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Jan. 5, 2015

PJ 95


WED., MAY 18, 1994 8:58 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 275

WED., MAY 18, 1994



There is a particularly important document which has come to our attention. I am not going to take time to reproduce it here on this keyboard but I do ask that a copy of it be placed in the current journal (See Chap. 19.) as well as giving it important placement and notice in the CONTACT. A lot of you will be coming up for review and it can help you--even though the IRS will deny its existence. We thank Al Carter for sharing these priceless documents with us and, perhaps, some day soon we can do more than simply thank these ceaseless alarm clocks efforting to change the prison circumstances in which you citizens now find yourselves. It is through a full network of sharing every tid-bit you get which is set forth through the pen that you shall prevail for therein is your documentation, your confirmation and your power through education and information gathering.


How DARE we put information to press that is dangerous, horrendous and NEVER WOULD SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ELSEWHERE? Well, number one, it will have seen the light of day in someone's KNOWLEDGE and perhaps even into print. Just as the Federalist Papers are all but buried, THEY DO EXIST. As long as there is even a shred of hope in your CONSTITUTION our teams will make every effort to offer all they can--and the troops GROW. Perhaps individuals may have direct purpose toward this or that project but as a PAPER this publication has ONE purpose--to make public that which we can for as long as we can, in open forum, always checked out to the best of our ability and always giving credit, as well as responsibility for information truth, to those who share. We will always protect sources as that, in fact, is the DUTY of both paper and journalist. This paper is a voice, like other small and struggling-against-all odds papers who fight daily to simply bring that which is no longer ALLOWED in the controlled media. The controlled media is set up and totally dedicated to protecting the guilty and enslaving the innocent.




I hope you will note that A&E channel is currently running a series of shows hosted by Jack Perkinswhich are referred to as "CIA FILES". They advertise that you can acquire a set of the tapes--I haven't the information but the program is called TIME MACHINE. I bring this up because of the reference to some very SPECIAL persons who are placed in a very dangerous position by being up-front with their information. I especially wish to note Victor Marchetti who wrote THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE and John Stockwell who wrote IN SEARCH OF ENEMIES. They have both written many other important works but if you want eye-openers--get these!


Last evening's program was regarding the "Phoenix Project" called PHOENIX RISING. We have written on this subject several times and devoted several journals to these types of subjects. This, however, was the epitome of a spiteful nation betraying its own CONTACTS and creating horrors beyond speaking upon innocent persons. Was this "ancient" times of inquisition or crusades? No--it was in Vietnam WITH YOUR CHILDREN and the hapless citizens of a nation now being used again by your thugs and corruptors. Vietnam was basically a CIA war, good buddies--and involved France to its eyeballs and other dirty activities unmentioned here.


Well, let it be recognized that the connections certainly didn't stop--as is evidenced by the influx FROM FRANCE into the United States through WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK of the heaviest trafficking in COCAINE of anywhere--all orchestrated and utilized BY THE COMMITTEE OF 17 (OR SO), THE GOVERNMENT OF THE U.S., ETC. White Plains makes Mena, Arkansas look like NOTHING--relatively speaking. "Ah," you might say, "but White Plains can't accommodate large aircraft so you MUST be WRONG!" No, it is that there is also a "NEWFOUNDLAND" CONNECTION. You see, refueling, etc., is done in Newfoundland--also massive transfer of product from big planes to smaller ones which can come in easily into White Plains. "Everybody" KNOWS it--it is just that nobody tells YOU about it--and the government's "war on drugs" is hardly noticed as being fought in White Plains, New York!! May you sleep well tonight--sleepyheads!


So what? Perhaps it is better that you don't ever wake-up? Well, some people don't like what is happening in your nation or to yourselves--especially your babies whom you have sacrificed to the devil as surely as if you were a participant in Satanic murder--the death is more insidious and insipid. But you continue to allow NO accuracy in the media or press or in any form by ones who would effort to bring you truth. It is exampled in every hour of every day in THIS place.


Ones who would destroy the Institute, and the paper, along with silencing the journals as Mr. Green, Mr. Gritz, et al.--have shown their own colors and dedication to self aggrandizement, self-greed, lack of insight and knowledge as to what we offer AND are working for the Elite crime syndicate--even if in total ignorance. They lash out and do everything in their power to cause grief and mischief--so be it. The accomplishment in intent is the same as the most horrendous criminal efforting to cover his deeds and destroy your nation and freedom. If these ones set forth themselves as LEADERS it is their RESPONSIBILITY to know every detail of that which they attack for thus far the FACTS AS OFFERED BY THESE ENEMIES are a pack of garbage and any party reading or studying ANY of our presentations would KNOW AS MUCH!


Will we do anything to force these people to stop their painful misuse of you-the-people? No--except for offering you the Truth to whatever extent we can do so--just as they use whatever methods they have available to destroy us. You must, as well, always realize that no matter where you are or who you join in service--there will ALWAYS BE THE ENEMY AMONG YOU AND HE WILL NOT "GO" EVEN THOUGH DESPISED AND RECOGNIZED--SO WHAT? CONDUCT ALL THINGS IN YOUR "DOING" THAT THERE IS ONLY INTEGRITY AND TRUTH TO BE FOUND, PROTECT THE PRIVACY (I DID NOT SAY "ALL SECRETS") OF ALL AND PROTECT TO THE EXTENT OF ALL POSSIBILITY THE RIGHTS AND SECURITY OF ALL ONES WITH WHOM YOU ASSOCIATE. Conduct yourselves within the laws of God AND the regulations of the land, and yet you must utilize to the full extent those laws--that which is provided as security for the ones who make the rules--for those are "laws" set forth for themselves but, BY THE WAY OF THE COURTS, MUST ALSO PROTECT YOU. A bunch of locked-away patriots (or, better exampled: DEAD PATRIOTS), proclaiming "rights" in the face of an army of military suiciding experts--are not "martyrs"; they are useless bodies who can no longer serve freedom.


When the Master Teacher said "Take up your cross and follow me"--he did not mean to hop on the cross and commit suicide by crucifixion! Ponder it.


I am urged to share some miserable, degrading and totally unthinkable truths with you. We have spoken on the Satanic processes of the "Monarch" Project, etc., in the past editions and through those routings we are asked to continue with more input on the subject. Since we wrote at length about this subject in Satan's Drummers (soon to be reprinted as we are no longer interested in wresting the journals from George Green who holds them hostage) we will offer additions which have been sent to us in response to recent offerings. We have been sent, under (and I agree) plain wrapper, with little identification reference to the AUTHOR, but FROM THE AUTHOR, an article which appeared in publication in September of 1970. It was sent to Dr. Young with a cover letter dated March 13, 1994. We have held it until now where it is most appropriate to recent subjects being considered.


It may well seem strange to you readers, however, that we will also be offering a rather long document on the DESTRUCTION of Freemasonry. Why? Because most organizations begin and ones take up without realizing there is anything at all amiss with them. The "corner" Mason is a benevolent service-club participant. There is no way to realize that what is being actually offered is NOT what appears. The ones who really take the rituals and secrets seriously--KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. This is true of churches, doctrines of any kind which control people, as well as governments and enforcer agencies. However, so many of ALL OF THE ABOVE are based on the fundamental ritual secrecy and anti-goodness behavior of oaths and ritual expression that you need to be able to relate the two--even to the manifestos you claim to detest. These in turn, are based on the original PROTOCOLS of the anti-Christ. In other words, NOT ON A MAN CALLED JESUS--but the ones who live in constant movement toward total HUMAN physical control and soul destructionof individual human citizen. Each individual has full RIGHT to participate in any manner desired--however, YOU ALSO HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND A RESPONSIBILITY IN ACCEPTANCE BY SELF FOR THAT WHICH YOU PERPETUATE!


We are going to offer, with author's updated entries, an article entitled: SATANISM: A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting.Published in September 1970 in a journal called American Opinion.


We will first run the cover letter:


Dear Dr. Young,


Although I certainly realize that you must be literally inundated by material from your many loyal Hatonn supporters, I thought that maybe you would nonetheless find this old article of mine of some special interest. As you can see, I wrote it almost 24 years ago--but I believe the subject matter is even more important today. I've also added some corrections and further information for your edification.


Shortly after publication of this article I not only received numerous death threats from the Satanistsbut went through several years of severe psychic attacks. There were also several attempts on my life. But with God's help I miraculously survived the worst. Altogether, over a four year period, I wrote 50 such exposés of many aspects of the Conspiracy we all face.


In another mailing to follow I will enclose some additional articles as well as a large Chart I have been working on covering the Satanic Conspiracy which will trace the very origins of evil on our planet Shan--fully a millennia before the Illuminati was ever heard of. Hope you enjoy the article.


For God, family and country, I am...(signature).


[H: I do not have in my possession the other referred-to documents but perhaps Dr. Young will check and see if he has them. You will find them illuminating. If not, perhaps D.G. will send them to my attention. Thank you.]


"SATANISM", Part 1

A Practical Guide To Witch Hunting

by DEG




While a battalion of tough homicide detectives puzzled over the grisly manner in which the killers had dispatched their victims--using knives, guns, bayonets, and even a fork--the nation sickened to Press accounts of the gory "ritual" slayings. Horrifying reports of multiple stab wounds, hideous mutilations, and bloody hoods left over the heads of the victims added to growing apprehension already heightened by rumors of a practising "witch cult" seeking victims for performance of the "Black Mass". Such was the fear haunting Southern California in August of 1969 that terrified residents of Benedict Canyon added double-locks to their doors and hired private guards to protect their neighborhoods and homes.


After almost four months of intensive investigation, during which police and reporters were led through a nightmare world of drug cults, Satan worshippers, and "speed freak" emporiums where frenzied dancers cavorted before idols of the Devil, it became obvious to even the most skeptical that a terrifying new underground movement was already well established. It was a movement which stretched the length of the land and which embraced drugs, Devil worship, wanton sex, mutilation for pleasure, and ritual murder. It was a fantastic Twilight Zone inhabited by some of the most monstrous sadists and perverts imaginable. Here was a subterranean movement in which weird sexual aberrations were de rigueur, with Communism and revolution part of the cult.


Eventually police were drawn to a secluded area just twenty miles northwest of Beverly Hills, to the old Spahn Movie Ranch, a crumbling relic of a bygone era of celluloid cowboys and Indians. There, amid a cluster of filthy shacks near the foothills of the Santa Susanna Mountains, investigators picked up the trail of a cadre of drug-cult revolutionaries known as "The Family". Some months earlier they had moved on--to a heavily-fortified desert stronghold in the vastness of Death Valley. They said they were leaving to prepare for "the coming Revolution".


Police now knew they were searching for the members of a guerrilla commune, including more than a score of half-nude females, some with small children, and all addicted to narcotics. Here was a veritable harem controlled by an odd little psychopath named Charles Manson. It was now only a matter of time. That December second, the Los Angeles Times reported, "Police believe they have solved the Sharon Tatemurder case and that an occult band of hippies...committed the five murders. Members of the band--a mystical, hate-oriented tribe of twentieth-century nomads--also suspected of the LaBianca--or ‘copycat'--killings and at least four other comparably grotesque butcheries...."


Arrested and charged with an earlier torture-murder, a member of the "Manson Family" named Susan Atkins casually admitted complicity in the atrocities and named those of the cadre who had done the actual killing. Susan described how she and the others had carried out a frenzied orgy of torture and bloodshed at the direction of Charles Manson, a self-styled Satanist, hypnotist, and revolutionary. Susan told how Manson--who preferred to be known as "Satan"--had repeatedly warned her: "If you ever decide to leave [The Family], I'll take you and hang you upside down, and slit your throat, and use you as an example...." He was said to have threatened others of his execution squad with the command: "Follow my orders or meet a horrible death." Those he kept mesmerized with terror, drugs, acid-rock music, occult "magic", and rampant sex orgies, obeyed his every command without question.


Charles Mansonmeant business. He is a hardened criminal who has spent more than twenty of his thirty-five years in prison for such crimes as violation of the Mann Act, pandering, auto theft, etc. He was also somewhat of a musician and song-writer and ran with a rich Hollywood crowd as a friend of the The Beachboys, a well-known singing group. His attraction for them was a curious one. While a federal prisoner Manson became fascinated with the "black rites" and necromancy. Becoming an adept Satanist, he joined a London-based Satanist cult known as "The Process". Operating in both Los Angeles and Boston (headed by someone named Brother Malachi), this Devil cult has been working to "influence young persons, particularly American youngsters". Manson's Hollywood friends treated him as a Satanist guru. (Update note: The full name of this sicko group of perverts was then the Process Church of the Final Judgement, founded in 1962 in London by Satanists Robert and Mary Anne de Grimston. In 1974 it changed its name legally to the Foundation Faith Church after having been repeatedly linked to ritual murders of children. The current leader is one Rafael de Peyer.)


The revolutionary aspects of this business are particularly chilling. When Manson was arrested he called on a battery of well-known attorneys to provide him with legal aid. Among the legal defenders he sought were Lawrence Steinberg and George Shibley, both for many years members of the National LawyersGuild, an organization cited by the House Committee on Un-American Activities as "the foremost legal bulwark of the Communist Party". Shibley, in fact, admitted to having represented Charles Manson as early as the mid-Fifties.


In his book The Killing of Sharon TateLawrence Schiller relates the experience of a hippy visitor to the desert headquarters of the Manson Family who told how its leader had talked repeatedly of promoting a revolutionary race war between negroes and whites. As commandant of his Death Valley outpost, Manson was said to have planned a guerrilla assault on Los Angeles to foment revolution by killing whites and laying the blame on Negroes. Susan Atkinssaid a Communist Black Panther, perhaps skeptical about the Manson scheme, was murdered, dismembered, and buried by Manson's ghouls somewhere on the Spahn Ranch. The hippy informant says Charles Manson told him "he was building a bunch of dune buggies. He said he was going to mount machine-guns on them. He said he would take his army of dune buggies and kill every white mother--every white pig...."


And that last word, of course, is the one that Manson's assassins left scrawled in blood at the scene of each of their cult murders--"Pig". It is the term used by Communists and other revolutionaries to describe both policemen and "capitalists". Manson planned to start the bloodletting, as he said, and then just "sit back and watch the revolution." He had by then turned his followers into a cell of hard-core Marxists.


On January 10, 1970, less than a month after Charles Manson was captured by Los Angeles police, the revolutionary Communist Guardian carried a lengthy report of a "War Council" at Flint, Michigan, convened by the violent Weatherman faction of the Communist Students for A Democratic Society (SDS). During this important gathering not only were the vicious murders of Sharon Tate and the others praised by the Communists, but victorious chants of "Charlie MansonPower" and "Red Army Power" echoed through the hall. An admitted revolutionary Communist, former S.D.S. Interorganizational Secretary Bernardine Dohrn, then enthused from the rostrum: "Dig it, first they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into a victim's stomach! Wild...." Comrade Bernardine, currently being sought by law enforcement officers for her role in the Communist riots which rocked Chicago in October 1969, was referring to the Manson cult's murder of Mr. and Mrs. Leno LaBianca.


To emphasize their solidarity with Charles Manson and Company, the S.D.S. Communists formally adopted "the fork"--or four-fingered salute--as a sign to be given interchangeably with their traditional clenched-fist salute.


On Page 20 of the revolutionary Berkeley Tribefor June 5-12, 1970, we learn of a two-hour visit in May between Communist Jerry Rubin and Charlie Mansonin the latter's Los Angeles jail cell. Manson told Comrade Rubin: "I'm for the revolution. It's got to take place. The Panthers and the Muslims are part of the revolution. I approve of Weatherman's latest statement from the underground. The Revolution should tear down all the jails...." After the interview, said the report, Rubin visited each member of the Manson Family commune. The Underground Press, loaded with articles and ads promoting narcotics, homosexuality, Satanism, and witchcraft, has recently devoted front page coverage to the growing Red defense of Manson, proclaiming 1970 "The Year of the Fork."


Rumors of Satanist activity continue to haunt Southern California because of the odd link between the Sharon Tate coterie, the Manson Family, and the whole black occult "bag". It has been revealed by authorities that all five persons either stabbed to death or shot during the early morning hours of August ninth in the $200,000 estate rented by Sharon Tate and her husband--as well as those found to have committed the grisly murders--were involved in the illegal use or sale of narcotics. All were connected with a much larger cult of Hollywood personalities which is said to have met regularly for "sex-drug rituals". Found in the Tate mansion were black leather masks, whips, ropes, and chains--the "tools" of the Satanist cults. And in a car at the murder scene police discovered a quantity of cocaine, LSD, marijuana, and methedrine ("speed"). Both the victims and the killers were known for their active interest in "black magic" and other aspects of the occult.


From published news accounts one notes that Roman Polanski, husband of the slain actress, had first come to Hollywood to make the controversial film Rosemary's Baby, a disquieting picture in which the lead actress (Mia Farrow) is raped and impregnated by the Devil, discovers that her husband, her doctor, and her next door neighbors are members of a "witches' coven" operating secretly in the heart of New York Cityand, finally, gives birth to a child of Satan. (Author's updated notation: Bernardine Dohrn, Jerry Rubin and Roman Polanski are Jews. And Sharon Tate was the daughter of a high-ranking officer in U.S. Military Intelligence, although this was not generally known.)


It is perhaps significant that Roman Polanski, an admitted atheist who attended schools in Communist Poland and became a noted movie director there, still travels on a Communist Polish passport. It is not without meaning that this "genius of the Polish cinema" had, as head of Cadre Films, Ltd., produced two export films entitled Repulsion and Cul de Sac, both of which promoted sexual perversion, sado-masochism, atheism, and witchcraft. Even more telling is the stirring comment on Comrade Polanski's tragic loss which appeared on August 19, 1969, in the Communist Daily World. He must be very important indeed. [H: If you find it difficult to believe this "old" stuff about good old Roman Polanski, I suggest you go look up his record SINCE this was written--his molesting of young girls, etc.]




Let us keep the writings to a manageable length. We will continue with the subject of Polanski when we again write.