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Dec. 31, 2014

PJ 95





MON., MAY 16, 1994 9:32 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 273


MON., MAY 16, 1994





Am I treading on dangerous water? Yes, and I CAN tread on water! So, how about that? What's more, good readers, you may as well get busy and bone up--you are going to find that there are some VERY INTERESTING personages around your parts who can do likewise and all those black, ARMED choppers being sent around everywhere to intimidate are going to make the Elite crooks look even WORSE than they aready appear.




Yes indeed, we can't speak on the more pertinent and officially worrisome incidents at current pressure-bursting buildup without speaking about Ronn Jackson. So, does Ronn Jackson know everything about everything and should you believe him a little bit, not at all--or all the way? Good grief, readers, he CAN'T know everything nor does he present himself to know everything. In fact, the very reason he is going to be so valuable to Constitutional recovery is "that he didn't know everything!" However, he DOES KNOW that within which he personally worked and integrated. As a matter of fact, he holds positions of high-level "power" wherein he himself did not realize the full portent of such connections. So be it. Bits and pieces are COMING TOGETHER and no man would be given ALL in any circumstance so that such danger and hazard would cause his annihilation. Don't be foolish in your perceptions.


Ronn is now daily contacted by ones in very high places, as are his attorneys. There are threats, bribes and other blatant show-and-tell tags of a whirlwind of concern within the corridors of the high-levels of your Government. You are going to find, for instance, that over a third of your Congress are drug users and, in turn, by their responses and voting, allowances, etc., ARE ACTUALLY DEALERS! Do they "sell on the corners"? They don't have to...!




There is a high-level Janet Reno henchman to whom we, through Jackson, have referred to in the past papers, lately. She is the daughter of Dean Acheson, a high-level political and "actual" criminal of sorts. She is objecting to CONTACT and presentations being now offered. Mr. Jackson refers to her as "Butch" and this upsets her, to say the very least.


However, what is really boiling the POT is that Jackson KNOWS all about the involvement of Caspar Weinberger and his cohorts--and has, in fact, already been before a Grand Jury through which all testimony has been withheld. Mr. Bush came along appropriately and gave "Pardon" to same Mr. Weinberger. Well, two things are WRONG with that action--not the least of which is "to do such a thing is UNLAWFUL!" So too, was the "Pardon" Ford gave Nixon!


So, why am I into this today? Because we will be offering direct presentation about this subject in, probably, the next paper but the "assets" are going to be protected in THIS ONE!


I am going to share with you a conversation between Ronn Jackson and Rick Martin following onto which Ronn said he AND, FINALLY, his attorney are getting totally irritated with the actions and threats floating about the Capitol conduits. So, he asked that the information held here, be offered publicly. I CHOOSE TO DO THE OFFERING FOR IT IS ONLY JOURNALISTIC INTENT THAT THE PAPER BE OFFERING SUCH TIMELY INFORMATION. BUT IT IS NOT BEING ACCEPTED THAT WAY AMONG THE THUGS AND CRIMINAL ELEMENTS. AN ARMED BLACK CHOPPER DOGGED MY PEOPLE ALL DAY YESTERDAY. THE INTERESTING THING IS THAT THE "IMPORTANT" ONES TO HAVE BEEN IMPRESSED, I.E., DHARMA AND RICK--NEVER SAW THEM!! I PLANNED IT THAT WAY! You readers may not know ME--but I promise you--the thugs in point KNOW ABOUT ME!


By the way, you UFO buffs: Keep the name Adamsky and, more currently, Lazar in your minds for you will hear them again. If you want some credible scoop on UFO possibilities, I suggest, as I did early, early on--listen to Bob Lazar. Is this valid and are they valid, OR, is this another smoke screen to fake out the goodly crew? Could be either--so don't worry about it--but as things unfold it will come full circle as to who is who and what is what! I want the unfoldment to come full circle FROM ONES WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED WITHIN THESE ACTIVITIES--SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HARD EVIDENCE WHICH YOU HAVE TO HAVE. DON'T THINK FOR A MOMENT THAT WE DON'T HAVE ONES AMONG YOU WHO ARE COMING INTO THEIR OWN REALIZATION OF MISSION AND PURPOSE AND A STUNNING BEGINNING OF REALIZING WHY THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY ARE! REMEMBER?: GOD, TOO, HAS A PLAN 2000!




After speaking about the Weinberger conspiracy I also wish to offer you an article on "THE PHOTON ZONE". I am so weary of you people who don't like what we bring you, jumping on the disinformation bandwagon and making hash in insulting my writer. THERE IS a PHOTON BELT and you are into the edge of it as we speak--you don't listen, you don't read with understanding and you ridicule and denounce anyone who tells you Truth. I care not that you do this, but a lot of people are going to be, at the least, BLINDED and millions (actually billions) will physically perish from the effects of this one phenomenon. I shall not insist you listen or see nor shall I badger you with piles of new information--however, I will offer confirmations and insight as it conveniently falls available to our people. There is no way we can, nor do we wish to, cover everything from viruses to photons--a simple presentation is our mission--not CONVINCING ANYONE OF ANYTHING!


We do have another direct commission, to assist in awakening you to possibilities of regaining order and freedom--if you will respond timely and properly. In this, too, we shall not interfere but will provide you with ones who KNOW and can and WILL lead--properly. Will they be of God? YES, because he who is not, in these "shutting down" days, will already be showing his colors of darkness in service to the Elite Puppet-masters! They may well NOT consider their actions to be "Godly" but only "RIGHT"--and brothers, it is the SAME THING!




Dharma, just transcribe as we move along with the conversation and I will often simply paraphrase for I don't want to take time with "he said" and "he responded", etc. We are in a time-warp of high-speed loss of work-time. This is especially FELT by the paper "staff" who have to stay up all night tonight to get this in the paper by early tomorrow! Grammatical excellence is not in point here. Thank you.




Mr. "X" (attorney [I believe it better to keep his name silent for now]) in New York City, who works for Caspar Weinberger went through the "back way" to make contact with Ronn's lawyer. It is known that Ronn has known "Cap" (Weinberger) for a long time and both were involved in several "things" for the Government, so with all the revelations coming out of Jackson's "space" the contact was made because Cap is concerned about Jackson revealing those "things". He wanted to know from Jackson's attorney exactly what were Jackson's plans. Jackson's attorney responded that he didn't know what Ronn was going to do. A very good observation--since those intentions and revelations change daily.


There is quite "a little thing about which nobody is aware in our Government, and it involves three different attorney general's and several government officials along with a couple of presidents. And the action that Bush took to grant a pardon to Weinberger was sort of a ‘catch-all'. Even though it was due to his supposed suppression of some evidence that probably could not have been proven in a court of law--it was for something else. It involved much more--in the decisions pertaining to the movement of drugs."


Are we concerned about Mr. Jackson's safety? Yes, but it would be very foolish for those characters involved to do much to hurt Mr. Jackson because to go along with this little bit of publicity, set here for the PURPOSE of protection, comes far more damaging information regarding Caspar Weinberger and his involvements in everything from Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant and Bechtel Corporation, intelligence, and Israeli Briefcase Bombs. We will share a bit of that information, also, to allow you readers and harassment experts to understand that the information is flowing from very human levels--THROUGHOUT A FULL NETWORK. IN OTHER WORDS, THE STUFF IS IN THE FAN! HURTING (OR HOLDING) ONES WHO "KNOW" IS NO LONGER FEASIBLE FOR TOO MANY NOW KNOW!!! DOCUMENTS, KNOWERS, FILMS AND TAPES ARE SCATTERED EVERYWHERE ACROSS THE GLOBE, SO TO DAMAGE ANY INDIVIDUAL SPEAKER OR WRITER ONLY TURNS THE MAGNIFYING SPOTLIGHT ONTO THE PERPETRATORS.




By the way, I want to remind you people that the hidden players are often the more important players--such as within the media structure of network TV, as example. Mr. Ted Turner, for instance, is very, very important--but beyond a Ted Turner is a man named Malone--who walks circles around other players in the media control business!


Back to Jackson and Weinberger: the information which is going to be offered, when we can do it properly, will probably result in a Grand Jury--again.


This will deal, for the most part, with DRUGS. It will slop over into the Legislative branch of Government to a GREAT EXTENT. At the time of the incidents involving public investigation of Weinberger, he was a "Cabinet" officer and, although he didn't probably split up any drugs, he was aware of it and did participate in the "returns" from the dealings. How would Jackson know? Because HE DELIVERED the MONEY for those drugs. Let it be further known, however, Jackson himself has already given this information to a Grand Jury and that testimony is all on record and on tape and was provided to that Grand Jury.


It is not as simple as involving a handful of persons--at least 1/3rd (estimate) of Congress at that time were what they considered to be "recreational" users of cocaine. One of the persons who was in the Congressional Bank was also very high in the "distribution" of the drugs. Not only was the bank a phoney, which you all must know, but the person who ran the bank was also one of the drug distributors. There are two other "Cabinet officers" involved--AND THE PRESIDENTS WERE AWARE OF THE SITUATION.


There are things which are considered "unwritten law" within the Executive and Legislative branches or government which "are not talked about...!" It is not acceptable to refer to any improprieties with which your people may be involved. But, it is now coming out and ALL OF YOU SHOULD KNOW!


It is important that you all realize that it goes far deeper than just superficial cover-up and "possible" suspected activities in issues of "moral" activities (such as sexual behaviors) as well as these other corrupt dealings. Weinberger was totally involved with Malcolm Forbes and "Jr." Forbes has already contacted Jackson in an effort to distance Weinberger from the circumstance. However, who is going to distance Weinberger from the STUFF going on at Diablo Canyon and briefcase bombs and total involvement with the entire West Coast gang of Satanic/Political/nuclear devices gangsters?


This is all going to hit hard a well-liked Administration--but readers, they will dump on ones who "get caught" and it will be up to you-the-public to demand that the whole guilty lot be put under the glass. With your injustice department being a PART OF THE CORRUPTION it is difficult--but the more you see the harder it is for them to deliberately cover their illegal actions. There is one thing you must remember about the adversary evilmongers--THEY WOULD KILL THEIR OWN MOTHERS TO PROTECT THEIR ASSETS AND YOU ARE GOING TO SEE MORE TATTLING ON ONE ANOTHER THAN IN ALL OF HISTORY--I ONLY HOPE YOU-THE-PEOPLE DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A LYNCH-MOB RABBLE STANCE. YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO REGAIN STABILITY AND IF YOU TURN THIS INTO A DUPLICATE REVOLUTION OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AS WAS IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION--YOU HAVE NOT HELPED YOURSELVES.


Know that there are measures being taken, EVEN AS WE WRITE, to control you who would rise up in arms and you can begin to notice the markings on many freeway signs these days. You have well over a million foreign troops in your nation as we speak, well trained through bases in Texas, and entrance was made mostly through Canada and some through Mexico (depending on expertise) to disperse, pick up trouble makers and follow those cute little markers to the concentration bases! If you are NOT SCARED--you DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION!


I believe this is enough from Jackson on this subject--let us turn to GW's input. This party called without prior knowledge of the subject in point--this morning. These are the NON-COINCIDENCES you had better be attending because it is in the mental NON-COINCIDENCES where you will find my handprint spread all over the open pages!






I believe, Dharma, the better part of intelligence says to simply transcribe the following portion from the tape as recorded on the phone. It will be several days before the written documentation can arrive and the party involved will be "out of pocket". I need a bit more coverage of this one for his own protection so let us just put it down to print and we can follow on with any necessary corrections, etc. It will highly involve Caspar Weinberger and is appropriate that we use it here. If names are too much to handle in proper spelling, write them phonetically and let us move quickly forward. If editors can't correct them, let them go. The subject is more important than correct name spelling for these are well-known individuals and phonetic spelling will be adequate for our needs herein.


TRANSCRIPTION: May 16, 1994, (G.W.)


[Call to Rick:] I want to get this to you now because something is going to happen on it so will you please record it to cover until I can get the documents to you?





In the early ‘60s the owner was a "family", the Marre family, Louis, Casper, Angela and, I believe, Luiji. The latter is the one who made the original $6-million-deal and ran it up to $12 million. Unocal, Arco, AT&T and Pacific Telesis all have guarded pipelines and communication lines running through Diablo. As regards Ronn Jackson's date of "Sept. 29, 1963" in Grover City and connected material--in the last few weeks there HAVE BEEN A SERIES OF MURDERS CONNECTED TO DIABLO. One is Rigby Maloney, 39-years, two shotgun blasts to the head. The connection is that he worked for contractors at Diablo and was also involved IN DRUGS. Ricky Conn, about 40-years, allegedly killed Maloney and he was in turn shot and killed several days later by deputy sheriffs. He worked for contractors at Diablo as well and was also involved in drugs. Another person who was killed in the area, also by shotgun blasts (name unknown at this time), also worked for Diablo contractors and he too was also involved in drugs.


Now, several years ago a young woman was killed in Santa Barbara. She worked for SeaWorld and was a marine biologist. She discovered many sea animals mysteriously dying and also shellfish were dying and turning black, in the Diablo area. She was bringing this information public when she was mysteriously shot and killed. At this present time there are numerous dolphins and whales washing up on the beach, dead. Investigators can't find any cause for it.


Diablo was built by Bechtel Corporation involving CASPAR WEINBERGER. Now, there is another connection with another nuclear power plant called Palo Verde Nuclear Plant in Arizona. It was also built by Bechtel Corporation and CASPAR WEINBERGER. This involves Senators Alan Cranston and Dennis DeConcini and Judge Leon Savitch. Also the Carlsberg Corporation of which Cranston was a Director. You can refer to the index in my book (A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE). This also involved Judge Berenson, Ben Nordman, Carl Ward. Carl Ward was the lawyer that was involved in the JFK murder and a man by the name of Wayne Reeder. This was mentioned in, I believe, Stich's documents. They were involved in Savings and Loans and billions of dollars in bond sales. OK, all the bond records for the Ventura Public Utilities Corporation and the Southern California Power Corporation (Edison), which were set up by the same people who were, as well, building the Palo Verde plant, were kept in the First Interstate Bank Building in Los Angeles. It is a high-rise office building which was torched and all the records burned and a man was killed. The Security Agency was Pedes Security--WHICH IS OPERATED BY CASPAR WEINBERGER!


I took all this information to a Los Angeles Deputy D.A. and we sat for some two-to-three hours, with another associate of mine, and we recorded this meeting and any and all evidence given. Ira Reinerwas the District Attorney in Los Angeles at the time and was tied up with Judge Savitch and all of those people--and killed the investigation.


(Rick inquired about when all this occurred.) Response: Over several years--going back to 1976 when Don Boles was investigating, supposedly, the Southern California Palo Verde Nuclear plant and also the corruption at Cabazon [Indian Reservation] at the same time. At the same time there was another Indian Reservation in Arizona which had a lawsuit against Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, the construction of it, when Boles was blown up in Phoenix. This was in 1976 when I was trying to stop the Ventura County Public Utilities Corporation with lawsuits. Two days later, after the Arizona incident, "they" tried to kill me in my driveway. This was involving all the SAME PEOPLE. A lawyer in Phoenix was at the scene of Boles' murder, and was in fact the one who set-up the death. This lawyer was connected with Judge Berenson, Nordman and Savitch in Los Angeles.


Now, Jessica Savitchand her boyfriend were also killed as a result of all of these things. Pedes Security has strong connections to Wackenhut.


Getting back to Diablo: the Fisher Scientific Chemical Division, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, 07410 and a phone number (201) 796-7100, had been shipping to UnoCal at Diablo, (UnoCal is right in conjunction with Diablo at Diablo), a chemical called Unisulf-Solution. As near as can be determined at present, PG&E is, in conjunction with Arco, involved in something a lot bigger than I at first thought. I am not a chemist but I believe they are involved in formulating chemicals, the ingredients of which are used for the "thermonuclear satchel bomb". This involves Lithium. And, in the processing of all this they are discharging these things out into the ocean which is in turn causing death to these sea animals. This is the only possible thing accounting for these deaths.




These are the latest things in "bombs". They kill personnel and yet do not destroy buildings. Israel is deeply involved in the development of all types of these things and are deploying them around the world. One of these days a nut is going to set one of these off and it will start a chain reaction of one side against the other and we'll all be right in the middle.


(At this point Rick inquired as to whether or not the paper might print this material because of the involvement of Caspar Weinberger and Commander's above subject regarding C.W. Permission was granted, with even more information....)


Well, let me throw this at you, then. This will just come off the top of my brain but know that he is involved in the whole thing.


Caspar Weinberger and, as nearly as I can discern, George Bush, were involved in the murder of Vickie Morgan. There were defense secrets involved in the whole thing and they were terrified that it was going to come out. This was the real reason that Bush had to pardon Weinberger: because if Weinberger was going to go down he was going to pull down everyone else with him.




This is going to tie right in with the Rodney King trial going on right now. They have dismissed Daryl Gates from this lawsuit where it was intended to take him for millions and millions of dollars. The reason they dismissed him was because HE HAS COPIES OF ALL THE VIDEO AND AUDIO TAPES THAT VICKIE MORGAN AND HER BOYFRIEND TOOK OF ALL THE GUYS AND THE SADO-MASOCHISTIC BLOOMINGDALE. At the particular place and incident in point--Alfred Bloomingdale was present and Vickie Morgan was his girlfriend. He used to put on these huge multi-sex (of every kind) parties. He promised Vickie thousands of dollars for the rest of her life. But--he ticked her off and when he died she lost all this. But, she had taken pictures of all the goings-on. Now, CASPAR WEINBERGER, Bloomingdale and, we believe, George Bush, and a couple of more right from Washington D.C. who were involved in defense projects, were involved in these pictures.


Now, Daryl Gates, for his own protection (similar to J. Edgar Hoover's blackmail files), has so much "stuff" on politicians that when they start giving him a bad time, boom, he drops it on them and it's all over.... Daryl Gatesis now involved with a fellow who was head of the ACLU, Stanley Scheinbaum. Stanley Scheinbaum is totally involved with CASPAR WEINBERGER and Scheinbaum now runs the POLICE COMMISSION WHICH CONTROLS THE ENTIRE L.A. POLICE DEPARTMENT. It just goes on and on, but if Commander is interested in Caspar Weinberger right now--and this is one of the things which has been getting a lot of people killed, right now.




I don't really have any information about Weinberger's involvement in drugs in Washington, etc., but it does not surprise me.


Drugs enter heavily into the Diablo Canyon thing--you see, this Diablo Canyon is a really weird set-up. They have an entire area out into the ocean where they are allowed (or do so) to discharge stuff and the area is marked off and no one is allowed within the area. If a boat approaches the area uninvited they are met by machine-gun armed security agents--also in boats. There is a secret dock undetectable from any vantage point on shore. The dock is placed, however, so that boats can come in and offload.


Arco, that's Atlantic Richfield, have facilities there and so too does UnoCal. Pacific Telesis and AT&T are also all mixed up in the operations there at Diablo. All these outfits, and this goes back to our old buddy, WILLIAM P. CLARK, who is tied up 100% with Caspar Weinberger. It can very well be that William P. Clark was also at Vickie Morgan's at the same time as these other "big-boys".


Let us consider just a few of the ones involved, who were actually killed for involvement in this. Jessica Savitch(a TV announcer you should all remember) and in some manner she was directly related to Judge Leon Savitch. Judge Leon Savitch DISMISSED a lawsuit that the citizens had filed to stop this $4 BILLION bond deal. Remember that "bonds" run very heavily through these entire operations. If you'll check with your Securities Exchange on Wall Street you can see what is happening to bonds on the market right at the present moment. They are being sabotaged and maneuvered and the same thing typical of the old billions and billions of dollars of bonds involved in other projects such as the Washington PowerPlant. You see, they make their money on bonds in these big constructions and then they are "gone". Well, the Washington PowerPlant was one of the biggest failures ever--something like 4 or 5 billion dollars were lost and on which the American taxpayers are still paying. THIS ALL INVOLVES THE SAME OLD GROUP OF PARTICIPANTS!


How do I know about these killings? I have been involved for years and years in investigations into these things. I know Judges involved; Steven Stone, who is also known as "Litsberg". Now, all of them have control of those three counties of which I have written. But it is far more than just that because their control goes so widely spread--as in the case of Caspar Weinberger. One of the people who is ABOVE Caspar Weinberger is HARRY PREGERSON. Harry Pregerson has INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS. He goes all the way back to Mickey Cohen and I suggest you just go look it up in my book where I go into all of this information. It goes right to Menachem Begin.


This Fisher Corporation back in New Jersey bears a lot of checking-on to find out how they are involved with all this because this Unisulf that they are furnishing to UnoCal is at point here because when it is mixed with other things it becomes a serious product. I believe that it is Lithium which is used, even though I repeat that I am not a chemist. A lot of people theorize that it uses Plutonium and that the Russian thing about dismembering all the weapons, etc., is actually to get product far advanced of that which has been used to date. Plutonium, in fact, is all but obsolete in usage. The latest nuclear weapons are far more sophisticated. When a weapon the size of a grapefruit or baseball can wipe out ten city blocks--you have something pretty awesome. It wipes out the people but doesn't destroy the buildings--but when mixed with other substances and detonated it CAN selectively bring down buildings as in the case of the Trade Center blast. Rick, this is pretty technical stuff we are talking about here.


I'll check in in a couple of days to see if there are any questions but otherwise I will be staying pretty much out of sight.


Good luck to you guys and stick with God--see you later....




* * *


Readers, we have so much to pass on to you that I will have to back off as to possibility of getting everything into this edition of the paper. For instance, I have information concerning Satanic involvement of THESE SAME ENTITIES and, yet, I want to allow space for such as the "photon zone" also. Please bear with us as our tiny crew works around the clock to get this information to you as it unfolds. I warned you readers it would be interesting--yet I believe you didn't realize, EVER, just HOW interesting?? Armed ‘copters should give indication--but remember--I have some pretty big "guns" also!


The fact that Washington high-rollers are meeting in RENO, Nevada and have had so many hundreds of calls into the Federal offices of the court system there--about Ronn Jackson that they refuse to EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE A PERSONAGE KNOWN AS JACKSON--TELLS A GREAT DEAL OF THE STORY. Keep up the good work, readers, PLEASE! And, for protection of our little team, if you as a citizen get through--or have information, please contact CONTACT because publicity is your security blanket and our little team has a giant unified stomach full of nervous butterflies! The pieces are now coming together and, just as it SHOULD BE--no one person has all the pieces but the ones gathering NOW will, together, have it.... Stand with your brother because it is the standing together in total unbending Truth--that will give you strength.




It seems that some kind of hearing or trial is set for Gunther in Austria on the morrow (17th). The interesting thing in this scenario, however, is that they don't seem to have anyone publicly acknowledged by the label of Gunther Russbacher. Well, in this instance I think it is "good news" that the "name" is somehow different. The Navy of the U.S. has also denied any knowledge of anyone by any of Gunther's prior names as being alive or EVER associated with them. This is THE WAY "sheepdipping" works, good buddies. Let it move its way in security--but keep writing, readers, you have sent hundreds of cards and letters and "they" don't know what in the dickens to do with them as, obviously, such an outpouring CAN NOT BE BURIED! THIS is example of THE POWER OF THE PEN IN TRUTH. These daring Truthbringers can press forward as long AS YOU STAND BEHIND AND BESIDE THEM IN THIS MANNER--AND SO TOO CAN YOU RECLAIM YOUR NATION.


But, will the old/new revolved Constitutional structure be immediate? No, because there is a great power behind the pulling down of the current players as being brought into your attention as herein offered. I remind you that there is YET THE CLASH OF THE TITANS! Can you survive? Yes, but WILL you survive may well be the more important question!