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July 8, 2013

PJ 59



MON, NOV. 9, 1992   11:58 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 85



From Doris: I'm given a minute here before I continue in today's writings. I have no thoughts yet, about next moves and how to survive in this ongoing legal nightmare--but my heart, and I speak also in behalf of E.J., is so filled with gratitude for the caring messages and help in our personal problems. I don't know how to longer "fight" or struggle with the Beast, neither can we "quit". I cannot imagine in my more sane moments of conscious thought, how we ever came to this point in our beloved and wondrously gifted country. I don't remember "volunteering" for anything--certainly nothing "great" or "profound" and if we, in some way, have served in such--it is truly of higher source and not of our own. The entire work is so "removed" from me that I cannot relate to it in any personal way--I, too, SEE it and the literal callouses in the very palms of my hands prove the physical experience to me--but I look upon the books and cannot recall even the titles of a tenth of them.


I suppose we all continue to try to live in our little bubbles, unbelieving that any intentional damage or harm would come to us in this wondrous nation--this wonderful "nation under God with liberty and justice for all".


My heart feels as if it be broken (perhaps smashed would be better choice of words) but it is truly not the property in point--for that is but a "thing" and moving is simply such a great, great inconvenience. It is the realization, even though I write of things daily, that there is NOTHING one can do against this that has come upon us. We are 62 yrs. now and all is taken from us of material "things". But what of our children? What of yours? What of our grandchildren--where shall they go and what can they do? We had the glory and the prize--and we gave it away and turned away from God who constantly tried to tell us how it would be if we continued.


No remorse of personal nature comes in here--because we realized not that we had a purpose or task--it just happened like everything "just happens". Now, where do you go? We cannot go back into "unknowing"; we can't even go back into irresponsibility. I think I begin to see ever so slightly the path which had to be walked by our Great Teacher and Brother so long ago. I think he simply found no alternative to his plight. Strangely enough--it is too late to turn even away from God for the deed is already done in the human expression as far as our "selves" are concerned and besides, we see HIM every day--every minute and HE HAS FAILED US NOT ONE IOTA--AND SHALL NOT. It is the moment's self-pity overwhelmed by the LOVE and caring of you out there who give us something for which we already feel only privilege to share and a journey in which we are just participants.


We can "buy" a tiny bit of "time" here by trying for another bankruptcy as this "nightmare" has gone on for so long we actually become, "timewise", eligible to go through it again. But that is but days of "grace" and it becomes obvious that, as is, the courts are already set to destroy us--if not physically then surely "legally" and devastatingly.


Let me just assure all of you that we have been "guided" magnificently and it is ONLY our meagre "things" under the glass and available for the taking. The rest of all activities and the writings are secure, separate and "they" have not been able to even begin to pierce the veils. We have listened and we have acted and there has been nothing of physical nature in the form of property other than this personal litigated property in question.


I suppose if we get enough physical help in time to move the mess of 60 years, we can continue our writing in a motel room or from the street if necessary--providing a friend will allow us to use his curb and a long extension cord!




Can "they" simply "kill" us? If we release our shelter of God, I suppose but they have tried that so many times it is but a "rerun"--so, who knows? When it becomes "time" I guess it is "time", we leave that to God.


Our problems are no greater than any "other's"--only different--just as our "job" is only different. Certainly, THIS DAY, it surely beats Randy Weaver's!


I am asked if I can forgive the ones who have deliberately betrayed and helped destroy us and I can't even equate a value on the experience. I honestly think, as I ponder that question, that we have gained far more from them than they shall ever have gotten from us. I am only compassionate for the others who fall into their traps. What "they" do only confirms the total reality of the Truth being gifted to us. I don't for the life of me understand, why me? Why us? But on a day like today I admit, I feel incapable of the task at hand for I can't really SEE how to get it done. Perhaps we never shall as WE think it should be--but I must trust to God that HIS plan is magnificent and covers all things--for I see it working--as we hear back from you friends across the nation and around the world--for we are just ALL children of our Creator and He has continued to remind us--frequently--THAT WHEN WE HAVE EXHAUSTED ALL OPPORTUNITIES--WE HAVEN'T! As a matter of fact, as I sit here in my self-wallowing hole--it comes into attention that "if" the RTC is a representative of the Federal government (good or bad) and thus is a part of that Federal system--would that not possibly make it feasible to go right to the Supreme Courtof the United States? Is anyone out there with such legal knowledge as to comment on that? Not just whether it "should" be, but whether or not it "is" an option? Hatonn told us in the beginning of this struggle that "this case will make it all the way to the Supreme Court" and now, I wonder, if it might be "now".


I guess I too have to realize that alone I am nothing but that the strength we need flows from that which we are willing to accept as we release our own restrictions. At any rate, I thank you friends for allowing me to unburden the load just a bit while the "kick in the teeth" hurt subsides a little. E.J. never changes--just says it will work out if we just hold direction. The problem with me is I just can't seem to see the "direction". I don't paddle well because it seems that, any more, I don't know how to do anything except type and that is only that I now make lots of errors very rapidly. Moreover, friends, I have to turn it over and release it unto my higher guides and teachers and thus, to God--because it beats me all to heck as I realize I haven't the foggiest notion about the next step. I do, within, feel it is in safe hands either way.


I do think that I would like to "suffer" a while longer but Commander suggests we get on with our work for if our "time" is cut short because of this we shall not get out that which MUST go. So, what the heck--He is lots bigger than me and has offered so I think I'll let him have it. Besides, I think I like the idea of the U.S. Supreme Court. I wonder if they will throw two old people out in the street? I wonder if it is really good politics to do so. I think we should at least find out, don't you?


It IS really great to be in this position after all, for when there is nothing more to lose--you aren't bogged down by considerations of losses.


Thank you for allowing me to receive my own guidance in these few minutes for I too have no other way to learn and receive.


* * *


This next was the hardest thing that I, Doris, have ever had to read and consider as possibility. I plead to God to let it not be true but my bottom-line soul level tells me there is much truth in it. Then Commander has asked that we run the cross correspondence just prior to election. There was always, for years, total recognition and sharing between Col. Gritz and Commander Hatonn and I was totally in love with this Green Beret "savior". I can only hope that he can square away things and actions with God for the pain of watching this following unfold is by far more painful and difficult than the thought of inconvenience of losing a piece of stucco and wood. We already get Food Stamps so what else is new? But if it turns out that we were actually set up by this Commander Green Beret for further turmoil and downfall as a nation--I think my heart cannot bear it.


As Commander Hatonn always does in protection of us who serve, he allows documents from elsewhere to come forth so that we do not stand the firing squad alone. I think we have to just put this aside also and move on and allow this to take its own course because if we are going to reclaim any part of our nation and Constitution we have to do so in spite of possibilities--the worms will surface but we cannot wait. I do think that someone is going to have to convince Perot that Commander Hatonn is exactly who he says he is and somehow make this connection in joint venture for it is time to sort the real patriots from the pretenders and if one such as Perot can give us entry--we CAN RECLAIM THIS NATION, I AM SURE OF IT. I can only thank from the bottom of my heart, Bo Gritz, for the gift of KNOWING what we as a nation CAN DO under the CONSTITUTION. Pray, friends, that we have time. As a personal issue, however, I guess that within I resent now the $15,000 we loaned him early on to get his phones, etc.,--because lawyers and courts are awfully expensive. I hope that, through us, many of you didn't lose greatly. I do know that what we gained far outweighs any costs--but gosh, it gets old, doesn't it? We have to cling to the knowing that God's plan is perfect and allow it to unfold--but patience is not one of my finer traits.


The following is total copy but I am asked that I step aside and Commander will present this information so that he can comment if he chooses. For the interim time here, we will leave the source, the writer and the publication in which this has been presented, unstated. The person in point is under total physical attack from many sides and we must not damage a brother. We are asked, however, to run the information so it is not simply a "random" writing.


Commander Hatonn has not given any verification of this material one way or another--he has, however, given us bits of this information right along and so I, at least, am caused to consider it most carefully. I shall sign-off now with great appreciation for allowing ME, Doris, to dump on you a while. Thank you.





There is evidence that the US Government intends to destroy all White power movements, especially in this country. Any White person who resents even mildly our government's anti-White policy is a threat to government, whether or not he so considers himself, and he must be destroyed. [H: Note this refers to ALL such instances--not just Supremacy groups. This basically has nothing to do with "whites" or "other"--it has everything to do with causing great racial uprisings and a negating of all freedom of speech or thought by all citizens in the United States. Herein we won't take up the subject of race for "race" as such has NOTHING to do with this AND only sets the stage for this which will follow in these writings in process.]


This is made obvious by merely reading the papers, but I (the author) have been told of this priority by a former high-ranking, 28-year veteran of CIA who attempted to "go straight" and who is now sitting in prison for his efforts. We also have evidence from the January, 1991 edition of the FBI's Law Enforcement Bulletin in which Deputy Director Floyd Clark admits that the Bureau's goal is to destroy the White racial movements. So we may consider ourselves enemies of the state regardless of our having thought about it, or not. Of course, many of our people have been tamed by government propaganda in schools, television, radio, books, movies, etc. They will not resist government's moves to ruin the White race but in the meanwhile through actions, the other races will first be the biggest "losers". There is a growing number of us who will not submit and the government has therefore targeted us for liquidation.


For the purpose of this article I have been asked to analyze the Randy Weaverincident of August, 1992. There are three parts to this complex story: Randy Weaver, the US Government, and Bo Gritz. The treachery of the government against Weaver is pretty well known by now and more comes out every day from the legal maneuvering in Boise, but there is obviously much more to the nightmare at Ruby Creek than shotgun barrels which were 1/4 inch too short. Weaver had been ordered to spy on the Aryan Nations Church. Weaver, a veteran of the CIA's Special Forces, who was therefor expected to follow orders, refused. The short shotgun charge was intended as pressure to force compliance with the order to spy. It failed and this set in motion a murder plan which included the entire Weaver family. Six (and possibly eight) highly trained snipers of the US Marshal's Service, wearing camouflage, blackface and body armor and bearing a variety of fully automatic, high-powered weapons, stealthily approached the house without a warrant. One of these, William Degan, was the most highly decorated deputy in USMS history, but he had evidently been involved in an investigation of corruption in the USMS back East. It now appears that they may have wanted Degan killed by his own men and the blame for it placed on Weaver as justification for his death. Deputy marshals Roderick and Cooper, both snipers, have already testified that there was concern about the snipers hitting each other during the back-shooting of little Sam Weaver, age 13. Gerry Spence, Weaver's illustrious attorney, is reported to have a witness in protective custody who just happened to be in those woods on Friday, 21 August, and who saw deputy marshals deliberately shoot Degan twice, killing him with the second shot.


Regarding Weaver, it is reported that he, too, had been involved in an investigation of corruption while in Special Forces at Ft. Bragg, NC. He was reportedly a witness to drug crimes allegedly committed by a well known Green Beret officer and this may be related to the recent outrage committed against him and his family.




* * *


Dharma, please close this as you are needed elsewhere. We shall continue this as we move along. Just hold strong, students, for if not "We"--"Who"? I salute you and I am grateful for you who serve in spite of the obstacles and to those who continue to support and love in the midst of battle. There are many forms of "battle" just as there are many kinds of "warriors". Ye are blessed for you are the true warriors in God's battle. Thank you.


Hatonn to stand aside. Salu.