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Dec. 19, 2014

PJ 95



WED., MAY 11, 1994 9:04 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 268

WED., MAY 11, 1994



OK, readers, watch, read and listen up, please. You are watching the beginning of the big "sell" job breaching the top of the hill....


Yesterday evening you will have noticed that there was national news talk of changing out currency--to stop the counterfeiting and blather, blather, blather.


I am going to offer you a copy, now, of the "break it to the public" changes. This will simply confuse and stir and avoid the real issues, and solutions--but you can note that what we have been expecting is COMING DOWN IN SOME MANNER OR ANOTHER--AS THE CLOCK TICKS. I am not going to further comment about this, we have covered it over and over and over again. This, however, is what is taking place as we write--they are steaming like mad to get some gold shifted back into your country. Basically, the Banking Committee wants about 60 days, 30 at least, to get paperwork done before a full announcement can be made as to "being back on the gold standard". Fine, as far as I am concerned they can have it--IF they let my people go and meet their agreements. Am I serious? Do I really expect you to believe that I have anything to do with it? I don't care whether you believe so or not--the ones in power have been meeting with me almost daily. YOU CAN RECLAIM SOME OF YOUR GOVERNMENT, CITIZENS, IF YOU SEIZE THE MOMENT!


You are, however, going to have to secure selves and choose carefully that which will be so difficult to discern that grave errors can be made if you are remaining uninformed. Does this mean you had better pay attention to ALL OF CONTACT INFORMATION? YES INDEED! HERE IS WHERE IT TRULY IS REALLY "AT".


The Khazarian Zionist Communists (Socialists) are in control of your government while the Elitist "MONEY" grabbers are in danger of losing a grip on the populace. We are talking about overlapping entities, neither of which belongs to "You-The-People", but one group having a lot more need to please YOU than does the other. One is a group spurred on by a need to rule the world as "Anti-Christ" types of humanistic power-hungry. .The others are also power-hungry but are not of the same background of total political drive--they are just a Satanic-oriented bunch of criminal power brokers. They have been working together through blackmail, bribes, force, assassinations and total corruption--but one sees the handwriting and will make concessions--OR LOSE. The other COULD BE politically toppled by simply structuring and introducing a government in a different location, an economy based on a value commodity and on the Constitution. "They" don't plan it to go "that" way--but it gives you a chink in the armor through which you can expand and grow. Easy? Of course not! Why do you always want it "easy" and without challenge? Have you lost all faith in yourselves as a people and a nation? You CAN DO IT THROUGH LAW--YOU CAN NEVER DO IT THROUGH GUNS--"THEY" STILL HAVE THE INCREDIBLE TOOLS TO BLOW YOU AWAY!


Here is a good example of total distraction--right on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 9, 1994. It is right adjacent to the article we wish to share on "money" matters. I think you can see the IMPORTANCE of this garbage:







Mike Correll Lines Up Pals For Busy Executive Men Who Are Too Lonely at the Top.


By Anita Sharpe. ATLANTA--Mike Correll, a 54-year-old entrepreneur, has built a healthy business here on a peculiar, if pragmatic, belief: Successful men have little time for making friends--but enough money to buy them. [H: Want to bet?]


That's right; for a fee that runs as high as $1,200, Mr. Correll will go out and buy you a buddy. Not just any buddy; not for just any buddy. Rather, Mr. Correll specializes in the corner office; matching harried and isolated male executives who claim they can't find the time to make close friends.


"It's tough to admit," says John Heagy, a local real-estate executive who hired Mr. Correll, "but men have a very difficult time establishing relationships with other men, other than for business reasons." He pauses and sighs, "It's not like the days at the fraternity."




The article goes on and suggests you can get Philosophers, Jocks and Hell-Raisers. It is a long article which is on the front page and continued to an inside page. Well, maybe it JUST SOUNDS LIKE a pimp organization? But...Atlanta??, home of the media control center of the world???







[H: Now keep in mind that THIS comes on the SAME DAY as the introduction into the national news of the probability of new currency.]


The Wall Street Journal, Monday, May 9, 1994. FRONT PAGE, THE "OUTLOOK" column.




This summer, a private commission headed by Paul Volcker[H: George Green's old buddy and former head of the Federal Reserve.], the former Federal Reserve Board chairman, will announce an ambitious plan to overhaul the world monetary system. The panel will propose that industrialized countries keep the value of their currencies within a flexible band to limit exchange-rate volatility.


The proposal, which now is circulating as a CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT, would move the world half a step back toward the rigid exchange-rate system that President Nixon ended in the early 1970s. He abandoned the gold-linked monetary order created by the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement and ushered in today's system of floating exchange rates. [H: But--don't forget--the gold-based truth in government moneyENDED IN THE BEGINNING OF THE ‘30s!]


Mr. Volcker's system might avoid the type of volatility that has wracked world currency markets recently, but the plan is likely to face insurmountable political obstacles.


The old system collapsed because it didn't accommodate rapid economic change and because Presidents Johnson and Nixon didn't want their economic policies limited by the need to keep the dollar strong. Now Mr. Volcker, heading a group of international bankers, former top finance officials and monetary experts wants to restore some of the discipline that was required under the World War II-era agreement.


The group, called the Bretton Woods Commission [H: Important little groupie.], argues that the world has paid a heavy price for this lack of discipline. "Since the early 1970s, longterm growth in the major industrial countries has been cut in half, from about 5% a year to about 2.5% a year," the report says. Loss of exchange-rate discipline is partly to blame. Fluctuating exchange rates curb growth, the group feels, by creating uncertainty speculation, misallocating resources and encouraging protectionism. Moreover, floating rates give countries the freedom to run irresponsible economic policies. An example is the U.S. which felt free in the 1980s to run big budget deficits without worrying about the spike in the dollar that resulted as foreign money rushed in to make up the difference.


The Group of Seven industrial nations in the mid-1980s [H: Please note: THIS GROUP HAS JUST MET.] began to concentrate on reducing volatility, but success has been limited. Occasionally, the countries can cooperate to combat exchange-market disorder, as they did in a concerted effort to arrest the fall of the dollar against the yen and mark last week. But, the report complains, "There has been no reliable long-term global approach to coordinating policy, stabilizing market expectations, and preventing extreme volatility and misalignments among the key currencies."


Mr. Volcker's panel proposes a gradual approach to reform. First, countries must improve their internal economic policies mainly by reducing budget deficits so that fiscal policy can once again become a tool for stimulating and slowing the economy. [H: "Gradual approach"? Well, maybe--however, remember the "Law of Bureaucracy"? What they tell you they will do will be produced in EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE RESULT. I suggest you get prepared--just in case--there is an abrupt, sudden, stupendously immediate CHANGE IN EVERYTHING!] Then, the G-7 [H: Now actually G-8.] should adopt a more formal system for managing exchange rates" in which currencies could fluctuate within bands that would permit some flexibility but limit excessive volatility. [H:???? Set by whom and for how much?]


Countries would be forced to intervene in the currency markets--or even to alter their domestic policies--to accommodate changing economic conditions. What's more, the system "will have to define governments' obligations when exchange rates threaten to break the boundaries" of the currency zones and how to adjust the zones when necessary. The International Monetary Fund, the commission's report says, "should be given a central role in coordinating economic policies and in developing and implementing monetary reforms."


Not everyone agrees that there is a need for reform. Robert Solomon of the BROOKINGS INSTITUTION [H: Ah-Hmmnnn...] argues that the fluidity of today's floating-rate regime, despite its imperfections, generally works well, allowing currency relations, such as the dollar/yen exchange, to adjust gradually over time. Efforts to combine certainty with adjustability inevitably become too rigid, making gradual adjustment difficult. This happened under both Bretton Woods and the European Rate Mechanism, he argues.


Fred Bergsten, director of the Institute for International Economics counters that the U.S. already tries to keep the dollar within broad zones, and that making the ranges explicit would help promote world trade, investment and stability.


In the end, the obstacle to a more stable monetary system may be domestic politics. The Volcker commission's plan would, in effect, require countries to relinquish some of their economic sovereignty, and put international considerations above domestic political concerns. It would attempt to force the U.S. to reduce its budget deficit, or Japan to stimulate its economy, in response to orders from IMF bureaucrats--even if it infuriated constituencies at home. World leaders aren't likely to embrace such a plan, no matter what the advantages.




I want you to keep in mind just how powerful Paul Volckerreally is--he now represents a major interest in BOTH the Bilderbergers group AND the Trilateral Commission, along with CFR and thus and so. WHY IS HE STILL COMMANDING ANY ATTENTION AT ALL?? IS THIS NOT STRANGE?? I suggest you keep your eyes focused--along with your confused brain (because they WILL confuse you to the point of insanity)--and watch this comedy of stooges apply their public shell game. They plan a much more impressive show-and-tell than David Copperfield, the magician, ever thought of pulling on you-the-people. So be it.


These are the reasons, however, that the threats and potential bribe-offs of such as Jackson and Buckley are taking place--even with pleading for silence until July!! If you think the hounds of hell will give you a "break" out of "goodness" and "light"--FORGET IT RIGHT NOW!


Meanwhile back at the Clintonista sex-ranch you will note the nitty coming forth about, "Clinton's choice to be Fed vice chairman, Alan Blinder, tried to quell criticism that he is soft on inflation, but said he doesn't think the economy is in imminent danger of overheating...." READERS, YOU MUST KEEP UP--EVEN WITH "NO" NEWS, YOU CAN SEE WHAT THEY ARE DOING IF YOU ARE INFORMED! EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS PAPER IS WORTHY OF TOP LEVEL ATTENTION. Let me just present some topics:


"A LUCKY BUST GIVES DRUG AGENTS A LOOK AT SMUGGLERS' PLOYS. Ring Used ‘Stealth' Planes [H: Now WHERE WOULD THEY GET STEALTH PLANES?], Some Electronic Trickery--And a Spy at Customs...."


"POWER PLAYS: AS COMPETITION ROILS ELECTRIC UTILITIES, THEY LOOK TO NEW MEXICO. Move by Las Cruces to Flee Its High Rates Illustrates The Many Hurdles Ahead. Tangled Transmission Wires...."


And on and on it goes....





Hey, I don't make up this "stuff"--I just bring it to your attention, readers. I think that until you can get Jackson's books you had better consider getting a few other ones. Some details may be incorrect in fullness but the general information is excellent in most instances. There is a new book out by a Terry Reed & John Cummings which I believe you would find most informative and thought-provoking. I would even suggest you get a copy for our use if you can find one. It is called: COMPROMISED: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. This will also give you a connection between Clinton and the Iran/Contra "thing". Yes indeed, readers, Clinton, as governor of Arkansas, was a MAJOR player.


You are going to have to accept the FACTS that your President was working fully in cooperation with the CIA in bringing drugs right into and through, with the CIA, into the Mena, Arkansas airport. Clinton permitted the CIA to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons, and he allowed CIA contract agents to train Contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war in Nicaragua, effectively evading the congressional ban on military aid to the Contras. This is the eyewitness account of an author (who was a former high-level contract agent), who became a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the agency's drug trafficking.


I find the following paragraph quite thought-provoking in itself as to possibilities. "....The Arkansas-CIA connection became Clinton's darkest secret. One shared by then-Vice President Bush, who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 presidential election, with neither daring to mention the Iran-Contra scandal...."


Clinton was present at meetings which detailed arms arrangements, illegal Contra training and money laundering. Guess what: Involved with Clinton in this cabal were William Barr (Bush's Attorney General), Felix Rodriguez (Bay of Pigs veteran and Bush's CIA contact), and CIA contract agent Barry Seal(who used the cover of a high-profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions).


As you might well guess--this author's life became a precious commodity and of course stupidly false "charges" were brought but also "deals" were made and the man was finally acquitted. I would guess that, as with Ronn Jackson--enough information in the right hands to be dispersed if anything happens to the original "knower" offers some protection.


Where can you find this book? Well, I suspect that it won't be through the usual Walden Books, etc. I am told it can be obtained through Criminal Politics. If you have one of those plastic rectangles which is valid you can call 1-800-543-0486 and charge off $18.95.


Before I offer you the following, I want you to go back and read the REAL story of Vince Foster's "suicide as offered in CONTACT (See next paragraph to near end page 28.). Next I want you to read this (starting end page 28):





[Editor's note: The following two articles are reprinted from the 3/22/94 issue of CONTACT.


7/22/93 #2 HATONN



My, my, you call out for signs and miracles. In disbelief you petition for one more "show"--one more "viewing" from flickering star-craft lights to loss of a headache. Well I think the following will indicate a SIGN to some ones of high level treason. There are several (at least nine [9]) people who should be very, very interested and concerned about the following information which drifted into our hands this morning. As I understand the message--by the time this reaches the printer--here will be only 7 left to worry!


What is this? Well, it is a note received regarding the demise of one Vincent Foster. That nice lawyer friend of the Billaries in Washington--you know, those who "lead" your nation by the ring through the nose and the harness in the hands of Reno and other ones who murder at random! I think I would be most distressed and concerned as the profferers of torment, torture and bedlam murder--note that THERE IS ANOTHER SIDE. Who are they, this other side? I certainly would not want to be the one to give that information so we take what is sent, share it and hope the correct receivers get the right messages. We are in the business of journalism and printing what is brought to us or sent in truth--not in sorting out "who-dun-its".


Since there will be an obvious question as you read as to "why" "two" shots, in case it misses your sleuthing--I would guess it is to send a loud clear message about "suicide". A suicide victim does not get "two" shots when the first one kills him dead! I doubt, however, that YOU THE PEOPLE will ever hear about the second shot in this "suicide".




Re: Vincent Foster


At 4:52, July 20, 1993--at the first exit to Fort Darcy, VA, a grey Ford Econoline van stopped a 1992 Chrysler Sedan. The driver and lone passenger of the Sedan was removed from his vehicle at gunpoint. There was no fuss, as the driver assumed his plight to be a "carjacking" and possibly armed robbery.


The occupant of the Chrysler, Mr. Vincent Foster, deputy Legal Counsel and close friend to B. Clinton [H: I believe this person was a former partner in Hillary's prior law firm, as well.] was taken to the rear of the car parking area. Three men, all wearing "Federal Black", told Mr. Foster to kneel on the ground--facing a park bench. At this point, Mr. Foster's head was pushed forward, a gun pushed against the base of the skull, and within seconds TWO .38 cal. rounds were fired into the skull. Foster's head was thrown forward as he died.


The men then placed the body upon the bench in a half sitting-half reclining position. The upper torso was bent to the right-reflecting an angle of 15% [H: (perhaps "degrees")? I never like to correct or change anything not quite understood because the meaning may be exact but not to my scribe.], The Fairfax P.D. was called with the location of the body. The men of the van left the area and returned to D.C. proper where they boarded planes for diverse destinations.


The strike was coordinated and executed by TASK FORCE 151!! It was carried out in retribution for the Wilcher, Parsons, "Piggy" [H: This one may really be a long way off proper identification due to overstrikes on the message.] AND SESSIONS affair. At this time, a force of 32 men, holding a target list with 9 more names is preparing to assemble in a major East Coast City. (By the time you print this, at least two more sanctions will have been carried out.) END.




There is no return identification on this document except 07-22-1993, 11:06. BURN THE MESSAGE, DHARMA.


* * *


7/25/93 #2 HATONN



The next I offer just because YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO VINCE FOSTER, REALLY [see article above]. So, you will simply find this offering most interesting and informative as to "why" Vince.


[QUOTING Arkansas Gazette, July 22, 1993:]



By John Brummett


Arkansas, July 22, 1993.


Washington--President Clinton met with his staff members late Wednesday morning and told them there is more to life than work.


Then en route from the Old Executive Office Building to the West Wing of the White House, he stopped to say twice to a small group of pool reporters, "No one can ever really know why this happened."


Vincent Foster, Jr., possibly Hillary Rodham Clinton's best friend, a tall, nice-looking man, had driven the day before--around 6 p.m., apparently--from Washington to a suburban Virginia park. He got out of his car, walked to a spot on the banks of the Potomac River and shot and killed himself.


This was six months after Foster uprooted his comfortable life as a respected senior partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock to move to Washington as chief deputy White House counsel.


I last spoke with Foster at a reception at the Hotel Washington a couple of months ago. I told him I wanted to visit with him someday about what was being thought and done at the White House the afternoon the Waco disaster unfolded.


"Well, maybe, you can learn something about what goes on in a crisis," he said a bit combatively, and certainly intensely.


Foster's good friend from the Rose firm, Webb Hubbell, was facing a confirmation hearing on his nomination to be associate attorney general. I asked Foster if he expected Hubbell to endure a lot of nasty rhetoric.


"Of course," he said, clearly disgusted by the prospect.


The personal chit-chat was more pleasant, and as interesting. Foster was living alone at the time in a little Georgetown apartment.


"I can stand and put my arms out and touch both walls," he said.


His blond, teen-age daughter was with him that evening, and he proudly introduced her. The family would be joining him in a full-fledged new home in suburban Virginia in the summer. He looked forward to that.


Now, unbelievably, he's killed himself.


The press jumped into action Wednesday morning. I got a call from a colleague in New York who advised, "Get to the crime scene right now before the police screw it up. This has got to be bad. You just know it does."


Reporters began asking these kinds of questions, and getting these kinds of consistent answers;


*Had Foster appeared unusually stressed or depressed lately? No. He always appeared intense and fretful of the press--most corporate lawyers are--and he had been harried by a run of Wall Street Journal editorials asking who he was. But he seemed generally all right as recently as Tuesday.


*What were the inevitable personal problems? Were they financial? Were they martial? There were none, as best anyone could find or imagine.


*Then why in the world?


The best anyone could offer was that Vince Foster killed himself because he was distraught that things had gone wrong in the White House of his two friends he so admired and who had honored him with their trust. [H: The Billaries??]


Many of those problems seemed to involve perceived or real shortcomings in the counsel's office where he worked. He seemed incapable of coping with imperfection.


Not too long ago, a man asked Sheila Anthony, Foster's sister and the wife of former U.S. Rep. Beryl Anthony, how Vince was doing. Oh, you know, he takes all these White House things personally, she said.


It's sidebar to this tragedy that Foster wasn't personally implicated in many of the White House failings. He wasn't the one who advised that Lani Guinier's writings would pose no political problem. He wasn't the one who was reprimanded over the handling of the White House travel office. He was, however, the one who coordinated the successful legal arguments in defense of Hillary's role as chairman of the health caretask force. [H: Oops!]


What an incredible waste and tragedy. The White House is a hellish arena. Thin skins need not apply. But, my God, it's not supposed to produce casualties.


John Brummett's column appears every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.




The information on this paper's margin indicates something like (handwritten and abbreviated): Ark. Dem. "Flag" or "Gag"--I, Hatonn, think it may be Gazette?


It would be nice if some of you "inquiring minds" clip the REAL story of Vince Foster and send it to this man struggling in confused information. It won't help as to "why" but it sure will as to WHO! I would guess there are great "messages" being transmitted in that happenstance "suicide".


Thank you.


* * *


From Criminal Politics: April, 1994 which states: "Witness says NO GUN found at Foster's Suicide Scene!" This man just happened to be in a "van" and "Traffic was barely moving, the man recalled, and the temperature was hovering around 100. Stuck in traffic, he felt an urgent need to urinate, pulled off the parkway at the entrance to Ft. Marcy Park and began searching for a secluded spot.


"....He came upon Foster's body, which he first thought was someone asleep. After examining the body, he noticed that the person's face was swollen. Stepping to within three feet of the man's head, he looked straight down into his face to see if that was the case."


Now, guess WHO happened to get information from this elusive WITNESS?? Ah yes, none other than our old buddy, G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame.




....The body was bloated in the heat and there were traces of blood around the nostrils and the mouth. The eyes were only partially closed and already glazed. The man described the position of the body: "hands at his sides, palms open and angled upward." At the bottom of the slope near the body, the brush was trampled as if someone had been walking back and forth at that spot.


....Liddy asked if the man had seen the ABC photograph of what is purported to be Mr. Foster's hand with its thumb in the trigger guard of a handgun. The witness replied that he hadn't seen it and appeared surprised, stating he had observed both hands of the body and "neither held a gun." Why won't the press reveal this information?




....Soon after the interview, Liddy wrote to Fiske to report he had been contacted by the witness. FBI agents then contacted Liddy. It was, after all, Foster's tragic death and the White House's mishandling of it that triggered interest in the Whitewater transactions, the files of which were apparently kept in Foster's office.


....The transcript of the 911 call to the Fairfax County Public Safety Communications Center states that the caller had been told about a dead body by a "guy that came up to Turkey Run and lit out in a white contractor's van." The call was placed by Francis Swan, a National Park Service maintenance worker. According to Award-winning columnist (??) Robert Novak, Mr. Swan is now under orders FROM MR. FISKE to remain silent!




Well, readers--there was already something WRONG with the reports of the "suicide". The man was shot TWICE and I believe, to the back of the skull. It rarely takes TWO shots to accomplish "suicide" even under the most spectacular of circumstances for a dead man to shoot himself a second time--especially in the same general spot!


"....On March 22, Liddy went to the witness's home to question him. There is a five-page, typewritten account of the interview, which clearly states ‘he had observed both hands of the body and that neither held a gun.'"




Gosh, it begins to not look so good for Mr. Fiske and this open, objective and credible investigation by said Mr. Fiske. He has now had to admit that he has known Nussbaum (who is being investigated) as an OLD FRIEND since the 1970s. As a matter of fact, Fiske is the one who recommended Mr. Nussbaum as a prosecutor in the Iran-Contra case! Further, in this Whitewater case, a Fiske client SOLD THE LAND TO THE CLINTONS!


Fiske is just now barely remembering some of the relationships which obviously had slipped his mind. Another one of those recollections, NOW, is that his former law partner was none other than Lawrence Walsh, the Iran-Contra prosecutor. Oh my goodness!! Go back up this writing and read about Clinton's connections with Iran-Contra.


I am sorry we have already used "Tangled Webs" for a series of journals because if this doesn't beat all...!


Now that we are about to the end of this writing, I will ask you what YOU think about a couple of things, the first being this money garbage? What do you think is being efforted at accomplishing? Well, dear ones, you had best look to GOLD! All of this is a magnificent effort to CONTROL GOLD and other precious metals. This is evident all the way from the South African elections entangled with Kissinger--to the shores of the Philippines--and back to Langley, Virginia. If you can control gold you can control the world--set the price and use it as a foundation for every value established.


I believe that you WILL be in some danger of having all gold CONFISCATED again to SAVE something or other--so, again, it may well be that the REAL value might well have to be garnered from wealth through collateralization through the use of gold and then placing your money into projects structured to "save your tummies and wardrobe at some time ahead." Complicated? No, simple--but shrouded with that which appears confusing and complicated to FOOL YOU AGAIN! When you form a habit of walking a crooked line instead of setting your eyes on a goal with goodness and freedom--you begin to be able to think only in confusion and crookedness--but never well enough to keep up with the kings of deceit and trickery. You must learn to go straight for the intent of the Big Boys and it will ALWAYS be toward gaining power and more wealth. Further, if there is a legal, honorable way to do something--THEY will always choose the complicated, enforced and dishonorable method of accomplishment.


The adversary is NOT GOING TO REGAIN YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES FOR YOU. COUNT ON IT! When you have the players involved who are involved--WORRY!!


Let us leave this please, we have other things to do. Thank you.