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July 15, 2913

PJ 59





THU., NOV. 12, 1992   7:59 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 88






What get ye for all your wondrous service in enlightenment of thy brother? Bitten? Well, chelas, consider thine own soul and how service is "repaid"--if you have done that which soul urges you to give--is not thine own heart at ease--even though you be smitten? I did not say "forced upon another"; I said "done that which soul urges you to GIVE." It is the time of confirmations even though you cannot yet see the unfolding in full cycle. Do not despair for you must remember--you cannot take a portion of a "thing" and expect another to know of that which you offer. If you take out of context a potato(e) and offer one who has never witnessed the whole raw item, a buttered, whipped and smashed spoonful of white mushy goo--would he recognize it as a potato?? How can you expect one to take a recent LIBERATOR and know that which was in 67 JOURNALS and 200 30-40 page LIBERATORS? Man does not like to be in changing of his entrenched beliefs--nor does he wish to accept that he is WRONG.


So, expecting gratitude for your services is most likely a "loss" unless you have been "with it" long enough so that another can see the unfolding for you are dealing with MAN who is gifted with "reason", "ability to logic" and "free-will choices", FOR ALL OF WHICH HE IS UNWILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!


Cicero said it well: "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."Moreover, gratitude is one of those things that cannot be purchased. It must be born with men, or elseall the obligation in the world will not create it.


As you witness the "Fantasy Parades", etc., in Florida (Key West) and actually have enactment of the "forbidden" sexual acts on the same floats as with children dressed as devils and watch the Halloween shows all over the nations--what think ye? Does this appear to be of Lighted and Holy God as man debases self and all those who attend? Since I be of Holy God why would ye think I am not the ENEMY of these stupid and duped pieces of corrupted creation? I suggest all of you stop now, in thinking God enjoys everything and that HE would tell you it is fine for you to sanction and allow such behavior. Can this possibly represent LOVE? If you think SO then you have a long way ahead of you! If the pig is wallowing in the sewage slime pit, does it mean ye too must enjoy the filth and wallow also?--or even sanction the spread of disease and muck about thine clean dwellings and public streets? YOU ARE IN THE TIME OF THE RULE OF TOTAL EVIL AND IF YOU DO NOT SEPARATE FROM IT, YOU WILL BE CONSUMED BY IT.




Therefore, does it help to sit and mourn, moan, grovel and wish it were different? Does sitting and allowing through condoning offer solution? Does worry and pulling of thine own hairs out upon thine heads--help? OH? It would seem foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness. Ask any bald person if it is so.


You are NOW REQUIRED TO MOURN AND RESPECT THE DEAD WHO DID NOT EVEN DIE--AS IN THE HOLOCAUST LIES. Moreover, excess of grief for the dead is madness in itself; for it is an injury to the living--and the dead know it not. So, who is benefiting from the constant show of grief while the money flows while rewarding the liars? Ah so--‘tis the ones who present the lies that glean!




Have you now forgotten the living survivors--AGAIN--as you bow and mourn at the monuments such as the Vietnam "wall" of death? Has the government turned your mourning into a distraction which you bury still with tears and flowers, while the living grieve and exist in lives destroyed? No, a wall of engraved names IS NOT ENOUGH FOR GOD'S CHILDREN SENT TO DEATH FOR THE EVIL GREED OF MEN WHO WOULD AND WILL RULE YOUR WORLD WITH IRON CHAINS AND UNHEARD OF WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION AND PAIN.


You had a chance to "vote-in" change and you fell to the illusion and actually voted-in the very puppet chosen by the puppet-masters. How many of you remember the lengthy dissertation we gave you, along with other documentations that Clinton had LONG BEEN CHOSEN by the Elite World Rulers to fill the presidency slot in the U.S. THIS YEAR, 1992!? As you watch him fall into role and even his wife be fitted in finery, polished, perfumed and groomed for the King-domship--are you not a bit irritated as you cannot feed thine own family nor dress them even moderately except perchance on CREDIT CARDSAND FOOD STAMPS?




The nice new leaders do plan a surprise party to match anything Satan Claus can produce, in December. I would point out that anyone who wishes to compare--look at the world currency. For instance, I just described the new money (global) now flowing through New Zealand and Australia, etc. "Ah," but you say, "what else do you have to offer, Hatonn?" How about Russian notes? Have you looked at those with their metallic microstrips? How about closer to your ability to be shown currency--try the German currency. Identical except for picture imprints on the very outer surface to denote origin location. The base of the issued currency is IDENTICAL right down to the embedded strip and coded dash-dash metallic strips. Once even touched by, say, "you", the identification is imprinted and can and will be recalled on cue.


Don't accept the mark of the Beast? How think you that you have not already been coded by the beast in a hundred ways of which you have no idea--from the moment of birth? You don't even go out of existence with DEATH! It is known by the "big boys" exactly what you do and use--right down to the tissue used in your bathroom.





I'm sorry, chelas, that I get amused and irritated with you. Months and months ago I told you there were grand jury indictments against even George Bush which had been suppressed for more appropriate timing. Do you actually think Walsh just "happened" to pull the Weinberger/Bush Iran-gate indictments out of the proverbial fireplace? I am not the only one to be giving you this information, so what has gone awry? YOU STILL EXPECT TO FIND TRUTH IN THE CONTROLLED MEDIA AND TOOLS OF SATAN.


"Well," you say, "we can't afford your paper and your books." So, how do you afford the cable network? How do you afford the liquor and beer? How do you afford the junk foods and how do you afford the media press papers and such? IT IS CHOICE IN THAT WHICH YOU WOULD RATHER BELIEVE! SO BE IT BUT CAST NO STONES UPON OUR BEINGS FOR YOUR OWN INABILITY TO CHOOSE THAT WHICH WILL SET YOU FREE INSTEAD OF FURTHER ENSLAVE YOU.


The one object of the media and press is to produce and consume. There is only one intent--it is economic slavery, the savage struggle for the crumb and then the whole of the cake, that has now converted mankind into wolves and sheep. It is a prison-house. It is but the intensified replica of the world beyond, chelas, the larger prison locked with the levers of Greed, guarded by the spawn of hunger and power moving you ever so carefully and then violently into the enslavement pen to be dealt with according to "THEIR" evil PLAN and the time of the "PLAN" is at hand!


Ah, but this is no longer funny or even humorous? No, perhaps not--but it does reek of irony, does it not? Well, chelas, realize that a taste for irony has kept far more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself. Ponder it please.





The next great denial is that Hatonn can't have communications via pulses, etc., with a little Earth person and therefore "the whole operation is fraud and insult." OH? Last week it was witnessed on international "news" about a little girl who is totally deaf--deafened by disease--who has been fitted with an internal receiver behind her ear which "receives PULSES and allows her to hear very well indeed. She cannot read "lips" nor "hear with her ears a single sound"--but she hears conversations through her brain nerves stimulated by the device implanted." By the way--Dharma doesn't know or understand her receiving "device" any better than does that child made over by the public media--and charged well over $40 thousand for the simple procedure. Dharma, as well, sees me and sees my craft--and yet she will be the first to tell you that "I want to see a spaceship too!" when ones proclaim that they "got to see one". She knows exactly what I look like in many presentations and yet she will proclaim that she has never seen me nor certainly has never touched me. For in physical form she has not, save in transference to craft for work. I do not run around like Peter the rabbit for great show-and-tell for the fun and games of it for I must represent GOD in His MOST HIGH, as HOST for the greater bringing in safety and security HIS souls trapped in the pits of physical corruption.


The WORD is mandatory to be brought in the physical form upon a physical plane of perceived existence so that MAN can see and hear in a manner he can recognize. You have long ago bred out the ability to hear and see the perceived "unseen" except in thine dreams which ye then call "nightmares"--but which is actually your sorting mechanism of experience and "reality"--for "YOU" are NOT the physical expression but the energy within, which is not passing as the physical--but infinite.


Do you HAVE TO believe me? Nope--not even the smallest little sign or word. But--it gets sticky as things unfold if you have failed to consider the truth of it. For if you deny us of God Forces--then you deny God of infinite Creation and likewise YOU SHALL BE DENIED! It is simple universal LAW of CYCLES!




What of them? I believe in that wondrous video method of washing your minds you have all sorts of instant information--even regarding things which happened centuries ago.


Do you realize that through the Pope of the Holy Church of Rome and his henchmen--THIS MONTH--it has been made edict that the stand of the Church Catholic NOW ACCEPTS THAT THE SOLAR SYSTEM OF EARTH DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND THE EARTH BUT, RATHER. THE SUN! I josh you not, chelas--this is the announcement made FROM THE VATICAN within the past ten days!! They said "...the Church was wrong!" It will now accept that Galileo was correct--after centuries of denial and persecution. But--does it change an iota of the Truth of it then or NOW? Surely you are beginning to get my point?


Now, today, the Councils of Churches in England have ruled that females may become priests. This is stated to be expected to cause a greater rift between the Catholic Church "proper" and the Church of England. So, what else is new--it is simply the signs of degeneration of the system while the PLAN takes over.


You are going to find that all sorts of things are coming down and most of them, even with our shedding light on them, are eluding you the readers. Can you consider for a moment that there is total truth in the projections of ones spoken of in Ezekiel, the Biblical book, that there would inevitably be a massive collision between "England" and "Russia"? Oh, it's all there--it may be that you missed it. Moreover, you are going to find many different "definitions" of the word "israel". Guess what--taken further, that means YOU are hooked up to England. First you have to understand that "language" is an elusive foundation upon which to base definitions. For instance, "Language" is no certain test of "Race", but only of Social contact. You are going to find that the word "israel" simply means: "ourselves". Originally it had no meaning even as "God's chosen" which was conjured to suit those needs of ones who decided to project that they are God's chosen ones.




You discounted me and disliked it when I said that the ruling bunches of thugs in England (Great Britain) were actually British Israelis. Well, sorry about your preferences of belief, for that is EXACTLY what you have to know and face. There is proof of the identity of England with the "Israel" of prophecy. It all goes back through the centuries and can be put together by some good history research. Are all the researcher's conclusions totally accurate? No, but then, there are enough of them with truth to be able to glean truth from the studied works. This is why I choose to give you that which is already printed for your consideration--with or without my comments. For instance, in order to better see that which I shall write on Russia, Bolsheviks, Great Britain and YOU--whoever you are and wherever you might be--you have to have background even if some of the tid-bits are not totally correct in spelling or pronunciation. Herein you get into "language" and that becomes as diverse in conclusion as there are people on the face of the earth.


"Well," I get, "...with a stupid sounding name like ‘Hatonn' how do you expect us to believe you?" It seems to me that since Gyeorgos is actually simply George in English and with names like "Bush", "Quayle", Ezekiel, Gorbachev, Kissinger, von Dusseldorf, Brzezinski, Zbigniew, etc., that mine is not so "silly" after all? How would YOU like to have to write Zbigniew Brzezinski every time you spoke of me? Funny thing is that Zbigniew Brzezinski and, say, Henry Kissinger, (OR BILL CLINTON) are not even their names. At least I use the label given to me by my Father whose name I bear and reflect--ATON. You are going to find that these "changed labels" totally reflect from spelling to pronunciation--Satan! Now isn't history and "language" fun?




As I have stated in the past, I like to take information applicable to a given subject and when I have received several documents which are identical as readers find truth and proof to their own satisfaction--publish them in our works. I like to give you at least enough to cause you to get your own copies of the original documents--or if out of print or repressed, give it all to you.


I have such a journal now, of which I have received through this resource some several copies. As the last one came via my researcher, Nora, from a correspondent K.J.L. (a likewise excellent student) I would think it would be most interesting to you. The author of said works is dead but that does not mean his truth is dead but, rather, "probably" bears great truth as it has survived the attempts to squelch it even after his own demise. The material is written from the standpoint of a British "subject" (citizen, as "subject" is so degrading in meaning.) which deals with the above subject material from Ezekiel. Only if you "know thine enemy" can you make yourself free!




This subject does rest heavily upon your hearts, readers--and should. How can you know whom to follow and whom to beware? Often you cannot for in every man and every event there be need for BOTH. You must learn the signs and know the guidelines and KNOW THE GOAL TO BE ATTAINED. You need to change a nation via the Constitution in order to reclaim your nation and government. Through his leadership that could and would be attained. You are living manifestation in this experience and you cannot simply absolve yourself from that experience. So, you must take with which you can work and use it. But, if the man you place as leader refuses insight or ability to meet your needs, you also use that through which change can be acquired--then perhaps you cannot join with that one. One who claims closeness and proximity to GOD CHRIST and then proclaims violence in any form for "gaining an end" is NOT A REFLECTION OF THAT GOD IN POINT.


Since the inquiries are many and the demand for sharing in that which transpired at the end of election campaigns and at the time and afterwards, I believe we shall have to share the cross correspondence between Col. Gritz and myself. We have talked "around it" in my own effort to avoid outright printing of the letters for they are more private and personal than any words yet written. However, the lessons therein are magnificent and necessary. I have waited patiently for two of your weeks to have response and none has come through the route of attack. You must understand, chelas, that you expect response from the route you encounter or present the problem.


I continually ask you to consider that Dharma is only a human manifestation and your inquiries to me are not through her--she has enough of her own to burden the Saints. But if you express THROUGH her and/or TO her, then you neither accept nor hear any response from ME--OTHERWISE. The original blast against ME came as a gross insulting blast against my scribe in response to my asking you to support Perot in a last ditch effort to bringing some kind of workable possibility of "change" into your national government. Clinton was obviously going to win the computer election and it was never to be otherwise. However, if enough of you had persisted and challenged the "system" you would find that the man actually WON! (Perot, that is.) If the "independents" had rallied and joined WITH the third possibility--you would have opportunity unlimited this day. Instead you have bought, and will dearly pay for, a more heinous form of tyranny without possibility of turning about (revolution) without massive violence and war. You cannot even begin to think of winning any such war at any rate. The Russians are NOT coming--THE RUSSIANS (COMMUNIST KHAZARIAN SOCIALISTIC FASCISTS) HAVE ALREADY COME! They have troops in your military bases; they have trained and are training in your local police departments and Sheriff's departments and through the Israeli Congress demand supplication through your ignorance. They no longer call themselves Soviets? OH, who says? What does the word "soviet" mean? I think I should let you research it for self! Remember the term "United Soviet Socialist Republic"? (USSR.) Well how does United Soviet Socialist Republic States of America sound to you? (USSRSA). These are not the nice kindly old "Christian Russians" so suppressed in their own nation since the Revolution called "Bolshevik" and financed by your own Rothschilds and Rockefellers. These are the bounders who will rule your world. What have they to do with ME, Hatonn? Well, they HAVE RESPECT if nothing more--A GREAT DEAL OF RESPECT WHICH SEEMS FAR MORE THAN DO YOUR OWN LOCAL WOULD-BE KINGS. Funny thing, though--your would-be Kings have a great deal more respect for me also than does your general rule of thumb citizen!


Even your Col. Gritz now has to face the fact that he recognized me and THOUGHT he knew to whom he had contact--only to now have to realize he had my brother's input into his ears and eyes--and especially "EGO". How can you know? By reading carefully what he wrote to me in total anger and hate: "IF there is anything REPTILIAN about YOU, [Hatonn]......" "If"???? Does this not infer that he thought and expected (no matter what his conscious thought projected) a "reptilian" God of some sort according to the projections of prophets and disinformation spouters? THIS MEANS WITHOUT DOUBT--THAT THE ONE HE THOUGHT I AM--AND SERVED IN FACT--IS A PRESENTATION OF THE "SERPENT" RACES? Those beings have nothing to do with "serpents" as such but are pre-presented from the beginning by the "serpent" or "reptilian replications" in the symbols of snakes and dragons.


I am GOD CREATOR of the CHRISTED MANTLE and you will find nothing of Me which remotely resembles reptiles or serpents. I am a reflection of CHRIST GOD IN EXPRESSION. I need no weapons nor oppression--for that which is "Created" can simply be "uncreated" and the "jig" is up. God does not simply dissolve "creations" in that manner, however, for MAN is given to have to CHOOSE his path for consideration of placement of SOUL in the realms of Creation. This is the time of sorting and many find they "pass" muster and others who pretend to pass--flunk the course miserably. Does this mean they cannot come into KNOWING and retake the "exam"--of course not--right to the proverbial and magic 12th hour. However, often we find that tempering by the furnace heat of flunking often brings the God strength unto the bearer and the journey becomes mighty and unsurpassed in undaunted service unto God and Man as reflection of God. Oft times the "crisis" of the disease process must be gotten through before the healing can present the wholeness of body and mind! Most often the realization of ACTUAL TRUTH causes a disruption in the relationship surrounding the person and herein is most often wherein the "warrior for truth" is lost to the physical expression. In other words, symbolically, or literally, speaking: "Adam can't part with his Eve!" or from his misleading supporters who actually "did him in". However, chelas, if you are in the stormy seas wrapped from head to toe in a life suit filled with holes--will it save you or sink you? Ponder it please.


***I ask the Editors to please insert the correspondence herein and then close this writing for this sitting. Thank you. *** (See end of this chapter & next chapter.)




I hope that you readers will read these cross writings with compassion and LOVE--for ye be NO DIFFERENT!


I also ask that you attend the persecuted, such as Weaver and Harris, Campbell and other patriots who gave all they had to give--for giving "life" itself in this fog of pain in these instances, is little indeed. The losses sustained by these ones surpasses self death by any measure. We must not let them be further damaged by a "fixed" and "rigged" system that was staged from onset!


You have not the right to "give up" because you cannot reach conclusions about a given incident. You MUST always measure thoughts and actions according to the DECREES OF GODAND RIGHTEOUSNESS for how YOU respond is a MEASURE OF YOU, NOT THE OTHER WHO MAY HAVE FAILED IN HIS OWN MEASURE OF SELF. "EVEN A MURDERER AND THIEF NEEDS LOVE" AS IS STATED IN THE FORM OF A BUMPER STICKER USED BY YOU AS EXPRESSION THAT SAID "DIRTY OLD MEN NEED LOVE TOO". Chelas, you have to kiss a lot of toads before you can even find a good frog--you will never find a prince in either projection. Does the kissing of the toad mean you must jump in bed and bear the disease he may bear or take within the poison of the toad's slime? STOP YOUR SILLINESS AND COME INTO REALITY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. SEE THE WISDOM IN MOVES PROJECTED AS WORKABLE--DO NOT SIMPLY BE IRRESPONSIBLE AND HOP INTO BED WITH THE DAMNED TOAD. This does not mean that you cannot follow the toad to find the water hole from which to drink if ye be dying of thirst--even a toad has to have good water! Ponder it.


May God rest upon you, gently, the mantle of insight.


Hatonn to stand by.

PJ 59





THU., NOV. 12, 1992   7:59 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 88






What get ye for all your wondrous service in enlightenment of thy brother? Bitten? Well, chelas, consider thine own soul and how service is "repaid"--if you have done that which soul urges you to give--is not thine own heart at ease--even though you be smitten? I did not say "forced upon another"; I said "done that which soul urges you to GIVE." It is the time of confirmations even though you cannot yet see the unfolding in full cycle. Do not despair for you must remember--you cannot take a portion of a "thing" and expect another to know of that which you offer. If you take out of context a potato(e) and offer one who has never witnessed the whole raw item, a buttered, whipped and smashed spoonful of white mushy goo--would he recognize it as a potato?? How can you expect one to take a recent LIBERATOR and know that which was in 67 JOURNALS and 200 30-40 page LIBERATORS? Man does not like to be in changing of his entrenched beliefs--nor does he wish to accept that he is WRONG.


So, expecting gratitude for your services is most likely a "loss" unless you have been "with it" long enough so that another can see the unfolding for you are dealing with MAN who is gifted with "reason", "ability to logic" and "free-will choices", FOR ALL OF WHICH HE IS UNWILLING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!


Cicero said it well: "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."Moreover, gratitude is one of those things that cannot be purchased. It must be born with men, or elseall the obligation in the world will not create it.


As you witness the "Fantasy Parades", etc., in Florida (Key West) and actually have enactment of the "forbidden" sexual acts on the same floats as with children dressed as devils and watch the Halloween shows all over the nations--what think ye? Does this appear to be of Lighted and Holy God as man debases self and all those who attend? Since I be of Holy God why would ye think I am not the ENEMY of these stupid and duped pieces of corrupted creation? I suggest all of you stop now, in thinking God enjoys everything and that HE would tell you it is fine for you to sanction and allow such behavior. Can this possibly represent LOVE? If you think SO then you have a long way ahead of you! If the pig is wallowing in the sewage slime pit, does it mean ye too must enjoy the filth and wallow also?--or even sanction the spread of disease and muck about thine clean dwellings and public streets? YOU ARE IN THE TIME OF THE RULE OF TOTAL EVIL AND IF YOU DO NOT SEPARATE FROM IT, YOU WILL BE CONSUMED BY IT.




Therefore, does it help to sit and mourn, moan, grovel and wish it were different? Does sitting and allowing through condoning offer solution? Does worry and pulling of thine own hairs out upon thine heads--help? OH? It would seem foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness. Ask any bald person if it is so.


You are NOW REQUIRED TO MOURN AND RESPECT THE DEAD WHO DID NOT EVEN DIE--AS IN THE HOLOCAUST LIES. Moreover, excess of grief for the dead is madness in itself; for it is an injury to the living--and the dead know it not. So, who is benefiting from the constant show of grief while the money flows while rewarding the liars? Ah so--‘tis the ones who present the lies that glean!




Have you now forgotten the living survivors--AGAIN--as you bow and mourn at the monuments such as the Vietnam "wall" of death? Has the government turned your mourning into a distraction which you bury still with tears and flowers, while the living grieve and exist in lives destroyed? No, a wall of engraved names IS NOT ENOUGH FOR GOD'S CHILDREN SENT TO DEATH FOR THE EVIL GREED OF MEN WHO WOULD AND WILL RULE YOUR WORLD WITH IRON CHAINS AND UNHEARD OF WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION AND PAIN.


You had a chance to "vote-in" change and you fell to the illusion and actually voted-in the very puppet chosen by the puppet-masters. How many of you remember the lengthy dissertation we gave you, along with other documentations that Clinton had LONG BEEN CHOSEN by the Elite World Rulers to fill the presidency slot in the U.S. THIS YEAR, 1992!? As you watch him fall into role and even his wife be fitted in finery, polished, perfumed and groomed for the King-domship--are you not a bit irritated as you cannot feed thine own family nor dress them even moderately except perchance on CREDIT CARDSAND FOOD STAMPS?




The nice new leaders do plan a surprise party to match anything Satan Claus can produce, in December. I would point out that anyone who wishes to compare--look at the world currency. For instance, I just described the new money (global) now flowing through New Zealand and Australia, etc. "Ah," but you say, "what else do you have to offer, Hatonn?" How about Russian notes? Have you looked at those with their metallic microstrips? How about closer to your ability to be shown currency--try the German currency. Identical except for picture imprints on the very outer surface to denote origin location. The base of the issued currency is IDENTICAL right down to the embedded strip and coded dash-dash metallic strips. Once even touched by, say, "you", the identification is imprinted and can and will be recalled on cue.


Don't accept the mark of the Beast? How think you that you have not already been coded by the beast in a hundred ways of which you have no idea--from the moment of birth? You don't even go out of existence with DEATH! It is known by the "big boys" exactly what you do and use--right down to the tissue used in your bathroom.





I'm sorry, chelas, that I get amused and irritated with you. Months and months ago I told you there were grand jury indictments against even George Bush which had been suppressed for more appropriate timing. Do you actually think Walsh just "happened" to pull the Weinberger/Bush Iran-gate indictments out of the proverbial fireplace? I am not the only one to be giving you this information, so what has gone awry? YOU STILL EXPECT TO FIND TRUTH IN THE CONTROLLED MEDIA AND TOOLS OF SATAN.


"Well," you say, "we can't afford your paper and your books." So, how do you afford the cable network? How do you afford the liquor and beer? How do you afford the junk foods and how do you afford the media press papers and such? IT IS CHOICE IN THAT WHICH YOU WOULD RATHER BELIEVE! SO BE IT BUT CAST NO STONES UPON OUR BEINGS FOR YOUR OWN INABILITY TO CHOOSE THAT WHICH WILL SET YOU FREE INSTEAD OF FURTHER ENSLAVE YOU.


The one object of the media and press is to produce and consume. There is only one intent--it is economic slavery, the savage struggle for the crumb and then the whole of the cake, that has now converted mankind into wolves and sheep. It is a prison-house. It is but the intensified replica of the world beyond, chelas, the larger prison locked with the levers of Greed, guarded by the spawn of hunger and power moving you ever so carefully and then violently into the enslavement pen to be dealt with according to "THEIR" evil PLAN and the time of the "PLAN" is at hand!


Ah, but this is no longer funny or even humorous? No, perhaps not--but it does reek of irony, does it not? Well, chelas, realize that a taste for irony has kept far more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself. Ponder it please.





The next great denial is that Hatonn can't have communications via pulses, etc., with a little Earth person and therefore "the whole operation is fraud and insult." OH? Last week it was witnessed on international "news" about a little girl who is totally deaf--deafened by disease--who has been fitted with an internal receiver behind her ear which "receives PULSES and allows her to hear very well indeed. She cannot read "lips" nor "hear with her ears a single sound"--but she hears conversations through her brain nerves stimulated by the device implanted." By the way--Dharma doesn't know or understand her receiving "device" any better than does that child made over by the public media--and charged well over $40 thousand for the simple procedure. Dharma, as well, sees me and sees my craft--and yet she will be the first to tell you that "I want to see a spaceship too!" when ones proclaim that they "got to see one". She knows exactly what I look like in many presentations and yet she will proclaim that she has never seen me nor certainly has never touched me. For in physical form she has not, save in transference to craft for work. I do not run around like Peter the rabbit for great show-and-tell for the fun and games of it for I must represent GOD in His MOST HIGH, as HOST for the greater bringing in safety and security HIS souls trapped in the pits of physical corruption.


The WORD is mandatory to be brought in the physical form upon a physical plane of perceived existence so that MAN can see and hear in a manner he can recognize. You have long ago bred out the ability to hear and see the perceived "unseen" except in thine dreams which ye then call "nightmares"--but which is actually your sorting mechanism of experience and "reality"--for "YOU" are NOT the physical expression but the energy within, which is not passing as the physical--but infinite.


Do you HAVE TO believe me? Nope--not even the smallest little sign or word. But--it gets sticky as things unfold if you have failed to consider the truth of it. For if you deny us of God Forces--then you deny God of infinite Creation and likewise YOU SHALL BE DENIED! It is simple universal LAW of CYCLES!




What of them? I believe in that wondrous video method of washing your minds you have all sorts of instant information--even regarding things which happened centuries ago.


Do you realize that through the Pope of the Holy Church of Rome and his henchmen--THIS MONTH--it has been made edict that the stand of the Church Catholic NOW ACCEPTS THAT THE SOLAR SYSTEM OF EARTH DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND THE EARTH BUT, RATHER. THE SUN! I josh you not, chelas--this is the announcement made FROM THE VATICAN within the past ten days!! They said "...the Church was wrong!" It will now accept that Galileo was correct--after centuries of denial and persecution. But--does it change an iota of the Truth of it then or NOW? Surely you are beginning to get my point?


Now, today, the Councils of Churches in England have ruled that females may become priests. This is stated to be expected to cause a greater rift between the Catholic Church "proper" and the Church of England. So, what else is new--it is simply the signs of degeneration of the system while the PLAN takes over.


You are going to find that all sorts of things are coming down and most of them, even with our shedding light on them, are eluding you the readers. Can you consider for a moment that there is total truth in the projections of ones spoken of in Ezekiel, the Biblical book, that there would inevitably be a massive collision between "England" and "Russia"? Oh, it's all there--it may be that you missed it. Moreover, you are going to find many different "definitions" of the word "israel". Guess what--taken further, that means YOU are hooked up to England. First you have to understand that "language" is an elusive foundation upon which to base definitions. For instance, "Language" is no certain test of "Race", but only of Social contact. You are going to find that the word "israel" simply means: "ourselves". Originally it had no meaning even as "God's chosen" which was conjured to suit those needs of ones who decided to project that they are God's chosen ones.




You discounted me and disliked it when I said that the ruling bunches of thugs in England (Great Britain) were actually British Israelis. Well, sorry about your preferences of belief, for that is EXACTLY what you have to know and face. There is proof of the identity of England with the "Israel" of prophecy. It all goes back through the centuries and can be put together by some good history research. Are all the researcher's conclusions totally accurate? No, but then, there are enough of them with truth to be able to glean truth from the studied works. This is why I choose to give you that which is already printed for your consideration--with or without my comments. For instance, in order to better see that which I shall write on Russia, Bolsheviks, Great Britain and YOU--whoever you are and wherever you might be--you have to have background even if some of the tid-bits are not totally correct in spelling or pronunciation. Herein you get into "language" and that becomes as diverse in conclusion as there are people on the face of the earth.


"Well," I get, "...with a stupid sounding name like ‘Hatonn' how do you expect us to believe you?" It seems to me that since Gyeorgos is actually simply George in English and with names like "Bush", "Quayle", Ezekiel, Gorbachev, Kissinger, von Dusseldorf, Brzezinski, Zbigniew, etc., that mine is not so "silly" after all? How would YOU like to have to write Zbigniew Brzezinski every time you spoke of me? Funny thing is that Zbigniew Brzezinski and, say, Henry Kissinger, (OR BILL CLINTON) are not even their names. At least I use the label given to me by my Father whose name I bear and reflect--ATON. You are going to find that these "changed labels" totally reflect from spelling to pronunciation--Satan! Now isn't history and "language" fun?




As I have stated in the past, I like to take information applicable to a given subject and when I have received several documents which are identical as readers find truth and proof to their own satisfaction--publish them in our works. I like to give you at least enough to cause you to get your own copies of the original documents--or if out of print or repressed, give it all to you.


I have such a journal now, of which I have received through this resource some several copies. As the last one came via my researcher, Nora, from a correspondent K.J.L. (a likewise excellent student) I would think it would be most interesting to you. The author of said works is dead but that does not mean his truth is dead but, rather, "probably" bears great truth as it has survived the attempts to squelch it even after his own demise. The material is written from the standpoint of a British "subject" (citizen, as "subject" is so degrading in meaning.) which deals with the above subject material from Ezekiel. Only if you "know thine enemy" can you make yourself free!




This subject does rest heavily upon your hearts, readers--and should. How can you know whom to follow and whom to beware? Often you cannot for in every man and every event there be need for BOTH. You must learn the signs and know the guidelines and KNOW THE GOAL TO BE ATTAINED. You need to change a nation via the Constitution in order to reclaim your nation and government. Through his leadership that could and would be attained. You are living manifestation in this experience and you cannot simply absolve yourself from that experience. So, you must take with which you can work and use it. But, if the man you place as leader refuses insight or ability to meet your needs, you also use that through which change can be acquired--then perhaps you cannot join with that one. One who claims closeness and proximity to GOD CHRIST and then proclaims violence in any form for "gaining an end" is NOT A REFLECTION OF THAT GOD IN POINT.


Since the inquiries are many and the demand for sharing in that which transpired at the end of election campaigns and at the time and afterwards, I believe we shall have to share the cross correspondence between Col. Gritz and myself. We have talked "around it" in my own effort to avoid outright printing of the letters for they are more private and personal than any words yet written. However, the lessons therein are magnificent and necessary. I have waited patiently for two of your weeks to have response and none has come through the route of attack. You must understand, chelas, that you expect response from the route you encounter or present the problem.


I continually ask you to consider that Dharma is only a human manifestation and your inquiries to me are not through her--she has enough of her own to burden the Saints. But if you express THROUGH her and/or TO her, then you neither accept nor hear any response from ME--OTHERWISE. The original blast against ME came as a gross insulting blast against my scribe in response to my asking you to support Perot in a last ditch effort to bringing some kind of workable possibility of "change" into your national government. Clinton was obviously going to win the computer election and it was never to be otherwise. However, if enough of you had persisted and challenged the "system" you would find that the man actually WON! (Perot, that is.) If the "independents" had rallied and joined WITH the third possibility--you would have opportunity unlimited this day. Instead you have bought, and will dearly pay for, a more heinous form of tyranny without possibility of turning about (revolution) without massive violence and war. You cannot even begin to think of winning any such war at any rate. The Russians are NOT coming--THE RUSSIANS (COMMUNIST KHAZARIAN SOCIALISTIC FASCISTS) HAVE ALREADY COME! They have troops in your military bases; they have trained and are training in your local police departments and Sheriff's departments and through the Israeli Congress demand supplication through your ignorance. They no longer call themselves Soviets? OH, who says? What does the word "soviet" mean? I think I should let you research it for self! Remember the term "United Soviet Socialist Republic"? (USSR.) Well how does United Soviet Socialist Republic States of America sound to you? (USSRSA). These are not the nice kindly old "Christian Russians" so suppressed in their own nation since the Revolution called "Bolshevik" and financed by your own Rothschilds and Rockefellers. These are the bounders who will rule your world. What have they to do with ME, Hatonn? Well, they HAVE RESPECT if nothing more--A GREAT DEAL OF RESPECT WHICH SEEMS FAR MORE THAN DO YOUR OWN LOCAL WOULD-BE KINGS. Funny thing, though--your would-be Kings have a great deal more respect for me also than does your general rule of thumb citizen!


Even your Col. Gritz now has to face the fact that he recognized me and THOUGHT he knew to whom he had contact--only to now have to realize he had my brother's input into his ears and eyes--and especially "EGO". How can you know? By reading carefully what he wrote to me in total anger and hate: "IF there is anything REPTILIAN about YOU, [Hatonn]......" "If"???? Does this not infer that he thought and expected (no matter what his conscious thought projected) a "reptilian" God of some sort according to the projections of prophets and disinformation spouters? THIS MEANS WITHOUT DOUBT--THAT THE ONE HE THOUGHT I AM--AND SERVED IN FACT--IS A PRESENTATION OF THE "SERPENT" RACES? Those beings have nothing to do with "serpents" as such but are pre-presented from the beginning by the "serpent" or "reptilian replications" in the symbols of snakes and dragons.


I am GOD CREATOR of the CHRISTED MANTLE and you will find nothing of Me which remotely resembles reptiles or serpents. I am a reflection of CHRIST GOD IN EXPRESSION. I need no weapons nor oppression--for that which is "Created" can simply be "uncreated" and the "jig" is up. God does not simply dissolve "creations" in that manner, however, for MAN is given to have to CHOOSE his path for consideration of placement of SOUL in the realms of Creation. This is the time of sorting and many find they "pass" muster and others who pretend to pass--flunk the course miserably. Does this mean they cannot come into KNOWING and retake the "exam"--of course not--right to the proverbial and magic 12th hour. However, often we find that tempering by the furnace heat of flunking often brings the God strength unto the bearer and the journey becomes mighty and unsurpassed in undaunted service unto God and Man as reflection of God. Oft times the "crisis" of the disease process must be gotten through before the healing can present the wholeness of body and mind! Most often the realization of ACTUAL TRUTH causes a disruption in the relationship surrounding the person and herein is most often wherein the "warrior for truth" is lost to the physical expression. In other words, symbolically, or literally, speaking: "Adam can't part with his Eve!" or from his misleading supporters who actually "did him in". However, chelas, if you are in the stormy seas wrapped from head to toe in a life suit filled with holes--will it save you or sink you? Ponder it please.


***I ask the Editors to please insert the correspondence herein and then close this writing for this sitting. Thank you. *** (See end of this chapter & next chapter.)




I hope that you readers will read these cross writings with compassion and LOVE--for ye be NO DIFFERENT!


I also ask that you attend the persecuted, such as Weaver and Harris, Campbell and other patriots who gave all they had to give--for giving "life" itself in this fog of pain in these instances, is little indeed. The losses sustained by these ones surpasses self death by any measure. We must not let them be further damaged by a "fixed" and "rigged" system that was staged from onset!


You have not the right to "give up" because you cannot reach conclusions about a given incident. You MUST always measure thoughts and actions according to the DECREES OF GODAND RIGHTEOUSNESS for how YOU respond is a MEASURE OF YOU, NOT THE OTHER WHO MAY HAVE FAILED IN HIS OWN MEASURE OF SELF. "EVEN A MURDERER AND THIEF NEEDS LOVE" AS IS STATED IN THE FORM OF A BUMPER STICKER USED BY YOU AS EXPRESSION THAT SAID "DIRTY OLD MEN NEED LOVE TOO". Chelas, you have to kiss a lot of toads before you can even find a good frog--you will never find a prince in either projection. Does the kissing of the toad mean you must jump in bed and bear the disease he may bear or take within the poison of the toad's slime? STOP YOUR SILLINESS AND COME INTO REALITY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. SEE THE WISDOM IN MOVES PROJECTED AS WORKABLE--DO NOT SIMPLY BE IRRESPONSIBLE AND HOP INTO BED WITH THE DAMNED TOAD. This does not mean that you cannot follow the toad to find the water hole from which to drink if ye be dying of thirst--even a toad has to have good water! Ponder it.


May God rest upon you, gently, the mantle of insight.


Hatonn to stand by.



BOX 472 H.C.R. 31


TEL: 702-723-5266 FAX: 702-723-5357 














Received UR last FAX RE Vote Perot


Such ignorance- Advising people to vote for a person who is nothing more than a NWO third option. How dare you act as a benevolent advisor to mankind while urging them to support a billion dollar clown who would re-write our Constitution, surround himself with CFR communist clones and become an anti-Christ. If you have any reptilian characteristics in your 91/2 foot make-up they must be mainly chameleon!


Cowardice and confusion cannot be hid under a guise of resignation. You have committed a warrior's (if you ever were one) unpardonable sin. You have become a Judas goat. You would have those you supposedly care about follow an evil of lessers rather than stand firm for what is right regardless of the odds.


May the chains of tyranny rest more heavily upon your back than upon those who foolishly take your mis-advise. There is no compromise for truth and right among the ranks of those who gave and are willing to give their all that we might live free. Go back to your space ship and be gone from our company of patriots. Our God has no limitations. Our faith is in Him. We will not trade His gift of birthright for anything less -- Hatonn!