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Aug. 14, 2013

PJ 59





WED., NOV. 18, 1992   9:34 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 94







Ken Coons


When I was a lad so alone and forlorn,

I questioned my Maker as to why I was born.

I pictured myself growing old just to die.

And there in my coffin forever I'd lie.


How long is forever?

It tortured my brain.

How long is forever?

Nearly drove me insane.


Now I had no fear of a man or a beast,

I'd take any challenge and I'd make it my feast.

And no fear of dying did enter my head.

But I couldn't bear to forever be dead.


How long is forever?

In anguish I'd shout.

How long is forever?

Then my mind would give out.


Then one day I heard of a Master who died.

And if one would follow he would not be denied.

He promised all sorrow would then disappear.

He promised that He would forever be near.


How long is forever?

I can't comprehend.

How long is forever?



* * *



I have shared the above to remind you that these things that come are but the fulfillment of that which has always "been expected". It is to remind you from whence comes your strength and that always God walks with you and NEVER sends you into the fray alone. If ye go in perception of aloneness, it is of your own doing and through your own denial.


Just as in a small school in "Anytown" U.S.A. (I do not wish to give publicity to such heinous things) here at the season of supposedly recognizing the Christ presence in your world--a big flurry of legal and disruptive demonstrations is requiring a picture representation of "Jesus" as the Christ, which has hung in the school hallway for over 30-years, to, through demand, be removed as representative of "an offensive religious symbol"! You have come a long way "Babies"--where will you GO NEXT???


I also find it most interesting that other religious orders CAN DEMAND AND GET rights to such barriers--but Christians are DENIED! I note that blacks can shout "Black Power", Asians shout "Asian Power", even Indians can demand "Power and Equality"--but let a little white person even utter the words "white equality" and wham, bam--down with the anti-Semitic, bigoted, supremacists!! So be it! I make no comment other than it seems a bit unbalanced in Constitutional "RIGHTS" under the LAW! This cannot be of GOD for the "IMAGE" OF YOUR BEING AS LIKENED UNTO GOD--IS THE LIGHTED PRESENCE WITHIN--WHICH IS OF ALL COLORS--CALLED "LIGHT". Skin tones are of purely human manifestation in a physical perception and expression so you can know that the racial unrest is MAN MADE, MAN CAUSED AND ORCHESTRATED ACCORDING TO THE PROTOCOLS OF TAKE-OVER BY THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER! GO READ THE INFORMATION WE HAVE PROVIDED. QUIT QUARRELING WITH "WHY DON'T YOU - - - -" AND READ WHAT WE HAVE GIVEN AS IT IS ALL THERE FOR YOUR TAKING!


Now, on to most unpleasant sharings and repetitions--but you MUST have missed it the first, second and third time we gave it to you. I am simply going to copy another presentation and see if IT grabs you between the ears and behind the eyes.




(The American's Bulletin)


Grouping conscientious patriotic American citizens along with drug dealers, terrorists and other enemies of the government, the U.S. through the United Nations World Court and troops has secretly developed plans to deal with them accordingly. Martial Law has been in effect for some years now, yet most citizens have no idea of the impending danger they will face. Let's go back a few years to the Iran-Contra Hearings. Here is part of what was said:




Col. Oliver North: Counsel, I don't believe that any one who served in Vietnam, who saw what happened as a consequence of our efforts, when in my opinion we won all the battles and then lost the war, could ever be unaffected by that unless they were totally insensitive. And I would also point out that we didn't lose the war in Vietnam, we lost the war right here in this city.



"What North was saying there was that America's real enemies are inside this country. And that would explain why North spent so many years under Bush's auspices preparing contingency plans for rounding up large numbers of dissenters if we ever went into another war.


"Now, you'd have thought that the Committee would have been outraged by North's sort of declaration of war with a large segment of the American people, but instead of their disagreeing with him, most of them actually agreed with him."



"Concomitant with this whole operation and Oliver North's involvement in it was a plan to suspend the United States Constitution, as they referred to it under a state of national emergency on the part of the President. Where that comes from is a specific program called "REX 84"--Readiness Exercise, 1984. It was undertaken under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Now this was a National Executive branch agency that was originally set up at the very end of the Carter Administration, to do nothing more than coordinate the national flood relief, hurricane relief, Red Cross, etc., to get the government programs all under one umbrella so that they could coordinate them."


"When Reagan was elected to the presidency he installed Louis Giuffrida as head of FEMA--The Federal Emergency Management Agency. Giuffrida was an old cold warrior from Reagan's California days, whose specialty was supervision of unrest and dissent. Giuffrida, North and George Bush began to turn FEMA into an instrument of domestic anti-terrorism.


"You're dealing with a group of people in our administration who equated political dissentwith treason. And this group cannot differentiate between emergency procedures (which everyone agrees are necessary) and suppressing political dissent. And with North, and Poindexter, and Casey you had a group of people who saw Americans who disagreed with them as the enemy!"Again, at the hearings we heard:



Col. North, in your work at the NSC were you not assigned at one time to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster? [H: Good grief, that old "Doomsday" program to forfeit all the people all the time and save the assets of the "big boys"!]


North's Attorney: Mr. Chairman!


Senator Inouye (Chairman):I believe that question touches on a highly sensitive and classified area, so may I request that you not touch upon that sir?


Brooks:I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers and several others, that there had been a plan developed by that same agency, a contingency planin the event of an emergency that would suspend the American Constitution, and I was deeply concerned about it. I'm wondering if that was the area in which he had worked, I believed that it was...


Inouye:May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this I'm certain that arrangements can be made for Executive session. [H: In other words, keep the secrets and keep YOU in total lack of information!]



"And tragically, the only member who got close was Jack Brooks and he was stopped by the Chairman. But the truth of the matter is that YES you do have those standby provisions and the plans are there and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby you could in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest Americans and hold them in detention camps.


"If the president ordered a direct strike into central America, which was to be code named "Operation Night Train" (we have the documents on it), that they would set up a concomitant domestic exercise or war games scenario called REX 84, the main rationale of which was to round up 400,000 undocumented Central American aliens during a two week period of time, incarcerate them in 10 military detention camps. (Some of these camps are shown and documented in the movie COVER-UP which has been playing at theaters on the West Coast.)


"They rehearsed this. But of course if you're rehearsing the rounding up of half a million aliens you have also rehearsed the rounding up of half a million critics of the administration or government.


"It would be very very wrong to think that these kinds of illegal operations will stop just by Ollie North's disappearing, because the motives to generate these kind of agendas are still there and the powers that were collected in his name, his office, as far as I know, they are still there."


These exercises have continued since the Iran Contra days. In many ways they have even been stepped up! [H: In tremendous ways and measures like "closing bases", "working with joint-ventures with the Russians"--untold numbers of new and screwy false names and identifications.] The National Guard has been enlisted into the plan as well as all other police and government agencies--all in the name of maintaining the peace, of course. [H: I suggest you get the comprehensive write-ups we did on these subjects for you have seen this in action in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York and East St. Louis among other places not so well nationally publicized.] But it was soon found that some of our own people in these different agencies would not cooperate with such illegal/unconstitutional activities of government and so the final card has been played--the United Nations Peace Keeping Force, an international police force. It was long known that foreign troops could do what resident troops could or would not do--arrest and police their own innocent friends and neighbors.




Silencing of all dissidents! MASS DETENTION FACILITIES--otherwise known as Concentration Camps--have been set up in a number of major U.S. military installations on the secret order of Ex-President Reagan. The Executive Orders which established these camps have been canceled because the camps are now in place. The White House issued a highly classified National Security Decision Directive(NSDD) which set forth urgent instructions which "activated" 10 huge prison camps at key defense command locations across America.


Two trustworthy sources--patriotic career Army officers--revealed that preparations were set in motion for an unprecedented roundup of "security suspects" coast to coast.


According to these sources, one of the primary goals of the vast police operation is to apply "C&C" ("capture and custody") measures against political opponents, resisters, and outspoken critics whom our bureaucratic government considers "dangerous".


Four of the principal civilian concentration camps established under the "Rex 84" program are located at Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas; Ft. Drum, New York; Ft. Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania and at Camp A.P. Hill in Virginia. Each one of these camps is designed to hold at least 25,000 civilian prisoners. "Rex 84" has no doubt been updated and renamed by this time.


Additional emergency custodial facilities are being readied at Oakdale, California (reportedly for 15,000 detainees) and at Eglin Air Force Base in southern Florida, at Vandenberg AFB in California, at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin; Ft. Benning, Georgia; Ft. Huachuca, Arizona; and in the southern Justice Department detention and interrogation center known as Camp Krome near Miami, Florida.


A major national task force of federal intelligence and law-enforcement agencies--including the FBI, the CIA, U.S. Marshals, INS, Customs, Coast Guard, National Guard, and so forth--will join with local and state police in massive roundups to haul in lists of suspects who will fill these improvised stockades.


"The first roundup--and the publicly announced one--will be of illegal aliens and refugees," according to a military source. "But under the secret provisions of Executive Orders there will be also broad arrests of security suspects, who can be held in these centers, under this emergency order, whether they're U.S. citizens or not."


Americans whom the administration suspects of belonging to so-called "violence-prone" groups, may find themselves hauled off with hordes of illegal immigrants.


Another category of anti-bureaucratic activists which may be bound for administrative detention under this directive is that of "major, organized tax resisters", one source close to the program said. Many more IRS employees have been hired to seek out the millions of small businesses who have failed to file during the past two years. These could all be added to the growing list of anti-government citizens who need to be rounded up and interrogated. [H: This is valid information so you who have small corporations and this is applicable--keep those records in impeccable order! The point is to work WITHIN the system in honorable limits of the law of the land. There are ways of attending business without crossing the forces of evil for more than the time of looking at records--if you have made "no profit" and are actually "in arrears" and owing of debts--you are alright. The government is after ALL assets but will not bother with ones already non profit making! If you have not attended your business and records well, you can expect investigations and resulting fines, etc. THERE IS NO "MAGIC" ANYTHING, CHELAS--JUST GOOD WAYS TO PROTECT AND SHELTER FOR A WHILE LONGER. IF YOUR SOLE INTENT HAS BEEN TO HIDE AND EVADE--IT WILL NOT BE GOOD SHELTER. YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT UNDER THEIR OWN RULES TO "AVOID" THAT WHICH IS NOT LEGAL (REMEMBERING THAT ALL LAWS SET FORTH ARE "LEGAL" EVEN IF UNLAWFUL CONSTITUTIONALLY)--THEY DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE CONSTITUTION!]


Not a single source interviewed could cite a Constitutional or legal precedent for such a staggering mass roundup of civilians by American authorities during "peacetime". Of course, most informed people know we are not in peacetime but in full Martial Law. Note the gold-fringed flag next time you are in or near a courtroom. That is the "Executive" flag of Martial Law!


The nearest analogy to planned maneuvers is the security sweeps ordered by the Austrian government of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfussin the late 1930's. Prefiguring our day, those crackdowns were officially targeted at "illegal aliens"--that is, the many German-born residents of Austria whom the Dollfuss government suspected of being sympathetic to the National Socialist party.


What criteria will be used in deciding who's "dangerous" and who isn't? Will it be any who do not have proper identification papers or perhaps insurance on their cars? Who will decide? Certainly NOT you or me.


Most likely, it will be based on the "hate list", drawn up by the ADL(Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith--a Masonic Lodge)! In 1980, the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) signed a contract with the ADL to prepare a report for the USCCR on "hate" groups in America. For $20,000 in taxpayer money, the ADL produced a report, that focused on groups that support the Constitution.


The report was completed, submitted to and accepted by the USCCR. But, following standard procedure, the commission sent portions of the report to various groups mentioned, soliciting comments. The responses were scathing, and the groups did not stop at letting the USCCR know their feelings, but wrote their elected representatives as well.


As a result of the responses from the groups mentioned, and inquiries from Capitol Hill, the USCCR decided not to publish and disseminate the ADL-written report. But in early 1983, the ADL came out with its own report, which was a re-write of the report submitted to the USCCR and which they have updated yearly ever since. Every Police Department in the country has a copy of the ADL report and the ADL "advises" them on groups it considers "dangerous"--and gets paid well for their services as well.


[H: Doesn't this make my people cringe and quake in their boots? NO! THERE IS NO "GROUP" HERE! This is a place of simply presenting the Truth, hopefully doing some good business which will be needed by all persons under the Constitution or not and hopefully reminding you sleeping citizens of GOD's KINGDOM that the prophecies as projected are happening--and happening now, to you who felt yourselves to be free and secure. We absolutely advocate ONLY functioning within all laws of the LAND, abiding in peaceful presence and never indulging in any subversive or riotous activities. As things unfold we are even pleased to print their "instructions" to you to help maintain life to its maximum.


Ones have come to this place trying to "set up" groups and/or communal centers--NO! THIS IS A PLACE WHEREFROM THE WORD OF GOD FLOWS AND FROM WHENCE YOUR AWAKENING AS A NATION CAN SOMEWHAT FLOW--OUR INTENT IS TO "OVERTHROW" NOTHING--ONLY LAY FORTH THE TRUTH. FURTHER, I DEMAND THAT THE FORCES LET MY PEOPLE GO FOR THEY ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY--THEY ARE MY TRUTHBRINGERS AND REMNANT INFORMATION SOURCES. I PLAY NOT IN YOUR POLITICS AS SUCH--YOU HAVE MADE YOUR OWN DECISIONS AS TO ACTIONS AND NEVER SHALL I FORCE YOU TO DO ANYTHING--ESPECIALLY AGAINST THE RULES OF LAND. YOU RENDER UNTO CAESARTHOSE THINGS WHICH ARE OWING HIM AND UNTO GOD THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE GOD'S--NO MORE AND CERTAINLY NO LESS! The elements in charge (even if not always those in service unto "them") know we are not here to other than awaken you, bring into safety OUR OWN and hopefully steer your course into evolvement--ours is not to INTERFERE! We ARE allowed to "intervene" (a very different word in meaning) when appropriate through petition and peaceful means. If some of you do not like this stance in order to be "wondrous warriors", I remind you--there are many forms of "warriors" and he who stupidly defies a "bigger gun" is a very stupid warrior!


Do you have to help me and mine to get on board? YES! YES INDEED--because if all you wish to do is save your own assets--you are not of good intent and why should any of "mine" assist YOU in your worldly and greedy endeavors? Ponder it. If you think I shall force "saving" somehow of you whilst you continue to throw rocks and bullets at my people and myself--think carefully--AGAIN!]


Interestingly enough, their report carries no mention of the Jewish Defense League, best known for perpetrating violence against those with whom it disagrees.




There are more reasons for the enslavement of the people than the participation in the social securityscheme which nullifies the status of sovereign state citizens. [H: This is "why", chelas, I could not in good faith and honor for your security as citizens suggest that you take separation and "spotlight focus" by denying all national stance and becoming a "sovereign citizen" of your state only. "Should" this be correct procedure? Yes indeed. Will it work? Not unless you want to be first in line for perishing for you will have to have identification to get food and resources. It should be the very way to go but when you have Martial Law it matters not one iota or whit what SHOULD be!] When the Federal Reserve System was created, which delivered the wealth of the United States citizenry to the International Bankers for plunder, the people, through higher taxes and inflation, could no longer provide for their old age and should have sensed that something was drastically wrong.


By 1933, a crisis was created called the Great Depression, as a result of the fiat currency substituted for real money. On March 9, 1933, President Roosevelt proclaimed a "State of National Emergency". The social security system was then offered to the people as a compensation for their stolen wealth. The elderly could now look forward to a social security check instead of worrying about their freedom to own property, and as long as a state of crisis is perpetuated (like the Berlin Crisis, the Cuban Crisis, the Vietnam Crisis, the Food Crisis, the Drug Crisis, the School Crisis, etc.) Emergency Rule(or Martial Law) would be in effect. The government had truly become Big Brother.


The majority of Americans have lived all their lives under Martial Law and don't even know it. Since 1933 alone, freedom and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged and superseded by rules, regulations and policies. Under the powers delegated to the President under a declared state of emergency the office of the Presidency yields powers ordinarily exercised only by Congress. [H: And remember that TODAY, there is only a new President-ELECT--he is not in OFFICE!] This vast range of powers confers enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional process. President Lincoln declared Martial Law during the Civil War--and it has remained ever since!


* * *


I would like to leave you at this point so that you can fully digest the above information. There are reasons why this allowance came to be--through a faulty and illegal 17th Amendment to your Constitution. However, my scribe must take leave of this and attend more urgent personal matters which WILL NOT WAIT. We must see where we are with the Sheriff and this dwelling! We will continue this when we sit again. Thank you.


Hatonn to clear