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Dec. 22, 2014

PJ 95



THU., MAY 12, 1994 9:36 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 269

THU., MAY 12, 1994


I am hounded these days for input on "prophecies" and, "What is going to happen?" I repeat, readers, I AM NOT A FORTUNE-TELLER AND I AM NOT SENT HERE TO OFFER MORE PROPHECIES--THEY HAVE ALL BEEN WRITTEN AND PLAYED--YOU ARE NOW FINALIZING THAT WHICH WILL BE. The staff is so overworked that I hesitate to ask more of them--however, IF someone here wishes to do so, please pull out the "prophecies"--you will find them in SIPAPU (See end of chapter.). This is just a general outlay of how it will ultimately be as to land and water changes, etc. There are a lot of others in various journals but I do not wish to dwell on those things when so much is now controlled BY MAN.


By the way, friends, CHANGE YOUR ACTIONS AND INTENT--AND WE WILL CHANGE THE ASTEROIDS AND ORBS HEADED YOUR WAY. Yes indeed, we certainly can but unless there is massive spiritual change--it will not be so. A greater number of massive assaults against you will BE FROM YOUR OWN SPECIES AS THEY VIE FOR POWER! Short of total destruction of your globe under circumstances already offered many, many times--we will not intervene in either natural phenomenon or that which man does unto man. I suggest ALL PREPARE and remain prepared for the "worst" and anything short of "that" shall be a great gift.


We are not here to terrify you--we are here to awaken you and, whatever is DONE, YOU will do! We are already in finalization of preparations within our mission--where are YOU with YOURS?


Dharma, I am embarrassed to ask you to repeat things when our load has already been so great, however, for new readers and those who continue to forget or "give up"--we will offer some of the things which have already been given and which do again show up on our work-desk in these current days.


You already have so many claimed prophets who interpret and propose and project that you don't need any more for you only ACTUALLY ask for a different set of prophecies so you can go back to sleep. I am not here to feed you revelations but I will remind you of that which has been offered so you can ponder possibilities. If the staff wants to really scare daylights out of everyone--they can dig them all up, add to those which we haven't yet shared and offer an entire paper and journal to the subject. However, we, here, do not have time to do it AGAIN.


There is an excellent book available called DOOMSDAY 1999 A.D. by Charles Berlitz. I don't know where you can get it; an excerpt from that book will be presented here but we do not have the entire publication. That which we have comes from P.O. Box 58, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland (The Armageddon Letter). It is basically sent as-is for my rebuttal or input, at the least--my comments. No, I will present it exactly as offered and YOU will pull up your own discernment possibilities.


I will tell you, however, when you "judge" or "discern" I remind you to be open and wide in your "possibilities". We are going to present ones, for instance, WHO HAVE BEEN INTO THE INNER PASSAGES FROM THE POLES--SO WHEN YOU "CANNOT BELIEVE" SOMETHING, I SUGGEST YOU THINK AGAIN!! I also ask Al to please enter by appropriate sequence into the next journal those portions pulled out for this issue of the paper. Thank you.






The end of the world, whether by flood, fire, freezing, cosmic collision or other catastrophic manifestations, has always had a grim fascination for prophets of doom and also for the generalpopulation. The makers of such predictions are of several varieties. They are religious prophets of warning, mystic prophets--basically a variant of the former--and seers who seem to dream inadvertently of future events without living to see their prophecies fulfilled. Then there are the scientific interpreters of trends and likely possibilities of doom who frequently indicate, supported by the evidence of astronomy, theology, meteorology, and even economics, an even more complete destruction than many of the prophetic visions from the past.


The scientific prophets of today foresee the pillaging and eventual destruction of the Earth's potential through uncontrolled industrialization; general famine resulting from overpopulation and food distribution breakdown; disastrous climatic variation and flooding through the hothouse effect of excessive carbon dioxide in the upper atmospheric layers; and the poisoning of the oceans and the destruction of the sea's ability to renew life. These threats to survival are generally conceded to become acute toward the end of the second millennium of our era--the year 2000 A.D.


There are, understandably, a great number of thoughtful people in the generalpopulation who fatalistically expect a possible Doomsday from the results of thermonuclear warfare, with the added possibility of a self-generating chain reaction which, in the opinion of some theoreticians, might possibly turn the earth into a temporary though short-lived sun. These ever-present eventualities, while they may or may not cause the world to end, have nevertheless contributed liberally to the increasing neurosis of human beings. This neurosis may explain the turning of a basically moralistic society into a hedonistic (and increasingly violent) one, acceptable for many individuals but not valid in the long run as the example of the decay and disappearance of the Roman world empire can brilliantly attest.


As nation after nation develops its own nuclear warfare capabilities in a sort of international contest of self-esteem, it is evident that within the next fifteen to twenty years all industrial or developed countries, as well as all developing countries which are striving and being helped to become developed as soon as possible, will doubtless have their own nuclear weapons. And with the testing of such weapons the poisoning of the planet will be hastened, even if war does not come.


And, as if potential man-made dooms were not enough, there is an increasing possibility that the Earth, as it approaches the third millennium of our era, may experience a wandering of its magnetic poles so far away from its rotational poles (the southern magnetic pole is even now rushing with increased velocity into the Indian Ocean) that it could cause a shifting of the [rotational] poles and a reversal of the magnetic fields of the Earth with catastrophic consequences. Those of us who witnessed such manifestations would in effect feel that the end of our world had come, a feeling doubtless shared by many in the distant past when the Great Flood (of which catastrophe the deluge may have been only one aspect) swept over the world, and great inhabited islands sank into the Atlantic and other seas.


The earth‘s weather, either caused by sunspots or the beginning of a change in the magnetic field, has become increasingly erratic and intense. The great Sahel drought famine in Africa has been the worst in hundreds of years; the rising and falling of water levels and coastlines in different parts of the world; the melting of the Arctic ice cap and the rapid building of ice in the Antarctic Continent; and the increase in the number and rating on the Richter scale of earthquakes within the last few years in Alaska, Iran, Turkey, China, Peru, and Morocco, with impressive seismic occurrences expected almost momentarily along the San Andreas Fault of California, are impressive warnings for those who will heed them. Not only the number but also the intensity of earthquakes seems to be increasing throughout the world in a sort of geometric progression, even as seismologists perfect new methods to foretell them. (So far seismologists have yet to improve on earthquake detection methods apparently inherent in animals: when Russian bears leave their Siberian forests in a hurry observers know from experience that an earthquake is sure to follow.)


There may also be more danger from space itself than an occasional falling skylab or space station. The Earth is pitted with enormous Craters caused by meteorite impact, some of them on the sea bottom, other huge ones covered over or partly obscured by growth or settlements, while others are strikingly evident, such as the meteorite crater in Arizona. Other "bombs" from outer space have left huge lakes in Canada like Clearwater Lake, a whole depressed area in Central Europe, the Ries Kessel crater, and, it has been theorized, a crater which filled with water to become Hudson Bay. There is also a circular area of the western Atlantic south of Bermuda which may have received a tremendous cosmic bolide (?) tentatively dated at the alleged time of the disappearance of lost Atlantis. While the Earth's atmosphere has provided a stronger shield against these voyagers from space than that of the moon or Mars, a certain amount have slipped past Earth's protective guard to leave great scars, and perhaps when big enough, to cause the shaking of the Earth upon its axis.


Coincidentally with the possible catastrophe by 2000, there exists a planetoid, Toro, some five kilometers in diameter, which orbits between Earth and Venus, making a loop once in every five orbits. While there is no danger to the Earth from Toro in its present orbit, a gravitational pull occasioned by the lining up of several planets and the sun might capture Toro within the Earth's field of gravity, a situation having results perhaps similar to those caused by strikings of the Earth by comets, planetoids, or enormous meteors in the past. Such an alignment of Earth, the sun, and the greater planets will take place in 1982. [H: We have no information on publication of this material but our first clue appears herein--it was produced some time prior to "1982". This means you can also see that you are STILL HERE after the possibilities described above. OR, did you have some activity which indeed increased the speed of such other activities as are described? You are so lied to as a planetary population as to not be able to know. When the greater possibility fails to be expressed--you call the whole thing a bunch of garbage and go back to sleep. Warnings are ignored and MAN hops into the void with his own "miracles" and "devastations" and YOU CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE!]


A curious and somewhat disquieting coincidence is becoming increasingly evident as the twentieth century or second millennium draws to a close. This coincidence, rooted in both the distant and the recent past, ties in the prophecies of hundreds and even thousands of years ago with the cosmic theories and scientific realities of the present. Prophecies of the world's end by fire, ice, water, or explosion, although made in different ages and by different cultures during the past 6,000 years, seem to agree that the age of doom is fairly close at hand, that is, toward the end of our second millennium by whatever calendar or zodiacal calculation used by the prophets.




This is WHY I have no interest save observation and a bit of humor at the intense manipulation of minds as to the reality of prophecies of any sort or other. I KNOW that you are expressing in a world of "thought projection" and "created" manifestation. In more simplistic terms--"illusion". There is no past or future in reality--ONLY NOW! You have every capability as gifted creation-capable entities of CHANGING ANY PROPHECY!! Those persons aligned with God Creator by whatever name you call HIM, and who express in that relationship--recognize no limitations in ability to change the scenario as chosen and if the scenario of coalesced transition is continued through thought conglomeration in projection--"they" of mine will simply remove themselves from the play when appropriate and create their own security and balance in whatever is remaining from the "changes". There need be no physical birthing, selection, or expression remaining as such--God has no problem with spirit reproduction or physical establishment according to circumstances--whatever those might be. YOU DO!! And it is within that "need" of limitation binding that YOU MUST ACT OR PERISH ACCORDING TO THE WHIM OR PROPHECY OF ANOTHER.


Is it not obvious that if you are an expressing actor in an illusion--there can be no impact (LITERALLY) FROM ANY OTHER FANTASIZED "THING"?


Yes indeed, I realize that you cannot comprehend this and so we write as fast as twinkle-fingers can type and urge you to get your heads screwed on properly--BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE TO CHANGE COURSE. However, you are going to have to do it WITH GOD CREATOR for all other perceptions and "realities" of that perception are embedded in the cement of the physical evil empire which can only USE THAT WHICH IS ALREADY CREATED AND THAT IS ONLY PHYSICAL EXPRESSION BINDED BY ALL THE PHYSICAL LAWS COMPRESSING THE THOUGHTS INTO OPERATING BEINGS OF IMAGININGS.


Mankind is "cursed" with "senses". He would rather look forward into the excitement of terror than to accept RESPONSIBILITY and make harmonious passage. He is tempted at every turn of his thought patterns so that the STRUGGLE becomes the only proof of the "livingness" he perceives. Even pain and sorrow become accepted for in most instances those are the only perceptions which some how seem to prove existence. This is WHY ignorance is more appealing than KNOWING because with KNOWING the majority of things which offer FEAR of physical nature--are no longer present and the interests of soul will overlook the perturbations of physical change--except to prepare the body physical for such changes as necessary--depending on the intended journey of the individual soul in transit.


I am not here to give you absolution for ANYTHING. I am not here to SAVE YOU FROM OR FOR ANYTHING. Neither was the great teacher--salvation is a very personal thing--from within wherein GOD DWELLS. YOU, further, are not going to ESCAPE anything--for this is a valid part of your planned expression and experience so it would behoove you to better see what you are about. I can only "lift off" those who recognize my presence, in fact. Why? Because the denials of presence is the key--if you deny my presence--how expect ye to come aboard??


"But," I hear over and over again, "if you are of God and God is Light and Love and all "those" things--YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME!" No, I do not HAVE TO do anything with YOU--and for most, I shall not, for you who deny God, Hosts and Helpers, deny self the very thing which will give you soul security and the choice is made BEFORE ANY LIFT-OFF, GOOD FRIENDS. You who cannot and/or refuse to believe there is greater and beyond--will NOT experience that wondrous fulfillment--you will continue your ,journey in the confusion and ignorance of limitation. Further, your expression will continue in whatever re-experience after re-experience of repeated physical experiences AT A LEVEL WHERE YOU LEFT OFF IN TIME AFTER TIME CLASSROOM--UNTIL YOU LEARN.


With this lesson in mind, let us go back and discuss more of the physical expression unfolding happenings in perception of what you call prophecies. However, I will point out right here and now that I guarantee there are two PROPHETS on your place who are 100% correct EVERY TIME and shall always be correct and they do not call themselves prophets: Dharma and Little Crow!! Why? Because they will BOTH tell you that "It will be exactly as it will be...!" AHO!]


Some of the most fearful prophecies from the past are alarmingly close in content and in time location to today's pessimistic scientific forecasts, although the prophets of other centuries, in so far as we know, had no access other than their imagination to scientific developments in what to them was the distant (but not unforeseeable) future.


There existed, however, even in antiquity the great time clock in the night sky, which we still share with our ancestors. This is the zodiac, a great turning wheel of twelve constellations making a complete circle every 25,920 years but with each of its twelve constellations in order having ascendancy over the skies of earth approximately every 2,160 years. Observed and calculated even before the development of writing (which may itself have been a result of zodiacal influence) this great celestial cosmic calendar signified certain portents to our most distant ancestors who, like many of their descendants, detected its influence in their lives.


According to zodiacal tradition the ascendency of each new sign every 2,000-odd years is accompanied by catastrophic or otherwise crucial events on the earth. At the change over of the Leo to Cancer cycles the sinking of the great Atlantic islands traditionally took place; the Cancer to Gemini change coincided with the presumed striking of the earth by a comet or the catastrophic arrival of Venus; the appearance of Taurus after Gemini marked the beginning of recommencement of new civilizations in the ancient East; Taurus to Aries brought a new series of floods and catastrophes; while the Aries to Pisces change coincided with the rise and spread of Christianity (it is of particular interest that early Christianity was first identified by the sign of the fish, an early symbol adopted even before the cross). [H: Keep in mind how truly interesting it is that EVEN THE SIGN of the fish is a 100% physical manifestation. Only its "representation" even touched upon emotion or "spirit" mind thought.]


As we pass the cosmic border from Pisces to Aquarius our own tumultuous age has been foreseen as one of materialistic degeneration and maximum destruction, especially at its beginning, which is now. This general tradition has perhaps been colored by many of the world's ancient as well as by fairly recent prophets.


Nostradamus, the sixteenth-century French prophet (of Jewish descent), abandoned his usually vague and veiled references for a precise date when he stated:


The year 1999, month seven,

From the sky shall come a great king of terror...


Those of us still alive in 1999 will be able to judge the perceptiveness of Nostradamus' most precisely dated prophecy.


Edgar Cayce, perhaps the most famous of modern prophets, because of his remarkable record of verification, has sketched, in his transcribed dreams, a time of imminent future catastrophic events will be recognized by the renewed volcanic activity of Mount Etna--which has already started.


Religious prophecies of a final end to the world or civilization are frequently predicated on other events which will signal their occurrence. The ancient Jewish prophets foretold that Armageddon would occur after a Jewish state had been reestablished. Speaking from several thousands of years ago their voices seem to ring with the accent of today's political commentators as they prophesy in the Old Testament that the final battle and the final coming of the Messiah will occur within a generation after the re-establishment of the Jews in their ancient homeland. [H: So, to make sure that you have death and destruction, horror and foolishness--YOU ALL GET OUT YOUR DRUMS AND GUNS AND MAKE SURE THAT THE JEWS HAVE AN ANCIENT HOMELAND (EVEN IF IT BE SOMEONE ELSE'S PROPERTY), GET A TEMPLE BUILT EVEN IF THEY DESTROY THE OTHER'S TEMPLE AND YOU DRUM BEAT AND BANG WITH YOUR GUNS UNTIL YOU FORGE THE VERY DESTRUCTION YOU CLAIM TO DESPISE. "THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH?" YOU HAVE HAD SO MANY MESSIAHS THAT YOU CAN'T TELL ONE FROM ANOTHER--BUT ALWAYS DENY THAT WHICH IS TRUTH--BECAUSE, I SUPPOSE, IT IS SO BORING...! GOOD LUCK!]


The final war of general annihilation according to the Biblical prophets will be occasioned by attacks from peoples living to the north and south of Israel, which will be opposed by Israel and its allies. While we do not know the actual date these prophecies were made they antedate the New Testament by at least a thousand years and perhaps thousands of years.


From other of the world's religions or cosmic theogonies come indications of doom whose signals have taken place within our own "end of Pisces" time frame. Tibetan Buddhist prophecies that Tibetan Buddhism would end after the thirteenth Dalai Lama would be dethroned (he has been) and the general Buddhist prophecy that Buddhism would last for 2,500 years, a period now ending, both agree that the final world period will be at hand for the coming of the future Buddha, Maitreya. [H: Suppose the CORRECT Dalai Lama is not the REAL 13TH ONE? There was ONE, dear readers, that was buried as to historical presentation for political reasons long, long ago--so the one unseated "above" is NOT THE THIRTEENTH BUT, RATHER, THE 14TH! NOW WHERE ARE YOU? Is it not now bordering on the same thing that happened with your U.S. Constitution 13th (original) Amendment--which disallows, by law, lawyers holding offices in Congress, Judgeships, etc.? It just conveniently got removed from circulation while the very ones intended to be kept out--have taken over total control of your nations!!! I repeat--it is YOU who make the prophecies and YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS YOU ARE EXPECTING OR TALKING ABOUT. "JEW", THE VERY "TERM" IN POINT WAS ORIGINATED IN 176(?) (the eighteenth century) so how could THEY have had an "ORIGINAL" TEMPLE--ANYWHERE?? Am I just a mean old task-master spoiling your game of fright-night excitement? I certainly do hope so!]


An unexpected prophetic development occurred in the case of the Islamic prophecy that Islam would last until man set foot on the moon, a hyperbole signifying an indefinite period but which caused consternation in convservative Islamic circles when Armstrong and Aldrin finally did so. Islamic traditionalists, however, have argued that the astronauts did not land on the REAL moon--"the lamp of the night"--but on some other heavenly body. Therefore the prophecy has not been fulfilled and, in any case, Islam seems to be affirmatively flourishing.


The pyramid prophecies as interpreted by psychic pyramidologists indicate in the turns and measurements of the inner galleries of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt, the end of the world in the year 2001 of our era. The decline is said to have started in 1965, the latter date a finding with which many economists will doubtless agree. Also, the ancient Aztec age cycles as well as the probably connected Hopi cyclic age endings both predict an end to the world at the end of the present period--the sun of fire, Hindu tradition, as expressed in the ancient Puranas, also foretells a possible annihilation of the human race at the end of the fourth or kali yuga (and remember that Kali is the goddess of destruction), the present age now drawing to a close.


Whatever may be one's scientific theories, cosmological tradition is that cataclysmic doom seems to be generally expected by approximately the year 2000 A.D. Other cultures, while guarding their own religious counts of time, as in the case of the Chinese, Arabs, Jews, and others, have generally accepted the western system of counting years because of the easier common calculations. There seems, nevertheless, to exist a common zodiacal thread--the change of "hour" or era of the dominant constellation of our shared cosmic clock every 2,160 years. This may have influenced the inception of Christianity itself or, conversely, been signaled by it.


It is also perhaps to be expected that humanity may consider that every thousand-year period will be accompanied by earthshaking events. The very word millennium, originally simply a count of one thousand years, has taken on a meaning alternately of destruction, death, redemption, retribution, and--hope.


* * *


Let us break this writing at this point before it becomes too long.


Before we close, however, I have had a dear and precious friend inquire as to whether or not it would be worth it to move to, say, New Mexico, if indeed there is going to be total destruction in July--and she is of an age wherein a move from where she is would be all but intolerable! Dear ones, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY. Can you not see it unfolding in TRUTH as we write? YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE--AND YOU WILL BRING UPON YOURSELVES THAT WHICH YOU FOCUS MIND UPON IN PROJECTION. IT WILL BE AS WRITTEN--IF YOU BELIEVE WHAT IS WRITTEN. I CAN TELL YOU UNTIL HELL FREEZES THAT IT IS NOT SO--WILL YOU BELIEVE ME? SO BE IT.


* * *





Editor's note: The following is a provocative and timely excerpt from pages 46-51 of the very first work by "Dharma" calledSIPAPU ODYSSEY. At the time of its writing, it was thought to be a work of Fantasy but, as time passes, it is appreciated for its vivid message from God's Hosts and its "timing" clues for various events in the major planetary transition now well underway on Earth-Shan.


With pokes and prods and nudges from Little Crow of the Lakota Sioux, Dharma's public mission of translation for Higher Teachers began withSIPAPU ODYSSEY and continues to this day, some seven years and over ninety journals of information later!


As Commander Hatonn said in the Forward, "We of the Brotherhood of Light, and we who serve in the Intergalactic Fleets and Cosmic Federation Councils, come forth to bring you knowledge for a most eventful and confusing transition....It was decided that we would first bring forth an ‘acceptable' story....that man in mass can accept of the story as fiction, but the heart will know of the truth....We dedicate this ‘truth' unto all of you who will pick up the dream and walk with us that we might fulfill our mission."

See end of journal for ordering information.



By Dorushka Maerd


John explained that their were many Space Brothers here to assist us through the transition and time of tribulation; they could help us, but they could do no more. They would be allowed to help only as requested by Earthlings--with one exception, and this was stressed emphatically: YOU MAY NOT TAKE YOUR WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION INTO SPACE. BEYOND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY MILES BEYOND YOUR SURFACE YOU WILL BE STOPPED. NEITHER WILL YOU BE ALLOWED TO CREATE THE ULTIMATE NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION OF THE TOTALITY OF THE PLANET ITSELF; THE IMPACT TO THE UNIVERSE WOULD BE TOO DEVASTATING AND THE BROTHERS WOULD BE GIVEN PERMISSION TO PREVENT SUCH AN OCCURRENCE." He then turned and invited Yeorgos to take the platform. He said Yeorgos would present the teachings from the aspect of Space Brothers and the Interplanetary Councils.


Yeorgos was also accompanied by the picture projections as were appropriate to emphasize points. He said the Brothers were prepared to work closely with Earthlings as such time as they were accepted and asked to participate. He said their technology is of such magnitude that Earth man would be unable to comprehend the power. He was assuring Earthlings, however, that even though they could destroy us or make slaves of us, etc., they came in love and coexistence within the Cosmos. They would not presume to do anything other than as requested with the one exception as told by John.

He emphasized that during the upcoming period, until Earth moves into her new cycle, she would be belching forth increased disturbances upon her surface. As plates shift beneath the oceans' floors there would be increased tidal wave activity. The resulting shifts would bring about disturbances of those thought of as "sleeping" volcanos. Those would begin to rumble and spew forth molten lava that would come quickly and with minimal warning. This would increase as the climactic conditions were altered. There would be increased swelling of streams. Riverbeds would enlarge and they would not recede to their pre-existent condition. There would be peninsulas and small isthmuses that were going to vanish most abruptly and quickly.

The geophysical face of the Earth would begin its alteration during this period. Those areas where oceans' waters have crept in most gradually and quietly would be accelerated, and indeed, sleeping valleys would be filled overnight. And man on Earth would look about and wonder what is happening.

Yeorgos continued: Because of the decrease in the ozone layer about Earth there is an increased heat that is coming from the Central Sun. This is bringing about resultant melting of your polar caps, again with resultant climactic changed.

"Man of Earth shall quickly come to recognize that Earth is revolting against the treatment that she has received. This shall be a warning, a preview of what is in store for man if he does not immediately alter his ways.

"At this time the vibratory pattern of Earth itself is such that no alteration of her course is anticipated; she has been released from her role as a buffer, and she now BEGINS HER OWN CLEANSING! Man will now be accountable for his own cleansing.

"Earth is entering a phase of two seasons, summer and winter, with extreme temperatures in each. Fall and Spring will cease to be recognized. Man should lay up stores and provisions, for seasons shall not be as kind to Earth as man has known in the past. Man's time of great bounty and food abundance will greatly be altered. Space Brothers stand ready, however, to render help and instructions in that area. Food substances which will suffice for survival will be given to appropriate ones on the planet and, properly prepared, will be quite palatable.

"Man must learn to share freely in order to survive. There will be great shortages in food supplies and also proclaimed shortages in your fossil fuels as they are hoarded and usurped for reasons of greed. You will find yourselves without transportation because there will be no fuel to run your machinery. You will need the substitute foods to feed yourselves.

"There will be great energy shortages. Electricity will become unavailable for many reasons; therefore, you must learn to minimize your needs. You must begin to rely on those elemental winds and patterns that will bring you those energies that you need. You must make your dwelling places strong, sturdy and well insulated, so that they will serve you well. We will show you methods of using compressed earthwhich will replace wood and other things as primary structural material."

"We are prepared to teach you methods of health carewhich will allow you to remain active and energized during this period of time. There will be widespread death from diseases which are currently incurable by your present medical methods.

"You must expect gigantic changes within your government structures as your present monetary systems become chaotic. There will be no money for taxes and without taxes there will be a rapid withdrawal of politicians and the chain of events will cause the governmental structure, as it now operates, to fail. There must be those available to fill the void and rebuild with a new and different type of system which brings harmony to the peoples of all Earth nations."

Yeorgos continued for a long period of time along the same lines of subject matter and then began to make his concluding remarks. He said he wanted to frighten no one and, certainly, all panic must be avoided. He said he would, however, speak of the ultimate evacuation process, should that become a necessity.

He spoke: "We have come to fulfill the destiny of this planet, which is to experience a short period of ‘cleansing' and then to usher in a new and golden age of Light. I will henceforth refer to that period as the Time of Radiance.

"As mentioned before, the Souls of Light are you people of Earth who have lived according to Universal Truths and who recognize GOD as the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD; THE SOURCE OF ‘ALL THINGS'. The short period of cleansing is IMMINENT--EVEN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR! But, we have been informed of this and have made preparations for that event. I will explain how it will be so that it will relieve any anxieties amongst those present.

"We of space have millions of space ships stationed in the skies above your planet, ready to instantly lift you off at the first warning of your planet's beginning to tilt on its axis. When this happens, we have only a VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME in which to lift you from the surface before great tidal waves will lash your coastlines--possibly five miles or more high! They will cover much of your land masses!

"These tidal waves will unleash great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and cause your continents to split and sink in places and cause others to rise.

"We are VERY EXPERIENCED in the evacuation of populations of planets! This is nothing new for the Galactic Fleet! We expect to complete the evacuation on Earth of the Souls of Light in fifteen minutes--even though they are of a tremendous number.

"We shall rescue the Souls of Light first. On our great galactic computers we have stored every thought, every act you have done in this and previous lifetimes. At the first indication of need to evacuate, our computers will lock onto the location of the Souls of Light where they are at that instant!

"After the Souls of Light have been evacuated, then the CHILDREN will be lifted off. The children are not old enough to be accountable, so they will be evacuated to special ships to be cared for until they can be reunited with their parents. There will be people specially trained to handle their trauma. Many may be put to sleep, temporarily, to help them overcome their fear and anxiety. Our computers are so sophisticated--far beyond anything on Earth in this age--and can locate mothers and fathers of children wherever they are and notify them of their safety. MAKE NO MISTAKE--YOUR CHILDREN SHALL BE LIFTED TO SAFETY DURING THE EVACUATION.

"After the evacuation of the children, the invitation will be extended to all remaining souls on the planet to join us. However, this will be for only a very short time--perhaps only fifteen minutes. There is no question of having enough space on board the ships for you but, because the atmosphere, by this time, will be full of fire, flying debris, poisonous smoke, and because the magnetic field of your planet will be disturbed, we will have to leave your atmosphere very quickly or we, also with our spacecraft, would perish."

"Therefore, he who steps into our levitation beams first will be lifted first. Any hesitation on your part would mean the end of your third-dimensional existence you call the physical body.

"Which brings us to the most serious and difficult part of the evacuation: As mentioned earlier, Souls of Light have a higher vibration frequency than those who are more closely "tied" to the Earth and its ways.

"Since our levitation beams, which will be lifting you off the surface of this planet, are very close to the same thing as your electrical charges, those of low vibrational frequency may not be able to withstand the high frequency of the levitation beams without departing their third-dimensional bodies. If this happens, then your soul will be released to join our God, the Father. ‘In His house are many mansions.'

"If you do not decide to step into the levitation beams to be lifted up, you might be one of the few who survive the ‘cleansing' of the planet for the NEW GOLDEN AGE. However, during this period of cleansing, there will be great changes in climate, changes in land masses, as the poles of the planet may have a new orientation. This alone will create untold hardship for the survivors who may still not make it to the Time of Radiance.

"The most important point for you to remember is this: Any show of fear lowers your frequency of vibration, thus making you less compatible with our levitation beams!! Therefore: Above all else, REMAIN CALM. DO NOT PANIC. Know that you are in expert hands, hands which have extensive experience in evacuation of entire planets! WE CANNOT OVEREMPHASIZE THIS: REMAIN CALM! RELAX! DO NOT PANIC WHEN YOU STEP INTO OUR LEVITATION BEAMS. ABOVE ALL ELSE, MAINTAIN YOUR FAITH!

"What is to happen to you if you survive the lift off? First you will be taxied to our "mother ships" anchored high above the planet where you will be taken care of during your great trauma. Some of you may need medical attention. Our expert medical staff will be there to treat you with our highly advanced medical equipment. You will be fed and housed until such time as transfer elsewhere is advisable.

"Some of you will be taken to cities on other planets to be trained in our advanced technology before being returned to the planet Earth to start the Time of Radiance.

"Your beautiful planet Earth is destined to be the most beautiful star in the universe. A planet of Light! Here, you will rejoin the remainder of the Universe in brotherly love and fellowship with God the Father.

"People of Earth: We love you!! Do not scoff at these words. As surely as the Sun shines from the east to the west, so shall these things shortly come to pass!

"The cataclysms will begin WITHOUT WARNING! Everything will happen so fast, you will not have time to think! Think on these things NOW!

"Think; picture yourself standing with all the havoc around you: people screaming and running, others on their knees praying, automobiles crashing, glass breaking, buildings falling, ground shaking and gaping with huge cracks, debris falling all around you! THINK NOW!! WHAT SHALL I DO?? ANSWER: REMAIN CALM AND WITHOUT FEAR. MAINTAIN AN INNER PEACE OF MIND AND STEP INTO THE LEVITATION BEAMS WHICH FLOW FROM THE UNDERNEATH CENTER OF OUR SPACE CRAFT.

"As you are informed now as to what to do, spread the word to everyone you know. Be faithful to God! The time is very short! Perhaps we shall no longer be able to restrain the tilt of the Earth's axis, as we have been able to do with our energy beams and transmitters for the past several years.

"There is still a chance--a SLIGHT chance, that this great upheaval can be avoided. However, it will take extreme cooperation from you people of Earth--co-operation unlike you have ever exhibited before in this age.

"1. Avoid giving off negative energy through your distrust, greed, hatred, and begin to help each other. By helping each other, you give off positive vibrations (energy). LOVE GOD! The positive energy in large mass will neutralize the weight of negative energy which has built up around the poles of your planet--this could keep it from tilting, if enough positive energy is received in time. Your planet is a living organism. Send mental positive energy by thanking the Earth for all its bountifulness you have received.

"2. By whatever peaceful means at your disposal, put sufficient pressure on your government(s) to permit us to land our spaceships on your planet and meet with your leaders and offer them our assistance and technology. WE WILL NOT DO THIS UNTIL WE ARE ASSURED WE WILL NOT BE TREATED WITH HOSTILITY OR BE INCARCERATED. With the cooperation of your world governments, we can greatly help you in more orderly evacuation of your planet, if indeed it still becomes necessary--which it may! If it does not, then we can work together in the sharing of technology and live in brotherhood.


At the conclusion of Yeorgos' program segment, Spotted Eagle again took center stage to make closing remarks and leave his special blessings with the group.

He told of the extreme importance of the upcoming Mighty Council Gathering and said elaborate plans had been made for its success. He told those gathered that under the facade of filming a motion picture, the meeting could take place uninterrupted by human interference. He said there would be many such activities taking place at various places on the planet in order to make The Truth known. After the GATHERINGS there would no longer be doubts as to the existence of Space Brothers, and Earth man would know of the consequences he has brought upon himself. He said there would be other happenings which would also confirm the validness of these teachings.

He chanted his appreciation to the group and to the "GRANDFATHER" and the lights were extinguished. The canyon was once again silent.


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Editor's note: The following is another excerpt, from pages 41-44 (last excerpt is in the 4/19/94CONTACT), of the very first work by "Dharma" called SIPAPU ODYSSEY. At the time of its writing, about seven years ago, it was thought to be a work of Fantasy. However, as time passes, SIPAPU is appreciated for its vivid message from God's Hosts and its "timing" clues for various events in the major planetary transition now well underway on Earth-Shan. See Back Page for ordering information.




By Dorushka Maerd ("Dharma")


It was evening when the groups began to gather up the canyon for holograms and speakers. As Steve and the Earth groupjoined the audience they noted many people whom they had not seen before. The gathering was situated in a widened area and those in attendance sat clustered facing a sheer cliff wall with an outcropping of rock at its base. As the natural light faded, it was replaced by a "spot-light" from the space craft which lit the "stage" area. It was wonderful as the sky was visible above the stream of light. They could watch the stars take their places in the universe while waiting for the session to begin.

Spotted Eagle climbed to a point near the middle of the rock outcropping and raised his hands to the Heavens. There was the scent of smoke wafting on the air and Spotted Eagle carried some feathered items, in addition to a beautifully decorated, long-stemmed pipe. The audience fell into immediate silence as he took his place and prepared to speak.

Spotted Eagle spoke of the Ancient Ones and of the relationships of every creation on Earth; of the relationship of humans to all of those creations. He spoke of the beauty and harmony of Earth as our mother, and as he spoke the cliff became a huge "screen" upon which was projected a collage of action pictures. He continued to narrate as scene after scene was illuminated before the group.

The projections showed the devastation perpetrated by man on the two beautiful continents known as the Americas. Among those things shown were consequences of acid rain with dozens of examples of streams, rivers, large and small lakes, and oceans being polluted and destroyed; there were pictures of forests being poisoned by pollution, devastated by man for industry and cleared for agriculture. The consequential terrible flooding from the stripped watersheds was shown. He showed pictures of dozens of electric power plants, oil refineries, chemical and industrial plants belching forth pollution. He showed the destruction resulting from mining activities (there were also demonstrations of earth collapse into some of the underground mine shafts as the earth shifted). The examples seemed endless.

Spotted Eagle even showed examples of man's desecration of Earth's most sacred areas; the human faces carved onto the face of magnificent Black Hills (one of the Indian's most sacred spiritual places). Diana was openly sobbing and Bob could not stop the flow of tears from his eyes. Somehow he knew the subject matter would not get easier as the evening progressed. He would be correct in that assumption.




John, too, was accompanied by projected visual holograms which made an individual have the feeling of actual participation within the scene itself. As he spoke, appropriate visualizations moved with his verbal illusions.

He said he would simply be giving a description of things as directly handed down to him, without personal comment. He then launched into his teachings.

"And it is said there shall be winds, and there shall be, in the time when it is winter; and the trees shall bow down their boughs, and the winds shall sting with the cold; and there shall be great suffering among the people and they shall fall down and cry for mercy.

"And there shall be a mighty earthquake and it shall split in twain the country of North America, and it shall be as nothing the world has known before, for it shall be that there shall be a great part of the great land of the North Continent go down and a great sea shall form within her center part from the Dominion of Canada into the Gulf of Mexico.

"And there shall be great ocean liners, liners which shall travel within its waters, which will be propelled by solar energyof the next age. But with this they shall be unable to travel east to west or from west to east, through what is now the Atlantic Ocean, for it shall have a mountain range which has been thrown up from the bottom of the Atlantic; and it shall be extended into the air to the altitude of ten thousand feet and it shall be the City of old, for it was the Light of the world. She went down amid a great shock and a great wave; and it shall be that she shall come up the same way as she went down.

"And the west side be as the sheer side of granite, and it shall be without foothold; and the way shall be as the eagle flies from the place which is Upper Virginia three hundred miles due east; and at this point it shall be one thousand and eight hundred feet from the waters; and not an entrance through the land shall there be to the east, for it is not for them, which are to be the remnants, to communicate by water; for it shall be with a new science, and a new method shall be given unto them. For there is not a place which is that shall remain the same in its present state.

"And not a person shall be left which is not prepared for that which shall be. And there are many called but few are chosen: for there are none which have been chosen which have not been carefully prepared; and they have been unto themselves true, and they have given credit where credit is due. And now it is given unto them to be the seed of the new Civilization which shall come upon the Earth.

"And within the time which is left before this shall come upon the Earth, it shall be that many will be called: and they shall doubt; and they shall fear; and they shall faint; and they shall fall by the way; and they shall be in no wise, for it is given unto man to fear that which he does not understand--and for that does he wait.

"And it is said there shall be winds, and there shall be the winds, and they shall be as none the Earth has known; and they shall be as the winds from the sea and from the land all rolled into one great tempest. And they shall be as the winds of the North and the South and East and the West, and they shall tear that which is in their path and they shall be as the reaper who mows down that which is in his path. And they shall sing with the bitterness of the cold. And they shall be as the elements of the Earth, for they shall contain both rain and wind; and the hail shall be as big as bird eggs, and it shall split that which it hits.

"And it shall be that the suffering shall be great upon the Earth, for it is given unto man to know suffering. And he has not known such suffering before, and, when it is come upon him, he shall fall down and shall cry for mercy.

"And it shall be that the winds too small be great upon the Earth--they shall blow East, West, North and South and not a place shall there be upon the Earth which shall escape the winds which bloweth; and when this tribulation has come upon the Earth, it shall be that there shall be many who have kept within the law.

"And with the coming of the winds and belching of fire from within the Earth there shall be--MORE!"

John continued by telling of how things would be. He said that no one would be responsible for the words of another nor would any man take upon himself that which would be done by another. Each entity would be responsible for his own. He said man had lost his identity with the Father God which had sent him and that if he would not awaken and return to the Father he would surely perish.

John spoke on for a very long time giving illustration after illustration. He concluded by saying it was time to talk more about the present.