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Sept. 16, 2013


Greeting, little one. It is I, Aton, the One Light, come to briefly commune with you this day.

This is a time for growth.  You are being tested as are all who wish to participate.  This is a time for sorting, and ones are going to have to face their fears.  You shall overcome or you shall have to stand down.  You have your challenges, as do all of Ground Crew at this time.

Ones may wonder why I, Aton, do not write more often.  It is most difficult for ones  to confront the fact that God would talk directly to them. Yet it is as natural as the thoughts you think every second of every day.

Also, ones have their own perceptions of who I am and how I communicate.  I do NOT need anyone's permission to speak, write, or even paint a masterpiece on a sheet of canvas.  I do, however, choose to allow my messengers to bring forth my messages of Lighted Truth because these ones (these Angelic messengers) need their lessons, as do you.  How else do you think these ones earn their positions of responsibility as a Co-Creator?

All is for a reason.  I have chosen the title of Aton at this time so as not to be confused with the many religions running around, claiming to be of God.  Aton simply means "The One Light".  This title was used in ancient Egypt and has been nearly removed from the awareness of man during the later centuries.  The label is simply for identification purposes at this time.  If you cannot come to grips with the fact that I, Creator God, can choose any label that I may desire, then I must ask:  Who are YOU to place limits on the One who created you?!

My scribe wonders why the explanation of my label.  There are newly awakening readers who need the information.  These ones will do well just to keep up with the new writings coming out--let alone go back and read the thousands of writings penned prior.

Ones will have to go within and find the Truth that they need.  The writings are made available to any who choose to partake of the gifts offered.

Many hear Louis Farrakhan use this label, Aton, and are confused, for it does not appear in your Bible.  There are many spiritual Truths that do not appear in any of the many versions of your Bible!

At this present time of greatly accelerated experiencing, ones are waking up to the fact that there is something to My Reality.  This is to say that ones are becoming more aware of the true spiritual nature of their existence.  Ones out there, such as Mr. Farrakhan, need to know who is who. Furthermore, they, too need their confirmations that they are indeed on the correct path.

There are My Host sent in every form you can conceive of at this time.  Some are incarnate in the physical, and are thus born into the planet's birthright.  Others may be in the physical and yet they were not born into the planet's birthright.  And still others have come in the etheric state (the fourth-dimensional state).

There are many other presentations that exist, yet there is no allowance for their descriptions in the current language.  These ones exist in higher-dimensional realities and exist mostly as thought projections, both within and without the known universe of your perception.

You ones may be asking:  "What is this 'birthright' of the planet?"  When ones choose to enter into the planet's karmic condition through the route of being born into the world as a child, they, in effect, can do more without bumping into the restrictions otherwise imposed by the Non-Interference Rules.  Ones who come to a planet, yet are not born into the world, are restricted as to what they can and cannot do in terms of bringing about change.

Ones who choose to be born into the planet must go through all the distractions of the physical and are subject to getting lost in the confusion of the planet's high density, low frequency condition.  Yet, ones who wake up to their reality of mission, and make connection, have the ability to more directly impact the evolutionary process of the planet's civilization.

Take my son Esu "Jesus" Jmmanuel as an example.  He would not have been allowed to impact the spiritual awareness of your planet if he did not first agree to go down and be born into the planet.  By being born, he earned the right to influence the course of humanity on that planet.

So, for those of you  at this time who are the ones who bring forth my messages of Spiritual Truth, whether they be from one of my messengers or from  Me Myself (GOD!) -- I am reminding you that there is good reason for your DIRECT CONNECTION at this time.

This also goes for you ones who may not receive consciously at this time.  Please know that you DO receive--and that the mere act of spreading the inspired messages of Truth, from whatever physical source such may enter into your awareness, causes the means by which the awareness of a planet can be shifted.

Ones need to realize that their "holy" books are limited and have been distorted through time.  There is, however, much truth left in them.  But I tell you now: discern always the information!  Take all information and think it through for yourself.

Even these writings that are coming forth each day must be read with discernment, for you are always being tested as to where you are in your current level of perception and awareness.  There are no absolutes  in the physical experiences.  Use your mind and be responsible for your choices.

No man has any corner on Truth.  You each have to find your own way through the challenges of the physical compression of that third-dimensional reality.

Be attentive to those things which cause you to feel fear.  Fear is what will inhibit you from reaching your true potential while  in the physical.  Recognize WHO you are and WHY you are there!  Go forth in confidence that you are part of the Oneness that is Light.  You shall either create the miracles or they will not get created.  IT IS YOUR BIRTH-RIGHT!





Source:  CONTACT: The Phoenix Project, November 5, 1996, Volume 14, Number 13, Page 22.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.