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July 3, 2013

PJ 59



SUN., NOV. 8, 1992   9:33 A..M.   YEAR 6, DAY 84




(Ken Coons)


Oh harken to the truth, my child,

For years of life and wisdom speak,

For I was young and rather wild

And I had not a sage to seek.


Sound counsel given with concern

For your sake, not for his, be sure,

Is worth your time, for you may learn

Some gem of wisdom rich and pure.


Though one may tell you life is sad

And we must suffer to the end,

Another man you see is glad

To be alive and have a friend.


One says love is a sudden fling

That swiftly sweeps you off your feet,

Some say a sure and steady thing

Can only bind a lasting treat.


Opinions these, and nothing more,

From foolish men who just exist.

They've witnessed not the rich and poor,

Nor have they beast and beauty kissed.


For every living soul, unique

Within itself does have a friend,

Whose purpose is to softly speak

And gently guide him to the end.


First, face the issue or request,

Present the facts in great detail,

Require solutions which are best,

Be patient, and you shall prevail.


Readers and listeners--this is YOUR story entwined with mine only in the higher level of soul journeyunto Source. I, as teacher/guide, act as conduit for knowledge and that knowledge MUST come in a manner which is acceptable in perception of that which IS. Prophets tell of "that which shall come to pass"--mine is more the bringing of understanding of that which "has passed" and a display of those things which have borne you "up" or "pulled you down". These are things unneeding of "faith" in the seen or the unseen--but writings of truth that your perception can handle that which IS and make your directions fitting for journey through THAT knowledge. COULD I be a prophet--indeed and so I AM; however, a prophet but speaks of that which will come and, lest you change your manifested expression--that which will come has already been written for this "play". Mine, then, is to allow you to see that which is unfolding in a way that it MUST be seen in Truth--not illusion of "wishes". Fantasies are those thoughts of imaginings upon which unreality is based--dreaming in perspective unto that which can be in experience is the thought through which NEW directions and manifestation expression can be achieved--indeed, MUST BE ACHIEVED. If man focuses his creative thoughts in oneness of "thought unity" the form creates itself. I am your co-experiencer--but you are the physical aspect, at this time of travel, which must function as the "doers" for man cannot understand reality otherwise. If ye be honest and true in your INTENT IN DIRECTION AND SERVICE, you wish it not otherwise for you have come TO DO IT. I am that which guides and responds and will bring you safely into port.




There is only ONE "REALITY" unto which to awaken and that is unto LIGHTED GOD OF CREATION--for you are experiencing in expression manifest--that thought of God which is actually THE DREAM. When you truly awaken unto reality it will be beyond mere measures to change of your neighbor or your government or even the adversary--for you will find that ALL THAT CAN AND WILL BE CHANGED AND AWAKENED IN SELF!


So, will all mankind be awakened? You have no way to know that which is a souled being from that which is not--so why effort to sort--GOD SHALL DO THE SORTING--you must do the discerning within the experience so that ALL may receive and then there shall be no problem for you, will there? If, however, YOU do not believe or serve in total presentation--how can you expect "another" to receive? If you do not hold in thine depth of reality--truth of your beingness--you shall be tossed and turned upon the waves of doubt until you "downfall" for only physical expression is based upon doubts and fears of the Reality of GODCREATOR!


You ones ponder upon ones such as Bo Gritz, as example. What of one, Bo Gritz? Did you not gain in the experience of perceived goodness and service? Did you not begin to recognize your strength as a citizen of humanity and nation through the gifts of this man? Is it so difficult to grow above the perceived defects and flaws of human character expressed in human physical form? Why do you expect another man to be perfection? Perfection comes when the doubts are removed and this man never claimed perfection--only SERVICE in the manner he could see would work to restore your nation. He expressed his PERCEPTION of God and Christ as he recognizes it in the process of himself awakening. Shall I throw him out on his ear because he didn't fully understand and reverted to the anger and ego of MAN? To move away from ME must be by HIS OWN CHOICE for GOD IS NOT FINISHED WITH HIM YET AND PERFECTION COMES ONLY WHEN GOD PROJECTS PERFECTION. AT THIS TIME UPON YOUR EARTH MASS--MAN WILL NOT FOLLOW PERFECTION FOR YOU FEAR IT AND REFUSE TO ALLOW SELF WITHIN THE CIRCLE OF PERFECTION.


You ask WHY do I not appear and "make it right"? Because only the very minute numbers of your fragments would accept it. Do "I" claim perfection in my own role in this journey? NO--for I experience as your elder brother and my mission must share in the very things of earth expression. AM I PERFECT? I AM, and therefore what more is there to be? Am I a thought? A reality? A form? A vision? I am all of those things for I AM!


Can an alcoholic slip and fall "from the wagon"? Then cannot a man slip and fall via his doubts? Can you not help that person up from his fallen state and renew him? Even if he be evil, can you not lift him up and show him the way in your own strength--or is it possible that you do not yet have stability and strength? Shall I abandon you who effort so hard--because the doubt crosses the mind and slows your steps? Can you not realize that, at best, regaining of your nation is but a step and can be achieved through many routes and via many "men"? Renewal actually comes through the very actions of the "evil" expressions for first they had to become degraded enough for you to even SEE the deterioration of your state of being. In most instances if your brother who does see and we who speak out, do not point it out unto you, it is missed and the gallows are sprung in your unknowing and misery. Indeed, chelas, if ALL were PERFECTION--there would be no need for the experience. Ponder it.


If a man REFUSES intentionally to recognize his Source and the Laws as absolute (not voted-in to suit physical expression and luxurious comfort and physical senses), then that becomes between that individual and GOD and is not your business. You do not judge--but neither do you continue a wrong-way journey--IF INDEED YOU ARE SEEKING HIGHER UNDERSTANDING, FREEDOM, AND GOD. FURTHER, ALL THINGS IN ANY PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE MUST BE HANDLED FOR THE BEST AND HIGHEST GOOD OF THAT WHICH REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST CAUSE. BECAUSE OF THE FREE-WILL STATUS OF "MAN", CHANGES MUST BE MADE, SOMETIMES INSTANTLY, IN THE FOCUS ON THE GOAL OF HIGHEST CAUSE TOWARD TRUTH, LOVE, FREEDOM AND GOD. In all instances GOD must take first claim and expression--but note well, that the LAWS OF GOD must be followed--even unto FORCE of expression. To stand, chelas, to the death for a purpose which in its formation and "carry-through" must utilize things such as war and weapons of war for fulfillment--IS NOT OF GOD! THIS BATTLE INTO FREEDOM AND TRUTH OF HIGHER EXPERIENCE OF MAN-BEINGS WILL BE DONE THROUGH THE WAY OF GOD OR IT SHALL NOT BE DONE! It will require faltering step following step, unity and supporting that which serves until the expression is reached in proper sequence and order. Sometimes the way requires less than that which we would "like" or "desire" but we grow into perfection through experience and, did "things" not occur exactly as they have, can the proper ones who will ultimately serve in the highest leadership--find their way. To JUDGE another is tantamount to your own FALL. Why? Because you can only JUDGE according to your own level of ego expression and often the projection of THAT expression comes most visible in the heat of having one's own status questioned or stricken. IT IS THE GREAT AMONG YOU WHO CAN RISE BEYOND THE DISCIPLINE OF A FATHER FOR HIS WHOLE FAMILY AND NOT SIMPLY FOR THE ONE WHO WISHES ALL THE ATTENTION AND GLORY. GOD DOES NOT PASS OUT MEDALS AND TRINKETS TO ADORN A UNIFORM CHEST TO SHOW TO THE WORLD AS HONOR--GOD PUTS STARS IN A CROWN OF GLORY FOR SERVICE WELL-DONE AND THEREIN LAYS THE HONOR INTO INFINITY--NOT THROUGH BUT ONE EXPRESSION OF EXPERIENCE.




These are EVIL expressions in the NAME OF GOD AND NATION. ACTUALLY, IT IS BUT EVIL IN FULL EXPRESSION AGAINST GOD AND ALL THAT CHRIST/GOD STANDS FOR. These "wars" are but expression of human evil upon brother.


So, if a person wear as a banner and shield, medals for valor given in honor for breaking of God's Laws, it is a false ego expression to be wept over, not acclaimed. If a person be given "ROYAL TITLES" and "high position" for evil deeds, then he has slipped into the trap of the evil adversary. GOD'S REALMS HAVE NO TITLES OR ROYALTY. If a speaker pronounces otherwise--that speaker is false and the speaker beyond the receiver is false in the sense that it is in service unto the adversary for GOD's REPRESENTATIVES AS HOSTS AND GUIDES BEAR NO TITLES OR HOMAGE UNTO SELVES. As I have said before, "Do not get on your knees unto me for then, I have to take to my knees in order to lead or serve you." If you sit upon your assets and refuse to act--then I must sit upon yours also, and nothing is achieved--except further service to the adversary of LIFE--that one which represents only physical expression.


Some who wish to pound upon Col. Gritz are calling him a "phony ‘savior'". Well, let me tell you something loudly and clearly: All "SAVIORS" are by identification and definition "PHONY". There are no "saviors" to save anything or more specifically anyone! If there is going to be any "saving" going on--you will do it for yourself. This includes your Constitution and your nation.


Was Col. Gritz placed in this position as a decoy? What difference does it make--he served you well in giving you TRUTH no matter what was his actual purpose. It is hard to rise beyond that which "was". What was? Well, for starters, one who thinks killing off some 400 of God's children simply because they were somehow opposing that which you were TOLD was proper--makes you a "killer" (one who murders). That is hardly recommendation for God's medals. Those ones murdered were no different from "patriots" who are murdered--THEY believed that that upon which they gave their lives was proper and correct--or forced by bigger power bearers. If one receives self's forgiveness and still feels that murder is a solution to a problem then the forgiveness was erroneous indeed. You see, GOD does not judge--HE awaits self's judgment of self.


What is being worked at here, be it realized or not--if you take the way of the warriors who battle with toys of destruction--is a revolution of violence which in its own definition cannot be won by you-the-people. The weapons to be used against you will go beyond the toys of other wars. Does this mean you cannot defend selves? Of course you may defend self and family, etc. But, if you think you are going to do so against an ARMY who has greater weapons than do you--you will FALL. This is true for planet, nation or individual.


Bo called Perot a "billion dollar clown"! Ah? How so? Is it greater for a man with a billion dollars to offer service using his money, than for a man who CLAIMS only service to say such a judgmental thing of another? Is it not possible that Perot can represent honor in a world wherein abundance can also reflect God and love of country and brother? I make no comment to either--you think upon it. Can a man not awaken into reality and thereby learn and be shown the way? Which is wiser--to live by a good code of ethics in a bastardized world or to live by simply killing your opponents and blasting that which represents the unobtained? What mean I by this? To denounce me as a "reptilian chameleon" and thus and so--he simply lashed out in his own disbelief in his HOPES that I WOULD NOT BE WHO I SAY I AM! If you are wise you will not treat him, or me, AS GOD. I do not ask to be "your" God and you will not shift such a responsibility upon me when it is YOURS to bear. Each one will find his Godness in that "garden alone"--I can only stand "watch" with you. This is all the man from Galilee could do--stand watch with you and show you the way! He could not "save" you by his blood--for it must be by your own that salvation comes. He could love and petition grace and mercy upon your "ignorance" ("Father, they know not what they do.") but he did not EVER ONCE suggest he was your SAVIOR. MAN HAS PROJECTED THAT LIE UPON YOU TO KEEP YOU FROM FINDING YOUR TRUTH WITHIN GOD.


Chelas, so very much GOOD AND INSIGHT has flowed via this experience--do not dwell upon it--MOVE ON and use that which was gifted unto you, by the very "giving" hands of ones you perceive to be evil, much more, those who claim goodness. Each serves and you know not his contract. Sometimes ones have to make contribution in order to rectify that which came before.


If a man cannot bring himself to recognize the presence of God and Hosts, is it different from your own perception? Are you not waiting for confirmation from one you admire and respect--so that then perhaps you too can believe? This man recognized my presence without doubt--he simply cannot relate to my state of being--I am caused to fit into an assumption far more easily dealt with by a warrior! In other words: "I can wipe out a reptilian lizard but I cannot wipe-out GOD!" This is the hard reality of recognizing "saviors" who aren't and seemingly "fail you". What REALLY causes the anger is that I DID NOT FAIL EITHER HIM OR YOU-THE-PEOPLE in order to soothe a singular ego in pain--so, as with the child who says to Mother: "I hate you," so the child tells the "Father": "I hate you and reject you and you are a snake and I will hit you and denounce you and thus and so," praying that Father will stand strong and wise and PROVE TO BE THE FATHER HE IS! We may never again have "warm relationship" but we have RESPECT and therein lies truth for without respect there is nothing!


There is a quotation on your place: "It is better to do something wrong than to do nothing." I remind you that if you do something within the Laws of God it will never be WRONG--and only through actions will God recognize the MAN. Further, if you ask for guidance in the NAME OF GOD--IN INTENT FROM HEART--IT WILL BE GIVEN AND VERY, VERY OFTEN IT WILL CERTAINLY NOT BE AS YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE OR EVEN WANTED! May this knowledge rest within thine heart every day forever!


How else can I be given ability to express these lessons without the allowance of voice? How else can I make myself known to you except through these very experiences? If I fail you in opportunity for lessons in Truth--then I am no better than the adversary! If I do not speak Truth and righteousness in the face of pain and distress, then how can I be worthy of leading anything? If I be a father who is ruled by the ignorance of the child--I have destroyed my own child! The child may abdicate--I, as Father, shall not! Nor shall I relinquish my Command unto an angry soldier striking out because he was misled by the religious preachers come before. I tell you the doctrines of your "man-made" churches are evil.


Bo, for instance, comes into "religion" through a more recent combination of Mormon, Baptist and Identity teachings, etc. Now wouldn't that confuse YOU? The Mormon Church is simply a major branch of the controller's alliance through controlled instruction and ritual and so on through the network of soul thieves and deceivers. If you place your "belief" on that of human expression--then you shall be trapped within it. The Mormon Church, moreover, is but a branch (hidden) of that which will become the One World Order's ruling head--the Pope of Rome. Does this make the Mormon participant evil? No, it represents that he IS in ignorance and is refusing or simply following instructions "not to listen" to "other". He is being a good little follower in a "club" of choice. It is very hard to break out of THAT club of choice, once in, because you have sworn on your own honor to not leave or divulge the "secrets". Do I condemn? Yes--THE ACTIONS--NOT THE MAN INVOLVED. When you learn this, chelas, in your own expressions--you will have attained the major step in the path toward GOD. Next, you accept that which IS and then discern wisely how to adjust it to set the course to Truth. First of all, however, YOU MUST KNOW AND SEE WHAT "IS".




We speak of this as a "time of chaos" (Kali). Well, this is only the "chaos" of this particular time in expression. All times have Chaos. Each moment of experience is one of potential chaos and potential peace. YOU choose from moment to moment that which it will be. This is true of all segments of experience of each and every perceived civilization and manifested expression. Moreover, if you "prepare" as chaos is thrust upon you--you have no chaos--you have peace in expectation and not worry in anticipation. Each moment passes and this one, too, shall pass for "time" is an expression of experience in your dimension only and through that expression all things "change" or there would be NO EXPERIENCE. In ANY perceived moment--YOU will either experience chaos, peace, fear, sorrow, joy, etc., as you so-choose. There can be great joy in the midst of overwhelming sorrow--grieving is necessary, self-pity is chosen. Or, as given so often--"pain is necessary--misery is chosen".


Dharma, I would like to wrap this writing up with the beginning of the words in The Winds Of God by Michael Silverhawk--my brother and above all, my friend. UNDERSTAND SOMETHING, CHELAS, IF I ONLY REACH "ONE" I HAVE REACHED "ALL"--AND THUS ARE WE SO ADVANCED--FOR WE HAVE REACHED MANY AND THIS BROTHER UNDERSTANDS--ONLY FRAGMENTS ARE REMAINING TO BE EXPRESSED.






To begin, Genesis is defined as the beginning or origin. This booklet of writing thus engages and describes the "Genesis of the Fifth World". The Genesis of the Fifth World began with two events. The shifting and relocation of Earth, Gaia, assemblage point and the resulting "atomic transfiguration".


The Genesis of a new world requires a tremendous magnitude of divine energy compression and intent. The result is a new divine dispensation that results in various forms of transfiguration and new manifestation. We who love life and light and who are opening unto it, are integral parts of the Genesis process. Enter now into adventure.


This booklet serves to also introduce the Silverhawk, myself, to you. I share now in ultra-compression form, the fruits of my life's meditations, intent, and medicine in order to quicken relationship, understanding, and cooperation between us. Thank you for being willing. Let us proceed now upon the journey.





This revelation is to explain how the fulfillment of many prophesies is to be accomplished in reality, such as: "There shall be a new heaven and a new Earth;" "I make all things new;" "Even the dust upon the ground shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye."


The "deep alchemy" of atomic transfiguration is the apt tool with which to accomplish these fulfillments of prophesy.


Today all life is threatened by atomic suicide, from bombs, power plant meltdown and leaks, nuclear stockpiles of waste, and atmospheric descent of radioactive particles. Those who perpetrate this destructive activity are like unto a diseased-man; a cancer on life.


After a lifetime of meditation and stalking viable solutions to this dilemma as well as receiving input from higher sources, I have processed and released the "Command Medicine" for the solution, the final and permanent solution. I have also seen and been taught that only an Earth-based man in conscious harmony and unity with God and Gaia and all that they contain, is in a position, by law, to release this command and apply this medicine at Earth level. You have to be here in order to have right of direct intervention. [H: Aho, brother! How wondrous it is to have understanding reflected in this very expression.]


Today the medicine read-out has been released and commanded from the fulcrum of "knowledge" and is gathering unity and agreement upon its circular journey back to completion.


This command is an answer to God's command that all things shall return into divine order and balance, "now!"


I have projected this read-out command into the great crystal which was given to me to use for such purposes.


From the crystal the command was projected out into the entire electronic grid of Gaia herself; all through her body and thus is dispersed out through all her life forms.


From Pleiadian source, I have been given to understand what radioactivity is and how and why it kills life. I understand that metals at the end of their life cycle, (all things created have a life cycle), are in a very rapid state of decay. All things that are created and live, do so by compression, then reach a peak and begin decay or expansion. Creation begins slowly and quickens as it reaches peak. Decay also starts slowly and quickens as it reaches its peak. Thus the metals at the end of their life cycle are decaying most rapidly. At this late stage, they are throwing off ultra-microscopic particles at near the speed of light. When these metals are dispersed naturally in the earth, they cannot hurt us or any life form as they are in their proper place. In nature, their decay serves to break down rock and form soil which serves life. So their death then serves life. However, when dug up and concentrated, they become lethal to life. In concentrated form above ground, the tiny metal "bullets" traveling at ultra speed "ram" into biological cells and thus expand and "explode" the cells. This causes rapid death and decay and renders biology unable to continue its processes. This interrupts the natural life cycle of all biology, by quickening its death.


Thus the command sent forth is for the atom (all atoms) to attract to themselves an ultra-compression as a counterbalance to this rapid ultra decay and to hold this compression out to and around the cellular and molecular forms. As it takes many atoms to make up a cell or molecule, all atoms doing biological cell or molecular cell maintenance, are commanded to create and hold this compression indefinitely. This compression is to be sturdy enough to "ward off" even the most "speedy" of metal decay particle "bullets." Thus, every cell and molecule now has a "bullet proof" vest, so to speak. Thus, the decay particles now simply "ricochet" off this cell and molecule compression and fly harmlessly off into space. The transfiguration command has now rendered all biological and molecular forms "immune to radioactive decay, as well as to viral and bacterial invasion.


However, this "vest" will not prevent or interfere in any way with the cells' natural processes of taking in nutrients and discarding of waste material into the blood for disposal. Nor will it interfere with the DNA command of natural cell decay. It is a shield against alien destructive force only. It is thus qualified.


This command fulfills the law of cause and effect as balance in all things. As rapid ultra decay or "death force" has been artificially introduced by man into life environment, it is thus within the law of balance that ultra compression as "life force" also be introduced artificially by man into life environment as well. Gaia's intent is always one of "balance." Thus, I see no problem with her agreement. All life that is innocently turned toward God, automatically accommodates this transfiguration command. The only life forms that are "cut off" from this benefit are within man himself. They are the "free will" human members that intentionally and stubbornly insist on continuing to "war" against God and His love and law. Thus, "justice" is impeccably served here as well. Have you ever wondered how the wheat will be separated from the chaff, and the chaff burned and blown away? Of course, the more this effect is made "manifest", the more human members will turn to Creator and thus place themselves in the receiving mode of the transfiguration medicine. Wouldn't you?


The other effect of this atomic command of ultra compression, is that all atoms, particularly those that are prone to being "split", also develop and attract compression that is sufficient to ward off any and all future attempts to "split" them.


Thus, in the "twinkling of an eye", the "Beast", and all his people, has been deprived of his primary weapons that he has used against us and all life, and is left to "reap" the full effects of his actions "by Law."


The after-effect of this "change" upon the soul and spirit of "remnant man" will of course cause him to turn towards the "light" more and more, and he will "bloom" most profoundly as a "new creature", a "light man." All will most surely come into divine order from here and the "plan" shall be restored "upon Earth as it is in Heaven".


Another reality demands a deep consideration. In the future, anyone who may indulge in destructive activity risks losing their shield by the reversal of the command transfiguration. Thus, only people who can sustain a life-light principle to some degree will be able to remain here upon this world and be sustained, fair enough?


So, let the command now go forth in the name, through the power, and by the Word of the living Christ as all life salutes Esu Immanuel Sananda and the mighty Father/Mother Creator Sustainer of ALL.


* * *

Yes, we shall be continuing with this sharing. We shall also be asking Silverhawk to allow publication of his work that all might partake in the sharing of understanding and insight as one human unto another. One may well take material and transform it into more comprehendible form. Mine is but to present it and resources--yours is to take it and act upon it among brothers in same intent for understanding. Thus then can come the "peace" in "understanding" rather than the chaos of unknowing ignorance and fear. God IS NOT SECRET and the "mysteries" are simply those things which are not yet fully understood in actuality. There is nothing mystical or ritualistic--God is totally open and totally understandable. May YOU also find that in acceptance, which is your very life Source and journey. Salu.


Hatonn to stand aside that we might move on to our meeting. Thank you for your service.