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July 20, 2013

PJ 59





FRI., NOV. 13, 1992   11:17 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 89



(Continuation of earlier writing.)




Try the following on for size, readers. I am going to give you as directly copied from The Spotlight, Nov. 16 issue. This has now been corroborated by the Establishment media so I guess it can be considered by you disbelievers of our truth to be valid. Now, I would further suppose that you will be able to generalize enough to see how the impact of what and how YOU handle Israel as also impacting your chances of running directly afoul of ones such as Libya because YOU ARE GOING TO "GET IT"!




The leader of the major pro-Israel lobby is caught in an embarrassing admission of the group's strong-arm tactics and its brazen and repeated raids on the U.S. Treasury.


David Steiner, the president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), abruptly resigned his position after having been secretly tape-recorded bragging to a potential donor that his pro-Israel lobby had been responsible for getting "almost a billion dollars in other goodies (besides $3 billion in U.S. aid and $10 billion in U.S. loan guarantees for Israel) that people don't even know about."


In addition, Steiner reportedly crowed that his organization was "negotiating" with the Clinton people over who would be named secretary of state and national security adviser.


The Washington Times reported on Steiner's conversation with Harry Katz, said to be a New York City businessman who is concerned with what was termed AIPAC's "disproportionate clout" in Washington. Steiner claimed the pro-Israel group had several people within Clinton's headquarters and that "they are all going to get big jobs" in the new president's administration.


Katz taped his telephone conversation with Steiner, then provided it to the Times, the newspaper reported.




AIPACis a registered lobby but is widely suspected of illegally directing contributions from the 100 or so pro-Israel political action committees in the country to favored federal candidates. Complaints have been filed with the Federal Election Commission, but that agency has so far claimed to find "insufficient evidence" AIPAC was breaking the law.


These "goodies" Steiner referred to include additional high-tech weaponry and materiel which is to be "pre-positioned" in Israel, ostensibly for possible U.S. use, but which in fact can be used by Israeli forces "as needed".


The most public giveaway was the decision by Congress and President George Bush to commit U.S. taxpayers to cosign $10 billion in loans so Israel can build homes, schools and roads allegedly for an expected wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union over the next few years. Although Israel is supposed to pay the costs of processing these loans, a little-noticed law makes certain Israel will always receive enough U.S. foreign aid to meet its American debts.


So if Israel "inadvertently" spends a chunk of its national budget on, say, an expensive little war with its neighbors, Congress will simply appropriate whatever money is needed to fund the shortfall.



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By the way, all these special little side-deals were top secret. We told you about them but it appears not many pay enough attention to make impact.


Now let us turn to the Nostradamus unfolding of current events. You are walking on eggshellsalready and this is not the "worst" to come--this just begins to put the players and the "timing" in place for your consideration. Thank you, D.J., for your continued labor and love. Indeed, precious, it IS the time of publicly sharing for the hour glass is empty and lies there upon its side awaiting the destruction or the turning.


Dharma, I believe for clarity and to disallow any misperceptions that this information flows like some river of invisible channeling it will be best to simply reprint excerpts from the original document. There are some personal references and those will remain private.





What I am sending is very difficult for me to write. I recommend Leoni, not because he is always right, but for the fact he left the French in original form. I pray that I myself am wrong; in fact, I WANT to be wrong. As I sent you earlier, there is a method to my madness. Genghis Khan had three sons, among whom he divided up his empire. Now, just read on and I will tie it all together for you.




"Religion de nom des mers vaincra,

Contre le secte fils Adaluncatif:

Secte obstine'e de'plore'e craindra,

Des deux blesse's par Aleph et Aleph."


Now, there could conceivably be two interpretations of this quatrain and I will give you both of them.



"Religion in the name of the seas to overcome,

Against the sect of the sons of Luna Cadafti:

The obstinate wretched sect to fear,

Two will be wounded by Aleph and Aleph."



"Religion in the name of the seas will be overcome,

Against the sect of the sons of Moslem Quaddafi:

The obstinate wretched sect is to be feared,

Two will be wounded by the One (God?) and America."


The religion in the name of the seas is Christianity. In French "fils" means just that, sons, children of his body, NOT followers. And yes, Quaddafi does have sons, he keeps his family well hidden, even from the CIA. And he has reason for revenge--the murder of his little daughter. Most Americans do not understand even the reasons behind what is called a fedayeen, literally translates to sacrificers. There is no greater honor in Islamic religion than to die for or in the name of Allah. Quaddafi, if it is any consolation prize, will be done in by his own sons. Hoisted by his own petard so to speak. His surname means, "the vomiter of blood". His hands and monies financed the assassination of Awar Sudat (Anwar Sadat) for signing a peace treaty with Israel, the assassination of Lord Mountbatten by the Irish Republic Army, who assassinated Lord Guiness for offering a reward for terrorists. He and Yassir Arafat are big time buddies, witness the rescue Quaddafi did of him only recently. His hand supplied monies to Noriega in Panama, but Quaddafi is not the stooge that the press makes of him. He is intelligent and DANGEROUS. Libya owns land in Brazil; there are over 11,000 Libyan students in the USA; many majored in...Nuclear physics?!?


Israel left open a back door when they procured the necessary plutonium from a West Germany nuclear plant and Libya quickly acquired 44 pounds of WEAPONS GRADE plutonium. It is all (given) in a program called Terror Incorporated on the Discovery Channel. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, which just happened to have Abu Didal and his sleeze-balls there, they ran to Libya. Shooting cripples in wheelchairs is nothing to what they can and will do. One of the best documented pieces of work ever done, called The Libyan Revolution, outlines all the moves made. It cost one of the authors, Ruth Jones, her life, Quaddafi had her assassinated for writing the book. As for nuclear weapons? If I have interpreted Michel accurately, the initial attack will not come over the D.E.W. Line; they don't need to. You can now put a nuclear warhead in a suitcase, built right here in this country, and set a time lock on it. It is the work of children, perhaps you have all forgotten the Manhattan Project? How many know that American mercenaries are making their fortunes in Libya teaching them Special Forces ways? Libya also sent men to East Germany's Nazi training camp to further their studies. When the Berlin Wall came down they all disappeared.


Three guesses where they went and the first two do not count. When Bush was the head of the CIA, he referred to Quaddafi as, "...a cancer that needs to be cut out." Now, obviously their surgery was not very successful, was it? As you might have noticed, Quaddafi has been keeping a very low profile since 1987. That will only last for another two years; he is quietly stocking up an arsenal that will bring the world as we know it to its knees. Do you know that the Holy Moslem Month of Ramadan is June? Or that July 4, 1999 falls on a Sunday? How bitter the gall to be nuked on the Fourth, don't you think? It is merely a compilation of data with correlation to the Scriptures and the computations of Michel d'Nostredame.


Could he do it?


Yes, sure could.


We were not too worried about Hitler either--remember? He was just a frustrated artist and n'er'do'well. Nothing to worry about, a fanatic, a fruitcake overfilled. No, Hitler was no one to worry about. And I will give you this from the epistle to King Henry II of France by Michel.




"And a new incursion will be made by the maritime shores, wishing to deliver the Sierra Morena from the first Mahometanrecapture. Their assaults will not all be in vain, and the place which was once the abode of Abraham will be assaulted by persons who hold the Jovialists in veneration. And this city of "Achem" will be surrounded and assailed on all sides by a most powerful force of warriors. Their maritime forces will be weakened by the Westerners, and great desolation will fall upon this realm. Its great cities will be depopulated and those who enter within will fall under the vengeance of God."


"ACHEM"?This is "Mecca" phonetically spelled and "backwards". You all remember Abraham? Father of those of Islam?


And why would Saudi Arabia be attacked? It has Mecca! This is a Holy Islamic City. West of Mecca is not Israel--but Egypt and then west of Egypt is, of course, Libya!




But first Libya will take Egypt. Egypt is rather like reform Islamics, they are not Orthodox, which gets those Orthodox Islams' very, very upset. And they do not force women to wear face veils and cover themselves wrist to ankles. Saudi Arabia is not so strict either and for them to have charge of the Holy City of Mecca is enough fuel for the flames. And they are flames that Quaddafi will fan and fan well. He has gone from a handsome young colonel to the "...ugly physiognomy", of which Nostradamus spoke. "Dark" as in dusky skin tones. Everywhere in the Middle-East, Quaddafi has his hands in the troublemaking. Like the executions of Palestinianswho indeed do want peace. You must understand the dynamics of a jihad (a Holy War) that Mohammed called for against those of Israel and the Christians. And Esu Emmanuel is revered as a Prophet to them. Mohammed once said, "Do not harm either Christian or Hebrew, for I will be there to accuse you on Judgement Day." Well, he sort of changed his mind when he was ridiculed and the Crusaders of old were butchers.


No other word for it. They prayed on their knees with their sword points down, the handle as a cross, then spilled billions of gallons of blood in the name of the Christ Child. The missed point being that this was all a very long time ago. And Christian, Islamic, Hebrew, Infidel and Pagan will all be pulled into this mess--By the few.


And the many will die, most horribly too. And your religion won't matter; if you are not for what they want, then you are against them. I give you fair warning, that the gods of Hannibal are to be reborn.


They were....CROCODILIAN.


Now, where in the world do crocodiles come from? I mean besides Down Under? The Nile, of course. And that is a literal wording. Human sacrifice was all the rage of Hannibal's time. The Phoenicians were savage and took torture to a height few realize. Even in the time of Emmanuel, a prisoner of war had his eye put out, such as Saul had. He only had one eye. These were the ways of the times, physical pain gets people's attention---REAL QUICK. By studying history, one learns all the cute little tricks of the trade used then. I mention these things for people to begin to have a sense of what will happen when this comes to pass. Most have never even seen a dead body, our society has euthanazed all of it. Let alone ever seen a beheading or someone being fed alive to crocodiles.


As for children being devoured by animals? In the state in which I live, we've had abandoned dogs form packs and kill several children. Now, what about all our zoos? A Bengal tiger weighs in around 475 pounds. It's Winchester Time, ("Repeating", thank you). They eat around 60 pounds of raw meat a day. This is only one example of the carnivores in our zoos, not to mention deadly snakes not found naturally in this country--or any of the rest. What do any of you think dogs gone feral are going to do? Open a can of Alpo? NO!


The hand that fed is indeed going to be feeding them, just with a bit of macabre twist to it. I started out to prove this all wrong, a hoax and pish-tosh, ain't it just the biggest bunch of B.S.? Only it didn't turn out that way. The more facts I uncovered the creepier it got and it continues to get more creepy. After Watergate, Iran-Contra scandal, all the rest, CAN ANYONE HONESTLY THINK THAT THE HEADS OF OUR GOVERNMENT REALLY CARE ABOUT AMERICA AND, MUCH LESS, ITS CITIZENS?


Just why was the Representative shut-up as soon as she blew the whistle on FEMA for 30 billion annually for bomb shelters? Bomb shelters? FOR WHOM?


And why did the stealth fighter jump from 247 million dollars to 2.3 BILLION dollars, (a 1600% increase), then to 5.2 Billion dollars in...TWO MONTHS? That is an increase of 3200%



$   247,000,000

$4,953,000,000BILLION dollars difference

between the amounts.


Now, can ANYONE really believe these figures? It is money being EMBEZZLED to save the assets of the TOP BRASS (WHO, BY THE WAY ARE YOUR ENEMIES)! Has anyone heard of FEMA's response to this? Because there has not been one! How do I know about the increase? I wrote my Senator and asked him what the devil was going on. Funny thing is, though, neither state Senator responded to the inquiry regarding FEMA and the bomb shelters.



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