many murders in recent years not unlike the Manson Family atrocities. Describing just one of these, the London Sunday Pictorial of October 5, 1958, devoted several columns to the case of a "respected" citizen of Vineland, New Jersey, named Juan Aponte who, after having been arrested on a minor charge, surprised police by admitting a murder. A longtime student of black magic and voodoo, Aponte was found to have killed a thirteen-year-old boy during a Satanic ritual "by striking him a blow upon the back of the head and then strangling him with a cord...." He buried the body under the dirt floor in his home. Seven months later he dug up the body, cut off the head, and carefully dried it in a stove. Then he performed a hideous ritual with a lock of hair from the woman he desired, placing it within the skull of the sacrifice.


Frighteningly enough, six psychiatrists at the preliminary hearing in the Aponte case found him perfectly sane and rational--and he was convicted of the crime. He obviously knew full well what he was doing and why.


Another such case came to light in late November 1967. The U.P.I. report read as follows: "Two parents practicing black magic dipped their six-year-old son feet first into boiling water every two days during a month of torture, police said... ‘When we recovered him, his feet were just globs of raw and bleeding flesh,' said Colonel Palma Cabral. ‘The rest of his tiny body had been burned and cut....'"


The child's mother and father readily confessed to having tortured their son as part of a "witchcraft sacrifice" to the Devil. Like Manson and Aponte, they too were found "sane and rational". As practising Satanists they were advocates of what, next to Communism, has come to be the fastest growing criminal menace of our time. Indeed, in many instances of record, the two are not at all exclusive. [H: And keep in mind--this was noted a quarter of a century AGO!]


One of the most striking examples of this developed during the early Fifties when Communist Jomo Kenyatta led a murderous band of guerrillas in a bestial rampage of death and destruction aimed at Kenyan blacks. These were the incredibly savage Mau Mau, a "blood brotherhood" which had the full support of Russian and Indian Communists whose goal was to take control of the British protectorate of Kenya. In doing so, Comrade Kenyatta used a foul blend of black magic and jungle witchcraft to influence and control the Kikuyu, largest of the tribes in Kenya. The Communist-led Mau Mau took stomach-wrenching blood oaths and forced unwilling tribesmen, under threat of unspeakably revolting tortures, to do the same. Charles Lefebure notes in Blood Cults (Ace Publishing Co., New York, 1969, Page 23) that Mau Mau ceremonies included "forced cohabiting with animals, the drinking of...blood, cannibalism, eating the brains of disintered corpses, and many other practices." All who resisted--and even many of those who did not--were brutally tortured and killed, their bodies then mutilated beyond printable description. All in the cause of the Communist revolution. The same process was repeated (unsuccessfully) in Angola where hideous Satanist atrocities were perpetrated against whites and blacks by the drugged cutthroats of Communist Holden Roberto, and again in the Congo where the witch-cult slaughter was directed by Communist Patrice Lumumba--this time with the aid of the United Nations.


During the late Fifties and early Sixties, Satanist cults made headlines around the world, achieving considerable notoriety especially in Europe. Eric Maple notes in The Domain Of Devils (A.S. Barnes & Company, New York, 1966): "In 1959 a society of black magicians was exposed in Switzerland. Under the direction of their high priest, the members of the cult had practised terrible rites and sexual perversions with the object of raising demons. One of the rooms used by the society was discovered to be fully equipped as a torture chamber. Not even the imagination of de Sade could have conceived of such a realistic application of sadistic principles. [H: Except, of course, the Government with its PROJECT MONARCH!] Many of the cult members, young girls, were almost demented when rescued...." Such was the case, you may remember, with many of Comrade Manson's "slaves".


In 1962, reports of the large-scale revival of witchcraft in Germany caused a prominent Munich doctorto remark: "Tens of thousands of people now believe in witches." The following spring, in Bedfordshire, England, "No less than nine graves had been desecrated and the exhumed skull of a girl had been impaled upon a spike during a hideous ceremony akin to necromancy." That November, pressed to reinstate the laws against witchcraft which had been removed from the Statute Books in 1951, Britain's Home Secretary said he "refused to turn back the clock to 1735...." Yet the following year, in October 1964, the revival of a particularly grisly form of Satanism called "death witchcraft" caused yet another sensation in the heart of "Witch Country" at Rockford, Essex. Search magazine estimated in January 1968 that there were 12,000 actively practising witch-cultists in Great Britain. [H: So, how many would you "guess" in 1994?]


Why the revival of witchcraft? Upon publication in 1921 of The Witch Cultin Western Europeby Margaret Alice Murray (Clarendon Press, London) the public horror at witchcraft was generally eased. As a respected British Egyptologist and folklorist, the late Dr. Murray did more to influence the growth of modern Satanism than any other author of this century. As an apologist for witchcraft she claimed that those practising "The Craft" were merely reenacting ancient pagan rituals which in no way involved the worship of Satan. [H: Does this sound a bit like "old Salem" today where the witches are THE neatest tourist attractions?] They were, she said, practising the "Wica", a "religion" as old as man himself. Dr. Murray has been aided in her defense of witchcraft by such authors as Jules Michelet (Satanism And Witchcraft, 1939), Goeffrey Parrinder (Witchcraft, 1958), and Justine Glass (Witchcraft, The Sixth Sense--And Us, 1955).


Numerous other books, of course, have been written by self-proclaimed "witches" pursuing this same line. Some of these include: A Mirror Of Witchcraft by Christina Hole; Diary Of A Witch by Sybil Leek; and Witchcraft Todayby Dr. Gerald Gardner. All of these, and many others, are today being pushed in bookstores across the nation. Not only has the largest of these outlets, Brentano's of New York, recently opened a "Boutique of the Occult", but practically every other major bookstore has followed--including nearly all of the Communist bookstores! The obvious question is--Why?


The Egyptian occultist, Rollo Ahmed, presents an excellent analysis of Satanist cults in his Complete Book of Witchcraft. He notes that: "Many people famous in history are mentioned as having had dealings with witchcraft...." Ahmed names Sextus (the "decadent son of Pompey"), Benvenuto Cellini, Catherine de Medici, and the Count de Cagliostro. In ancient Rome both Nero and his mother had reputations for sorcery and the sadistic Emperor showed his disdain for Christians by "illuminating his gardens with flambeaus of living men and women soaked in burning pitch." Many centuries later, in 1440, Gilles de Raiz and his sorcerer, Francis Prelati, were executed for indulging themselves in "the most hideous practises of the black art imaginable, in which the mutilation, torture, rape and murder of little children of both sexes played a large part...."


In 1610, the infamous Hungarian Countess and Satanist, Elizabeth Bathory, was tried and executed after the bodies of some fifty girls were found chained in the cellar of her castle. The noted journalist William Seabrooktells us in his book, Witchcraft, that the Countess had a quirk about bathing regularly in fresh, human blood.


During the reign of Louis XIV (in 1676), a riot broke out in Paris over the appalling disappearance of children. Four years later, a Satanist named Catherine Deshayes(La Voisine) was executed after investigators found her furnace loaded with the remains of scores of children. This woman and her henchman, the Abbé Guibourg, were proved to have sacrificed at least 2,500 children over the years at their abominable black Masses. Police found on the premises rare books dealing with black magic and candles made of human fat. Catherine Deshayes' own daughter testified to having witnessed some of the hideous ceremonies.


Such was the demonic current of the times, says the authoritative Rollo Ahmed, that "An enormous number of monks and priests gave themselves up to sorcery, and there was no lack of apostate priests to perform the ceremonies of the Black Mass." A similar observation is made by Ronald Seth in his Witches And Their Craft (Award Books, New York, 1969). Both authors write of the Abbé Lemignan, a vicar of St. Eustace in Paris, who was convicted after having "dedicated and sacrificed children to Satan," and of Abbé Cotton, who was found to have "baptized a child in holy oil, strangled him and offered his corpse as a sacrifice to the Devil." Far from being wild imaginings, these cases are carefully documented history. Although many writers quote extensively from such questionable works as Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer Of Witches) written in 1486 by the fiendish Inquisitioners Jacob Sprenger and Henricus Institor, carefully detailed and scholarly proofs can be found in Francesco Mario Guazzo's Compendium Maleficarum written in 1608, Johannes Nider's Fornicarius written in 1517, and the Errores Gazariorum published in 1450. Another good source is Bartolomeo de Spina's Tractatus de Stringibus et Lamiis, written in 1533, which describes how the Witches' Sabbaths of the Middle Ages--just as the acid-rock Satanists of today--carried on their affairs while "harsh, strident music droned all about them."




No we aren't finished with the article in point, but I will break it into manageable portions so my scribe isn't stuck with this dreary duty too long at a time.


If you are under the impression that I am going to now lecture on the sins and evils of playing in such games--forget it for I am NOT. My job is to present the information--YOURS TO DO WITH IT THAT WHICH YOU WILL. I judge not any man but I take careful discernment with actions as they are projected. I would, parents, keep close watch over your children and selves--for these deeds are being carried out by ones who will shock you into unbelievability and the prime target is, of course, the innocent and untouched child. I repeat, I am not here to argue, debate or deliberate for man of earth physical expression has free-will of choices. However, at some point it may well be that the "normal in action" man will one day rise up against you who perpetuate and perpetrate these grossly evil activities which, in fact, bring harm and damage upon ANOTHER and shall cause you to be drawn and quartered in your own places of evil.


I will, however, again point out that I do not invite you who play in these games to be my table-mate nor my guide. I have no need to invite you within those places wherein I AM nor should any of those who function in attempts at righteousness have need to allow you your practice in their places. I have had ones who rise up in total indignation when they are not "called" to a meeting when we share. We do not have any group, gathering as such or public anything. No one has right in the places wherein ones are working than would anyone have right to come and ENTER YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS and demand entrance, participation or invitation. If you want a "cult", "commune", "church" or other--go where that is the point for ye shall NOT FIND IT HERE! There is constantly the enemy among the various places of business and I am amazed at the attitude of those who are in charge of such business facilities in the ALLOWING of any and all to come, to manage, to presume structuring and then demanding attention and graciousness. In any other BUSINESS SETTING OR MEETING--you would call the local police for trespass. So be it--one day your total "allowances" shall rise up to smite you in your own face. God is NOT UNCONDITIONAL--GOD HAS A WHOLE SET OF CONDITIONS! May HE grant you the wisdom to know the difference...!