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Jan. 2, 2015




MON., MAY 16, 1994 3:58 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 273

MON., MAY 16, 1994




by Robert Stanley


The following arrived on a desk here without enough reference material to give a reasonable reference. However, I will make note that it comes from a "UFO" publication which states that it is "The magazine for earthbound extraterrestrials". That, in itself, is enough to cause me to not pay attention but there has been so much fun and games about the "Photon Belt" as to suggest a need for everything you can get because in the "humor" and false information often lays a lot of truth. I am, however, sad to say that in the study of "metaphysics" is often found the most impressive mass of NON-INFORMATION or B.S. arising from your planet. At any rate, we share this with you:




Many of us that study metaphysics are always hearing about the future shift of Earth's densities or dimensions. Well, how about some logical food for thought such as the little known or understood "Photon Band". No, it's not the latest New Age music group; it was discovered in outer space by satellite-born instruments back in 1961. It has also been called the Manasic Ring, which is a Sanskrit word meaning the faculty of mental perception that receives impressions from the senses and transmits them to the Atman or Soul. Our solar system enters this area of our Galaxy every 11,000 years and then passes through for 2,000 years while completing its 26,000 year Galactic orbit. Described as a cloud of photons that rotate at a 90 degree angle to our horizontal orbit, this is a little known or understood region of our Milky Way Galaxy. [H: Wow, I suggest that this is an even less understood subject--by this author.] These excess photons are being emitted from the center of our Galaxy, which is either a very large star or a super powerful black hole. Both of these generate what are called spiral jets from their polar areas. Pictures are available of other Galaxies such as Centarus A [H: Say what??], also known as NGC5128, that will give you some idea what we might look like from a distance. It has a denser spiral of star clusters in the central area, while also having a more circular glow or halo surrounding it.


For those of you that are unfamiliar with the nature of a photon, it is the quantum of electromagnetic energy generally regarded as a discrete particle with zero mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime. It is what we see in our night sky, emitted eons ago by a star that may or may not even exist, like a fossil made of light. Also, there are a variety of photons in the Universe that range from the super powerful gamma-ray or ultra-violet photons, to the less powerful x-ray or infra-red photons. Almost everything around us produces infrared photons, which don't contain much electric current. According to physicist Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac, each type of particle has its counter-or anti-particle. In 1932, Carl David discovered an anti-electron and called it a positron. Later, in 1956, the anti-proton and anti-neutron were discovered. These various particles collide and the reverse charges cancel each other and the total mass of the pairs formed is converted into energy in the form of photons. This reaction offers an unprecedented powerful source of clean energy.


The photon is about to become our newly enlightened environment. In 1962, we entered the influence of the outer edge of the photon belt, which I believe astronaut John Glenn encountered while orbiting the Earth and referred to as fireflies. It was also a time of great UFO activity. According to scientists, if the Earth was to enter the photon belt first, the sky will appear to be on fire, but don't panic as this is cold light, so there will be no heat generated. If the Sun were to enter first, there will be immediate darkness. Again not to worry, this is temporary and should only last an estimated 110 hours. [H: If, however, the radiation belt around your planet is ignited during this process the light will be so blinding as to destroy vision--further, massive damage is already resulting from the ongoing exposure to these invisible LIGHT RAYS!] Also, the interaction between our galactic solar radiation (starlight) and the photon belt will make the sky appear as though it was full of falling stars. As the Earth fully enters this radiation, all molecules will become excited, atoms will change, and everything will become luminescent. We will be constantly in the light, even in the deepest cave and within every cell of our bodies. As mentioned in the Bible, "All stars will fall from the sky and the night sky will be no more."


Some scientists speculate that the rotation of the Earth may diminish due to the reduced level of solar radiation. The temperature is expected to become cooler and the polar caps will eventually extend to about the 40th latitude. World communications centers, fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sites (sorry, the next sentence is missing from the bottom of the page) or accident. In a February issue of Newsweek, Fidel Castro's brother, Raul, admitted that the Cuban government had been digging extensive tunnels and underground bunkers. According to him, they had 10,000 men working 24 hours a day for the past 11 years on this project. This was verified by the Pentagon, and is believed to be a long term project for the survival of this coming period mentioned as the twilight of the gods.


As we enter the photon belt, a normal person can expect to experience a jolt of energy similar to plugging your finger into a light socket, although I don't recommend trying this at home. I know from first hand experience what it might feel like, like having been struck by lightning twice in five minutes while meditating in the mountains during an electrical storm. [H: Now THIS is a very "bright" person and possibly has addled his circuits just a bit--however, the facts are that there is a photon belt and the "shock" effect may or may not present to you--BUT THE DAMAGE IS ALREADY HAPPENING--SHORT CIRCUITS OR NOT.] My personal advice is to completely relax or this energy transformation could kill you. By resisting the flow you could short circuit your nervous system. [H: I think this person has already short-circuited his own. Gosh, and Sir Gritz ridicules a suggestion that you get and keep DARK goggles handy. Why? Because when you have the sudden burst and then the ongoing intense light (brighter than looking into the sun for a long period of time, say, at an eclipse) you will blind yourselves. The intensity of a photon passage without protection BURNS out the retinal nerves!!] Theologians have written about biblical characters that lived during this period of light that claimed, "Ye shall be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye." The sky and atmosphere were different and apparently it never rained.


The contact of a Swiss farmer named Eduard [Billy] Meier with travelers from the Pleiades star system has given us many interesting photographs as well as thousands of pages of their conversations with him. Sometimes called the Contact Notes, they reveal much about Earth's true history and mankind's direct relationship to the Pleiadians. Some of the information tells us that this New Age we are entering will have fully begun by the year 2028. [H: Oh my....] The Pleiadian, Semjase, told Eduard "In respect to the cosmic changes which I have mentioned before about the Waterman's Age, which is called the Golden Age, in this regard I need to explain the religious interpretations of this age which have become absolutely unreal. A certain irresponsible fanaticism is treating the Watermans Age as the proclaimed final time. By no means is this New Age a final time, because in truth it will bring the real life. The age will bring every ....(sentence missing from bottom of page) ....develop the spirit according to providence. But it will take many centuries to achieve. As usual, the atheistic scientists will profit and grow stronger during the beginning of the new time, while the common people are injured by religious quarrels. The changing of the ages will make it difficult to maintain the popular religious beliefs and people will fall into delusion. False offers of salvation and prophets will boast themselves publicly, searching fanatically for victims and new followers." [H: Well, I "can" buy this statement!]


Semjase continues, "This is the initial phase of the Golden Age, which will last 184 years. This evolutionary force began to transform Earth on February 3, 1884. The final confirmation of this age will begin on February 3, 2028. [H: Did these notes come prior to or AFTER the announced "death" of Semjase? We can hardly keep up with the "new" notes seemingly pouring forth from said entities. It would behoove you to check it out, readers. FOR YOURSELF. A lot of disinformation passes under and over bridges if your alertness slackens and interpretations of short-circuited writers enter the screen. I have said that you are not expected to move into this traumatic "belt" until around the ending of the first decade of the new millennium. You are, however, like moving into any gradually increasing radiation belt--already experiencing increase in the numbers of the bombarding rays which radiate at very intense and very high frequency--INVISIBLE! "Light" is not always visible. In fact, light is NEVER VISIBLE OR INVISIBLE--YOU CAN ONLY SEE THE REFLECTION OR EFFECT OF LIGHT AND "PERCEIVE" IT TO BE VISIBLE.] The first half of the Earth transition lasted 92 years, from 1844 until 1936, when the Earth reached the outside radiations of the Fishes Age. On the 3rd of February 1937 the essence of the Watermans Age reached Earth. Since that date, rapidly changing events, discoveries, inventions, etc., are everyday standards, which are characteristic of no other age. The beginning of the Watermans Age certifies a new life. The whole Earth's sun-system and its creatures will live in a New Age. Everything will be influenced by it, for this is a cosmic law. According to this law, Earth human's origin will become newly constructed and evolved. The origin of these changes are caused by the radiation reaching out of the Galactic Central Sun, around which the Earthly system circles once every 25,860 years, passing through 12 different ages known to you as star circles or zodiacs. The Earth has already touched the outer border of the Golden Radiation of the central sun, which are the strongest evolutionary radiations of the whole universe and which will bring the greatest changes."


According to Nostradamus, in 1999, "it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." The Aborigines of Australia believe that "Men were different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." They also say, "We were cast out into the darkness and were much afraid, so the Gods gave us a sun to warm us and a moon to see at night." In all of their stories when they had a dispute with their Chief or Elder they fled to the sky, as did the Greeks. Could it be that space travel is easier in the photon belt?


When Erich Von Daniken visited a certain South American tribe, they proudly showed him an object given to them thousands of years ago by Sky People. They were instructed to keep it clean and, "When it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." It began humming in 1978. Is it a cosmic alarm clock waking us up to the coming of light beings? It is possible that some civilizations' solar systems may remain in constant orbit within the photon belt. When our planet's solar system exits the photon belt approximately 2,000 years in the future, will the visitors that we may encounter there return to the light and wait our arrival from the darkness some 11,000 years later? The Mayan culture departed in a hurry promising to return someday, which some scholars believe is now eminent.


If the polar ice caps grow larger during the time spent inside the photon belt, the increase of local solar radiation that we encounter outside of its influence would logically begin to melt the latest Ice Age. This would obviously cause worldwide flooding. [H: Oh? How would that be? Ice is considerably expanded from water and causes almost no displacement when melted! That is simple "physics". I would certainly ask this most foolish author to explain his reasoning. It is obvious ONLY that if you have water and it is not contained it WILL MOVE TO THE LOWEST LEVEL of its surroundings. This happens if there is a polar shift or rearrangement of land masses in some manner--melting ice will not change your oceans more than fractional amounts. If you readers continue to believe pure balderdash and hogwash--I guess you deserve whatever may strike you for you certainly have no perception of what is ACTUALLY amiss in your lives.] Gilgamesh [H: Who in the world is a Gilgamesh?] spoke of a great flood that occurred 11,000 years before the days of Noah's flood. History tells us that there have been at least five Ice Ages that have already occurred on Earth that seem to last about 2,000 years.


Having considered the impact on our world's environment and the effect on a single person, what about humanity as a whole? It is possible that many people will not survive the initial shock if they are not somehow prepared for it. If the ice caps extend as far as the 40th latitude, covering half the USA, most of Europe and Asia, a lot of people will be without a home. Will they be accepted into other countries? With a limited fertile space to grow crops, will it be possible to support all the survivors? I truly agree with what the character in the movie Starman said about us just before he returned home, observing that "You are at your best when things are at their worst." THE END.


* * *


What in the world is meant by that last statement? You are at a pretty "worst" condition at the moment--and I note very, very few in the overall counting being other than even worse! Many are awakening to your circumstances, looking around and declaring to stop the insanity--but I suggest you look around you very carefully and see what you see. And, moreover, I wonder what, exactly, this Mr. Stanley suggests you DO? And, finally on the back page of this copy there is reference to UNICUS. This must be the name of this publication. I find, also on the back page, a large advertisement for International UFO wherein supposedly you can find all the newest, most exciting facts about aliens, etc., etc., etc. Good luck! What do you expect to FIND about aliens when you don't even know what your confounded leaders are doing--RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU?


My wish for you regarding the "photon belt"? Well, I wouldn't make the mistake of telling you how to protect yourself because you would rather ridicule than listen. However, I would wish you intelligence enough to FIND OUT THE FACTS, stop fantasizing with the misinformation-disinformation meditators who get struck twice by lightning in a storm while sitting outside on the mountain--protect your skin as best you can so you don't kill yourselves with exposure and cancer AND when appropriate, PROTECT your eyes so that you can see to get around later. One of the intents of your good buddies in high places is to put you at the disadvantage of having a population of blind wanderers like ducks in a frozen pond--for the plucking. My other prayer is that you would open your minds to wisdom and intelligence so that you stop the nonsense and get on with that which is before you in your own pathway--and confront it, get the FACTS and then, tend it. The life you save might very well be your own!





Last Friday I said I would give you a listing of the prophecies called The Gulf BreezeProphecies. These are from a group of six military personnel who played with a Ouija Board, got the prophecies, got scared and went over the hill, AWOL. I don't have space in this particular writing to either share what interviews have garnered nor to do much commenting on the plausibility of said prophecies. However, EVERY one of the things proffered are totally capable of presentation by mind-control antics and appear to be exactly that--in that all went unscathed for desertion. Will things come to pass as predicted? I certainly would expect so or there was no point in setting forth the scenarios. I have been given another small excerpt from a manuscript which apparently you can obtain for $25.00 plus $2.00 postage and handling. This particular offering seems to come from Sean David Morton, 2207 Hermosa Ave., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-2527. It is called THE GULF BREEZE PROPHECIES By Sean David Morton and Vance Davis. Or, they print here that you can subscribe to The Delphi Associates Newsletter for $45.00 for a 12 issue subscription--to the same address. I do not speculate as to what comes with the subscription so if interested call (310) 217-7579. I will perhaps offer a few comments from that which I have been given but I would guess that this particular information is probably copyrighted and I have no intention of impinging. The interviews in point occurred on October 1, 1993. The actual predictions were given between December of 1989 and July of 1990.






Editor's Note: The following predictions were made between December of 1989 and July of 1990. This is a partial list of the predictions that were given to the US Military, along with nearly 1,500 pages of notes. The Gulf Breeze Six were then given honorable discharges after this information was handed over. These predictions were made in the seven sessions in which the Ouija Board was used. There are far more predictions being made even today which I will give readers updates on and can be seen by everyone who subscribes to my newsletter THE DELPHI ASSOCIATES.


Comments on the predictions in bold type are made by myself, after asking questions of Vance.






These are not in any specific order:


1. War between the US and Iraq--1990. This will last 100 days if the State of Israel does NOT get involved. (Occurred)


2. Los Angeles earthquake in late 1993--8.3 or higher.


3. Riots in Los Angeles in 1992. (Occurred)


4. An earthquake in Seattle, Washington in the magnitude of 5.4 or higher will lead to the eruption of Mount Ranier.


5. Mount Ranier will blow and destroy a large portion of Seattle in late 1993 or the Spring of 1994.


6. The US Stock market will crash in late 1994.


7. A huge explosion in New York 1993. (Occurred) [H: Sure did and it was caused by an Israeli Briefcase bomb about the size of a credit card!](Editor's Note: The World Trade Center bomb could be only the first huge explosion this year. Another explosion caused by a gas line rupture will take out a large portion of Manhattan. This will be caused by a 6.0 quake outside of New York City that will rupture the aging gas mains. This will actually be caused by a continental flux AFTER the 8.3 quake in Los Angeles.)


8. Destruction of New York City and Manhattan by many disasters, natural and manmade, between 1996 to 1998.


9. Race riots in all major cities--1993 to 1994.


10. Martial law enacted in major cities--1994/1995.


11. Russian earthquake which will kill 1,000. (Occurred)


12. Government will lose A.W.O.L. Military Intelligence soldiers in Atlanta, Georgia--1990. (Occurred)


13. European Economic Community will be in power by 1992. (Occurred)


14. Borders dropped in all of Europe--1992. (Occurred)


15. Military troops will be controlling Chicago--1998.


16. Terrorist activity in the United States increases--1993 to 1995.


17. All U.S. air space will be restricted by martial law--1995.


18. The Constitution will be suspended for 90 days--1994/1995.


19. A house will be destroyed in Massachusetts with 140 people killed.


20. 20 major universities will be shut-down.


21. 50 of the world's top scientists will disappear.


22. An explosion at a supermarket in 1994 will injure fifty persons with no deaths.


23. Gun laws passed in 1994.


24. Explosion in space in 1993. (Occurred--satellite exploded.)


25. Youngest President elected since John Kennedy in 1992. (Occurred)


26. Shuttle not launched due to fuel leak--1990. (Occurred) (Editor's Note: This prediction actually stated that another American Space Shuttle would explode just like the Challenger disaster, if the fuel leak was not caught in time. The fuel leak was found seconds before lift-off, a classic example of cause and effect probabilities and dual timelines.)


27. Terrorism increases in Israel--1993. (Occurring)


28. Israel declares war on the PLO--1993/1994.


29. Unification of Germany--1990.


30. Homeless and social undesirables rounded up--1994.


31. Systematic marking of Government employees and all general military personnel takes place--1994/1995.


32. The Rapture occurs--1995/1996. (Editor's Note: This is one point Vance and I are in vehement disagreement over. This may have to do with the "taking up" of all of those who have been abducted and "marked" in the form of nasal or body probes. Is this benevolent, or is it just the negative aliens' way of protecting their precious breeding program?) [H: OR, could it simply be more HOGWASH?]


33. True Spiritual leaders arise--1996.


34. The hidden keepsake comes forth with the true teachers.(Editor's Note: This will be a book about the lost true religion of Man. The new teachers of truth will talk about our co-creatorship with God and our own divine intervention. This will be the beginning of the new "True" religion.)


35. Cancellation of a major UFO conference in Europe--1990. (Occurred)


36. The Seven Thunders will be revealed. (Editor's Note: In the Book of Revelation, John The Beloved was shown, on the Isle of Patmos, seven books which were called "The Great Books of Thunder". They were so awesome that John was not allowed to speak of them. They were to be revealed in the last days, by God's "Witnesses and Prophets". The Vatican now possesses two of these books, according to Vance, and the other five will be revealed here in America and around the world.)


37. Biblical treasures are found--1994. (Editor's Note: Many great truths about the true nature of the Biblewill be revealed that will turn Christianity upside-down. The Lost Ark of the Covenant will be discovered, along with proof that Jesus traveled the world with his father and uncle in his early years and was "taken up" by a starship after his "death" and visited the Americas and the rest of the world to spread the teachings of light. This will prove much of the Mormon religion.)


38. Earth magnetic tilt--2011. (Editor's Note: The Earth has already tilted 1.5 degrees on its magnetic axis as it comes into line with the rest of the solar system, and this has caused much of the dramatic earth changes and weather we have seen. My prediction is that the Earth will shift another 5 degrees in 2004, 11 degrees by 2011 and a full flip or polar reversal by 2027.)


39. Increase in volcanic eruptions--1993 to 1995.


40. The lost library of Atlantis will be found in Egypt before the year 2000.


41. Increase in severe weather causes mass destruction--1992 to 1996. (Occurring)


42. Insurance companiescollapse--1993 to 1994.


43. Admittance of alien life forms by the US Government--1995/1996. (Editor's Note: Vance says that he sees the President at the time introducing one of the "greys" on television as our "New Friends" who will save us with their advanced technology. They will not be our friends, and they certainly will not save us.)


44. Quantum leaps in the evolution of Mankind after 2032.


45. 1000-year reign of Peace.


46. The United States of America will be the least destroyed by the chaos and earth changes.


47. Fear of the new religion, the New World Order. (Here now!)


48. The last Pope will be canonized in 1996.


49. Peacemaker named to the World Commission.


50. Vatican releases never-before-seen histories of the world and its religions.


* * * * * * * *


My comments? Long live the Ouija Board!